HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007/05/01 Item 17
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MAY 1, 2007, 1tem~
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Since the early 1990s, Chula Vista has been addressing climate change through its
involvement with ICLEI - the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives-
and the City's Carbon Dioxide Reduction Plan. The 2005 Greenhouse Gas (GHG)
Emissions Inventory is the first formal evaluation of the City's progress in reaching its
emissions goal of 80% of 1990 levels by 2010. The 2005 inventory indicates that Chula
Vista's annual citywide GHG levels have increased by 35% since 1990 due primarily to
residential growth. While this represents a significant challenge in reaching the City's
2010 community emissions goal, the City did make significant progress in reducing
annual per capita emissions by 17% between the two inventory years and avoiding nearly
200,000 tons of GHG emissions annually. In addition, GHG emissions from municipal
sources decreased by 18% mainly due to energy-efficient traffic signal retrofits. To reach
the community and municipal emission reduction targets outlined in the CO2 Reduction
Plan, the City must decrease annual emissions by at least an additional 389,963 and 377
tons, respectively.
Since the 1990s, the City of Chula Vista has been engaged in addressing climate change
through its Carbon Dioxide (C02) Reduction Plan. The Plan, which was created with the
assistance of a 24-member Task Force, included a baseline assessment of 1990 greenhouse
gas (GHG) emission levels and a list of 20 actions that the City could undertake to help
reach its goal of 80% of 1990 emission levels by 2010. To date, eighteen of the Plan's
measures have been implemented by various City departments.
The 2005 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory is the first formal review of the City's
progress in reducing emissions from both municipal operations and the broader community.
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The enusslOns analysis was performed using the ICLEI Cities for Climate Protection
Campaign's protocol which evaluates emissions from three main parameters - energy
consumption, transportation, and solid waste. Although there are six GHGs outlined in the
Kyoto Protocol, the ICLEI software calculates emissions based on Equivalent CO2 or eC02
which allows emissions of different strengths to be added together. The California Climate
Action Registry, the state's voluntary emissions registry, also reviewed and assisted with
data collection and synthesis. Because a different protocol was originally used in
calculating 1990 levels, the raw data was re-entered using the current ICLEI protocol and
software. Although this has modified 1990 emission values, it creates an opportunity to
more accurately compare 1990 and 2005 levels and to more effectively gauge the City's
The Environmental Review Coordinator has reviewed the proposed activity for
compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has determined
that there is no possibility that the activity may have a significant effect on the
environment because the current action is acceptance of the 2005 inventory and
reconvening of a Working Group only; therefore, pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the
State CEQA Guidelines the activity is not subject to CEQA. Thus, no environmental
review is necessary.
Staff recommends that City Council accept the 2005 Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Inventory and direct staff to reconvene a Climate Change Working Group to assist in
developing recommendations for future emissions reduction options and priorities for
Council's review and consideration.
Although no formal commission recommendation is required, staff did present the report
to the Resource Conservation Commission on April 16, 2007 as an Information Item.
In 2005, Chula Vista's total community GHG emissions were 960,639 tons eC02
representing a 35% increase compared to 1990 levels. Transportation emissions
remained the single largest source (approximately 48%) of citywide GHG emissions
based on annualized Vehicle Miles Traveled. Emissions from residential electricity and
natural gas use represented almost one-third of community emissions. Conversely,
community GHG emission levels declined on a per capita, household and acre basis
between the two inventory years.
Although municipal emissions only represent about 2% of Chula Vista's total community
GHG levels, emissions from municipal operations and facilities in 2005 equaled 19,432
tons eC02 representing an 18% reduction since 1990. The main factor for this overall
reduction was the City's retrofit of traffic and pedestrian signals with energy-efficient
technology. Conversely, fuel use and building energy use, and their corresponding GHG
emissions, approximately doubled between the two inventory years. Although the number
MAY 1, 2007, Item~
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of City employees (FTP) increased approximately 38% since 1990, per employee
emission levels decreased 41 % to 16.2 tons eC02.
The 2005 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory has enabled Chula Vista to assess its
progress in reducing GHG emissions. For municipal operations and facilities, the
measures implemented from the CO2 Reduction Plan have clearly helped the City
decrease emission levels. To reach its 20% reduction target by 2010, at least an
additional 377 tons must be offset. These reductions may be possible from a number of
current efforts. The City's Energy Efficiency Partnership with San Diego Gas & Electric
is providing staff support and funding for additional retrofit projects in various facilities.
In addition, ongoing Civic Center renovations will eventually replace older buildings
with newer, energy-saving structures. Finally, municipal fleets can continue to be
replaced by more fuel-efficient and alternative fuel vehicles.
At the community level, carbon-reducing measures implemented over the last 15 years
have lowered emission rates on a per capita, household and acre basis. However, these
accomplishments could not offset the increased cumulative emissions caused by the
City's tremendous growth during this time period. Since the baseline inventory, the City
has grown by over 82,000 residents and 23,000 homes. To reach its reduction target by
20 I 0, the City is now tasked with decreasing annual community emissions by at least
389,963 tons or 60%.
Although this may seem daunting, there are new regional and state efforts which could
contribute to the City's ability to meet its GHG goals. The California Renewables
Portfolio Standard program, established through Senate Bill 1078, will require California
utilities to obtain 20% of their power from renewable sources by 2010. Similarly, the
new California Solar Initiative will provide funding to encourage residents and
businesses to install photovoltaic solar systems. Both initiatives will help to reduce
energy demand on carbon-emitting power plants and have the potential to directly reduce
Chula Vista's GHG emissions. Statewide transportation GHG emissions are also
beginning to be addressed through Assembly Bill 1493 which requires the "maximum
feasible reduction of greenhouse gases" emitted by passenger cars and light-duty trucks
starting in the 2009 vehicle model year. Finally, Assembly Bill 32, the Global Warming
Solutions Act of 2006, requires that California's global warming emissions be reduced to
1990 levels by 2020. The reduction will be accomplished through an enforceable
statewide cap on "significant GHG emitters" starting in 2012. Although AB 32 will be
implemented after the City's reduction deadline, the new law has already begun to
encourage public and private sectors to lower their emissions. These statewide GHG
initiatives represent timely opportunities that the City can capitalize on to advance its
GHG reduction goals at the least cost to the City and local consumers.
There are also pending local actions which will contribute to the City's emissions
reductions. New mixed-use development projects proposed through the Urban Core
Specific Plan and the Eastern Urban Center will likely dampen residents' dependency on
motorized vehicles. Future extension of the regional light rail or Bus Rapid Transit
(BR T) system into eastern Chula Vista will further encourage mass transit use.
MAY 1,2007, Item 11
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Over the last IS years, the City of Chula Vista has made considerable progress in reducing
GHG emissions from municipal and community-wide sources. However, the City's
continued growth requires it to reassess its reduction efforts and to focus its strategy on new
opportunities if it is going to meet its climate change commitment. As a flIst strategy, staff
recommends that City Council accept the 2005 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory and
direct staff to reconvene a Climate Change Working Group. The Working Group would
be comprised of resident, business, community group and academic representatives. The
Climate Change Working Group would initially serve, through an open, transparent and
inclusive process, to advise staff on creating a list of options and recommendations that
the City could pursue to attain its 20 I 0 GHG reduction goals. Staff would then return to
Council to present these recommendations for review and consideration and seek funding
support, if necessary.
Staff has reviewed the decision contemplated by this action and has determined that it is
not site specific and consequently the 500 foot rule found in California Code of
Regulations section 18704.2(a)(1) is not applicable to this decision.
Approval of the resolution would not require any additional appropriations from City
Council. Staff would return to Council before the end of the year with a Working Group
Report outlining their recommendations for future emissions reduction options and
priorities. Staffs report will include a budget with potential funding sources that allows
Council the ability to compare the cost and benefit of the Working Group
2005 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory
DRAFT Climate Change Working Group Framework
Note: The Carbon Dioxide (C02) Reduction Plan can be found at the following website:
htto:/ /www.chulavistaca.gov/goto/c02/)
Prepared by: Brendan Reed, Environmental Resource Manager, Conservation & Environmental Services
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Attachment I
em Of
Brendan Reed
Roman Partida-Lopez
Since the early 1990s, Chula Vista has been engaged in multiple climate change forums
including the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol
Conference. As a result of this initial involvement, the City was the first local government with
fewer than I million residents to become a founding member of ICLEI - the International
Council for Local Environmental Initiatives - and its Cities for Climate Protection campaign.
Through the campaign, Chula Vista adopted and implemented a Carbon Dioxide (C02)
Reduction Plan which assessed its 1990 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and outlined actions to
decrease emissions by 20% by 2010.
The 2005 GHG Emissions Inventory is the first formal evaluation of the City's progress in
reaching its emissions goals. The 2005 inventory indicates that Chula Vista's annual citywide
GHG levels have increased by 35% since 1990 due primarily to residential growth. While this
represents a significant challenge in reaching the City's 2010 cornmunity emissions goal, the
City did make significant progress in reducing annual per capita emissions by 17% between the
two inventory years and avoiding nearly 200,000 tons of GHG emissions annually. In addition,
GHG emissions from municipal sources decreased by 18% mainly due to energy-efficient traffic
signal retrofits.
To reach the community and municipal emission reduction targets outlined in the C02 Reduction
Plan, the City must decrease annual emissions by at least 389,963 and 377 tons, respectively.
The City of Chula Vista's Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Inventory for calendar year 2005
was compiled and calculated using the ICLEI Cities for Climate Protection protocol and its
supporting software (Version 1.1). The protocol provides local governments with an opportunity
to collect and analyze their community's GHG emissions in a cost-effective manner without
third-party consultants to verify the data. The inventory provides the supporting data and tools
for shaping policy and regulations that address the City's climate change goals. However, it
should be noted that without the third party verification, required by the Califomia Climate
Action Registry, the protocol cannot be used to satisfy state-mandated emission caps or for
carbon trading. The State is promoting carbon trading as a financial incentive to encourage
entities to reduce emissions and to help California meet new GHG emission targets being
established by the Califomia Air Resources Board. Carbon reductions on the Chicago Climate
Exchange (CCX) are currently trading at approximately $3.50 per metric ton.
The ICLEI Protocol separates emissions into two major analyses, community and municipal.
The community analysis represents the quantity of GHG emissions produced throughout the
entire City from both public and private sectors. The municipal analysis only represents
2005 GHG Inventory Report - Final
emissions from City facilities and operations. In both analyses, the protocol evaluates emissions
from three main parameters - energy consumption, transportation and waste. It is important to
clarify that these data parameters are based solely on end use or net results. For example,
recycling program improvements would be reflected in the data by lower annual solid waste
disposal tonnage not increased diversion rates. Similarly, the City's emissions from electricity
are calculated based on the total kilowatts used, not the kilowatts saved in City programs or the
emissions output of the South Bay Power Plant. Although there are six GHGs outlined in the
Kyoto Protocol carbon dioxide (C02), methane (C1f4), nitrous oxide (NzO),
hydro fluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) - the ICLEI
protocol calculates emissions based on Equivalent CO2 or eC02 which allows emissions of
different strengths to be added together. For example, one ton of methane emissions is
equivalent to 21 tons of carbon dioxide (or eC02) in global warming potential.
A major reason for performing a 2005 GHG emissions inventory was to assess the City's
progress in achieving its emission reduction targets. In 2000, the City approved a CO2 Reduction
Plan which outlined 20 actions the City could undertake to help reach its target of 80% of 1990
emission levels by 2010. Because a different protocol was originally used in calculating 1990
levels, the raw data was re-entered using the current ICLEI protocol and software. Although this
has modified 1990 emission values, it creates an opportunity to more accurately compare 1990
and 2005 levels and to more effectively gauge the City's progress. ICLEI staff has confirmed
this approach as the more accurate methodology.
With the assistance ofICLEI, and under the guidance of the California Climate Action Registry,
City staff collected raw data from a number of municipal and external sources, including
Parameter Analysis Source Notes
South Bay Power Plant & Main SI. Peaker
Community SDG&E Plant were not included in Industrial Secto~s
natural gas totals in order to avoid double
Energy countinn emissions
Municipal SDG&E Energy consumption was categorized by
buildings. outdoor lighting, and wastewater
Average weekday Vehicle Miles Traveled
Community SANDAG (VMT) was extrapolated from 2004 data
(excluding freeway traffic) and converted to
Transportation Annual VMT
Municipal City Fleet Fuel consumption totals include transit and
equipment use
County of San Data includes waste disposal from Chula
Community Vista residents and businesses at all County
Diego landfills
Municipal Allied Waste Data includes trash hauled by Allied Waste
Services Services and by City staff
Table 1: Data sources for community and municipal emissions analyses.
2005 GHG Inventory Report - Final
SANDAG, San Diego Gas & Electric and the Public Works Department (Table 1). In most
cases, 2005 data was directly available from these sources. However, it was necessary to
extrapolate 2005 data from 2004 values in some limited cases. Standard ICLEI software defaults
were utilized for emission co-efficients, electricity resource mix, and waste type percentages.
Community Inventory
In 2005, community GHG emissions from Chu1a Vista totaled 960,639 tons eC02 (Table 2,
Figure 1). The sector with the greatest amount of emissions (approximately 48%) was
transportation or mobile sources (Figure 2). The residential sector was the second highest source
producing about 28% of total community emissions from energy use, followed by the
commercial (20%) and industrial (4%) sectors. Because of the high methane recovery rates at
County landfills, the community did not have significant emissions from solid waste disposal.
0_ 800
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:: e: ...1
.- 0
EI- 600
W .
o e:
() ::l 30
.. ::l
- 0 20
e:_ 10
Municipal Community
Analysis Type
Figure 1: Total GHG emissions for 1990 and 2005 in
community and municipal analyses. Dashed line represents
2010 reduction target.
- Residential
'" "".""H"" Commercial
- Industrial
= Transportation
Figure 2: Sector contributions to community GHG emissions in 1990 and 2005.
2005 GHG Inventory Report - Final
Annual Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions (eC02 - Tons)
1990 2005 % Change 1990 2005 % Change
Population 135,136 217,543 61% Per Capita 5.3 4.4 -17%
Housing Units 49,849 73,115 47% Per Housing Unit 14.3 13.1 -8%
land Area (Acres) 18,558 33,024 78% Per Acre 38.4 29.1 -24%
Annual Vehicle Miles 465,342,150 699,180,400 50% Transportation 362,076 459,667 27%
Traveled (VMT)
Residential 2.438,280 3,416,724 40% Residential 182,274 265,555 46%
Energy Use Commercial 767,716 2,305,220 200% Commercial 61,755 192,320 211%
(MMBtu) Energy Use
Industrial 1,342,551 485,504 -64% Industrial 107,2~0 43,097 -60%
Total 4,548,547 6,207,448 36% Total 351,269 500,972 43%
Solid Waste (Tons) 179,986 217.459 21% Solid Waste 0 0 0%
Total GHG Emissions 713,345 960,639 35%
20% GHG Reduction
Reductions Needed To
Reach Goal
Table 2: Summary of community GHG inventory metrics and emission levels for 1990 and 2005,
Chula Vista's 2005 GHG emissions levels were 35% greater than 1990 levels, There were
overall emissions increases in all sectors, except industrial (Figure 3), The City's transportation
and residential sector emissions increased by approximately 27% and 46%, respectively, while
emissions from commercial businesses increased by 211 % from 1990 to 2005, The industrial
sector emissions had a 60% reduction between the two inventory years from 107,240 to 43,097
annual tons most likely due to more accurate energy tracking in 2005 (see page 7), Similar to the
2005 inventory, emissions from solid waste disposal at County landfills were not significant in
1Il 500
c: -1990
'ijj "' 400 = 2005
1Il 0
'E I-
w 300
o c:
U m 200
'" ::l
.. 0
::l t:. 100
<( 0
Resi Comm Ind Trans
Community Sectors
Figure 3: Total community GHG emissions for
1990 and 2005 by sector,
2005 GHG Inventory Report - Final
'ijj 40
1Il "'
'E B
w t:.. 30
U::l 20
'" ~
~ D.. 10
<( 0
Per Capita Household Acre Employee
Community & Municipal Indicators
Figure 4: Per capita, household, acre and employee
contributions to GHG emissions in 1990 and 2005,
Although there was an increase in total community emissions, the rate of GHG emissions per
person, per household and per acre decreased (Figure 4). The per capita emissions rate was
lowered 17% from 5.3 to 4.4 tons annually. Per household emissions were reduced 8% from
14.3 to 13.1 tons, while emissions per acre decreased 24% from 38.4 to 29.1 tons. Nonetheless,
in order to achieve the City's 2010 GHG reduction target, annual community emissions would be
required to be reduced by at least an additional 389,963 tons eC02
Municipal Inventory
Chula Vista's 2005 municipal GHG emISSIOns were 19,432 tons eC02 (Table 3, Figure I).
Similar to the community analysis, the majority of municipal emissions were from transportation
sources representing 54% of total emissions (Figure 5). Energy use for building and outdoor
lighting created 31 % and 15% of total emissions, respectively. Emissions from sewage and solid
waste operations were not significant in the 2005 municipal analysis.
Annual Greenhouse Gas (GHG) EmiSSions (eC02 . Tons)
% Change
% Change
Per Employee
Vehicle Fleet Fuel Use
(Gallons or Equivalent)
Vehicle Fleet
External 147,100 27,780 --81% External 14,923 2,888 -81%
Lights Lights
Energy Use Energy Use
Sewage 7,122 257 .96% Sewage 723 27 ~96%
Total 189,749 98,827 -48% Total 18,703 9,000 -52%
Solid Waste (Tons) 5,400 6,603 22% Solid Waste 0 0 0%
Total GHG Emissions 23,818 19,432 -18%
20% GHG Reduction
Reductions Needed To
Reach Goal
Table 3: Summary ofmunieipal GHG inventory metries and emission levels for 1990 and 2005.
2005 GHG Inventory Report - Final
- Buildings
- Streetlights
i===:J Sewage
Figure 5: Sector contributions to municipal GHG emissions in 1990 and 2005.
When compared to 1990 levels, GHG emissions from municipal operations decreased by 4,386
tons or 18% and emissions levels per City employee (permanent, full-time) decreased 41 %. This
reduction was mainly caused by lower energy consumption in the external lighting sector (Figure
6). Emissions from external lighting energy use (includes streetlights and traffic signals)
decreased 81% from 14,923 tons to 2,888 tons due to an energy-efficient retrofit program
implemented by the Engineering
Department, Public Works Department and
the Environmental Resource Manager in the
mid-1990s. Sewage sector emissions also
decreased by 96% resulting in only 27 tons
eC02 being produced in 2005. However,
this reduction is most likely due to
differences in how pump station energy
meters were segregated out of the dataset.
Both building and transportation sectors
approximately doubled their 2005 emissions
compared to 1990 levels. Similar to the
2005 inventory, emissions from solid
waste disposal at County landfills were not
significant in 1990.
f/J 16000
o 14000
.!!! 12000
W "jj) 10000
Cf 5 8000
Fleet Ext. Lights Sewage
Municipal Inventory Components
Figure 6: Total municipal GHG emissions for 1990 and
2005 by sector.
To achieve the City's 2010 GHG reduction target, annual municipal emissions would be required
to be reduced by at least an additional 377 tons eC02.
Since the mid-1990s, the City of Chula Vista has been implementing programs and policies to
lower GHG emissions from municipal operations and the community through its CO2 Reduction
Plan (Table 4). Of the Plan's 20 actions, eighteen measures have been implemented. Twelve of
these measures were focused on reducing community-level emissions. These actions dealt with
lowering the community's dependence on personal motorized vehicle use and reducing energy
2005 GHG Inventory Report - Final
demand in new construction through "Smart Growth" land use and planning and voluntary
energy efficiency programs. Despite successfully incorporating these "Smart Growth" measures
into many new neighborhoods' design and construction, overall GHG emissions from the Chula
Vista community increased from 1990 to 2005 in most sectors. Only industrial sector emissions
were reduced during this time period. However, because commercial and industrial energy use
could not be segregated in the 1990 inventory, their individual emission contributions had to be
estimated. Therefore, reductions in industrial sector emissions are most likely due to more
accurate energy consumption tracking in 2005. If commercial and industrial emission levels are
combined in each inventory year, there was an overall 39% increase in emissions from the
combined sectors between 1990 and 2005.
Reduction Measure
Focus # Description Status
1 Purchase of Alternative Fuel Vehicles Ongoing
2 Green Power Purchases Suspended/Ongoing
Municipal 3 Municipal Clean Fuel Demonstration Project Ongoing
5 Municipal Building Upgrades & Trip Reduction Ongoing
16 Traffic Signal & System Upgrades Ongoing
19 Municipal Life-Cycle Purchasing Standards Ongoing
4 Telecommutinq & Telecenters Closed
6 Enhanced Pedestrian Connections to Transit Onqoino
7 Increased Housino Density Near Transit Onooino
8 Site Desiqn w/ Transit Orientation Onqoinq
9 Increased Land Use Mix Onqoinq
10 Green Power Public Education Proqram Onqoinq
Community 11 Site Desiqn w/ Pedestrian/Bicvcle Orientation Onaoina
12 Bicycle Inteqration w/ Transit & Employment Onqoinq
13 Bicvcle Lanes, Paths, & Routes Onaoina
14 Enerqy Efficient Landscapinq Onqoinq
15 Solar Pool Heatina Not Implemented
17 Student Transit Subsidy Not Implemented
18 GreenStar - Enerav Efficient Buildina Proaram Onaoina
20 Increased Emolovment Density Near Transit Onaoina
Table 4: Current implementation status of the Chula Vis1a CO, Reduction Plan's 20 Actions.
From 1990 to 2005, the City experienced tremendous growth both in population and geography.
Population increased by 80,000 new residents or 61 %, and the number of households increased
to 73,115 units. The City's land area also expanded by 78% with the incorporation of 13,037
additional acres. Despite this growth, there was significant progress at the community-level in
reducing GHG emissions on a per capita, per household and per acre basis. It is estimated that if
the City had not implemented the CO2 Reduction Plan, 2005 emissions could have totaled over
1.1 million tons eC02 (192,000 tons or 20% above actual 2005 emissions).
Six measures under the CO2 Reduction Plan were adopted to target emissions from municipal
operations and facilities. Again, the measures were primarily focused on lowering fossil fuel use
and improving energy-efficiency. The City also had the most direct control over implementing
these measures through its policy requirements, program budget appropriations and capital
2005 GHG Inventory Report - Final
improvement projects. As a result, the City has made significant gains in reducing GHG
emissions in its own facilities and operations from 1990 to 2005. The largest emissions
reduction was from upgrading traffic and pedestrian signals with LED lamps. Conversely,
emissions from building energy use and fleet fuel consumption increased despite improvements
to building energy-efficiency and expanded alternative fuel and energy use. Although emissions
from municipal sources only comprised about 1% - 2% of the total community-level emissions in
both inventory years, the City's success in achieving reductions is a notable accomplishment and
demonstrates how targeted measures can produce significant CO2 reductions. In addition, these
measures required minimal or no initial investment and continue to produce long-term financial
savings for the City.
The 2005 GHG emissions inventory report is the first step in the City's effort to assess its
emissions reduction progress and to redefine polices and programs required to reach its 2010
reduction commitment. With this report, the Conservation & Environmental Services
Department has the information needed to work collaboratively with other City departments,
community groups, residents and businesses to develop a list of options and recommendations
that the City could pursue to attain its 2010 GHG reduction goals. The following list, adapted
from ICLEI's Cities for Climate Protection program, provides examples of effective GHG
reduction programs and policies implemented by local governments and may serve as a reference
for future City actions. It should be noted that Chula Vista has initiated some of these measures
already to varying extents.
Municipal Building Energy Efficiency & Conservation
o Install energy-efficient exit sign lighting
o Perform energy-efficient lighting retrofits
o Install occupancy sensors
o Perform heating, cooling and ventilation system retrofits (e.g., chillers, boilers, fans,
pumps, belts, fuel-switching from electric to gas heating)
o Install green or reflective roofing
o Improve water pumping energy efficiency
Community Building Energy Efficiency & Conservation
o Launch an "energy efficiency challenge" campaign for community residents
o Adopt strict residential or commercial energy code requirements
o Implement a low-income weatherization program
o Promote the purchase of ENERGY STAR appliances from Chula Vista businesses
o Promote participation in a local green business program
o Install solar water heating at community swimming pools
o Promote water conservation through technological and behavioral modification
o Implement district heating and cooling
o Implement time-of-use or peak demand energy pricing
o Install energy-efficient cogeneration power production facilities
Outdoor Lighting
2005 GHG Inventory Report - Final
o Install energy-efficient streetlights (e.g., high pressure sodium, LED)
o Decrease daily operation time of streetlights
Renewable Energy
o Install solar panels on municipal facilities
o Promote or require community clean energy use through on-site renewable
o Offer incentives to foster solar PV installations in the community
o Use Community Choice Aggregation to fund and promote the transition to renewable
Vehicle Fuel Efficiency
o Retire older, inefficient fuel vehicles
o Purchase fuel efficient (e.g., hybrid) and/or smaller fleet vehicles
o Utilize fuel-efficient vehicles (e.g., scooters) for parking enforcement
o Promote community purchases of compact and hybrid vehicles
Alternative Fuels
o Utilize biodiesel in municipal fleet and City contractor vehicles
o Utilize ethanol in municipal fleet and City contractor vehicles
o Utilize electric vehicles in municipal and City contractor fleets
o Utilize compressed natural gas in municipal and City contractor fleets
o Utilize hydrogen or fuel cell vehicles in municipal fleet
o Initiate a community biodiesel purchasing co-op or fueling station
Trip Reduction / Transportation Demand Management
o Encourage car-pooling or van-pooling by municipal employees and City contractors
o Encourage telecommuting by municipal employees and City contractors
o Encourage use of mass-transit by municipal employees and City contractors
o Promote car-pooling, telecommuting and the use of mass-transit by community
o Provide high school students with complementary bus tickets
o Expand local or regional bus service in range and! or frequency
o Install new light rail systems
o Implement bus rapid transit programs
o Expand community bicycle infrastructure (e.g., dedicated bicycle lanes, additional
bicycle parking spaces)
o Provide free bicycles for public use
o Institute a "safe routes to school" program
o Institute growth boundaries, ordinances or programs to limit suburban sprawl
o Target new development to brownfield sites
o Foster downtown neighborhood development
o Plant shade trees
2005 GHG Inventory Report - Final
Attachment 2
Climate Change Working Group
DRAFT Framework
Mission Statement
The Climate Change Working Group's (CCWG) mission is to provide an open, transparent
and inclusive public process that provides the City Council with a list of greenhouse gas
reduction program options for meeting its climate change commitment. The program options
will provide Council with a range of policies, technologies and implementation timeline and
preliminary cost benefit estimates, with a focus on measures that have been successfully
executed by other local governments. The Group will establish a representative group of
Chula Vista residents and businesses that understands and can communicate the science,
regulatory issues and local opportunities regarding climate change and AB 32 (The California
Global Warming Solutions Act) to Chula Vista's residents and businesses during the public
Proposed Group Composition
The Climate Change Working Group will be comprised of approximately 10 members. Staff
is proposing a framework designed to ensure that the CCWG is representative of the
community and the depth of collective experience to develop a comprehensive understanding
of the issue and its potential impacts. Staff is proposing that the ten-member group have a
majority of (7) seven Chula Vista residents from as many different neighborhoods within the
City as possible and from the following stakeholder groups and disciplines:
. ~esidential
. Small Business
· Large Business/Regional Economic Development
. Building Industry
. Environmental
. Energy
. Transportation
. Youth/Senior
In addition, Ex Officio members may include representatives from:
. Local Universities
. SANDAG (Transportation)
. SDG&E and the San Diego ~egional Energy Office
· ICLEI, California Climate Action ~egistry
Group Chair and Support
. Led by the City Council's Cities for Climate Protection ~epresentative (ICLEI
International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives)
· Staffed by the Conservation & Environmental Services Staff, and
. Supported collaboratively by other City Departments
Member Roles & Qualities
To achieve the CCWG goals, participants are asked to:
1. Become familiar with the intent and purpose of the City's commitment to the
Cities for Climate Protection Campaign (Kyoto Protocol) and the CO2 ~eduction
Climate Change Working Group 1
2. Become familiar with the intent and regulatory requirements of AB 32 - the
California Global Warming Solutions Act.
3. Ensure the legitimate interests of all City stakeholders are considered in evaluating
4. Consider the short and long-term implications of climate change for the
community, its infrastructure, public health, safety and economic vitality.
5. Understand the environmental, social & economic context of the CCWG's
program option recommendations.
6. Focus on generating those options that can be implemented under local authority
and have a demonstrated history of potential for meeting their respective
greenhouse gas reduction objectives.
7. Focus on developing strategies that reduce costs and provide added value to
ratepayers and all residents whenever possible.
8. Focus on generating options that assist the City in providing the community with
enhanced public services and sustainable environmental and economic
development opportunities.
9. Reach consensus on a preferred list of final recommendations that best meets all
City stakeholders' needs.
10. Select CCWG representative(s) to work with the assigned Cities for Climate
Protection Councilmember to provide periodic updates to the City Council during
the process as necessary.
Participants are being sought based upon several qualities:
o Commitment to prepare for and regularly attend bi-monthly CCWG meetings.
o Commitment to accept at least one assignment to research and present a climate
change issue to the group.
o Willingness to work cooperatively with other CCWG members.
o Demonstrated ability to present the perspective of stakeholders concerned with
climate change prevention.
05/07 - 06/07
07/07 - 10/07
lll07 - 12/07
CCWG member recruitment & initial meeting
Review of potential GHG reducing measures
Drafting of recommendations and presentation to Council
Climate Change Working Group
WHEREAS, humans have increased the concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the
Earth's atmosphere over the last 150 years leading to an "Enhanced Greenhouse Effect" where too
much heat is being trapped & climate change is occurring; and
WHEREAS, many greenhouse gas emissions have local sources such as the burning of
fossil fuels to power vehicles, homes and offices and the decomposition of organic wastes at
landfills; and
WHEREAS, the City ofChula Vista in the 1990s became a founding member ofICLEl's
Cities for Climate Protection and created a Carbon Dioxide (C02) Reduction Plan to reduce
emissions from the community; and
WHEREAS, the CO2 Reduction Plan included a baseline assessment of 1990 greenhouse
gas emission levels and a list of 20 actions that the City could undertake to reach its goal of 80%
of 1990 emission levels by 20 I 0; and
WHEREAS, the 2005 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory is the first formal review of
the City's progress in reducing emissions from the community; and
WHEREAS, the 2005 GHG Emissions Inventory suggests that although annual emissions
from municipal operations have declined, community-wide greenhouse gas emissions continue to
increase; and
WHEREAS, a new set of policies and programs may have to be developed and
implemented in order to reach the City's emissions targets.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Chula
Vista does hereby:
I. Accept the 2005 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory, and
2. Direct staff to reconvene a Climate Change Working Group to assist in recommending
future policies and programs
Presented by
Approved as in form by
Michael T. Meacham
Director, Conservation & Env. Services
Ann Moore
City Attorney