Thursday, March 10, 1983 Council Conference Room
4:00 p.m. City Hall
Councilmembers present: Mayor Cox, Councilpersons Malcolm,
Moore, McCandliss and Scott
Councilmembers absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Goss, City Attorney
Lindberg, Assistant City Manager Asmus
City Manager Goss briefly discussed the program indicating it was a very good
one and he has received excellent reports on it. He is, however, concerned
with the coordination of the work program, that there be no duplication of
Councilwoman McCandliss said that she asked for this Conference, and that she
has enjoyed the work that was done for her by the interns. She feels that it
will be an ongoing program and from the staff's point of view, asked if there
would be some orientation program to help in defining the role of the interns
in the City. She is concerned that without these guidelines, the interns
could overstep their bounds in interelating to department heads and the City
Manager's office.
Council discussion followed regarding the present role of the interns; the
work they are performing; the Mayor's role in modifying their work program;
the availability of the internship at the colleges; and concurrence that any
concerns relating to the interns should be addressed to the City Manager.
Mr. Dean Haas, intern, explained his role ~n working in the Mayor's office and
that of the internship program at UCSD. He stated that there are now over
100 interns working out of this program all over the United States with even
one woman working in London.
The Councilmembers expressed their appreciation to Mr. Haas for the work
assignments he has done in the Mayor/Council's office.
MSUC (Scott/Malcolm) for staff to come up with specific guidelines for the
City Council in working with the interns and also for the staff that may or
may not be different from the others.
Council Conference Meeting - 2 - March lO, 1983
City Manager Goss explained that this program was presented to the Council
last fall. The Council wanted more information on it and therefore, it was
scheduled for a Council Conference. He remarked that if the Council wishes to
proceed with this pro9ram (purchase of the vehicle fleet) this year they must
make that fact known to the State by the end of this month. In discussing
various facets of the program, Mr. Goss indicated he was concerned regarding
the financial aspect.
Director of Public Safety Winters submitted flip-charts explaining that the
program started in Indianapolis in 1970 to 1977. In 1981, the City of Visalia
began their program and two months ago, Escondido started this program.
Director Winters explained the advantages of the program such as increase in
the life of the patrol vechicles; reduction of maintenance costs; visibility;
elimination of officers doublin9-up in patrol vehicles; more mobility in
patrol force during disaster times; improvement of officer morale; the
positive effect on crime and accident rates and police accident reduction.
Under maintenance advantages Director Winters discussed vehicle breakdowns;
hours of labor; replacement parts; brakes; engine tune-ups; car wash; (which
the officers would be doing themselves) and the vehicle appearance.
Councilman Malcolm commented on the figures submitted by Director Winters, one
of which was that the brakes of the vehicles are now done every 10-20,000
miles; however, with this new program the vehicles would be 9ettin9 an extra
15,000 miles per year and the tire replacement would be less.
Director Winters explained that the vehicle life of the patrol car which is
presently two years or 100,000 miles and with the take home patrol car it
would be eight years or llO,O00-120,O00 miles. Presently the police have 16
vehicles but under this program, it would need 64 vehicles. There are now 18
equipped cars - 51 are needed in the program. Under the pro9ram costs, 45
vehicles at approximately $9,000 per vehicle would be $405,000. The addition
of 35 sets of equipment would be $122,500; financing at 12% for 45 cars would
be $124,860; 8% inflation factor would bring the total cost of the program to
Council discussion followed re9arding the validity of the 8% inflation factor
and the 12% financing charge with Mr. Winters explaining that the cost-saving
would be in the second phase of the program (second year) after all the
initial equipment is purchased.
Councilman Malcolm remarked that he would like to have more additional
information on the financial data of the program adding that with the present
information, it is difficult to make judgment on such a costly program.
Director Winters continued his presentation by explaining the Phase II cost
indicating it would be lower maintenance costs; better 9asoline mileage;
savings in officers times; reduction in vehicle services and durin9 car wash
time. Under the disadvantages of the program Director Winters stated that
Council Conference Meeting - 3 - March lO, 1983
there would need to be some method to control the mileage so the officers
would only be taking the vehicles to and from their homes; the quality of the
cars; the vandalism that might occur and the morale program. Assistant City
Manager Asmus indicated that this might be "a need to confer" item.
Councilmembers agreed that there are a lot of unanswered questions pertaining
to the program.
MSUC (Scott/Moore) to accept it in concept and refer it back to the staff for
further study to be brought back as soon as possible (within the next two
weeks) so that the City Council can make a final determination. The Council
needs answers to the questions regarding the financing and the comments made
by Councilman Malcolm concerning the vehicle brakes. Mayor Cox indicated that
another question that needed to be answered would be whether the City could
sell tax credits to other entities concerning these vehicles. Councilman
Scott said that he would include that in his motion.
Councilman Scott stated that he would like to see the City delay this program
for one year and find out how Escondido makes out on their program which they
have just started.
MSUC (McCandliss/Cox) for a Closed Session for pending litigation between
Items 2 & 3. Mayor Cox noted that there are only a few items left on the
agenda and he would like to finish these prior to going into Closed Session.
Councilman Scott abstained from voting on the motion due to possible conflict of
Mayor Cox said that this item will be trailed.
a. Mayor Cox asked for a ratification of the appointment on Dawn Schmid to
the Commission on Aging.
MSUC (Malcolm/McCandliss) to ratify the appointment.
b. Nomination to Design Review Committee. Mayor Cox asked for ratification
of the appointment of Norman Williams to the Design Review Committee.
Mr. Williams is presently serving on the Design Review Board.
MSUC (Malcolm/Moore) for ratification of the appointment of Mr. Williams.
c. Mayor Cox discussed his recent trip with Councilman Malcolm to
Washington, D.C. where they attended the National League of Cities
Conference. Mayor Cox said that they met with all of the San Diego
County Congressional and Senatorial Legislators and urged them to support
Council Conference Meeting - 4 - March 10, 1983
the Sweetwater Flood Control Project. Mayor Cox also noted that they
found out that the Revenue Sharing monies and Community Block Grant Funds
will be continued next year with some modification in funding. ~z~>~S
d. Mayor Cox presented the City Manager with a brochure on an Informational
System Login explaining that this is a national netw6rk whereby through
computers, the City could make inquiries regarding any project. There is
a $2,500 a year assessment; however, there is also a $45 a year credit
for every information provided to the network.
MSUC to refer this to the City Manager for a report back to the City Council.
Councilman Malcolm stated that he and the Mayor also met with the Coastal
Commissioner as well as the Corps of Engineers and agreed that it was a very
productive trip.
The Council recessed to Closed Session at 5:30 p.m. The City Clerk was
excused. The Mayor reported that the meeting ended at 6:00 p.m.
Adjournment at 6:00 p.m. to the meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 15, 1983
7:00 p.m.