HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 1992/03/26
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Rel!tilar MeetinlU'Worksession of the City of C ula Vista City Council
Councilmembers Grasser Horton -' Malcolm -' Moore -' Rindone -' and
Mayor Nader _'
MURAIS - On 1128/92, Council directed the City Attorney and Planning
Department staff to prepare draft amendments to the City's sign ordinance to
address: 1) modifying the process for review of sign permits by the Zoning
Administrator and the Design Review Committee; 2) allowing electronic message
board signs in commercial zones; and 3) allowing combination sign-murals which
may exceed the size restrictions for conventional signs. The Council also requested
that the draft amendments be distributed to several groups and organizations for
initial review and comment. (City Attorney and Director of Planning) Continued
from the 2/18192 meeting.
This is an opponunity for the general public to address the City Council on any subject matter within the Council's
jurisdiction that is not an item on this agenda. (State law, however, generally prohibits the City Council from
taking acdon on any issues not included on the posted agenda.) If you wish to address the Council on such a
subject, pkase complete the yellow "Request to Speak Under Oral Communications Form" available in the lobby
and submit it to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. Those who wish to speak, please give your name and address
for record purposes and follow up action. Your time is limited to three minutes per speaker.
a. Scheduling of meetings.
The meeting will adjourn to the Regular City Council Meeting on Tuesday, April 7,1992 at 4:00 p.m. in the
City Council Chambers.
Honorable Mayor and City Council
John D. Goss, City Manage~
Robert A'_,Leiter, Director of Planning ,!lit
March 18, 1992
Council Workshop on Draft Amendments to the City's Sign
Ordinance to Address Sign Processing, Electronic Reader Board
Signs, and Combination Sign-Murals
The City Council has scheduled a workshop on draft amendments to the City's
Sign Ordinance for March 26, 1992, at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Conference Room.
On January 28, 1992, the Council directed the City Attorney and Planning
Department staff to prepare draft amendments to the City's sign ordinance to
address the following:
1. Accelerating the process for review of sign permits by the Zoning
Administrator and the Design Review Committee;
2. Allowing electronic message board signs in commercial zones;
3. Allowing combination sign-murals which may exceed the size restrictions
for conventional signs.
The Council also requested that the amendments be distributed to the following
groups and organizations for initial review and comment, and returned to
Council for further consideration at their meeting on February 18, 1992:
Planning Commission
Economic Development Commission
Design Review Committee
Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce
Downtown Business Association
Broadway Business Association
The draft amendments (attached hereto) were prepared and distributed for
comment without staff analysis or recommendation. At the meeting of February
18, 1992, Council raised several concerns with respect to the proposals and
scheduled a workshop for March 26, 1992. At Council direction, the amendments
were redistributed for comment prior to the workshop. The only comments
received to date have been from the Planning Commission and Design Review
Commit tee.
Following is a summary of the concerns raised by Council, comments from the
Planning Commission and Design Review Committee (PC/DRC), and observations
from staff. Any further comments received subsequent to this memo will be
reported at the workshop. Each of the groups and organizations listed above
were invited to attend the workshop as well.
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Page 2
March 18, 1992
1. Accelerated Sian Processina
This amendment would require the Zoning Administrator (or the Oesign
Review Committee' on appeal) to render a decision on a sign permit within
seven (7) days (or the next available meeting in the case of the ORC) or
the permit would be deemed approved. It would also require that if a sign
permit is denied by either the ZA or ORC, the applicant would have to be
informed in writing of the changes necessary in order to approve the
Concern was expressed with the tight time frames to review and approve
sign permits, and with the provision for automatic approval if those time
frames are not met.
Members of the Commission and Committee also expressed dissatisfaction
with the concept of automatic approvals. Some ORC members also questioned
the potential impact on the length of their agenda due to the "next
available meeting" provision, particularly when coupled with the
requirement, in the case of a denial, to formulate and agree during the
meeting on specific changes necessary in order to approve the permit.
Staff believes the time frames can be met without placing an undue burden
on the staff or the ORC. The ORC's workload is heavy -- 3 to 4 hour
meetings are not uncommon -- but few sign appeals are anticipated, and
probably no more than one at any particular meeting. Also, the Committee
would have the benefit of staff's recommendations in their deliberations
on necessary changes in the case of a denial. Although problems are not
anticipated, the situation should be monitored in order to ensure that the
ORC is not overburdened.
Staff concurs that it may not be prudent to have an automatic approval
provision without a safety valve to protect against the unique
circumstance, such as a misplaced permit. Thus, while it would be the
intention of staff to meet or beat the time frames in the vast majority of
cases -- most permits would be approved over-the-counter -- it is
suggested that a provision be added which would allow the staff an
additional period of time (perhaps 48 or 72 hours) to render a decision
upon notification by the applicant that the original deadline had
elapsed. This could be incorporated into a revised amendment.
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Page 3
March IS, 1992
2. Electronic Reader Soard SiQns
This amendment would allow for the consideration of electronic reader
board signs by conditional use permit in all commercial zones (except the
C-N Neighborhood commercial zone) provided at least 30% of the reader
board operation is devoted to non-commercial messages, and provided that
reader board signs are located no closer than 500 ft. to one another.
Concern was expressed with the potential allowance for too many electronic
reader board signs in the City.
Some members of both the Commission and Committee expressed the oplnlon
that electronic reader board signs are generally unattractive and
distracting. The effect on traffic safety was mentioned. Concern was
also expressed with defining and administering/monitoring the
non-commercial message aspect.
Staff shares all of these concerns. The apprehension about an over
proliferation of reader board signs is a recognition that at some level or
concentration they become an undesireable element. The face of such signs
are inherently not very attractive because they typically consist of dots
of light on a dark background. Because the copy moves or changes, they
draw attention of the eye and are distracting of other elements of the
environment, although it is unknown whether or not they have an adverse
impact on traffic safety.
The issue of over-proliferation and concentration could be addressed by
increasing the separation requirement from 500 ft. to 1/4 mile (the
distance between principal intersections in western Chula Vista) or more;
the 500 ft. standard was arbitrarily chosen for Council's consideration.
Alternatively, they could be limited to only the most heavily traveled
streets such as "H" Street and Otay Valley Road, based on the "public
service" aspect of the non-commercial message component, this could be
coupled with a separation requirement of as much as one or two miles, or
The amendment could also be expanded to include specific design criteria
and guidelines unique to reader boards to ameliorate the aesthetic issues,
such as limits on the size of the sign face and lettering, light
intensity, method of changing of messages, example - traveling messages
vs. changing messages, and appropriate methods for incorporating
electronic reader boards onto walls and into freestanding signs. Design
issues could alternatively be addressed on a case-by-case basis through
the conditional use permit process.
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Page 4
March 18, 1992
It would appear difficult to address the concern with the definition and
administration of the non-commercial message by way of language in the
amendment because of the wide variety of messages and approaches that
could have a public service aspect, although the staff could attempt to do
so. The most reasonable approach may be to react to proposals as they are
submitted through the conditional use permit process.
If the Council should decide to pursue this amendment, it would be
appropriate to receive input from the Safety Commission on the traffic
safety issue.
It should be noted that the proposed auto center on Otay Valley Road has
submitted sign criteria which includes an on-site electronic reader board
sign. The property is in the I-l limited Industrial lone, and, therefore,
would not qualify unless the draft amendment is expanded to include the
I-l lone.
3. Sian-Murals
This amendment would allow a combination sign-mural (a sign with both a
commercial message and an artistic aspect) to exceed the otherwise
permitted sign area if the Zoning Administrator deems that it has artistic
Council expressed concern with the definition of sign-murals and suggested
that it be better outlined and less open to interpretation.
The ORC shared the concern of Council with the definition of sign-mural
and what constitutes "artistic value".
The Commission expressed
positive experiences,
varying opinions. Some liked the idea based
but were concerned with regulation
This draft amendment is the one of most concern to staff because of the
difficulty in implementation and the potential for abuse. After much
thought, we could not devise a better definition for the mural component
than that which has "artistic merit". The question is who should make
this judgment. Perhaps it should be the Cultural Arts Commission rather
than the Zoning Administrator.
The definition could perhaps be refined to specify that the artistic
aspect of a sign-mural cannot in any way convey a commercial message which
relates to the business on the site, i.e., no representations of toys on a
toy store or food on a grocery store. This may be difficult to formulate
into a workable standard or guideline, but the staff could attempt to do
so if that is Council's desire.
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Page 5
March 18, 1992
Another difficulty in implementation is that in order to make a judgment
on the artistic merit of a proposal, it would likely be necessary to have
a very accurate and detailed representation of the sign-mural. It could
not be judged in "concept" based upon dimensions and letter and color
samples as is often done with traditional signs. Also, there would need
to be some way to ensure that the sign-mural would be rendered in a manner
which exactly duplicates the representation in detail and artistic
quality. In order words, it is foreseen that sign-murals could often be
rendered in a less than artistic manner which could not be judged until
after the fact.
Finally, we believe the potential for abuse of this concept may be great
because it could be seen as a relatively inexpensive way to significantly
increase the sign area available to any particular property.
These comments and observations are offered for Council's consideration and
further direction. If Council should decide to proceed with one or more of
the draft amendments, staff should be given direction with respect to the
content of the amendment(s}, and further directed to prepare a report and
recommendation for public hearings before the Planning Commission and City
Counc il .
c:2 v~ I a."~
February 18, 1992
19.60 Signs
Application-Contents required-Determination authority-Appeals.
All signs requiring a sign permit shall be submitted for approval by the zoning
administrator, prior to installation. The application shall indicate the size, location, design,
color, lighting and materials of all signs to be erected. The application shall also contain
sufficient information on the architecture, colors and materials of the building on the site, as is
necessary to determine compatibility of the sign to the building. In addition, the applicant shall
submit a color rendering and/or paint sample boards or chips and/or actual materials to be used
on the sign.
The zoning administrator. or the desii" review committee on appeal. shall determine
whether approval shall be granted for any sign based on its conformance with the regulations
and design standards set forth herein. Where an annlication is denied by the zoninl!
~~:~:s:t~~ ~~ the desien review committee on ~",".ll1. the lIPnlicant shall be informed in
.' '. _ ~ies neCessary in order to annrove the annlication. If the annlicant chooses
;~ ~~";nd th~ ~~lication to reflect said chanl!es. the zonini administrator shall irant the permit.
The zonine administrator shall render a decision on a siin permit within seven d~s of
the date of lIPplication or the rermit shall be deemed awroved. The decision of the zoning
administrator may be appealed to the llaaning eemmissisR in llfesrdaRee vAtIl the lflYlisiSRS af
8eetisR 19.14.9:S9. desiin review committee within ten workinl! days after the decision is
rendered. In the absence of such appeal, the determination by the zoning administrator shall be
~ ~s~';:~~= committee shall render a decision on the l\P,pea! at the next available
desien ~'e ..' ;~ti~e or the siin permit shall be deemed IIpnroved. An lIoneal
=~~ a~~s~~s~~ nri~; to ~ desii~ review ~mmittee meetine shall be sch~uled for that
. . I ;;;tlt~ deslin revIew commIttee ~ be further annP.llled In llt'l'L,mance
with the provisions of Section 19.14.583.
J. -7
19.04.229 Sian. Combinatiqp Sian-Mural.
~ombination Sian-Mural is a sian which has both a commercial
messa. e or content. reaardless of the use of alnhanumeric
;~~i~~ ~~d an artistic comnonent or asnect. and is affixed to
t a buildina. fence or other wall bv naint. lamination.
:~u~:;~~. or other similar nrocess. and is located on the same
o on which is beina conducted the commercial activity to
which the commercial .easaae relates.
19.04.235 Sian. Electronic .Bssaae board.
E;:~t~onic messaae board sian means a sian whose messaae is
disDla___ _~ liahts. or liaht emittina diodes. and is electronic-
allv chanaeable.
19.60.170 Flashing, animated or moving signs
prohibited-Except ions-Other prohibited signs.
No sign, as defined in this chapter, shall be moving, nor
shall light be intermittent or flashing, with the exception of
time and temperature signs~ eftd barber poles and electronic
messaae board sians. as same may be herein nermitted.
Signs are also prohibited with the excention of those listed
as nermitted in the above naraaranh which:
A. Intermittently reflect lights from either an artificial
source or from the sun; or
B. Have an illumination which is intermittent, flashing,
scintillating or of varying intensity; or
C. Have any visible portion in motion, either constantly or at
intervals, which motion may be caused by either artificial
or natural sources.
D. Utilize whirligigs or any similar item which uses wind as
its source of power. (Ord. 1575 51 (part), 1974; Ord. 1356
51 (part), 1971; Ord. 1212 51 (part), 1969; prior code
S33.950(E) (3).
19.60.600 Combination Sian-Mural.
Ai T~e zonina Administrator. or his desianee. shall
determ'ne f; ~ian or a nictorial renresentation is a
~~~l;:;~F~~ :~~~-~~r;i. The decision of the Zonina Administrator
;ith~ h; ~~~;i b ; t~ the Desian Review committe~ in accordance
t ~~~cedures for anneal of sian dec1sions.
B. A Combination Sian-Mural shall comDlv with all rules.
~~~I~~iO~: :~d ~~~~; ~~~~d~~d~ ~~~~;~n~ to wall sians. and the
a i -m s n 1ft ca1culatina the maximum
f aiven buildina excent the Zonina
~~i;~e sian are~ or-a the total nermitted sian area of a
9t;;~ b;i~~~~am~~ t~~r:~~~na Administrator shall deem that the
c~~in;ti~~ Sian-:~ral ~a~ artis~~~ ~~~~~aw~~~n~:~~:~~~ :~~~l be
~~~~~:~~~!~~~th; De:~~sR~ei~w Committee in accordance with the
~~;;;i ~~ocedures for anneal of sian decisions.
19.60.610 Electronic Mess.ae Board Reaulation.
. cation for an electronic messaae
o~ ~e ~o~~1i;~~tt~~~ ~~:tl~rom any other lawfullY nermitted
:~:~~ ~~i~ ;; ~; ; b~;rd sian. the Zonina Administrator may issue
.~K.&~~~'7- -ls~;~'t f the use of an electronic messaae board
a ~~n~~t;~ea~ ;;;;~ialo~one excent the Commercial-Neiahborhood
:~~~ ~~ ~..~ ~~ ~~~ditions as said Zonina Administrator shall deem
;~~;o~;~~t;Ub~t which conditions shall i~clude. but shall not
n;~;~~~rilv be limited to. the followina.
t of said sian dedicates at least 30' of the
A~ Th: ~~~~:-~~e disnlaved on the sian to convevina non-
~~:; ~~~;1-;~ ~~~ t or other messaaes. of benefit to
th ~~;;-~'t~~_~~c~~e~ :ianificant nortion of the comm~nitv.
;~~ ;di~~u~~.~U~h rules and reaulations ~s maY. from t1me to
tim~~-be-DromUlaated bv the Zonina Admin1strator.
MARCH 4, 1992
Since February 14,1992 working groups A & B have discussed amongst themselves and
staff the proposed ordinance changes as they appear in your informational packet.
Because of the brief time line since the initial proposal, (January 28, 1992), and staff's
response, (February 12, 1992), this report was unable to be included in your
information packet. The report is divided into three sections; the three sections: 1)
Sign application, appeal, and notification time line, 2) Sign, Combination Sign-Mural,
and 3) Sign, Electronic message board.
1) Section 19.60.030: Application-Contents required-Determination authority-
Proposal calls for thefollowing modifications: 1st) It provides that the applicant be
notified in writing of necessary changes needed in order for the wning administrator to
approve the application. 2nd) It mandates that the zoning administrator shall render a
decision within seven day of the date of application or the permit will be approved.
3rd) It amends the ordinance in that an appeal would be appealed to the design review
committee rather than the planning commission. 4th) This appeal would occur within
ten working days 5th) The design review committee shall render a decision on the
appeal at the next available meeting or the sign permit shall be deemed approved.
6th) If an appeal is received at least ten days prior to a design review committee
meeting then it shall be scheduled for that meeting.
Report: This proposal meets with approval from our working groups. It achieves
the goal of quantifying the denial by putting necessary changes requested into written
form. It provides for mandatory timelines which if not kept by the wning
administrator or design review committee will automatically result in the approval of
the permit. We would also agree to a request by staff that an additional time of three
working days be granted to the Planning Director to render a decision on an)' permit
request that inadvertently was not acted upon in a timely manner by the zomng
2) Section 19.04.229 Sign, Combination Sign-Mural
Section 19.60.600 Combination Sign-Mural
This proposal calls for the creation of a new category of signage to be designated as
"Combination Sign-Mural" This category of sign shall have both a commercial
message or content and an artistic component or aspect. Furthermore it shall be affixed
to the side of a building, fence or other wall by paint, lamination, emulsion, or other
similar process while located on the same property on which is being conducted the
commercial activity to which the commercial message relates. It is to be appealable
through normal procedures of sign decisions and shall comply with all rules, and
regulations relating to wall signs; except the Zoning Administrator may increase the
total permitted sign area of a given building if the Administrator shall deem that this
application has artistic value which warrants such consideration.
Report: This proposal is unacceptable as currently written. In order to gain an a
appreciate of what a Combination Sign-Mural could mean the following photographs of
"signs and murals" photographed in Chula Vista and San Diego are presented for
discussion. These are to be viewed and discussed. Some of the questions raised are:
Does the current proposal intend to mandate both commercial and artistic elements'? If
so many of the "quality" murals existing in San Diego would not be permissible. If
they are to have both elements are we prepared to say what proportions there need to be
of each'? Bob Didion (Sign Code Administrator of San Diego) shared that the San
Diego ordinance does not require any non commercial mural to be permitted. Do we
know if the proposed sign category would allow the same results'? If so is this
desirable'? As proposed this would require the Zoning Administrator to "deem"
whether or not the sign had "artistic value". This is quite subjective and most possibly
is indefensible if challenged. The proposal needs more comprehensive thought and
review of its integral components.
3) Section 19.04.235 Sign, Electronic message board.
Section 19.60.610 Electronic Message Board Regulation
Section 19.60.170 Flashing, animated or moving signs
prohibited-Exceptions-Other prohibited signs.
This proposal creates a new category of signage and in order to do so both modifies an
existing ordinance section and creates two new sections. It defmes this category as a
sign" whose message is displayed in lights, or light emitting diodes, andis
electronically changeable. The proposal stipulates that these signs could not exist
within 500 feet from another electronic message board. The permit would be on a
conditional basis and limited to Commercial zones except the Commercial-
Neighborhood zones. Additionally the Zoning Administrator shall "deem" if
conditions warrant the issuance of the permit with the following conditions mandatory:
1) 30% of the time dedicated to non-commercial announcements, or other messages,
of benefit to the community.
2) The operator of such sign would be subject to rules and regulations that may be
promulgated by the Zoning Administrator.
Report: This proposal is unacceptable as currently written. In order to
understand the type of sign being considered there are accompanying photographs of a
sign in San Diego (comer of Clairemont Mesa Blvd. and Convoy Street) which is
similar to what is being proposed. These signs can be expensive so one should not
expect to have numerous applicants. The city of San Diego has a total of five of these
types of signs with all but the one cited above being located in either shopping
centers/malls or a hotel. Whether or not the SOO feet limitation is adequate is a fair
question. The 30 % of time being dedicated raises a host of issues as to a) monitoring
compliance b) what groups or individuals get access to the signage c) regulation of
appropriate messages etc. Liability could be an issue though San Diego reports that
there is no objective correlation between the above mentioned sign and accident
occurrence. Mr. Didion does indicate that they do receive a host of complaints
regarding the sign at Convoy and Clairemont Mesa Blvd. (This sign was permitted
accidentally and if it were to be applied for today would not be permitted according to
Mr. Didion) Finally there is ambiguity with the current proposal in that a a potential
applicant is subject to possible rules and regulations which would be determined at a
future date. Though this leaves the staff with an option for future developments not yet
realized, it seems that to indicate by it's existence the uncertainty of creating this
section in the first place. Recommendation is for more in depth study of other
municipalities ordinances and compilation of their experiences.