Tuesday, August 17, 1982 Council Chamber
'I 7:00 p.m. Public Services Building
Councilmen present: Mayor Cox, Councilmembers McCandliss, Scott,
Malcolm, Moore
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant
City Manager Asmus
Pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Cox followed by a moment of
silent prayer.
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES for the meetings of August 5 and 10, 1982
MSUC (Cox/Malcolm) to approve the minutes as mailed. (Councilwoman
McCandliss abstained since she was absent at the meeting of August 10.)
a. Pedestrian Safety Award - Norm Black, Auto Club of Southern California
Mr. Black presented the Mayor with the 1981 Special Citation Award noting
the safety of the pedestrian traffic in Chula Vista.
b. Proclamation - Proclaiming the week of August 15-21, 1982 as "ODAWARA
Mayor Cox announced that he will be presenting this Proclamation to the
Japanese dignitaries at the banquet to be held on Thursday, August 19.
c. Special Awards - Recognizing employees who have made suggestions
resulting in increased productivity and reduced costs.
Mayor Cox acknowledged the following employees Bob Bourgeois, Police Sgt.,
Police Department; Barbara Brietigam, Secretary II, Personnel Department;
Marquise Carmen, Clerk II, Personnel Department; Eric Rhee, Librarian, Chula
Vista Library; Mardy Roth, Clerk II, City Clerk's Office; Terry Skeen,
Clerk II, Police Department; and Judith Walters, Clerk II, Personnel
Department. Mardy Roth and Judith Walters were present to accept their
suggestion award mug.
City Council Meeting _ 2 _ August 17, 1982
'~ a. Corinne Matteis asked for Council's permission to move an old Victorian
~ house from 166 Third Avenue to 644 Second Avenue. She stated the
'" obstacles in moving the structure would be to trim some pepper trees along
the route which will be south on "j" Street between "E" and "J" Streets.
MSUC (Scott/McCandliss) to refer this to the staff for a report back.
b. Bob Graham, 1425-184 Second Avenue, Chula Vista, Senior Advocate, reported
that the California Senior Legislation passed the bill which redesigns
health care systems for the senior citizens so that they can now stay in
their own homes and receive this care. He thanked the Council for their
c. Dave Owens, 761 Myra Avenue, Chula Vista, asked the Council to reconsider
a lawn care product which he demonstrated to the Parks and Recreation
Staff Supervisor which would rejuvenate the lawn areas in the City. Mayor
Cox asked Mr. Owens to leave the brochure with the City Clerk and the
staff would look into this.
d. 8ob Maxwell, 473 Berland Way, Chula Vista, began his testimony by stating
his opinion why the Sander Project would be "bad and detrimental" to the
bayfront area. Ci v Attorney Lindberg stated that the testimony was out
of order, that Sander is now subject to an EIR report review and the
Council should not allow people to use the podium as a forum for their
opinions for or against the Sander project.
a. Letter from Downtown Committee of Chamber of Commerce requesting that
"Town Centre" area be changed to "Downtown Area" on City records.
MSUC (Moore/Malcolm) to refer to staff to amend Ordinance 1691 which
established the downtown center area and boundaries and change the name to
the Downtown Area.
b. Letter from Chula Vista Fire Fighters regarding Impasse
This item was deleted from the Agenda.
5. Public hearing To consider rental increases on mobile home spaces
--I within the City of Chula Vista (Community Development
a. Ordinance 1997 Amending Title 9 of the Chula Vista Municipal Code by
adding thereto a new Chapter 9.50 entitled "Mobilehome
Park Space Rent Mediation" to create a mechanism for
mediating mobilehome park space rents - First reading
and adoption
City Council Meeting - 3 - August 17, 1982
Housing Coordinator Gustarson explained that the proposed Mobilehome Park
Space Rent Mediation ordinance establishes a process of review of any proposed
rent increases in excess of the Residential Rent Component of the Consumer
Price Index first by a negotiation committee in the particular park where the
increase is proposed and, if unsuccessful at that point, by a mediation
panel. The Ad Hoc Committee on Mobilehome Issues considered the proposed
ordinance on August 5, 1982. The spectrum of opinions ran from the desire for
no ordinance mediating rents to a desire for binding arbitration. The
consensus of the committee was that, if the proposed ordinance was adopted, a
threshhold should be included; however, there was much discussion as to the
proper index to use to trigger application of the ordinance mechanism.
Additionally, the committee was in agreement that the ordinance should contain
a sunset clause. The committee members will convey their comments to the
Council this evening.
Mr. Gustarson added that he would recommend two added conditions to be put
into the ordinance: l} a five year sunset clause; and, 2) that language be
added which would indicate that the total rent increases in a calendar year
should not exceed the threshold index as proposed. If the combined increases
for the calendar year exceed the threshold then the ordinance mediation
procedure would come into play and all increases would be considered at that
Speaking for the ordinance were Bob Graham, 1425-184 Second Avenue; Robert
Briggs, llO0 Industrial Boulevard D-28; Harold Duncan, llO0 Industrial
Boulevard; Cliff Roland, llO0 Industrial Boulevard; George Hilger, llO0
Industrial Boulevard; Illeene Ingram, 3 Corso Pi Italia. In summary their
reasons were:
l) Most of the people that reside in mobilepark areas are senior
2) The economic eviction would create a real stress to them.
3} A lease should be given to all residents and this lease should be at
least 8 one year term.
4) In the absence of a local rent stabilization ordinance the law does
not require the park manager to justify a reason for any rent
5} The residents did not benefit from Proposition 13 decrease, the park
owners did.
6) Concern with the makeup of the Negotiation Commission.
7) Submitted facts and figures on surveys taken of 18 different parks in
the area.
8) Strongly object to the CPI; that is not the answer.
City Council Meeting - 4- August 17, 1982
9) There is no division in the CPI for the residents of single family
homes and those in mobilehomes.
lO) Consideration should be given to the escalating rent increases.
ll) Mediation would cost between $300 and $400 a day, one-half of which
costs would have to be borne by the mobilehome tenters.
12) The renters would not be able to pay for the cost of a Recording
Secretary to take comprehensive minutes.
13) The ordinance should be binding on all parties.
14) Referred to SANDAG's report and submitted other survey data.
15) If the current mobilehome residents go down the drain as a result of
miscalculation, it will have a great impact on the life styles of the
people -- it would cause a loss of faith in government which cannot
survive beyond the good will and consent of the people.
16) There should be a total disbandment and reorganization of the Mayor's
Ad Hoc Committee into two separate factions; each reportable to the
Mayor, until such time as an agreement can be reached.
17) The urgency moratorium be continued until arbitration ordinance has
had sufficient time for study.
18) The urgency moratorium be blended into a more simply written
arbitration ordinance, one which will show that when the first
arbitration attempt fails that the moratorium will then be imposed
upon the park or parks which fail to try the next two forms of
19) That the Council ask the WMA for a cost of their operation schedules.
20) Negotiations for space rent increases should start at 4% which is
what the government pays social security recipients and federal
21) To recognize the difference between space rents and apartment rents
and come up with an ordinance that would be mandatory and binding.
Those speaking in opposition were Gerald Fick, 352 Broadway, Rose Arbor
Mobilehome Park; Roy Muraoka, 1478 First Avenue, Paris Garden Mobilehome Park;
Melba McKay, 4 Broadway, Al's Trailer Haven; Frank Mohaupt, 330 Broadway;
C. Brent Swanson, 203 North Golden Circle, Santa Aria representing the Chula
Vista Mobilehome Park Owners' Association. In summary their remarks were:
l) The mobilehome park owners do not want the ordinance passed.
2) Many of the residents are on well fixed incomes.
City Council Meeting - 5 - August 17, 1982
3) Have operated a park for 22 years without any guidelines and have the
lowest rent spaces in the City.
! 4) The rent spaces or any coaches in the park areas are there not
" because the people cannot pay the rent.
5) There should be a reasonable return to the park owners and a 10% net
return is a fair one.
6) The economic ability of the residents is not a relevant factor.
7) The problem of rent increases belong to the State and Federal
Government which relates to the increased cost in energy.
8) It is not a question of age or of senior citizens, it is a question
of giving the residents what they want.
9) The ordinance shou'ld be simplified.
10) Mandatory time limits should be put into the mediation process.
ll) The Council should use the full CPI figures.
12) Since Council cannot legislate to the satisfaction of the mobilehome
renters and therefore it should not legislate at all.
13) Describe lack of recreational facilities in some of the mobilehome
parks in the City.
There being no further comments either for against, the public hearing was
declared closed.
Council discussion followed regarding the problems in a minority of the park
areas in the City; the ordinance should not be a rent control one, it is a
fact finding and mediation ordinance; cannot support binding arbitration;
question of rental increases being retroactive; the sunset clause should be
put in; agree that the total increases in one year should not exceed the
allowable threshold figure; suggestions for changing some of the wording in
the proposed ordinance; and the need for comprehensive versus summary minutes.
MOTION MADE by Councilman Moore on paragraph 1 Section 9.50.010 to decrease
the word "necessary" and replace it with the word "appropriate". The motion
died for lack of second.
MSUC (Malcolm/Scott) to direct the City Attorney to put into the ordinance a
five year sunset clause.
MSUC (McCandliss/Malcolm) under Section 9.50.040 the Negotiation Commission
membership to put in the words "Owner/Occupant/Resident" to be added as a
i T · '1 '
City Council Meeting - 6 August 17, 1982
MSUC (Scott/Moore) the total increase should not exceed the threshold amount
for that year.
MSUC (Cox/Scott) regarding the retroactive clause - that the rental increases
to allow the threshold increase and anything above that be allowable only
after mediation has occurred.
MSC (Scott/Moore) under Section 9.50.050 number 3: eliminate the word
"comprehensive" and add "written minutes". Councilman Malcolm voted no.
MSUC (Cox/Scott) that the City Council include having a tape recording of the
MOVED by Councilman Scott that the ordinance be placed on First Reading and
Adoption. The reading of the text was waived by unanimous consent, passed and
apbroved unanimously.
A recess was called at 9:01 p.m. and the meeting reconvened at 9:16 p.m.
MSUC (McCandliss/Moore) that a report be brought back in one year outlining
whether the ordinance has been used and the impact that the ordinance has had.
6. Resolution 1098l Accepting Public Improvements for Installation of
Landscaping, Irrigation, and Parking Lot Improvements
in Rienstra Sports Complex (City Engineer)
Reynolds Construction has completed the construction for the installation of
landscaping, irrigation and parking lot improvements in Rienstra Sports
Complex. A final inspection was made July 30, )982 and all the work was found
to be in accordance with the plans and specifications, and all landscaping
placed into the 30-day maintenance period. One cost which is not reflected in
the financial statement is the charge from Otay Municipal Water District for
water service and a meter to serve this portion of the Rienstra Sports
Complex. Staff has been negotiating with Otay Municipal Water District on
this cost and is requesting that this matter be presented to that Board to
waive all fees except for the cost of the meter and service lateral.
RESOLUTION OFFERED BY COUNCILMAN MOORE, the reading of the text was waived by
unanimous consent, passed and approved unanimously.
7. Resolution 10982 Accepting bids and awarding contract for installation
of landscaping, irrigation, and parking lot
improvements for Bay Front Park in the City of Chula
Vista (City Engineer)
On August 4, 1982, the City Engineer received the sealed bids. The scope of
the work consists in general of constructing park improvements which include
excavation, grading, imported borrow, asphalt paving, curb and gutter,
landscaping and an irrigation system. Also included is the landscaping and
City Council Meeting 7 - August 17, 1982
irrigation aria street lighting along Bay Boulevard from "E" Street to "F"
Street and constructing a median with landscaping and timber planking along
I"l "E" Street east of Bay Boulevard. The recommendation is that Council
authorize the expenditure of $154,340 and accept bids and award contract to
': McIntye Construction, Inc. of San Diego, California, in the amount of
waived by unanimous consent, passed and approved unanimously.
8. Resolution 10983 Approving Agreements for Coordinated Transportation
Services (Transit Coordinator)
The coordinated transportation service involving HandYtrans, Starlight Center,
and Regional Center started on March 22, 1982. The agreements providing for
this service terminated on June 30, 1982. On June 22, 1982, Council approved
an amendment extending these agreements to August 31, 1982. Regional Center
has applied to the State of California for a revised reimbursement rate to the
City for this service. State approval of the new rate was anticipated in
August 1982 but now is not anticipated until OctoDer 1982. To insure service
continuity, it is necessary to extend the current agreement with Regional
Center to October 31, 1982 and the agreement with Starlight Center which
terminates on June 30, 1983.
RESOLUTION OFFERED BY COUNCILMAN MOORE, the reading of the text was waived by
unanimous consent, passed and approved unanimously.
9. Resolution 10984 Declaring the City's intention to vacate Industrial
Boulevard between "K" and "L" Streets (City Attorney)
The City Attorney has previously requested that the Council authorize the
processing of a vacation proceeding for the portion of Industrial Blvd.
between "K" Street and "L" Street that CALTRANS does not deem necessary for
the purpose of operating a Park and Ride facility. The settlement agreement
reached between the adjacent property owner, CALTRANS and the City of Chula
Vista was to the effect that ~the present Park and Ride facility would be
expanded to provide an availability of 475 parking spaces and that the balance
of the street would then no longer be necessary for present or future street
purposes. The recommendation is that Council: 1) Adopt resolution declaring
its intention to vacate subject portion of Industrial Boulevard. 2) Set
September 7, 1982 at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to
consider the subject street vacation.
waived by unanimous consent, passed and approved unanimously.
City Council Meeting ' 8' August 17, 1982
10. Resolution 10985 Setting a public hearing to require mandatory refuse
collection for all residences in the City (City
The City Council has aiscussed on various occasions the concept of mandatory
refuse collection and disposal as a potential mechanism for reducing litter in
the City and minimizing the problem on non-subscribers depositing their refuse
in containers owned by others. Mandatory collection and disposal of refuse is
not a unique practice in California cities; however, it is an issue upon which
the citizens will want to express their views before the Council makes its
decision. The recommendation is that the City Council set this matter for
public hearing on September 7, 1982.
RESOLUTION OFFERED BY COUNCILMAN SCOTT, the reading of the text was waived by
unanimous consent, passed and approved unanimously.
lOa. Unanimous Consent Item
Resolution 10986 Approving joint fire protection agreement between City
of Chula Vista and the Bonita-Sunnyside Fire
Protection District
City Manager Lane Cole submitted the contract which becomes effective on
September 1, 1982 stating that in paragraph 4 the amount should be changed to
6% instead of 5%. Councilman Scott remarked that he objected to the agreement
because the City is purchasing more services then they need to purchase. Mike
Quartararo, 3815 Bonita Road declared that the present interim contract is not
providing fire protection services to all of those businesses along Bonita
Road. He asked that the contract be effective tomorrow. Mr. Quartararo
questioned what the City would be paying the District for the services that
are provioea in July and August. City Manager Cole noted the agreement
covering those two periods of the calander year and stated that the contract
can not go into affect tomorrow as it first must be approved by the
Bonita-Sunnyside District Board. Council discussion followed regarding the
services provided the businesses along Bonita Road and the requirement for
Hartsons' ambulance service to be housed in the Fire Station on Bonita Road.
September l, 1982 and changing the percentage from 5% to 6%), the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent, passed and approved with Councilman
Scott voting no.
lOb. Unanimous Consent Item
Approval of arguments for charter amendments on the November 2, 1982 ballot
City Attorney Lindberg submitted the arguments to the Council noting that only
Proposition K was in dispute. This is the charter amendment for the Mayor's
salary. Argument was also presented to the City Council on this proposition
from the Chamber of Commerce. Councilman Moore made several suggestions to
change some of the wording on the argument.
City Council Meeting - 9 August 17,1982
MSC (McCandliss/Scott) to accept the argument of Propositon K as presented by
the Chamber of Commerce. (Mayor Cox obstained from voting and Councilman
Moore voted no.)
MSUC (Cox/Moore) to accept the arguments for the other propositions as drafted
by the City Attorney.
ll. Ordinance 1998 Establishing speed limits on Telegraph Canyon Road
between Interstate 805 and Old Telegraph Canyon Road
(the access road to Archway Inn) - First reading
(City Engineer)
In response to the Council referral of a traffic hazard at the median opening
to Canyon Plaza Shopping Center on July 18, 1981 and a reauest from the Police
Department, the Traffic Engineer investigated the current speed limit on
Telegraph Canyon Road between interstate 805 and Old Telegraph Canyon Road
(access road to Archway Inn). As a result of these investigations, lower
speed limits were posted as a trial traffic regulation. Coupled with this,
the Police have increased the enforcement of the posted speed limits along
this segment of Telegraph Canyon Road. These trial traffic regulations have
been functioning as intended for one year. The recommendation is that Council
adopt this ordinance establishing a 35mph speed limit on Telgraph Canyon Road
between Interstate 805 and Oleander Avenue and a 45 mph speed limit between
Oleander Avenue and Old Telegraph Canyon Road (access to Archway Inn).
12a. Report on reduced residential refuse rates for low volume users (City
b. Ordinance 1999 Amending Chapter 8.24 by adding thereto a new Section
8.24.190 all relating to reduction of residential
refuse rates for low volume users - First reading
Since May 1980, the City Council has been approached by residents who have
been concerned that this monthly refuse rate with Chula Vista Sanitary Service
(CVSS) was greatly in excess of the auantity of refuse which they generated.
Two issues were suDseauently referred to staff for further review: the first,
tO determine if a tiered cost plan for the number of cans per residence was
needed or feasible; and second, to develop a reduced cost plan for residents
who generate a very small amount of refuse. The recommendation is that the
Council: 1) ~mend the refuse ordinance to include the reduced rate for low
volume users; and 2) Not adopt a tiered cost plan for varying numbers of cans
per residence.
Ernest Robbins, 488 Elm Avenue asked for Council's action on this item so he
will know whether or not he opposes or supports it.
waived by unanimous consent, passed and approved unanimously. (Councilman
Malcolm objected to the low rates for the senior citizens, adding that other
segments of the residents should be considered such as young married people
and so forth.)
City Council Meeting lO August 17,1982
Council discussion followed regarding the ordinance being a pilot program,
that it should be tried for either 6 months or 1 year, that it can be expanded
after that period of time.
MSUC (Cox/Scott) to amend the ordinance to have a one year sunset on
October l, 1983.
MSUC (Cox/Scott) to place the ordinance on first reading as amended, the
reading of the text was waived by unanimous consent, passed and approved with
Councilman Malcolm voting "no".
MSUC (Cox/Scott) for a six month status report.
13. Report on the neea for a traffic signal at 8onita Road/Allen School Road
{Continued from the meeting August lO, 1982) (City Engineer)
In response to a letter from Marleen Rogers of the Bonita Business and
Professional Association and a City Council referral of July 27, 1982, the
City's Traffic Engineering Division re-evaluated the traffic conditions and
assessed the need for a traffic signal at the intersection of 8onita
Road/Allen School Road. As in the past, the intersection fell significantly
short of meeting the statewide accepted criteria for installation of a traffic
signal and it ranked below 13 other unsignalized intersections in the 1982
Traffic Signal Priority List. The recommendation is that Council accept this
report not to install a traffic signal at Bonita Road and Allen School Road at
this time.
Susan Jack, 3265 Casa Bonita Drive, Bonita representing the Bonita Business
and Professional Association gave the Council a background of the request for
this traffic signal; cited the increase of 60% of the traffic along Bonita
Road since 198l; noted the difficult left turn movements for vehicles coming
out of this intersection; asked for consideration for the safety of the people
in the area; noted the accident rates; submitted a plat showing the jog in the
road; suggested that a traffic count be made after the opening of the school
which is after September; suggested separate traffic counts be made on the
driveways going into Bonita Road in that area, and asked that this item be
tabled until such time as these reports are done so that the Association can
review them and make suggestions for alternatives. City Engineer Lippitt
noted the increased traffic on Bonita Road as coming from Central Avenue being
closed, Sweetwater Road being closed to through traffic because of the
waterline going in and asked that the study not be made until the Spring after
such time after the college reopens in the Fall and "H" Street is opened up to
MSUC (Cox/Malcolm) to accept the report and add that a study be made of the
driveways' entrances as requested by Susan Jack and that this study be
submitted back to t~e City Council commencing 60 days after the opening of
"H" Street.
City Council Meeting II August 17,1982
City Manager Lane Cole stated that MTDB will be closing "E" Street on
August 23, 1982, for the next few days and will work from 9:30 p.m. to
6:30 a.m. They will have one lane of traffic open.
15. Report on Risk Observation, Reporting and Remedy (ORR) (Director of
Last month, the City Council asked staff to review a program wherein City
Employees and others would have a method for reporting dangerous conditions
within the City. T~e development of such a program has been reviewed with the
Director of Public Safety, City Engineer, City Attorney, Director of Public
Works Operations and the Risk Management staff. All of these individuals feel
that the development of such a program would be worthwhile anq should be
pursued. Staff has done some preliminary work in the development of such a
program, and therefore it is being recon~nended that Council direct the full
development and implementation of the program.
MSUC (Scott/McCandliss) to accept the report.
16. Report on Starlight Center drainage and building location (Continued from
July 27, 1982) (City Engineer)
On July 27, 1982, Council referred a letter from Mr. Robert Ghiloni to staff.
The City Engineer submitted an in-depth report on the Starlight Center
construction along with responses to several allegations concerning
inspections and processing times.
MSUC (Scott/Cox) to accept the report.
Robert Ghiloni, 304 East Onieda Street, Chula Vista discussed the background
of the Orainage problem. He referred to the pictures and plat shown by the
City Engineer and stated that he does not care how the water is diverted from
his property; whether it is by brow ditch, or whatever other means, but he is
concerned about the permits issued by the City which he felt were illegal;
noted the court case that is coming up on this issue with Starlight Center;
that the City Engineer's report does not answer his questions that he brought
up at a previous meeting; and that his item will be coming up before the
Planning Commission in the very near future. Mayor Cox noted that the
Planning Commission will be considering this item next week.
MSUC (Scott/Malcolm) for Mr. Ghiloni to present his questions in writing and
that the staff be directed to answer them with a copy to be sent to the City
Council discussion followed regarding the allegations made by Mr. Ghiloni. In
response to Council's query, City Engineer Lippitt stated that many of the
items that Mr. Ghiloni brought up happened quite a number of years ago and it
may be difficult for him to find the answer to those questions.
City Council Meeting - 12 - August 17,1982
MSUC (Cox/Moore) to continue action on this report until the Council gets the
answers to the questions.
17. Report on American Diabetes Association Request to stage Annual Bike Ride
Against Diabetes (Director of Parks and Recreation)
The American Diabetes Association has requested permission to stage its Ninth
Annual Organized Bike Ride through sections of Chula Vista on Sunday,
October 3, 1982. The recommendation is that Council approve the request.
MSUC (McCandliss/Scott) to approve the report
18. Report on Open Space Concerns (Director of Parks and Recreation)
At the July 20, 1982 Council meeting, staff was directed to review a number of
concerns involving the operation of Open Space Districts. After meetings with
Public Works, Engineering and Finance Departments on various aspects of the
Open Space operation, the Director of Parks and Recreation has submitted a
number of concerns.
James johnson, 424 Stoneridge Court, Bonita submitted testimony regarding the
homeowner's concerns over the balance and surplus funds account; the $4,800
that was paid for the improvement of a ditch in this area which they feel
should be given back to the District; discussed the $100 encroachment fee and
the 20' setback along the property owners' homes.
In response to Council's questions, Director of Parks and Recreation Pfister
responded to some of the concerns voiced by Mr. Johnson noting that the
Section E in his report on the individual homeowners' landscaping clause
should state that the homeowners are allowed to create and maintain an area
20' adjacent and contiguous to the homeowners property line.
MSC (Scott/Moore) to bring back a resolution to reimburse the District for the
$4,800. (Councilman Malcolm voted no.)
MSUC (Cox/Moore) to accept the staff report.
19. Report on commemorative area for Chula Vista's Sister Cities (Director of
Parks and Recreation)
At the May 18, 1982 Council meeting, Council approved the change of the name
from General Roca Park to Friendship Park, and at that time, directed staff to
develop a plan to construct a commemorative area within Friendship Park. The
Parks and Recreation Commission recommended an area in the northeast corner of
Friendship Park be designated as the official site for the Sister City
MSUC (Scott/Moore) to accept the report.
City Council Meeting 13 - August 17,1982
20. Report on sale of monthly student passes at Golf Course (Director of Parks
and Recreation)
At the August 3rd Council meeting, Council directed staff to investigate and
report on an enrolled hi9h school person livin9 outside the Chula Vista City
limits not being issued a monthly resident student card, contrary to
Resolution No. 10785. Upon research with the Golf Pro, it was determined that
this person was eligible to receive a Resident Student Monthly Pass. Review
of the Resolution clearly states all currently enrolled students attending
Chula Vista high schools are eligible whether living in the City or
unincorporated areas on a year-round basis.
MSUC (Scott/McCandliss) to accept the report.
21. Report on Mayor's Ad Hoc Committee on Senior Affairs (Director of Parks
and Recreation)
The Mayor's Ad Hoc Committee was appointed in January 1982 to study the needs
of the senior population in the community and to determine the feasibility of
creating a "Commission on Aging." Public hearings have been held, the
committee has been formulating their findings for a report to Council and the
Chairman will make a presentation for the committee at the September 21, 1982
Council meeting.
MSUC (Cox/Malcolm) to accept the report.
Mayor Cox noted the visit of the Japanese dignitaries from Odawara this coming
week and asked Council's authorization to erect a pole marker in the Civic
Center to depict a symbolic plaaue of the sister city.
MSUC (Scott/McCandliss) to approve this temporary installation.
Mayor Cox complimented the Parks and Recreation Director and his staff for the
improvement of Friendship Ball Park on which the American Girls Softball
League held its championship plays.
MSUC (Malcolm/Cox) to reconsider the ballot argument for Proposition K. Mayor
Cox obstained from voting.
MSUC (Malcolm/Scott) for Councilmen Moore and Malcolm to get together with the
City Manager tomorrow morning and to "clean up" the argument for Proposition
"K" and to bring this back to the City Council for the meeting scheduled at
4:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 18. Mayor Cox obstained from voting.
Councilwoman McCandliss discussed the issue of sexual harassment stating that
it is a real problem and the City is legally liable and responsible to ensure
that a statement is made that this behavior is not acceptable.
I I · '1'
City Council Meeting 14 August 17,1982
MSUC (McCandliss/Scott} that the staff formulate a proposal to train City
supervisors and staff on the law, the impact and the legal responsibility
under Title 7 of this Equal Opportunity Act which deals with sexual harassment.
MSUC (Malcolm/McCandliss) to appoint Mayor Cox as the delegate and Councilman
Scott as the alternate.
MSUC (Cox/Moore) for a Closed Door Session on Thursday, August 18 immediately
following the Redevelopment Agency meeting (employee negotiations).
ADJOURNMENT AT ll:30 p.m. to the meetings scheduled for August 24, 1982 at
7 p.m. and on August 26, 1982 at 4 p.m.
WPC 0162C