HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA Packet 2003/01/11
"'F8 en C. Pa a, Chair
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9:00 A.M.
Agency/Council Members Davis, McCann, Rindone, Salas; Chair/Mayor Padilla
This is an opportunity for the general public to address the City Council/Redevelopment Agency on any subject
matter within the Council/Agency's jurisdiction that is not an item on this agenda. (State law, however,
generally prohibits the City Council/Redevelopment Agency from taking action on any issues not included on
the posted agenda.) If you wish to address the Agency on such a subject, please complete the" Request to
Speak Under Oral Communications Form" available in the lobby and submit it to the Secretary to the
Redevelopment Agency or City Clerk prior to the meeting. Those who wish to speak, please give your name
and address for record purposes and follow up action.
Redevelopment Agency of the City of Chula Vista will host the second
public workshop to help Iluide future development of the Mid-Bayfront. The
workshop objective is to obtain a range of acceptable and appropriate
options for the project site. The 126-acre site is located within the Bayfront
Redevelopment Project Area, generally north of Lagoon Drive (F St.), west of
Bay Blvd., & east of the Sweetwater National Wildlife Refuge. The meeting
will be facilitated by Sam Gennawey with MIG consultants in accordance
with an agenda that will be distributed to the public at the meeting.
[Community Development Director]
The meeting will adjourn to an adjourned meeting of the Redevelopment Agency on
January 14, 2003, at 6:00 p.m., immediately following the City Council meeting in
the City Council Chambers.
The City of Chula Vista, in complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), request individuals who
require special ac:commodates to access, attend, and/or participate in a City meeting, activity, or service
request such accommodation at least 48 hours in advance for meetings and five days for scheduled services
and activities. Please contact the Secretary to the Redevelopment Agency for specific information at (619)
691-5047 or Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf (TOOl at (619) 585-5647. California Relay Service is
also available for the hearing impaired.
Redevelopment Agency, January 11, 2003
Page 2
January 11,2003
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
. Call to Order
. Roll Call
. Oral Communications
During this period of oral communications, the public may not comment on
matters relating to the MidBayfront project.
. Welcome and Introductory comments.
. Review the City of Chula Vista's Criterio for MidBayfront area.
. Review of December 9, 2002 Community Meeting and discussion.
. Presentation and Discussion of the Opportunity Areas and Options.
. Summary Comments
City of Chula Vista
MidBayfront Criteria
The City supports development of the site provided it meets the following
. Provides public access.
. Protects adjacent sensitive species and habitats.
. A quality project that will visually enhance and economically support the
local community.
. Economically feasible.
Page 1
Basic Options
For the 11 Opportunity Areas described here there are some Basic Options. The basic options
are described here in some detail. Due to the constraints applicable to some of the areas, there
may be some variations for some of the specific areas.
Option A - Do Nothing
· Do Nothing is defined as leaving the area in its current state.
. No restoration, enhancements or maintenance.
. No removal of debris or exotic species other than for public safety.
. The City will have to devote resources to compensate the landowner (funding
sources could include grants from public and private sources).
. A change to the current entitlements will be required.
. This option does not allow for public access.
Option B - Biological Restoration
· Restore the area as Upland Maritime Succulent Scrub habitat which consists of
drought tolerant deciduous, soft-leaved shrubs (typically dominated by California
sagebrush, California buckwheat, Lemonadeberry, California Encelia, and
· Restoration would include creating biologically sensitive filtration areas to curtail
urban run-off and removal of non-native plant species.
· This option does not allow for public access.
Page 3
Option C . Biological Restoration with Trails
. Restore the area as Upland Maritime Succulent Scrub habitat which consists of
drought tolerant deciduous, soft-leaved shrubs (typically dominated by California
sagebrush, California buckwheat, Lemonadeberry, California Encelia, and
. Restoration would include creating biologically sensitive filtration areas to curtail
urban run-off and removal of non-native plant species.
. This option provides for one or more low-impact trails which create access close
to the Bay and the Refuge.
Residential Development Options
. A cascade or terraced approach to building heights with the tallest placed furthest
away from Bay and Refuge (maximum height to be set by the option),
. The other buildings will decrease down incrementally until reaching the minimum
. Residential units will be designed to minimize direct and indirect impacts to
adjacent biological resources.
. Additional amenities could include children's playgrounds.
Page 4
Area 1: The Refuge Edge
Option A:
Do Nothing
Option B:
Biological Restoration
Option C:
Biological Restoration
with Limited Trails
. Do Nothing is defined as leaving the
area in its current state.
. For complete description see page 3.
. Restore the area as Upland Maritime
Succulent Scrub habitat.
. For complete description see page 3.
. This option will allow for a single
low-impact trail that is sensitive to the
refuge. It may include overlooks to
the Refuge.
. For complete description see page 3.
Area 2: The Bayfront Edge
Option A:
Do Nothing
Option B:
Biological Restoration
Option C:
Biological Restoration
with Limited Trails
Option 0:
Expanded Boardwalk
and Trail System
Page 5
. Do Nothing is defined as leaving the
area in its current state.
. For complete description see page 3.
. Restore the area as Upland Maritime
Succulent Scrub habitat.
. For complete description see page 3.
. For complete description see page 3.
. This option will allow for a single
low-impact trail that is sensitive to the
refuge. It may include overlooks to
the Bay.
. This option provides the expanded
opportunity for public access to the
edge of the Bay.
. The boardwalk structure will be ADA
compliant, will have benches,
interpretive signage, and other
. The area surrounding the boardwalk
will be planted with native vegetation.
Area 3: The Northern Transition Zone
Option A:
Do Nothing
Option B:
Biological Restoration
with Trails
Option C:
Passive Park
Option D:
Low Scale Residential
Development or
Visitor Serving
. Do Nothing is defined as leaving the
area in its current state.
. For complete description see page 3.
. For this area, this option will allow for
a system of low-impact trails
overlooking the refuge.
. For complete description see page 3.
. Commonly referred to as a passive
neighborhood park.
. This area will be designed primarily
for non-supervised, non-organized
recreation activities such as
picnicking, walking, jogging, and
.It may include a children's
. Uses not allowed include soccer,
baseball, tennis, basketball and other
similar activities.
. For this area, low-scale residential
development is defined as 1 to 2-
story attached or detached residential
. Residential units will be designed to
minimize direct and indirect impacts
to adjacent biological resources.
. These residential units could also be
part of a resort residential complex
with links to a hotel or conference
. Additional amenities could include
children's playgrounds.
Page 6
Area 4: The Southern Transition Zone
Note: Any opotion for Area 4 will include an appropriate
restaration between the bay and the F & G Street Marsh
to improve the functionality of the biological habitat.
Option A: . Do Nothing is defined as leaving the
Do Nothing area in its current state.
. For complete description see page 3.
Option B: . For this area, this option will allow for
Biological Restoration a system of low-impact trails
with Trails overlooking the refuge.
. For complete description see page 3.
Option C: . Commonly referred to as a passive
Passive Park neighborhood park.
. This area will be designed primarily
for non-supervised, non-organized
recreation activities such as
picnicking, walking, jogging, and
.It may include a children's
. Uses not allowed include soccer,
baseball, tennis, basketball and other
similar activities.
Option D:
Low Scale Residential . For this area, low-scale residential
Development or development is defined as 1 to 2-
Visitor Serving story attached or detached residential
Residential . Residential units will be designed to
minimize direct and indirect impacts
to adjacent biological resources.
. These residential units could also be
part of a resort residential complex
with links to a hotel or conference
. Additional amenities could include
children's playgrounds.
Page 7
Area 5: The Bayview Zone
Option A: . For this area, this option will allow for
Biological Restoration a system of low-impact trails
with Trails overlooking the bay.
. For complete description see page 3.
Option B: . Design of a low-scale resort-style
Visitor Serving Resort hotel.
. The resort's orientation will be
towards the Bay and will provide a
full range of services including
restaurants and meeting space.
. The design of the resort will be
sensitive to the surrounding habitats
and will provide significant public
access near the Bay.
. Design could incorporate sustainable
best management practices to the
greatest extent possible.
Option C: . For this area, low-scale residential
Low-scale Residential development is defined as 2-story
Development attached and semi-attached
residential units that are
professionally maintained and
. Residential units will be designed to
minimize direct and indirect impacts
to adjacent biological resources.
. These residential units could also be
part of a resort residential complex
with links to a hotel or conference
. Additional amenities could include
children's playgrounds.
Page 8
Area 6: The Seasonal Wetland
Option A: · Do Nothing is defined as leaving the area
Do Nothing in its current state.
· For complete description see page 3.
Option B: . Complete restoration of the seasonal
Habitat wetland. Restoration can be defined as
Restoration removal of all non-native plants,
reintroduction of native plants, and
restoration of the severed connections
and Improve wetland functions.
Pathways along the upland edge will
allow for public access.
Area 7: The Northern Interior
Option A: . This option recommends low-rise
Low-rise residential development with the tallest
Residential structures placed away from the refuge.
Development · For complete description see page 4.
Option B: . This option recommends mid-rise
Mid-rise residential development with the tallest
Residential structures placed away from the refuge.
Development. For complete description see page 4.
Option C: . This option recommends high-rise
High-rise residential development with the tallest
Residential structures placed away from the refuge.
Development · For complete description see page 4.
Page 9
Area 8: The Southern Interior
Option A: . This option recommends low-rise
Low-rise residential development with the tallest
Residential structures placed away from the refuge.
Development · For complete description see page 4.
Option B: . This option recommends mid-rise
Mid-rise residential development with the tallest
Residential structures placed away from the refuge.
Development . For complete description see page 4.
Option C: . This option recommends high-rise
High-rise residential development with the tallest
Residential structures placed away from the refuge.
Development · For complete description see page 4.
Area 9: The Gateway
Option A: . This option provides for a mixed-use
Low-rise Mixed- development that combines neighborhood
use Residential & retail, restaurants, and residential.
Complimentary . The buildings will cascade or terrace back
Commercial toward Bay Boulevard and the City.
Option B: . Same as Option A but this option
Mid-rise Mixed-
use Residential & recommends mid-rise residential
development with the tallest structures
Complimentary placed away from the utility wires.
Option C: . Same as Option A but this option
High-Rise Mixed- recommends high-rise residential
use Residential & development with the tallest structures
Complimentary placed away from the utility wires.
Page 10
Area 10: Under the Wires
Option A:
Do Nothing
Option B:
Passive Park Space
and Parking
. Do Nothing is defined as leaving the
area in its current state.
. For complete description see page 3.
· Commonly referred to as a passive
neighborhood park.
· This area will be designed primarily for
non-supervised, non-organized
recreation activities such as picnicking,
walking, jogging, and biking.
· Provide parking for the Nature Center,
guest parking, and for any parks or
trails within the project area.
. Connect parking by trails, sidewalks,
and pathways.
. Uses not allowed include soccer,
baseball, tennis, basketball and other
similar activities.
Area 11: The Freeway Site
Option A:
Visitor Serving
Commercial Hotel
with Community
Serving Retail and
Page 10
. A visitor serving commercial hotel
can be defined as a 1 to 5-story
structure from a nationally
recognized hospitality vendor and
based on a standard design.
. Requiring upscale design features
will take advantage of the freeway
access and provide an appropriate
"gateway" into Chula Vista.
. Commercial uses such as restaurants
and meeting space may also be
. Retail and restaurants that are
oriented towards visitors and the
local community and take advantage
of the freeway access and visibility.
. Uses can include mid-priced sit
down restaurants or retail
. Design will be stand-alone buildings
surrounded by parking lots.