HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007/02/13 Item 2 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT ~~ CITY OF -~ (HULA VISTA 2/13/07 Item---b- ITEM TITLE: Ordinance Establishing a four-hour parking limit along Lazo Court an~ updating Schedule VI of the Register maintained in the office of the City Engineer to include this time-limited parking zone. Ordinance Prohibiting parking along Lazo Court from 2:00 am to 6:00 am and updating Schedule IV of the Register maintained in lhe office of the City Engineer to include this parking restrictjon zone. SUBMITTED BY: REVIEWED BY: CITY ENGI~EER/j) ~ INTERIM qTY MANAGER Ji 4/5THS VOTE: YES NO X BACKGROUND On July 20, 2006 staff received a lett~r from business owners regarding the on-street parking of heavy trucks along Lazo Cdurt and requesting that the City establish a time- limited parking zone along the roadWay (see Attachment I). The business owners indicated that commercial trucks, traile~s, and other large vehicles consistently park along Lazo Court for long periods of time ca~sing inconveniences to the customers of adjacent businesses, creating traffic and personal safety hazards, and degrading the appearance of the roadway. Tonight, the City Ccjuncil will consider a combination of parking regulations to address the issue: establishing four-hour time-limited parking 6:00 am to 2:00 am and prohibiting parking from 2100 am to 6:00 am along Lazo Court. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Environmental Review CoordiIj.ator has reviewed the proposed project for compliance with the California EnviroJim1ental Quality Act (CEQA) and has determined that the project qualifies for a Class 1 ~ategorical exemption pursuant to Section 153301 (c) (Existing Facilities) of the State CEQA Guidelines because the street is an existing facility. Thus, no further environmental review is necessary. 2-1 2/13/07, Item~ Page 2 of 4 RECOMMENDATION That Council adopt ordinances to establ~sh four-hour time-limited parking and to prohibit parking from 2:00 am to 6:00 am along lazo Court. BOARDS/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION The Safety Commission, at their meedng of November 9, 2006, unanimously voted to concur with staffs recommendation t<1> establish four-hour time-limited parking along Lazo Court. The Safety Commission al~o recommended adding a "No Parking 2:00 am to 6:00 am" restriction in addition to the stllff proposed four-hour parking time limit. DISCUSSION City staff received a letter on July 20, i2006 from Mr. Ron Weber (general manager of Brunswick Premier Lanes) regarding t~e on-street parking conditions along Lazo Court (see Attachment 1). According to Mr. !Weber, local businesses and trucking companies are using Lazo Court for long-term parking, often times blocking fire hydrants and limiting intersection sight distances. !bue to these safety concerns and in an effort to improve the availability of on-street i parking for the local businesses, Mr. Weber requested that the City establish a four+hour time-limited parking restriction along Lazo Court. City staff observed the current! parking usage along Lazo Court and concluded that a considerable number of commercial trucks utilize the on-street parking on this roadway throughout the day as well as overnight. Lazo Court is 52 feet wide curb-to-cur~, and is classified as an Industrial roadway. Lazo Court extends approximately 430' so~h of Paseo Del Rey, and ends in a cul-de-sac. There are two businesses located wit~in this cul-de-sac: A-I Storage and Brunswick Premier Lanes (bowling alley). A-I St~rage is open daily from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm and Brunswick Premier Lanes is open dail)( from 10:00 am until midnight on weekdays and until 2:00 am on weekends. These two ibusinesses have on-site parking lots to serve their customers; however, on-street parking is often necessary to accommodate overflow parking. Since the on-site parking for A-I Storage is often utilized for loading and unloading purposes, A-I Storage custop:1ers regularly require on-street parking on Lazo Court. Staff has been in communication ~ith the Police Department and has requested enforcement of the 72-hour public Nrking limitation (Chula Vista Municipal Code, Section 10.52.100.B). However, due t~ the high volume and turn-around of trucks being parked on this roadway, the Police Denartment has difficulty tracking a 72-hour parking duration and performing enforcement Oll a regular basis due to the labor intensive nature of this type of enforcement. Consequently, the Police Department also recommends the installation of the time-limited parking ~igns at this location. In determining the type of parking I restrictions to establish on Lazo Court, staff considered various options such as "1'10 Parking from Midnight to 6:00 AM", time- limited parking, and parking restrictiorj.s along certain portions of the roadway. Taking 2-2 2/13/07, Item 2- Page 3 of 4 into account the hours of operations ~f Brunswick Premier Lanes (up to 2:00 am on weekends) and the typical customer pariking duration for the businesses within the cul-de- sac, staff determined that a four-hQur time-limit for on-street parking should be established. Also, to address Mr. Weber's concerns regarding parking in front of fire hydrants and sight distance obstructionf caused by on-street parking near the intersection of Lazo Court and Paseo Del Rey, staff will pursue the installation of red curb in these areas. Doing so will help ensure that fire hydrants will stay clear of parked vehicles and will help increase intersection sight di~tance visibility for motorists entering and exiting Lazo Court. Since the heavy trucks park on Lazo qourt during the day and frequently remain parked overnight, staff agrees with Safety Cojnmission's recommendation to combine the "No Parking from 2:00 am to 6:00 am" s*ns with the proposed four-hour limited parking signs (see Attachment 2 for an Exhiblt showing Lazo Court and the proposed parking restricti ons). CONCLUSION: As a measure to discourage long-termivehicular parking on Lazo Court and to create a safer environment for the patrons o~ the adjacent businesses, staff recommends the establishment of the "No Parking fromi2:00 am to 6:00 am" restriction and the four-hour time-limited parking zone along Lazo Court. Staff also recommends that Schedules IV "Parking - Prohibited During Certain Hlours on Certain Streets" and VI "Parking - Time Limited on Certain Streets" of the RegIster maintained in the office of the City Engineer be amended to include the following: 10.52.290 Schedule IV - Parkin!! t Prohibited Durin!! Certain Hours on Certain Streets Name of Street Beginning At Ending At Side Duration Lazo Court Paseo Del Rey Cul-de-sac Both 2am - 6am 10.52.330 Schedule VI - Parkin!! - Time Limited on Certain Streets Name of Street Beginning At Ending At Side Duration Lazo Court Paseo Del Rey Cul-de-sac Both 4 hour DECISION MAKER CONFLICT Staff has reviewed the property holdings of the City Council Members and has found no property holdings within 500 feet of the boundaries of the property which is the subject of this action. 2-3 2/13/07,Item_ Page 4 of 4 FISCAL IMPACT The estimated cost for the installation! of time-limited parking signs by Public Works crews is approximately $1,600.00, w\1ich will be funded through the Public Works operating budget. ATTACHMENTS 1. Copy of request letter 2. Location Map and proposed signs locations 3. CYMC Sections 10.52.290 and 10.52.330 Prepared by: Hasib Baha, Associate Civil Eng~neer. Engineering 2-4 ';c..) ~" d .~~ ~,. .' ~ ATTACHMENT I Brunswick Recreation Centers A BRUNSWICK COMPANY Brunswick Premier Lanes 845 Lazo Ct Chula Vista CA 91910 619421-4801 July 6, 2006 20 July 2006 Frank Rivera Transportation Engineer Cit!.-o:[ChyIa-Yis..ta... -,---~ 276 Fourth Ave Chula Vista CA 91910 Dear Mr Rivera: I'm writing to request street parking onlLazo Court be changed from unrestricted to 4 hour business zone. Over the past 2 years Lazo Court has bt\come a haven for tractor trailers, 18 wheelers, private business vehicle parking, and a \I1oving company storage area At any given time there could be 8-10 moving vans, 18 w~eelers and tractor trailers none of which are associated with the local businesses on ~azo Court (Brunswick Lanes and A-I storage). Parking on the street has become such a: hazard leaving no room for turning onto Lazo Court. Trailers parked overnight are an open invitation for crime affecting the area safety. Vehicles have been parking on ~he street in front of the fire hydrants. Chula Vista Police Department has tried to remedy 1Ihe situation by ticketing the vehicles to no avail. I see the only way to remedy the problefn would be to restrict parking to 4 hours. This in ,'" no way:wouldaIDi:ersely4ffect any oftJtabusinesses.i1rthe.areaand would create a safer environment for all patrons. I would aIWreciate any assistance you can provide us. If! can provide you with any additional inf9rmation please contact me. Thank you for your assistance. Ron Weber General Manager PREMIER LANES 845 Lazo Court- Chula Vista, CA91~1.2~ (619) 421-4801' Fax (619) 421-5081 N !z w ::2: :::c 0.. o ~ c o --r o U o -' ~ ~\I 0> ~l . 6~ :I: U ATTACHMENT .3 10.52.290 Parking - Prohi~ited during certain hours on certain streets - Driver obedience required. Except upon Sundays and holidays specified in CVMC 10.08.110, it is unlawful to p~rk a vehicle between the hours specified of any day upon ahy street upon which a parking control device prohibiting OIr regulating such parking has been installed by the city ~ngineer by regulation adopted pursuant to CVMC 10.04.p30. The city engineer shall maintain within a register Cfl Schedule IV which lists the streets or portions thereof L1pon which the restrictions and prohibitions within this sec~ion are in effect. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.11.4). 10.52.330 Parking - Time limited on certain streets - Driver obedience required. Except upon Sundays and holidays specified in CVMC 10.08.110, it is unlawful to p$rk a vehicle for longer than the time specified upon a parkin~ control device regulating such parking on any street upon! which such a parking control device regulating such parkir)g has been installed by the city engineer by regulation qdopted pursuant to CVMC 10.04.030, except in accord~nce with the directions of the parking control device. The city engineer shall maintain within a register a Schedul~ VI which lists the streets or portions thereof upon which ~he restrictions and prohibitions of this section are in effect. ~Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.11.6). 2-7 ORDINANCE NO. ORDINANCE OF THE tlTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA ESTABUSHING A FOUR-HOUR PARKING LIMIT ALONG LAZO COURT WHEREAS, pursuant to authority under the Chula Vista Municipal Code, the City Engineer had detennined that a four-hour ~arking limit shall be established on Lazo Court; and WHEREAS, heavy trucks and recr~ational vehicles park on Lazo Court on a regular basis compromising the safety and aesthetic at this location; and WHEREAS, the Lazo Court busiqess owners have requested that City install signs to limit parking for a maximum period of fOUl hours on Lazo Court; and WHEREAS, the Safety Commissiqn has concurred with staff recommendation to install these time-limited parking signs; and WHEREAS, this recommendation 'Ind other information in the City Engineer's report has been fully considered by the City Council; , NOW, THEREFORE, the City Couincil of the City ofChula Vista ordains as follows: SECTION I: That a four-hour parking liinit 011 Lazo Court from Paseo Del Rey to end of the cui-de-sac is established. SECTlON II: That Schedule VI of a Regiister of Schedules maintained by the City Engineer as provided in Section lO.52.330 of the Chulu Vista Municipal Code, "Parking - Time Limited on Certain Streets," is amended to include the following infoffilation: 10.52.330 Schedule VI - Parkillf! Time Limited 011 Certain Streets ,- Name of Street Beginning At Ending At Side Duration Lazo Court Paseo Del Rey Cul-de-sac Both 4 hOllr 2-8 SECTION [[I: This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force on the thirtieth day from and after its adoption. Presented by Approved as to form by Scott Tulloch City Engi neer , ., .)" -ClL.o-"'---" Ann Moore City Attorney ; /I ~ ,.. ' '{/J..<}..~ 1-1:\[Nl iINEE!f,OrdillUllccs\Ord2()(J7\2-()(I-iJ7\Ordinullcl'_(LlZO ('I) P:.Jrking Revised ec.duc 2-9 ORDINANCE NO. i ORDINANCE OF THE pTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA ESTABPSHING A "NO PARKING FROM 2:00 AM TO 6:00 AM" Z<!lNE ALONG LAZO COURT WHEREAS. pursuant to authority under the Chula Vista Municipal Code, the City Engineer had determined that a "No Parkil~g trom 2 am to 6 am" time-limited parking zone shall be established on Lazo Court; and WHEREAS, heavy trucks and recreational vehicles park overnight on Lazo Court on a regular basis compromising the safety and ~esthetic at this location; and WHEREAS. staff concurs with th~ Safety Commission's recommendation to establish the parking restriction; and WHEREAS. this recommendation .imd other information in the City Engineer's report has been fully considered by the City Council;! NOW, THEREFORE, the City COl\ncil of the City ofChula Vista ordains as follows: SECTION I: That a "No Parking from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m." zone on Lazo Court from Paseo Del Rey to end of the cul-de-sac is established. SECTION II: That Schedule IV of a Register of Schedules maintained by the City Engineer as provided in Section 10.52.290 of the Chul~ Vista Municipal Code, "Parking - Prohibited During Certain Hours on Certain Streets" is amen4ed to include the following information: 10.52.290 Schedule IV - Parkillf! - P10hibited Durillf! Certaill Hours 011 Certaill Streets Name of Street Beginning At , Ending At Side Duration Lazo Court Paseo Del Rey Cul-de-sac Both 2am - 6am 2-10 , SECTION [][: This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force on the thirtieth day from and after its adoption. Presented by Scott Tulloch City Engineer Approved as to form by '.ft.~ Ann Moore City Attorney H:\ENUINEER\OniinJllces\OnJ2()(J7\2-0()-07\Ordinunce_(LaluiC'!) (lvemigl1t pUl'killg Revised eC.doc 2-11 '1 j..../( /~.k