HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991/05/14 Item 13 COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT Item~ Meeting Date 5/14/91 ITEM TITLE: Resolution ''-IS7 Authorizing submittal of a grant to conduct the Summer Children's Nutrition Program SUBMITTED BY: Director of Parks and Recreatio~ REVIEWED BY: City Manager 9 (,..~/ (4/5ths Vote: Yes_No...!....> This department has met with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to discuss the poss i bi 1 ity of providi ng a Summer Chi 1 dren' s Nutrit i on Program at four (4) eligible sites during the upcoming summer months. The Nutrition Program provi des meal s to economi ca 11 y depri ved chil dren in the community duri ng the summer when the regular school programs are not in operation. RECOMMENDATION: That Council approve implementation of the Summer Ch i 1 dren' s Nutrition Program, and authori ze the Department of Agri culture to assist in conducting the bid process for the preparation of meals. BOARDS/COMMISSIONS RECOMMENDATION: Not applicable. DISCUSSION: The Children's Nutrition Program is administered by the United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Services. Presently, there are four playground sites in Chul a Vi sta that qual i fy for thi s program. To be eligible, 50% or more of the children residing within the school boundary must qualify for free or reduced price school meals. The eligible school sites have been verified by the Chula Vista School District. The nutrition program focuses on the national problem of hungry children in America, with the summer program servi ng as a safety net when schools are not in full operat ion. The meal consists of a sandwich, fruit, refreshments, and a snack (i .e. cookies) and is served to any child in attendance at the playground site as long as the youngster remains in the designated eating area. The four proposed el igible sites are: Harborside, Feaster, Otay, and Montgomery Elementary Schools. Si nce the Parks and Recreation Department does not have a kitchen capabl e of prepari ng these meals, it will need to contract for thi s servi ce with an outs i de vendor. Federa 1 regul at ions requ ire that the Department of Agriculture conduct the bid process for this service. Following this process, the City of Chula Vista will award the contract to the lowest bidder. Last year the department admini stered thi s program and successfully served 10,542 lunches and 7,075 snacks to el igible children during the forty-four days of operation from June 24 through August 24, excluding the July 4 holiday. Based on the reimbursement factor, the United States Department of Agriculture has paid the City of Chula Vista $25,000.56 for lunches and snacks served last year. )3-1 Page 2, Item '3 Meeting Date 5/14/91 This year the City will be recelvlng $1.9550 per lunch, $0.5125 per snack and $0.195 for administrative costs. The difference between the low bid cost and maximum reimbursement is retained by the City to cover operating costs of the program. As sponsors, the City would be responsible for the following: 1. Adherence to local health and sanitation regulations. 2. Organization and supervision of all meals served. 3. Assurance that all meals meet or exceed minimum requirements. 4. Assurance that meals are eaten on site. FISCAL IMPACT: Based on the number of 1 unches and snacks served 1 ast year, it is ant i ci pated that the program wi 11 cost $27,672. However, a 11 nutritional program and supervision costs will be paid for by the u.S. Department of Agriculture and will have no financial impact to the City. WPC 1652R 13,L RESOLUTION No._,t-IS7 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF A GRANT TO THE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE TO CONDUCT THE SUMMER CHILDREN'S NUTRITION PROGRAM The City Council of the City of Chula vista does hereby resolve as follows: WHEREAS, the Children's Nutrition Program is administered by the united States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nu tr i tion Services which provides childr en wi th a nutr i tious meal during the summer months at eligible school sites, and WHEREAS, there are four playground sites in the city of Chula Vista that qualify for this program, and WHEREAS, federal regulations require that the Department of Agriculture conduct the bid process to obtain a vendor to prepare these meals, and WHEREAS, following this process, the City of Chula Vista will award the contract to the lowest bidder, and WHEREAS, the City of Chula Vista will be reimbursed a maximum of $1.9550 per lunch plus $.5125 per snack to cover all operating costs, and $.195 to cover all administrative costs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Chula Vista does hereby approve the submittal of a grant to the U.S. Department of Agriculture to conduct the Summer Children's Nutrition Program and authorizes the Department of Agriculture to conduct the bid process to obtain a vendor who will prepare the meals necessary for the children's nutrition program. presented by ed J 0 f"I Jess Valenzuela, Director of Parks and Recreation Bruce M. d, City Attorney 2911a /3-3 \ SCHEDULE B City of Chula Vist.a- CYCLE MENU Day 1 TUkey-ham (2 ,oz.) on enriched white bread (2 slices) ".. Lettuce Apple (~ cup) Orange Juice (3 fl. oz) Mustard packet Milk (~ pin t) ~ SUpplement: Chocolate Chip COokie€s) (35 grams) Milk (lj pi!lt) Day 2 BOlogna & Cheese (1 oz. each) on Bun Lettuce Orange (icup) Raisins (~ cup) Mustard packet Milk (~ pint) SUDDlement : Cho~olate Chip Cookie(s) 35 grams 11ilk (i pint) Day .3 . Roast Beef (2 oz.) on Bun Lettuce Banana (~ cup) Apple Juice (3 fl. oz) l-Iayo packet /1ilk (1 pint) Supplement: Peanut Butter cookie(s) (35 grams) l-lilk Us pint) " ~ - )"3:.tf Day 4 Peanut Butter (2 Tbsp. in con- tainer) Jelly (2 Tbsp. in container) Enriched white bread (2 Slices) Celery (~ cup) Cheese wedge (1 oz.) Peach (lj cup) Milk (~ pint) S upp lemen t: Sugar cOOkie(s) Milk (~ pint) (35 grdlllS) Day 5 Turkey-pastrami (2 oz.) on en~ riched White' bread (2 slices) Lettuce Plum (lj cup) Pineapple Juice (3 fl. oz) Mustard packet Milk (1; pint) S upp Lemen t: Graham crackers (. 7 oz.) Milk (lj pin t) Day 6 Turkey-salami & Cheese (1 oz. each) . on Bun Lettuce Nectarine(1; CUE) Orange Juice l3 fl. oz.) Mayo packet Milk (1; pint) Supplement: Chocolate Chip COokie(s) (35 grams) Milk (!; pint) hl ~ - I. f Dav 7 SCHEDULE B (continued) City af_ Cbula Vista -. CYCLE MENU (CON'T) ... Bologna & Cheese (1. oz. each) on white bread (2 slices) Lettuce Ovange (J; cup) Apple Juice (3 fl.. oz) Hustard packet Hilk (~ pint) Supplement: Oatmeal cookie(s) (35 grams) Hilk (~ pint) Day 8 Turkey-ham (2 oz.) on Bun Lettuce Apple (~ cup) . grape Juice (3 fl. oz) Hayo packet Hilk (~ pint) . Supplement: Peanut Butter cookie(s) (35 grams) Hilk (~ pint) Day 9 Turkey-pastrami bun) Lettuce Peach (J; cup) Pineapple Juice l.!ustard packet Hilk (J; pint) SUpplement: Sugar cookie(s) Hilk (~ pint) , . ,. ~ '. (2 oz.) on l. . (3 fl.. 02) ,. (35 grams) Ell! (~i- 13-5 Day 10 'lIogie--salami, bologna, che (3/4 oz. each) on long rc LettUce Banana (!.z CUD) O:r.ange 'Juice" (3 fl. oz) Mustard packet Milk (~ pint) Sl1pplement: Graham cracker(s) (.7 oz.) Hilk (~ pint) Day 11 Turkey-salami (2 oz.) on bu Lettuce Nectarine (J; cup) Apple Juice (3 fl. oz) Mustard packet Milk (~ pint) Supplement: Peanut Butter cookie (5) (35 grams) Milk (~ pint) /