HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1944-335 OT(JJ]~-"j.NGl1: No. 335 o.nDTT'..i;J,TC-'-~ :L'~U}\JIDTl,,'(::' li'()j:{ ~l~-jj~ :~;ST:?LI~3T~~~ ,-;};T,~TC /'1.J-:JD T,'L:,Tr.';rrEl'T.,-T"JC::G (}F' CI~:n{ T:')'\J{F".S. The City Council of the GI'.:.1Y O}il C1HJI,j\ '.;"1:::::rT1_":., (loes ordain, as follows: )e~~ioILJ-,- ','I1'lt the 1'01 low:L nr: described real estate and all improvernrJSts and e (~uipment th ereon and connected ttlere'vvitl1 is hereb:/ creat.ed as C:it:T I'C1.rl-~'S 01' t~le City of Chula V1 sts: Lot 25 - Q.uarterseetion 137 (Except streets) Lot 26 - Q.uerterseetipn 137 (Except streets - Right of Way) Lot 15 - Quartersection 150 Lot 16 - Quarterseetion l50 All as per Map 505, filed in the office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, March 13, 1888, and The South! rly 116.38' of th. Westerly 135,1' of Pacific GrOTe as desaribed, and shown as Park, on Map No.2277, filed in the offioe of San Diego County Recorder, state of California, September 15, 1942. , -1- ~~~:oction ;!. '--:tU:Clt s~'1id pDrkf~ shall be open to t,118 public and :~!lall be used by tile public at snch tlmef~ Dncl U]1on f;llcl1 conditions EiS the IJity Council at Chilla V"ista ,;lv111 Ilerec'.1'ter prescribe, and that tile i'Mlint,e;nE\llCe 01' sa:Lcl ]x1rks shall be by" tIle roark De- partment, and that tile CO,'3ts of' i311C it nmintenance SllUll be assessed by a tax levy AS sheJ.l be determ- ined by the City Council. ::Je_ctioll--2...!. 'lhat thi s ordi nance shall not pj~'evont t:w further ac' ui si tion of' property for park Dur')Qses; that the Gity may n.ccept ~3.11 ,(rl:Cts, devi~3es, le{~acies or be'1ue~3ts of ei.ther real or perso;lal Droperty from [lny other source, nubli.c or private, in tlw i.lilprovement of eXistirig park property or in the acnuisition 01' furth- er park propertie3. :3ec_tion b TIli s ordi nance shall be and is hereby declared to be in DJll force Bnd effect from Bnd after thirty-one (Jl) daYi3 from its date 01' final passE~'e and a.p},;roval. T'..~'::;':J"::I,;l), J"IjOFlrED _'dIU ,-J:_ T<O~rl;~D fJY the City Council of tlle City 01' Clm1a Vist.a, C,c]j.1'orniD, t.his 13th_ day 01' lNo1l8mber. 194J,., by the f0110winc: vote, to I.!it: __\""I~rJ': CouneilJ:len: Kidder.Riesland,Keithley. Howe,Bumside, i,10E3: fJouncilm(~n: None ~T::;Cj;'r: Councilmen: NCIle . ~ _._.~ Clty Clerk the ~~ty of Chuln "ilj,stci, C::'l.li.i'cH'jllri..