HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdditional Information .' ~. ........-... :lU Highland '~""'"'{"m~""",1>ni",,"',;JJ~ .,-,.""""~",,,(""m~""". \)~!\.y LA..Nb I~.~ . '."":~) ~~~..~. OBPAll "~I"~ ~:o;./ ...~- South Bay Expressway ~ tr,~~~~ 4!A_h~ ""~f..:;~;;~ NlJTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS Put the fun back in drjving! Peartrees Catering, Inc. Chula Vista High School String Ensemble Instructor: Dr. Conrad Bruderer ~V?- -,- .~ -- ~ --- ClN OF (HULA VISTA MEMORANDUM DATE: March 18, 2008 TO: VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Mayor Cheryl Com) . Barbara Bamberg~Environmental Policy Advi~r ,~~ .::-- -, Potential partnership and funding for the Otay Valley Regional Park In August of 2007, Mayor Cox directed that I facilitate and participate in a series of meetings between the Sacramento-based Resources Legacy Fund (RLF), the Planning Department, and Otay Valley Regional Park (OVRP) staff. Meetings with other non- profit organizations involved with the OVRP, as well as County management and City of San Diego staff were also arranged. These meetings provided a strategic approach to obtain significant funding from bon,d acts approved by voters in November 2006 and other funding sources for the purchase, improvement, and restoration of lands within the Otay Valley Regional Park. The goal is to create a state wide effort within the next few years by leveraging state bond monies to obtain outside grants and foundation monies aimed at carrying out the vision of the OVRP. RLF will assist the City in identifying all possible funding sources from existing State bonds and help secure these monies. Through this effort, several million dollars are potentially available for the OVRP. RLF is a nonprofit organization that works with foundations and philanthropists to advance conservation in California. RLF provides expertise to cities in support of establishing river parkways in urban communities. This service is provided without cost. RLF's work is funded by numerous large foundations including the Goldman Fund, the Hewlett Foundation, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. RLF has provided expertise to this region in the past; working with Assemblywoman Ducheny and Supervisor Cox. RLF was' instrumental in facilitating acquisition of the Fenton property. Please contact me if you have any questions. .! ;; )' ',\ I , 1" ~ " ,\,. . I.~ -J " -<,,'; -iJ...',',,---- rffndJlt/ ~ ~-, '. -. . .;\~~~ The Chula Vista -",',i \,,\1) ~)~'~:ll:~I~I~~:~~TI:~~~:~~'~~l~~OIl Los Iideres de la comunidad de Chula Vista estan colaborando con la Fundaci6n de San Diego (The San Diego Foundation) para crear y sostener una fundaci6n local dedicada unicamente a servir a la comunidad de Chula Vista. Done a (hula Vista es un esfuerzo comunitario especificamente disenado para recaudar fondos para Chula Vista, ahora y para generaciones futuras. Es parte de una iniciativa regional de la Fundaci6n de San Diego Ilamada Done a San Diego con el prop6sito de informar e inspirar a los residentes de San Diego a cerca de los beneficios de hacer donaciones a un fondo de beneficencia. Nuestro Proposito y Vision Nuestra mision es mejomr la calidad de vida dentro de Clmla Vista al jJro1lwver y allmentaT la jilantmjlia TesjJonsable y efi1ctiva. PROPOSITO: . Aumentar las donaciones caritativas por parte y para el beneficio de todas las personas que viven y trabajan en Chula Vista . Crear un fondo de beneficencia dedicado a la comunidad de Chula Vista que provea financiamiento anual alas organizaciones y causas de Chula Vista . Brindar un vehiculo para los miembros de la comunidad de Chula Vista que sirva para la planificaci6n de su patrimonio y el cual provea donaciones que beneficien a Chula Vista hoy y para siempre ~QUE SIGNIFICA CREAR UN FONDO DE BENEFICENCIA? Un fondo de beneficencia es permanente. Son fondos recolectados para caridad con el requisito que la cantidad del principal del fondo nunca se gasta. EI saldo de este fondo es invertido y luego las ganancias se gastan para apoyar a obras de caridad perpetuamente. Los donativos al fondo pueden hacerse de muchas maneras: efectivo, propiedades, fondos de jubilaci6n, pagarE~s 0 un regalo de su estado. Onete a la iniciativa Done a Chula Vista al dar una contribucion a la Fundacion de Beneficencia de Chula Vista. ESTRUCTURA: . Las personas interesadas pueden volverse miembros de la Fundaci6n de Beneficencia de Chula Vista al hacer una donaci6n minima de $1,000 al ano por tres a cinco anos, pagadera a: The San Diego Foundation Endow Chula Vista . La mitad de la donaci6n sera inmediatamente utilizada para otorgar fondos anuales . La otra mitad Ira al fondo de beneficencia permanente . Los donantes votaran cada ano para elegir cuales solicitudes para recibir las subvenciones locales son las mas merecedoras y necesitadas 'I\\1S' " 'D' ~';'TJH" an lego ~,,) ~~~~,~2~~~,~~}2 Si dcsea formal' parte de la FlIndaci6n de Bcneficencia de Chula Vista, pOI' favor comuniqllesc con Pilar Montoya al (619) 235-2300, par corren e1ectnlnico a endowchulavista@sdfoundation.org a visite el sitia www.endowchulavista.org " \,', I'{ 6rtabll/ .;\\~~ The Chula Vista . ~.,'~, . ..' Charitable Foundation , A proud affiliale of The San Diego Foundation Community leaders throughout Chula Vista are partnering with The San Diego Foundation to create and sustain a local foundation to serve solely the community of Chula Vista, Endow Chula Vista is a community-specific effort to focus on endowment building for Chula Vista, now and for generations to come. It is part of The San Diego Foundation's region-wide initiative, Endow San Diego, to inform and inspire San Diegans regarding the benefits of endowment. Our Purpose and Vision Our mission is 10 imjJrove Ihe qnality of life within ChnLa Vista by jn'01l1oting and increasing resjJOl1Sible and effective fJhilanthrojJY. PURPOSE . Increase charitable giving by and for the benefit of all who live and work in Chula Vista . Build a Chula Vista community endowment to provide funding annually to Chula Vista organizations and causes . Give Chula Vista community members a vehicle for legacy planning and gifts that will benefit Chula Vista now and forever WHAT IS AN ENDOWMENT? Endowments are permanent. They are charitable funds with the requirement that the principal is neverspent. The balance of these funds is invested, earning income that is then spent to support charitable works in perpetuity. Gifts can be given in many forms including cash, real estate, retirement funds, securities or a gift from your estate. Join Endow Chula Vista by giving to the ChuIa Vista Charitable Foundation. STRUCTURE . Individuals can become members of The Chula Vista Charitable Foundation by making a minimum donation of $1,000 per year for three to five years. Checks are made payable to The San Diego Foundation Endow Chula Vista. . Half the donation will immediately go into annual grant making . Half will go into a permanent endowment . Donors will vote each year for the local grant applications they deem most worthy and most needed ,,'III' SD' 1f';' Tbe an Iego ~~) !'~~l~:~~,~ip~,~: [fyou would like to join The Chula Vista Charitable Foundation, please contact Pilar Montoya at (619) 235-2300 or endowchulavista@sdfoulldation.org or visit us al www.endowchulavista.org COMPARISON OF PROP. 98 (Rent Control Rollback) & PROP. 99 (Homeowner Protection Act) PROVISIONS EMINENT DOMAIN FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT 1--------------------------- , ! RENT CONTROL Prop. 98 (Rent Control Rollback) r . Redefines "public use" to prohibit taking any property to convey to private party, including homes and commercia! properties. Prop. 99 (Homeowner Protection Act) . Constitutional prohibition on taking owner-occupied homes for conveyance to private party. I .--,--.----.--------------.----- -------..--.--.-----------.--..-.------- r-..-.----------. .--.---...----- -.--------. '. Prop. 98 would abolish rent control laws in California. ,- No changes to state or local rent control laws or d. I.f ordinances. . More than 85% offun mg to qua I y Prop. 98 comes from mobile home and apartll:ent owners and II associations that represent them. , IMPACT ON AFFORDABLE HOUSING AND TENANT PROTECTION LAWS EMINENT DOMAIN FOR TRADITIONAL PUBLIC WORKS PRO.JECTS According to \\'estern Center on Law and Poverty, Prop. 98 will likely eliminote tenant protection laws, including: o Laws governing return of rental deposits. o Tenant notice periods, such as GO-day notice requirement prior to forcing renters out of unit. o Protections regarding terminations of tenancy. I .---------r::--: .--.---.--- Prop. 98 includes provisions that will increase taxpayer, ,D Does not change or limit acquisitions for traditional costs and cause delays for traditional public works public works like schools, roads, bridges and other projects like schools, roads, bridges and other projects. projects. Section 19(b)(5) changes constitutional definition of'Just compensation!'! adding new requirements that will make all property acquisitions vastly more expensive! including required payments for attorneys fees if jury awards even $1 more than agency offered. . According to Western Center on Law and Poverty, Prop. 98 will invalidate inclusionary housing requirements that require a certain number of units to be affordable to low- income families. . i . ! . -..__.~---.----------_._--~--.---_._-- .-....-----..-----------..-.-- I I ._m___ _ -.----------- _ _ -.-.___ ___._..__ ..__ ____._.___________ I I . No changes to laws dealing with tenant protections and or affordable hOllsing requirements I I I I I .--.-..-.--.-.----.-------.-----.---.-.-.--.. -_...._--_._-~ ~ROVISIONS I -------1 i " I I 1 REGULATORY TAKINGS PROVISIONS IMPACT ON ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND LAND-USE REGULATION Prop. 98 (Rent Control Rollback) " Contrary to claims by 98 proponents, buried in definitions section of initiative are new constitutional changes that would prohibit certain regulatory actions regulating use of real property. Section 19(b)(3) prohibits "regulation of the ownership, occupancy or use of privatel)' owned real property or associated properly rights in order to transfer economic benefit to one or more private persons at the expense of the property owner", According to an analysis conducted by one of the state's leading environmental law firms, Shute, Mihaly & \\leinberger, "nearly all regulation provides an economic benefit to some private person. Accordingly, although the Initiative is ambiguous in several signiticant .Ireas, a court could interpret it to restrict a host of environmental and land use regulations..." I I I I " [ i I , i [ I --1------- . I" Prop. 98 changes existing law and would wreak h~voc on i local land-use planning and environmental protections. II" According to the Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger analysis, "there is a substantial risk... that (the initiative) I would be broadly construed to prevent the 'j enforcement of HUIlY existing environmental I regulations as well as the adoption of new laws and policies to protect the ellvironment". I" SMW legal analysis also warns that Prop. 98 "appears to I' impair a broader class of environmental prutections thall did }lroposition 90." i" Unlike Proposition 90 (which required compensationfor ! regulations that caused economIC damages)) PrOpOSitIOn I 98 outright f)/'oilihils such laws and regulations that ! "transfer economic benefits", , I I " Prop. 99 (Homeowner Protection Act) No changes to lnws surrounding regulatory takings. " No changes to environmental laws or regulations. i I I I -_____._____J PROVISIONS IMPACT ON WATER PROJECTS Prop. 98 (Rent Control Rollback) I I I , ProJl. 99 (Homeowner Protection Act) No change and no impact on public watcr projccts or any other traditional public works project. . Prop. 98 would prohibit the use of eminent domain to acquire land and water to develop rJ1lblic watcr projects. The Association of California Waler Agencies warns Prop. 98 could "derail efforts to build the inji-astructure and other wafer projects we need 10 ensure an adequate supplyafsafe, clean drinking water." The Western Growers Association warns Prop. 98 could "block future deJ1clopmcIlt ofslllface wilter storage and conveyance. " . Measure preserves ability to protect public health and safety. Prop. 99 contains specitic public health and safety exemptions to eminent domain restrictions. Language permits the use of eminent domain to protect public health and safety; preventing seriolls and repeated r criminal activity; response to an emergency; and to I remedy environmental contamination. Proposed See J 19(i). PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY EXEMPTIONS . . . That's because Prop. 98~s proposed amendment to Section 19(a) of the constitution prohibits the taking of private property for "priv<ltc use. II Proposed section 19(b)(3)(ii) defines "private use" as including: tral/sfer of OIvllership, occupancy ur lIse (~f private property or as:mciated jll'opel'(J' rights to a public agency for the consumption of natural rC,\'OUl'ces or for the same or a substantially similar Lise as that made by the private owner; (Emphasis added.) Since virtually all elements ofa public water projcct involve the Itconsumption of natural resources", Prop. 98 would prohibit property acquisitions for public water projects. . . Changes to Section 19(b)(3) contain I/O exee{!tionsfo/' actions taken to protect health alld safe{)J. Land-use decisions (such as restrictions on building in unsafe areas, or zoning decisions to protect residents from undesirable or unsafe businesses) could be ruled prohibited under Proposition 98. . . PROVISIONS I I . I I I I I I ~--~-----,~-~~~--~-~-~-' I CHANGES TO BALANCE OF POWER BETWEEN I.JUDICIARY AND , LEGISLATIVE , I BRANCHES OF I GOVERNMENT I I r I PROVISIONS DEALING I WITH OTHER MEASURE I ON SAME BALLOT TIMING OF APPLICATION Prop. 98 (Rent Control Rollback) Prop. 98 would shift power Ii'om locally elected legislative bodies to the courts by: (a) mandating that cou11s essentially ignore the local governments' legislative deliberations in all eminent domain proceedings when cases are challenged in court, and (b) permitting the introduction of new evidence in court cases tbat was never presented to the public agency. --------r: I . I I . NONE . Regulatory takings provisions in Prop 98 could apply to EXISTING laws and regulations, as well as future laws. Provisions abolishing rent control apply to future rent control laws and rent control protections abolished wben unit is vacated. . Prop. 99 (Homeowner Protection Act) ~---- ~nges to balance of power. Sbould Prop. 99 pass with more votes than Prop. 98, Proposition 98 would be nullified. . Applies to future eminent domain actions. Paid for by No 98/Yes 99, Californians to Stop the Prop 98 Attack on Renters and In Support of Prop 99, the Homeowners Protection Act. A committee of seniors, homeowners, taxpayers, renters, educators, business, labor, environmentalists, local government and public safety, League of California Cities (Non-Public Funds) and Californians for Neighborhood Protection: Yes on Prop 99, No on Prop 98, a sponsored committee of conservationists and labor 1121 L. Street, Suite 803 - Sacramento, CA 95814 - 916.443.0872 W'NW .ErninentDomaln Reform .com