HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007/12/11 Item 11 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT ~\~ CITY OF '~CHULA VISTA 12/11/07, ItemlL ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARlNG TO CONSIDER WANING MINOR IRREGULARITY ON THE BID RECEIVED FOR THE "EUCALYPTUS PARK SECURITY LIGHTING (CIP NO. PR-288)" PROJECT PER CITY CHARTER SECTION 1009 RESOLUTION WANING IRREGULARITY, ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR THE "EUCALYPTUS PARK SECURITY LIGHTING (CIP NO. PR-288)" PROJECT TO PALSONS ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC. SUBMITTED BY: DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AND GENERAL SERVICES ~ \V 1M A <(j\ftJ CITY MANAGER '1f1~ ,.....,- ASSISTANT CITY~NAGER =--;) . 4/5THS VOTE: YES 0 NO C8J. REVIEWED BY: BACKGROUND On July 25, 2007 at 2:00 p.m., the Director of General Services received five sealed bids for the "Eucalyptus Park Security Lighting (PR-288)" project. The project will be located at Eucalyptus Park at Fourth Avenue and C Street. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Environmental Review Coordinator has reviewed the proposed project for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has determined that the project qualifies for a Class 1 categorical exemption pursuant to Section 15301 [Existing Facilities] of the State CEQA Guidelines. In addition, the Environmental Review Coordinator has reviewed the proposed project for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and has determined that the project qualifies for a Categorical Exclusion (subject to 58.5) pursuant to the U.S. Housing & Urban Development Guidelines. Thus, no further environmental review is necessary. RECOMMENDATION 1. Council conduct the public hearing. 11-1 12/11/07, Item JL Page 2 of 3 2. Council adopt the resolution walvmg the irregularity, accepting bids and awarding contract for the "Eucalyptus Park Security Lighting (PR-288)" project to Palsons Electrical Services, Inc. BOARDS/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Not applicable. DISCUSSION On July 25, 2007 at 2:00 p.m., the Director of General Services received five (5) sealed bids for "Eucalyptus Park Security Lighting (PR-288)" project. The project will provide security lighting for the lower portion of the park. Proiect Bid Results Salehi & Salehi Engineering prepared the plans, contract documents and technical specifications for the project. City staff prepared and advertised the project for bidding. Staff received and opened bids on July 25,2007 at 2:00 p.m. The lowest responsive bidder for the project was based on the contractor who submitted all required documents detailed in the contract documents and who submitted the lowest base bid for the project construction. Bids from the five (5) contractors were received as follows: CONTRACTOR BASE BID Palsons Electrical Services, Inc - EI Cajon, CA $49,940.00 Stars Electric -San Diego, CA $59,400.00 HMS Construction - San Marcos, CA $60,000.00 Lekos Electric - EI Cajon, CA $66,500.00 3-D Enterprises - San Diego $76,850.00 After reviewing the bid documents, staff discovered a discrepancy with the grand total bid alnount. The alnount submitted was $49,940.00, however the grand total alnount was written as $49,490.00. This base bid is $9,460.00 less than the second lowest bidder. In consultation with the City Attorney's office, staff determined that the irregularity was clerical in nature and that the City could proceed with the award process to Palsons Electrical Services based on the City Charter Section 1009 that states, "The City Council may waive any defects in any bid to the extent it finds at a public hearing held for that purpose that it is necessary to do so for the benefit of the public." The public hearing for these items was held tonight and staff believes that this action ,,:,ould benefit the City in the form of savings to the City of $9,460.00. The irregularity was not an error in the Contractor's calculation, rather a transposition by the person transcribing the total. The low bid from Palsons Electrical Services is below the Engineer's estimate of$50,000 by $60.00 or approximately 1%. 11-2 12111/07, Item.JL Page 3 of 3 Engineering and General Services' staff checked the references that the Contractor submitted. This Contractor has met all of our requirements. All references checked were verified and references confirmed that the Contractor's work has been satisfactory. The Contractor's License Number is 821681 and is clear and current. Disclosure Statement Attachment I is a copy of the contractor's Disclosure Statement. Wage Statement Contractors bidding this project were required to pay prevailing wages to persons employed by them for the work under this project. Disadvantaged businesses were encouraged to bid by sending the Notice to Contractors to various trade publications. DECISION MAKER CONFLICT Staff has reviewed the property holdings of the City Council and has found no property holdings within 500 feet of the boundaries ofthe property which is the subject of this action. FISCAL IMPACT A breakdown of project costs and funding is as follows: FUNDS REQUIRED FOR PROJECT A. Contract Amount $49,940.00 B. Contingencies (10% of contact amount) $5,000.00 C. Staff Time Cost (approx 10% of total): $5,000.00 TOTAL FUNDS REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION $59,940.00 FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION A. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) $59,940.00 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION $59,940.00 Upon completion of the project, the improvements will require only routine City maintenance. The ten lights will be on for approximately 5 hours a night during the winter and only 3 hours during the summer. ATTACHMENTS I - Contractor's Disclosure Statement Prepared by: Dick Thompson, Sr. Building Projects Supervisor, General Services Department M:\General Services\GS Administration\Council Agenda\PR288 Eucalyptus Park Lighting\PR288 Rev 112007.doc 11-3 ;All." .'.- I ATTACHMENT CITY OF CHULA 'v1STA DISCLOSURE STATEMENT l'ursuant to Council Policy 101-01, prior to any action upon malters thal will require discretionary action by the Council, Planning Commi",ion and al1 ather official bodies of the City, a statement of disclosure of certain ownership or linancial interests, payments, or campaign conlribulions for a CityofChula Vista election must be med, The following informalion must be disclosed: 1. List the names of all p"~sons having a fUlan"~al intorest in the property that i. the subject of the application or tl1e conlr"cl, c,g., owner, applic'llnt, contractor, subconrractor, material supplier. --------~ 2. If any persoo' itlentilied pursu,mt to (I) above is a pl1rtnership, list the nanle. of all individuals with:) S2(JOO invcslu"\cnl in the busint: 5 (corporation/p rtncrship) entity. -.ili H-..L/'~ \<:605___ h'V' e L.d.____ 3. Ifany person* identi[jed pursuantlO (1) above is a non-prol;l organization or trust, list the names of any person serving"' director of the non-profit organization or as trustee nr benefictary or trustor of the trust. ----- -- 4. Please identify every person, including any ag,L-nlS, cmployce5. consultants, orindepcndent contractors you have assigned to represent you before the City in this maticr. cJot:!?'-' J3..;d o:t.!!?~.L__ Z:;DiG" La L_ 5. Has any pcrson* ussociated v..1th this contract had any flnanclul dealings with an official*$ ofth~ City orCh,,!a V isla as it relates to lhis contmct within the past 12 months? Ycs__ NoX --------- ------------- --- --------- 46 ~ 11-4 ...~ . . If Yes, briel1y describe the nature of the financial intcrcst thc official" may have in this contract. ---- ----- 6. Have you made a contribution of marc than $250 within the ?ast twelve (12) months to a current men,ber uf the Chula Vista City Council? No x.yCS _If yes, which Council membcr'1 7. Have yOU provided more than $340 (or an item of equivalent value) to ll!l official" of the City of Chu\a Vista in the past twelve (12) months? (Thix:clUde8 being a source of incomc, n,oney to retire a legal debt, gift, loan, etc.) Yes - No If Yes, which official" and what waS the nature llf item provided? ~ Date: ~j,.. '( ;;..5, ;;J.Dtl7 . "person is defined as: any individual, firm, co_partnership, joint venture, association. social club, fraternal or~anil"tion, corporation, estnte, trust, receiver, syndicnte, any other county, city, municipality, district. or other po1\tical subdivision, -or nny other grOU? or combination acting os U unit. .. Orficill\ includes, but is not limited to: Mayor, council member, Planning Con,missioner, Mem".r of a board, commission, "r committee of the Ory, em?loyee, or staff membcrs. 47 -- 11-5 RESOLUTION NO. 2007- - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA WAIVING IRREGULARITY, ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR THE "EUCALYPTUS PARK SECURITY LIGHTING (CIP NO. PR- 288)" PROJECT TO PALSONS ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC. WHEREAS, on July 25, 2007, at 2:00 p.m., the Director of Engineering and General Services received five (5) sealed bids for "Eucalyptus Park Security Lighting (PR-288)" project. The project will provide security lighting throughout the park; and WHEREAS, bids from the five (5) contractors were received as follows: CONTRACTOR BASE BID Palsons Electrical Services, Inc - El Cajon, CA $49,940.00 Stars Electric -San Diego, CA $59,400.00 HMS Construction - San Marcos, CA $60,000.00 Lekos Electric - EI Cajon, CA $66,500.00 3-D Enterprises - San Diego, CA $76,850.00 WHEREAS, after reviewing the bid documents, staff discovered a discrepancy with the grand total bid amount submitted by Palsons Electrical Services, Inc.; and WHEREAS, the amount submitted was $49,940.00, however the grand total amount was written as $49,490.00; and WHEREAS, the base bid is $9,460.00 less than the second lowest bidder and below the Engineer's estimate of$50,000 by $60.00 or approximately 1 %; and WHEREAS, Section 1009 of the City Charter allows the City to waive mmor irregularities if the irregularities will benefit the City of Chula Vista; and WHEREAS, staff determined that the irregularity was clerical in nature, would benefit the City in the form of savings to the City of $9,460.00, and could proceed with the award process to Palsons Electrical Services; and WHEREAS, staff recommends waiving irregularity and award the "Eucalyptus Park Security Lighting (PR-288)" project to Palsons Electrical Services, Inc.. in the amount of $49,940.00; and WHEREAS, staff has verified the references provided by the contractor and their work has been satisfactory. H:\ENGrNEER\RESOS\Resos2007\12-ll-07\PR288 11190.doc 11-6 Resolution No. 2007- Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Chula Vista does hereby waive irregularity, accept bids and award contract for the "Eucalyptus Park Security Lighting (PR-288)" project to Palsons Electrical Services, Inc. in the amount of $49,940.00. Presented by Approved as to form by ~1'''"^t\~~\\. Ann Moore ' City Attorney Jack Griffin Director of Engineering and General Services H:\E.NGINEERIRESOS\Resos2007\12_1 J -Q7\PR288 resD.doc 11-7