HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1986/10/30 MINUTES OF A CITY COUNCIL CONFERENCE CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA Thursday, October 30, 1986 Council Conference Room 4:00 p.m. City Hall ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Cox, Councilmembers McCandliss (arrived late), Malcolm (arrived late), Campbell, Moore MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Goss, City Attorney Hatton Mayor Cox stated he would take Item 4 first on the agenda. 4. RESOLUTION 12799 AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION TO CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION OF AN ADDENDUM TO THE LOCAL COASTAL PLAN (LCP) - SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT SUBMITTED TO SAID COMMISSION IN SEPTEMBER 1986 (Community Development Director) Community Development Director Desrochers stated this was a clean-up measure regarding the material submitted to the Coastal Commission of the City's Local Coastal Plan (LCP). The City's Local Coastal Program/Specific Plan amendment for the Mid-bayfront was submitted to the California Coastal Commission immediately after City Council approval September 18, 1986. The amendment is to be heard by the Commission on November 13, 1986. The Commission's San Diego DIstrict Office staff has completed their review of the submittal and has provided the City with their comments. The Council is requested to approve an addendum to the submitted document in order to clarify certain items. The addendum seeks to clarify the following issues brought up in the review by the DiStriCt Office staff by: a. Assuring adherence to the original intent of protecting views to the marshes and bay. b. Park and open space calculations will show an additional acre. Minutes - 2 - October 30, 1986 Council Conference c. Provisions for consideration of additional visitor serving uses prior to the construction of any housing. The landowner and the Planning Department have reviewed the proposed modifications and are in agreement with the content of the changes. RESOLUTION OFFERED BY COUNCILI4AN CAMPBELL, the reading of the text was waived by unanimous consent, passed a~d approved unanimously. 1. OTAY MESA TRAFFIC STUDY UPDATE (Director of Planning) (Councilman Malcolm arrived at this time - 4:07 p.m.) Director of Planning Krempl stated considerable time has been spent with the City and County staffs of San Diego in the involvement of a coordinated transportation study of land use, specifically in the area of transportatiol~ as it affects the Otay Mesa area. There are 3,500 industrial acres in the City of San Diego and annexation of that territory is pending regarding the development. (Councilwoman McCandliss arrived at this time 4:10 p.m.) One of the key elements is transportation: what impact it will have on the City and County of San Diego as well as the City of Chula Vista and to address the issue of future transportation of the eastern portion of Chula Vista. There has been a 3-tiered process between the property owners, the County and the City staff which meet on a monthly basis (Councilman Malcolm and Councilman Moore are represe~-ted on it). The next meeting will be held in early December. It is extremely beneficial therefore, that the City's position on this item be heard as to its policy. Mr. Krempl then introduced Mr. Mike Hicks of SANDAG who conducted the study. Mr. Hicks explained that the study basically started in fiscal year 1986 when SANDAG looked at the 125 corridor. However, with all the developments in the South Bay they looked at all of the major arterials south of 54, East of 805 and to the border. SANDAG did an earlier model, a twenty year model but it did not assume much land use for that Eastern territory which is now known as EastLake. Mr. Hicks then noted all of the information going in to the study. They tried to analyze where the trouble spots were going to be which were causing the high volume on the freeways and concluded that the whole area is contributing to the problem. They then tried to maximize the network as much as possible reflecting that they could have freeways up to ten lanes and arterials up to six lanes however; there would still be a problem with overcapacity of the streets. They reviewed the information from United Enterprises and looked at the peak hour traffics - what it might be like relative to an eight lane freeway. Minutes - 3 - October 30, 1986 Council Conference Mr. Hicks declared that there is a very large employment area in the southern part of the City being created up from five to six thousand acres, therefore; commuter trips to that area would be great. SANDAG concluded there is an imbalance of land use. To reduce the number of trips coming of the Otay Mesa Industrial Area, they had do deal with this imbalance between the residential and commercial and industrial; however their conclusion is there will still be an overcapacity on the freeways and major interchanges, this is a number of years down the road. The management group suggested trying to come up with more residential zoning in that area as an option. In answer to the Mayor's question, Mr. Hicks stated that the unknown United Enterprises figures did not provide SANDAG with specific land use just the number of trips that would be coming out of their area so SANDAG has no idea of any specific land uses. The build-out time frame for the study is thirty to forty years in the future. Council discussion followed with Mr. Hicks answering questions as to the square miles in the United Enterprises area; the huge amount of land that will be built out someday; interior street problems; problems with major arterials caused by development in and around that area; the phasing of development with transportation facilities being the key; San Diego having a puDlic financing facilities plan; County's development plans for the South area (the prison) which will generate a lot of employment; the impact on the City of Chula Vista; San Diego City and County should have a program similar to that of the City of Chula Vista since they will be impacted also. Mr. John Fowler, from the City of San Diego stated that the study indicates that they are just trying to get some balance of land use and are presenting this to the Council today in order to give them some insight as to the problem. Councilwoman McCandliss noted the large amount of industrial development in the southern area which will have a definite impact on the City; this is critical because Chula Vista is almost powerless to restrict any land use of that area; and questioned what will be done with the study once it is completed noting that Chula Vista seems to be the victim of this process. Mr. Hicks explained that it is hoped to achieve a balance of land use in the study which they cannot do with transportation adding that it is difficult to tell what the political process will be. Councilwoman McCandliss cautioned that the problems will not be solved with the United Enterprises-SANDAG must look at the acreage which is designated for industrial. Mayor Cox discussed the future land uses for the Otay Mesa area such as the International Raceway, the commercial aircraft from Lindberg to Brown Field and the prison construction. Minutes 4 October 30, 1986 Council Conference Mr. Hicks noted that SANDAG is considering the International Raceway as an interim use after which it may be turned into industrial use. MSUC (McCandliss/Malcolm) that a letter from the Council go to each of the Council offices expressing its concern that: 1. Some planning studies seem to be falling behind for approval; 2. The high percentage of the area that is Deing approved in advance of comprehensive planning of the whole area and that from a Chula Vista standpoint, the Council is concerned with the negative impact the cumulative project will have on the City - the Council should get that in as quickly as possible and then follow it up with any necessary meetings to either call a halt to the processing of plans until they are completed or to slow it down and make them aware that there is a great deal happening in this area in advance of what is considered top-notch planning analysis. Councilman Malcolm stated that the motion should include the County of San Diego. Councilman Moore asked that it also include the City of National City. Councilwoman McCandliss agreed to include these in her motion. Councilman Malcolm agreed to the second and the motion carried unanimously. 2. JOINT MEETING WITH THE SAFETY COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bob Torbett; Ernest Arnold, Ollie Bradden, Suzanne Harris, Eugene Militscher, Vern Decker MEMBERS ABSENT: None Mayor Cox welcomed the Commissioners to the meeting remarking it was long overdue. The Council and the Safety Commission have, in the past, come to different conclusions periodically. This meeting was set up to review policies and discuss any concerns. Chairman Torbett discussed the charges of the Commission stating the Commission does not have to look at the "human ingredient" as the Council has to; they base their conclusions on what the City Engineer feeds them; they go out and personally survey safety problem areas throughout the City; they should also look at things they have done in the past and eliminate some of those, such as various stop signs throughout the City. Minutes - 5 - October 30, 1986 Council Conference Commissioner Arnold referred to the report just handed to the Commissioners from the Traffic Engineer and the Director of Public Works indicating he has not had the opportunity to "digest" the staff report and the Commission could not comment on it. Councilman Malcolm expressed his concern that perhaps the Commission should know how some of the decisions are made by the City Council. He would like to see the area of the stop signs given completely over to the Safety Commission rather than the Council having to consider them. Mayor Cox indicated Council is getting more and more involved with traffic and speeding problems going on in the City. He added the warrant system may not De the complete answer, noting the traffic signal being proposed for the Bonita Road/Allen School Road which does not meet the warrant system. Councilman Moore stated the Council's appreciation for the efforts of the Safety Commission and the work being done by them. One of his concerns is how to improve safety in the City, specifically the speeding problems now existing. Councilwoman McCandliss remarked that Council always followed a warrant system but lately, there have been requests for more and more stop signs. These hdve been approved as a test to reduce speed problems in certain areas of the City. Councilman Campbell said he had not seen too many stop signs being erected in the City in the past 6 months, however; wh~t they are seeing in the City now is what is happening on the freeway and that is speeding. There may be a necessity of having a Traffic Commission which can deal best with the problems of speeding. Councilman Malcolm commented that part of the problem of speeding is the City Council. Today in the City, there is a lack of enforcement because of the lack of police patrol. The Council should be the ones to make sure there are enough people out there enforcing the laws. Council and Safety Commission discussion followed regarding the human factor being brought in; most of the people in the City are frustrated because of the speeding; every element needs to be looked at because of the changes occurring every day in transportation; the City and County of San Diego also need to gear up to face this problem; Chula Vista doesn't have enough officers out in the field to enforce the speeding problems; there should be an awareness program to educate the citizens of Chula Vista as to the reduction of speed; there should be an anti-speed campaign with bumper stickers and so forth and get more of the community involved; the one thing that keeps people from speeding is the fear of getting a ticket; the Director of Public Safety noted the number of officers presently in the field and the motorcycle unit which is now being re-instituted. Minutes - 6 - October 30, 1986 Council Conference Councilman Campbell discussed the enforcement program in Las Vegas. The first offense for speeding is a fine of ~150 and everyone is aware of this, therefore; there can be gains or achievements made in the field if there is enough publicity given to the enforcement. Commissioner Arnold commented on the installation of speed bumps in various cities; stop lights now being put in rear windows of cars which results in a 50% reduction in rear-end collisions; he would like to see more consideration given to speed bumps, try it in several places in the City; does not agree with the education program, however; he feels that if the police are "nailing" people on a regular basis for speeding, word will get around and reductions of speed will occur. Once a pattern is established, there can be random enforcement after that. The Council referred to the report regarding a driver education program noting copies were given to the Commissioners. Deputy City Manager Morris reported that subsequent to the City Council request for a driver education program, a staff subcommittee, comprised of representatives from the City Manager's Office, Police, Public Works/Engineering, Management Services and a member of the Safety Commission met to discuss possible options which could be implemented to reduce the rate of traffic speed in Chula Vista. Based upon the discussion at these meetings and with special input from the Traffic Engineer and Police Department, a four-point program was developed to address driver education and increased traffic enforcement with the intention of reducing the rate of vehicular speed in the City. This program will provide: (1) greater emphasis on educating the public regarding traffic safety, (2) increased traffic enforcement, (3) additional education at both the high school and junior high school levels and (4) greater support from the South Bay ~unicipal Court. This is a long-term program that will require an expenditure of staff time and resources in the form of presentations to school districts, parent groups and residents as well as additional staff time and dollars related to selective traffic enforcement. Overall, staff Delieves that if this effort is made, speed will be reduced and accidents and fatalities will be avoided. MSUC (McCandliss/CampDell) to approve the proposed education enforcement program as described in the report and authorize the Mayor to sign a letter to the Presiding Judge of the South Bay Municipal Court Outlining the City's program and requesting support from local judges. Minutes 7 - October 30, 1986 Council Conference MSUC (Moore/Malcolm) for the City Council to direct staff to prepare the report regarding a strong public relations program that includes but is not limited to a letter from the City Council to Chula Vista residents regarding the use of bumper stickers and a method of distribution and associated costs. ~4ayor Cox noted that this will be an informational item which should be brought back to the City Council before distribution to the residents. Mayor Cox then thanked the members of the Safety Commission for attending this joint meeting today. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS a. Frank Pusseteri, 1103 Nolan Avenue, Chula Vista, submitted a petition requesting that a three-way stop sign be posted at the intersection of Nolan Avenue and East Naples Street and the intersection of Neptune Street and East Naples thereby making it safer for the people, in particular, the children. MSUC (Malcolm/Moore) to refer this petition to the Safety Commission and staff for a report back. b. Mr. Tom Davis, 1657 Gotham Street, Chula Vista, stated there has been a long process in obtaining the stop signs on Gotham Street. He noted the large vehicles that are parked alongside the street which prohibit the view of the traffic coming along this street. He requested that the City Council review this aspect again. Traffic Engineer Glass responded that the entire issue of RV's will be considered by the City Council on November 25. c. The resident of 1651 Gotham Street acknowledged the stop signs on Gotham Street and agreed that the safety hazards have been elevated due to the number of large tractors, trailers and campers blocking the vision of motorists. The motorists coming out of their residential areas have a safety hazard with these large trailers parking here which are being parked. over the legal 72 hour limit. Chairman Torbett stated there is a vacancy on the Safety Commission and asked that the Council fill it as quickly as possible. 6. CITY ~ANAGER'S REPORT None. 7. MAYOR'S REPORT None. Minutes - 8 - October 30, 1986 Council Conference 8. COUNCIL COMMENTS a. Councilman Malcolm referred to the request to Council at the last meeting concerning speed bumps in the alley behind Third Avenue (Singer Sewing Center). He stated he walked this area and is convinced speed bumps are definitely needed there. ADJOURNMENT AT 6:15 p.m. to the meeting of Tuesday, November 4 at 4 p.m. 'M.J n Fulas~, CMC, City Cler.~/j~ 0912C