HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1997/10/14MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA Tuesday, October 14, 1997 6:05 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT: CALL TO ORDER Council Chambers Public Services Building Councihnembers: Moot, Padilia. Rindone. Salas. and Mayor Hortun. Councihnembers: None Assistant City Manager, Sid Morris; City Attorney, John M. Kaheny; and City Clerk. Beverly A. Authclet 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG, MOMENT OF SILENCE 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: None submitted. 4. SPECIAl. ORDERS OF THE DAY: a. Oath of Oilice: Carol Gove, Safbty Ciimmissi{in. Oath was administered in the City Clurk's Office on Monday, October 13, 1997. b. Supervisor Greg Cox presented a check to Mayt~r Shirley Horton and Executive Director Stephen Neudecker from the County of San Diego to the Bayfront Conservancy Trust in the amount of $30,000 ti~r the Clapper Rail Exhibit. c. Friends of the Arts board meanher, Gene Clement, introduced Dave Trevino, from the Chula Vista High School District's School fi~r the Creative and Performing Arts. along with a w~cal group who sang, "I Love d. Michael Meacham, Cimservation Coordinator, announced the FREE HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE RECYCLING EVENT tilt the residents of Chula Vista ttl be held on Saturday, 10/I 8/97 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Marina Parkway and "G" Street. This will be the last "free" disposal optstin in the South Bay tilt a long time. CONSENT CALENDAR (Items pulld: 6) BALANCE OF THE CONSENT CALENDAR OFFERED BY MAYOR HORTON, headings read, texts waived, passed nnd approvcd uuanimlmsly 5-0. 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: a. Letter I'rlm~ the City Attorucy stating thai to be best nf his kuowledge from uhscrvauce of actinns taken in Closed St~sion uu 10/7/97 iu which the City Attt~ruey participated, that Ihere were un actions taken which are required under the Bruwu Act to be repurted. The letter was received and filed. Minutes October 14, 1997 Page 2 b. Letter thnn Gary Duggan, President, Board of Directnrs, Rios East Homeowner Association, requesting to be placed m~ a Cnuncil a~enda so r~idents can speak regardin~ Police intervention in their area. C~mncil approved that staff contmu~ to wnrk with the Association regarding appropriate Police matters. c. Letter frmn Richard H. Jackson with a petition reqoesting flrat the City resolve the noise problem ~w the residents on Gentry Way, Oxford Street, Orlando Court, Hilltop Drive, and Tobias Drive. The petihon was retorted to Phiice and Code Enforcement staff fi~r investigatilm and report hack to Council. 6. RESOLUTION 18793 WAIVING THE BID REQUIREMENTS REGARDING PUBLICATION FREQUENCY AND APPROVING A PURCHASE ORDER CONTRACT WITH THE STAR NEWS AS THE NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCULATION FOR THE PUBLICATION OF ALL LEGAL NOTICES AND OTHER MATTERS REQUIRED TO BE PUBLISHED BY THE CITY AND APPROVING THE USE OF AN ALTERNATIVE SOURCE IN CASES OF EMERGENCY - In Jtme 1996~ The Star News went from a bi- weekly publication to a weekly publication and tnov~d its printing and publishing services to North County. This created a problem fbr the City in trying to meet legal publishing requirements within the weekly deadlines established hy The Star News. Staff reclmuncnds approval iff the resohttiim. (City Clerk) Councilmember Salas stated she pulled the item because a contrnversy has arisen in terlns of the way we went through the hid process. It was her tinderstanding that we did mail I~tlt packets to several newspapers asking them to hid im this. She asked staff hmv those newspapers were selected that we mailed a packet to and what was our rationale in doing that. One of the criteria that was originally stated is that the newspaper had to be published at least twice weekly. Was that part of the original RFP and wuuld that necessarily excIude a newspaper that only puhlished weekly. John Coggins, Purchasing Agent, responded that we sent out five bid packets: three tn regional newspapers in the San Diego area, and two to h~cal newspapers in Chula Vista: The Star News and The Eagle. We also advertised the bid notice in The Star News. The RFP stated was that it had to publish motel than once a week. What Council ns heing asked to do is t,i apprnve a qualified bid submitted by The Star News and waiving that particular bid reqtt~rem~nt tbr the publication t?equ~ncy. Cimncilmember Salas stated she ondcrstllod the reason this arl>se was that we did experience some problems in lneeting the ten day nntice requirement and working with the weekly. In between time. there has been discussions between the City Clerk's Office and the newspaper that solved that prohlem. Beverly Authelet, City Clerk, responded that The Star News has stated that they would be flexible and that we could have until Thursday al~emoon to sobmit or change a notice. In extreme emergencies. they could accommodate us as late as Friday morning. Cot~ncihnember Salas stated that Council did receive a last minnte letter ffnm Dan Munoz, publisher of La Prensa, who ol2jected to the bid process and alluded to the thct that we did not give him a fair opportunity to bid on this. Mr. Coggins responded that if La Prensa had sent us a letter requesting to he considered fi>r a bid of this type, we would have sent them a bid package. We did nut receive any contact from them. Councilmember Salas asked when did the notice appear in The Star News and was it only one notice that was published. Mr. Coggins replied that we had only one notice which was puhlished at least ten days prior to the bid opening which meets our legal requirements of notice on a bid. The tbllowing addressed the City Council: Minutes October 14. 1997 Page 3 ® Thomas Kelleher, 2131 Third Avenue, San Diego, 02101. representing the San Diego Daily Transcript. stated that based on the original specifications of the bid there were frequency provisions in it. The Daily Transcript publishes daily. Monday through Friday. They cuuld meet the t~'equency requirements because any notice they receive, they could publish the next business day. They f~'lt that they wae actually the low bidder because of the wider column widths that they used. therefi,~re. the Daily Transcript could get more text into less space. He expressed that the bid should be awarded to the San Diego Daily Transcript and have The Star News as the backup publication. Councilmember Moot asked if staff had looked at his letter and if staff had been able to verify, the cost comparison. Mr. Coggins replied that the industry standard is cost per colnmn inch. Stall did not difl~rentiate between the widths of the column. Staff has not had a chance to independently analyze the mfilrmation from the Daily Transcript. Councilmember Salas stated that in this particular case. do we have to go with the hlwest bid. Are there other considerations rather than the lowest cost. Mr. Kaheny stated that the Charter Section 313 only indicates that you solicit bids. There was nt~ low responsible bid requirement as there is on public works contracts, so Council can make their own business determination based upon what you l~el is b~st ti~r the City ot Chula Vista. Councihnember Salas stated that The Star News provides h~cal inti~rn~ation that is very necessary to ,3ur community. That is one of the factors weighing into her decision rather than just strictly the h~w bid. She understood that public notice ads was about 30% of The Star News' revenues. ® Linda Rosas, 279 Third Avenue, Chula Vista, 91910, representing The Star News. clarified that The Star News does publish in Chula Vista. but they do not print here. She stated that The Star News has been the newspaper t)f record in Chula Vista since they acquired adjudication 1932. This is the medialn of which the citizens of Chula Vista go to when h~oking ti~r clmmmnity news. Responding tll the cl~lumn widths, she stated that they were not asked to look at this. The comparislm was dime by the Daily Transcript, bnt it could be a minimal difference which would make the Daily Transcript a slightly lower bidder. They were independently audited by a company to veril~ their circulatilm. This is what this is ab~}ut -- making sure the citizens of Chula Vista know what is going on in the City. The Star News provides that. They have an audited circulation of 33,750 papers that go out each week in the City. Eighteen thousand plus are home delivered and the rest are timnd in over 110 high traffic visible racks. This is compared to the Daily Transcripts three racks. She believed that tht: total count in August was approxi~nately 700. This was mlt getting to the citizens of Chula Vista. Legal notices are important to the existence of community newspapers. It is true that legal advertising does account tk~r about one third of their advertising. The City is a leader: we will be the ones who lead all the rest. There was more at stake than the loss of legal advertising. Jobs are at stake. They are an established business in Chula Vista~ and to continue to be a colnlnunity newspaper. they needed the sulkport of the City and the con~n~umty. Tax dollars of Chula Vista citizens shotlld he ascd as much as possible in the Cily. Mayor Hort,.m asked staff about the alternativ~ source such its the Daily Transcript. Would La Prensa be dimina/ed from consideration as one of the alternative sources because they didn't submit a hid package. Mr. Coggins stated that if they are an adjudicated newspaper. there would he no reason why we would not possibly send some business their way. Mayor Horton stated that she hoped staff would also look at newspapers like La Prensa. She lblt it was important to have a cmmunnity paper that provides infilrmation to all Chula Vistans. not just about what is happening at the government level. but what is happening with their childre, n. sports. cultural arts. and the other activities that take place in our community on a weekly basis. It was inaportant to help support them in any way possible. because it is a valuable source of infi~rnlafilm. Minutes Octub~r 14. 1997 Page 4 RESOLUTION 18793 OFFERED BY MAYOR HORTON, heading read. text waived. Cuuncilmemb~r Moot t~lt the Daily Transcript's circnlation Ibr Chnla Vista of only 702 was a decisive lhctor. The purpose of a notice is tier it tu be seen and to give notice. The Star News' circulation would be an overwhefining more ef't~ctive way 1{7 give notice. On that basis, he would support the roofion. Cimncilmember Padilia stated he would support the R~sl~lution h~r the salne reasons that have been articulated in terms {if support fi}r the local publication. He directed the City Clerk to provide Council with updates as to how ,,ve are progressing. Councihnember Rindone clarified that according tl~ what he read as staWs recommendatiun with this action, the newspaper would remain The Star News as the official newspaper tilt publication fi~r legal notices and that an alternate such as the San Diego Daily Transcript would he used filr emergencies. His question was does this mean that the Daily Transcript wonld be the second newspaper used and that there wonld not necessarily be a variety of alternates. Mr. Kaheny stated that what this means is that if there ix an emergency, the Clerk can look to an alternate source. The San Diego Daily Transcript being une of theIn.: La Prensa being another. At the time the report was written, La Prensa had not yet expressed an interest in doing it. The only interest had been expressed by the Daily Transcript and The Star News. Any adjudicated newspaper that can eft~cfively do the notice under emergency circumstances could be utilized by the Clerk. Cl~uncihnember Rindone t~lt it was impl~rtant to have on the public record what Council was not vuting on was the alternate. What we are votin~e tm is the iffficial newspaper 10r public notices. If it is in the opinion of the City Clerk an alternate is necessary~ then an alternate would be selected from other ac~judicated newspaper, but Council is not naming the alternate. He tell that it was very clear that The Star News has the greatest impact and circulation. It still would be The Star News based un the Ihct that the indnstry standard is based on a column inch and they are the apparent low bidder. For those thctors, he ~lmld support the motion on the floor. Councilmember Salas stated that this whole discnssion arose because of the need tbr the City Clerk to be able to notice legal ads in a timely manner m order to ~neet the legal requirements uf the City. She would not want to hamper the City Clerk in being able Ill chose an alternate who can meet her demands quickly. So, when the City Clerk is looking at the alternatives, it seenled to her that someone who could publish on a daily basis would be more suitable fi~r the City Clerk to luuk to in the ~lture. Mayor Horton added that she wonld like staff clantact La Prensa and let them know that they needed to snbmit a package if they want to be considered as an alternate. Councihnember Rindune commented that sometimes there are claims of circulafion~ but what is key are those that are home delivered. certified, and nl~t,just available. It is very significant that The Star News apparently has higher numbers in this regard. VOTE ON MOTION: Mottun carried nnanimonsly 5-0. 7. RESOLUTION 18794 WAIVING TIlE BIDDING PROCESS AND AWARDING PURCHASE AGREEMENT TO CALIFORNIA TURF PRODUCTS FOR THREE 84" RIDING LAWN MOWERS - The fiscal year 1997/98 Equipment RepIacement Budget provides ti>r the purchase iff three 84 inch riding mowers. Caliti>rnia Turf Products has agreed to sell the mowers (if available) to the City for $22,590 each plus tax ($24,341). The City purchased an identical mower frum Calitbrnia Turf Products as part of the fiscal year 1996/97 Equipment Replacement program tier $27.925 plus tax ($30,090). Waiving the bidding process and purchasing the mllwers at the quoted price would provide significant savings fi~r the City. Staff recommends approval of the resolution. (Director of Public Works and Director of Financ¢) Item continued to the October 21. 1997 meeting. Minutes October 14, 1997 Page 5 8. RESOLUTION 18795 APPROPRIATING FUNDS, ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF "OXFORD STREET IMPROVEMENTS FROM FOURTH AVENUE TO FIFTH AVENUE IN THE CITY (STL-229) - This prc~iect was originally ~tnded during the fiscal year 1996/97 Capital Improvement Prograin budget process. The prqiect was limded to improve pedestrian access, circulation. and alleviate a local drainage problem at mid-block. It is also part of the overall sidewalk safety program which provides fi~r the construction lff sidewalk facilities in the Montgomery area. Staff recommends approval of the resolution. (Director nf Public Works) 4/Sth's w~te required. Item continued to the October 21. 1997 meeting. * * * I,jND OF CONSENT t~UtI.ENDztR * * * ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND RELATED RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES None subnlittcd. BOARD AND COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS None submitted. ACTION ITEMS 9. REPORT PCM-96-24; NOTICING PROCEDURES FOR LAND USE PUBLIC HEARINGS - CITY- INITIATED This report is in response to a Council request tier infi~rmatilnl r~garding prl~cedures ti~r public noticing on land use hearings with respect t,l notification of tenant residents. Staff recommends Council approve the resnlution and provide direction on certain {ither items related to public noticing. (Acting Director of Planning) RESOLUTION 18796 AMENDING CITY COUNCIL POLICY NUMBER 400-01 PERTAINING TO LAND USE HEARING PUBLIC NOTICES AND PROVIDING DIRECTION REGARDING CERTAIN OTHER PROCEDURES RELATED TO LAND USE HEARING PUBLIC NOTICING Ken Lee, Acting Planning Director, presented the staff report. Councilmember Salas stated that she had one problem with the Planning Commission's recommendations which was adding a phrase on the bottom of the pr{~posed filrmat stating that if you need help with translating this document to call a specific staff pers,`m. Hel leasllns were: ( I } Notices welt pretty much c~oki~ cutt~l with the body ,,if the infi~rmatiun all the same, therefi~re, thcle winlid hc all initial one-time translation ot that intilrmatitm. The rest of the information was so minimal that it really doesn't require a hit in terms td' translation: (2) It would not incruase the cost of mailing the document il you added another page. Since most of the nl~tices were nnly two pages, adding an extra page should nut increase the weight and the cost ol postage. She would like tu see a lull translation ot all mailed notices. In order to call, p~,,q~l~ wlmld have to call during husinc, ss hllurs. A hit ill p~ople work, so it would be inconvenient fi~r them to call. Chula Vista's p,3pulation is in excess i) 40% Hispanic and a lot of them speak Spanish only. Noticing the public is important. She felt the benefit nf having mllrc open communicatere, and the benefit of that ont weighs the cost that it wonld incur to the City. Therefi~re, she requested changing our policy to include translation ol an entire notice into Spanish. Mimltes October 14, 1997 Page 6 RESOLUTION 18796 OFFERED BY COUNCILMEMBER RINDONE WITH ITEM NO. 6 AMENDED TO INCLUDE A FULL SPANISH TRANSLATION, heading feud und text ~wfived. Ctlnncilmember Moot asked about the usage t)f signs to increase notification. Is that something which we are going to start doing. Mr. Lee replied that staff wlmld like at least a one-year trial, so it was staff% intent to proceed and develop a sign that could be posted on properties. Staff wonld measnre ~ts effectiveness and come hack to the Planning Comnl~ss~lm and Council at the end tlf fine ycal. Councihnember Moot asked if staff had figured out what it would cost to have a complete English/Spanish translation and how many iff these notices would be one side English and one side Spanish. It would be helpfill to know the fiscal unpacts of that decision heft}re we wlted on it. Mr. Lee replied that staff would have to come hack with an estimate. Currently. notices have a Iocator map on the reverse side, so that is why we were indicating if we do a full translation, we would need two pages on every notice sent out. It is a little more staff effin't to do that. We were trying to keep everything on one page, if possible. Cemncihnember Moot t~lt this was a thctor to take into consideration, and he would pret~r staff bringing back that infi>rmation bcfi~re we act on Ms. Salas' amendment. Sid Morris, Assistant City Manager, suggested that Council approve all the items as proposed by staff and as amended by Councilmember Salas, and then staff provide to Connell an infi~rmation item on that one cost fbr translation. If you wish at that time, Coonoil timid ask fi~r us to bring it back. Councilmember Padilia fblt that the Iotafor maps could be configured and designed in a number of diffbrent ways. It was hard Ibr him to believe that wc could not redesign the way in which we present the intbrmation in order to reduce the cost. Cimncilmember Moot l~[t that as a matter iff procedure .t never has been the Council's practice to vote on matters that have fiscal impact withlint having a full fiscal impact statement. and thereti>re, he t~lt it was appropriate tier the fiscal ~mpact he brllnght to the attention of Conncil heI~re voting. Conncihnember Salas stated we do have a lilt of people here who own property and arc al'l~cted by onr land use decisions that need Ill be noticed in a language that they are comlilrtable in. She did not f?'el this wlmld be that cost prohibitive. If it meant a delay tier a conpie of weeks to safist~, Mr. Moot's concerns. she was agreeable to that. C{luncihnember Rindone clarified his mintion which was to approve all of staff's recommendations but amending item number six to provide full Spanish translation. Shotdd it be anything hut a minimal cost, then that would be brought back to Council; otherwise, it will be an inl~rmation item. Councilmember Moot asked if the maker of the motion would consider a friendly amendment to approve all of staff's recolnmendations and that the staff bring back Councilmember Salas' amendment with a fiscal impact statement. 'Dren we vote on her amendment at the tinge when we have the fiscal impact statement before us. Councihnember Rindone expressed that would be fine, but we would need to adhere to a complete fiscal analysis ti~r all other items which come befi~re Council, becanse we do need to be consistent. There have been times that we have amended items that have had some impact, minimal or not, and we have proceeded. MOTION passed und approved 5-0. Minutes October 14, 1997 Page 7 10. REPORT PCM-98-01; DISCUSSION OF STATE AND LOCAL SIGN REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO FREEWAY ORIENTED SIGNS - In August 1996, Conncil requested that staff work with the business community and the Chamber of Commerce to hlok at the City's sign ordinance, with particular attention to freeway signage and enforcement. As a result, an ad-hoc committee was hlrmed with representatives of the various comnmrcial business districts. Chamber of Commerce members, and stall. The committee developed a number of reconnnendations regarding signage which are being presented file discussion and direction. Staff recommends that Council discuss state and local sign regulations concerning freeway oriented signage, consider the recommendations of the ronndtable committee, and provide direction to staff with respect to possible actkms. (Acting Director of Planning) Kem~eth Lee, Acting Planning Director, presented staff report. Mayor Horton stated that there has been a concern about having some type ,.ff freeway signage fi~r the Auto Park and MCA area. What plans do we have to accommodate the needs to provide more advertising h~r those businesses. Mr. Lee replied that we have the redevt:lopment area along the 805 corridor at Otay Valley Road. so the opportunity to provide identification li~r the Auto Park exists. The problem with the Water Park and the MCA amphitheater is its not in the redevelopment area. so they would not have an opportunity to be identified on a sign at a location ac~jacent to 805. There is an existing billboard in that h~cation which is being utilized by Ferguson Chevrolet which may oft~r an opportunity, but staff wtmld have to Iol~k at this fi~rthcr. In talking with Community Development. he did not believe that there was an t~pportunity to expand the redevehqm~ent area to include the Water Park and the Theater. If that were t~'asible, then they timid be identified. Mayor Horton asked about th~ electric moving digital type signs which has been discussed. Mr. Lee responded that the City Council has amended the Code to allow filr the message signs. the reader board signs in redevelopment areas. The qnestion wlmld he whether or not under that interpretation. Caltrans would allow us to advertise a business outside the redevelopment area. Wc w~luld need to have tilrther discnssions with Caltrans to clarity, that. Mayor Horton Iblt there were onelime discussions ah¢lut tlus particular situation and that MCA, Dintly with the Auto Park dealers, were planning tm some type ol reader board signs that MCA was ellrag tll pay file. Mr. Lee mentioned that when wc discussed the idea ol message board signs with Caltrans several months ago, they had indicated to us that they were hopelid that those types of signs would be exempt from the landscape provision, but our recent discussions with Caltrans indicates that they were m>t moving ahead with that type of an amendment. Councilmember Moot questioned if whether it was a state law instituted by Calltans that prevented us fi'tnn advertising something like the MCA or the Water Park. Mr. Lee replied that it was both a state and federal law. depending {m how the freeways were funded. They are acknowledged and identified as landscaped freeways. Councilmember Moot asked if the private property adiacent ttl the freeway could be used to place a directional sign to the MCA. Mr. Lee stated that was controlled by Caltrans. The exception would be Ill the guide signs which relate to non- profit lhcilities. The exceptions that Caltrans has granted m the past. relate to items file traffic control. If we could have Caltrans determine that a lhcility snch as the MCA Amphitheater needed signs lilt traffic control, we might be successful in getting a sign at the freeway to provide that dilection. MSUC (Padillu/Sulas) tn approve the stuff's recommendutinns us recnmmended by the Roundtable Committee as fnllnws: Minutes October 14, 1997 Page 8 · Direct staff tu cm~rdinate betxveeu the business community aud Caltrans the installation of additional freeway guide signs. · luv~tigate the extension of the abatement date tbr existing freeway billboard signs. Work with the business cnmmunity toward the preparation of amendments to the Local Coastal Program to allow off-premise signage aud to iucrease the maximum height of freestanding signs (~vould require Coastal Commission approval). · Expand the Bayfront Redevelopment Area to include the Marina. · Investigate the amendment of the City's sign code tn allow off-premise signage under limited circumstance. ITEMS PULLED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR (Item 6 was pulled. However, the minutes ,,viII remain in the original published agenda order.) OTHER BUSINESS I 1. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT(S) Mr. Morris annlmnced that one of our police officers was injured today during a pursuit with a stolen vehicle which started in National City and ended in the Lynwood Hills area. There were three individuals involved who took off by fi~ot. One of our officers, Officer Hardesty, was iqjured when he and one of the suspects fell down a ravine. As a result of the fhll, the suspect ended tip in a better position than our officer. He grabbed a brick and repeatedly hit the nfficer in the bead. The ilfficer was life-fighted to a hospital. He is resting well and should recover fully hut will probably be out fi}r stnnetime. The police was able to apprehend all three suspects. 12. MAYOR'S REPORT(S) · She attended the League of Califiornia Cities Conference in San Francisco at which the City of Chula Vista received two major Helen Putnan awards h>r excellence. Chtda Vista was the only city to receive two grand prize awards in two dit't~rcnt categories: the first category was. "Celebrating Excellence with Partnerships, Children, Youth, and Family Partnerships": and the second category was, "Enviromnental Quality Partnerships". · In an article about the new San Diego City Manager. it mentioned that one nf his great achievements was that lie recommended changing their fiscal year to accommodate a better budget process. She t~lt this was an excellent idea fi3r us to consider. She recommended that we send to the Charter Review Commission a request to consider changing our fiscal year fi'lnn June to October to accnmmodate the state and federal schedule, so we can have a better handle ill what our revenues arc betbrc we go through the budget process. 13. COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilmember Rindone: · Requested staff to lc~c~k into what the League of Califi~mia Cities' position was on the initiative that we adopted ti3r the retention of one percent sales tax. Minutes October 14, 1997 Page 9 · Since MCA was in the process of redesigning the exterior of the amphitheater, he felt it was important fi~r the signage leading to the amphitheater and t)n the exterior of the hcilities include the name of the City of Chula Vista. · Requested a status report im the improvement of the lighting on Third Avenue which he had referred to staff sometime ago. Councilmember Salas stated she undastood the City Attorney was working on a briefing about Campaign Financing Reform. She would like to see inclnded in that briefing where Proposition 208 speaks to the fact that commissioners who are appointed by an elected body like the City Council should be prohibited from contributing to campaigns on their own or requesting others tt~ ct~ntribute on the behest of candidates. The reason she t~'lt this was important was some of our commissioners are in a position of great influence: specifically, our Port Commissioner, who in the past has actively raised timds fi~r candidates that he supports. Because of his position on the Port and the potential for business there, he has a h~t of access to people who can contribute to campaigns. She wanted to make sure that it was very clear that if the law states that a commissioner cannot contribute to any particular candidate that has appointing authority. that we make sure those types of cllmmissioners do not go ontside the law. Councilmember Moot: · Stated that on the Helen Putnam awards, the City of Chula Vista year-after-year wins Helen Putnam awards. We need to give credit to the top management ol the City that instills in all of our department heads the importance of having progressive and fresh leadership. Onr City Manager was handing out our brochure on the City that was put together in an e~ilrt to h~lp our recruitment filr his replacement. He was glad to see him up ther~ promoting the City, handing out our brl~chures. enclmraging candidates to apply flu' the position of City Manager. If we can keep winning awards like we have been in these impllrtant and creative ar~as, he t~lt the City will continue to be the kind of city that is known fi>r fresh, good, progressive lcadaship m these areas. · He has had several discussions with onr city attorney regarding Campaign Finance Reform. There are many problems with the City's Campaign Finance Ordinance. ]'h~ most important ~s that it is currently unenft~rceable as we ftlnnd clut after the last election. We also obvionsly have some problems with enfi>rcing independent expenditures within the City despite our ordinance. Ftc hoped the report that we get hack from the city attorney addresses not only Proposition 208, but brings, ttl the City a Campaign Finance Ordinance that ~s enfi>rceable and will be enft~rced. The meeting actjourned at 7:53 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Rcspcctftslly suhn~ittcd, ~uthel~t, CMC/AAE City Clerk