Thursday, June 11, 1987 Council Chamber
4:17 p.m. Council Conference Room
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Cox; Councilmembers Nader, Moore,
STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Goss, City Attorney Harron
1. PUBLIC HEARING - Considering Coastal Development Permit #024
for grubbing and clearing of weeds and to utilize the property
at the northeast corner of Bay Boulevard and E Street for
special events parking on July 2 and July 4, 1987 (Deputy City
RESOLUTION 13069 - Authorizing the issuance of coastal
development permit #024 for grubbing and clearing of weeds and
to utilize the property at the northeast corner of Bay
Boulevard and E Street for special event parking on July 2 and
July 4
On July 2 and July 4, 1987, the Chula Vista Nature Interpretive
Center will be conducting grand opening events. The Bayfront
Conservancy Trust will be hosting a Gala Premiere (by special
invitation) between 6:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. on July 2 and a grand
opening open house on July 4 during the hours of 1:30 p.m. and
4:00 p.m. Off-site parking will be necessary to accommodate
guests to these events. It is proposed that the vacant lot,
located at the northeast corner of Bya Boulevard and "E" Street be
used for this purpose. Grubbing and clearing of weeds on the
subject property is also proposed at this time.
The project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to
Sections 15304 class 4 (e) of CEQA guidelines. A coastal
development permit is required ;for these activities.
The recommendation is that the City council conduct a public
hearing and consider the atached resolution and findings therein
(i) finding that the proposed project is consistent with the
policies of the certified Chula Vista Local Coastal Program and
(2) issuing Coastal Development Permit #024.
Minutes - 2 - June 11, 1987
Budget Session 2
Mayor Cox questioned whether the resolution will also cover the
meetings proposed for the July 16 League of California Cities and
the one in September. It was noted that no staff person from
Community Development was there to answer this question, so the
item was trailed.
City Manager Goss submitted the proposed CIP budget the Fiscal
Year 1987-88 and the Supplemental Budget Reports #14 for the
Automated Informational Service in the Library and #15 New
Personnel Costs. He also submitted his list of the
prioritizations of personnel for the 28 proposed positions, noting
that there is one additional position being added to this list
in the Police Department since the City of Imperial Beach is
interested in contracting with the City for those services.
The City Manager asked the Council for a consensus of a 2-1 vote
which may be taken at this evening's meeting, knowing that only
three Councilmembers would be present. He asked that any 2-1 vote
be a vote to continue the item for further consideration. Mr.
Goss also noted that there will be a Redevelopment Agency meeting
on June 18 and if there are any carryover items on the budget,
they can be considered after that meeting which begins at 4 p.m.
City Manager Goss submitted the Fire Department budget which he
explained is a decrease from $4,307,220 to ~4,134,880 or a
decrease of $172,340. The decrease is a result of various factors
including overtime, retirement, equipment maintenance and
contractual services. Staff would increase from 80.5 to 81.5
positions. Mr. Goss then highlighted the various components of
the budget: a new position of Firefighter/Inspector and a vehicle
be added to the Fire Prevention section at a cost of $43,470; the
Physical Fitness Program continued this next fiscal year and that
physical exercise equipment be purchased for a total cost of
~27,850; purchase of two rescue air bag systems, one high pressure
system and one medium pressure system at a cost of $15,100; o6her
equipment to be purchased are resuscitators, breathing apparatus,
additional fire extinguisher supplies and a micro-computer at a
cost of $10,180 plus furniture and miscellaneous equipment.
Mr. Goss noted that one of the proposals is to purchase a battery
powered talking fire hydrant called "Pluggie" at a cost of ~3,195
which will be used for school children to enhance the fire
prevention messages.
Council discussion followed with Director of Public Safety Winters
explaining the requirements for the Physical Fitness Program and
Battalion Chief Harrold explaining the operations and use of the
rescue air bag system.
Minutes - 3 - June 11, 1987
Budget Session 2
Councilwoman McCandliss questioned the City Manager as to the
number of computers being purchased by the City within the last
year or two and the amount being budgeted for this year. She
questioned the cost of the micro-computer being purchased for the
Fire Department noting that her research has found it could be
pur'chased at a lesser cost.
Data Processing Manager Pavlicek noted the trend toward purchasing
computer equipment is to go for more power and less money. All
the proposed purchases in this year's budget will be evaluated at
the time they will be going out to bid so the price could be lower
on these items.
MSUC (Moore/Cox) to tentatively approve the Fire Department budget
as recommended by the City Manager noting that all personnel
requests will be evaluated and considered at the close of the
budget sessions.
MS (McCandliss/Nader) for the City Manager to submit a summary of
the computer equipment pr,oposed to be purchased in this budget
listing them department by department.
City Manager Goss submitted this information to the Councilmembers
indicating his staff has already prepared the report.
Councilwoman McCandliss said she would like to get a comparison on
what was spent last year and what is proposed to be spent this
year. She withdrew her motion. Councilman Nader withdrew his
1. PUBLIC HEARING - Considering Coastal Development Permit #024
for grubbing and clearing of weeds and to utilize the property
at the northeast corner of Bay Boulevard and E Street for
special events parking on July 2 and July 4, 1987 (Deputy City
RESOLUTION 13069 - Authorizing the issuance of coastal
development permit #024 for grubbing and clearing of weeds and
to utilize the property at the northeast corner of Bay
Boulevard and E Street for special event parking on July 2 and
July 4
Deputy City Manager Morris stated that the resolution should be
amended to include the dates of July 16 and September 10 and to
allow staff to return with separate permits for temporary parking
for those dates.
MSUC (Cox/McCandliss) to amend resolution to include the dates of
July 16 and September 10 for overflow parking.
text was waived by unanimous consent, passed and approved
unanimously with Councilman Malcolm absent.
Minutes - 4 - June 11, 1987
Budget Session 2
City Manager Goss submitted the proposed budget noting the
increase from $9,549,950 to $9,700,800 or an increase of
$150,850. He noted the increase was due in part to a rise in the
base budget because of mid-year personnel additions which were
funded for a full year plus an increase in the additional
staffing, along with other equipment requests.
The City Manager highlighted the various components of this budget
noting: the increase in supplemental requests includes 10 new
positions plus added vehicles, radios, cameras and equipment; this
will increase personnel in the Department from 189.5 to 199.5.
The recommendations in this budget attempt to address some of the
Department's needs for the Investigation Division; noted the
change of personnel, specifically that four Police Agents at a
cost of $199,000 be authorized in the Investigations; two Police
Agents with vehicles be added to the Property Crimes Unit at a
cost of $105,710; a Police Agent be added to the Juvenile Division
at a cost of $40,420; one Community Service Officer be assigned to
Crime Prevention at a cost of $25,720; a Principal Management
Assistant at a cost of $35,730 be added to take over the budget
functions of the Business Office Manager; a Clerk II be added to
the Business Office at a cost of $22,080; a Communications Systems
Manager and related equipment be added at a cost of $46,140 and
various furniture and equipment.
Councilwoman McCandliss noted that the budget reflects a
reorganization of the Department. She would vote to approve the
budget but to freeze the money for additional personnel until such
time as the Council receives a full report on it. She would
specifically like to know how these new positions inter-relate to
the Chief's position.
In answer to Councilwoman McCandliss' question, Director Winters
responded to the justifications for personnel and explained that
the 15 automatic pistols being proposed for purchase at a cost of
$7,140 would be for the City's SWAT Team. Presently, the officers
are buying their own automatic pistols.
MSUC (Moore/McCandliss) to tentatively approve the Police
Department budget as recommended by the City Manager noting that
personnel will be evaluated at the close of the budget sessions.
MS (Nader/McCandliss) when the Council discusses the personnel
for the entire budget that added to the list be one (1) additional
Crime Suppression Officer along with a vehicle.
Mayor Cox said he would prefer to look at the entire personnel
"wish list" before deciding to add any additional positions.
Minutes 5 June 11, 1987
Budget Session 2
Councilman Moore agreed that he does not want to make any
personnel decisions at this time.
The motion failed by the following vote:
AYES: Nader, McCandliss
NOES: Cox, Moore
ABSENT: Malcolm
MSUC (McCandliss/Nader) that at the next budget session when the
Council considers personnel that a report come back on the
administrative structure for the Police Department and how the new
positions will fit in, also one for the Fire Department and any
support personnel.
A break was called at this time (5:40-5:45 p.m.).
City Manager presented the budget for the Parks & Recreation
Department noting that it also includes Open Space/Bayfront
Conservancy Trust. He asked that the Council not consider the
Bayfront Conservancy Trust at this time; he will be presenting
that budget at a later time.
The Parks & Recreation budget is proposed to increase from $2,
773,220 to $2,813,390 or an increase of $35,170. The increase is
a result of a proposed reorganization of the Recreation Division
budget; some minor program enhancements; an increase in
maintenance staff; and a variety of maintenance services, park
maintenance equipment and swimming pool repairs. In terms of
personnel the City Manager stated the increase is recommended from
78.1 FTE positions to 83.9 FTE or an increase of 5.22 FTE
The Open Space District budget is proposed to increase from
$359,125 to $443,170 or an increase of $84,050. The increase is a
result of increased utility expenses; proposed irrigations
systems; planting and restoration of burned areas. He is
proposing that the staffing increase from 1.0 to 1.5 FTE.
Director of Parks & Recreation Mollinedo explained his proposal
that the 2.75 Senior Life Guard FTE hours be reduced to .89 Senior
Lifeguard FTE hours along with an additional .48 regular Lifeguard
hours since there is no longer any need for as many Senior
Lifeguard hours.
Minutes 6 June 11, 1987
Budget Session 2
Councilwoman McCandliss questioned deleting the positions of the
two Lifeguards and replacing them with temporary seasonal
positions. Director Mollinedo stated that this is legal.
According to the Fair Labor Standards Act seasonal workers cannot
put in more than 1,040 hours per year.
Tamsie Pierce, 1554 Marble Court, Chula Vista, asked that Council
consider the funding of 8 starting platforms at Loma Verde Pool at
a cost of $4,800 which is not being recommended by the City
Manager. She explained that the Junior Olympics will be held at
the Loma Verde Pool in September. Previously, the aquatics team
had been borrowing the equipment from National City; however,
National City has now purchased new blocks which cannot be used on
the Loma Verde Pool.
Councilman Nader noted that the School Districts use the pool ~nd
questioned why they should not pay for a portion of these blocks.
Councilman Moore stated he would agree to having the City pay 1/3
of the cost provided the s'chools pay 1/3 and the community chip in
Mr. Jim Flinn, Union Representative of the CVEA, 8929 Covina
Street, San Diego 92126, spoke against eliminating the two
Lifeguard positions stating that these people have been employed
by the City for 10 years; there have been no accidents in that
time; they are dedicated and knowledgeable employees; the total
cost for both employees would be less than $5,000, which includes
all benefits.
Council discussion followed regarding the legality of eliminating
the positions in the Department; other positions which may be
available to them on a part-time basis; the "bumping' procedure
used throughout the City.
MS (Nader/McCandliss) to refer this matter to the City Attorney
and the Director of Parks & Recreation for a report back.
Councilman Moore asked that the report also include a
reconsideration of these positions. Councilman Nader added that
to his motion. Councilwoman McCandliss agreed to the second and
the motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Moore noted the recommendation to purchase four
flagpoles for the front of the Legislative Office on Davidson
Street at a cost of $3500 stating he cannot support this purchase.
Further Council discussion involved the Open Space District and
the increasing costs; the amount of time that the Open Space
Coordinator spends in the office rather than out in the field.
Minutes 7 June 11, 1987
Budget Session 2
Director Mollinedo explained that the Open Space Coordinator
spends one half his time in the field and one half time in the
office preparing contracts for the open space districts.
MSUC (Moore/Cox) to tentatively approve the Parks &
Recreation/Open Space budget as amended and as recommended by the
City Manager, noting that personnel will be evaluated at the end
of the budget sessions.
MSUC (McCandliss/Moore) to delete the $3500 for the purchase of
four flag poles and in its place to fund 1/3 of the cost for the
swimming blocks, assuming 1/3 support will come from the school
district and 1/3 from the community.
MSUC (McCandliss/Moore) that the Aquatics Division budget be
withheld from the Parks & Recreation budget at this time.
At 6:45 p.m. the Council recessed for a dinner break. The Session
reconvened at 7:00 in the Council Chamber. Mayor Cox announced
that this was a continuation of the Budget Session which began at
4 p.m. in the Council Conference Room at City Hall.
Library Director Lane presented her budget for Fiscal Year 1987-88
noting the increase from $1,866,210 to $2,018,060 or an increase
of $151,850. She noted that approximately 3/4 of this increase
was related to the purchase of adult and children's books and to
improve the magazine collection; improve certain staffing
requirements; to purchase a new disc drive for the Library's
computer and to replace damaged video cassettes.
In answer to Councilwoman McCandliss' question regarding the
purchase of a third disc drive at a cost of $43,870, Director Lane
stated that she feels it could be purchased at a lesser cost. The
Library is under a contract with vendors who run their automated
system and this vendor specifically recommended this particular
data equipment. Director Lane added that the price will be
evaluated at the time the actual purchase will be made.
City Manager Goss highlighted the various components of the
budget noting that the budget is supported by State sources which
includes $180,330 from the California Library Services Act and
$112,510 from the Public Library Fund. He is proposing that this
be increased from $203,620 which was budgeted for 86-87 to
$252,830. The budget not only includes money to buy the books but
also to fund the clerical staff to process the new books.
Minutes 8 June 11, 1987
Budget Session 2
Director Lane explained that the is a "magazine collector"
microfilm subscription service. The first year cost is $14,500
and subsequent years will be $6020. The collection comprises 500
of the most popular periodicals and is indexed by title in case
anyone is searching for a specific article.
Further Council discussion ensued regarding the security system
noting the amount of books that are lost and never recovered
during the course of one year, and the suggestion to start
developing a more refined way of targeting these missing books.
MSUC (Cox/McCandliss) to tentatively approve the Library budget as
recommended by the City Manager noting that personnel will be
evaluated at the end of the budget sessions.
Mayor Cox left the meeting at this time - 7:30 p.m. Mayor pro
Tempore Moore presided over the rest of the meeting.
City Manager Goss presented the budget noting the increase from
$21,890 to $22,540 or an increase of $650. He stated that funds
for the budgets for the 11 Boards and Commissions cover accounts
for supplies, postage, printing, training, travel and, in a couple
of cases, overtime for taking minutes.
City Manager noted the increase from $3150 to $3840; however, only
$3340 is recommended in the 87-88 budget. He is not recommending
that the increase in promotional expenses from $1000 to $1500 be
approved. The only justification for the $500 increase is an
indication that there are unspecified extra activities which will
be scheduled for 1987-88.
In response to the question of Mr. Eric Money-Penney, Chairman of
the International Friendship Commission, the City Manager
explained the reduction of the $500 amount.
The City Manager's recommendation is for $1400.
The City Manager's recommendation is for $650.
The City Manager's recommendation is for $500.
Minutes - 9 - June 11, 1987
Budget Session 2
City Manager Goss noted the increase in this budget from 4810 to
$1680; although $1050 is being recommended for the budget. The
main difference is the increase in travel from ~350 to ~1270 in
order that two members can attend both the California Library
Association Conference in Santa Clara and the State Library's
Legislative Day in Sacramento.
Susan Miller, Chairman, Library Board of Trustees, explained the
justification for having two members attend noting her last
attendance in Sacramento resulted in talking to legislators,
specifically aDout SB 181 which is the construction and renovation
bill. She noted the next conference would be in San Francisco and
the National Conference is going to be held in New Orleans.
Councilwoman McCandliss commented that the Commission's budget has
the option of either going to Sacramento or having two members go
to Santa Clara.
Director Lane stated she cannot emphasize enough the benefit to
the Board for having two members attend both of these Conferences.
Council discussion followed regarding the "policy" for department
heads and members of Boards and Commissions to attend conferences:
one in state, one out of state. Since there were no specific
rules for Boards and Commissions, Mayor pro Tempore Moore stated
that the policy should perhaps be changed to allow more
flexibility and guidelines to the City Manager.
MSUC (Moore/McCandliss) to direct staff for next year's budget to
come back with a proposed policy regarding multiple employees of
Boards and Commissions to attend conferences outside and inside
the State of California.
Councilman Nader stated he does not want to see this policy as
"hard and fast" so that when it comes to budget time they will
have that policy in mind; however, if they want something over and
above that they should be able to justify the request.
Councilwoman McCandliss indicated she could not vote to send any
Commissioner to the New Orleans conference but they should have
the opportunity of attending conferences in the State of
MSUC (McCandliss/Nader) to refer to the City Manager the
possibility of having a Trustee or two attend the San Francisco
conference and bring back whatever document is necessary to
authorize those funds (San Francisco conference to be held the
latter part of June 1987).
· Minutes 10 - June 11, 1987
Budget Session 2
Councilman Nader asked that the City Clerk note that in the next
workshop it should include more detailed information on how
Commissions should go about presenting budgets to the City Manager.
MS (Nader/McCandliss) that a tentative amount of $310 be
authorized as additional funds for 1 member of the Library Board
of Trustees to attend the next conference of the American Library
Mayor pro Tempore Moore noted his possible conflict on this item
(his wife is a member of the Board). Councilman Nader stated that
he would like to see this motion presented at the next budget
session and withdrew his motion. Councilwoman McCandliss withdrew
her second.
The City Manager's recommendation is for 95390.
The City Manager's recommendation is for $1160.
The City Manager's recommendation is for 91020.
The City Manager's recommendation is for $1890.
The City Manager's recommendation is for 91920. He explained that
the Commission's request was for ~6310 and he is recommending
91920 to be included in this next year's budget. The recommended
increase will permit meals and miscellaneous as well as
registration for 7 members of the Commission to attend the
American Society on Aging Conference which will be held in San
Diego. He is not recommending their request to send two members
to the National Council on Aging Conference in Washington, D.C. or
for 3 members to attend the Governor's Conference on Aging in
Maggie Helton, 162 Mankato Drive, Chula Vista, a member of the
Commission stated that she would like to see the funds for the
sacramento trip be placed back in the budget. As to the
Washington and Sacramento trips, her preference would be for 3
members to attend the Sacramento Conference. She understands that
if a conference is held within 50 miles of the City that the
Commissioners would only have the registration paid and not their
meals. City Manager Goss indicated that the meals are included in
the budget.
· Minutes - 11 - June 11, 1987
Budget Session 2
MSUC (Moore/McCandliss) to include sufficient funds for
"either/or" for the Commissioners to attend the conference in
Sacramento which would include an overnight stay.
The City Manager's recommendation is for ~4220.
Councilman Nader noted no funds are budgeted; however, enough
applications have been submitted to activate this Commission.
MSUC (Nader/McCandliss) to appropriate the sum of $750 for the
Youth Commission to be established within the next fiscal year.
MSUC (McCandliss/Nader) that tentative approval be given to the
Boards and Commissions budgets with the amendments and with the
understanding that the Library item will be coming back to Council.
City Manager Goss presented the budget which he stated supports
the activities of community organizations to which the City
provides contributary funds for community services and cultural
events. He is recommending the amount of $17,780 be budgeted
which is a decrease of $4470 over the 1986-87 budget. The overall
budget is a reduction of the result of the AIDS contribution
($1500) not being repeated as well as the POPS Concert for $8200.
Gretchen Evans thanked Council for supporting the Library Chamber
concerts stating that last year 856 people attended her concerts.
The Community Promotions budget includes: Library Chamber
concerts, $1585; UN Day, $380; Parks & Recreation summer concert
series, $5925; Fiesta de la Luna parade, $8880; Miss Chula Vista
Pageant, $1000.
MSUC (McCandliss/Nader) to tentatively approve the Community
Promotions budget, as recommended by the City Manager.
City Manager Goss noted his recommendation to increase this budget
from $352,210 to $417,090 or an increase of $64,840. The largest
expense in this budget is the telephone system costing $150,360.
The sum of $41,900 is recommended for membership and dues and
noted the Community Promotions activities reimbursed by the
Redevelopment funds and the new proposals being added to the
budget for televising City Council meetings and the City's share
of election expenses on the Local Transportation Ballot Measure.
Minutes - 12 June 11, 1987
Budget Session 2
He added that the Chamber of Commerce will be presenting a
proposal for City's funding of a general information service at a
cost of $24,200.
Councilwoman McCandliss stated that she has problems with certain
aspects of this budget and since there are only 3 members present
this evening, she would request a continuance.
MSUC (McCandliss/Nader) to continue the Non-Departmental budget.
City Manager Goss presented the proposed budget in which he is
recommending an increase from $817,860 to $939,680 or an increase
of $121,820. The increase is a result of recommendations to
increase staffing to address workload considerations. He is
recommending the positions be increased from 22.20 to 23.70 or an
increase of 1.5 positions. The City Manager noted that the
recommendation is to hire a budget officer at a cost of $49,400
(includes furniture) in order to address year round needs for the
preparation and follow-up for the City's annual budget. Even
though the position will be located in the Finance Department,
this position will work closely with Management Services, Data
Processing and the City Manager's office in the preparation of the
annual budget. The City Manager is also proposing a .5 FTE Offset
Duplicating Operator be added to the Print Shop at a cost of
$8366. He stated that the 1/2 time position is needed in order to
cover for the Print Shop Operator's vacation, sick leave and the
amount of work now being done in the Print Shop.
In answer to Council's questions, Finance Director Christopher
explained that the savings and loan rating service proposed to be
purchased at a cost of $200 would permit daily checking rates of
all credit worthy institutions. He felt the City would earn the
highest return on invested money while maintaining safety on those
funds by using this service.
MSUC (Moore/McCandliss) to tentatively approve the Finance
Department budget as recommended by the City Manager noting the
staff positions will be evaluated at the end of the budget.
City Manager Goss proposed a decrease in the budget from
~1,007,740 to $856,980 or a reduction of ~150,760. He noted that
the 1986-87 budget was predicated on the assumption of a
continuing unfavorable insurance market which did not occur and
the result was that too much money was set aside; therefore, the
1987-88 budget reflects 'a lower figure for future premium costs.
Minutes - 13 June 11, 1987
Budget Session 2
MSUC (Moore/Nader) to tentatively approve the Insurance budget as
recommended by the City Manager.
A recess was called at 8:45 p.m. and the meeting reconvened at
8:50 p.m.
City Manager Goss presented the Personnel budget which he stated
would be an increase from $468,670 to $530,650 or an increase of
$61,980. Most of the increase is the result of an evaluation of
personnel operations by the new Director and his recommendations
to upgrade the City's training efforts to modernize the
Department's processing systems and an increase in staffing from
10 to 11 positions by adding one additional Clerk II position.
City Manager Goss noted the workload in this particular department
and the justification for the addition of the Clerk II position.
The automation proposed is to add a new Sigma Software and two
personal computers at a cost of $6900; the addition of ~4190 for
participation in courses offered through the Regional Training
Center; the proposal to initiate a Training of Trainers (TOT) to
train in-house staff; proposal to joint Countywide Labor Relations
Consortium at $2000; proposal to have two direct mailing to
employees' homes with information regarding employee benefits such
as the Employee Assistance Program at a cost of $340 and various
other miscellaneous furniture and equipment.
Councilwoman McCandliss questioned the rationale for upgrading the
position of Senior Personnel Analyst to Assistant Director of
Personnel. City Manager Goss noted that this same change in title
has been done in two other departments in the City, namely Finance
and Community Development, no additional increase in salary is
proposed with this change of title.
Director of Personnel Nelson noted' the justification for the
change in title, indicating that under his leadership he will be
generating more work for the Assistant.
Mayor pro Tempore Moore spoke in favor of funding a Volunteer
Coordinator noting the benefits that this would be to all City
MSUC (Moore/McCandliss) to tentatively approve the Personnel
budget as recommended by th City Manager noting the additional
personnel will be evaluated at the end of the budget sessions.
Minutes 14 - June 11, 1987
Budget Session 2
City Manager Goss proposed that the budget be increased from
$670,780 to ~1,734,640 or an increase of $1,063,860. He stated
the increase is due to the addition of two EastLake Assessment
Districts, 85-2 for $666,860 and 85-1 at $397,140.
MSUC (Moore/McCandliss) to tentatively approve the Debt Service
ADJOURNMENT AT 9:15 p.m. to the regular meeting of June 16, 1987
at 7 p.m. (note: at 3 p.m. on June 16, the Redevelopment Agency
will meetfor a Closed Session).
~City Clerk '