HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA Agenda Statement 1991/06/18
Page 3, Item
Moeting Olte 6/18/91
At 1t s meet 1111]; of June 5th I 1991, the Montgomery Plann1 ng Conmi ttee
recommended approval !:f ill~t~g.a--t.ed Neg&-ttve Declarat10n IS 91-36 by a vote of
4.2.0. The Montgomery Phnnt n9 Corrm'ttee also reconmended adoptl on of the
First Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan by a vote of 6-0-0.
A meeting ('If the c,ty's Resource Conservation Conm1ttee was scheduled for June
10, 1991. but thts Committee fat led to meet for lack of a quorum.
The City's Plann'ng Conmisston considered both the mitigated Negative
Declaration .nd the First Amendment to the Southwest Redevelopment Plan al
the1r meeting Ju/"i" 12. 1991. The Planning Conm1ss1on voted 7-0-0 to recommend
certHlcatlon of l::t '91~36 and to certify conformance of the Amendment with
the City's General Plan. Mlnut" from each of these meetings Ire 1ncorpor~ted
as part of the attached report to Council.
The JoInt Public HOIrlng of the CIty Council Ind Redevelopment Agency I. tho
f1 na 1 stop t n adopU ng the F' rst Amendment to the Rodevelopment plan for the
Southwest Redevelopmont Project Area lthe Amendment).
The purpose of the Hear'ng 11 te enter all documentlUon regarding the
proposed Amendment tnto the Public Record, and to recetve testimony on both
the mltlglted Negative Oechratlon and the Amendment. It Is I JoInt PublIc
HearIng boclUse California Commun1ty Redevelopment Law requIre. that both the
agendas governing board and leg1slattve body receive all testimony prior to
considering any redovelopment project or Amendment thoreto.
In ordor to insure that all requtred procedures are
guide us has bean prepared for your consideration.
presented to you at the Publ1c Hearing.
The Amendment arell Is approximatelY 4 acres lying south and west of the
proposed Project on the south side of Palomar between Industrial and
Broadway. Th's 4-acre area consist of the Motropo11t1an Transit District
Board Trolley sutlon at Palomar, and a 7 parcel area adjacent to the San
Diego Gas and Electric right-oF-way. This Amendment area Is shown on a map
attached as Exhibit A.
fo 11 owed, an agenda to
ThIs agonda will bo
The 8 parcels In the Amendment area, acreagos and uses arc shown below:
622-030-09 .17 acres, single family residence,
622-030-10 .IS acres. storage,
622-030-11 .12 acres, storage.
622-030-IS _S2 acres, storage.
622-030-22 _SS acres , resldontlal/offlce.
622-030-23 .2\ acres, single famIly resldoncc.
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