HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 2006/01/17 I declare under penalty of perjury that I am employed by the City of Chula Vista in the ""~ ~ f ~ OHice of the City Clerk and that I posted this ~ ~ nt on the bulletin board according to~J><I'b : re uir menta. ~ '~~%~ - - - """ I ~ a Signed ~11Y OF < lA VISTA Stephen C Padi lIa, Mayor Patricia L Chavez, Council member David D, Rowlands, )L, City Manager John McCann, Councilmember Ann Moore, City Attorney Jerry K Rindone, Council member Susan Bigelow, City Clerk Steve Castaneda, Councilmember January 17,2006 6:00 P.M. Council Chambers City Hall 276 Fourth Avenue CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: Councilmembers Castaneda, Chavez, McCann, Rindone, and Mayor Padilla PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG, MOMENT OF SILENCE SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY . REGIONAL AIRPORT BRIEFING BY PAUL NIETO, AIRPORT COMMISSIONER, ON LAND USE PLAN, NEW AIRPORT SITE SELECTION, AND LINDBERGH MASTER PLAN . PRESENTATION BY MICHAEL SCHUERMAN, DIRECTOR OF RESEARCH OF THE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, OF A REPORT ON THE 2005 INDICATORS OF SUSTAINABLE COMPETITIVENESS: A QUALITY OF LIFE INDEX FOR SAN DIEGO . PRESENTATION BY MAYOR PADILLA OF A PROCLAMATION TO PURCHASING AGENT, JOHN COGGINS, WELCOMING THE CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC PURCHASING OFFICERS (CAPPO) TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FOR ITS ANNUAL EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE AND VENDOR EXPOSITION . PRESENTATION BY MAYOR PADILLA OF A PROCLAMATION TO JIE YANG, DIRECTOR OF THE ORIENTAL CULTURE & MEDIA CENTER OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING THE NEW TANG DYNASTY TV'S 2006 CHINESE NEW YEAR GLOBAL GALA IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY, "MYTHS & LEGENDS" CONSENT CALENDAR (Items 1 through 10) The Council will enact the Consent Calendar staff recommendations by one motion, without discussion, unless a Councilmember, a member of the public, or City staff requests that an item be removed for discussion. If you wish to speak on one of these items, please fill out a "Request to Speak" form (available in the lobby) and submit it to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. Items pulled from the Consent Calendar will be discussed immediately following the Consent Calendar. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of December 13,2005. Staff recommendation: Council approve the minutes. 2. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS A. Letter of resignation from Marco Polo Cortes, member of the Planning Commission. B. Letter of resignation from Rudy Ramirez, member of the Board of Ethics. Staff recommendation: Council accept the resignations and direct the City Clerk to post the vacancies in accordance with the Maddy Act. 3. ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AMENDING THE ZONING MAPS ESTABLISHED BY SECTION 19.18.010 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE, REZONING AN l1.46-ACRE PARCEL LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF BRANDYWINE A VENUE, EAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF MENDOCINO DRIVE AND BRANDYWINE AVENUE, FROM THE R-1-10H (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, HILLSIDE) ZONE, TO THE R-2-P (ONE AND TWO FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, PRECISE PLAN) ZONE; AND ADOPTING PRECISE PLAN STANDARDS (SECOND READING) Adoption of the ordinance amends the Municipal Code to reclassify zoning for an 11.46- acre lot, and adopts the Precise Plan Standards, establishing exceptions to the typical R-2 development standards such as the town home building type, a 35-foot/3-story height limit, minimum building setbacks, maximum floor areas approximating the proposed unit sizes, establishment of guest and handicapped parking standards, and a limitation of density to 9.1 dwelling units per acre. This ordinance was introduced January 10, 2006. (Director of Planning and Building) Staff recommendation: Council adopt the ordinance. 4. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF POLICE PURSUIT VEHICLES ON AN AS- NEEDED BASIS FROM RACEWAY FORD, IN ACCORDANCE WITH TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO, FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR; AND AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASING AGENT TO RENEW THE AGREEMENT FOR FOUR ADDITIONAL, ONE-YEAR PERIODS Page 2 - Council Agenda http://www.chulavistaca.gov January 17, 2006 Adoption of the resolution approves the purchase of police vehicles on an as-needed basis, in accordance with terms and conditions of a cooperative agreement with the City of San Diego, for a period of one year. (Finance Director, Public Works Operations Director) Staff recommendation: Council adopt the resolution. 5. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT WITH SYSTEMS INTEGRATED, LLC, WHICH WILL INCREASE THE GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE (GMP) FOR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES REQUIRED TO DESIGN AND CONSTRUCT THE SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA ACQUISITION (SCADA) SYSTEM THAT WILL PROVIDE AN ALARM SYSTEM FOR CONTROLLING AND MONITORING SEWER COLLECTION AND PUMP STATIONS THROUGHOUT THE CITY, AND AMEND THE SUBSTANTIAL AND FINAL COMPLETION; AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AMENDMENT The City Council previously approved a Design Build Agreement with Systems Integrated, LLC, which established the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) of $527,750. The first amendment increased the contract time by 90 days. Due to additional locations identified for the SCADA system, it is necessary to increase the GMP to cover expenses for the additional work. (Public Works Operations Director) Staff recommendation: Council adopt the resolution. 6. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING A FUND TRANSFER AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO RECEIVE COMMUNITY-BASED TRANSPORTATION PLANNING GRANT FUNDS FOR THE EASTERN UNIVERSITY DISTRICT TRANSIT PLAN PROJECT, APPROPRIATING THE FUNDS THEREFOR, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT (4/5THS VOTE REQUIRED) The Eastern University District Plan will provide a conceptual transit-oriented plan for a critical 2,000-acre section of the Otay Ranch community, with a rapid transit network linking Otay Ranch's town centers, a university campus, a regional technology park and other urban centers in the region. Adoption of the resolution approves a contract with the State to receive grant funds for this project. (Planning and Building Director) Staffrecornmendation: Council adopt the resolution. 7. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE AGREEMENT WITH ACCELA, INC. TO PURCHASE AND IMPLEMENT THREE NEW PERMITS PLUS SYSTEM MODULES, WAIVING THE FORMAL CONSULTANT SELECTION PROCESS, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE AGREEMENT Page 3 - Council Agenda hllp:/lwww.chulavislaca.gov January 17, 2006 The Permits Plus System is used by the City's development departments to process permit applications, and has been since 1991. Adoption of the resolution approves a contract to purchase and implement three new modules of the system to enhance customer service. (Planning and Building Director) Staff recommendation: Council adopt the resolution. 8. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT WITH RUDOLPH AND SLETTEN, INC. TO INCORPORATE THE GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE FOR THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF FIRE STATION NO.8, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE AMENDMENT, AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE AVAILABLE BALANCE OF THE PUBLIC FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE FUND (4/5THS VOTE REQUIRED) The City Council previously approved a design build agreement with Rudolph and Sletten, Inc. for the design and construction of Fire Station 8. The design build agreement contained a not to exceed price of $2,811,640 with the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) to be set upon receipt of ninety percent construction drawings. The project is nearing the end of the design phase and is set to enter the construction phase. Adoption of the resolution approves the first amendment that will set the GMP at $6,276,913, which includes design services and general conditions in the amount of $494,612. (General Services Director, Fire Chief) Staffrecommendation: Council adopt the resolution. 9 A. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA ACCEPTING URBAN AREA SECURITY INITIATIVE GRANT PROGRAM FUNDS, AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR (4/5THS VOTE REQUIRED) B. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA ACCEPTING UNANTICIPATED STATE HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT FUNDS AND STATE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE GRANT FUNDS, APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR (4/5THS VOTE REQUIRED) C. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AWARDING PURCHASING AGREEMENTS TO FISHER SAFETY SCIENTIFIC AS MAYBE REQUIRED FOR SAFETY SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT The City of Chula Vista was awarded several grant allocations from State and Federal Homeland Security and Emergency Management Performance grants, totaling $538,552. As stipulated by the grants, $230,216 will be spent on equipment, $179,122 will be spent in training of first responders, $18,420 on community-based disaster planning programs, $10,000 for improvements to the City's Disaster Plan and Emergency Operations Centers, and $100,794 will be spent in planning and exercises for general disaster preparedness and counter terrorism. (Fire Chief) Staff recommendation: Council adopt the resolutions. Page 4 - Council Agenda http://www.chulavistaca.gov January 17, 2006 10. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA ACCEPTING UNANTICIPATED GRANT FUNDS FROM THE SWEETWATER UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT, AND AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2005/2006 BUDGET TO APPROPRIATE THE FUNDS (4/5THS VOTE REQUIRED) The Emergency Services Manager has been asked to provide assistance in coordinating Citizens Emergency Response Training (CERT) and Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) training for the Sweetwater Union High School District. Additionally, equipment for the CERT program needs to be replenished periodically. A total of $2,275 in grant funds received by the school district will be allocated to the Fire Department for services and equipment to be rendered under the Emergency Crisis and Response Grant. (Fire Chief) Staff recommendation: Council adopt the resolution. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR PUBLIC COMMENTS Persons speaking during Public Comments may address the Council on any subject matter within the Council's jurisdiction that is not listed as an item on the agenda. State law generally prohibits the Council from taking action on any issue not included on the agenda, but, if appropriate, the Council may schedule the topic for future discussion or refer the matter to staff. Comments are limited to three minutes. ACTION ITEMS The items listed in this section of the agenda will be considered individually by the Council, and are expected to elicit discussion and deliberation. If you wish to speak on any item, please fill out a "Request to Speak" form (available in the lobby) and submit it to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. II. CONSIDERATION OF THE ADDITION OF A GRAPHIC DESIGNER TO THE COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT STAFF The Office of Communications, with the assistance of the Recreation Department, is . proposing to reallocate existing departmental funds to pay for the addition of a graphic designer to the Communications staff. This individual will report to the City's Design Specialist and assist that position in meeting the dramatic growth of the City's graphic design needs. (Office of Communications) Staff recommendation: Council adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE REALLOCATION AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS TO ADD A GRAPHIC DESIGNER POSITION TO THE OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS (4/5THS VOTE REQUIRED) Page 5 - Council Agenda http://www.chulavistaca.gov January 17,2006 12. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE, SALE AND DELIVERY OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA VARIABLE RATE DEMAND MULTIFAMILY HOUSING REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS (TERESINA APARTMENTS), SERIES 2006A, IN A COMBINED PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $40,000,000, AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF SUCH REFUNDING BONDS AND OTHER RELATED DOCUMENTS, AND APPROVING OTHER RELATED ACTIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF THE REFUNDING BONDS In 1998, the City issued Multiple Family Housing Revenue Bonds, in total aggregate principal amount of $43,000,000 to finance a 440-unit Multiple Family housing project known as Teresina Apartments. The project is currently owned by Eagle Lomas Verdes, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership. The existing bonds are currently in the fixed rate mode. The owner is looking to refund the bonds utilizing a variable rate mode. Adoption of the resolution authorizes the issuance of not-to-exceed $40,000,000 in tax-exempt bonds to refinance the projects and execute related documents. (Assistant City Manager Smith/Community Development Director) Staff recommendation: Council adopt the resolution. 13. REPORT REGARDING A PRE-ANNEXATION AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY TO REALIGN THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES AS THE SWEETWATER RIVER FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL The interweaving boundary across the Sweetwater River flood control channel and Highway 54 creates jurisdictional confusion and sets up a situation where each City has responsibility to provide health and safety services to areas that are more easily reachable by the other jurisdiction. (Assistant City Manager Madigan) Staff recommendation: Council direct the City Manager to negotiate a pre-annexation agreement with the City of National City to realign the boundary between the two Cities. 14. REPORT REGARDING PERMANENT REGULATIONS TO REPLACE THE URGENCY ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE PERMITTING OR APPROVAL OF ANY NEW, MODIFIED OR EXPANDED CHECK CASHIER OR CHECK CASHING BUSINESS TO ASSURE CONSISTENCY WITH REVITALIZATION EFFORTS IN WESTERN CHULA VISTA The Council previously adopted Urgency Ordinance 300l-A and 3001-B, regarding fee- based check cashing, deferred deposit and payday advance establishments. This report addresses the policy issues surrounding the adoption of permanent regulations pertaining to these types of businesses. (Planning and Building Director) Staff recommendation: Council provide direction to staff regarding the preparation of a draft ordinance. Page 6 - Council Agenda http://www.chulavistaca.gov January 17,2006 15. CONSIDERATION OF A REFERRAL TO THE CHARTER REVIEW COMMISSION TO CONSIDER ALTERNATIVES TO THE EXISTING CHARTER PROVISION GOVERNING THE PROCESS OF FILLING UNEXPECTED COUNCIL VACANCIES With the unanticipated resignation of Councilmember Patty Davis, the Council was placed in the position of attempting to fill that vacancy. During that process, it became apparent that the existing Charter provisions may not address all of the concerns of the Council and community. Adoption of the resolution refers the matter to the Charter Review Commission and City Attorney to recommend specific amendments to Charter Section 300 regarding the process to fill Council vacancies. (City Attorney, City Clerk) Staff recommendation: Council adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA MAKING A REFERRAL TO THE CHARTER REVIEW COMMISSION TO CONSIDER ALTERNATIVES TO THE EXISTING CHARTER PROVISIONS GOVERNING THE PROCESS TO FILL UNEXPECTED COUNCIL VACANCIES OTHER BUSINESS 16. CITY MANAGER REPORTS 17. MA YOR'S REPORTS 18. COUNCIL COMMENTS CLOSED SESSION Announcements of actions taken in Closed Session shall be made available by noon on Wednesday following the Council Meeting at the City Attorney's office in accordance with the Ralph M Brown Act (Government Code 54957. 7). 19. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING INITIATION OF LITIGATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(c) . Two cases 20. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING EXISTING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(a) · In re: The Environmental Trust, Inc. (USBC # 05-02321-LAll) ADJOURNMENT to an Adjourned Regular Meeting on January 19, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, and thence to the Regular Meeting of January 24,2006 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Page 7 - Council Agenda http://www.chulavistaca.gov January 17, 2006 In compliance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT The City of Chula Vista requests individuals who require special accommodations to access, attend, and/or participate in a City meeting, activity, or service request such accommodation at least forty-eight hours in advance for meetings and five days for scheduled services and activities. Please contact the City Clerk for specific information at (619) 691-5041 or Telecommunications Devicesfor the Deaf(TDD) at (619) 585-5655. California Relay Service is also available for the hearing impaired. Page 8 - Council Agenda http://www.chulavistaca.gov January 17, 2006 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA December 13, 2005 6:00 P.M. A Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Chu\a Vista was called to order at 6:22 p.m. in the Council Chambers, located in City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, California. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Councilmembers: Castaneda, McCann, Rindone, and Mayor Padilla ABSENT: Councilmembers: None ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Rowlands, City Attorney Moore, and City Clerk Bigelow PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG, MOMENT OF SILENCE SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY . OATH OF OFFICE Guy Chambers, Board of Ethics Michael German, Board of Ethics Dr. Chris Searles, Board of Ethics Jerome Sandoval, Child Care Commission City Clerk Bigelow administered the oaths of office, and Deputy Mayor McCann presented each with a certificate of appointment. · INTRODUCTION BY GENERAL SERVICES DIRECTOR GRIFFIN, AND ANIMAL CARE FACILITY MANAGER DR. YORK, OF ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICERS JUAN ESTRADA, MATT TSUNODA, MICHAEL SMITH, JAIME V ALLES, CLAUDIA JIMENEZ, AND ARTURO CUEVAS SPORTING THE NEW ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER UNIFORMS AND BADGES General Services Director Griffin introduced the new Animal Control Officers, and Dr. York spoke of the success of the City's animal adoption program. · INTRODUCTION BY POLICE CHIEF EMERSON OF NEWLY PROMOTED AGENTS, JOHN ENGLISH, TIM KAHL, DAVID MARSHALL, DAVID OYOS, AND BRIAN STEVENS Police Chief Emerson introduced the newly promoted agents and presented each with their badge. / CONSENT CALENDAR (Items 1 A through 9) Finance Director Kachadoorian provided clarification on Item No.3. With regard to Item No.3, Councilmember Rindone stated that he does not have a conflict per the City Attorney. IA. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION Memorandum requesting an excused absence from Deputy Mayor McCann from the Special Council Meeting of December 9, 2005. Staff recommendation: Council excuse the absence. 1. ORDINANCE NO. 3029, ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AMENDING CHULA VISTA MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 3.54, RELATING TO THE DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE TO PAY FOR THE TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES IN THE CITY'S EASTERN TERRITORIES (SECOND READING) The City's Transportation Development Impact Fee (TDIF) Program was established on January 12, 1988. Since its inception, the program has been updated several times to reflect new land use approvals, proposed changes to the General Plan, and updated project cost estimates. Adoption of this ordinance will amend the Municipal Code to increase the development impact fee (per equivalent dwelling unit) to finance transportation facilities within the City. The ordinance was introduced May 10, 2005. (City Engineer) Staff Recommendation: Council adopt the ordinance. 2. REPORT REGARDING THE DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE (DIF), PARK ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPMENT (PAD) FEE, AND TRUNK SEWER CAPITAL RESERVE FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2005 State Government Code Section 66000 requires local agencies assessing development impact fees and sewer capacity charges to make available specified financial data to the public each fiscal year. (Finance Director) Staff recommendation: Council accept the report. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 2005-411, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT WITH RUDOLPH AND SLETTEN, INC. TO INCORPORATE THE GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE (GMP) OF $3,174,736 FOR THE SERVICES REQUIRED TO DESIGN AND CONSTRUCT UPGRADES AND REPLACEMENTS TO THE NATURE CENTER INTERIOR EXHIBITS (NATURE CENTER GALLERIA REMODEL) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, GG175, AMENDING THE DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL AND FINAL COMPLETION, ASCERTAINING PREVAILING WAGE, AUTHORIZING AN INTER-FUND LOAN AND APPROPRIATING ADDITIONAL FUNDS THEREFOR (4/5THS VOTE REQUIRED) Page 2 - Council Minutes http://www.chulavistaca.gov December 13,2005 CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) The City Council previously approved a design-build agreement with Rudolph and Sletten, Inc. for the provision of services necessary to design and construct upgrades and replacements for the Nature Center Galleria remodel and the first amendment to the agreement to incorporate additional design services. The project is nearing the end of the design phase and is ready to start the construction phase. Adoption of the resolution approves the second amendment to the agreement; amends the date of substantial and final completion, ascertains prevailing wage and appropriates additional funds therefor. (General Services Director) Staff recommendation: Council adopt the resolution. 4 A. RESOLUTION NO. 2005-412, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA CHANGING THE CLASSIFICATION TITLE OF ANIMAL SERVICES SPECIALIST TO ANIMAL ADOPTION COUNSELOR B. RESOLUTION NO. 2005-413, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2006 GENERAL SERVICES ANIMAL CARE FACILITY BUDGET BY DELETING A .5 VETERINARIAN POSITION AND ADDING A .75 ANIMAL ADOPTION COUNSELOR POSITION, RECLASSIFYING AN ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER POSITION TO A SENIOR ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER AND AN ANIMAL CARE ASSIST ANT POSITION TO SENIOR ANIMAL CARE ASSISTANT Adoption of the resolution supports strategic goal seven (advance responsible pet ownership) of the General Services Strategic Plan by reducing the number of animals that come into the animal care facility and placing adoptable animals. (General Services Director) Staff recommendation: Council adopt the resolution. 5. RESOLUTION NO. 2005-414, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA ACCEPTING VARIOUS DONATIONS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,344 TO THE ANIMAL CARE FACILITY AND APPROPRIATING SAID DONATED FUNDS (4/5THS VOTE REQUIRED) The animal care facility has received various donations totaling $1,344. Adoption of the resolution allows the donations to be used to purchase kennel and medical supplies for the facility. (General Services Director) Staff recommendation: Council adopt the resolution. 6. RESOLUTION NO. 2005-415, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2005/2006 BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING $60,745 FROM THE PUBLIC FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT IMP ACT FEES FUND AND AWARDING A PURCHASE AGREEMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $60,745 FOR ONE AERIAL LIFT TRUCK TO ALTEC INDUSTRIES, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BID (4/5THS VOTE REQUIRED) Page 3 - Council Minutes http://www.chulavistaca.gov December 13,2005 CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) The General Services Department proposes to amend the Fiscal Year 2005/2006 budget to purchase an aerial lift truck for the construction and repair division. The aerial lift is needed to maintain new recreation and park facilities. (General Services Director) Staff recommendation: Council adopt the resolution. 7. RESOLUTION NO. 2005-416, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING A DESIGN BUILD AGREEMENT WITH PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. FOR THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF A 31,129 SQUARE-FOOT LIBRARY, LOCATED IN THE RANCHO DEL REY COMMUNITY NEIGHBORHOOD OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA, AND AUTHORIZING MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT The Council previously approved a capital improvement project for the construction of the Rancho Del Rey Library (CIP No. LB124) that conceptually designed and provided for the construction of a completed and fully functional 31,129 square-foot library. On June 29, 2005 a request for proposals was issued to seven design-build firms for the project. Adoption of the resolution approves an agreement with PCL Construction. (General Services Director) Staff recommendation: Council adopt the resolution. 8. RESOLUTION NO. 2005-417, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA ACCEPTING AND APPROPRIATING $80,375 IN UNANTICIPATED REVENUES AWARDED TO THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA, AS THE LEAD AGENCY FOR THE SOUTH BAY USED OIL RECYCLING PROGRAM FROM THE CALIFORNIA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD'S USED MOTOR OIL RECYCLING BLOCK GRANT FOR 2005/2006, 11 TH CYCLE (4/5THS VOTE REQUIRED) The California Used Oil Enhancement Act (1999) requires the collection of four cents for every quart of lubricating oil sold, transferred and imported into California from oil manufacturers. Chula Vista consumers pay four cents per quart into the fund when they purchase oil. The Act mandates that the California Integrated Waste Management Board use a portion of the funds to provide block grants to local governments for used oil programs that encourage used oil and oil filter recycling. Chula Vista is the lead agency for the Used Oil Recycling Program for the South Bay cities of Chula Vista, Imperial Beach and National City. (General Services Director) Staff recommendation: Council adopt the resolution. 9 A. RESOLUTION NO. 2005-418, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY AND HILLTOP MIDDLE SCHOOL FOR THE PROVISION OF EXTENDED AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM HOURS, AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2006 RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUDGET BY APPROPRIATING $5,102 BASED ON UNANTICIPATED REVENUE, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT (4/5THS VOTE REQUIRED) Page 4 - Council Minutes http://www.chulavistaca.gov December 13, 2005 CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) B. RESOLUTION NO. 2005-419, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY AND CASTLE PARK MIDDLE SCHOOL FOR THE PROVISION OF EXTENDED AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM HOUR, AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2006 RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUDGET BY APPROPRIATING $5,102 BASED ON UNANTICIPATED REVENUE, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT (4/5THS VOTE REQUIRED) C. RESOLUTION NO. 2005-420, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY AND CHULA VISTA MIDDLE SCHOOL FOR THE PROVISION OF EXTENDED AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM HOURS, AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2006 RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUDGET BY APPROPRIATING $6,664 BASED ON UNANTICIPATED REVENUE, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT (4/5THS VOTE REQUIRED) D. RESOLUTION NO. 2005-421, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY AND YMCA OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY FOR THE PROVISION OF AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM HOURS AT CASTLE PARK MIDDLE SCHOOL AND HILLTOP MIDDLE SCHOOL, AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2006 RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUDGET BY APPROPRIATING $6,422 BASED ON UNANTICIPATED REVENUE, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT (4/5THS VOTE REQUIRED) E. RESOLUTION NO. 2005-422, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE YMCA OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY SOUTH BAY BRANCH FOR THE PROVISION OF AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM HOURS AT HILLTOP, CHULA VISTA, RANCHO DEL REY AND CASTLE PARK MIDDLE SCHOOLS, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT Hilltop Middle School, Castle Park Middle School, and Chula Vista Middle School have been awarded a state grant for the provision of additional before and after school programming hours. The schools have asked the Recreation Department to provide these services via memoranda of understanding. These hours are in addition to the existing after-school hours provided by the Recreation Department to the schools. Adoption of the resolution approves the memoranda and authorizes the Mayor to execute them. (Recreation Director) Staff recommendation: Council adopt the resolution. ACTION: Mayor Padilla moved to approve staffs recommendations and offered the Consent Calendar, headings read, texts waived. The motion carried 4-0. Page 5 - Council Minutes http://www.chulavistaca.gov December 13,2005 ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR There were none. PUBLIC COMMENTS Rudy Ramirez stated that the Council should urge candidates applying for appointment to the vacant Council seat to pledge not to run in the June election. Peter Watry stated that Councilmember Davis' successor should be chosen by the public, and the appointed person should not run for election. Paula Perry requested that the Council appoint a non-political candidate for the interim term and not someone who would use the position to run as an incumbent candidate. PUBLIC HEARING 10. CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF RESOLUTIONS CERTIFYING THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR 05-01) FOR THE PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN; APPROVING THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL PLAN UPDATE (GPU) AND RELATED OTA Y RANCH GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN, AND THE CITY'S MULTIPLE SPECIES CONSERVATION PROGRAM SUBAREA PLAN AMENDMENTS In April 2002, the City hosted a "town hall" meeting at Chula Vista High School to kick off the City's comprehensive General Plan Update (GPU) effort. This was the first in a series of six such town hall meetings, as well as over 70 citizen committee meetings, spanning a four-year period to gather and digest the thousands of public comments from all segments of the community, and other technical inputs, in preparing the updated year 2030 vision for Chula Vista that is reflected in the proposed General Plan Update documents. Accompanying the GPU are proposed amendments to the Otay Ranch General Development Plan (GDP), Otay Ranch Resource Management Plan (RMP), and the City's Multiple Species Conservation Program (MSCP) Subarea Plan that correspond with the land use and transportation proposals in the GPU for the Otay Ranch area, and assure that the GDP and the RMP amendments are in keeping with the MSCP. In accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), a Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) was prepared to analyze the environmental impacts of the proposed General Plan Update and related actions. CEQA Findings of Fact, and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP), have been prepared that reflect the conclusions of the Final EIR. The Final EIR also contains comments and responses to the comments received during the public review period. (Planning and Building Director) Page 6 - Council Minutes http://www.chulavistaca.gov December 13, 2005 PUBLIC HEARING (Continued) Notice of the hearing was given in accordance with legal requirements, and the hearing was held on the date and at the time specified in the notice. Mayor Padilla opened the public hearing. He noted a memorandum received by the Council from the City Manager regarding a portion of staffs presentation. There is an amendment to language in section 7.2 under urban design and form, and there are a number of correspondences from individuals that have been submitted and received by the City Clerk and which are included in the public record. Planning and Building Director Sandoval provided introductory remarks. Advance Planning Manager Batchelder provided a an overview of the staff report and document package. At 7:02 p.m., Councilmember Rindone stated that he would abstain from participation on the Downtown Third Avenue District due to the proximity of his residence to the area. He then left the Chambers. Advanced Planning Manager Batchelder provided an overview of the Downtown Third Avenue District and responded to questions of the Council. At 7:05 p.m., upon conclusion of that portion of the presentation, Councilmember Rindone returned to the dais. At 7:06 p.m., Councilmember Castaneda stated that he would abstain from participation on the H Street Corridor District due to the employment activities of a family member regarding which he was awaiting receipt of a Fair Political Practices Commission opinion. He then left the Chambers. Advanced Planning Manager Batchelder provided an overview of the H Street Corridor District. Mayor Padilla referenced correspondence from Mr. Googins regarding a request for expansion of the existing limited industrial land use designation for approximately 60 acres of land located south of Main Street under consolidated trusteeship. He inquired, recognizing staffs concerns with regards to the open-space designation, the floating community park designation and the abutting, perhaps sensitive habitat in the Otay Valley Regional Park, as to whether it was possible that the acreage size of this site alone could allow enough flexibility, given the historic land uses there, to accomplish an increase of the industrial designation to some degree further south while still retaining the community park designation in terms of design and siting, as well providing an appropriate buffer. Advanced Planning Manager Batchelder responded affirmatively, given the amount of information currently available to staff. At 7:19 p.m., upon conclusion of that portion of the presentation, Councilmember Castaneda returned to the dais. Advanced Planning Manager Batchelder continued with the presentation, covering the Land Use Concept. Page 7 - Council Minutes http://www.chulavistaca.gov December 13, 2005 PUBLIC HEARING (Continued) Principal Planner Rosaler provided an overview of amendments that were happening concurrently with the Otay Ranch General Development Plan, including creating a transit village in Village 2, establishing the town centers in Villages 8 and 9, designating on the map itself the boundaries of the university and regional technology park, establishing the 70-acre community park, changing the existing transit line from trolley to the BRT and expanding it out to the other villages, adding the active recreation areas as designated in the General Plan, and retaining the retail commercial and freeway commercial areas of the project. Additionally, several amendments are being made to reflect current practice, such as adjusting the table for the eastern urban center to reduce office uses and increase commercial and residential to reflect current market conditions, as well as esiablishing the population coefficient at the SPA level. It is also recommended that the annual report requirement be deleted from the general development plan and policy be put in recommending participation in the GMOC, and the boundaries be adjusted on the RMP Preserve Map to reflect the MSCP boundary. Lastly, a proposal was received from one of the major landowners to acquire the balance of the university land. Staff has determined that additional time is needed to analyze the proposal and work with adjacent property owners to come forward with the best plan for the university, regional technology park and town centers. Staff plans to do this and return to the Council within the next 120 days with a report and is, therefore, requesting Council defer approval of Villages 8, 9 and 10 on the General Plan Update and on the general development plan. Principal Planner Bazzel responded to questions of the Council on the Brownfield Airport Land Use Plan. Environmental Project Manager Power provided an overview of the final Environmental Impact Report for consideration and certification. Steve Molski, representing mobile home park residents, expressed concerns with potential relocation and dislocation, urged the Council to limit the maximum height of any building in the City to no more than seven stories, and requested the City secure state or federal funds to fix all the potholes on G and F Streets. John Moot, representing the property owners between Third and Fourth Avenues on H Street, also known as Espanada LLC, asked the Council to approve the preferred plan for the H Street corridor and district focus area without the November 29,2005 edits. Curt Noland, representing the Otay Land Company and Flat Rock Land Company, spoke in support of the plan and staffs recommendations. Paul McNeil, of the London Group, representing Greg Mattson and a group of business owners and stakeholders in Chula Vista 2030, expressed support for west-side revitalization, along with the preferred alternatives with the recent amendments as proposed by staff. Kim Kilkenny, representing the Otay Ranch Company and JPB Development, spoke in support of the amendments to Village 2, staff recommendation on the freeway commercial and the deferral of action for 120 days on Villages 8, 9 and 10. Page 8 - Council Minutes http://www.chulavistaca.gov December 13, 2005 PUBLIC HEARING (Continued) Teresa Acerro encouraged the Council to adopt the amendments as recommended by the Planning staff. Bob Crane spoke in support of staff's recommended plan. Terry Thomas, General Plan Update Steering Committee member, spoke in support of the recirculated EIR, the importance of continued public input and the inclusion of environmental justice. Further, she stated that the international flavor needs to be emphasized more in the southwest, the transit focus area element is missing, bus lines need to be supplemented for students, the circulation element needs to be re-vamped, and mid-rise plans will also permit the same density ofland if they use form based design to retain the community character. Wayne Raffesberger, attorney representing the Tower Lodge Motel, spoke in support of the proposed change from the preferred plan to mixed use residential on lower Broadway. He then congratulated staff on the General Plan Update and urged the Council to direct staff to bring along, as quickly as possible, the densities and building heights to be allowed to encourage development. Dick Reynolds spoke in favor of mid-rise on H Street from 4 to 7 stories so as not to create a solid wall. Joan Johnson spoke in support of mid-rise. Richard Batterton spoke in support of mid-rise. Laura Hunter, representing the Environmental Health Coalition, spoke in support of staff's recommendation and thanked the Council and staff for inclusion of environmental justice policies. In the future, as we move into the specific planning level and the zoning aspects, the Council will be asked to direct staff to ensure that residences and schools are located a safe distance from freeways and high traffic areas. Dr. Heather Honea, Chair of the San Diego Regional Apollo Alliance, a coalition of labor, community and environmental groups working towards a renewable energy future for the San Diego region, spoke in support of the revised General Plan Update. Peter Watry, representing Crossroads II and Patricia Aguilar, expressed general support of the current version of the General Plan Update and stated that they had two continuing concerns. The GPU map shows La Media crossing the Otay River Valley and connecting with South San Diego, which would offer a toll-free parallel route to SR-125; and the town focus area for southwest Chula Vista has not been determined. He urged the Council to authorize staff to conduct a South Third Avenue corridor study. Earl Jentz spoke in support of the mid-rise alternative for the transit focus area at Third Avenue and H Street. He expressed concern that the issue of the loss of market-rate affordable housing and the potential displacement of thousands ofrental households was not addressed, stating that these issues should be resolved before the Urban Core Specific Plan moves forward. Another area of concern is the proliferation of high-rise development either through General Plan amendments or the Specific Study Zone on H Street between Fourth A venue and Interstate 5. Page 9 - Council Minutes http://www .chulavistaca.gov December 13, 2005 PUBLIC HEARING (Continued) Dave Wood shared Mr. Jentz's concerns regarding the loss of affordable housing, stating that 2300 units of the most affordable housing between E and H Streets and 1-5 and Broadway are proposed to be eliminated, and over 500 of the units are reserved for elders. Affordable housing should be provided for City employees, elders, law enforcement personnel and health care workers. Additionally, he suggested the Council establish an affordable housing taskforce. Chad Blum, representing the San Diego Labor Council, urged the Council to adopt the General Plan Update. Carlos Angeles spoke in support of progress and congratulated the City on its latest developments. The following people submitted slips in support of mid-rise but did not wish to speak: Robert Ross Anthony Klappor Nellie Patterson Laura Villanueva Sandy Duncan Kliche Klopper Louise Olson George Hanak Maria Zadorozny Jerry Scott Jean Kalani Rossrt Corcilius Don Bodie Wendz Hartson Sonny Chandler Joe Kalani Shirley Meror Rodolfo Tanos Frank Best Ron Johnson Donna Chamber The following people submitted comments on speaker slips but did not wish to speak: . Verena Fleming: support mid-rise alternative, wish the study corridor did not exist and that area was also designated mid-rise. . Pandra Boyle: support the mid-rise alternative, still concerned about the H Street study area, would like to see it designated mid-rise also. . Jack Blakely: representing the Chula Vista Downtown Business Area, support the General Plan Update. . Kathryn Radinovsky: support mid-rise, no more than 7 stories. . Scott Vinson: support the General Plan Update . Paula Perry: oppose high rises on the General Plan Update for the west side. There being no further members of the public wishing to speak, Mayor Padilla closed the public hearing. Advanced Planning Manager Batchelder concluded the presentation with staffs recommendations. Page 10 - Council Minutes http://www.chulavistaca.gov December 13,2005 PUBLIC HEARING (Continued) ACTION: Councilmember Rindone offered Resolution No. 2005-423, heading read, text waived: RESOLUTION NO. 2005-423, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA CERTIFYING THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR 05-01) FOR THE GENERAL PLAN UPDATE AND RELATED ACTIONS; MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS OF FACT; ADOPTING A STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS; AND ADOPTING A MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT The motion carried 4-0. ACTION: Deputy Mayor McCann offered Resolution No. 2005-424, heading read, text waived: RESOLUTION NO. 2005-424, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVING THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL PLAN UPDATE, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE LAND USE MAP AND LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT PROVISIONS FOR THE DOWNTOWN THIRD AVENUE DISTRICT (SECTION 9.5.1), THE H STREET CORRIDOR DISTRICT AND ITS FOCUS AREAS (SECTIONS 9.5.2, 9.5.3, AND 9.5.4), A PORTION OF THE MAIN STREET DISTRICT AND RELATED LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT POLICIES LUT 45.1, 45.2 AND 45.3 AND THE LAND USE MAP DESIGNATIONS FOR VILLAGES 8, 9, AND 10 OF THE OT A Y RANCH AND ASSOCIATED POLICIES; REPEALING THE MONTGOMERY SPECIFIC PLAN, AND AMENDING THE CITY'S MULTIPLE SPECIES CONSERVATION PROGRAM SUBAREA PLAN The motion carried 4-0 ACTION: Mayor Padilla offered Resolution No. 2005-425, heading read, text waived: RESOLUTION NO. 2005-425, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL PLAN UPDATE LAND USE MAP, AND LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT PROVISIONS FOR THE DOWNTOWN THIRD AVENUE DISTRICT (SECTION 9.5.1) The motion carried 3-0 1, with Councilmember Rindone abstaining. Page 11 - Council Minutes http://www.chulavistaca.gov December 13, 2005 PUBLIC HEARING (Continued) ACTION: Mayor Padilla offered Resolution No. 2005-426, heading read, text waived: RESOLUTION NO. 2005-426, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL PLAN UPDATE LAND USE MAP AND LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT PROVISIONS FOR THE H STREET CORRIDOR DISTRICT AND ITS FOCUS AREAS (SECTIONS 9.5.2, 9.5.3, AND 9.5.4), AND A PORTION OF THE MAIN STREET DISTRICT AND RELATED LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT POLICIES LUT 45.1, 45.2 AND 45.3 The motion carried 3-0-1, with CounciImember Castaneda abstaining. ACTION: CounciImember Castaneda offered Resolution No. 2005-427, heading read, text waived: RESOLUTION NO. 2005-427, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE OTAY RANCH GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN The motion carried 4-0. Councilmember Rindone and Deputy Mayor McCann asked staff to provide a full briefing in the future on the SANDAG allocation policies. OTHER BUSINESS 11. CITY MANAGER'S REPORTS City Manager Rowland's recommended that the December 20,2005 meeting be canceled. It was the consensus of the Council to hold the meeting, and Deputy Mayor McCann requested that Jessica's Law be brought forward for discussion at that meeting. 12. MAYOR'S REPORTS Mayor Padilla spoke regarding unintentionally sending the wrong message to an important segment of the community at the recent holiday festival in Memorial Park and offered regrets and apologies to anyone who was offended. He defended the actions of staff, who acted out of an overabundance of caution, and stated that he has requested the City Attorney's office bring forward a solid policy to address the issue in the future. Page 12 - Council Minutes http://www.chulavistaca.gov December 13,2005 13. COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilmember Rindone congratulated staff on a job well done with regard to the General Plan Update. He encouraged anyone interested in applying for the Council vacancy to submit an application. He then wished all a happy holiday season and encouraged everyone to spend time with families and friends, as well as support those less fortunate. Deputy Mayor McCann congratulated staff and the Council on the approval of the monumental General Plan document, commended the Mayor for addressing the holiday event issue, and encouraged anyone interested in running for Council to apply for the Council vacancy. Councilmember Castaneda concurred with the Mayor's statement regarding the mishap during the holiday festival and commended him for moving forward on the development of a comprehensive policy. CLOSED SESSION Closed Session was cancelled, and the following item was not discussed: 14. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING ANTICIPATED LITIGATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 . One case ADJOURNMENT At 10:48 p.m., Mayor Padilla adjourned the meeting to the Adjourned Regular Meeting of December 16, 2005, at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, thence to the Regular Meeting of December 20, 2005, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. - --=-- ~^.._- _Ju ~ -it: J->>- Susan Bigelow, MMC, City Clerk Page 13 - Council Minutes http://www.chulavistaca.gov December 13, 200S Chairs Mickey Cafagna Mayor, City of Po way Chairman, San Diego Association of Governments Julie Meier Wright President & CEO San Dieg'o Regional Economic Development Corporation Bob Tjosvold San Die go Market President Bank of America Advisory Board members Ken Bawngartner The Corky McMillin Companies DanaBezerra Merrill Lynch Michael Chapin GEDCON Inc. Kurt Chilcott CDC Small Business Finance Hank Cunningham City of San Diego Larry Fitch San Diego Workforce Partnership Marye Anne Fox University of California, San Diego Peter Hall Centre City Development Corporation Chad Harris Centex Homes John Hull SBC Karen Hutchens Hutchens & Associates LLC Chris Jennewein San Diego Union.TnbWle Rita Mahoney The Corky McMillin Companies Mitch Mitchell Hewlett-Packard Paul Nieto TMGPartners Joanne Pastula JWlior Achievement Anthony Patterson Patteo Ventures Doug Rein DLA Piper Rudnick Gray Cary US LLP Frank UrtasWl San Diego Gas & Electric Mark Wittenberg University of California, San Diego BankofAmerica ~ ~ Ii San Diego ('... Regional Economic rfi.... Develupment ....... . ..... . ..... Corporation cr...DAG ':','- .......J ,Yip"),,", . -t.~"'-~_. ."' ,/ December 14, 2005 David D. Rowlands Jr. City ofChula Vista 276 Fourth Avenue Chula Vista, CA 91910 Dear Mr. Rowlands: San Diego County must provide its residents with a balanced, sustainable quality of life to be considered a truly world-class region in the 215t Century. This means more than good jobs and easy access to the beach on sunny days. It means thriving economic, environmental, and social infrastructures that allow us to compete for talent and investment with similar U.S. regions in an increasingly global marketplace. The San Diego Association of Governments and the San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation have collaborated with Bank of America to produce the 2005 Indicators of Sustainable Competitiveness: A Quality of Life Index for San Diego. The 2005 Index benchmarks our performance against 18 regional competitors and the nation. It reprises a study first done in 2001. It is our desire to share the results of this important study with the City Council by making a 10- to 12-minute presentation at an upcoming council meeting. Using a composite index constructed from quality-of-life indicators representing three broad areas - the economy, the environment, and social equity - the 2005 Index measures the success of our efforts and the pace of our progress, or lack thereof. Enclosed is an executive summary ofthe report. On one hand, the 2005 study reveals, just as the original did, that we have our work cut out for us in the area of equity. Our region is at a competitive disadvantage in the areas that define equity, including housing affordability, early childhood education, and traffic congestion. On the other hand, as San Diegans we can take pride in the fact that our environmental indicators show we are tied for the top spot with Seattle. Our region is at a competitive advantage in most areas that define the environment. Also, it's important to recognize that we have begun to take collaborative actions that will have a positive influence on some of our worst performing indicators. To move forward it is critically important for elected officials, civic leaders, and citizen groups working together to prioritize the challenges and craft a comprehensive action plan to boost our performance in the three E's. It is only through such collaborative efforts that we can make the long-term adjustments to enhance our shared quality oflife. 530 B Street Seventh Floor San Diego CA 92101 www.sandiegobusiness.org page 2 A representative from the San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation will call you in the next week to follow up and discuss when we could schedule this presentation before your council. Sincerely, 4~fk ~/~ Marney Cox, Chief Economist, San Diego Association of Governments Michael Schuerman, Director of Research, San Diego Regional Economic Development Corp. enclosure 2 (,,"f'.';4':t;I".o~-"~,".T' Boston Chicago DC Houston Los Angeles NYC Paris San Diego San Francisco Seoul Sydney Taiwan Toronto Vancouver Wilmington NTDTV's Chinese New Year Global Gala An Exhilarating Fusion of the East & West ~ j]f-m-"""E@...~~ New Tang Dynasty It:I\ New Tang Dynasty Televisicn Television (NTDTV) invites you to join us on an exciting joumey-- the 2006 NTDTV Chinese New Year Global Gala. NTDTV successfully hosted Chinese New Year Galas in 2004 and 2005. Weare honored that many world leaders, businesses, and organizations recognize NTDTV's Chinese New Year Gala as an important platform for celebrating the Chinese New Year and for appreciating Chinese traditional culture and arts. Past Success 2004 Gala: Live audience totaling 10,000 in five cities: New York City, Washington DC, Taipei Paris, and Toronto 2005 Gala: Live audiences totaling 13,500 in seven cities: New York City, Washington DC, San Francisco, Hong Kong, Taipei, Toronto, and London. Performers Nearly 500 performers joined the five galas in 2004, and 1,000 performers participated in the seven galas in 2005. NTDTV's Chinese New Year Global Gala has attracted world-class performers such as: . National Taiwan University of Arts . Juilliard String Quartet . American Ballet Theatre . Washington Choir . Tianjiao Performing Arts Group . Ying Tang Arts Group Recognition Over 250 global and local leaders, celebrities, and famous athletes extended their New Year greetings to the Chinese-speaking population via the 2005 NTDTV Chinese New Year Global Gala. These leaders include US President George Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin, Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian, and Vice President of the European Parliament Charlotte Cederschiold. Volunteers and Media Partners More than 4,000 volunteers (1,500 in the US) helped with the production and promotion of the 2005 NTDTV Global Gala. ; Our media partners include The Epoch Times, which is published in 8 languages, and distributed in 28 countries, and the Sound of Hope radio network, broadcasts through ~~jfflt.:. ~ lilIl1:iml3lill€l online streaming ~S~dofHopeRadioNctworli: and local radio www.SollndofHooe.org stations. In San Diego, The Epoch Times publishes weekly in both Chinese and English editions, and the Sound of Hope broadcasts on Friday, 5:00-6:00pm, through AM 1000, KCEO radio station. ~ ~ ",EpochTimes htto://En gl ish .Eooc h Times. com 2006 Global Gala in 16 Cities In 2006, NTDTV's Global Gala will be more than doubled in size. An estimated 35,000 people will experience the Gala live in at least 16 cities on four continents, including II major cities in North America. Our 200 million potential viewers will be able to watch it on New Year's Eve via satellite, 42 cable networks, and internet streaming video. San Diego will be one of the proud hosts to the 2006 Global Gala. The live performance is scheduled on February 9, 2006, 8:00pm, at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido. To view past galas, or for more information on the upcoming galas, please visit: www.NewYearGala.ntdtv.com www.sd-gala.com (local page). Tel: 619-578-8495 ...tOo:....~.. ," , .' '"v ;l":. _ '.&::=: 11 ~ iFf ~ ~ E@..~J..l5 New Tang Dynasty Television New Tang Dynasty Announces 2006 Chinese New Year Global Gala - Third Glorious Year Includes PerfOlmances at Radio City Music Hall in New York New York City (November 10,2005) - New Tang Dynasty will hold its 2006 Chinese New Year Global Gala in 16 cities globally, and here in New York at Radio City Music Hall. Zhong Lee, president of New Tang Dynasty (NTDTV), announced this news at a recent interview. With its trademark blend of traditional Chinese cultural acts and high class Western performers, New Tang Dynasty is set to put on the most amazing Chinese New Year celebration yet. New Tang Dynasty, a non-profit organization committed to independent media coverage, says that this year's gala reflects their mission ofblidging the gap between the East and West. < Lee said: "This year our theme is 'Myths and Legends'. Every nation has its own legends. We want to tell people the legends embedded in China's thousands years of history. We want to present to people the most genuine traditional Chinese culture. You will see a lot of story- telling in the perfOlmance." Last year 40 percent of the audience was Western but organizers hope to attract even more Western audience members this year. "We really want to introduce Chinese culture to the Western world and the other way around. We are trying to introduce ballet and different culture to the Chinese people as well. It goes both ways," said Lee. New Tang Dynasty's New Year Gala will have three performances in New York City, on Jan 20-21, but will be appealing in nine major cities around the country. International locations include Sydney, Paris, Toronto, Vancouver and Taiwan. TOUR DATES: January 7th January 20/21st January 24th February 4th February 9th February 11th February 12th February 17th February 19th Media Contacts: Gala press release Boston New York Philadelphia Chicago San Diego (at California Center for the Arts, Escondido) Los Angeles San Francisco Washington DC Houston Shelley Zhang Email: shelley.zhang@ntdtv.com Phone: 619-578-8495 www.NewYearGala.ntdtv.com About NTDTV, Gala, and OCMC · The Gala: NTDTV's Chinese New Year Global Gala is a grand annual multicultural music and dance performance featuring many world renowned artists. It is designed to enable audiences to experience the grandeur of Chinese culture, the harmonic fusion of the East and the West, in an atmosphere of joy and celebration for the Chinese New Year through the traditional and contemporary performing arts. This is the third year ofNTDTV's global Gala. In 2005 there were seven Galas worldwide, and five were sold-out, including the 5,200 seat Theater at Madison Square Garden in New York. The 2006 Chinese New Year Global Gala is scheduled to tour 16 cities worldwide, including 11 in North America. An estimated 35,000 people will experience the Gala live. NTDTV's 200 ; million potential viewers will be able to watch the Gala on New Year's Eve via satellite and 42 cable networks. . December 9.2005 Honorable Mayor Stephen Padilla & Councilmembers: City of Chula Vista 276 Fourth Avenue Chula Vista. CA 91910 Honorable Mayor & Council members: It is with great regret and enthusiasm to inform you that I am submitting my resignation as a planning commissioner with the city of Chula Vista effective December 9.2005 in order to pursue personal and professional goals in my life. As an appointed member of this august bOdy for 6 % years (1999-2005) and as a member of the Otay Valley Road Project Area Committee for 3 years (1996-1999) it is time for me to focus on my future. I am proud of the beautiful and award winning master planned communities that are continuing to be developed in the Eastem part of our city. And of course. the renewed emphasis on revitalizing the West side with effective land use strategies aimed at bringing economic development and infrastructure improvements on par with the east so that our entire city can enjoy true livability. Again. I want to thank you for the opportunity to serve this great city. and I would like to thank the hard working men and women who make up the ranks of our city's civil and professional workforce who truly are the best in San Diego County. Respectfully. ~l ~A ~'- Marco Polo Cortes ;;:;; January 10, 2006 Susan Bigelow City Clerk City of Chula Vista 276 Fourth Avenue Chula Vista, CA 91910 Dear Ms. Bigelow, Receive this as my resignation from the City ofChula Vista's Board of Ethics effective today. My resignation is in protest for the actions and behavior of our City Council and Mayor involving the recent appointment to seat number one. Best Regards, Rudy Ramirez 00 g =i=i -<-< :0 00 ~ m r--n rTlo (") :::o~ m =-<- .CO c/>c- < oP "T1< ~ m ::~~~ \0 0 n_; W :II T.'" 0\ =?6 ORDINANCE NO. . k\ ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF .~~O CHULA VISTA AMENDING THE ZONIN~MAP. I\)~- ESTABLISHED BY SECTION 19.18.010 OF THE MUN CODE, REZONING AN 11.46 ACRE PAR~EL L ON THE EAST SIDE OF BRANDYWINE A V S FROM MENDOCINO DRIVE FROM THE R-HO GLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, HILLSIDE) ZONE TO THE R-2-P (ONE AND TWO FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, PRECISE PLAN) ZONE, AND ADOPTING PRECISE PLAN STANDARDS. 1. RECITALS A. Project Site WHEREAS, the area of land, which is the subject of this ordinance is diagrammatically represented in Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference, and for the purpose of general description herein consist of one acre located on Brandywine A venue east of Mendocino A venue ("Project Site or Site"); and B. Project; Application for Discretionary Approval WHEREAS, on July 25, 2003, a Rezone application was filed by CVHI, LLC ("Developer") with the Planning and Building Department of the City of Chula Vista requesting an amendment to the adopted zoning map or maps established by Section 19.18.010 of the Chula Vista Municipal Code in order to rezone an 11.46-acre parcel from the R-l-lOH (Single- Family Residential, Hillside) Zone to the R-1-5 P zone, and subsequently amended on October 14, 2004 by Developer to request approval of the R-2-P (One and Two Family Residential, Precise Plan) Zone, and adopting Precise Plan standards, for 104 condominium multi-family dwelling units ("Project"); and WHEREAS, on January 10, 2006, subsequent to consideration and approval of this project, Applicant requests approval of a Tentative Subdivision Map to subdivide 11.46 acres into 2 lots, a 7.43 acre, 104 multi-family unit condominium lot, and a 4.03 acre open space lot; and C. Prior Approvals WHEREAS, on December 13, 2005, the Chula Vista City Council adopted a resolution amending the Chula Vista General Plan, which included an amendment of the General Plan Land Use Designation for the project site from Residential Low-Medium (3-6 du/acre) to Residential Medium (6-11 du/acre); WHEREAS, the Design Review Committee held a noticed public hearing on July 18, 2005, at 4:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at 276 Fourth Avenue and, after hearing staff presentation and public testimony, voted 3-0-1-1 to approve the Design Review Application DRC-05-22 for the Project, subject to adoption of the General Plan Amendment and this related zone change, and 3-1 Ordinance Page 2 WHEREAS, on August 1, 2005, the Resource Conservation Commission determined that lnitial Study IS-02-45 for the Project was adequate, and recommended adoption of the Mitigated Negative Declaration. Furthermore, on November 30, 2005, the Planning Commission also recommended adoption of Mitigated Negative Declaration. D. Planning Commission Record on Application WHEREAS, the Planning Department set the time and place for a hearing on said Project, and notice of said hearing, together with its purpose, was given by its publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the City, and its mailing to property owners within 500 ft. of the exterior boundary of the Project, at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a noticed public hearing on the Project on November 30, 2005, at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at 276 Fourth Avenue and, after hearing staff presentation and public testimony, voted 5-0-2 to recommend that the City Council approve the Mitigated Negative Declaration, and Rezone, in accordance with the findings listed . below; and WHEREAS, the proceedings and all evidence introduced before the Planning Commission at the public hearing on the Project held on November 30, 2005, and the minutes and resolution resulting there from, are hereby incorporated into the record of these proceedings; and E. City Council Record on Application WHEREAS, the City Council held a noticed public hearing on the Project on January 10, 2006, at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at 276 Fourth Avenue; and WHEREAS, the City Clerk set the time and place for the hearing on the Project applications and notices of said hearings, together with its purposes given by its publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the City, and its mailing to property owners within 500 ft. of the exterior boundaries of the Project site at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing; and WHEREAS, after hearing staff's presentation and public testimony, the City Council voted _-_-_ to adopt and approve theMitigated Negative Declaration (IS-02-045) and Rezone in accordance with the findings listed below; and F. Discretionary Approval of Ordinance WHEREAS, a duly called and noticed public hearing on the Rezone was held before the City Council of the City of Chula Vista to receive the recommendations of the Planning Commission, and to hear public testimony with regard to the same. II. The City Council of the City Chula Vista does hereby ordain as follows: A. Certification of Compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) WHEREAS, the Environmental Review Coordinator has reviewed the proposed Project for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has conducted an Initial Study, IS-02-45 in accordance with CEQA. 3-2 Ordinance Page 3 WHEREAS, based on the results of the Initial Study, the Environmental Review Coordinator has determined that the project could result in significant effects on the environment. However, revisions to the project made by or agreed to by the applicant would avoid the effects or mitigate the effects to a point where clearly no significant effects would occur; therefore, the Environmental Review Coordinator has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration, IS-02-045. B. Independent Judgment of the City Council WHEREAS, the City Council has exercised their independent review and judgment and concurs with the Planning Commission, Resource Conservation Commission, and Environmental Review Coordinator's determination that Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS-02-045), in the form presented, has been prepared in accordance with requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines and the Environmental Review Procedures of the City of Chula Vista. C. Precise Plan Findings I. That such use will not under the circumstances of the particular case be detrimental to the health, safety or general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity. The City Council finds that the proposed precise plan standards contained in attached Exhibit B will not have a negative impact on the surrounding neighborhood because the proposed standards allow the applicant to design a project that is more compatible with the surrounding development. The surrounding area includes multi- family dwellings on the north and west, single- family homes to the east, and industrial complex to the south. Such standards will allow the flexibility in establishing new development standards for density, building types, height, floor area and setback regulations that will permit construction of attached town-home dwelling units with garages, private yards, and common open space, which is appropriate for an area which transitions from single-family to industrial zoned areas. 2. That such plan satisfies the following principles for application of the "P" modifying district as set forth in CVMC 19.56.041: (a) The City Council fmds that the property is unique in terms of its physical characteristics, configuration, circulation, social or historic characteristics requiring special design; because the site includes steep slope lands of 25% or greater, and narrow endemic sensitive plant species which'requires preservation in an open space lot and clustering of development into the southern and western portions ofthe site, in a manner that complies with the City's General Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Multiple Species Conservation Program. (b) The City Council also finds that the site is adjacent and contiguous to areas zoned Planned Community and Limited Industrial, and that the adoption of the Precise Plan will allow the project to be designed with dwelling unit types and development standards which will make a more appropriate transition between adjacent multi family and single family development, and will also 3-3 Ordinance Page 4 be designed to include walls, fencing and landscape setbacks that will help buffer the units adjacent from the adjacent industrial uses, in a manner that the development of the site will better coexist with adjacent uses which might otherwise not be compatible. (c) The City Council also [mds that application of the "P" modifying district is appropriate because the basic or underlying R-l-lOH zone regulation does not allow the flexibility needed to achieve a project design that permits clustering of development in a way that protects the on-site biological resources and steep slopes, and therefore a precise plan modifying district is needed to allow a more compatible design. 3. That any exceptions granted which may deviate from the underlying zoning requirements shall be warranted only when necessary to meet the purpose and application of the Precise Plan. Development of the lot using the development standards of the R-2 zone would limit the ability of the applicant to propose a design which: a) Meets the goal of providing a 3 story, multi-family townhome dwelling unit type with private and common recreational facilities, where the R-2 zone permits 2 story duplex buildings with private recreational areas; and b) Configures the placement of the open space and residential uses on the site in a way that provides preservation of steep slope and biological open space areas. These requested deviations under the Precise Plan are warranted in order to achieve the purpose of the Precise Plan Modifying District. 4. The approval of this plan will conform to the General Plan and the adopted policies of the City Of Chula Vista. The project has been designed and evaluated in accordance with the goals and objectives of the General Plan, including the Residential-Medium (6-11 duJacre) and Clustering provisions of the Land Use Element. The Precise Plan, as described, will allow the project to be consistent with the goals and objectives of the General Plan, and the Chula Vista Municipal Code. D. The rezoning provided for herein is consistent with the City of Chula Vista General Plan, as approved on December 13 2005, and the public necessity, convenience and the general welfare and good zoning practice support the amendment to the Municipal Code. E. The City Of Chula Vista Zoning Map established by Section 19.18.010 of the Chula Vista Municipal Code is hereby amended to rezone the site as depicted in Exhibit "B" from R-l-lOH (Single- Family Residential, Hillside) to R-2-P (One and Two Family Residential, Precise Plan). F. The Precise Plan Standards as depicted in Exhibit "B" are hereby adopted and are supported by the required [mdings (CVMC Section 19.56.041, as outlined in section II (C) above. 3-4 Ordinance Page 5 III. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force on the thirtieth day from and after its adoption. Presented by Approved as to form by r~~ ~.Moore ty Attorney James D. Sandoval Planning and Building Director 3-5 COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT L Item_ Meeting Date 1/17/2006 ITEM TITLE: Resolution authorizing the purchase of Police Pursuit Vehicles on an as-needed basis from Raceway Ford, in accordance with terms and conditions of a cooperative agreement with the City of San Diego, for a period of one year; and, authorizing the Purchasing Agent to renew the agreement for four additional one-year periods. Director of Finance (vJ b'r\. "'de Director of Public Works operation~ City Manager f ~ 1 f: (4/5 Vote: Yes_ No..xJ SUBMITTED BY: REVIEWED BY: The Chula Vista Municipal Code Section 2.56.140 and Council Resolution No. 6132 authorize the Purchasing Agent to participate in cooperative bids with other government agencies for the purchase of equipment and materials of common usage. The City has an opportunity to participate in a current City of San Diego bid for favorable terms and pricing. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the Resolution authorizing the purchase of Police Pursuit Vehicles on an as-needed basis from Raceway Ford, in accordance with terms and conditions of a cooperative agreement with the City of San Diego, for a period of one year; and, authorizing the Purchasing Agent to renew the agreement for four additional one- year periods. DISCUSSION: The cities of Chula Vista, Escondido, La Mesa, and San Diego combined annual requirements for Police Pursuit Vehicles under a single bid (#72l9-06-Z). Favorable terms and pricing were received as a result of this cooperative venture. The bid was advertised and posted on the City of San Diego Website. Bid packets were sent to eighteen (18) potential respondents. Eight (8) vendors submitted bids. The Chula Vista Ford dealer was contacted, but did not submit a bid. The Ford Crown Victoria is the vehicle of choice for law enforcement purposes and is considered an industry standard. *Unit cost includes options, delivery, and applicable discounts; sales tax is not included. Vendor Unit Cost* Raceway Ford $22,519.86 Hoblit Motors $22,998.23 Villa Ford $23,156.35 Kearny Mesa Ford $23,218.61 South Bay Ford $23,341.84 Wondries Fleet Division $23,410.91 Pearson Ford $24,024.60 McPeek's (Alt) $25,033.56 McPeet's $27,065.73 4-1 Page 2, Item ~ Meeting Date 1117/06 Raceway Ford of Riverside, CA is the apparent low responsive and responsible bidder and is therefore recommended for award of contract. Prices are firm for an initial one-year period. The contract may be renewed for four additional one-year periods by mutual agreement. Option period renewals may not increase by more than 2% over prior year costs. This is an excellent opportunity for the City of Chula Vista to realize substantial cost savings and keep prices in check for Police Pursuit Vehicles for the next five years. FISCAL IMPACT: Sufficient funds are budgeted annually in the Equipment Replacement Fund for the replacement of Police Pursuit Vehicles. 4-2 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF POLICE PURSUIT VEHICLES ON AN AS-NEEDED BASIS FROM RACEWAY FORD, IN ACCORDANCE WITH TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO, FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR; AND, AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASING AGENT TO RENEW THE AGREEMENT FOR FOUR ADDITIONAL ONE- YEAR PERIODS WHEREAS, sufficient funds are budgeted annually in the Equipment Replacement Fund for the replacement of Police Pursuit Vehicles; and, WHEREAS, the Chula Vista Municipal Code Section 2.56.140 and Council Resolution No. 6132 authorize the Purchasing Agent to participate in cooperative bids with other government agencies for the purchase of materials of common usage; and WHEREAS, the cities of Chula Vista, Escondido, La Mesa, and San Diego combined annual requirements for Police Pursuit Vehicles under a single bid (#7219-06- Z) and, as a result, received favorable terms and pricing; and WHEREAS, this cooperative venture utilized a competitive bid process that the City's Purchasing Agent has determined to be consistent with good purchasing practices; and WHEREAS, based on this cooperative bid, the City of Chula Vista has the opportunity to purchase police pursuit vehicles for $22,519.86 per unit, for one year, from Raceway Ford, the low responsive and responsible bidder; and WHEREAS, the contract may be renewed for four additional, one-year periods by mutual agreement, and option period renewals may not increase by more than 2 percent over prior year costs; and WHEREAS, participating in this cooperative venture will allow the City of Chula Vista to realize substantial cost savings and keep prices in check for Police Pursuit Vehicles for the next five years. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the City Council of the City of Chula Vista does hereby authorize the purchase of police pursuit vehicles from Raceway Ford, on an as-needed basis, in accordance with the terms of a cooperative agreement with the City of San Diego, for one year. 4-3 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City's Purchasing Agent is authorized to renew the agreement for four additional, one-year periods. Presented by Approved as to form by Dave Byers Director of Public Works Operations J:lAuomeyIJILLMIRESOS\PlIrchasc ofPD vehicles from Raceway Foro_Jan. 2006.doc 4-4 COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT Item: Meeting Date: S 01/17/06 ITEM TITLE: Resolution approving the second amendment to the agreement with Systems Integrated LLC which will increase the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the provision of services required to design and construct the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system that will provide an alarm system for controlling and monitoring sewer collection and pump stations throughout the city, and amend the substantial and final completion, and authorizing the Mayor to execute said amendment. Director of Public Works Operations V City Manager 11 ~ 7fJ( (4/5ths Vote: Yes _NoJ.J SUBMITTED BY: REVIEWED BY: The City Council previously approved a Design Build Agreement with Systems Integrated LLC on March 16,2004, by Resolution 2004-078, which established the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) at $527,750 and the First Amendment, which increased the contract time by 90 days on March 4, 2004, by Resolution 2005-109. The SCADA project, which will provide an alarm system for controlling and monitoring sewer collection and pump stations throughout the City, is progressing and due to additional locations identified by City staff resulting in additional work by Design Builder, it has become necessary to increase the GMP to cover expenses necessary for completion of additional work. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve: · The second amendment of the Design Build Agreement with Systems Integrated LLC which will increase the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the provision of services required to design and construct the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system · Amending the substantial and final completion dates · Authorizing the Mayor to execute said amendment BOARDS/COMMISSIONS RECOMMENDATION: Not applicable. BACKGROUND: On March 16, 2004 City Council approved an agreement with Systems Integrated LLC by Resolution 2004-078 for the services required to design and construct a completed and fully functional Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system that will provide an alarm system for controlling and monitoring sewer collection and pump stations throughout the 5-1 Page 2, Item: Meeting Date: F) 01/17/06 city, capital improvement project SW218 and established the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) at $527,750. PROJECT SCOPE AND CONTRACTUAL REOUIREMENTS The Design-Build Agreement with Systems Integrated LLC provides the City with a fully functional Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. The SCADA system provides an alarm system for controlling and monitoring sewer collection and pump stations throughout the City. SCADA enables crews to place more of an emphasis on preventative maintenance by providing real-time monitoring, instantaneous alarm notification and computerized control of equipment and critical systems. Additional locations contemplated by City to Design Builder resulting in an increase in the GMP for the additional work are as follows: Mountain Hawk Park Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) Salt Creek Park Pump Station RTU Relocation of radio transceiver at Surrey Place to City owned light pole Chemical tank monitoring system for Parkway Pool Chemical tank monitoring system for Lorna Verde Pool Quotes for each location are enclosed as Attachment A. The Second Amendment (Exhibit A) to the Design Build Agreement between the City of Chula Vista and Systems Integrated LLC will include increasing the GMP from $527,750 to $638,780, which includes a project contingency of approximately 5% whereby any remaining funds at completion of project will be returned to the project fund. It is cost effective and prudent for the City to utilize System Integrated LLC to design and construct the SCADA systems at the above locations as they are providing same systems throughout the City per their Original Agreement, are familiar with the system required by the City and currently provide support for systems installed. Pursuant to Section 14 of the Design Build agreement, staff and Design Builder have made every effort to determine a fair and equitable price for the additional work. While the design and installation ofthe Mountain Hawk Park Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) and Salt Creek Park Pump Station RTU are dependent on the construction completion of each park, it is estimated that they would corne on line on or before April 2006. Thus, the Substantial and Final completion dates will be amended accordingly. The revised Substantial Completion date is 519 working days from issuance of Notice to Proceed at execution of Agreement and the revised Final Completion date is 30 working days after Substantial Completion. FISCAL IMPACT: There are sufficient funds in the proj ect for the increase in GMP, therefore no additional appropriations are necessary and there is no impact to the general fund. A breakdown of the GMP and available projects funds are as follows: 5-2 Page 3, Item: Meeting Date: 5 01/17/06 GMP RECAP Original GMP $527,750 Additional Work $86,030 ContingencvCaoorox.5%) $25,000 GMP TO DATE $638,780 PROJECT FUNDS Existing Appropriation (SW218 - Alann Replacement) $873,000 TOTAL PROJECT FUNDS A V AILABLE $873,000 Staff is recommending increasing the contract amount to incorporate the GMP of $638,780. The GMP includes, but is not limited to, design services, general conditions, insurance, bonds, construction management, the cost for all labor, equipment, and material to design and build a fully functional SCADA system in accordance with all applicable building codes and additional work in the amount of $111,030. Approval of tonight's resolution will approve the second amendment to the agreement with Systems Integrated LLC to increase the GMP to $638,780 for the design, construction and additional work pertaining to the SCADA system that will provide an alann system for controlling and monitoring sewer collection and pump stations throughout the City, amend the substantial and final completion dates, and authorize the Mayor to execute said amendment. Attachment A - Quotes for Additional Work Exhibit A - Second Amendment to the Design Build Agreement and Revised Exhibit 2 J:\Genel.'al Services\GS Administration\Council Agenda\SCADA\SW218 SCADA Second Amendment AIl3.doc 5-3 Attachment A-1 Sent via e-mail 12/12/05 [~']SVSTEMS ....3F 5@ INTEGRATED 8080 Dagget Slree~ San Diego, CA 92111 Telephone 858/277-0700 FAX 858/277-1490 December 12, 2005 Mr. Brian Walther CITY OF CIlULA VISTA 1800 Maxwell Road Chula Vista, CA 91911 Re: Mountain Hawk Park RTU Quote Dear Brian: Per you request Systems Integrated is pleased to provide the following quotation to provide an RTU for monitoring & control of the water system at Mountain Hawk Park in accordance with the standard design for the City of Chula Vista wastewater SCADA system currently under deployment. Scope of Supplv Systems Integrated will engineer, furnish and provide installation and start-up assistance for a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) and Proxim radio. This equipment will be integrated into the City of Chula Vista SCADA system currently under deployment. The RTU will be manufactured in accordance with the current SCADA system design. Systems Integrated will provide the following: Furnish hardware & software: . Remote terminal unit. . RTU application software Install Equipment: . Mount Remote Terminal Unit in existing structure. · Mount Proxim radio on antenna structure and conduit provided by others. · Connect to water control system interface terminal block unit to be furnished as part of the water system controller furnished by others. 5-4 Mr. Roman McNaughton Rudolph & Sletton Page 2 of2 Provide technical services: . SCADA master station database programming . Operator workstation graphic screen development . Site start-up support & Site acceptance testing . System Documentation PRICE QUOTATION ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE I Remote Terminal Unit 1 $26,000.00 $26,000.00 w/SlaODlicationso~~e 2 Proxim SUR Radio 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 3 SCADA Master Station 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 PrOgramming 4 Installation & start-up 1 2,560.00 $2,560.00 assistance (2 days max.) TOTAL PRICE $31,060.00 Notes: 1. Price does not include taxes if applicable. 2. Shipping not included and will be added to final invoice if required. 3. The actual scope of installation work required to interface to the water control equipment is not known at this time. This quote is based on 2 electricians for 2 days on site. If additional installation time is required it will be furnished at a rate of $80.00 per hour, 4 hour minimum. 4. Furnishing of instrumentation and associated electrical installation is not included and will be quoted separately if required. 5. Payment terms are as follows: a 30% upon approval ofwdware submittal. b. 50% upon shipment of equipment. c. 20% upon completion of start-up and acceptance of SI system. 6. Lead-time is approximately 4 weeks after approval of~ware submittal. . 7. Additional start-up assistance will be quoted se~tely ifrequired. Please contact me if you have any questions reg~ding this quotation. Sincerely, SYSTEMS INTEGRATED John P. Holbrook Director 5289-0al 5-5 Attachment A-2 Sent via e-mail 12/12/05 ~. SYSTEMS .-- -SF!S@ INTEGRATED 8080 Dagget Street. San Diego. CA 92111 Telephone 8581277-0700 FAX 858/277-1490 December 12, 2005 Mr. Brian Walther CITY OF CHULA VISTA 1800 Maxwell Road Chula Vista, CA 91911 Re: Salt Creek Park Pump Station RTU Quote Dear Brian: Per you request Systems Integrated is pleased to provide the following quotation to provide a sewage lift station monitoring & control system in accordance with the standard design for the City of Chula Vista wastewater SCADA system currently under deployment. Scone ofSunnlv Systems Integrated will engineer, furnish and provide installation and start-up assistance for a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) and pump control panel for the Salt Creek Park pump station. 1bis equipment will be integrated into the City of Chula Vista SCADA system currently under deployment. The RTU will be manufactured in accordance with the current SCADA system design. Systems Integrated will provide the following: Furnish hardware & software: · Remote terminal unit equipped with Siemens ultrasonic level sensing (Indoor mount enclosure) · Pump control panel (Indoor mount enclosure) · RTU application software Install Equipment: · Mount Remote Terminal Unit in existing structure. · Mount Siemens ultrasonic level sensor in wet well (conduit by others) · Mount Pump control paneL · Wire equipment and test. (Existing floats will be used) 5-6 Mr. Roman McNaughton Rudolph & Sletton Page 2 of2 Provide technical services: . SCADA master station database programming . Operator workstation graphic screen development . Site start-up support . Site acceptance testing . System Documentation PRICE QUOTATION ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE 1 Remote Terminal Unit 1 $26,000.00 $26,000.00 w/SI aoolication software 2 Duplex Pump Control 1 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Panel (15 horsepower max) 3 . SCADA Master Station 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Pro~"mminn 4 Installation & start-up 1 $4,600.00 $4,600.00 assistance (2 days max.) TOTAL PRICE $36,600.00 Notes: 1. Price does not include taxes if applicable. 2. Shipping not included and will be added to final invoice if reqnired. 3. RTU will connect to the City of Chula Vista MIS network through Ethernet connection provided by others. 4. Payment terms are as follows: a. 30% upon approval of hardware submittal. b. 50% upon shipment of equipment. c. 20% upon completion of start-up and acceptance of SI system. 5. Lead-time is approximately 4 weeks after approval of hardware submittal. 6. Additional start-up assistance will be quoted separately if reqnired. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this quotation. Sincerely, SYSTEMS INTEGRATED John P. Holbrook Director 5288-Oal 5-7 Attachment A-3 LY-.] SYSTEMS 1;.@ INTEGRATED 8080 Dagget Street, San Diego, CA 92111 Telephone 8581277-0700 FAX 858/277-1490 November 15,2005 Mr. Brian Walther CITY OF CHULA VISTA 1800 Maxwell Road Chula Vista, CA 91911 Re: Contract #SW 218 - DesignlBuild SCADA System Contract Change Request Dear Brian: In accordance with your request for additional work following are the impacts to the project GMP and schedule: Item No. I - Relocate radio transceiver at Surrey Place to City owned light pole due to local resident complaints. Detailed description: Relocate SCADA radio transceiver to City owned light pole outside of pump station fenced area. Provide approximately 50 ft. of%" PVC underground conduit and connect to existing conduit installed for original installation. Description PRICE Furnish materials . Misc. Installation materials - PVC conduit and cat 5e $200.00 cable. Provide installation $2,600.00 Total $2,800.00 5-8 Mr. Brian Walther CITY OF CHULA VISTA November 15,2005 Page 2 of2 Price Summary The total increase in GMP is $2,800.00 The total increase in working time is as follows: . Installation time - 1 days Total time required 1 working day. Please call me if you have any questions regarding this quote. Weare prepared to begin this work immediately. Sincerely, SYSTEMS INTEGRATED John P. Holbrook Office 858-277-0700 x 2709 Mobile 760-473-4236 5-9 Attachment A-4 [~.]SVSTEMS ... .....sF!!h INTEGRATED 8080 Dagget Street, San Diego. CA 92111 Telephone 858/277-0700 FAX 858/277-1490 November 14,2005 Mr. Brian Walther CITY OF CHULA VISTA 1800 Maxwell Road Chula Vista, CA 91911 Re: Contract #SW 218 - DesignlBuild SCADA System Contract Change Request Dear Brian: In accordance with your request for additional work following are the impacts to the project GMP and schedule: Item No.1 - Provide a chemical tank monitoring system for Parkway Pool. Detailed description: Provide a system to monitor the amount of sodium hypochlorite stored in tanks at the pool locations. The system will utilize a electronic chemical scale equipped with a 4- 20mA output that will be monitored by the existing RTU. Description PRICE Furnish materials . 6000 lb capacity chemical scale w/analog output $6,000.00 . Allen Bradley 8 channel A1 module . Misc. Installation materials Provide Engineering, programming, testing and documentation $1,200.00 Provide installation $960.00 Total $8,160.00 5-10 Mr. Brian Walther CITYOFCHULA VISTA November 14, 2005 Page 2 of3 Item No.2 - Provide a chemical tank monitoring system for Lorna Verde Pool. Detailed description: Provide a system to monitor the amount of sodium hypochlorite stored in tanks at the pool locations. The system will utilize a electronic chemical scale equipped with a 4- 20mA output that will be monitored by the existing RTU. Description PRICE Furuish materials . 6000 lb capacity chemical scale w/analog output $5,250.00 . Misc. Installation materials Provide Engineering, programming, testing and , documentation $1,200.00 Provide installation $960.00 Total $7,410.00 PriceSummarv The total increase in GMP is $15,570.00 The total increase in working time is as follows: . Material lead time - 20 working days . Engineering & programming modifications - 5 days . Installation & test time - 10 days Total time required 35 working days. Please call me if you have any questions regarding this quote. We are prepared to begin this work immediately. 5-11 Mr. Brian Walther CITYOFCHULA VISTA November 14,2005 Page 3 of3 Sincerely, SYSTEMS INTEGRATED John P. Holbrook Office 858-277-0700 x 2709 Mobile 760-473-4236 5-12 Exhibit A Second Amendment To the Design Build Agreement between the City of Chula Vista and Systems Integrated LLC For Design and Construction of the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system This second amendment is made and entered into this day of January 2006 by and between the City of Chula Vista (herein "City"), a municipal corporation, and Systems Integrated LLC (herein "Design Builder or DIB"). City and Design Builder are sometimes hereinafter referred to as Parties ("Parties") RECITALS WHEREAS, the City and D/B entered into an agreement ("Original Agreement") dated March 16,2004 and approved by City Council Resolution 2004-078, whereby DIB provides design and construction services to the City for the construction of a fully functional Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system; and WHEREAS, the first amendment to the Design Build Agreement between the City of Chula Vista and Systems Integrated LLC was approved by City Council Resolution 2005-109 which amended the Substantial and Final completion dates; and WHEREAS, due to additional locations identified by City staff resulting in additional work by Design Builder, it has become necessary to increase the GMP to cover expenses necessary for completion of additional work; and WHEREAS the parties now desire to enter the Second Amendment to the Agreement to increase the contract amount to incorporate the guaranteed maximum price of $638,780for a fully functional Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system, capital improvement project SW218. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals and the mutual obligation of the Parties set forth herein, the City and Design Builder agree as follows: 1. Section 1 of Original Agreement, entitled General Scope of Work to be Performed by D/B, is hereby amended as follows: 1.3: 1 Perform all services, work and obligations as described herein for the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP), which shall include Design Services and General Conditions necessary to provide a fully completed and functional Project. D/B shall perform all Design Services and General Conditions for the not to exceed amount of $335,000.00(Exhibits 3). At 90% complete construction documents a GMP will be established pursuant to Section 13 of this agreement, which will include, but not limited to, the cost for all labor, equipment, and material to design and 5-13 build a fully functional SCADA system. GMP shall not exceed $527,750 $638,780. Any costs incurred by D/B in excess of said GMP shall be the sole responsibility of the DIB, unless a change order is approved by the City pursuant to Sections 9 and 14 of this agreement. All funds remaining in the GMP at the completion of the project shall belong to the City. 1.3.2 Substantial Completion: Achieve "Substantial Completion" (as defined in ~16.l) no later than ~ 519 working days from issuance of Notice to Proceed at execution of Agreement. 1.3.3. Achieve "Final Completion" (as defined in ~16.2) No later than ~ WerkiRg days frem issliImec ef }jetiee te Proeeed at e){ee-ulieR ef .^.greemcnt 30 working days from "Substantial Completion". 2. Section 13 of the . Original Agreement, entitled DIB GMP for Services and Reimbursements, is hereby amended to read as follows: 13.1.1 The GMP shall not exceed $527,750.00 $638,780 and include within said GMP shall be no more than $335,000.00 for Design Services and General Conditions as previously identified in Section 1.3.1 of this agreement. 13.2 Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, as full and complete compensation for performance of all services and obligations under this Agreement, D/B shall be compensated ("DIB GMP") by a sum not to exceed $527,750 $638,780 GMP shall include within said $527,750 $638,780. Said $335,000.00.00 for General Conditions and Design Services shall not be exceeded unless additional services are requested pursuant to ~ 7 above or a change order issued pursuant to ~ 14. Unless otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, DIB GMP shall include full compensation for all costs of any type incurred by DIB in performing all services and obligations under this Agreement, including but not limited to the following: 15.3 Phase III - Operation I Start-up services Total Compensation (GMP) $527,750.00 $638,780 3. Except as expressly provided herein all other provisions of the Original Agreement and the First Amendment shall remain in full force and affect. 5-14 Signature Page to the Second Amendment to the Design Build Agreement between the City of Chula Vista and Systems Integrated LLC F or Design and Construction of the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system City of Chula Vista Systems Integrated LLC by Stephen C. Padilla, Mayor by Name and Title Date ATTEST: Susan Bigelow, City Clerk Approved in form by: Ann Moore, City Attorney J:\General Selvices\GS Administration\Council Agend:i\SCADA\SW218 SCADA Second Amendment and Signature Page.doc 5-15 RESOLUTION NO. 2006- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT WITH SYSTEMS INTEGRATED LLC WHICH WILL INCREASE THE GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE (GMP) FOR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES REQUIRED TO DESIGN AND CONSTRUCT THE SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA ACQUISITION (SCADA) SYSTEM THAT WILL PROVIDE AN ALARM SYSTEM FOR CONTROLLING AND MONITORING SEWER COLLECTION AND PUMP STATIONS THROUGHOUT THE CITY, AND AMEND THE SUBSTANTIAL AND FINAL COMPLETION, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AMENDMENT WHEREAS, the City Council previously approved a Design Build Agreement with Systems Integrated LLC on March 16, 2004, by Resolution 2004-078, which established the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) at $527,750 and the First Amendment, which increased the contract time by 90 days. on March 4, 2004, by Resolution 2005-109; and WHEREAS, the project is progressing and due to additional locations identified by City staff resulting in additional work by Design Builder, it has become necessary to increase the GMP to cover expenses necessary for completion of additional work; and WHEREAS, the SCADA system provides an alarm system for controlling and monitoring sewer collection and pump stations throughout the City. SCADA enables crews to place more of an emphasis on preventative maintenance by providing real-time monitoring, instantaneous alarm notification and computerized control of equipment and critical systems; and WHEREAS, additional locations contemplated by City to Design Builder resulting in an increase in the GMP for the additional work are as follows: Mountain Hawk Park Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) Salt Creek Park Pump Station RTU Relocation of radio transceiver at Surrey Place to City owned light pole Chemical tank monitoring system for Parkway Pool Chemical tank monitoring system for Lorna Verde Pool NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Chula Vista does hereby approve the Second Amendment to the Agreement of the Design Build Agreement with Systems Integrated LLC which will increase the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the provision of services required to design and construct the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system, amending the substantial and final completion dates and authorizing the Mayor to execute said Amendment. Presented by Dave Byers Director of Public Works Operations ~4Ntkg oore 1 Attorney 5-16 THE ATTACHED AGREEMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED AS TO FORM BY THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE AND WILL BE FORMALLY SIGNED UPON APPROVAL BY THE CITY COUNCIL , ~M~~4up' Ann Mo City Attorney Dated: I / I{ /06 , Second Amendment to the Agreement with Systems Integrated LLC . 5-17 Second Amendment To the Design Build Agreement between the City of Chula Vista and Systems Integrated LLC For Design and Construction of the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system This second amendment is made and entered into this day of January 2006 by and between the City of Chula Vista (herein "City"), a municipal corporation, and Systems Integrated LLC (herein "Design Builder or D/B"). City and Design Builder are sometimes hereinafter referred to as Parties ("Parties") RECITALS WHEREAS, the City and D/B entered into an agreement ("Original Agreement") dated March 16,2004 and approved by City Council Resolution 2004-078, whereby D/B provides design and construction services to the City for the construction of a fully functional Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system; and WHEREAS, the first amendment to the Design Build Agreement between the City of Chula Vista and Systems Integrated LLC was approved by City Council Resolution 2005-109 which amended the Substantial and Final completion dat~s; and WHEREAS, due to additional locations identified by City staff resulting in additional work by Design Builder, it has become necessary to increase the GMP to cover expenses necessary for completion of additional work; and WHEREAS the parties now desire to enter the Second Amendment to the Agreement to increase the contract amount to incorporate the guaranteed maximum price of $638,780 for a fully functional Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system, capital improvement project SW218. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals and the mutual obligation of the Parties set forth herein, the City and Design Builder agree as follows: 1. Section 1 of Original Agreement, entitled General Scope of Work to be Performed by D/B, is hereby amended as follows: 1.3.1 Perform all services, work and obligations as described herein for the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP), which shall include Design Services and General Conditions necessary to provide a fully completed and functional Project. DIB shall perform all Design Services and General Conditions for the not to exceed amount of $335,000.00(Exhibits 3). At 90% complete construction documents a GMP will be established pursuant to Section 13 of this agreement, which will include, but not limited to, the cost for all labor, equipment, and material to design and 5-18 build a fully functional SCADA system. GMP shall not exceed $638,780. Any costs incurred by D/B in excess of said GMP shall be the sole responsibility of the D/B, unless a change order is approved by the City pursuant to Sections 9 and 14 of this agreement. All funds remaining in the GMP at the completion of the project shall belong to the City. The GMP shall include all work previously identified and, Mountain Hawk Park, Salt Creek Park, relocation of radio at Surrey Place, Chemical tanks at Lorna Verde Pool and Parkway Pool. 1.3.2 Substantial Completion: Achieve "Substantial Completion" (as defined in 916.1) no later than 519 working days from issuance of Notice to Proceed at execution of Agreement. 1.3.3. Achieve "Final Completion" (as defined in 916.2) No later than 30 working days from "Substantial Completion". 2. Section 13 of the Original Agreement, entitled D/B GMP for Services and Reimbursements, is hereby amended to read as follows: 13.1.1 The GMP shall not exceed $638,780 and include within said GMP shall be no more than $335,000.00 for Design Services and General Conditions as previously identified in Section 1.3.1 of this agreement. 13.2 Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, as full and complete compensation for performance of all services and obligations under this Agreement, D/B shall be compensated ("D/B GMP") by a sum not to exceed $638,780 GMP shall include within said $638,780. Said $335,000.00.00 for General Conditions and Design Services shall not be exceeded unless additional services are requested pursuant to 9 7 above or a change order issued pursuant to 9 14. Unless otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, D/B GMP shall include full compensation for all costs of any type incurred by D/B in performing all services and obligations under this Agreement, including but not limited to the following: 15.3 Phase Ill- Operation / Start-up services Total Compensation (GMP) $638,780 3. Except as expressly provided herein all other provisions of the Original Agreement and the First Amendment shall remain in full force and affect. 5-19 Signature Page to the Second Amendment to the Design Build Agreement between the City of Chula Vista and Systems Integrated LLC For Design and Construction of the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system City of Chula Vista Systems Integrated LLC by Stephen C. Padilla, Mayor bY'~/Jf)~-La~ Susan Corrales-Diai, Presi~i Date ATTEST: Susan Bigelow, City Clerk Approved in form by: Ann Moore, City Attorney J:\Gencral Services\GS Administration\Council Agenda\SCADA\SW218 SCADA Second Amendment and Signabuc Page.doc . 5-20 COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT ITEM NO: MEETING DATE: 1/17/06 ro ITEM TITLE: Resolution of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista approving a fund transfer agreement with the State of California Department of Transportation Planning Grant Funds for the Eastern University District Transit Plan Project, and appropriating the funds therefore, and authorizing the Mayor to execute said agreement. SUBMITTED BY: Director of Planning & BUildin~ REVIEWED BY: City Manager 11 ~'-- rR 4/STHS VOTE: YES X No SUMMARY: The Eastern University District Plan will provide a conceptual transit-oriented plan and designs for a critical 2,000-acre section of the master planned Otay Ranch community with a rapid transit network linking Otay Ranch's town centers, a university campus, a regional technology park and other urban centers in the region. Council approved Resolution 2005-324 to apply for and receive $20 I ,560 in State grant funding for this project, and now the City must sign a formal contract with the State to begin charging to and receiving reimbursements from this grant. RECOMMENDATION: That City Council adopt the resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign the contract with the State of California to receive community-based transportation planning grant funds for the Eastern University District Transit Plan Project, and amending the FY 2006 budget of the Planning and Building department to add the $20 I ,560 in new state grant funding and offsetting expenditures in services and supplies. BOARD/COMMISSIONS RECOMMENDATION: N/A DISCUSSION: Background Summary The Eastern University District Transit Plan will provide a conceptual transit-oriented plan and designs for a critical2,000-acre section of the master planned Otay Ranch community. Ultimately, 6-1 Page 2, Item No.: &; Meeting Date: 1/17/06 the project will provide a state-of-the-art Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) network linking Otay Ranch's town centers, a university campus, a regional technology park, and an urban center with each other and with activity centers in downtown San Diego, Southern San Diego County and the region. Specifically, we are proposing to conduct a series of studies that will form a framework for the transit network within those centers. The plan will incorporate fmdings from a route analysis, a station analysis, a facilities analysis, and a traffic analysis. A phasing and implementation plan will identify task order and dependency as well as capital and operational requirements. Staff will comply with the formal consultant selection process and return to Council with recommended contract awards, as applicable. FISCAL IMP ACT: This action results in a one-time appropriation of $201,560 to the FY2006 budget, offset by expenditures in services and supplies. To fulfill State requirements for the grant, the City will provide matching funds of$50,390 in already-budgeted staff time. . Attachments 1. Caltrans Grant Contract. H:\Planning\BobMc\Transport Planning Grant AI13 1-10-06 r2.doc 6-2 RESOLUTION NO. 2006- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING A FUND TRANSFER AGREEMENT WITH STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO RECEIVE COMMUNITY-BASED TRANSPORTATION PLANNING GRANT FUNDS FOR THE EASTERN UNIVERSITY DISTRICT TRANSIT PLAN PROJECT, APPROPRIATING THE FUNDS THEREFORE, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the City has responsibility to provide a conceptual transit- oriented plan and design for the Eastern University District; and WHEREAS, certain local assistance grant funds are made available annually on a competitive basis by the California Department of Transportation for community-based transportation planning; and WHEREAS, in September 2005, City Council approved Council Resolution 2005-324 authorizing the application for and acceptance of California Department of Transportation grant funds in the amount of $201,560 for said project; and WHEREAS, the State of California requires the City to sign a contract to begin charging to and receiving reimbursements from this approved California Department of Transportation grant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Chula Vista does hereby approve the Fund Transfer Agreement ("Agreement") between the City of Chula Vista and the State of California, acting by and through its Department of Transportation, on file with the City Clerk. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor is authorized to sign said Agreement on behalf of the City. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the FY 2006 budget of the Planning & Building Department is hereby amended to add the $201,560 in new state grant revenue and offsetting expenditures in services and supplies. 6-3 Presented by Jim D. Sandoval Planning & Building Director H:\PlanninglBobMclTransit Grant Resa 1-11-06 Approved as to form by 6-4 THE ATTACHED AGREEl\1ENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED AS TO FORM BY THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE AND WILL BE FORMALLY SIGNED UPON APPROVAL BY THE CITY COUNCIL Dated: / //1106 ( Agreement between the State of California, by and through the Department of Transportation and the City ofChula Vista Ann Moore City Attorney 6-5 Agreement No. 74A0230 City of Chula Vista Page 1 of 11 FUND TRANSFER AGREEMENT THIS FUND TRANSFER AGREEMENT (FT A), ENTERED INTO ON December 30, 2005, is between the State of California, acting by and through its Department of Transportation, referred to herein as DEPARTMENT, and the City of Chula Vista, hereinafter referred to as AGENCY. RECITALS 1. DEPARTMENT and AGENCY, pursuant to Streets and Highways Code section 114 (b), are authorized to enter in this FTA pertaining to State funding committed for Transportation studies and planning under the jurisdiction of AGENCY. EASTERN UNIVERSITY DISTRICT TRANSIT PLAN 1. AGENCY has agreed to implement Eastern University District Transit Plan, hereinafter the Project, subject to the terms and conditions of this FT A. The Project Description (Scope of Work and Cost Estimate) is attached hereto as Attachment III. 2. The resolution adopting the Project described above is attached hereto as Attachment II. This resolution authorizes AGENCY to execute contracts and agreements. "3. All services performed by AGENCY pursuant to this FTA are intended to be performed in accordance with all applicable Federal, State, and AGENCY laws, ordinances, regulations, and DEPARTMENT encroachment permits, published manuals, policies, and procedures. 4. Project funding is as follows: FUND TITLE SHA FUND SOURCE LOCAL DOLLAR AMOUNT $201,560.00 5. This FT A is exempt from legal review and approval by the Department of General Services, pursuant to pce section 10295. SECTION I AGENCY AGREES: To satisfactorily complete all Project Work described in Attachment III. SECTION II DEPARTMENT AGREES: DEPARTMENT agrees that when conducting an audit of the costs claimed by AGENCY under the provisions of this FT A, DEPARTMENT will rely to the maximum extent possible on any prior audit of AGENCY pursuant to the provisions of State and applicabl.e Federal laws. In the absence of such an audit, work of other auditors will be relied upon to the extent that such work is acceptable to DEPARTMENT when planning and conducting additional audits. 6-6 Agreement No. 74A0230 City of Chula Vista Page 2 of 11 SECTION III IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED: In consideration of the foregoing and the mutual promises of the parties hereto, AGENCY and DEPARTMENT agree as follows: 1. Notification of Parties a. AGENCY's Project Manager is Jim Sandoval, (619) 691-5002. b. DEPARTMENT's Contract Manager is Mike Kent, (619) 688-6822. c. All notices herein provided to be given, or which may be given, by either party to the other, shall be deemed to have been fuily given when made in writing and received by the parties at their respective addresses: City of Chula Vista Attention: Jim Sandoval, Project Manager 276 Fourth Street Chula Vista, CA 91910 California Department of Transportation Planning-District 11 Attention: Mike Kent P.O. Box 85406 San Diego, C~, 92186-5406 2. Period of Performance Work under this FTA shall begin on December 30,2005, contingent upon approval of this FTA by DEPARTMENT, and will terminate on February 28,2007, unless extended by amendment. 3. Chances in Terms/Amendment This FT A may only be amended or modified by mutuai written agreement of the parties. 4. Termination' This FT A may be terminated by either party for any reason by giving written notice to the other party at ieast thirty (30) days in advance of the effective date of such termination. In the event of termination by said notice, funds reimbursed to AGENCY will include all authorized non-cancelable obligations and prior costs incurred 5. Cost Limitation a. The total amount payable to AGENCY pursuant to this FTA by DEPARTMENT shali not exceed $201,560.00. b. It is agreed and understood that this FT A fund limit is an estimate and that DEPARTMENT will only reimburse the cost of services actually rendered as authorized by the DEPARTMENT Contract Manager at or below that fund limitation established hereinabove. 6-7 Agreement No. 74A0230 City of Chula Vista Page30f11 6. Allowable Costs a. The method of payment for this FT A will be based on actuai allowable costs. DEPARTMENT will reimburse AGENCY for expended actual allowable direct and indirect costs, including, but not limited to labor costs, employee benefits, and travel (overhead is reimbursable only if the AGENCY has an approved indirect cost allocation plan) and contracted consultant services costs incurred by AGENCY in performance of the Project work, not to exceed the cost reimbursement limitation set forth in 5.a, above. Actual costs shall not exceed the estimated wage rates, labor costs, travel and other estimated costs and fees set forth in Attachment III without prior written. agreement between DEPARTMENT and AGENCY. b. Reimbursement of AGENCY expenditures will be authorized only for those allowable costs actually Incurred by AGENCY in the performance of the Project work. AGENCY must not only have incurred the expenditures on or after the Effective Date of this FTA and before the Termination Date, but must have also paid for those costs to claim any reimbursement. c. Travel expenses and per diem rates are not to exceed the rate specified by the State of California Department of Personnei Administration for similar employees (i.e. non-represented employees) unless written verification is supplied that government hotei rates are not commercially available to AGENCY, or its contractors, its subcontractors, andlor its subrecipients, at the time and location required as specified in the California Department of Transportation's Travel Guide Exception Process. d. DEPARTMENT wili reimburse AGENCY for all allowable Project costs no more frequently than monthly in arrears as promptly as DEPARTMENT fiscal procedures permit upon receipt of itemized signed invoices in triplicate. invoices shall reference this FT A Number and shall be signed and submitted to the Contract Manager at the following address: California Department of Transportation Planning-District 11 Attention: Mike Kent P.O. Box 85406 San Diego, CA, 92186-5406 e. Invoices shall include the following information: 1. Names of the AGENCY Personnel performing work 2. Dates of Service 3. Locations of Service (AGENCY - address) 7. Reports a. AGENCY shall submit written progress reports with each set of invoices to allow the DEPARTMENT's Contract Manager to determine if AGENCY is performing to expectations, is on schedule, is within funding cost limitations, to communicate interim findings, and to afford occasions for airing difficulties respecting special problems encountered so that remedies can be developed. b. Any document or written report prepared as a requirement of this FT A shall contain, in a separate section preceding the main body of the document, the 6-8 Agreement No. 74A0230 City of Chula Vista Page 4 of 11 number and doilar amounts of ail contracts and subcontracts relating to the preparation of those documents or reports. c. AGENCY wili provide five (5) copies and one (1) electronic version of the final written report to the DEPARTMENT's Contract Manager. 8. Local Match Funds a. Except where expressly ail owed in writing herein, reimbursement of credits for local matching funds wili be made or ailowed only for work performed on and after the start date and prior to the termination date of this FT A, unless expressly permitted as locai match expenditures made prior to the effective date of this FTA pursuant to Government Code section 14529.17 or by prior executed SB 2800 FT A for Locai Match Fund Credit. b. AGENCY agrees to contribute at least the statutorily or other required local contribution of matching funds (other than state or federal funds), if any Is specified within this FT A or in any Attachment hereto, toward the actual cost of the services described in Attachment III or the amount, if any described In an executed SB 2800 (Streets and Highways Code section 164.53) agreement for local match fund credit, whichever is greater. AGENCY shail contribute not less than its required match amount toward the services described herein on a proportional monthly or quarterly basis coinciding with its usual invoicing frequency. 9. Cost Principles a. AGENCY agrees to comply with Office of Management and Budget Circular A- 87, Cost Principles for State and Locai Government, and 49 CFR, Part 18, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments. b. AGENCY agrees, and wili assure that its contractors and subcontractors will be obligated to agree, that (a) Contract Cost Principles and Procedures, 48 CFR, Federal Acquisition Regulations System, Chapter 1, Part 31, et seq., shail be used to determine the allowability of individual Project cost items and (b) ail parties shail comply with Federal administrative procedures in accordance with 49 CFR, Part 18, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments. Every sub-recipient receiving Project funds as a contractor or sub-contractor under this FT A shail comply with Federal administrative procedures in accordance with 49 CFR, Part 18, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments. c. Any Project costs for which AGENCY has received payment or credit that are determined by subsequent audit to be unallowable under Office of Management and Budget Circular A-87, 48 CFR, Chapter 1, Part 31 or 49 CFR, Part 18, are subject to repayment by AGENCY to DEPARTMENT. Should AGENCY fail to reimburse moneys due DEPARTMENT within thirty (30) days of discovery or demand, or within such other period as may be agreed in writing between the Parties hereto, DEPARTMENT is authorized to intercept and withhold future payments due AGENCY from DEPARTMENT or any third-party source, including, but not limited to, the State Treasurer, the State Controller or any other fund source. 6-9 Agreement No. 74A0230 City of Chula Vista Page50f11 d. AGENCY agrees to include Project in the schedule of projects to be examined in AGENCY's annuai audit and in the schedule of projects to be examined under its single audit prepared in accordance with Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133. e. Prior to AGENCY seeking reimbursement of indirect costs, AGENCY must prepare and submit annually to the DEPARTMENT an indirect cost rate proposal and a central service costs allocation plan (if any) in accordance with Office of Management and Budget Circular A-87 and Local Program Procedures Manual (LLP 04-10). 10. Americans with Disabilities Act By signing this FTA AGENCY assures DEPARTMENT that it complies with the applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability, as well as all applicable regulations and guidelines Issued pursuant to the ADA. (42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.) 11. Indemnification a. Nothing in the provisions of the Agreement is intended to create duties or obligations to or rights in third parties to this Agreement or affect the legal liability of either party to the agreement by imposing any standard of care with respect to the operation, maintenance and repair of State highways different from the standard of care imposed by law. b. Neither DEPARTMENT nor any officer or employee thereof is responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by AGENCY under or In connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to AGENCY under this FTA. It is understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code section 895.4, AGENCY shall fully defend, indemnify and save harmless DEPARTMENT, its officers and employees from all claims, suits or actions of every name, kind and description brought for or on account of injury (as defined in Government Code section 810.8) occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by AGENCY under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to AGENCY under this FT A. 12. Non-Discrimination a. During the performance of this FT A, AGENCY and all of its subcontractors, if any, shall not unlawfully discriminate, harass or allow harassment, against any employee or applicant for employment because of sex, race, color, ancestry, religious creed, national origin, disability (including HIV and AIDS), mental disability, medical condition (cancer), age (over 40), marital status, denial of family and medical care leave, and denial of pregnancy disability leave. AGENCY and its subcontractors shall ensure that the evaluation and treatment of their employees and applicants for employment are free from such discrimination and harassment. AGENCY and its sub-contractors shall comply with the provisions of the Fair Employment and Housing Act (Government Code section 12900 et seq.) and the applicable regulations promulgated thereunder (California Code of Regulations, Titie 2, Section 7285.0 et seq.). The applicable regulations of the Fair Employment and Housing Commission implementing Government Code section 12990 (a-f), set forth in Chapter 5 of Division 40fTille 6-10 Agreement No. 74A0230 City of Chula Vista Page 6 of 11 2 of the California Code of Regulations, are incorporated into this FT A by this reference and are made a part hereof as if set forth in full. AGENCY and its subcontractors shall give written notice of their obligations under this clause to labor organizations with which they have a collective bargaining or other agreement. b. AGENCY shall include the nondiscrimination and compliance provisions of this clause in all subcontracts to perform work under this FTA. 13. FundinQ ReQuirements a. It is mutually understood between the parties that this FT A may have been written for the mutual benefit of both parties in order to avoid program and fiscal delays that would occur if the FTA was executed only after ascertaining the availability of a congressional or legislative appropriation of funds. b. This FTA is valid and enforceable oniy if sufficient funds are made available to DEPARTMENT by the United States Government and/or the California State Legislature for the purpose of this Project. In addition, this FTA is subject to any additional restrictions, limitations, conditions, or any statute enacted by the Congress or the State Legislature that may affect the provisions, terms or funding of this FTA in any manner. c. It is mutually agreed that if the Congress or the State Legislature does not appropriate sufficient funds for the program and Project, this FT A shall be amended to reflect any reduction in funds. d. DEPARTMENT has the option to void this FTA under the thirty (30) day termination clause or to amend this FT A to reflect any reduction of funds. In the event of an unscheduled termination, the DEPARTMENT Contract Manager may reimburse AGENCY is accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of this Section III. 14. Records Retention a. AGENCY, its contractors and subcontractors shall establish and maintain an accounting system and records that properiy accumulate and segregate incurred Project costs and matching funds by line item for the Project. The accounting system of AGENCY, its contractors and all subcontractors shall conform to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), enable the determination of incurred costs at interim points of completion, and provide support for reimbursement payment vouchers or invoices. All accounting records and other supporting papers of AGENCY, its contractors and subcontractors connected with Project performance under this FTA shall be maintained for a minimum of three years from the date of final payment to AGENCY and shall be held open to inspection, copying, and audit by representatives of DEPARTMENT, the California State Auditor, and auditors representing the federal government. Copies thereof will be furnished by AGENCY, its contractors, and its subcontractors upon receipt of any request made by DEPARTMENT or its agents. In conducting an audit of the costs and match credits claimed under this FTA, DEPARTMENT will rely to the maximum extent possible on any prior audit of AGENCY pursuant to the provisions of federal and State law. In the absence of such an audit, any acceptable audit work performed by AGENCY's external and internal auditors may be relied upon and used by DEPARTMENT when planning and conducting additional audits. 6-11 Agreement No. 74A0230 City of Chula Vista Page 7 of 11 b. For the purpose of determining compliance with Titie 21. California Code of Regulations. Section 2500 et seq.. when applicable. and other matters connected with the performance of AGENCY's contracts with third parties pursuant to Government Code section 8546.7. AGENCY. AGENCY's contractors and subcontractors and DEPARTMENT shall each maintain and make avaiiable for inspection all books. documents. papers. accounting records. and other evidence pertaining to the performance of such contracts. including. but not limited to. the costs of administering those various contracts. All of the above referenced parties shall make such materials available at their respective offices at all reasonable times during the entire Project period and for three years from the date of final payment to AGENCY under this FTA. DEPARTMENT. the California State Auditor. or any duly authorized representative of DEPARTMENT or the United States Department of Transportation. shali each have access to any books. records. and documents that are pertinent to a Project for audits. examinations. excerpts. and transactions. and AGENCY shall furnish copies thereof if requested. c. AGENCY. its contractors and subcontractors will permit access to all records of employment. employment advertisements. employment application forms. and other pertinent data and records by the State Fair Employment Practices and Housing Commission. or any other agency of the State of California designated by DEPARTMENT. for the purpose of any investigation to ascertain compliance with this FT A. 15. Disputes a. Any dispute concerning a question of fact arising under this FT A that is not disposed of by agreement shall be decided by the DEPARTMENT Contract Officer. who may consider any written or verbal evidence submitted by AGENCY. b. Neither the pendency of a dispute nor its consideration by the Contract Officer will excuse AGENCY from full and timely performance in accordance with the terms of the FT A. 16. Subcontractors AGENCY shali perform the work contemplated with resources avaiiable within its own organization and no portion of the work shall be subcontracted without written authorization by DEPARTMENT's Contract Manager. unless expressly included (subcontractor identified) in Attachment ill. Any subcontract in excess of $25.000 entered into as a result of this FT A shall contain all the provisions stipulated in this FT A to be applicable to AGENCY's subcontractors. 17. Third Partv Contractinq a. AGENCY shall not award a construction contract over $10.000 or other contracts over $25.000 [excluding professionai service contracts of the type which are required to be procured in accordance with Government Code Sections 4525 (d). (e) and (f)] on the basis of a noncom petitive negotiation for work to be performed under this FT A without the prior written approval of DEPARTMENT. Contracts awarded by AGENCY. if intended as local match credit. must meet the requirements set forth in this FT A regarding local match funds. 6-12 Agreement No. 74A0230 City of Chula Vista Page 8 of 11 b. Any subcontract entered into by AGENCY as a result of this FT A shall mandate that travel and per diem reimbursements and third-party contract reimbursements to subcontractors will be allowable as Project costs oniy after those costs are incurred and paid for by the subcontractors. c. if iocal match is a requirement of these funds, AGENCY must ensure that local match funds used for the Project meet the requirements outlined in this FT A in the same manner as is required of all other Project expenditures. d. In addition to the above, the preaward requirements of third party contractor/consultants with local agencies must be consistent with Local Program Policy (LPP 00-05). 18. Labor Code Comoliance AGENCY shall include in all subcontracts funded by this FTA which contemplates the actual construction of a public works project paid for by funds allocated under this FT A, a clause that requires each subcontractor to comply with California Labor Code requirements that all workers employed on public works projects (as defined in California Labor Code 1720-1815) will be paid not less than the general prevailing wage rates predetermined by the Director of the State Department of Industrial Relations. 19. Disabled Veterans Business Enterorise a. Should Military and Veterans Code sections 999 et seq. be applicable to AGENCY, AGENCY will meet, 'or make good faith efforts to meet, the 3% Disabled Veterans Business Enterprises goals (or AGENCY's applicable higher goals) in the award of every contract for Project work to be performed under this FTA. b. AGENCY shall have the sole duty and authority under this FT A and each amendment to determine whether these referenced code sections are applicable to AGENCY and, if so, whether good faith efforts asserted by those contractors of AGENCY were sufficient as outlined in Military and Veterans Code sections 999 et seq. 20. DruQ-Free Workolace Certification By signing this FTA, AGENCY hereby certifies under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that AGENCY will comply with the requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1990 (Government Code section 8350 et seq.) and will provide a drug-free workplace by doing all of the following: a. Publish a statement notifying employees that unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited and specifying actions to be taken against employees for violations, as required by Government Code section 8355(a). b. Establish a Drug-Free Awareness Program as required by Government Code section 8355(b) to inform employees about all of the following: 1. the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, 2. the person's or organization's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace, 6-13 Agreement No. 74A0230 City of Chula Vista Page 9 of 11 3. any available counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and 4. penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. c. Provide as required by Government Code section 8355(c), that every employee who works on the proposed contract or grant: 1. wiil receive a copy of the company's drug-free policy statement, and 2. wiil agree to abide by the terms of the company's statement as a condition of employment on the contract or grant. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in suspension of payments under this FTA or termination of this FTA or both, and AGENCY may be ineligible for the award of any future state contracts if DEPARTMENT determines that any of the foil owing has occurred: (1) AGENCY has made a false certification or, (2) AGENCY violates the certification by failing to carry out the requirements as noted above. 21. Relationship of Parties It is expressly understood that this is an agreement is executed by and between two independent governmental entities and that this is not intended to, and shall not be construed to, create the relationship of agent, servant, employee, partnership, joint venture or association, or any other relationship whatsoever other than that of an independent party. 22. Equipment Purchase (Bv AGENCY) a. Prior authorization in writing by the DEPARTMENT Contract Manager shail be required before AGENCY enters into any non-budgeted purchase order or subagreement exceeding $500 for supplies, equipment, or consultant services. AGENCY shall provide an evaluation of the necessity or desirability of incurring such costs. b. For the purchase of any item, service or consulting work not covered in the attached Project Description (Attachment III) and exceeding $500, three competitive quotations must be submitted with the request or the absence of bidding must be adequately justified, and prior authorization must be obtained from the DEPARTMENT's Contract Manager. c. Any equipment purchased as a result of this FT A is subject to the foilowing: AGENCY shail maintain an inventory record for each piece of non-expendable equipment purchased or built with funds provided under the terms of this FT A. The inventory record of each piece of such equipment shall include the date acquired, total cost, serial number, model identification (on sale, in accordance with established DEPARTMENT procedures, purchased equipment), and any other information or description necessary to identify said equipment. Non- expendable equipment so inventoried are those items of equipment that have a normal life expectancy of one year or more and an approximate unit price of $5,000 or more. In addition, theft-sensitive items of equipment costing less than $5,000 shall be inventoried. A copy of the inventory record must be submitted to DEPARTMENT upon request by DEPARTMENT. 6-14 Agreement No. 74A0230 City of Chula Vista Page 10 of 11 d. At the conclusion of the FTA, or if the FTA is terminated, AGENCY may either keep the equipment and credit DEPARTMENT in an amount equal to its fair market value or sell such equipment at the best price obtainable at a public or private sale in accordance with established DEPARTMENT procedures and credit DEPARTMENT in an amount equal to the sales price. If AGENCY elects to keep the equipment, fair market vaiue shall be determined, at AGENCY expense, on the basis of a competent, independent appraisal of such equipment. Appraisals shall be obtained from an appraiser mutualiy agreeable to DEPARTMENT and AGENCY. If it AGENCY is determined to sell the equipment, the terms and conditions of such sale must be approved in advance by DEPARTMENT. e. CFR 49, Part 18 requires a credit to Federal funds when participating equipment with a fair market value greater than $5,000 is credited to the Project. f. Any subagreement entered into as a result of this FT A shall contain all of the provisions of this Article. 23. Disabled Access Review Disabled access review by the Department of General Services (Office of State Architect) is required for the construction of all publicly funded buildings, structures, sidewalks, curbs and related facilities. No construction contract will be awarded by AGENCY unless AGENCY plans and specifications for such facilities conform to the provisions of sections 4450 and 4454 of the California Government Code, if applicable. Further requirements and guidance are provided in Title 24 of the California Administrative Code and the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 USC 12101, et. seq.). 24. Fire Marshal Review The State Fire Marshal adopts building standards for fire safety and panic prevention. Such regulations pertain to fire protection design and construction, means of egress and adequacy of exits, installation of fire alarms, and fire extinguishment systems for any DEPARTMENT owned or DEPARTMENT occupied buildings per Section 13108 of the Health and Safety Code. When applicable, AGENCY must assure that any relevant Project plans meet the standards of the State Fire Marshal to ensure consistency with DEPARTMENTfire protection standards. 25. Environmental Clearance Environmentai clearance of Project by AGENCY and/or DEPARTMENT is required prior to requesting funds for right of way purchase or construction. No department or agency shall request funds nor shall any department/agency board or commission authorize expenditures of funds for any project, except feasibility or planning studies, which may have a significant effect on the environment unless such a request is accompanied by an environmental impact report per California Public Resources Code section 21102. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), in California Public Resources Code section 21080(b)(10), does provide an exemption for rail projects which institute or increase passenger or commuter services on rail or highway rights-of-way already in use. 26. Public Work If this Project will result in the construction, alteration, modification or maintenance of a "Public Work," as that term is defined in the Labor Code, then AGENCY must conform to the provisions of the Labor Code applicable to Public Works as set forth in said sections 6-15 Agreement No. 74A0230 City of Chula Vista Page 11 of 11 1720 through 1815, all applicable regulations of the Department of [ndustrial Relations, and determinations of coverage as issued by the Director of Industrial Relations. 27. Proiect Close Out The FTA Expiration Date refers to the last date for AGENCY to incur valid Project costs or credits and is the date the FT A expires. AGENCY has sixty (60) days after that Expiration Date to make final allowable payments to Project contractors or vendors, prepare the Project Closeout Report, and submit the final invoice to DEPARTMENT for reimbursement for a[lowab[e Project costs. Any unexpended Project funds not invoiced by that sixtieth (60th) day will be reverted and will no [anger be accessible to reimburse late Project invoices. ATTACHMENTS: The following attachments are incorporated into and are made a part of this FT A by this reference and attachment. I. Accounting & Audit Guidelines II. AGENCY Resolution III. Scope of Work, Schedule, and Costs IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this FT A on the day and year first herein above written: STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CITY OF CHULA VISTA By: By: Tit[e: Contract Officer Title: Date: Date: By: Title: Date: By: Title: Date: 6-16 Contract No.7 4A0230 City of Chula Vista Attachment I Page 1 of 4 ATTACHMENT I ACCOUNTING & AUDIT GUIDELINES FOR AGREEMENTS WITH DEPARTMENT INTRODUCTION The purpose of this information is to outline for you, a potential contractor with the California State Department of Transportation (DEPARTMENT), the basic elements of an adequate accounting system, and the types and objectives of audits that will be performed in relation to your contract. In order to successfully compete for a contract and meet the audit requirements, a contractor (whether a prime or subcontractor) must have a system of record keeping and internal control. Although a specific cost accounting system is not required, a contractor needs a system that will assure compliance with the terms of the agreement. A pre-award audit will be performed to assure you meet these requirements prior to contract execution. If your system is deficient, the contract will not be executed. DEPARTMENT reimburses, through your overhead rate, the costs attributable to establishing and maintaining a cost accounting system. Staff time and other costs related to an audit performed of your contract are also normally reimbursed through your overhead rate. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM Contractors (whether a prime or subcontractor) planning to contract with DEPARTMENT must have an accounting system which meets the following objectives: . The ability to record and report ~inancial data in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. . A system of record keeping to ensure that costs billed to DEPARTMENT are: a. Supported by adequate documentation. b. In compliance with the terms of the contract and applicable Federal and State regulations specified in the contract. . A system of record keeping which ideally includes the following: a. A General Ledger b. Job cost ledger c. Labor distributions d. Time records e. Subsidiary journals f. Chart of accounts g. Financial statements . The ability to accumulate and segregate reasonable, allocable (incurred soleiy for a project) and allowable (per terms of the contract) costs through the use of a cost accounting system. The following are some of the attributes which would ideally be found in such a system: 6-17 Contract No. 74A0230 City of Chula Vista Attachment I Page 2 of 4 a. A chart of accounts that includes indirect and direct general ledger accounts. Indirect costs are not specifically identified to a project, for example, rent and/or utilities. Direct costs are specifically identified with a project, for example, drafting hours and/or design hours. b. Segregation of costs by contract, category of cost and milestones (if applicable). c. Proper recording of direct and indirect costs. For example, recording of labor costs should provide that non-project indirect hours are recorded on a timesheet and in the accounting records to an administration, vacation, sick leave or other indirect cost account/code. Direct project hours should be recorded on a timesheet and in the accounting records to a direct project cost account/code. d. Consistent accounting treatment of costs in recording and reporting. For example, if travel expense is charged directly to a project, all travel expense incurred on any project should be considered a direct cost. As a result, project related travel, whether reimbursable per the contract terms or not, should not be included as an indirect cost. e. Ability to trace from invoices submitted to DEPARTMENT to job cost records and original, approved source documents, for exam pie, timesheets, vendor invoices, canceled checks. f. Ability to reconcile job cost records to the accounting records. . Compliance with cost principles described in the Code of Federal Regulations 48, Federal Acquisition Reguiations System (FAR), Chapter 1, Part 31. Information on how to obtain this regulation is described under "Audit Criteria" in this brochure. . Procedures to monitor and adjust projected overhead rates to actuai rates. . Controls to ensure that written approval is obtained prior to any changes to the contract. . Procedures to retain accounting records and source documentation as required by the terms of the contract. . A system of internal control that provides reasonable assurance that assets are protected; financial data, records and statements are reliable; and errors and irregularities are promptly discovered, reported, and corrected. The elements of a system of internai control should include, but not be limited to, the following: a. Separation of duties for proper protection of assets. incompatible duties are those that place any person in a position to both perpetrate and conceal errors or irregularities in the normal course of business. For example, the person who writes checks should be different from the person who reconciles bank statements and the person who purchases goods should be different from the person who receives goods. . b. Limiting access to assets to only authorized personnel who require these assets in the performance of their assigned duties. For example, blank check stock should be locked in a safe when not in use. c. Authorization and record keeping procedures that provide effective accounting control over assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenditures. 6-18 Contract No. 74A0230 City of Chula Vista Attachment I Page 3 of 4 d. A system of practices to be followed in the performance of duties and functions. Such a system normally includes policies and procedures that establish the purpose and requirements of the accounting system. For example, timekeeping practices should ideally provide for the following: Timesheets be prepared, signed, and dated by all employees. Timesheets be completed in non-erasable ink. Timesheet corrections be crossed-out and initialed by the employee. Timesheets be signed by a supervisor as reviewed and retained on file as required by the contract. e. Personnel with skills and training commensurate with their responsibilities. f. A system of internal review. For example, bank reconciliations and travel expense claims should be reviewed approved and signed by a supervisor. AUDITS Contractors, whether a prime or subcontractor, performing under a negotiated contract with DEPARTMENT are subject to the following audits: PREAWARD AUDITS Prior to the award of a contract, the DEPARTMENT Audits and Investigations will conduct a pre- award audit to determine if the contractor's accounting system is adequate to accumulate and segregate costs as detailed in the previous section and to determine if the proposed costs are reasonable. The audit alerts both the contractor and DEPARTMENT management to problems relative to the contractor's cost proposal and cost accounting system. Due to time constraints in the award process, your cooperation in scheduling the pre-award audit with short notice will expedite the execution of your contract. INTERIM AUDITS Interim audits are performed on an as needed basis. During the pre-award audit, if it is determined that the contractor's accounting system is new or minor deficiencies are noted, an interim audit is scheduled to determine that the system is functioning adequately to ensure that billed costs are supported and that any deficiencies were corrected. An interim audit may be requested by the contract administrator or by DEPARTMENT management to address concerns during the course of the contract. Aiso, an audit manager may initiate an interim audit of a long duration contract to ensure that costs reimbursed to date are allowable. POST AUDITS Post audits of contracts are performed routinely after project completion. Post audits are performed to determine whether the costs claimed are allowable, allocable, reasonable, and in compliance with the Federal and State laws and regulations as well as the fiscal provisions stipulated in the contract. The examination includes reviews of applicable laws and regulations, the contract requirements and the contractor's internal controls systems. Audit tests of the contractor's accounting records and other auditing procedures considered necessary will also be performed. Applications of all audit procedures would also be governed by the individual contract 6-19 Contract No. 74A0230 City of Chula Vista Attachment I Page 4 of 4 under audit. Unsupported or unallowable costs are normally the result of weaknesses in the accounting system and will be reimbursed to DEPARTMENT. To provide contractors with a procedure for obtaining prompt and equitable resolution to a dispute arising from a post-audit of a non-highway construction cost reimbursement coniract, DEPARTMENT has established an Audit Review Committee (ARC). Information explaining the ARC should be found in your contract and/or as an attachment to the post-audit report. AUDIT CRITERIA For specific information regarding basic cost accounting systems and applicable State and Federal regulations, please see the following: Code of Federal Reoulations 48. Federal Acauisition Reaulatlons Svstem. Chaoter 1. Part 31 This regulation contains cost principles and procedures for the pricing of contracts/subcontracts and the determination, negotiation, or allowance of costs. Contact: Superintendent of Documents Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402 Washington D.C. San Francisco Los Angeles (202) 783-3238 (415) 512-2770 (213) 239-9844 California State Administrative Manuai A reference source for statewide policies, procedures, regulations, and information. Contact: Office of State Publishing Department of General Services (916) 445-2295 For review of the above references, contact your local library or the California State Library. California State Library/Library and Courts Building 914 Capitol Mall P. O. Box 942837 Sacramento, CA 94237-0001 Information: (916) 654-0261 For assistance in establishing an accounting system that will meet the objectives outlined in this brochure, you should contact an accountant and/or bookkeeper whom is familiar with cost accounting systems. DEPARTMENT is an affirmative action employer. Equal opportunity is offered to all regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, ancestry, sex, marital status, disability, religious or political affiliation, age or sexual orientation. Contractors that contract with DEPARTMENT are responsible for taking necessary and reasonable steps to achieve these same goals. 6-20 ~._- ATTACHMENT II Contract No.7 4A0230 City ot Chula Vista Attachment II Page 1 of 2 RESOLl JION NO. 2005-324 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AUTHORIZING THE APPLICATION FOR .A.t<TI ACCEPT.A..o"iCE OF A COMMll?'-fITY-BASED TR..A...1\jSPORTATIO;-'; PL<\NNING GRANT FROM BE STATE OF C.ALIFORN1A FOR THE EASTERN IDlIVERSITY DISTRICT TR..A.NSIT PLAN PROJECT, ;\;'iD AUTHORIZNG THE COMMITMENT OF IN- ~TI tvLATCHING FUi':DS THEREFOR V\'l1EREAS, the City seeks to develop a conceptual transit-oriented plan and design for the Eastern University District; and WHEREAS, certain local assistance grant funds are made available annually on a competitive basis by the California Department of Transportation for community-based transportation planning; and t'/rJ)/Z-~"1 WHEREAS, the City proposes a local match of. $~O as in-k'ind contribution for the Eastern University District Transit Plan Project and seeks grant funding from the California Department of Transportation to fund the cost of hiring a transportation planning consultant to complete the project at an estimaled consulting cost of $20 I ,560; and \l;l1EREAS, the grants are awarded pursuant to guidelines established by the California Department of Transportation for determination of project eligibility for funds; and WHEREAS, said procedures established by the California Department of Transportation require the Granlee to certify, by resolution, the approval to apply for and accept grant funds and provide authorization to enter into an agreement with the California Department of Transportation for said funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Chula Vista does hereby approve the application for and acceptance of $20 I ,560 in State of California Community-Based Transportation Planning Grant funds for the Eastern University District Transit Plan Project. r>-) BE_ IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council hereby authorizes the commitment of $~ as in-kind local matching funds to this project. f;*,~"'i'L BE IF FCRTHER RESOLVED that the City Council names the Mayor as the office authorized and empowered to execute a contract with the California Department of Transportation. PreseOled by Approved as to form by A/JJ~k J~s D. Sandoval l%nnin[! & Building DireclOr - - ~~~~ Ann Moore City Attorney 6-21 Resolution No. 2005-32-1 Contract NO.7 4A0230 City of Chula Vista Attachment II Page 2 of 2 Page 2 PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California. this 20th day of September, 2005, by the follo,^,ing vote: AYES: Councilrnernbers: Castaneda, McC ann, Rindone, and Padilla NAYS: Councilrnernbers: None ..<\.BSENT: Couneilmembers: Davis , !mli Stephen C. Pa illa, Mayor ATTEST: ~ ~ ;;;;;S ... .2-JJ.I.~ l ~J...... ~ Susan Bigelow, MMe, City Clerk \J STATE OF CALIFOR..l\lA ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) CITY OF CHuLA VISTA ) I, Susan Bigelow, City Clerk of Chula Vista, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2005-324 was duly passed, 'approved, and adopted by the City Cou:J.cil at a regular meeting of the Chula Vista City Council held on the 20th'day of September, :W05. Executed this 20th day of September, 2005. ~ ~ -:>.0....1.'1 J ~ r-:::::S'~. ~ ~ Susan Bigelow, MMC, City Cle .J 6-22 Agreement No. 74A0230 City of Chula Vista Attachment III PageIof6 ATTACHMENT III SCOPE OF WORK, SCHEDULE AND COSTS CITY OF CHULA VISTA EASTERN UNIVERSITY DISTRICT TRANSIT PLAN T kO I I 1M as ne - Public nvo vement eetinl!:s Community involvement will continue to include critical input from a specially appointed citizens advisory committee. This committee will be dedicated solely to guiding the progress of the Eastern University District Transit Plan. The committee will provide a means for focused ongoing involvement in the planning process by key stakeholder groups, citizens, and members of City boards and commissions. They will also help maintain ongoing community participation and ownership of the project by ensuring that the interests and desires of the community are reflected in the planning process. Monthly advisement meetings with city Planning Team staff and consultants will be ongoing throughout the project. In addition, at Methods: various stages throughout the project, open public hearings will be announced and conducted in order to ensure that the public is informed about the project's progress and the city's adherence to the project vision. To aid in achieving this objective, an information link to the project will be made available to the public on the City website. The consultant shall be available to attend project status meetings, project briefings, and City Council meetings, and shall be responsible for assisting with the preparation of materials for those meetings. As part of this project, a project review committee of the public and city staff will be formed to review and provide input into this project on a monthly basis. The consultant will be responsible for providing materials as requested. Responsible party: Planning Department Team & Consultant Fund sources: Developer Processing Fees, California State Transportation Planning Grant Budget: $12,093 Deliverables: Meeting materials and assistance, as requested by the Planning Department Team. Community-Based Transportation Planning Grant City ofChula Vista, Planning Department 6-23 Agreement No. 74A0230 City ofChula Vista Attacmnent III Page2of6 T kT St ti An 1 as wo- a on alysls The consultant should evaluate the feasibility for near-term use of station sites in the Eastern Urban Center (EUe) and Village 9. If stations are identified that are not feasible in the near term, the consultant should Methods: evaluate alternative station sites if warranted based on potential ridership and system connectivity. This analysis should further include an evaluation of where stations could be added or deleted to speed the service and/or provide better access to transit centers via surface streets. , Responsible party: Planning Department Team & Consultant Fund sources: Developer Processing Fees, California State Transportation Planning Grant Budget: $14,513 Technical report - Station Locations Plan for EUC and Village 9 Deliverables: (including concept drawings of station layout, an evaluation of station locations for near-term implementation, and an evaluation of potential additions/deletions to speed service and increase access). T kTh TffiAl as ree- ra Ie nalYSIS The consultant will be tasked with evaluating where priority treatments would be needed along the various identified transit routes. These may include the use of dedicated lanes, the need for signal priority, queue jumpers, etc. This task should also involve an analysis of how the priority treatments will function and their traffic impacts. The consultant should Methods: evaluate connectivity between the university campus and Village 9 across Eastlake Parkway and the various alternatives for creating seamless transition in function between them. A related evaluation should examine how the elimination or reduction of Eastlake Parkway would impact the quality of nearby or parallel facilities in adjacent villages, specifically the pedestrian-orientation of Village 9's couplets within the Town Center. The consultant should also identifv~the need for a traffic impact analysis. . Responsible party: Planning Department Team & Consultant Fund sources: Developer Processing Fees, California State Transportation Planning Grant Budget: $96,749 Deliverables: Technical report - Evaluations Report (including the need for a traffic impact analysis). Community-Based Transportation Planning Grant City of Chula Vista, Planning Department 6 - 2 4 Agreement No. 74A0230 City of Chula Vista Attachment III Page 3 of6 Task Four - Annurtenant Facilities AnalysIs This study should evaluate the feasibility of appurtenant station support facilities, such as those that support both vehicular and pedestrian access, nearby land uses such as parking lots, and park 'n ride capability. Studies should also include on-site and/or pedestrian-convenient transit-supportive land uses for the Eastern Urban Center (EUC) and Village 9 that provide convenient feeder bus connections, amenities that provide a safe, quiet and pleasant environment for passengers, and a BR T access pattern that minimizes out-of-direction travel and station access and dwell times. Responsible party: Planning Department Team & Consultant Methods: Fund sources: Developer Processing Fees, California State Transportation Planning Grant Budget: $14,513 Deliverables: Technical report - Appurtenant Facilities Task Five - Conce tual En ineerin Sketches The consultant will be responsible for developing sketch level drawings indicating the right-of way required for the stations, the layout, right-of- way required for priority treatments (dedicated lanes, queue jumpers), access into and out of the station (pedestrian and vehicular), land use integration, and park 'n ride capability. This task should also involve conce tual desi s for the identified stations. Responsible party: Planning Department Team & Consultant Methods: Fund sources: Developer Processing Fees, California State Transportation Planning Grant Budget: Deliverables: T kS' C 't I C t E f t as IX- aD! a os SIma es The consultant will be tasked with developing an order of magnitude Methods: capital cost estimate for implementing the improvements that are indicated by the traffic analysis. Responsible party: Planning Department Team & Consultant Fund sources: Developer Processing Fees, California State Transportation Planning Grant Budget: $21,769 Technical report - Capital Cost Summary, documenting results of the Deliverables: analysis. This document will contain all the background/support information indicating how the final results were developed. Community-Based Transportation Planning Grant City of Chula Vista. Planning Department 6 - 2 5 Agreement No. 74A0230 City of Chula Vista Attachment III Page4of6 T kS Ph dI I PI as even - aSlDl!: an mpJ ementation an The consultant will develop a phasing plan for implementation of the transit-oriented project within [the project area]. The phasing plan should identify which actions are dependent upon other actions and which can be Methods: implemented independently. The phasing plan should clearly indicate how the system can be phase into its entirety over five years. Each phase should indicate what is required in terms of capital acquisition, construction, operations/service plans, and how the project would be built up to achieve full implementation. Responsible party: Planning Department Team & Consultant Fund sources: Developer Processing Fees, California State Transportation Planning Grant Budget: $29,023 Deliverables: Technical report - Phasing & Implementation Plan, documenting results of the analysis. Community-Based Transportation Planning Grant City of Chula Vista, Planning Department 6 - 26 0"'- - - "",,,,- N...... ~ 0> <= -< '" <l) ."._ t; t-.a~ o u 13 ='8~ 50 ~u <l) 50 -< 'D "-< o V"l <l) Oll '" p.. ~ Vl 0 '""' -.;.:;.,: '-' t':- '" -....:... E c:::> H >- -d' ~ .. E' '" '" ;;.. .... .';;' >:: >- .. '- '" p,::. <:l " "" ~ >:: '=' ..... " .,.. E ~ oC " ,.c:; ~ " u.. ~ ~ '- "'" = ~ " .... 0 >:: '1:l' - '=' - = ~ >:: = " '" f;I;< "'" ..:: - - '1:l. >:: " >- =' '- '=' s oC >:: =: .. 0 " - u "" = - >:: '1:l '" ;:0 a .. E ,.c:; <.l - rJ). '" '" ..... 0 <.l 2< .. >- . ~ 0 ,.. ~ c ~ a.. - 'iij c ~ .. I- ~ " 'l' ~ /. " 0 .2 - " ~ rn ii. ~ " rn ~ " m rn m _ 1: 0: E m :E ~ m ~ :; '(3 ~ E E .., rn ~rnc 0. 0. m - 'C ~ 0 m rn rn ~ a. '. m a:: tL :;; <IJ .2: $ll..16 .5 0; ~~g ~ " ro ;; , " rn 0 .. C C..J 0 " 3 () 0> ~ " ~ m 0. 0> :SEe rn 1::" m ]! " ., ~ a8 u "in c Cl)E;.o:l ro " '0. ~~ ., alog > o.m 0 rn :;;U<IJ W <<a::u U 0-0- J:> , mX X tL. .." I "',C:: \, "-tt1X X ~ u t;, ~x X t- -- ~ X X 0 .;; Z 0 0 N UX >- X . tL 0 Ilx X , '" ',; Wx X i ..: " - ;""'3 X X . \",': " i )x X ,., ..) 14x X I' "" c..X X c. ..: lox ...... X '. :;; '" ... 0 in J:> " 0 X 0 mX N tL ?;: 'i~X X 'u .' ,3X X , .. '> \< " 0 X X z t:X X X 0 0 ~ - m :; 0 E'O ..... "'''' E- " 0 "' "' 0 ~~ '"' '"' '" r- N '" N '" '"' ... mot I' -'" 0 ~ 0 o. '" 0 -C') rn . ..; <5 ..; ~ ~ <J:i '0-; uN N ;;; '" I 0" .. .. .. '" '" "-9'-' -' m u 5 ~QO ... ... ... '"' :;: "' 0 0 <"-t- 0> N 0> ... '" "' '" _0 0 "' ~6 ~ ~ - ",. "0 " . oj <5 <J:i ~ ~,'~ " rn~ ~ '" ;;; ... ;;; N 0 - .. = .. .. '" N .. Agreement No. 74A0230 City of Chula Vista Attachment III Page 6 of6 Project Summary Sheet-Revised 10/7/2005 Work Element: Eastern University District Transit Plan Obiective Develop a conceptual transit plan for a project in the Eastern University District that will ultimately provide a state-of-the-art Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) network linking town centers, a university campus, a regional technology park, and an urban center with each other and with activity centers in downtown San Diego, Southern San Diego County and the region. Discussion Outcomes from a series of analyses will form a framework for the transit network. Tbe transit plan will incorporate findings from a station analysis, a facilities analysis, and a traffic analysis. A phasing and implementation plan will identify task order and dependency as well as capital and operational requirements. Tbe planning process will incorporate the active input of the community. It will also be aligned with the San Diego Association of Govemment (SANDAG)'s Transit First! regional strategy for Southern San Diego County, and will also support Caltrans transportation planning priorities for the state and region. Previous Work Completed A citywide General Plan update is nearing completion; numerous studies, workshops, analyses including a route analysis, and other activities centered on the critical elements of transit and the development of the Otay Ranch and the Eastern University District. SANDAG's Transit First! Program is in the early action phases of implementation, paralleling the city's transit planning process for the Eastern University District. Both processes have included significant community involvement, citizen workshops, and more than 70 community meetings. Tasks % of Work Cost $ I. Public Involvement / Meetings 2. Station Analysis 3. Traffic Analysis 4. Appurtenant Facilities Analysis 5. Conceptual Engineering Sketches 6. Capital Cost Estimates 7. Phasing & Implementation Plan 5% 6% 40% 6% 22% 9% 12% $ 12,093 $ 14,513 $ 96,749 $ 14,513 $ 53,212 $ 21,769 $ 29,023 Products I. Meeting Materials, Community Presentations 2. Station Locations Plan 3. Evaluations Report 4. Appurtenant Facilities Report 5. Conceptual Maps 6. Capital Cost Sui:nmary 7. Phasing & Implementation Plan Revenues Transportation Planning Grant Developer processing fees Total $ 201,560 (80%) $ 40,312 (20%) $ 241,872 (100%) Expenditures Staff services Consultant costs $ 24,187 (10%) $ 217,685 (90%) $ 241.872 000%) Community-Based Transportation Planning Grant 6- 2 8 City of Chula Vista, Planning Department COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT " ITEM No.: MEETING DATE: 1/17/06 SUBMITTED BY: Resolution of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista approving the agreement with Accela, Inc. to purchase and implement three new Permits Plus System modules, waiving the formal consultant selection process, and authorizing the Mayor to sign the agreement. Director of Planning & Building Y City Manager 11 /cc if 4/5THS VOTE: YES Nol ITEM TITLE: REVIEWED BY: SUMMARY: The Permits Plus System is used by City's development departments to process permit applications, and has been since 1991. This contract approves the purchase of three new modules to enhance customer service: 1) Wireless module for field inspections, 2) GIS module for live integration with the City's GIS database, and 3) Emergency Response module for damage assessment in the field subsequent to a disaster. This project is an approved Capital Improvement Project in the FY06 budget. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council approve the resolution. BOARD/COMMISSIONS RECOMMENDATION: N/A DISCUSSION: Backl!:round In 1991, the City's Building & Housing Department purchased the Permits Plus system in a move to create an automated permit process, and create a central repository for permit data. In the last fourteen years, more enhanced versions of the system software have replaced the original, and use of the system has expanded to include permit processing not only from Building, but also Planning, Engineering, Community Development, Finance, Business License, Fire, Police and Management Information Systems. There are 225 City users of the database, and the system interfaces with the GIS system and will soon interface with the City's Quadrant system at the Finance counter. The City has a dedicated Programmer Analyst in MIS to manage the Permits Plus System and database, and a dedicated Senior Management Assistant for Planning & Building to customize user needs and processes. During FY 04-05, more than $28 million in fee generating activity, primarily permitting, was processed through the Permits Plus system. The system is used in issuing permits, 7-1 Page 2, Item No.: 1 Meetillg Date: 1/17/06 opening and tracking case files, storing property-related historical information, storing land-use related information and workflow tracking. With a telephone, customers can check the status of their permits or plan checks, or schedule an inspection by interfacing with the Permits Plus system using the Interactive Voice Response system. Requested Enhancements Three modules are being requested in the contract under consideration. The contract includes the purchase of the software modules, and the labor required by the vendor to customize the modules to meet the City's needs. The three modules are Accela Wireless, Accela GIS and Accela Emergency Response. Accela Wireless During FY 01-02, the City contracted with Enforcer Software Technologies, LLC to provide a Permits Plus interface so building inspectors could take handheld computers into the field while conducting their inspections. When the inspectors returned to the office, they placed their handheld computers in cradles linked to the Permits Plus system, and the data from their inspections were downloaded directly, which effectively eliminated the need for manual end-of-the-day closeout for each inspection. This savings in time allowed inspectors to conduct more inspections during each shift. We went to a third party vendor because Accela did not offer this product. While our experience with this system has been predominantly positive and have kept us on the leading edge of this technology, the City's reliance on a small vendor could leave us vulnerable should the vendor go out of business. Accela now offers a wireless module that has the same features as Enforcer Software, but is integrated more completely with Permits Plus and has the support from a 25-year-old company that the City has been using for fourteen years. The building inspectors and code enforcement officers will be able to conduct their inspections and record data on a handheld computer as they did before. As the name suggests, the City may also take advantage of wireless technology to give the Permits Plus system live status updates rather than waiting to return to the office to cradle computers. Accela GIS The most important advantage of using Accela GIS will be the automatic update of the Permits Plus database using data from GIS. This will ensure consistency between the databases, and improve accuracy. This is currently a manual effort involving MIS staff. This module also enables end users to create thematic maps on their own according to their criteria and lets the GIS staff concentrate on more database and programming activities. For example, code enforcement officers will be able to create maps showing all violations of a certain type for a specific time period and/or for a given area. Specific GIS information layers can also be maintained by the end users themselves, once again, according to their needs. For example, a point layer showing the location of graffiti sites is a layer that could be maintained by end users. Accela GIS will also offer the ability to do buffering and proximity alerts. This can be coupled with our mail labels application to provide enhancements to our notification procedures. It can also 7-2 Page 3, Item No.: 7 Meeting Date: i7i7!06 be used by Planning staff directly at the front counter to check if there are zoning conflicts for a particular project application. Finally, Accela GIS offers a way for each user to customize the look of the GIS module so that it will always retain the functions and layers that are of interest to that user. This is not possible at this time with cvmapper, the current GIS end-user tool. Accela Emergencv Response Svstem The vendor is providing the Emergency Response System to the City for only the cost of implementation. The City is purchasing the Wireless and GIS modules, and both of these modules help optimize the Emergency Response System. By utilizing the wireless module, building inspectors can track assessed damage to structures due to a disaster, track building tagging information, and immediately communicate damage assessment statistics with real-time data. Utilizing the GIS module allows staff to immediately create GIS maps of all buildings and structures in the damaged area, enabling staff to focus relief efforts in areas showing damage concentration. Consultant Selection Process Permit Plus is the current software development services departments at the City currently use to process permit applications, and the City has used the software for fourteen years. Accela, the vendor providing this software, is an acknowledged industry leader, and the City has been satisfied with the performance of the software. The possibility of integrating the functionality of these three new modules using the programming capabilities of a third vendor is unknown at this time, but staff estimates the dollar amount of such an effort combined with the use of internal staff time to assist the third vendor makes this an impractical option. To go out to bid for a completely new permitting system would exceed the amount of the Capital Improvement budget, add staff training time for a new system, add considerable time to adding the functionality of the new modules, and necessitate complete re-training of the two dedicated specialists for the Permits Plus system. For these reasons, the second option is also impractical. Due to the impracticality of conducting a new request for proposal process, staff recommends Council waive the formal consultant selection process. FISCAL IMP ACT: The funding for this project was approved by Council in the FY2006/2007 Capital Improvement Budget. The CIP project number is GGln and includes $100,000 in funding from geographic information system development impact fees and $100,000 in funding from residential construction tax. There will be ongoing annual software service agreement costs of $12,996 for the Accela Wireless module, and $3,796 for the Accela GIS module. Attachments 1. Two-party agreement with Accela, Inc. H:\Bld_Hsg\BobMc\AccelaAI1311.30-0S.doc 7-3 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE AGREEMENT WITH ACCELA, INC. TO PURCHASE AND IMPLEMENT THREE NEW PERMITS PLUS@ SYSTEM MODULES, WAIVING THE FORMAL CONSULTANT SELECTION PROCESS, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, the City has responsibility of processing applications for development within City boundaries; and WHEREAS, in 1991 City purchased Permits Plus@automation software for processing said applications, and has continued to utilize and upgrade this software to meet City's development processing needs; and WHEREAS, during the FY 06 Capital Improvement Project budget process, $200,000 was allocated by City Council approval to purchase and implement three additional software modules for the existing Permits Plus@ system; and WHEREAS, for the cost of this software upgrade, it is impraotical for the City to solicit bids from third-party vendors since the Permits Plus@ system is proprietary so would never achieve the same integration as this purchase, and would involve a considerable amount of internal staff time to educate a third party; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Chula Vista does hereby approve the agreement with Accela, Inc. to purchase and implement three new Permits Plus@ system modules. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the formal consultant selection process is hereby waived. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said agreement. Presented by Approved as to form by J. D. Sandoval Planning & Building Director H:IBld_HsglBobMclAccela Perm Plus Reso 9-S-0S.doc 1."'54. THE ATTACHED AGREEMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED AS TO FORM BY THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE AND WILL BE FORMALLY SIGNED UPON APPROVAL BY THE CITY COUNCIL Dated: January 4,2006 AGREEMENT WITH ACCELA, INC. FOR SOFTWARE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION 7-5 Parties and Recital Pagels) Agreement between City of Chula Vista and Accela, Inc. For Software Purchase and Installation This agreement ("Agreement"), dated for the purposes of reference only, and effective as of the date last executed unless another date is otherwise specified in Exhibit A, Paragraph 1 is between the City-related entity as is indicated on Exhibit A, paragraph 2, as such ("City"), whose business form is set forth on Exhibit A, paragraph 3, and the entity indicated on the attached Exhibit A, paragraph 4, as Consultant, whose business form is set forth on Exhibit A, paragraph 5, and whose place of business and telephone numbers are set forth on Exhibit A, paragraph 6 ("Consultant"), and is made with reference to the following facts: Recitals Whereas, the City has responsibility of processing applications for development within City boundaries; and WHEREAS, in 1991 City purchased Permits Plus@ automation software for processing said applications, and has continued to utilize and upgrade this software to meet City's development processing needs; and WHEREAS, during the FY 06 Capital Improvement Project budget process, City Council approved the allocation of funding to purchase and implement three additional software modules for the existing Permits Plus@ system; and WHEREAS, for the cost of this software upgrade, it is impractical for the City to solicit bids from third-party vendors since the Permits Plus@ system is proprietary so would never achieve the same integration as this purchase, and would involve a considerable amount of internal staff time to educate a third party and, therefore, the City Council has approved a waiver of the competitive bidding requirements pursuant to CVMC section 2.56.070; and Whereas, Consultant warrants and represents that they are experienced and staffed in a manner such that they are and can 2ptyAccela 11-02-05 Page 1 7-6 prepare and deliver the services required of Consultant to City within the time frames herein provided all in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; (End of Recitals. Next Page starts Obligatory Provisions.) 2ptyAccela 11-02-05 Page 2 7-7 Obligatory Provisions Pages NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City and Consultant do hereby mutually agree as follows: 1. Consultant's Duties A. General Duties Consultant shall perform all of the services described on the attached Exhibit A, Paragraph 7, entitled "General Duties"; and, B. Scope of Work and Schedule In the process of performing and delivering said "General Duties", Consultant shall also perform all of the services described in Exhibit A, Paragraph 8, entitled" Scope of Work ~nd Schedule", not inconsistent with the General Duties, according to, and within the time frames set forth in Exhibit A, Paragraph 8, and deliver to City such Deliverables as are identified in Exhibit A, Paragraph 8, within the time frames set forth therein, time being of the essence of this agreement. The General Duties and the work and deliverables required in the Scope of Work and Sch!dule shall be herein referred to as the "Defined Services". Failure to complete the Defined Services by the times indicated does not, except at the option of the City, operate to terminate this Agreement. C. Reductions in Scope of Work City may independently, or upon request from Consultant, from time to time reduce the Defined Services to be performed by the Consultant under this Agreement. Upon doing so, City and Consultant agree to meet in good faith and confer for the purpose of negotiating a corresponding reduction in the compensation associated with said reduction. D. Additional Services In addition to performing the Defined Services herein set forth, City may require Consultant to perform additional consulting services related to the Defined Services ("Additional Services"), and upon doing so in writing, if they are within the scope of services offered by Consultant, Consultant shall perform same on a time and materials basis at the rates set forth in the 2ptyAccela 11-02-05 Page 3 7-8 "Rate Schedule" in Exhibit A, Paragraph 11 (C), unless a separate fixed fee is otherwise agreed upon. All compensation for Additional Services shall be paid monthly as billed. E. Standard of Care Consultant, in performing any Services under this agreement, whether Defined Services or Additional Services, shall perform in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions and in similar locations. F. Insurance Consultant represents that it and its agents, staff and sub:onsultants employed by it in connection with the Services required to be rendered, are protected against the risk of loss by the following insurance coverages, in the following categories, and to the limits specified, policies of which are issued by Insurance Companies that have a Best's Rating of "A, Class V" or better, or shall meet with the approval of the City: Statutory Worker's Compensation Insurance and Employer's Liability Insurance coverage in the amount set forth in the attached Exhibit A, Paragraph 9. Commercial General Liability Insurance including Business Automobile Insurance coverage in the amount set forth in Exhibit A, Paragraph 9, combined single limit applied separately to each project away from premises owned or .rented by 'Consultant, which names City as an Additional Insured, and which is primary to any policy which the City may otherwise carry ("Primary Coverage"), and which treats the employees of the City in the same manner as members of the general public ("Cross-liability Coverage") . Errors and Omissions insurance, in the amount set forth in Exhibit A, Paragraph 9, unless Errors and Omissions coverage is included in the General Liability policy. G. Proof of Insurance Coverage. (1) Certificates of Insurance. Consultant shall demonstrate proof of coverage required, prior to the commencement of services required this Agreement, by delivery of Certificates of Insurance herein under 2ptyAccela 11-02-05 Page 4 7-9 demonstrating same, and further indicating that the policies may not be canceled without at least thirty (30) days written notice to the Additional Insured. (2) Policy Endorsements Required. In order to demonstrate the Additional Insured Coverage, Primary Coverage and Cross-liability Coverage required under Consultant's Commercial General Liability Insurance Policy, Consultant shall deliver a policy endorsement to the City demonstrating same, which shall be reviewed and approved by the Risk Manager. H. Security for Performance. (1) Performance Bond. In the event that Exhibit A, at Paragraph 19, indicates the need for Consultant to provide a Performance Bond (indicated by a check mark in the parenthetical space immediately preceding the subparagraph entitled "Performance Bond"), then Consultant shall provide to the City a performance bond in the form prescribed by the City and by such sureties which are authorized to transact such business in the State of California, listed as approved by the united States Department of Treasury Circular 570, http://www.fms.treas.gov/c570, and whose underwriting limitation is sufficient to issue bonds in the amount required by the agreement, and which also satisfy the requirements stated in Section 995.660 of the Code of Civil Procedure, except as provided otherwise by laws or regulations. All bonds signed by an agent must be accompanied by a certified copy of such agent's authority to act. Surety companies must be duly licensed or authorized in the jurisdiction in which the Project is located to issue bonds for the limits so required. Form must be satisfactory to the Risk Manager or City Attorney which amount is indicated in the space adjacent to the term, "Performance Bond", in said Paragraph 19, Exhibit A. (2) Letter of Credit. In the event that Exhibit A, at Paragraph 19, indicates the need for Consultant to provide a Letter of Credit (indicated by a check mark in the parenthetical space immediately preceding the subparagraph entitled "Letter of Credit"), then Consultant shall provide to the City an irrevocable letter of credit callable by the City at their unfettered discretion by submitting 2ptyAccela 11-02-05 Page 5 7-10 to the bank a letter, signed by the City Manager, stating that the Consultant is in breach of the terms of this Agreement. The letter of credit shall be issued by a bank, and be in a form and amount satisfactory to the Risk Manager or City Attorney which amount is indicated in the space adjacent to the term, "Letter of Credit", in said Paragraph 19, Exhibit A. (3) Other Security In the event that Exhibit A, at Paragraph 19, indicates the need for Consultant to provide security other than a Performance Bond or a Letter of Credit (indicated by a check mark in the parenthetical space immediately preceding the subparagraph entitled "Other Security"), then Consultant shall provide to the City such other security therein listed in a form and amount satisfactory to the Risk Manager or City Attorney. I. Business License Consultant agrees to obtain a business license from the City and to otherwise comply with Title 5 of the Chula Vista Municipal Code. 2. Duties of the City A. Consultation and Cooperation City shall regularly consult the Consultant for the purpose of reviewing the progress of the Defined Services and "Schedule therein contained, and to provide direction and guidance to achieve the objectives of this agreement. The City shall permit access to its office facilities, files and records by Consultant throughout the term of the agreement. In addition thereto, City agr~es to provide the information, data, items and materials set forth on Exhibit A, Paragraph 10, and with the further understanding that delay in the provision of these materials beyond 30 days after authorization to proceed, shall constitute a basis for the justifiable delay in the Consultant's performance of this agreement. B. Compensation Upon receipt of a properly prepared billing from Consultant submitted to the City periodically as indicated in Exhibit A, Paragraph 18, but in no event more frequently than monthly, on the day of the period indicated in Exhibit A, Paragraph 18, City 2ptyAccela 11-02-05 Page 6 7-11 shall compensate Consultant for all services rendered by Consultant according to the terms and conditions set forth in Exhibit A, Paragraph 11, adjacent to the governing compensation relationship indicated by a "checlanark" next to the appropriate arrangement, subject to the requirements for retention set forth in paragraph 19 of Exhibit A, and shall compensate Consultant for out of pocket expenses as provided in Exhibit A, Paragraph 12. All billings submitted by Consultant shall contain sufficient information as to the propriety of the billing to permit the City to evaluate that the amount due and payable thereunder is proper, and shall specifically contain the City's account number indicated on Exhibit A, Paragraph 18 (C) t~ be charged upon making such payment. 3. Administration of Contract Each party designates the individuals ("Contract Administrators") indicated on Exhibit A, Paragraph 13, as said party's contract administrator who is authorized by said party to represent them in the routine administration of this agreement. 4. Term. This Agreement shall terminate when the Parties have corr.plied .with all executory provisions hereof. 5. Liquidated Damages The provisions of this section apply if a Liquidated Damages Rate is provided in Exhibit A, Paragraph 14. It is acknowledged by both parties that time is of the essence in the completion of this Agreement. It is difficult to estimate the amount of damages resulting from delay in performance. The parties have used their judgment to arrive at a reasonable amount to compensate for delay. Failure to complete the Defined Services within the allotted time period specified in this Agreement shall result in the following penalty: For each consecutive calendar day in excess of the time specified for the completion of the respective work assignment or Deliverable, the consultant shall pay to the City, or nave withheld from monies due, the sum of Liquidated Damages Rate provided in Exhibit A, Paragraph 14 ("Liquidated Damages Rate") . 2ptyAccela 11-02-05 Page 7 7-12 Time extensions for delays beyond the consultant's control, other than delays caused by the City, shall be requested in writing to the City's Contract Administrator, or designee, prior to the expiration of the specified time. Extensions of time, when granted, will be based upon the effect of delays to the work and will not be granted for delays to minor portions of work unless it can be shown that such delays did or will delay the progress of the work. 6. Financial Interests of Consultant A. Consultant is Designated as an FPPC Filer. If Consultant is designated on Exhibit A, Paragraph 15, as an "FPPC filer", Consultant is deemed to be a "Consultant" for the purposes of the Political Reform Act conflict of interest and disclosure provisions, and shall report economic interests to the City Clerk on the required Statement of Economic Interests in such reporting categories as are specified in Paragraph 15 of Exhibit A, or if none are specified, then as determined by the City Attorney. B. Decline to Participate. Regardless of whether Consultant is designated as an FPPC Filer, Consultant shall not make, or participate in making or in any way attempt to use Consultant's position to influence a governmental decision in which Consultant knows or has reason to know Consultant has a financial interest other than the compensation promised by this Agreement. C. Search to Determine Economic Interests. Regardless of whether Consultant is designated as an FPPC Filer, Consultant warrants and represent~ that Consultant has diligently conducted a search and inventory of Consultant's economic interests, as the term is used in the regulations promulgated by the Fair Political Practices Commission, and has determined that Consultant does not, to the best of Consultant's knowledge, have an economic interest which would conflict with Consultant's duties under this agreement. D. Promise Not to Acquire ~onflicting Interests. 2ptyAccela 11-02-05 Page 8 7-13 Regardless of whether Consultant is designated as an FPPC Filer, Consultant further warrants and represents that Consultant will not acquire, obtain, or assume an economic interest during the term of this Agreement which would constitute a conflict of interest as prohibited by the Fair Political Practices Act. E. Duty to Advise of Conflicting Interests. Regardless of whether Consultant is designated as an FPPC Filer, Consultant further warrants and represents that Consultant will immediately advise the City Attorney of City if Consultant learns of an economic interest of Consultant's which may result in a conflict of interest for the purpose of the Fair Political Practices Act, and regulations promulgated thereunder. F. Specific Warranties Against Economic Interests. Consultant warrants and represents that neither Consultant, nor Consultant's immediate family members, nor Consultant's employees or agents ("Consultant Associates") presently have any interest, directly or indirectly, whatsoever in any property which may be the subject matter of the Defined Services, or in any property within 2 radial miles from the exterior boundaries of any property which may be the subject matter of the Defined Services, ("Prohibited Interest"), other than as listed in Exhibit A, Paragraph 15. Consultant further warrants and represents that no promise of future employment, remuneration, consideration, gratuity or other reward or gain has been made to Consultant or Consultant Associates in connection with Consultant's performance of this Agreement. Consultant promises to advise City of any such promise that may be made during the Term of this Agreement, or for 12 months thereafter. Consultant agrees that Consultant Associates shall not acquire any such Prohibited Interest within the Term of this Agreement, or for 12 months after the expiration of this Agreement, except with the written permission of City. Consultant may not conduct or solicit any business for any party to this Agreement, or for any third party which may be in conflict with Consultant's responsibilities under this Agreement, excapt with the written permission of City. 7. Hold Harmless 2ptyAccela 11-02-05 Page 9 7-14 Consultant shall defend, indemnify, protect and hold harmless the City, its elected and appointed officers and employees, from and against all claims for damages, liability, cost and expense (including without limitation attorneys fees) arising out of or alleged by third parties to be the result of the negligent acts, errors or omissions or the willful misconduct of the Consultant, and Consultant's employees, subcontractors or other persons, agencies or firms for whom Consultant is legally responsible in connection with the execution of the work covered by this Agreement, except only for those claims, damages, liability, costs and expenses (including without limitations, attorneys fees) arising from the sole negligence or sole willful misconduct of the City, its officers, employees. Also covered is liability arising from, connected with, caused by or claimed to be caused by the active or passive negligent acts or omissions of the City, its agents, officers, or employees which may be in combination with the active or passive negligent acts or omissions of the Consultant , its employees, agents or officers, or any third party. With respect to losses arising from Consultant's professional errors or omissions, Consultant shall defend, indemnify, protect and hold harmless the City, its elected and appointed officers and employees, from and against all claims for damages, liability, cost and expense (including without limitation attorneys fees) except for those claims arising from the negligence or willful misconduct of City, its officers or employees. Consultant's indemnification shall include any and all costs, expenses, attorneys fees and liability incurred by the City, its officers, agents or employees in defending against such claims, whether the same proceed to judgment or not. Consultant's obligations under this Section shall not be limited by any prior or subsequent declaration by the Consultant. Consultant's obligations under this Section shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 8. Termination of Agreement for Cause If, through any cause, Consultant shall fail to fulfill in a timely and proper manner Consultant's obligations under this Agreement, or if Consultant shall violate any of the covenants, agreements or stipulations of this Agreement, City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to 2ptyAccela 11-02-05 Page 10 7-15 Consultant of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof at least five (5) days before the effective date of such termination. In that event, all finished or unfinished documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, reports and other materials prepared by Consultant shall, at the option of the City, become the property of the City, and Consultant shall be entitled to receive just and equitable compensation for any work satisfactorily completed on such documents and other materials up to the effective date of Notice of Termination, not to exceed the amO'Jnts payable hereunder, and less any damages caused City by Consultant's breach. 9. Errors and Omissions In the event that the City Administrator determines that the Consultants' negligence, errors, or omissions in the performance of work under this Agreement has resulted in expense to City greater than would have resulted if there were no such negligence, errors, omissions, Consultant shall reimburse City for any additional expenses incurred by the City. Nothing herein is intended to limit City's rights under other provisions of this agreement. 10. Termination of Agreement for Convenience of City City may terminate this Agreement at any time and for any rea3on, by giving specific written notice to Consultant of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof, at least thirty (30) days before the effective date of such termination. In that event, all finished and unfinished documents and other materials described hereinabove shall, at the option of the City, become City's sole and exclusive property. If the Agreement is terminated by City as provided in this paragraph, Consultant shall be entitled to receive just and equitable compensation for any satisfactory work completed on such documents and other materials to the effective date of such termination. Consultant hereby expressly waives any and all claims for damages or compensation arising under this Agreement except as set forth herein. 11. Assignability The services of Consultant are personal to the City, and Con3ultant shall not assign any interest in this Agreement, and shall not transfer any interest in the same (whether by assignment or novation), without prior written consent of City. 2ptyAccela 11-02-05 Page 11 7-16 City hereby consents to the assignment of the portions of the Defined Services identified in Exhibit A, Paragraph 17 to the subconsu1tants identified thereat as "Permitted Subconsultants". 12. Ownership, Publication, Reproduction and Use of Material All reports, studies, information, data, statistics, forms, designs, plans, procedures, systems and any other materials or properties produced under this Agreement shall be the sole and exclusive property of City. No such materials or properties produced in whole or in part under this Agreement shall be subject to private use, copyrights or patent rights by Consultant in the United S.tates or in any other. country without the express written consent of City. City shall have unrestricted authority to publish, disclose (except as may be limited by the provisions of the Public Records Act), distribute, and otherwise use, copyright or patent, in whole or in part, any such reports, studies, data, statistics, forms or other materials or properties produced under this Agreement. 13. Independent Contractor City is interested only in the results obtained and Consultant shall perform as an independent contractor with sole control of the manner and means of performing the services required under this Agreement. City maintains the right only to reject or accept Consultant's work products. Consultant and any of the Consultant's agents, employees or representatives are, for all purposes under this Agreement, an independent contractor and shall not be deemed to be an employee of City, and none of them shall be entitled to any benefits to which City employees are entitled including but not limited to, overtime, retirement benefits, worker's compensation benefits, injury leave or other leave benefits. Therefore, City will not withhold state or federal income tax, social security tax or any other payroll tax, and Consultant shall be solely responsible for the payment of same and shall hold the City harmless with regard thereto. 14. Administrative Claims Requirements and Procedures No suit or arbitration shall be brought arising out of this agreement, against the City unless a claim has first been presented in writing and filed with the City and acted upon by the City in accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 1.34 of the Chula Vista Municipal Code, as same may from time to 2ptyAccela 11-02-05 Page 12 7-17 time be amended, the provisions of which are incorporated by this reference as if fully set forth herein, and such policies and procedures used by the City in the implementation of same. good over Upon request by City, Consultant shall meet and confer in faith with City for the purpose of resolving any dispute the terms of this Agreement. 15. Attorney's Fees ShoJld a dispute arising out of this Agreement result in litigation, it is agreed that the prevailing party shall be entitled to a judgment against the other for an amount equal to reasonable attorney's fees and court costs incurred. The "prevailing party" shall be deemed to be the party who is awarded substantially the relief sought. 16. Statement of Costs In the event that Consultant prepares a report or document, or participates in the preparation of a report or document in performing the Defined Services, Consultant shall include, or cause the inclusion of, in said report or document, a statement of the numbers and cost in dollar amounts of all contracts and subcontracts relating to the preparation of the report or document. 17. Miscellaneous A. Consultant not authorized to Represent City Unless specifically authorized in writing by City, Consultant shall have no authority to act as City's agent to bind City to any contractual agreements whatsoever. B. Consultant is Real Estate Broker and/or Salesman If the box on Exhibit A, Paragraph 16 is marked, the Consult~nt and/or their principals is/are licensed with the State of California or some other state as a licensed real estate broker or salesperson. Otherwise, Consultant represents that neither Consultant, nor their principals are licensed real estate brokers or salespersons. C. Notices All notices, demands or requests provided for or permitted to be given pursuant to this Agreement must be in writing. All 2ptyAccela 11-02-05 Page 13 7-18 notices, demands and requests to be sent to any party shall be deemed to have been properly given or served if personally served or deposited in the United States mail, addressed to such party, postage prepaid, registered or certified, with return receipt requested, at the addresses identified herein as the places of business for each of the designated parties. D. Entire Agreement This Agreement, together with any other written document referred to or contemplated herein, embody the entire Agreement and understanding between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. Neither this Agreement nor any provision hereof may be amended, modified, waived or discharged except by an instrument in writing executed by the party against which enforcement of such amendment, waiver or discharge is sought. E. Capacity of Parties Each signatory and party hereto hereby warrants and represents to the other party that it has legal authority and capacity and direction from its principal to enter into this Agreement, and that all resolutions or other actions have been taken so as to enable it to enter into this Agreement. F. Governing Law/Venue This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Any action arising under or relating to this Agreement shall be brought only in the federal or state courts located in San Diego County, State of California, and if applicable, the City of Chula Vista, or as close thereto as possible. Venue for this Agreement, and performance hereunder, shall be the City of Chula Vista. [end of page. next page is signature page.] 2ptyAccela 11-02-05 Page 14 7-19 Signature Page to Agreement between city of Chula Vista and Accela, Inc. For Software Purchase and Installation IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Consultant have executed this Agr=ement thereby indicating that they have read and understood same, and indicate their full and complete consent to its terms: Dated: , 2005 City of Chula Vista by: Stephen C. Padilla, Mayor Attest: Susan Bigelow, City Clerk Approved as to form: Ann Moore, City Attorney Dated: :::rA~ ~ Maury Blackman Senior Vice President Exhibit List to Agreement ( X) Exhibit A. 2ptyAccela 11-02-05 Page 15 7-20 Exhibit A to Agreement between City of Chula Vista and Accela, Inc. 1. Effective Date of Agreement: January 10, 2006 2. City-Related Entity: (X) City of Chula Vista, a municipal chartered corporation of the State of California () Redevelopment Agency of the City of Chula Vista, a political subdivision of the State of California () Industrial Development Authority of the City of Chula Vista, a () Other: [insert business form] , a ("City") 3. Place of Business for City: City of Chula Vista, 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91910 4. Consultant: Accela, Inc. 5. Business Form of Consultant: ( ) Sole Proprietorship ( ) Partnership (X ) Corporation 6. Place of Business, Telephone and Fax Number of Consultant: 4160 Dublin Bl, Suite 128 Dublin, CA 94568 Voice Phone (925) 560-6577 Fax Phone (925) 560-6570 2ptyAccela 11-02-05 Page 16 7-21 7. General Duties: To add three software modules to City's existing Permits' Plus system: Accela Wireless, Accela GIS and Accela ERS. This Agreement includes the purchase of the software modules, licensing, 1-year maintenance agreements, agency specific configurations, installation services, and training. B. Scope of Work and Schedule: A. Detailed Scope of Work: 1. Consultant shall deliver the Accela Wireless Server Kit module, which includes the Application Server Software License and thirty end-user licenses. 2. Consultant shall provide one on-site visit, which may consist of multiple days, at the direction of City, to manage the Wireless module implementation, conduct a business requirements analysis, conduct a system set-up and conduct a system configuration. 3. Consultant shall provide on-site training to City staff for the Accela Wireless module when City decides successful implementation of the Wireless module has been achieved, and upon the request of the City. This training may entail multiple training sessions, but will be conducted in the course of one business day. 4. Upon the successful implementation described in B.A.3. above, Consultant shall execute and commence the annual maintenance agreement, pro-rated to end after the City's current fiscal year. 5. Consultant shall deliver the Accela GIS (Agency- Hosted) Server Software, which includes twenty-five (25) end-user licenses and one license of ArcIMS. 6. Consultant shall provide one on-site visit, which may consist of multiple days, at the direction of City, to manage the GIS module implementation, conduct a business requirements analysis, conduct a system set-up and conduct a system configuration. 7. Consultant shall provide on-site training to City staff for the Accela GIS module when City decides successful implementation of the GIS module has been achieved, and upon the request of the City. This training may entail multiple training sessions, but will be conducted in the course of one business day. 2ptyAccela 11-02-05 Page 17 7-22 8. Upon the successful implementation described in 8.A.7. above, Consultant shall execute and commence the annual maintenance agreement, pro-rated to end after the City's current fiscal year. 9. Consultant shall deliver the Accela ERS (Emergency Response System) module, which includes twenty (20) end-user licenses. 10. Consultant shall provide one on-site visit, which may consist of multiple days, at the direction of City, to manage the ERS module implementation, conduct a business requirements analysis, conduct a system set-up and conduct a system configuration. 11. Consultant shall provide on-site training to City staff for the Accela ERS module when City decides successful implementation of the ERS module has been achieved, and upon the request of the City. This training may entail multiple training sessions, but will be conducted in the course of one business day. B. Date for Commencement of Consultant Services: (X) Same as Effective Date of Agreement ( ) Other: C. Dates or Time Limits for Delivery of Deliverables: Deliverable No.1: Wireless module described in 8.A.l above, including all software and implementation, due by April 1, 2006. Deliverable No; 2: GIS module described in 8.A.5 above, including all software and implementation, due by June 1, 2006. Deliverable No.3: ERS module described in 8.A.9 above, including all software and implementation, due by September 1, 2006. D. Date for completion of all Consultant services: August 1, 2006 9. Insurance Requirements: 2ptyAccela 11-02-05 Page 18 7-23 X) Commercial General Liability: $1,000,000. X) Automobile Liability: $1,000,000. X) Worker's Compensation: Statutory X) Employer's Liability: $1,000,000. ) Errors and Omissions Liability: $2,000,000. 10. Materials Required to be Supplied by City to Consultant: A Windows 2000 application server for Acce1a Wireless. ArcIMS Software, part number 89974, obtained from ESRI, necessary for Accela GIS. Maintenance agreement from ESRI for ArcIMS. 11. Compensation: A. (X) Single Fixed Fee Arrangement. For delivery of all of the materials and licenses by Consultant as herein required, City shall pay a single fixed fee in the amounts and at the times or milestones or for the Deliverables set forth below: Single Fixed Fee Amount: $110,283.20 , payable as follows: Para.No. Module Fixed Fee Milestone * Payment 8.A.l Wireless Deliver Server Kit $37,707.11 8 .A. 2 Wireless Complete Installation $43,078.45 8 .A. 3 Wireless City Acceptance $ 7,001.60 8 .A. 5 GIS Deliver Server Kit $10,769.61 8 .A. 6 GIS Complete Installation $ 9,681.34 8 .A. 7 GIS City Acceptance $ 2,045.09 8.A.11 ERS City Acceptance no charge * Milestone (Para. No.) clarifications: 8.A.1) Accela Wireless Server kit $34,995.00 plus sales tax (0.0775 X 34,995), payable upon delivery. 8.A.2) Four (4) additional user license blocks @$9,995 each $39,980 plus sales tax (0.0775 X $39,980), payable when Wireless module installation is complete. S.A.3) Annual Wireless maintenance assuming implementation acceptance mid-fiscal year ($12,996 divided by 12 months = $1,083 per month X remaining 6 months of current fiscal year = $6,498 plus sales tax (0.0775 X $6,498), payable and prorated through 6/30/06 upon City's acceptance date of the working Wireless software module. This is also when implementation services are payable in full, as detailed in Paragraph 11.C.1. 8.A.5) Accela GIS Server Software $ 9,995.00 plus sales tax (0.0775 X $9,995), payable upon delivery. 2ptyAcce1a 11-02-05 Page 19 7-24 8.A.6) Three (3) additional user license blocks @$2,995 each = $8,985 plus sales tax (0.0775 X $8,985), payable when GIS module installation is complete. 8.A.7) Annual GIS maintenance assuming implementation acceptance mid-fiscal year ($3,796 divided by 12 months = $316.33 per month X remaining 6 months of current fiscal year = $1,898.00 plus sales tax (0.0775 X $1,898), payable and prorated through 6/30/06 upon City's acceptance date of the working GIS software module. This is also when implementation services are payable in full, as detailed in Paragraph II.C.I. B.A. II) This is when implementation services are payable in full, as detailed in Paragraph II.C.I. B. Phased Fixed Fee Arrangement. For the performance of each phase or portion of the Defined Services by Consultant as are separately identified below, City shall pay the fixed fee associated with each phase of Services, in the amounts and at the times or milestones or Deliverables set forth. Consultant shall not commence Services under any Phase, and shall not be entitled to the compensation for a Phase, unless City shall have issued a notice to proceed to Consultant as to said Phase. )1. Interim Monthly Advances. C. (X) Hourly Rate Arrangement For implementation services costs (labor) to implement the three modules, as described in paragraphs 8.A.2, 8.A.3, 8.A.6, 8.A.7, 8.A.10 and 8.A.ll above, City shall pay Consultant for the productive hours of time spent by Consultant in the performance of said services, at the rates or amounts set forth in the Rate Schedule hereinbelow according to the following terms and conditions: (1) (X) Not-to-Exceed Limitation on Time and Materials Arrangement Notwithstanding the expenditure by Consultant of time and materials in excess of said Maximum Compensation amount, Consultant agrees that Consultant will perform all implementation for not more than $81,000 including all Materials Reimbursements in Paragraph 12, and other "reimbursables" ("Maximum Compensation") . The time and materials arrangement will be limited by software module, as shown: 2ptyAccela 11-02-05 Page 20 7-25 Software Modu1.e Mi1.estone Maximum Time and Materia1.s Reimbursement Accela Wireless 8 .A. 3 $26,000 Accela GIS 8 .A. 7 $30,000 Accela ERS 8.A.1l $25,000 (2) ( ) Limitation without Further Authorization on Time and Materials Arrangement At such time as Consultant shall have incurred time and materials equal to ("Authorization Limit"), Consultant shall not be entitled to any additional compensation without further authorization issued in writing and approved by the City. Nothing herein shall preclude Consultant from providing additional Services at Consultant's own cost and expense. Rate Schedule Category of Employee of Consultant Name Hourly Rate Senior Technical Consultant Various $250 12. Materials Reimbursement Arrangement For the cost of out of pocket expenses incurred by Consultant in the performance of services herein required, City sha:l pay Consultant at the rates or amounts set forth below: A. Hotel accommodations will be reimbursed at cost, but may not exceed one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125) per night. B. Airfare will be reimbursed at cost for the lowest available coach fair for the required travel dates. To determine the lowest available coach airfare, the date Consul tant scheduled implementation services at City shall be used as a benchmark. C. Meals will be reimbursed at cost, up to a maximum of thirty five dollars ($35) per day per person. 2ptyAccela 11-02-05 Page 21 7-26 13. Contract Administrators: City: Karen Wooten, Senior Management Assistant, 276 Fourth Av, Chu1a Vista, CA 91910, phone: (619) 409-3385, FAX: (619) 409-5861, emai1: kwooten@ci.chu1a-vista.ca.us. Consultant: Colin Samuels, Assistant General Council/General Manager, 4160 Dublin Bl, Suite 128, Dublin, CA 94568, phone: (925) 560-6577 X192, FAX: (925) 560-6570, email: csamue1s@accela.com 14. Liquidated Damages Rate: $ per day. Other: 15. Statement of Economic Interests, Consultant Reporting Categories, per Conflict of Interest Code: X) Not Applicable. Not an FPPC Filer. FPPC Filer Category No.1. Investments and sources of income. Category No.2. Interests in real property. Category No. property and regulatory, department. Category No.4. Investments in business entities and sources of income which engage in land development, construction or the acquisition or sale of real property. 3. Investments, interest in real sources of income subject to the permit or licensing authority of the Category No.5. Investments in business and sources of income of the type which, the past two years, have contracted with of Chula Vista (Redevelopment Agency) to services, supplies, materials, machinery equipment. entities within the City provide or Category No.6. Investments in business and sources of income of the type which, the past two years, have contracted with entities within the 2ptyAccela 11-02-05 Page 22 7-27 designated employee's department to provide services, supplies, materials, machinery or equipment. Category No.7. Business positions. I l List "Consultant Associates" interests in real property within 2 radial miles of Project Property, if any: 16. ) Consultant is Real Estate Broker and/or Salesman 17. Permitted Subconsultants: none. 18. Bill Processing: A. Consultant's Billing to be submitted for the following period of time: l Monthly ) Quarterly Xl Other: Per Milestone completion, as detailed in Paragraph 11.A and Paragraph 11.C.1. B. Day of the Period for submission of Consultant's Billing: IX ) First of the Month I ) 15th Day of each Month I ) End of the Month I ) Other: 57700-7999/2106192577-400000 71700-7999/2106192717-400000 C. City's Account Number: 19 Security for Performance Performance Bond, $ Letter of Credit, $ Other Security: Type: 2ptyAccela 11-02-05 Page 23 7-28 Amount: $ (X) Retention. If this space is checked, then notwithstanding other provisions to the contrary requiring the payment of compensation to the Consultant sooner, the City shall be entitled to retain, at their option, either the following "Retention Percentage" or "Retention Amount" until the City determines that the Retention Release Event, listed below, has occurred: X) Retention Percentage: 10% ) Retention Amount: $ Retention Release Event: ( ) Completion of All Consultant Services ( ) Other: c:\Word\Contracts\2ptyAccela 12-1S-0S.doc 2ptyAccela 11-02-05 Page 24 7-29 COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT Item: Meeting Date: r 1/17/06 ITEM TITLE: RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT WITH RUDOLPH AND SLETTEN, INC. TO INCORPORATE THE GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE FOR THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF FIRE STATION 8, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AMENDMENT, AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFORE FROM THE AVAILABLE BALANCE OF THE PUBLIC FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE SUBMITTED BY: Director ofGen\jral Services )... J.{j. . FIre ChIef P f'. r \J . City Manager ~~ pJ( (4/5ths Vote: Yes X No-> REVIEWED BY: On July 20, 2004, Council approved a design build agreement with Rudolph and Sletten, Inc. for the design and construction of Fire Station 8. The design build agreement contained a not to exceed price of$2,811,640 with the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) to be set upon receipt of 90% construction drawings. The project is nearing the end ofthe design phase and is set to enter the construction phase. Tonight's resolution will approve the first amendment to the agreement that will set the GMP at $6,276,913. This amount includes design services and general conditions in the amount of $494,612. Following an extensive review, staff concurs with the proposed GMP amount. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt the resolution and thereby: . Approve the first amendment of the design build agreement with Rudolph and Sletten, Inc. incorporating the GMP at $6,276,913 for the services required to design and construct Fire Station 8, . Authorize the Mayor to execute said amendment, and . Appropriate $6,507,301 from the available balance of the Public Facilities funds to the capital improvement project PS128. BOARDS/COMMISSIONS RECOMMENDATION: Not applicable. 'B-1 Page 2, Item: Meeting Date: S' 1/17/06 BACKGROUND: On July 20, 2004, Council approved a design build agreement with Rudolph and Sletten, Inc. for the services required to design and construct a completed and fully functional fire facility. As part of that agreement, a guaranteed maximum price (GMP) is to be established at 90% construction documents, which is to include, but not be limited to, the cost for all labor, equipment, and material to design and build a fully functional fire facility in accordance with all applicable building codes. A not to exceed amount of $2,811,640 was established, based upon rough schematic drawings, in the Design Build agreement. Staff has worked diligently with Rudolph and Sletten to value engineer the project and thereby provide the best product at the most effective price. However, as the design process progressed, a number of factors led to the actual GMP, as determined at the 90% construction drawing stage, to exceed the not to exceed amount in the original agreement by approximately $3.5 million. This significant escalation in project costs can primarily be attributed to: a) Continuing increases in the cost of construction materials (a nationwide phenomenon), b) A number of unanticipated issues related to the project site, and c) Various design elements unaccounted for in the initial design build agreement. Each of these factors is described in more detail below. INCREASING COST OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS The newspapers and electronic media have been routinely reporting on the wildly escalating costs of construction. On September 7, 2005 the Orange Countv Register reported that the price of orders for steel sheet "has risen nearly 20% in a month partly because of the storm" as a result of the impacts of Hurricane Katrina. On September 6,2005, it was reported that "lumber futures prices rose 12% in the week following the hurricane." In addition to ongoing increases in the costs of construction materials, another significant factor is the extremely busy San Diego region construction market. Simply put, there is so much work in the region at present that many contractors and subcontractors are not needing to submit particularly competitive bids. The City is experiencing this on almost all of its projects and the design builder for Fire Station 8, Rudolph and Sletten, has had significant difficulty in attaining competitive bids, and in some cases any bids at all, on portions of the job. These two factors combined have caused all construction project costs to jump significantly throughout the region and there does not appear to be any light at the end of the tunnel. UNANTICIPATED ISSUES RELATED TO THE PROJECT SITE The proposed location for Fire Station 8 has created some unique circumstances. First, the property is bordered by public streets on three sides, and interestingly, the fourth side is the most visible side of the building to the public due to the orientation of Otay Lakes Road to the ~-2 Page 3, Item: Meeting Date: ~ 1/17/06 property (See site map marked as Attachment No. l). This lot configuration creates a need for quite a bit more hardscape/driveway area. The fire vehicles will enter and exit the station from Hawthorne Creek Drive, however the loop driveway is quite long as compared to other sites. Also, the full visibility of the site from all sides requires a higher level of finishes on all sides of the building (See elevation plan marked Attachment 2). Second, the City has worked with the Eastlake Company to develop an exterior plan of the building that allows it to be consistent with the architecture of the Eastlake Woods Recreation Center, which is immediately across Hawthorne Creek Drive from the station. The Eastlake Company has agreed to contribute $500,000 toward the project to offset the cost of architectural treatments that the City typically would not include on a fire station. DESIGN ELEMENTS UNACCOUNTED FOR IN THE INITIAL DESIGN BUILD AGREEMENT The Fire Department is recommending that future single-company fire stations be designed with two apparatus bays and be built to a capacity standard of 8,800 square feet. This square footage exceeds the size of the single-company, two-bay stations that have been constructed in recent years (Fire Station 3 at 4,200 square feet and Fire Station 6 at 6,400 square feet). The initial not to exceed price of$2,811,640 for Fire Station 8 was based upon the City's experience with these two fire stations. The additional square footage being recommended for Station 8 (and future fire stations) is primarily the result of anticipated changes in the delivery of advanced life support (ALS) services. These changes include plans to house AMR ambulance units at City fire stations where feasible and may also involve the Fire Department becoming an ALS first responder (e.g. having at least one paramedic on each three person engine company). Both of these changes would provide a more effective emergency response capability to the community. These planned operational changes result in the need for the following facility design changes: . Additional bunkrooms for ambulance personnel, . An additional restroom, . Larger kitchen, recreation, locker and turn-out areas, . Additional space to secure supplies and equipment for the provision of ALS services, and . Additional space to comply with a County requirement to provide internships and training opportunities to existing paramedics. Later this fiscal year staff from the Fire Department will be returning to Council with a full report on ALS service provision in the City and recommendations for improving service to the community. PROJECT SCOPE AND CONTRACTUAL REOUIREMENTS The Design-Build Agreement with Rudolph and Sletten, Inc. will provide the City with a fully functional fire facility including the facilities and site-work required to provide fire services to residents of the surrounding communities. The first amendment to the design build agreement ~-3 Page 4, Item: Meeting Date: Z 1/17/06 (Attachment 3) between the City of Chula Vista and Rudolph and Sletten, Inc. will include setting the GMP at $6,276,913 and revise the statement for substantial and final completion dates. The established GMP includes all design and construction services to complete a fully functional fire facility. The GMP is higher than the not to exceed amount in the original agreement due to the process of refining the various project elements and increasing the scope of the project as described above. The substantial and final completion dates will be amended to include actual dates in lieu of number of calendar dates from notice to proceed as in the original agreement. The revised substantial completion date is October 31, 2006 and the revised final completion date is 30 calendar days after substantial completion. CHANGE ORDERS Under the designlbuild process, change orders are handled differently than under the designlbid/build process. Change orders are only returned for Council approval if they exceed the approved GMP, or are for additional work requested by City, which results in a significant change to the original scope. Otherwise, change orders are reviewed/approved by staff and the design builder. This practice is commonplace when using the designlbuild construction technique. FISCAL IMPACT: PROJECT COSTS Design Builder GMP $6,276,913 Consultant (Special Inspections) $100,000 Utilities $75,000 FFE $100,000 City Staff Costs $200,000 Contingency $300,000 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $7,051,913 PROJECT FUNDS Existing appropriation - PFDIF $544,612 Additional appropriation - PFDIF $6,507,301 TOTAL PROJECT FUNDS $7,051,913 As shown above, the total cost of Fire Station 8, as proposed, is $7,051,913. To date $544,612 has been appropriated to the project. Therefore, an additional appropriation of $6,507,301 from the available balance of the PFDIF is required to complete the project. The Eastlake Company has agreed to reimburse the PFDIF for $500,000 of the project costs. 'B -if Page 5, Item: Meeting Date: 'X 1/17/06 Fire Station 8 was included in the 2002 PFDIF update as a 4,200 square foot, 2-bay station with an anticipated construction cost of $3,298,278. As discussed previously, Station 8 is now being proposed as an 8,800 square foot, 2-bay station at a cost of$7,051,913. It is the intent of staff to return to Council later this fiscal year with a comprehensive update of the PFDIF that will incorporate the cost increases of this and other projects into the fee. However, if any portion of the additional costs associated with this project cannot be included in the next PFDIF update, then those costs could potentially become an obligation of the City's General Fund or other appropriate capital funding source. In that event, staff will return to Council with a recommendation on potential funding options. Attachment A - First Amendment to the Design Build Agreement Attachment B - Revised Exhibit 2, Design Build Fee Structure J:\General Services\GS Administration\Council Agenda\Fire Station No. S\Fire Station No.8 GMP I 1006 update.doc 8-5 00 . o z=-- z< 9~ Eo-;~ <Eo-; Eo-;.... 0Cl0Cl ~ .... ~ Nl. I 0.- r'\TTACHME _~ ~ :2l @ '?-b C{J \ ---.j ~IV_ ~ 0fI'fi~ .yo"" 'c "'.. 4., .. I pro pORed I' I properly I line-' I L.., , I ",i 1--..../ 1/ [" existiol property line .~.-- ~"'- ~ ~ ~ O/Q;y =,o,OOOd ",. "W'''' won. to hm~h Of combination CMUIW can be solid eMU fStucc '9 to f!n(;los~ rea. park; roughllron . minimum 6' ng and patio area J)f"OJXlsed site pla.n CITY OF cau' ~ FIRE ~ VISTA Hawth STATION NO 8 omO! Cl'.."t Dr:Ige. Cbul. Vim M/n,t}4 . CA -- (]b oc. r.te'..' ~ o .. 2 S ~ ~ IL ~ :;; ~ ~ :::;.; s;. ITI ? -~i Jj f F R""'tf)...~~.'S _ ~ 1_11:I''f'fl'< ...:::-- ",....."_.. .._..:=:t"'_~.._,... PRELIMINARY ,,-'-. -A.."'."'I.- "iT..!. ".' .., .-1', '.' ':,~ u;,: 1':1!'~~1 . '1~~ '\J'j i :ij 'w-~.: ,.... <'--": ii~ -',':', {7'.~ ~, L'~~ ~! ~~l ~\:'i 'l ".t \ .1-.,,'~: "1': *""':::::::1:', 1t:-:;':C"'~~' ;~~i" h"" :~,.~,., :~ l" ;~. i~T< i. !'.I..-. .. ".'..' '. ~"" ... -~. ',= I '. 1.;- _~'; .1, J I c_ '.; :.g-....'..-.."""..'... .:-,'.... --=-~ ~ ~. ",'~i '.:.%~ -:' ~~,.., :, ..t'ji,~~~~" /bi,. . _~. -~I ..' I lbt '~ - ''!Ji-r--- .:~':..i ~ ~ III ill '"' \-i ~I ;~ ~:; l' : : ,'. '~~II t::- . '., -I. _". L_.'J; li~C1_~ {~ "Ate. F=g I(~i { I~ ~~rl ii(~~~j :::=.....;. iL\~~-,~ +-,_:;1::' .~ !~ :~J! ~'\ l~l~ J>-... :~~ \~~~: : li:~~~!. 1--'-1 '--, l-,::{:,l I'~=-::i',,;" -,[JI' ~i~ ,i~":?i! 't' .~! '~'<!~r::II" Ift;":I] 'Ii; 'Iii '.~'.I ~-.;~!,S' , I l' I;' ~. ~: Ill! ~'.,-,c i(~ ;----- ~I ~-8 KF' ~ ''------ ~....__. .... NT ~ ATTACHME " L ~, -, R:I ~I ~I ~, 31 -z:i ~i ~, "l' 1111 ~ ~i ..~ 'l':. = ~ - ~ '" '" i- .-r: .. " ~ .- :: z " '" " :; '" " = " m . c z z c - I- 0( I- m ILl 0:: - l&. 0( I- IIJ - > 0( .J ::J I: [J UJ Z o ~ > ILl .J ILl l- n. ILl U Z o u '" " ~ '" z .. '" i- ~ '" 'Fi :; '" ~ :: ~ '" .~ RESOLUTION 2006- RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT WITH RUDOLPH AND SLETTEN, INC. TO INCORPORATE THE GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE FOR THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF FIRE STATION 8, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AMENDMENT, AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFORE FROM THE AVAILABLE BALANCE OF THE PUBLIC FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE. WHEREAS, on July 20,2004 Council approved by Resolution 2004-227 a design build agreement with Rudolph and Sletten, Inc. for the services required to design and construct a completed and fully functional fire facility; and WHEREAS, the Design Build Agreement contained a not to exceed price of $2,811,640 with the GMP to be set upon receipt of 90% construction drawings; and WHEREAS, as the design process progressed, a number of factors led to the actual GMP, as determined at the 90% construction drawing stage, to exceed the not to exceed amount in the original agreement by approximately $3.5 million; and WHEREAS, staff has worked diligently with Rudolph and Sletten to value engineer the project and thereby provide the best product at the most effective price; and WHEREAS, this significant escalation in project costs can primarily be attributed to: a) Continuing increases in the cost of construction materials (a nationwide phenomenon), b) A number of unanticipated issues related to the project site, and c) Various design elements unaccounted for in the initial design build agreement; and WHEREAS, the first amendment to the design build agreement (Attachment A) between the City of Chula Vista and Rudolph and Sletten, Inc. will include setting the GMP at $6,276,913 and revise the statement for substantial and final completion dates; and WHEREAS, the GMP includes, but is not limited to, design services, general conditions, insurance, bonds, construction management, the cost for all labor, equipment, and material to design and build a fully functional fire facility in accordance with all applicable building codes; and WHEREAS, the revised Substantial Completion date is October 31, 2006 and the revised Final Completion date is 30 calendar days after Substantial Completion. WHEREAS, to date $544,612 has been appropriated to the project; and WHEREAS, the total estimated project costs are as follows: 'g-q PROJECT COSTS Design Builder GMP $6,276,913 Consultant (Special Inspections) $100,000 Utilities $75,000 FFE $100,000 City Staff Costs $200,000 Continl!encv $300,000 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $7,051,913 WHEREAS, staff recommends an additional appropriation of PFDIF funds from the available balance in the amount of $6,507,301 as necessary to complete each project; and WHEREAS, while Fire Station No.8 is listed in the PFDIF as an eligible project, the costs of the station in the PFDIF are shown as $3,298,278 based on the assumption that it was for a 4,200 square foot, 2-bay fire station. However, the actual size of the station is proposed to be 8,800 square feet; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of staff to return to Council later this fiscal year with a comprehensive update of the PFDIF that will incorporate the cost increases of this and other projects into the fee; and WHEREAS, if any portion of the additional costs associated with this project cannot be included in the next PFDIF update, then those costs could potentially become an obligation of the City's General Fund or other appropriate capital funding source. In that event, staff will return to Council with a recommendation on potential funding options. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Chula Vista does hereby approve the first amendment of the Design Build Agreement incorporating the GMP at $6,276,913 for the services required to design and construct Fire Station No.8 (CIP PS128) located at the southwest corner of Hawthorne Creek Drive and Woods Drive in the Eastlake Woods community of Chula Vista, appropriate PFDIF funds from the available balance in the amount of $6,507,301 as 'necessary to complete the project and authorize the Mayor to execute said Amendment. Presented by Approved as to form by Jack Griffin Director of General Services ~:ddj.", Ib~ A Moore . y Attorney J:\General Services\GS Administration\Council Agenda\Fire Station No. 8\FS NO.8 GMP Reso Final 01 1206.doc 2-/0 THE A TT ACHED AGREEMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED AS TO FORM BY THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE AND WILL BE FORMALLY SIGNED UPON APPRO V AL BY THE CITY COUNCIL q~dJ&" {jdP Ann Mo City Attorney Dated: Second Amendment to the Agreement with Rudolph and Sletten, Inc. to incorporate the Guaranteed Maximum Price for the Design and Construction of Fire Station 8 8-11 First Amendment To the Design Build Agreement between the City of Chula Vista and Rudolph and Sletten, Inc. For Design and Construction of Fire Station No.8 This first amendment is made and entered into this 20th day of December, 2005 by and between the City of Chula Vista (herein "City"), a municipal corporation, and Rudolph and Sletten, Inc. (herein "Design Builder or D/B"). City and Design Builder are sometimes hereinafter referred to as Parties ("Parties") RECITALS WHEREAS, the City and D/B entered into an agreement ("Original Agreement") dated July 20, 2004 and approved by City Council Resolution 2004-227, whereby D/B provides design and construction services to the City for the construction of a fully functional fire facility including the facilities and site-work; and WHEREAS, the Original Agreement contained a guaranteed maximum price not to exceed amount of $2,811 ,640 million; and WHEREAS, As the design progressed and some of the complexities of this project became known, the actual GMP as determined at the 90% construction drawing stage exceeded the not to exceed amount in the original agreement; and WHEREAS, D/B and City staff have value engineered the project to provide the best product at the most effective price; and WHEREAS the parties now desire to amend the Agreement to increase the contract amount to incorporate the guaranteed maximum price of $6,276,913 for a fully functional fire facility, Fire. Station No.8. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals and the mutual obligation of the Parties set forth herein, the City and Design Builder agree as follows: I. Section I of Original Agreement, entitled General Scope of Work to be Performed by D/B, is hereby amended as follows: 1.1 In accordance with the terms set forth in this Agreement and the Request for Proposal (RFP) for Design Build Services for Fire Station No.8 (Exhibit I), D/B shall design and construct for the City: a completed and fully functional 6,400 8,800 square foot 2-bay fire station as per revised Program Document (Revised Exhibit I). The Fire Facility shall include, but not be limited to all components outlined and described in the attached document entitled RFP for Design Build Services for Fire Station No.8 (Exhibit I) (referred to hereafter as "Project"). The Project is located in the Eastlake Woods Community ofChula Vista. 8-/2- 1.3.1 Perform all services, work and obligations as described herein for the not to exceed amount of $2,811,€dO $6,276,913 which shall include Design Services and General Conditions necessary to provide a fully completed and functional Project. DIB shall perform all Design Services and General Conditions for the not to exceed amount of $494,612 as outlined in the Design Build Fee Structure (Exhibit 2). At 90% complete construction documents a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) will be established pursuant to Section 13 of this Agreement, which will include, but not be limited to, the cost for all labor, equipment, and material to design and build a fully functional Fire Station in accordance with all applicable rules, regulations, and laws. The DIB fee shall be 5.25% of hard construction costs. Liability insurance cost shall be $9.50 1$1,000 total cost of work. Any costs incurred by DIB in excess of said GMP shall be the sole responsibility of the DIB, unless a change order is approved by the City pursuant to Sections 9 and 14 of this agreement. All funds remaining in the GMP at the completion of the project shall belong to the City. 1.3.2 Substantial Completion: Achieve "Substantial Completion" (as defined in gI6.1) no later than 49Q ealeHaar days frem issmrnee sf :Notiee te Proeses at mW6HtieH ef ,^,greement. October 31, 2006. 1.3.3 Achieve "Final Completion" (as defined in gI6.2) No later than ~ ealeHsllf SlrYs frem issHooee sf :Nsties te Proeees at 8lleelltisH sf .^.greement. 30 calendar days from Substantial Completion. 2. Section 11 of the Original Agreement, entitled Minimum Scope of Insurance, is hereby amended to read as follows: Builder's Risk Property Insurance: The City of Chula Vista will provide coverage for "all risk" Builder's Risk Insurance, excluding the peril of earthquake, and subject to other policy terms, conditions and exclusions, Coverage will be provided for the Full Hard Cost Replacement Cost of Materials, Equipment and fixtures destined to become a permanent part of the structure, Property in Transit, and Property in Offsite Storage for Fire Station No. 8 construction in an amount not to exceed $2,213,699 $6,276,913 million. Contractors and Subcontractors will be added to policy as Loss Payees as their interest may appear. 8-/3 Builder's Risk (if applicable) $2,213,699 $6.2M Hard Construction Cost of Structure The City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers are to be covered as additional insureds using ISO Form CG 2010 or its equivalent, with respect to liability arising out of work or operations performed by or on behalf of the DIB including materials, parts or equipment furnished in connection with such work or operations. The general liability additional insured coverage must be provided in the form of an endorsement to the contractor's insurance using ISO CG 2010 (11/85) or its equivalent. Specifically, the endorsement must not exclude Products/Completed Operations coverage. 3. Section 13 of the Original Agreement, entitled DIB GMP for Services and Reimbursements, is hereby amended to read as follows: 13.1.1 The GMP shall not exceed $2,&11,610 $6,276,913 and include within said GMP shall be no more than $494,612 for Design Services and General Conditions as previously identified in Section 1.3.1 of this agreement. 4. Exhibit I of the Original Agreement shall be substituted with the Revised Exhibit 1 - to include Revised Program Document. 5. Exhibit 2 of the Original Agreement shall be substituted with the Revised Exhibit 2. 6. Except as expressly provided herein all other provisions of the Original Agreement shall remain in full force and affect. ~-I'I Signature Page to the First Amendment to the Design Build Agreement between the City of Chula Vista and Rudolph and Sletten, Inc. For Design and Construction of Fire Station No.8 City of Chula Vista Rudolph and Sletten, Inc. by Stephen C. Padilla, Mayor @~-~ e and TItle Date ATTEST: Susan Bigelow, City Clerk Approved in form by; Ann Moore, City Attorney 6-/5 Revised Exhibit 1 RFP for Design Build Services for Fire Station No.8 Attachments: A) Revised Program Document dated B) Sample D/B Contract and Glossary of Terms (Intentionally Omitted) C) Project Location (Intentionally Omitted) f?-Ib ATTACHMENT A ~~f?- ~ '--------- ~ ..:- ,--- - - - CllY OF CHUlA VISTA CHULA VISTA FIRE DEPARTMENT REVISED FIRE STATION #8 PROGRAM DOCUMENT 2-/7 TABLE OF CONTENTS DESIGN REQUIREMENTS.............___.............___n.......n...n....n..........00....00___00___.......1 1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION ...m.....n.......nn___h......n.___.n..n........mn.....nnnn...nm.h 1 2.0 GENERAL INTERIOR INFORMA TION.....n.______m.........n___mh.nn...n...___n______n... 2 3.0 GENERAL EXTERIOR INFORMATION........n...........______.....n..n...n.nnn___...........5 4.0 LANDSCAPE & IRRIGA TION.h.......................n....n___.....n........n___..n....n.......___..00 8 5.0 APPARATUS ROOM ...........................................................................................10 6.0 SPECIALIZED AREASIROOM...................nn.................h...........nn.n___...............13 7.0 LIVING AREAS ...............................0000...............00...........00.___00..................______0000..... 15 8.0 SLEEPING AREASn._________.........................................___................___.....................___18 9 .0 BATHROOMS .........___...........................00______.............0000............___m___.n..............nn. 19 10.0 EXERCISE I PHYSICAL CONDITIONING AREA...................n..................nn..20 11.0 STORAGE ROOMS.....___.h...h....................n...........___...............___00.....................00___20 12.0 P A TIO.........nn...................___.nn...n..................n..............0000.................0000................. 21 13.0 STAND-BY GENERATOR...........................n......................___.................___............21 14.0 GENERAL PLUMBING....................nh.............___..............___.h.................___h0000.....21 15.0 GENERAL ELECTRICAL___nh.............n................................n....___.n..............00___00 21 16.0 TRASH ENCLOSURE.......................................n............___...n..........00..00.................22 17.0 A TT ACHMENTSn..........................................n............n.....................___..................22 18.0 FIRE STATION #3 LOCKER PLAN 23 fS' -/g FIRE STATION DESIGN REQUIREMENTS The following information has been prepared as design requirements for the Chula Vista Fire Department. These are presented as minimum standard requirements for fire stations. The requirements will be reviewed at initial design meetings and throughout design development. Plans shall be prepared showing all details and notes required to provide the contractor with sufficient clarification and information to construct the project to the intended design. Specifications shall be in CSI format with all referenced standards defined in a supplemental manual and presented for review by City of Chula Vista Building and Park Construction. The design of the fire station shall consider the use of "Green Building Technology" and the use of natural lighting when costs are approximate conventional construction. The design shall meet Title 24 and ADA requirements. A statement shall be made on the cover of the plans and specifications noting that this is an essential services building and that the contractor is responsible for understanding and complying with all applicable codes and requirements. All wastewater and run-off from station activities shall be properly routed to meet all county and city pollution criteria. 1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION Fire Station 8 will consist of a minimum of 8,800 square foot Fire Station with living quarters for six personnel, two (2) apparatus bays to accommodate an engine company and a medic company on a 1.176 acre site with additional space for hose storage and hose maintenance operations. This fire station shall have drive-thru capabilities to both apparatus bays. 1.1 Site Area: a. Fire station shall be situated on an approximate 1.176 acres site. b. Fire station shall accommodate space for reserve apparatus. 1.2 Station Area: a. Fire station shall be a minimum of 8,800 square feet. a. The fire station shall accommodate a crew of seven (7) personnel. 1.3 Crew Size: b. Fire station shall accommodate a minimum of a four (4) person engine company, a two (2) person medic company, (1) explorer, intern, or civilian ride-along as necessary. 1.4 Fire Apparatus Vehicles: a. The following fire apparatus/vehicles will be typically assigned to the fire station: 1) Two (2) triple combination pumpers and a medic ambulance. Length: 30 feet Width: 10 feet I C:\Documents and SettingsIMerceditasDlLocal Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKII\CVFD Program Document station 8 revised january II 2006.doc 8-19 2) Turning Radius: Weight: One (1) medic ambulance. Length: 52.0 feet (outside!) 40,000 Ibs. (floors must withstand 60,000 Ibs.) 21 feet 1.5 Furniture 1) Design team shall coordinate and interface with Office Pavilion. Design Build team shall ensure all required utilities are installed and coordinated to facilitate furniture installation. 2.0 GENERAL INTERIOR INFORMATION 2.1 Doors, Frames and Hardware a. All interior and exterior doors shall be set in metal frames. b. All exterior windows shall be high quality, noise-reducing, dual glaze, temperature efficient designs, with low E glass. Second story windows, when required, shall have a tilt feature allowing cleaning from the interior. c. All bottom windowsills will be provided with a hard finish material for ease of cleaning (i.e. solid surface, corian type identical to fire station 7). d. All interior doors shall be exterior grade, solid wood staved-core, and birch- skinned. All doors connecting to the apparatus room will swing in the direction of the apparatus floor area. e. Bathroom doors shall be solid with no open venting. f. Panic hardware is required on interior doors leading directly into the apparatus area. g. Locks on interior doors including the offices, storage rooms and computer work room shall be compatible with Station #1 master system (Best lock system). Privacy locks will be installed on restroom and dormitory doors. h. All wooden doors to be stained and not painted. 1. Doors leading to exterior to be operable from interior without a key when locked. Doors shall be self-latching. These doors shall be on the Best lock system J. Doors leading to the kitchen area, and apparatus area shall have a window area as allowed by code. k. Over-sized stainless steel push plates and kick plates shall be installed on all doors as necessary per City approval. 1. Doors leading to apparatus room, and the exterior of station shall have mechanical closures. Doors leading to sleeping areas and bathrooms will not have automatic closers. m. Doorbells will be capable of alerting the day room area, sleeping areas, kitchen, I Site access to rear area parking to accommodate 94' turning radius. 2 fr-20 offices, fitness room, shop area, and apparatus area. Doorbells will be installed at the front, rear and other public-accessible doors. The Doorbells will have different tones to indicate activation location. Doorbells will be tied to station alerting system. 2.2 Walls and Ceiling Surfaces a. Restrooms, kitchen, storage rooms, weight room, workrooms, communication room, and apparatus room shall be painted with 100% acrylic semi gloss finish. b. Color to be approved by the City prior to application. c. Walls and ceilings are to be dry walled, textured, sealed and painted. Interior hallway comers will be bull nose. d. Interior hallways shall be a minimum of four feet in width. Total hallway area will vary by station design. It is anticipated that there will be approximately 700 square feet of hallways. e. Provide bumper guards and backing at hallway. f. All interior walls to be insulated. g. All interior walls that will be used to mount appliances or fixtures (towel bars, paper dispensers, soap dispensers, etc.) will have support material installed behind. h. Install soundproofing between apparatus area and adjacent living spaces. I. Soundproof bathrooms. Protect areas outside bathrooms from bathroom noises. i.e. flushing toilets, showers, running water. J. Provide sound insulation at all walls and ceilings. k. All hallway comers and dormitory window opening comers will be bull nose. 2.3 Floor coverings a. Commercial grade carpeting shall be utilized for officers' room(s), offices, sleeping areas, day rooms, and training room. b. Carpet shall have Enhanced Backing, 26 oz. Yam weight and 77 oz, total carpet weight. c. The kitchen, restrooms, dining area, and other heavy traffic areas shall be porcelain ceramic tile similar to station 7 approved by the City. d. Ceramic tile will have minimal grout joints and use dark-colored epoxy grout. Color to be approved by the City. 2.4 Window coverings a. All exterior windows and sliding doors shall be provided with 3" vinyl vertical blinds per the approvaJ ofthe City. 2.5 Central Air ConditioningIForced Air Heating a. High energy efficient central air conditioning and forced air heating shall be provided in living areas as required to maintain 74 degrees in the summer and 68- 72 degrees the remainder of the year. 3 8 - 2-/ b. System should have separate zones with setback feature for operational and energy efficiency. c. Any and all condensation drains shall be drained to the exterior of the building or will drain into the existing plumbing. 2.6 Fire Alarm, Smoke, Carbon Monoxide Detectors and Sprinkler System a. Smoke, and carbon Monoxide detectors shall be installed to code. b. The building shall be provided with a complete automatic fire sprinkler system per existing code. c. Sprinkler alarm shall be capable of being connected to a central monitoring station. d. Use N.F.P.A, 13 for specifications. e. Sprinkler heads to be flush mounted and concealed in the living areas. f. Central monitoring panel location subject to City approval. g. Provide minimal required fire alarm devices. Full systems not necessary. 2.7 Lighting a. General illumination shall be capable of providing adequate and functional illumination for all living, sleeping, office space and other functional areas. b. Natural lighting (including windows and skylights) shall be provided whenever possible. c. Energy efficient lighting systems and occupancy sensors shall be designed according to location and use. d. Provide a night lighting system in hallways with red lens. Use floor level lighting where applicable. 2.8 Communications and Paging System a. Provide an alert paging system with speakers located in each sleeping quarters, each bathroom, office areas, recreation room, kitchen, apparatus bays, storage rooms, exterior areas, and any spaces not mentioned, but deemed necessary to allow all employees to be notified when on fire station grounds. This system shall be compatible with existing City alerting-equipment. b. Paging system shall be capable of selective alerting. Programmable by station personnel for selected sleeping areas. Should be similar with First-In Alerting system located at CVFD Station #7 with recessed wall-mount devices and lighting devices. c. Paging areas shall be divided into designated zones with separate amplifier control for individual zones with fire department approval. d. Provide exterior weatherproof speakers that meet the requirements of the City's Communication Division in addition to the alert paging system. e. Provide two-horn-type paging speakers located on either side of the apparatus floor. r. Interior speakers shall be flush mount of high quality, and approved by the City. 4 9_22- g. Multiple-point in-house telephone-paging system shall be installed, which meets the requirements of the City's Communication Division as well as the alert paging system. h. Proper in wall backing shall be provided at all locations for wall hung TV's. 1. Contractor will also provide adequate mounting and protection of equipment. J. Fire station will be wired for cable television, with outlets located in the day room, all sleeping areas, kitchen, training room and exercise room. k. There shall be a central control panel for connections. A booster shall be provided as necessary. 1. Provide telephone jacks in dining area, day room, exercise area, sleeping areas, offices, training room, computer workroom and apparatus bay. m. All outlet and jack locations to be approved by the City. n. All phone and data wiring will use CAT-e, UTP cable terminated to RJ-45 modular jacks using T568B standard and CAT-5e rated components. Each CAT-5e cable will terminate in the communication equipment room on a rack mounted 48-port CAT-5e patch panel. o. Each voice and data jack will be labeled with the port number to which it is terminated. p. All voice and data jack locations will consist of three (3) modular jacks each (3- plex) of which terminates on the 48-port patch panel. q. Digital voice, analog voice and data will then be patch using colored patch cords from the source to the appropriate jack(s). r. Provide wiring for computers and printers as indicated by the City including sleeping areas. 3.0 GENERAL EXTERIOR INFORMATION 3.1 Utilities & Site work a. Hose bibs shall be provided at each of the following: apparatus room, patio, each corner of the building, as needed at 75' intervals, the trash enclosure, and next to the hose-drying ramp. Hose bibs shall not require a special key to operate or access. Hose bibs at front of station will be enclosed. b. Provide a 1 1/2" supply line off the sprinkler supply with a 2 1/2" outlet with National Standard Pipe tread, controlled with a bronze ball valve, located in the rear driveway/apparatus bay entrance area on a flat surface. This area should be a level. . c. Provide all tie ins to all laterals, i.e. sewer, water, etc. d. Provide truck wash area. Truck wash area and hose wash rack shall be provided with drains that properly route all runoff as to meet all county and city pollution criteria. e. Testing & Inspection shall be at the cost of the City and all re-inspections shall be at the cost of the contractor 5 2-2.3 f. Provide and implement a SWPPP. g. Grading shall be +/ - .1 0 foot. 3.2 Fences & Gates a. The facility will have security parking for personnel assigned to the station, and an electrically operated rolling gate at a minimum of 6' above grade. b. The security fence will be designed to provide security for City and personal property inside and outside of the building. c. All rolling gates will be electrically operated with keypad and remote capability (linear brand remote) to include Opti-Com device and have a metal guidance track (consider recessed) mounted in concrete that will guide the gate to its predetermined closure point during every operation. d. Exiting the parking area, the gate shall be activated by a ground-loop system installed in the concrete. e. Keypad shall be activated by City Standard Card-keys. 3.3 Concrete & Masonry a. Approaches and driveways shall not exceed 4% grade b. Provide a hose drying rack 6' x 50' sloped at 1/4" per foot. The rack shall be surrounded on all sides with a minimum 3' walk. The rack will be bolted to the concrete and movable if necessary (same as station 1 and 2). c. A private parking area shall accommodate, as space allows, 2 (two) parking spaces per person assigned to the station, approximately 12 spaces. d. An unsecured visitor parking area shall be provided for two visitor spaces, and at least one ADA compliant space. e. Provide adequate signage for all parking areas and building entrances. f. All outside paved areas shall be a minimum of 6 inches, 3600 psi concrete, with steel at 12" on center, designed to accommodate heavy equipment. All concrete shall have positive slope for drainage, catch basins if required. (See water regulation requirements). g. Provide concrete wheel stops at all parking spaces as necessary. Stops to be pinned and not glued. h. Provide adequate drainage to avoid pooling or ponding of water. 1. No asphalt surface will be allowed. J. CMU shall be split faced or other architecturally approved wall. To be approved by the City. 3.4 Roofing a. Flat roof surfaces shall be minimized. If necessary, any flat-roofed surface shall be "Tremco", SBS- modified bitumen roof.system with cool roof coating over fesco or equal. Mechanical penetrations shall be kept to a minimum, but when used, shall 6 8 -2f have a 12" SBS modified granular cap sheet. Parapet walls in appropriate flashing material, and all copings are to be galvanized metal. All terminations in the roof shall be reflected in plan details. b. Sloped roofs shall not be standing metal seam systems. c. Rain gutters will be a separate unit and independent of the other roof systems. Rain gutters must be able to be removed and replaced without compromising the integrity of the roofing, flashing, or building finishes. Gutters shall be designed, sized and installed in a manner to catch watershed. Internal roof drains shall be insulated to minimize interior noise at living areas. d. Acceptable Roofing Manufacturer: Tremco. 3.5 Doors, Frames & Hardware - ADA a. Locks on exterior doors shall be compatible with Station #1 master system (Best lock system). b. All exterior station doors (except sliding glass doors) will be self-latching and locking, with a keypad entry adjacent to each door. c. All interior and exterior doors shall be set in metal frames. d. All exterior windows shall be high quality, noise-reducing, dual glaze, temperature efficient designs, low E. Second story windows, when required, shall have a tilt feature allowing cleaning from the interior. e. Doors leading to exterior to be operable from interior without a key when locked. Doors shall be self-latching. These doors shall be on the Best lock system f. Over-sized stainless steel push plates and kick plates shall be installed on all doors as necessary per City approval. g. Doors leading to apparatus room, and the exterior of station shall have mechanical closures. Doors leading to sleeping areas and bathrooms will not have automatic closers. h. Doorbells will be capable of alerting the day room area, sleeping areas, kitchen, offices, gym (if necessary) and apparatus area. Doorbells will be installed at the front, rear and other public-accessible doors. The Doorbells will have different tones to indicate activation location. Doorbell shall be tied to station alerting system. 3.6 Lath, Plaster & Stucco a. The exterior shall be finished in stucco, with expansion joints and reveals to meet or exceed code and detailed on drawings. The stucco finish shall not have a heavy texture. After color coat, the building is to receive a fog coat to insure uniform color and finish. After proper curing, the building is to receive a stucco sealer. b. Color and finish to be approved by the City. 3.7 Specialties & Signage a. The fire station sign should be approved by the Fire Department. The sign should read "CHULA VISTA FIRE DEPARTMENT, STATION NO.8". Letter size shall 7 2-25 match station #7. Sign lettering will be illuminated for nighttime and controlled by photocell in series with switching ability. b. Address characters shall be a minimum of 6" high, visible from the street, illuminated and controlled by photocell in series with switching ability. c. Provide interior/exterior signs as necessary for doors, entrances, parking areas, and other areas as deemed necessary by fire department personnel. Include signage on offices and restrooms. Dormitory doors will display signage with numbers as approved by Fire Department. d. Provide a 30' ground mounted aluminum flagpole with halyard lock, capable of accommodating two (2) 4' x 6' flags. Location to be approved by the City (see 3.8 e). e. Provide a mailbox in accordance with Postal Service requirements. When a mail slot is provided in a door or through an exterior wall, the access door cover must cover the entire mail slot opening and open outwardly. This will prevent weather and water damage to interior of the station. If required by postal Service to be located on the street, box shall be lock fitted and watertight. f. Traffic Control Device: The installation of traffic control devices shall control the intersection nearest the fire station. g. Provide and install a Dedication Plaque similar to fire station 7. 3.8 Electrical a. Outside lighting shall be divided into zones, with timers and switches to provide for energy conservation. Lighting as needed to illuminate the general surrounding area of the fire station. b. The crew parking area shall be illuminated with energy efficient fixtures, with cost effective replacement bulbs, controlled by photocell in series with switching ability. c. Working lights shall be provided at the front and rear of the apparatus room, water- fill area, apparatus wash area and hose ramp area. These fixtures will be controlled by photocell with individual switching ability. d. A red light shall be located near the entrance of the fire station. The light will be controlled by photocell in series with switching ability. e. Two (2) lights shall be located to illuminate the flagpole. These shall be controlled by photocell in series with switching ability. f. Lights shall be supplied to illuminate generator area. g. Interior/exterior automatic transfer switch shall be provided for the generator. 4.0 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE AND SITE LAYOUT 4.1 All landscape and irrigation plans shall be prepared and signed by a California licensed landscape architect. g-2-b 8 4.2 All landscape and irrigation plans shall be prepared on City 'D' sheets to comply with all applicable City standards, including but not limited to, the City of Chula Vista Landscape Manual. 4.3 Landscape drawings shall conform to the design guidelines created as part of all approved planning documents for Eastlake Woods. 4.4 All final Mylar landscape sheets shall be signed as approved by the Director of Parks & Building Construction or Designee. 4.5 The landscape architect shall produce 'As Built' Mylar record drawings and digital files for storage in the City's landscape drawing record system. Produce additional sets of drawings as required by the landscape inspector. 4.6 Prepare a landscape site plan, in addition to the civil engineers site plan, as part of the landscape drawing package that is a comprehensive plan of all planting areas, walks, exterior circulation space, fencing, walls, flag poles, exterior lighting, trash receptacle storage areas and BBQ patio areas, referred to elsewhere in this document. This sheet shall be provided in addition to sheets showing planting, construction & irrigation and shall be approved prior to production of construction sheets. 4.7 The planting palette shall provide a low maintenance, low water use design, with an automatic irrigation system. The planting design shall include the use of a variety of different plant material and forms including groundcover, shrubs and trees. 4.8 Trees shall be planted at a minimum 24" box size. All trees at or closer to hard material than 5', shall have root barrier installed for 10' in either direction from the center of the tree to protect the hard surface. Specify the use of a chemical root barrier. All trees shall be watered independent from the rest of the planting areas with two irrigation bubblers per tree on a designated valve ofthe irrigation system. 4.9 The automatic irrigation system shall comprise approved irrigation equipment in use elsewhere in the City and as specified in the City of Chula Vista Landscape Manual. Contact the City's Landscape Architecture Division for current information. The irrigation system shall provide appropriate amounts of water to meet the water demand of the plant material specified such that healthy plant growth can be a.chieved without surplus irrigation or run off from planting areas. All irrigation details shall be approved by the water district. 4.10 Include a designated water meter for landscape irrigation. (Design for reclaimed water use unless informed otherwise by the water district.) 4.11 Planting & irrigation plans shall include all modifications to adjacent landscape irrigation systems that may be necessary as a result of the development of the fire station site. 4.12 Other than quick couplers all exterior hose bibs for cleaning purposes shall be supplied with potable water. CC-27 9 4.13 Ensure that all surface water drains away from the building. Drainage for the building and landscape pad shall be collected on that pad for drainage off site to an approved outlet. The landscape architect shall review all drainage proposals prepared by the civil engineer prior to submittal to the City for approval 4.14 All turf areas shall be minimized, but if used shall be laid out to provide for easy and efficient mowing and maintenance in combination with other fire station landscape. 4.15 Provide planting on retaining walls. Vines shall not be grown directly on building walls. 4.16 Foundation planting maybe used so long as there is easy access for window cleaning and access to meter boxes etc. 4.17 Specify the application of 4" bark mulch to all planting areas. 4.18 Provide specifications for both planting and irrigation. 4.19 Include a one-year maintenance establishment period for the landscape and irrigation prior to turnover to the City for maintenance. 5.0 APPARATUS ROOM Please note that no pre-engineered buildings, i.e. Butler Building, shall be used. 5.1 The apparatus room of approximately 2,400 square feet shall have drive-through stalls and shall provide two (2) bays as required by assigned quantity and size of apparatus and will be defined in design development. Apparatus room should be a minimum of approximately 60 feet in length and 40 feet in width (useable space). Each bay should be approximately 19 feet in width. a. The apparatus area shall be capable of housing 2 to 3 vehicles including any combination of the following: I) Two (2) triple combination pumpers (1 for front line, I reserve) 2) One (1) Aerial ladder truck (1 reserve) 3) One (I) Medic Ambulance 4) One (1) Utility Vehicle b. The apparatus room shall be insulated including the ceiling or roof. The ceiling will be finished in drywall. c. The apparatus room shall be provided with passive and positive ventilation. d. The apparatus room shall be constructed without columns in the open space area. e. Provide run ticket printer area with one (I) 3-plex jack at run ticket printer area. f. Provide a run ticket printer area with a power outlet. 5.2 Overhead doors shall be provided at the front and at the rear of the apparatus area, for each bay. Z-z,f 10 a. Doors shall be heavy-duty commercial, sectional door with at minimum, a full- width view panels at eye level. b. The apparatus door dimensions are as follows: Height: 14 feet Width: 14 feet c. Apparatus bay doors are to be the overhead roll-up-type, electrically operated. d. Each door will have a separate electric eye and pneumatic safety device to prevent contact with fire apparatus. e. Overhead doors shall have a strobe blue-colored light adjacent to each, indicating when door is moving UP or down. This lighting should be mounted on the interior, both front and rear, and on the exterior of the rear door. f. Doors are to be able to be operated with push buttons located by each door, and at a central panel located per City approval. g. Doors will also be radio-controlled by a controller receiver on or about the door that is compatible with existing Linear-brand fire department controllers. Controller/receiver shall use "dip-switches." h. Buttons shall have open, stop and close positions. 1. Vision panels of full width are required on each door. J. All doors shall be wired to the emergency electrical circuit to facilitate continuous operation. k. Doors are to be factory finished with powder coating. 1. Apparatus bay doors shall have the ability to have a manual override enabling the door to be opened manually in 1.5 minutes. m. Apparatus bay doors shall have programmable coding compatible with CVFD standards. n. Lights to be mounted in position that raised doors will not interfere with illumination of bays. o. Doors shall have anti-noise material installed on tracks. p. Doors and floor layout should be capable of preventing rain, wind and insects from passing by doors. q. Apparatus doors shall have signage indicating height above each, mounted on the exterior surface, front and rear. 5.3 Apparatus room floor is to be a minimum of6", 3250 psi concrete, and reinforced with re-bar 12" on center. a. The apparatus floor shall be poured in keyed sections using greased rods to connect each section. b. Sections shall be poured in a manner to slope to floor drains. c. Where the concrete comes in contact with sidewalls, front and rear driveways, and any other surface, the floor will be fitted with zip cap felt and caulking. II ??-2-1 d. Floor finish shall be hard-trowel, sealed colored-concrete. The City must approve color. e. The finished concrete shall be cleaned and sealed in the final phase of finish construction. (Notes shall be made on the drawing to protect the concrete finish throughout construction.) 5.4 Floor drains are to be located to have two (2) drains in each bay, located under the apparatus. These are to be connected to an oil separator as required by code. 5.5 Apparatus Area Walls/Wall Space: a. Stem walls shall be a minimum of 6" high with 4' high ceramic tile wainscot with an integral covered base. b. A smooth 10' high x 12' wide wall surface shall be provided for a district map. This shall be constructed similar to the map at the Training Facility. Area will have removable Plexiglas sections provided to cover the surface. Two 4' fixtures (or other appropriate size) in-line fluorescent lights with two (2) tubes each, shall be provided over the map area, and provide operating switch next to the map. c. One (1) wall mounted 4' x 6' porcelain covered steel whiteboards shall be provided on opposite sides of the Apparatus Area as designated by the City. 5.6 Exhaust Extraction System: a. Adequate separation between the apparatus room and the living area shall be provided to prevent the transmission of apparatus exhaust from the apparatus area to the living areas of the station. b. Mechanical ventilation shall be provided for the apparatus area with direct hookups to the apparatus exhaust pipe removing 100% of engine exhaust to the outside of the station. c. The ventilation system shall be automatically actuated and have the ability to provide drive-through or back in operation. d. System shall be Plymo-vent with City approval. e. Mount exhaust fan and motor at opposite side of building across from living area to prevent excessive noise from entering the living areas. 5.7 Contractor to provide pre-plumbed air outlets from the air compressor area to the front and rear walls located on each bay pillar of the apparatus bay. Contractor will also provide retracting reels for areas between bays. Number to be determined by length of bays with fire department approval. Retractable lines will be capllble of reaching all areas of bays. 5.8 Electrical a. Lighting shall be provided between each stall. Lights to be switched on or automatically come on when the paging alert system comes on. b. Drop cords on reels (with ratchet lock system) shall be provided on the driver's side of each vehicle. Each cord is to be on its own circuit. The cord shall be 12/3, 600V, and water-resistant. The cord shall have a rubber coated, waterproof bell box with a rubber coated lid, HBLl7CM85, having a built in switch and an "on" indicator light. The cord will terminate with a female 20-amp connector. A 2' foot 12 8'-30 breakaway section will be added to the female termination having a 20-amp male fitting on one end and a 20-amp female compatible with apparatus plug-in, on the other end. The 20-amp end is to hang 12" from the floor. c. Provide electrical outlets along all walls spaced at minimum 12' intervals, on wall between apparatus doors, and on any stem walls. d. Provide one (I) 3-plex jack at run ticket printer area with data and phone capability. e. Provide a power outlet at this location. 6.0 SPECIALIZED ROOMS/AREAS (WASH ROOM, WORK ROOM, ELECTRICAL ROOM, MECHANICAL ROOM, LOCKER ROOM, WEIGHT ROOM, AND COMMUNICA nON ROOMS) 6.1 A washroom of approximately 130 square feet shall be provided, and contain a washer, deep sink, shower area, ice maker, hose bib, mop sink, EMS decontamination sink, and equipment drying area. a. The washroom shall have same finished surface as apparatus room with a central floor drain. b. A decontamination shower stall will be provided, being 4' x 5' in the clear. c. A wall mounted deep sink and EMS sink shall be provided in this area. EMS sink to have foot mounted control pedals. Faucet height shall be approved by the City. d. Provide area to accommodate commercial front-load washer. This area for the washer shall have hot and cold water, a drain for a residential washer and a floor sink for a commercial washer, and provide space to house either type of unit. Provide cabinet for miscellaneous storage with adjustable shelving. e. See allowances for washer/dryer. 6.2 WorkRoom: a. A workroom approximately 150 square feet is needed directly adjacent to the apparatus area. b. A compressor shall be installed and plumbed to provide access at all areas of the apparatus room. Space shall be provided for a compressor capable of providing nine (9) cubic feet per minute at 175 psi. The workbench will have a minimum of 41" clearance from floor to work bench. (An air compressor shall be installed on the exterior of the apparatus room in a weather protected, well-ventilated room with appropriate electrical supply). c. Contractor will provide portable pressure regulator (capable of reducing pressure from 200 psi to 50 psi) with quick disconnects for use at plumbed air outlets. d. A 32" X 8' workbench constructed with a solid, 1 1/2 " hardwood top shall be provided with a steel plate on top. A space shall be allowed for mounting a vise on workbench top. Provide white pegboard above workbench for tool organization. e. A floor drain will be installed in this area. 13 '6-3( f. Provide cabinet with doors for miscellaneous storage with adjustable shelving. 6.3 Water Heater Room a. Provide a separate area for water heater system, commercial quality as per UBC. b. Water heater shall provide hot water to the entire facility. c. All hot water pipes are to be insulated d. Hot water should have circulation system with timer control for continuous hot water. 6.4 Electrical Room: An approximately 50 square foot electrical/mechanical room shall be accessible by San Diego Gas & Electric Company. 6.5 Communications Equipment Room a. A communication room approximately 40 square feet shall be provided with enough space to house computer LAN, telephone equipment, station alerting, cable TV, and communications equipment. b. The room shall be air-conditioned. c. The walls shall be covered with painted 3/4" plywood, good one side, beginning 3' off the floor and extending to 7'. d. The contractor will also provide a mounting area for communication equipment. e. Provide conduit, pull boxes, and pull cords to all rooms requiring communication connections, including phones, cable TV, paging, station alerting and computer equipment. f. Provide four (4) circuits in communication room in double duplex boxes. Each circuit shall be on emergency power. g. Provide a two-inch conduit between the communication room and a weather head mounted on the exterior of the building. This shall be located on a high portion of the building next to a location for an antenna mount. An antenna mount shall be provided using two unistruts placed 2' apart securely attached to the building. h. Submit site plans to SBC Electrical Engineering section for SBC facilities site plan. 1. Provide and install painted plywood backboards. J. Conduit from the street into the MPOE must have a pull rope. k. Conduit at the street must stub up eight inches above finished grade. 1. Conduits at the street (if more than one) must be grouped close enough together for a pedestal to fit over. m. There must be a ground wire in the MPOE attached to the ground used forlby SDG&E #6 solid or #4 strand. n. Contact SBC for MPOE inspection prior to SBC bringing telephone facilities in form the pedestal/street. o. The Communications Equipment Room shall be sufficiently lit. p. Door shall open outward. 14 P -32.. q. See Attachment 18.3 Phone Chart. 6.6 Storage Room / Hose Storage Area/Turnout Drying Rack: a. Provide a storage room of approximately 105 square feet with interior and exterior access, vented doors, and be located near hose drying rack area. b. Hose racks shall be installed to provide storage for hose compliment assigned to station. The City must approve. c. Install an exhaust fan with 6-hour manual timer switch. 6.7 Turnout Room: A turnout room shall be provided to house the required number of turnouts for the crew size. The room shall be vented to the exterior and enclosed with doors. Room shall have no sources of direct sunlight. a. The number of lockers for a crew of six (6) shall be 21. b. The lockers shall be affixed to the walls off of the floor. (See attached specification sheet.) c. The turnout room of approximately 210 square feet shall be located next to the apparatus room. The room will be provided with passive and timer-switch-operated positive ventilation. d. Install a built in storage-shelving unit to accommodate storage of black bags. Specifications similar to station 4 and 6. 7.0 LIVING AREAS 7.2 CAPTAIN OFFICES: one (I), with a minimum of 144 square feet each, and each to provide for: (office furniture to be purchased by Office Pavilion or current City vendor). a. One (1) City Standard Work Station with swivel chairs. b. Counter space for a computer, printer, and a facsimile machine. c. A space for three (3) legal size 4-drawer file cabinets, to be provided by the Fire Department. d. Provide space for a four-shelf bookcase (48"x36"). e. Provide electrical outlets for computer, printer, fax machine, and utility use in proper locations by the equipment. f. Provide two (2) 3-plex jacks, two (2) for phones two (2) for computer and one (I) for fax. g. Install a built in lock box for key storage. 7.3 ENGINEER AND FIREFIGHTER OFFICE with a minimum of 144 square feet and provide for: a. Two (2) City Standard workstations with swivel chairs. b. Counter space for a computer, printer. c. A space for one (1) lateral file cabinet, to be provided by the Fire Department. d. Provide electrical outlets for computer, printer, fax machine, and utility use in proper locations by the equipment. 15 8-33 e. Provide two (2) 3-plex jacks, two (2) for phones, two (2) for computers. 7.4 PARAMEDIC OFFICE with a minimum of 144 square feet and provide 144 a. Two (2) City Standard workstations with swivel chairs. b. Counter space for a computer, printer. c. A space for one (I) lateral file cabinet, to be provided by the Fire Department. d. Provide electrical outlets for computer, printer, fax machine, and utility use in proper locations by the equipment. e. Provide two (2) 3-plex jacks, two (2) for phones, two (2) for computers. 7.5 MAIN ENTRY DOOR: a. The main entry door and entry area shall be located next to the offices and near the ADA bathroom. b. There shall be a wall-mounted bronze dedication plaque similar to Fire Station No. 7. 7.6 DAY ROOM: a. The day room of approximately 400 square feet shall be large enough to house the number of crew (6) assigned to the station in large chairs b. Room is to be separate from the kitchen and dining area. c. Provide built-in cabinet space for a 36" TV, videocassette recorder, DVD Player, and Cable T.V. box with access to a double duplex outlet. This unit may be designed with shelving for books. Wiring for surround sound shall be included. d. Floor is to be carpeted in this area. e. Provide one (1) 3-plexjack. 7.7 KITCHEN AND DINING AREA a. The kitchen and dining rooms may be designed together or considered separate. The dining and kitchen areas combined shall be a minimum of 400 square feet. If the two are to be open to each other sufficient wall space will be considered to allow adequate cabinets for storage. b. Provide table area capable of seating eight (8) personnel in dining area. c. The floor of both areas are to be porcelain ceramic tile with minimal dark grout lines or sealed colored concrete. Use only epoxy grout. d. Provide place for receptacle and recyclables in kitchen/dining area similar to Station 7. e. Towel dispenser (tri-fold) shall be mounted in a convenient area closest to each sink compatible with city standards. f. Provide area for commercial type coffee maker. g. Cabinet Space / Storage Space: 1) All cabinets shall be W.I.C. Custom Grade. '3-3t/- 16 2) The sides, bottoms, backs, and doors are to be 3/4" exterior glue plywood Formica laminated on all exposed sides. The top is to be 3/4" ply as a backing for counter top. Shelves shall be 3/4" exterior rated ply covered on both sides with laminate, edge faced with 1 1/4" banding, and be adjustable. No particleboard with melamine. 3) Doors are to be installed with stainless steel Rockford Process Control hinges, 851 overlay brushed stainless steel. Pulls are to be stainless steel wire pull type. 4) All cabinet exposed surfaces shall be plastic laminated material. 5) Provide three separate pantries, each pantry is to have individual lock and key, the minimum size of each pantry is 2' x 2' x 8', with adjustable shelves. 6) All cabinets over 18" deep shall have pullout shelves. 7) Provide cabinets over the kitchen counter to assure adequate storage space for dishes and food. 8) Base cabinet counter tops shall be 37 1/2" high with drawers on heavy-duty glides. Cabinet space shall be maximized to provide adequate storage for utensils, pots, pans, and food. 9) Provide a solid surface (Corian type) kitchen counter with full back splash to bottom of upper cabinets and a built-in double sink. Sink to be stainless steel under mount #4 finish, l4-gauge bottom coated. Dimensions: 34" total width, each sink 17" x 14" x 10" depth; sink to have a one (1) hole, single handle control with integral pullout spray attachment. Provide a heavy duty (minimum 3/4 horsepower) stainless steel garbage disposal. 10) Provide reverse osmosis drinking water system with countertop dispenser. System to be approved by the City. 11) Provide dishwasher and provide space and all connections. Washer shall be installed to allow for its removal with finished floor. Dishwasher model to be approved by the City. 12) Cabinet shelf for microwave built into upper cabinets. Provide two (2) open upper cabinet space (shelves) and electrical outlets for two (2) 1.5 cubic foot microwave ovens. See station 7 specifications. h. Wall and Floor Surfaces 1) Walls shall be covered with a maintenance free wall covering material with a gloss surface. 2) A stainless steel wall surface is required adjacent to the range-cooking surface. 3) Floors shall be covered with a porcelain ceramic tile with minimal dark grout lines or sealed colored concrete. Use only epoxy grout. 1. Refrigerators: 1) Provide space, water supply, electrical outlets and ventilation for three (3) Energy Star Model, refrigerators to accommodate six (6) people on three (3) shifts similar to Station 7. 2) Refrigerators to be approved by the City. 17 ~-3'5 J. Gas Range and Oven: I) Provide a 36" wide Viking heavy-duty gas range with convention oven. 2) Rear walls shall be covered in stainless steel. 3) Stove to be adjacent to cabinets with adequate protection. 4) Provide a 36" wide stainless steal shelf, 18" high. k. Range Hood: I) A matching Viking stainless steel, hood for 36" range with warming I lights shall be provided. 2) Range hood shall include lights, a two-speed, roof-mounted exhaust fan with a 3/4 HP motor capable of proper CFM, and removable, washable stainless steel filter screens. 8.0 SLEEPING AREAS (All dimensions are in the clear.) Sleeping areas shall be located to minimize disturbance to others when one crewmember is alerted and responding to emergency incidents. Each room shall be insulated and have sound battens on adjoining walls. Minimize disturbances from noise. 8.1 . All Sleeping Areas: a. Shall be II' x II' rooms. 8.4 Lockers are to be provided in each dorm room. a. Four lockers shall be located in each room. b. Lockers shall meet standard Chula Vista Fire Department personnel locker specifications similar to Station #7 (see attached drawing attachment). Locker towel rack and shelf height to be approved by the City. c. Provide an inset key lock similar to Fire Station No.7. Each locker is to be keyed and marked from 801 to 824. A master key is to be provided to the City. 8.5 All sleeping areas shall have desks built-in each room. a. 40" desk units with shelving similar to station 7. 8.6 Lighting: a. Provide fluorescent under shelf mount lighting above each desk, with individual control. b. The overhead lighting fixture is to be individually controlled from within each room. c. Provide an exterior window to provide natural light. d. At the head of the bed provide one ceiling installed can light to facilitate reading in bed. Light should have dimmer switch near head of bed. Light choice and location to be approved by the City. Do not use fluorescent fixture. 8.7 Wall mounted adjustable swivel television brackets shall be placed in each dorm room with cable and electrical outlets provided. Similar to station 3 and 4. Do not duplicate station 7. ~-3' 18 8.8 Provide one (I) 3-plexjack for each room. 9.0 BATHROOMS 9.1 Bathrooms of approximately 80 square feet minimum shall be provided to accommodate separate male and female occupancy. 9.2 At least one bathroom shall meet ADA Requirements for public and staff. 9.3 Provide a shower, a sink and a commode per each two (2) personnel; not to include ADA required restroom, which is for public access only. 9.4 If partitions are to be used, they shall be Phenolic or solid plastic type, with stainless steel hardware, and no metal partitions. . 9.5 Showers: a. Showers shall be 36" x 40", in the clear with rain-glass shower doors, with individual drying enclosures which will be contiguous with their respective showers. The enclosure will have a folding seat with phenolic seat and stainless steel frame, as Bobrick B5191, three double stainless steel hook, and two (2) 24" towel bars, Bobrick B205. b. Showers are to be hot-mopped in or have a solid terrazzo or equal pan. c. The tile at the shower area is to be epoxy e:routed. d. Provide one (I) inset tiled area (approximately 14" x 14") for soap and shampoo bottles. e. Showerhead plumbing shall be 6' 4" high on wall. 9.6 Lavatory Sinks: a. To be mounted on 37 1/2" cabinets, solid surface (Corian type) counter tops with built-in solid surface sinks. b. Mirror will be constructed with a stainless steel frame, as Bobrick B290, call out varies with size, minimum 2' x 2'. c. Install 24" stainless steel towel bar. d. Sinks and faucets to be approved by the City. 9.7 Soap Dispenser: a. A liquid soap dispenser shall be provided for each lavatory. b. Liquid dispenser to be compatible with soap now being used by the fire department. 9.8 Towel Dispenser: a. Towel dispenser shall be mounted in a convenient area closest to each sink. b. Towel dispenser to be tri-fold wall mount. 9.9 Toilets: a. Commodes shall be residential quiet flush toilet (tank type) and be enclosed by walls or partitions. '8-37 19 b. Partitions shall have a double roll toilet paper dispenser, shoreline 830, and toilet seat cover dispenser. c. Toilet to be approved by the City. 9.1 0 Floors are to have floor drains and be finished in porcelain ceramic tile with minimal dark grout lines or sealed colored concrete. Use epoxy grout. 9.11 The walls are to have tile wainscot to 4'. 9.12 Each shower and toilet shall have a separate fan. Bathroom fans to be on separate timer switches. 9.13 No plumbing or towel dispensers shall be installed on or in walls adjacent to dorms. Any plumbing that intersects the concrete slab shall be sleeved to prevent possible damage. 9.14 Bathroom tile to be mounted on wonder board or cement with thin set, no mastic. 9.15 Counter tops shall be solid surface (Corian type) or a similar material and to be approved by the City. 10.0 EXERCISE / PHYSICAL CONDITIONING AREA 10.1 An exercise room or physical conditioning area shall be provided in the fire station. 10.2 Exercise room shall be a minimum of 300 square feet and be provided with windows, and have HV AC. 10.3 Provide ceiling fans. 10.4 The walls will be backed with a minimum of 1/2" ply with drywall covering, and have backing to mount burden equipment. 10.5 The floors shall be on concrete or have double 3/4" plywood and covered with rubber gym flooring. Flooring to extend up wall a minimum of 2 feet. 10.6 Flooring to be approved by the City. 10.7 Provide wall mounted adjustable television bracket, 27" max. with cable and electrical outlets. 10.8 Location to be determined by the City. 10.9 See alternates for full-length mirrors located at walls near equipment. 10.10 Ceiling to be a minimum of 9 feet flat or vaulted. 10.11 Provide television-mounting bracket that will also accommodate stereo receiver. Install two (2) ceiling mounted spe*ers similar to station 2 Bose system. 11.0 STORAGE ROOMS 11.1 Provide as many rooms as possible to best utilize space. 1l.2 At minimum there shall be two (2) supply closets and one (I) storage room of approximately 100 square feet accessible from the exterior for equipment and tools, including gasoline storage. 11.3 Lockable storage shall be provided to accommodate drugs and medications. 20 2 -3e 12.0 PATIO 12.1 Provide a private patio with gas outlet for a barbeque, a 5' privacy wall and drainage as necessary. 12.2 Provide patio cover similar to station 7. 13.0 STAND-BY GENERATOR 13.1 A diesel-fueled stand-by generator shall be provided for continuous standby service. 13.2 Fuel will be utilized from a day tank mounted on the generator and/or automatically refilled from the above ground diesel storage tank. Pumps and controls shall be provided to keep the day tank filled and sufficient check valves are needed to maintain a prime at the generator engine. 13.3 A trickle charger shall be installed to maintain proper charge of generator batteries. 13.4 The stand-by generator shall operate the entire station. 13.5 Provide an automatic transfer switch at generator. 13.6 The generator and its engine shall comply with the most current Federal, State, County and Local laws, regulations, standards, and codes. The engine shall be carbed certified, and meet all EP A standards. 13.7 Site away from sleeping areas. 14.0 GENERAL PLUMBING 14.1 Toilets shall be floor mounted with water saving flush valves. 14.2 The restrooms shall have floor drains with trap primers. Primers are to be solid brass or bronze, no plastic parts, and are to be finished in inspection panels. 14.3 Hose bibs on front of the station shall be installed with box housing and be loose key type. Hose bibs inside secure rear station areas shall be exposed and have operating' handles. 14.4 Plumbing walls shall have 2" x 6" studs. 14.5 All hot water pipes are to be insulated. Hot water should have circulation system with timer control for continuous hot water. 14.6 All angle stops are to be ball-type. 14.7 Shower valves are to be compatible with City plumbing standards with integral stops and to be approved by the City. 14.8 Kitchen faucet single hole faucet with pull out sprayer, compatible with City standards and be approved by the City. Kohler sinks with Chicago faucets. 14.9 Lavatory faucets are to be single handle and compatible with City standards and be approved by the City. 15.0 GENERAL ELECTRICAL 15.1 Switches, panels and breakers shall only be Square D. 15.2 Outside lighting shall be divided into zones, with timers, photoelectric cells, sensors and switches to provide for energy conservation. Lighting shall be provided as needed to illuminate the general surrounding area of the fire station. 21 9 -34 15.3 Cost of replacement bulbs, and compatibility with existing fixtures used by the City shall be considered in selection of fixtures. 15.4 Flexible conduit should only be used to connect motors and for layout of fixtures. 15.5 All receptacles and switch boxes shall be 4" x 4" x 1 1/2" with mud rings. 15.6 Telephone systems, computer systems, radio communications, and cable television systems shall be designed in the building development. 15.7 Computer systems shall be on dedicated circuits. 15.8 Use stranded conductors for all feeders and branch circuits. 15.9 All wall switches shall be commercial grade, heavy duty, 20-amp, 120v/277v and duplex receptacles shall be commercial grade heavy duty, 15-20 amp l20v/277v. 15.1 0 Wall plates shall be non-breakable nylon or stainless steel. 15.11 Use standard light fixtures where possible and no incandescent lamps. 15.12 Provide wire markers on each connector in the pull panel, pull boxes, and junction boxes. Label the inside of all cover plates and junction boxes with the appropriate circuit number. 15.13 Connect all wiring device grounding terminals to outlet box with bonding jumper. 15.14 All other wiring to be concealed in EMT or rigid conduit. 15.15 Plenum rated cable to be used. 15.16 Run printer area shall have one (1) 3-p1ex jack. 16.0 TRASH ENCLOSURE 16.1 Adequate enclosed space shall be provided for trash, recycle material and garbage containers 8' x 5' x 6' high minimum. a. Provide a hose bib at trash enclosure. 17.0 ATTACHMENTS 17.1 Dormitory Locker Design (Similar to CVFD Station #7) 17.2 Safety Clothing locker specifications. 17.3 Phone Chart 22 'if-lfO ~ ~ r-... ~ Fire Station #3 Locker Plan en M Top 4" Panel l' High 2' 5 1/4"Width l' 8" DeeD Clothes Bar Adjustable Shelf Adjustable Shelf l' 2 1/4" Wide l' Deep Adjustable Shelf l' 3" Wide l' Deep Built-in Shelf l' 2" High l' 4" Deep Bedding Drawer 1'1" High 1'10" Wide 1'11" Deep Kick Panel All measurements are interior measurements Mirror l' x 2' 2" 1 1/4" x 4" x 16" Shelf I , I 18" Towel Bar I Minimum of 30" Clearance to bottom of door Locker Door H:IADMIN\Building and Park ConstructionlFire Station #8\CYFD Program.mfr.doc Locker 23 8-L{ I Revised Exhibit 2 Chula Vista Fire Station No. 8 GMP Summary Cost of Work: Construction $5,089,157.00 General Conditions $339,553.00 Subtotal: $5,428,710.00 Staff Costs: Fee (5.25% of Cost of Work $308,104.00 Design & Preconstruction $425,161.00 Insurance/Bond $114,938.00 Total GMP $6,276,913.00 8- 1./2- COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT C1 Item: ' Meeting Date: 1/17/2006 ITEM TITLE: RESOLUTION ACCEPTING URBAN AREA SECURITY INITIATIVE GRANT PROGRAM FUNDS AND , APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFORE RESOLUTION ACCEPTING UNANTICIPATED STATE HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT FUNDS AND STATE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE GRANT FUNDS, AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFORE RESOLUTION AWARDING PURCHASING AGREEMENTS TO FISHER SAFETY SCIENTIFIC AS MAY BE REQUIRED FOR SAFETY SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT REVIEWED BY: Fire Chief DAf City Manager f}c IlK (4/5ths Vote: YesLNo _l SUBMITTED BY: The City of Chula Vista is the recipient of several grant allocations from State and Federal Homeland Security and Emergency management Performan<;e Grants totaling $538,552. These grants are administered by the City of San Diego Office of Homeland Security and the County of San Diego and distributed on a formula basis to participating agencies. As stipulated by the grants, $230,216 will be spent on equipment (personal protection and for operational tools to be used), $179,122 will be spent in training of first responders, $18,420 on Community based Disaster Planning Programs including CERT and RSVP, $10,000 for improvements to the City's Disaster Plan and Emergency Operations Centers including staff training and other costs and $100,794 will be spent in planning and exercises for general disaster preparedness and counter terrorism. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: . Approve the resolution accepting the $184,216 from State Homeland Security Grant Funds and the State Emergency Management Performance Funds and appropriating $28,420 to services and supplies, 9-1 $137,796 to personnel services, and $18,000 to capital services of the fiscal year 2006 Disaster Preparedness budget. · Approve the Resolution accepting $354,336 from Urban Area Initiative Security Grant Program Funds and appropriating $234,336 to services and supplies and $120,000 to personnel services of the fiscal year 2006 Disaster Preparedness budget. · Approving the Resolution awarding Purchasing Agreements to Fisher Safety Scientific as may be required for Safety Supplies and Equipment BOARDS/COMMISSIONS RECOMMENDATION: N/A BACKGROUND: Before grant funds can be expended the Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) grant stipulates a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of San Diego Office of Homeland Security and the participating agency is in effect. The MOU is required to ensure compliance with the grant assurances for the San Diego Urban Area Security Initiative. On September 14, 2004 Council approved a Memorandum of Understanding with the San Diego Urban Area Security Initiative for this purpose. On February 22, 2005, Council accepted and appropriated FY 03 UASI Part /I grant funds and FY 04 UASI grant funds in the amount of $710,572. These funds were used as follows: $310,026 from the FY 03 part /I UASI equipment grant and $189,351 from the FY 04 UASI equipment grant were used to purchase specified first responder protective clothing and related tools and equipment for Fire, EMS and Police. An additional $211,195 from the UASI FY03 & FY 04 UASI grants were used to train and prepare Police, Fire and City personnel on emergency preparedness. The above purchases have been made and funds expended. The training of Police, Fire and EMS personnel has also been completed. Reimbursement claims were submitted to City of San Diego and the County of San Diego Office of Emergency as required by the grant. DISCUSSION: Equipment Grants The funds allocated under these grants are being released to the 19 San Diego Urban Area jurisdictions for expenditure. Per grant stipulations, these funds will be used to purchase specified first responder personnel protective equipment (PPE) for the Police Department, Emergency Medical Services and Fire Department. The funds are distributed based upon the jurisdictions number of public safety personnel for the purchase of first responder PPE and equipment. Once PPE needs are met at the established UASI standard, jurisdictions can use 9-2 funds designated for PPE on other equipment in the high criticality categories of the San Diego Urban Area Security Strategy. The other equipment must be part of the authorized equipment purchases stipulated by the grant. Award of the Purchasino Aareement The City of Chula Vista Municipal Code Section 2.56.140 authorizes the Purchasing Agent to participate in cooperative arrangements with other governmental agencies for the acquisition of equipment purchased through a competitive process. The City of San Diego and County of San Diego have formally awarded contracts to Fisher Safety Scientific for purchase of first responder personnel protective equipment. The State of California has recently announced a new procurement program through Fisher Scientific as well. The program offers shorter procurement times and online ordering. Both Police and Fire have purchased previous personnel protective equipment from Fisher Scientific. Awarding purchasing agreements to Fisher Scientific would expedite the purchasing process and maintain equipment uniformity. The mechanism to use these purchase agreements will be as follows: City staff has already determined a priority list of equipment that will be purchased from these funds. The Emergency Services Manager will determine which of the items on the City's list are found in the Fisher Scientific catalog and will determine the total cost. The Emergency Services Coordinator will contact the contract coordinator at the City of San Diego and they will be given direction to release the funds from Chula Vista to Fisher Scientific. This procedure will save shipping fees and taxes for many items, therefore increasing the City's ability to secure items needed. When items on the City's spending plan can no longer be found in the Fisher Scientific catalogue the Emergency Services Manager will request the City of San Diego to freeze the account and redirect the funding for direct purchase by city of Chula Vista of items not in the catalogue. The City will continue to have control of the expenditures not found in Fisher Scientific catalogues by following normal purchasing procedures. Traininq Grants (UASland State EMPG) The training funds pay for overtime, backfill and travel costs related to homeland security training for Police and Fire Department staffs. The Citywide Emergency Services Manager has worked with all Departments in identifying training suited to the different grants. All training courses must be part of the approved UASI training module for all agencies in the County of San Diego. The majority of these funds will be used to cover backfill expenses and overtime for Police and Fire. Some funds will be used for travel expenses and to pay instructors and other City Staffs in accordance with grant provisions. 9-3 Most of this training will be conducted on an overtime basis in order to minimize disruption to daily operations. The overtime will be reimbursed by training grants as available. Grant Requirements These grant funds end October 31,2006. There are no matching funds required. The grant funds will be distributed on a reimbursement basis. As previously mentioned, before grant funds can be expended the UASI grant stipulates a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of San Diego Office of Homeland Security and the participating agency is in effect. The MOU is required to ensure compliance with the grant assurances for the San Diego Urban Area Security Initiative. Council approved the MOU on September 14,2004. FISCAL IMPACT: Acceptance of this grant will provide funding for needed first responder equipment and citywide first responder training. The total grant allocation to the City of Chula Vista is $538,552. There is no net impact to the General Fund. 9-4 RESOLUTION NO. 2006- RESOLUTION ACCEPTING URBAN AREA SECURITY INITIATIVE GRANT PROGRAM FUNDS, AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFORE WHEREAS, The City of San Diego is the designated Urban Area Security Initiative Grant (UASI) Coordinator for San Diego Region; and, WHEREAS, the Emergency Services Manager is the designated agency coordinator for UASI and other Disaster Preparedness and Management grant funds; and, WHEREAS, the City of Chula Vista is eligible to receive $354,336 from these training and equipment grants; and, WHEREAS, the additional grant funds will be used to complete the outfitting and training of first responders; including Police, Fire, Public Works Operations and EMS staff with chemical resistant personnel protective equipment (PPE) and auxiliary equipment; $179,122 will be spent for protective equipment and other tools, $175,214 will be spent for staff training to cover overtime and other compensation costs; and, WHEREAS, The Emergency Services Manager is recommending these funds be used to train and prepare Police, Fire, Public Works and other City staff on disaster preparedness and terrorism response; and to purchase the necessary equipment to carry out their respective job functions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Council does hereby accept Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) grant funding in the amount of $354,336 and appropriates $120,000 to personnel services and $234,336 to services and supplies of the fiscal year 2006 Disaster Preparedness budget. Presented by: Approved as to form by: .~ "~~lf'.M'\\\'~~~\i Ann Moore City Attorney ouglas A Perry Fire Chief H:!shared/attorncylFire - 06 UASl Grant 9-5 RESOLUTION NO. 2006- RESOLUTION ACCEPTING UNANTICIPATED STATE HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT FUNDS AND STATE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE GRANT FUNDS, AND APPROPRIATE FUNDS THEREFORE WHEREAS, The County of San Diego is the Operational Area coordinator for Homeland Security and Emergency Management Performance Grant Funds; and WHEREAS, the City's Emergency Services Manager is the designated agency coordinator for UASI and other Disaster Preparedness and Management grant funds for the City of Chula Vista; and, WHEREAS, the City of Chula Vista is eligible to receive $184,216 from these planning and equipment grants; and, WHEREAS, these grant funds will be used to provide funding for training of emergency management and other staff not covered by previous grants, $18,420 will be used purchase equipment to enhance the Citizens Emergency Response Team program and integrating the RSVP program with the CERT program to strengthen both programs, including the development, printing and distribution of educational materials used for public education to support the hazard mitigation plan; $10,000 will be used to facilitate training for Emergency Operations Center staff and others; $155,796 will be used for developing or enhancing the continuity of emergency operations and continuity of the government plan, software programs, integrated systems and to cover overtime and other costs related to a training and exercise program for fire and police staffs; and, WHEREAS, The Emergency Services Manager is recommending these funds be used as stated above. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Council does hereby accept State Homeland Security Grant Funds, State Emergency Performance Grant Funds, in the amount of $184,216 and appropriates $28,420 to services and supplies, $137,796 to personnel services, and $18,000 to capital services of the fiscal year 2006 Disaster Preparedness budget. Presented by: ~-} Fire Chief Approved as to form by: ~'lY~\%{~'~". Ann Moore City Attorney H:/sharedlattorneylFire -06 HSGP Grant 9-6 RESOLUTION NO. 2006- RESOLUTION AWARDING PURCHASING AGREEMENTS TO FISHER SAFETY SCIENTIFIC AS MAYBE REQUIRED FOR SAFETY SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT WHEREAS, the City of San Diego is the designated Urban Area Security Initiative Grant (UASI) Coordinator for San Diego Region; and, WHEREAS, Chula Vista's Emergency Services Manager IS the designated coordinator for UASI grant ftmds distributed to the City; and, WHEREAS, the City of Chula Vista is eligible to receive $175,214 from the UASI FY06 equipment grant; and, WHEREAS, per grant stipulations, these ftmds will be used to purchase specified first responder personnel protective equipment (PPE) for the Police Department, Emergency Medical Services and Fire Department; and, WHEREAS, The City of Chula Vista Municipal Code Section 2.56.140 authorizes the Purchasing Agent to participate in cooperative arrangements with other governmental agencies for the acquisition of equipment purchased through a competitive process; and, WHEREAS, The City of San Diego and County of San Diego have formally awarded contracts to Fisher Safety Scientific for the purchase of first responder personnel protective equipment; and, WHEREAS, The State of California has recently armounced a new procurement program through Fisher Safety Scientific; and, WHEREAS, The program will offer reduced pricing, shorter procurement times and online ordering; .and, WHEREAS, The FY06 UASI grant requires all personnel protective equipment purchases be made by the end of October 2006; and, WHEREAS, Both Police and Fire have purchased previous personnel protective equipment from Fisher Safety Scientific; and, WHEREAS, Awarding purchasing agreements to Fisher Safety Scientific would expedite the purchasing process and maintain equipment uniformity; and, 9-7 WHEREAS, the City's Emergency Services Manager recommends this as a positive step in getting the City ready for a natural disaster or a terrorist attack. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Council does hereby award purchasing agreements as may be required to Fisher Safety Scientific for safety supplies and equipment. Presented by: Approved as to form by: -:) ~\\\'\\).r-t\~ \\ Ann Moore . City Attorney ouglas A. Perry Fire Chief H;/sharedlattomeylFire - 06 VASI Grant Fisher 9-8 COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT Item: Meeting Date: ID 1/17/2006 ITEM TITLE: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA ACCEPTING UNANTICIPATED GRANT FUNDS FROM THE SWEE1WATER UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT AND AMENDING THE FY 2005-06 BUDGET TO APPROPRIATE SAID FUNDS Fire ChiefJ)l\f /1 vR City Manager 'JI ~ (4/5ths Vote: YesLNo _) SUBMITTED BY: REVIEWED BY: The Emergency Services Manager has been asked to provide assistance in coordinating Citizens Emergency Response Training (CERT) and Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) training for the Sweetwater Union High School District (District), Additionally, equipment for the CERT program needs to be periodically replenished. This includes the recharging of fire extinguishers and the purchase of other related items, A total of $2,275 in grant funds received by the school district will be allocated to the Fire Department for services and equipment to be rendered under the Emergency Crisis and Response Grant RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council accept the unanticipated grant funds from the Sweetwater Union High School District in the amount of $2,275 and amend the FY 2005-06 budget to appropriate the funds to the Fire Department personnel and services and supplies budget. BOARDS/COMMISSIONS RECOMMENDATION: N/A DISCUSSION: . The Sweetwater Union High School District has received a $250,000 federal grant award from the Department of Education to work with local police and fire departments, hospitals, mental health agencies and government officials from each of the cities the District serves to improve and strengthen the emergency response and crisis management plan for the South Bay Region, The grant funds will be used to build an overarching structure of interagency alliances to ensure cohesive prevention, preparedness, and mitigation plans for emergency services. The grant will also be used to develop and complete response and recovery plans for any local disaster. A task force comprised of partner agencies has been working with the school district to implement the project. 10-1 Item: 10 Meeting Date: 1/17/2006 The Emergency Services Manager has been asked to provide assistance in coordinating CERT and SEMS training for the Sweetwater Union High School District. Additionally, equipment for the CERT program needs to be periodically replenished. This includes the recharging of fire extinguishers and the purchase of other related items. A total of $2,275 in grant funds received by the school district will be allocated to the Fire Department for services and equipment to be rendered under the Emergency Crisis and Response Grant. The funds will be used in the following manner: · $2,275 to recharge extinguishers and purchase related training materials and supplies. Grant Reauirements The grant requires that the District work in partnership with local agencies, including Police and Fire Departments, to develop safety plans and provide emergency management training. The Emergency Services Manager for the City has been an active participant on the grant task force and has worked with the District to design training sessions, which will strengthen and improve interagency emergency response to natural and man-made disasters. The Fire Department has agreed to provide trainers and to also provide related training materials and equipment. The $2,275 will be used to purchase related training materials and equipment as well as recharge fire extinguishers. There are no matching funds required. FISCAL IMPACT: Acceptance of the $2,275 grant from the Sweetwater High School district will enable the Fire Department to offset costs associated with providing the requested training and recharging the fire extinguishers and buying additional tools and equipment for the CERT program. There is no General Fund impact projected. 10-2 RESOLUTION NO. 2006- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA ACCEPTING UNANTICIPATED GRANT FUNDS FROM THE SWEETWATER UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT AND AMENDING THE FY 2005-2006 BUDGET TO APPROPRIATE SAID FUNDS WHEREAS, the Sweetwater Union High School District received a $250,000 federal grant award from the Department of Education to work with local police and fire departments, hospitals, mental health agencies and government officials from each of the cities the District serves to improve and strengthen the emergency response and crisis management plan for the South Bay Region; and WHEREAS, the grant funds will be used to build an overarching structure of interagency alliances to ensure cohesive prevention, preparedness, and mitigation plans for the emergency services; and WHEREAS, the grant will also be used to develop and complete response and recovery plans for any local disaster; and WHEREAS, a task force comprised of partner agencies has been working with the school district to implement the project; and WHEREAS, the Emergency Services Manager has been asked to provide assistance in coordinating CERT and SEMS training for the Sweetwater Union High School District; and WHEREAS, equipment for the CERT Program needs to be periodically replenished; and WHEREAS, this includes the recharging of fire extinguishers and the purchase of other related items; and WHEREAS, a total of $2,275.00 in grant funds received by the school district will be allocated to the Fire Department for services and equipment to be rendered under the Emergency Crisis and Response Grant; and WHEREAS, the funds will be used to recharge extinguishers and purchase related training materials and supplies; and WHEREAS, the grant requires that the District work in partnership with local agencies including Police and Fire Departments, to develop safety plans and provide emergency management training; and 10-3 WHEREAS, acceptance of the $2,275.00 grant from the Sweetwater High School District will enable the Fire Department to offset costs associated with providing the requested training and recharging the fIre extinguishers and buying additional tools and equipment for the CERT program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the City Council of the City of Chula Vista does hereby accept unanticipated grant funds in the amount of $2,275,00 from the Sweetwater Union High School District and amends the FY 2005-06 budget to appropriate said funds. Presented by ~l Approved as to form by ouglas A. Perry Fire Chief ~~~~\\ Ann Moore " City Attorney J;\Attorney\Reso\grants\Grant ~ SUHSD for CERT and SEMS 10-4 .~- COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT Item II Meeting Date 1/17/06 ITEM TITLE: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE REALLOCATION AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS TO ADD A GRAPHIC DESIGNER POSITION TO THE OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS SUBMITTED BY: Director of communications~~ REVIEWED BY: City Manager i ~ JlR BACKGROUND: The City Council has given direction to expand the City's communication and outreach efforts, and to provide consistent, professional communication tools and materials for the public. Since the Office of Communications first hired a full-time, in-house graphic designer in 2002, the workload assigned to this position has increased more than 300%. An additional graphic designer position is necessary to keep up with a workload that will continue to grow in 2006. (4/Sths Vote: YeslNo-> RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt the resolution, and thereby: 1. Approve the addition of a Graphic Designer position to the Office of Communications effective February 3, 2006, 2. Appropriate $12,220 from the available balance of the General Fund to the Office of Communications Personnel Services budget based upon unanticipated staff time reimbursements, and 3. Transfer $20,000 from the Office of Communications Services and Supplies budget to the Personnel Services budget. BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: N/A DISCUSSION: In 2000, when Chula Vista's population hovered around 180,000, the City commissioned an audit to determine the communication needs and concerns of our residents and our employees. The audit revealed, among other things, that residents, businesses and visitors would like to be better informed about City policies, activities and issues, and that there was a need for a more consistent style or theme in printed materials (emphasis added). As a result of these findings, the City Council took several actions; the role of the Office of Communications was broadened significantly and new staff positions (a special events coordinator, a webmaster and a graphic designer) were created to support the new duties. The graphic designer was / /-1 ItemK 1/17/06 page 2 hired to develop a consistent 'look' for city materials: brochures, flyers, pamphlets, advertisements, commemorative items, invitations, programs, logos and other promotional materials. Although initial work requests primarily came from the Library and Recreation departments, the demand for graphic design services spread quickly throughout the organization. Every department in the City now makes use of this service and the workload has more than tripled since 2002. The duties of the Communications staff continue to evolve and expand. As Chula Vista grows (our population has increased by more than 40,000 since the communications audit), and residents expect to hear more about community issues, the need for reaching out to the community, and communicating a strong City image to the public has become even more critical. In addition, the city will soon open three additional recreation centers and an additional library, all of which will have a need to deliver information to area residents. All of this has led to an overwhelming demand for service from the City's graphic designer. The chart below illustrates the dramatically increased workload associated with those services. Number of Graphic Design Projects 750 1000 500 250 o YEAR: 2002 YEAR: 2003 YEAR: 2004 YEAR: 2005 On May 5, 2005, the City Council heard and accepted the results of the Office of Communications' strategic business plan. In that plan, the department outlined it goals for the coming five years in areas such as community outreach, media relations, and graphic design & standards. Within the latter category, the department has stated that it will "provide graphic design services and guidelines to city departments and elected officials so they can communicate with the public in a timely, consistent and professional manner. " Based on the current demands for service, this goal cannot be met by the single graphic design position approved for the Office of Communications. The Office of Communications has explored out-sourcing the work, which cannot be handled by the one full-time employee. However, the standard rate for a graphic design firm approaches $1 OOlhour. The use of student interns was also attempted, but their limited availability and skills, coupled with the time the graphic designer was required to spend training these individuals, prevented this from solving the work load problem. //-2- C:\ . .\2005\agenda statements\graphic designer. doc Item -11 1/17106 page 3 As a result, the Office of Communications is requesting the permanent addition of a graphic designer position. The on-going costs of this position will be fully offset through a combination of expenditure savings and new revenues. Funds currently assigned to services and supplies, which served as a contingency for outsourcing graphic design services will be reallocated to the personnel services budget. In addition, the workload for the graphic designer has expanded to numerous non- general fund sources including the Chula Vista Redevelopment Agency, Transit and Conservation, resulting in increased revenues. Exhibit" A" provides a small sample of the work that has been generated by the City's graphic designer. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of this position for the remainder of fiscal year 2006 is $32,220, which will be offset by $20,000 of savings within the Office of Communications, and $12,220 in unanticipated staff time reimbursements. The ongoing cost of this position with salary and benefits is $75,376 which will be offset by ongoing reductions of $20,000 in services and supplies and of $4,000 in hourly wages in the Office of Communications budget, and unanticipated staff time reimbursements of$51,376. Approximately 50% of the additional staff time reimbursements are anticipated to come from the Redevelopment Agency. If at any time tax increment revenues are insufficient to fund this position, the impact to the General Fund would be approximately $25,000 on an on-going basis. Attachment: Exhibit "A", Examples of Graphic Design Projects /i -3 ' f C:\.. .\2005\agenda statements\graphic designer. doc RESOLUTION NO. 2006- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE REALLOCATION AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS TO ADD A GRAPHIC DESIGNER POSITION TO THE OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS WHEREAS, on May 5, 2005, the City Council heard and accepted the results of the Office of Communications' participation in the City's strategic planning process; and WHEREAS, the duties of the Communications staff continue to evolve and expand. As Chula Vista grows (our population has increased by more than 40,000 since the communications audit), and residents expect to hear more about community issues, the need for communicating a strong City image to the public has become even more critical; and WHEREAS, based on the current demands for service, this goal cannot be met by the single graphic design position approved for the Office of Communications; and WHEREAS, the Office of Communications has explored out-sourcing the work, which cannot be handled by the one full-time employee. However, the standard rate for a graphic design firm approaches $lOO/hour. The use of student interns was also attempted, but their limited availability and skills, coupled with the time the graphic designer was required to spend training these individuals, prevented this from solving the work load problem; and WHEREAS, as a result, the Office of Communications is requesting the permanent addition of a graphic designer position to the staff. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Chula Vista does hereby approve the transfer of $20,000 from the Office of Communication's Services and Supplies budget to the Office of Communication's Personnel Services budget, appropriate $12,220 from the available balance of the General Fund to the Office of Communication's Personnel Services budget based upon unanticipated staff reimbursement revenues, and approve the addition of a Graphic Designer position to the Office of Communications.. Presented by Approved as to form by Liz Pursell Director of Communications b~QX IJ~ ~b.)(--Q:\U \" Ann Moore City Attorney \\citywide2000\shared\Attomey\Final Resos\2006\1 17 06\Graphic Designer position. doc /J-tf PAGE 1, ITEM NO.: MEETING DATE: I;{ 01/17/06 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT ITEM TITLE: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE, SALE AND DELIVERY OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA VARIABLE RATE DEMAND MULTIFAMILY HOUSING REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS (TERESINA APARTMENTS), SERIES 2006A, IN A COMBINED PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $40,000,000, AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF SUCH REFUNDING BONDS AND OTHER RELATED DOCUMENTS, AND APPROVING OTHER RELATED ACTIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF THE REFUNDING BONDS REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER / COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTED BY: ASSISTANT CITY DIRECTOR 4/STHS VOTE: YES D NO 0 BACKGROUND In 1998, the City issued Multifamily Hausing Revenue Bonds in tatal aggregate principal amount of $43,000,000 to finance a 440-unit multifamily housing project knawn as Teresina Apartments located at the southwest corner of East Palomar Street and La Media Road. The preject is currently .owned by Eagle Lemas Verdes L.P., a Delaware limited partnership (the "Borrower"). The existing bonds are currently in the fixed rate mode. The owner is looking te refund the bonds utilizing a variable rate mode. At this time, the City Ceuncil is asked te approve a resolution autherizing the issuance .of not to exceed $40,000,000 in tax-exempt bonds to refinance the preject and the execution of related documents in substantially the ferm en file with the City Clerk. RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolutien authorizing the issuance of Multi-family Housing Revenue Bends in an aggregate amount net to exceed $40,000,000 fer Teresina Apartments, appreving and autherizing the executien and delivery of any and all documents necessary te issue the bonds and implement this resolutien. 12-1 PAGE 2, ITEM NO.: MEETING DATE: /2 01/17/06 BOARDS/COMMISSIONS RECOMMENDATION Not Applicable DISCUSSION On February 10, 1998 the City Council held a public hearing regarding the City's intent to issue tax-exempt obligations for the development of Teresina Apartments. The public hearing was held in accordance with Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code which required the proposed project and financing be approved by the governmental unit having jurisdiction over the area for which the project was to be financed. On November 10, 1998 the City Council of the City of Chula Vista approved Resolution 19255 authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of multifamily mortgage revenue bonds for the Teresina Apartments in a combined principal amount not to exceed $43,00,000. The project was complete in 2000 and sold to Eagle Real Estate Group, LLC in late 2002. The project has a stabilized occupancy rate. As a condition of the tax exempt bonds, the Borrower has entered into regulatory agreement restricting 20% of the units (88) at affordable rental rates for very low households for a period of fifty-five (55) years. The existing bonds are currently fixed rate and the Borrower is looking to refund the bonds utilizing a variable rate. The refunding will increase the overall financial viability of the project. Staff has determined..that the refunding of the bonds will accomplish a valid public purpose of ensuring the availability of housing for very low income persons. To implement the Borrower's request, the City is being asked to refund the original bonds with variable rate bonds. All other terms and conditions remain the same. While the City of Chula Vista serves as the issuer of the bonds to finance the development of the Project, the issuance or repayment of the bonds does not constitute a legal liability or obligation of the City. The City merely serves as a conduit for the bond financing. The refinance in no way changes the City's position or increases the City's risk. Upon issuance of the bonds, bonds are being purchased and offered by Newman and Associates to provide the financing of the project. Security for repayment of the bonds is limited to the project and the revenues it generates and other amounts under the Indenture. Repayment of the bonds is secured by a Promissory Note and Deed of Trust recorded against the property and any future successors in interest. There is no pledge of the City's faith, credit or taxing power. 12-2 PAGE 3, ITEM NO.: MEETING DATE: /;L 01/17/06 FISCAL IMPACT The proposed amendment is possible under the TEFRA hearing conducted on February 10, 1998 which authorized the issuance of up to $45 million in tax exempt bonds. Bond financing is 0 self-supporting progrom with the owner responsible for the poyment of 011 costs of issuance ond other costs and repayment of the bonds. All costs related to the issuonce of the bonds will be poid for from bond proceeds or profits. The bonds will be secured by the project and will not constitute a liability to or obligation of the City. The City of Chula Vista will receive compensation for its services in preparing the bond issuance by charging an origination fee of $5,000. Additionally, staff costs associated with monitoring compliance of the regulatory restrictions and administration of the outstanding bonds will be reimbursed from an annual administrative fee of $20,000 paid to the City by the developer. EXHIBITS The following exhibits are attached: 1. Bond Regulatory Agreement The following exhibits are on file in the Office of the City Clerk: 1. Series 2006A Preliminary Official Statement 2. Series 2006A Trust Indenture - Variable Rate 3. Series 2006A Financing Agreement 4. Series 2006A Escrow Agreement 5. Series 2006A Bond Purchase Agreement 5. Series 2006A Remarketing Agreement J:\STAFF.REP\2006\Teresino Bond Refunding.doc 12-3 RESOLUTION NO. 2006- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE, SALE AND DELIVERY OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA VARIABLE RATE DEMAND MULTIFAMILY HOUSING REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS (TERESINA APARTMENTS), SERIES 200M, IN A COMBINED PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $40,000,000, AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF SUCH REFUNDING BONDS AND OTHER RELATED DOCUMENTS, AND APPROVING OTHER RELATED ACTIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF THE REFUNDING BONDS WHEREAS, Chapter 7 of Part 5 of Division 31 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California (the "Act") authorizes cities to finance the acquisition, construction and development of multifamily rental housing for persons and families meeting the iIicome limitations contained in the Act; WHEREAS, on November 10,1998, pursuant to the Act, the City ofChula Vista, California (the "City") adopted its Resolution No. 19255 authorizing the issuance of the City of Chula Vista Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Series 1998A (Gateway Town Center) (the "Series 1998A Bonds") and the City of Chula Vista Subordinate Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds (Gateway Town Center), Series 1998B (the "Series 1998B Bonds" and, together with the Series 1998A Bonds, the "Prior Bonds") in total aggregate principal amount of $43,000,000 secured by a Trust Indenture, dated as of November I, 1998 (the "Prior Indenture"), by and between the City and U.S. Bank Natioaal Association, as successor trustee to State Street Bank and Trust Company of California, N.A. (the "Trustee"), to finance a 440-unit multifamily housing project known as "Teresina Apartments" located at the southwest corner of East Palomar Street and La Media Road (the "Project"), which the Project is currently owned by Eagle Lomas Verdes L.P., a Delaware limited partnership (the "Borrower"); and WHEREAS, the City is authorized and wishes to issue revenue refunding bonds pursuant to the provisions of Article II of Chapter 3 of Part I of Division 2 of Title 5 of the Government Code of the State of California (the "Refunding Law") to refund the Prior Bonds; and WHEREAS, the Borrower desires to refinance the Project by prepaying the mortgage loan made from the proceeds of the Prior Bonds and has requested that the City issue refunding bonds pursuant to the Refunding Law to refund the Prior Bonds, and the City has determined that the refunding of the Prior Bonds will accomplish a valid public purpose of the City by providing housing for very low income persons and families within the meaning of the Act, and the City now intends to issue its Variable Rate Demand Multifamily Housing Refunding Revenue Bonds (Teresina Apartments), Series 2006A (the "Refunding Bonds"), in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $40,000,000, the proceeds of which will be used to refund all outstanding Prior Bonds and pay a portion of the costs of issuing the Refunding Bonds; and WHEREAS, all acts, conditions and things required by the Refunding Law and by all other applicable laws of the State of California, to exist, to have happened and to have been performed precedent to and in connection with the issuance of the Refunding Bonds exist, have or will have happened, and have been or will have been performed in regular and due time, form and manner as DOCSOCIl142553v4/024036-0032 12-4 required by law, and the City is now duly authorized and empowered, pursuant to each and every requirement of law, to issue the Refunding Bonds for the purpose, in the manner and upon the terms herein provided; and WHEREAS, the forms of the following documents (each as defined herein) have been submitted to the City for approval: Indenture, the Financing Agreement, the Escrow Agreements, the Bond Purchase Agreement, the Preliminary Official Statement, the Loan Documents and the Amended and Restated Regulatory Agreement; and WHEREAS, the City hereby finds and declares that this Resolution is being adopted pursuant to the powers granted by the Refunding Law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City, as follows: Section 1. The above recitals, and each of them, are true and correct. Section 2. Pursuant to the Refunding Law, the Refunding Bonds are hereby authorized to be issued pursuant to the provisions of the Indenture (defined below), related to the Refunded Bonds. The form of the Refunding Bonds as set forth in the Indenture is hereby approved in substantially the form presented, with such additions thereto or changes therein as are recommended or approved by the City Manager, City Attorney or Bond Counsel and approved by the officer or officers executing the Bonds, to be evidenced conclusively by the execution and delivery of the Bonds. Each of the Mayor, the City Manager of the City, or their designees, is hereby authorized to execute the Bonds by manual or facsimile signature and the City Clerk is hereby authorized to attest such signature by manual or facsimile signature and to affix the facsimile seal of the City to the Bonds. The proceeds of the Refunded Bonds shall be used to make a mortgage loan to the Borrower. Section 3. U.S. Bank National Association is hereby appointed as Trustee (the "Trustee") under the Indenture, with the powers and duties ofthe Trustee as set forth in the Indenture and is hereby appointed as escrow agent under each of the Escrow Agreements (the "Escrow Agreements"), among the City, the Borrower and U.S. Bank National Association (the "Escrow Agent"), with the powers and duties as set forth in the Escrow Agreements. Section 4. The proposed form of the Trust Indenture related to the Refunding Bonds (the "Indenture") by and between the City and the Trustee presented to this meeting is hereby approved. Each of the Mayor, the City Manager, the Deputy City Manager, the Finance Director and the City Clerk of the City, or the designee of any of them, is hereby authorized and directed, for and in the name and on behalf of the City, to execute and deliver the Indenture in substantially the forms presented, with such additions thereto or changes therein as are recommended or approved by the City Manager, City Attorney or Bond Counsel and approved by the officer or officers executing the Indenture, with the approval of such officer or officers to be evidenced conclusively by the execution and delivery of such document, provided that such additions or changes shall not authorize a combined aggregate principal amount of Bonds in excess of $40,000,000. Section 5. The proposed forms of the Escrow Agreements related to the Prior Bonds presented to this meeting are hereby approved. Each of the Mayor, the City Manager, the Deputy City Manager, the Finance Director and the City Clerk of the City, or the designee of any of them, is hereby authorized and directed, for and in the name and on behalf of the City, to execute and deliver the Escrow Agreement related to the Series 1998A Bonds and the Escrow Agreement related to the 2 DOCSOCIl142553v4/024036-0032 12-5 Series 1998B Bonds in substantially the forms presented, with such additions thereto or changes therein as are recommended or approved by the City Manager, City Attorney or Bond Counsel and approved by the officer or officers executing such documents, the approval of such officer or officers to be evidenced conclusively by the execution and delivery of such documents. Section 6. The proposed form of Bond Purchase Agreement, by and among the City, the Borrower and Newman & Associates, a Division of GMAC Commercial Holding Capital Markets (the "Underwriter") related to the Refunding Bonds, presented to this meeting (the "Bond Purchase Agreement"), is hereby approved. Each of the Mayor, the City Manager, the Deputy City Manager, the Finance Director and the City Clerk of the City, or the designee of any of them, is hereby authorized and directed, for and in the name and on behalf of the City, to accept the offer of the Underwriter to purchase the Refunding Bonds contained in the Purchase Agreement and to execute and deliver said Purchase Agreement in substantially said form, with such additions thereto or changes therein as are recommended or approved by the City Manager, City Attorney or Bond Counsel and approved by the officer or officers executing the Bond Purchase Agreement, with the approval of such officer or officers to be evidenced conclusively by the execution and delivery of such document. The principal amount of the Refunding Bonds shall not exceed $40,000,000. Section 7. The proposed form of the Financing Agreement related to the Refunding Bonds (the "Financing Agreement"), among the City, the Trustee and the Borrower presented to this meeting is hereby approved. Each of the Mayor, the City Manager, the Deputy City Manager, the Finance Director and the City Clerk of the City, or the designee of any of them, is hereby authorized and directed, for and in the name and on behalf of the City, to execute and deliver a Financing Agreement in substantially the form presented, with such additions thereto or changes therein as are recommended or approved by the City Manager, City Attorney or Bond Counsel and approved by the officer or officers executing such document, the approval of such officer or officers to be evidenced conclusively by the execution and delivery of such document. Section 8. The proposed form of the Loan Documents related to the Refunding Bonds, as such term is defined in the Indenture (the "Loan Documents"), are hereby approved in substantially the form presented at this meeting for use in connection with the loan to the Borrower pursuant to the Financing Agreement. Each of the Mayor, the City Manager , the Deputy City Manager, the Finance Director and the City Clerk of the City, or the designee of any of them, is hereby authorized and directed, for and in the name and on behalf of the City, to execute and deliver the Loan Documents to which the City is a party in substantially said form, with such additions thereto or changes therein as are recommended or approved by the City Manager, City Attorney or Bond Counsel and approved by the officer or officers executing such documents, the approval of such officer or officers to be evidenced conclusively by the execution and delivery of such documents. Section 9. The proposed form of Amended and Restated Regulatory Agreement and Declaration of Restrictive Covenants (the "Regulatory Agreement"), among the City, the Trustee and the Borrower presented to this meeting is hereby approved. Each of the Mayor, the City Manager, the Deputy City Manager, the Finance Director and the City Clerk of the City, or the designee of any of them, is hereby authorized and directed, for and in the name and on behalf of the City, to execute and deliver a Regulatory Agreement in substantially said form, with such additions thereto or changes therein as are recommended or approved by the City Manager, City Attorney or Bond Counsel and approved by the officer or officers executing the Regulatory Agreement, the approval of such officers to be evidenced conclusively by the execution and delivery of such document. 3 DOCSOCIl142553v4/024036-0032 12-6 Section 10. The proposed form of Preliminary Official Statement related to the Refunding Bonds (the "Preliminary Official Statement") presented to this meeting is hereby approved, and the Underwriter is hereby authorized to distribute the Preliminary Official Statement to prospective purchasers of the Refunding Bonds in the form hereby approved, together with such conforming changes therein or additions thereto as are determined necessary by the Mayor or the City Manager of the City, upon consultation with the City Attorney, to make such Preliminary Official Statement "final" as of its date. Each of the Mayor, the City Manager, the Deputy City Manager, the Finance Director and the City Clerk of the City, or the designee of any of them, is hereby authorized and directed, for and in the name and on behalf of the City, to execute a final Official Statement for the Bonds in substantially the form of the Preliminary Official Statement, with such additions thereto or changes therein describing the specific form and terms of the Refunding Bonds as are recommended or approved by the City Manager or the City Attorney and approved by the officer executing th~ Official Statement, such approval to be evidenced conclusively by the execution and delivery of the Official Statement. Section 11. All actions heretofore taken by the officers and agents of the City with respect to the sale and issuance of the Refunding Bonds are hereby approved, confirmed and ratified. The Mayor, the City Manager, the Deputy City Manager, the Finance Director, the City Attorney, and their designees, are hereby authorized and directed, for and in the name and on behalf of the City, to do any and all things and take any and all actions and execute and deliver any and all certificates, agreements and other documents, including an assignment of the City's interest in the Loan Documents for the Refunding Bonds to Fannie Mae, and instructions to the Trustee to authenticate the Refunding Bonds and to pay the costs of issuing the Refunding Bonds, in accordance with the provisions of the Indenture, the Financing Agreement or the Regulatory Agreement, which they, or any of them, may deem necessary or advisable in order to consummate the lawful issuance and delivery of the Refunding Bonds in accordance with this Resolution and to carry out and administer the Project and the Refunding Bonds in accordance with the terms of the documents relating to the Refunding Bonds. Should the Mayor be unavailable to execute any of the documents specified above, then any other available member of the City Council is hereby authorized to sign such documents on behalf of the City in the place of such officer. Any document authorized to be signed by the City Clerk may be signed by a duly appointed deputy clerk. All documents signed by the facsimile signature of any member of the City Council shall be deemed to constitute an original of such document. 4 DOCSOCIl 142553v4/024036-0032 12-7 Section 12. If any section, paragraph or provision of this Resolution shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph or provision shall not affect any remaining provisions of this Resolution. Section 13. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Presented by Approved as to form by 1f'titr ik>>P oore . y Attorney Dana Smith Director of Community Development 12-8 THE ATTACHED AGREEMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED AS TO FORM BY THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE AND WILL BE FORMALLY SIGNED UPON APPRO V AL BY THE CITY COUNCIL ;~~~~~ 4&( Ann Moore City Attorney Dated: i /11 /a t Amended and Restited Regulatory Agreement And Declaration of Restrictive Convenants By and Among the City of Chula Vista and U.S. Bank National Association as Trustee and Eagle Lomas Verdes, LP relating to The City of Chula Vista variable rate demand Multi-Family Housing refunding revenue bonds (Teresina Apartments), Series 2006A 12-9 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND ) WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: ) ) ROBERT J. WHALEN, ESQ. ) STRADLING YOCCA CARLSON & RAUTH ) 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 1600 ) Newport Beach, California 92660 ) [Space above for Recorder's use.] AMENDED AND RESTATED REGULATORY AGREEMENT AND DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS By and Among THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA and U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION as Trustee and EAGLE LOMAS VERDES, L.P., as Borrower Dated as of January 1,2006 Relating to $ THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA VARIABLE RATE DEMAND MUL TIF AMIL Y HOUSING REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS (TERESINA APARTMENTS), SERIES 2006A DOCSOCIl137281 v3/024036-0032 12-10 AMENDED AND RESTATED REGULATORY AGREEMENT AND DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS THIS AMENDED AND RESTATED REGULATORY AGREEMENT AND DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS (the "Regulatory Agreement"), is made and entered into as of January 1, 2006, by and among THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA, a municipal corporation of the State of California (together with any successor to its rights, duties and obligations, the "Issuer"), U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, a national banking association, as Trustee (as such term is defined herein), and EAGLE LOMAS VERDES, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership (the "Borrower"), and amends, restates and supersedes in its entirety that certain Regulatory Agreement and Declaration of Restrictive Covenants dated as of November I, 1998, recorded on November 16, 1998, as Instrument No. 1998-0744088 in the San Diego County Recorder's Office (the "Prior Regulatory Agreement"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Issuer previously issued $38,000,000 aggregate principal amount of its revenue bonds designated "City of Chula Vista, California, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Series 1998A (Gateway Town Center)" and $5,000,000 aggregate principal amount of its "City of Chula Vista, California, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds (Gateway Town Center) Series 1998B (collectively, the "Prior Bonds"), the proceeds of which were loaned to the Gateway Town Center, L.P., a California limited partnership (the "Prior Owner") which used the proceeds of the Prior Bonds to finance the acquisition and construction of a 440-unit multifamily rental housing project located in the City of Chula Vista (the "Project"); and WHEREAS, the issuer proposes to issue its $ aggregate principal amount of its revenue bonds designated "The City of Chula Vista Variable Rate Demand Multifamily Housing Refunding Revenue Bonds (Teresina Apartments), Series 2006A" (the "Bonds"), pursuant to and in compliance with Article 11 of Chapter 3 of Part I of Division 2 of Title 5 of the Government Code of the State of California (the "Refunding Law"), the proceeds of which will be used to defease the Prior Bonds and enable the Borrower to refinance the Project; and WHEREAS, the Issuer, the Trustee, and the Borrower have entered into a Financing Agreement, dated the date hereof (the "Financing Agreement"), providing the terms and conditions under which the Issuer will make the Mortgage Loan to the Borrower to refinance the Project; and WHEREAS, in order to assure the Issuer and the owners of the Bonds that interest on the Bonds will be excludable from gross income for federal income tax purposes, and to satisfY the public purposes for which the Bonds are authorized to be issued under the Refunding Law, and to satisfY the purposes of the Issuer in determining to issue the Bonds, certain limits on the occupancy of units in the Project need to be established and certain other requirements need to be met; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the issuance of the Bonds by the Issuer and the mutual covenants and undertakings set forth herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which hereby are acknowledged, the Issuer, the Trustee and the Owner hereby agree as follows: DOCSOC/1137281 v3/024036-0032 12-11 Section I. Definitions and Interoretation. The following terms shall have the respective meanings assigned to them in this Section I unless the context in which they are used clearly requires otherwise: "Act" - Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 52075) of Part 5 of Division 31 of the California Health and Safety Code, as now in effect and as it may from time to time hereafter be amended and supplemented. "Adjusted Income" - The adjusted income of all persons who intend to reside in one residential unit as calculated in the manner determined by the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to Section 142(d)(2)(B) of the Code. "Administration Agreement" - The administration agreement to be entered into among the Issuer, the Borrower and any entity other than the Housing Authority of the city of Chula Vista, which is acting as the Program Administrator. "Affiliated Party" - (I) a Person whose relationship with the Borrower would r~sult in a disallowance of losses under Section 267 or 707(b) of the Code, (2) a Person who together with the Borrower are members of the same controlled group of corporations (as defined in Section 1563(a) of the Code, except that "more than 50 percent" shall be substituted for "at least 80 percent" each place it appears therein), (3) a partnership and each of its partners (and their spouses and minor children) whose relationship with the Borrower would result in a disallowance of losses under Section 267 or 707(b) of the Code or (4) an S Corporation and each of its shareholders (and their spouses and minor children) whose relationship with the Borrower would result in a disallowance of losses under Section 267 or 707(b) of the Code. "Area" - The San Diego County, California Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area. "Authorized Borrower Representative" - Any person from time to time designated as such by written certificate from the Borrower to the Trustee and the Issuer, including such person's specimen signature. "Bonds" - The City of Chula Vista Variable Rate Demand Multifamily Housing Refunding Revenue Bonds (Teresina Apartments), Series 2006A. "Borrower's Tax Certificate" - The certificate of the Borrower, dated as of the Closing Date, with respect to certain Project Costs delivered to the Issuer by the Borrower. "Certificate of Continuing Program Compliance" - The certificate with respect to the Project to be filed by the Borrower with the Program Administrator, which shall be substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B. "City" - The City of Chula Vista. "Closing Date" - The date on which the Bonds are issued and delivered to the purchasers thereof. "Completion Date" - ,20_. "Costs of Issuance" - The costs of issuing the Bonds as further described in the Indenture. 2 DOCSOCII 137281 v3/024036-0032 12-12 "Credit Facility" - The Credit Enhancement Instrument, dated the Closing Date, issued by Fannie Mae to the Trustee, or any Alternate Credit Facility in effect at the time, as any such facility may be amended, supplemented or restated from time to time. "Credit Provider" - So long as the initial Credit Facility is in effect, Fannie Mae, or so long as any Alternate Credit Facility is in effect, the Alternate Credit Provider then obligated under the Alternate Credit Facility. "Financing Agreement" - The Financing Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, by and among the Issuer, the Borrower and the Trustee, as amended or supplemented from time to time. "Income Certification" - The Income Computation and Certification Form in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit C. "Indenture" - The Trust Indenture, dated as of the date hereof, between the Issuer and the Trustee, pursuant to which the Bonds have been issued, as amended or supplemented from time to time. "Issuer's Annual Fee" - The Issuer's annual fee equal to $20,000 payable by the Borrower in semi-annual installments of $10,000 on each January I and July I commencing July I, 2006, in advance, pursuant to Section 2.5(a) of the Financing Agreement. "Median Income for the Area" - The median gross income for the Area as most recently determined by the Secretary of Treasury pursuant to Section 142(d)(2)(B) of the Code. "Person" - Any natural person, firm, partnership, association, limited liability company, corporation, company or public body. "Prior Bonds" - Collectively, the City of Chula Vista, California, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Series 1998A (Gateway Town Center)" and the City of Chula Vista, California, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds (Gateway Town Center) Series 1998B. "Program Administrator" - The Issuer, or such other entity as is appointed by the Issuer from time to time to act in such capacity hereunder. "Program Administrator's Fee" - The administrative fee of the Program Administrator as set forth in the Administration Agreement. "Project" - The Project Facilities and the Project Site. "Project Costs" - To the extent authorized by the Code, the Regulations and the Act, any and all costs incurred by the Borrower with respect to the acquisition and construction of the Project, whether paid or incurred prior to or after the sixtieth day preceding February 10, 1998, including, without limitation, costs for site preparation, the planning of housing and related facilities and improvements, the acquisition of property, the removal or demolition of existing structures, the construction of housing and related facilities and improvements, and all other work in connection therewith, and all costs of financing, including, without limitation, the cost of consultant, accounting and legal services, other expenses necessary or incident to determining the feasibility of the Project, administrative and other expenses necessary or incident to the Project and the fmancing thereof 3 DOCSOC/1 137281 v3/024036-0032 12-13 (including reimbursement to any municipality, county or entity for expenditures made for the Project) and all other costs approved by Bond Counsel. "Project Facilities" - The buildings, structures and other improvements on the Project Site, and all fixtures and other property owned by the Borrower and located on, or used in connection with, such buildings, structures and other improvements constituting the Project. "Project Site" - The parcel or parcels of real property described in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, and all rights and appurtenances thereunto appertaining. "Qualified Project Costs" - The Project Costs (excluding Costs of Issuance) incurred not more than 60 days prior to February 10, 1998 which either constitute land or property of a character subject to the allowance for depreciation under Section 167 of the Code or are chargeable to a capital account with respect to the Project for federal income tax and financial accounting purposes, or would be so chargeable either with a proper election by the Borrower or but for the proper election by the Borrower to deduct those amounts within the meaning of Regulation 1.103-8(a)(I)(i); provided, however, that only such portion of interest accrued during construction of the Project shall constitute a Qualified Project Cost as bears the same ratio to all such interest as the Qualified Project Costs bear to all Project Costs paid from Bond proceeds and interest earnings thereon; and provided further that interest accruing after the Completion Date shall not be a Qualified Project Cost; and provided still further that if any portion of the Project is being constructed by an Affiliated Party (whether as a general contractor or a subcontractor), "Qualified Project Costs" shall include only the actual out-of-pocket costs incurred by such Affiliated Party in constructing the Project (or any portion thereof) within the meaning of Section 147(d)(2) of the Code, as provided in the Tax Certificate. "Qualified Project Period" - The period beginning on the first date on which ten percent of the units in the Project are occupied and ending on the latest of the following dates: (a) the date which is 55 years after the date on which fifty percent of the units in the Project are occupied, (b) the first day on which no tax exempt bonds with respect to the Project are Outstanding, or (c) the date on which any assistance provided with respect to the Project under Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 terminates. "Security Instrument" - The Multifamily Deed of Trust Assignment of Rents, Security Agreement and Fixture Filing, dated as of [January I, 2006], together with all riders and exhibits, securing the Note and the obligations of the Borrower to the Credit Provider under the Credit Facility, executed by the Borrower with respect to the Mortgaged Property, as it may be amended, supplemented or restated from time to time, or any security instrument executed in substitution therefor, as such substitute security instrument may be amended, supplemented or restated from time to time. "Servicer" - The multifamily mortgage loan servicer designated from time to time by the Credit Provider. "Trustee" - U.S. Bank National Association, or its successors or assigns at any time serving as trustee under the Indenture. 4 DOCSOC/I137281 v3/024036-0032 12-14 "Very Low Income Tenants" - Individuals or families with an Adjusted Income that does not exceed 50 percent of the Median Income for the Area as adjusted for household size as set forth below. In no event, however, will the occupants of a residential unit be considered to be Very Low Income Tenants if all the occupants are students, as defined in Section 15 I (c)(4) of the Code, as such may be amended, no one of which is entitled to file a joint federal income tax return. Currently, Section 151(c)(4) defines a student as an individual enrolled as a full-time student during each of 5 calendar months during the calendar year in which occupancy of the unit begins at an educational organization which normally maintains a regular faculty and curriculum and normally has a regularly enrolled body of students in attendance or is an individual pursuing a full-time course of institutional on-farm training under the supervision of an accredited agent of such an educational organization or of a state or political subdivision thereof. Household Size Adjustment to 50% of Median Income for the Area I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 70% 80% 90% 100% 108% 116% 124% 132% "Very Low Income Units" - The dwelling units in the Project designated for occupancy by Very Low Income Tenants pursuant to Section 4(a) of this Regulatory Agreement. Such terms as are not defined herein shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Indenture. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, as used in this Regulatory Agreement, words of the masculine, feminine or neuter gender shall be construed to include each other gender when appropriate and words of the singular number shall be construed to include the plural number, and vice versa, when appropriate. This Regulatory Agreement and all the terms and provisions hereof shall be construed to effectuate the purposes set forth herein and to sustain the validity hereof. The defined terms used in the preamble and recitals of this Regulatory Agreement have been included for convenience of reference only, and the meaning, construction and interpretation of all defined terms shall be determined by reference to this Section I notwithstanding any contrary definition in the preamble or recitals hereof. The titles and headings of the sections of this Regulatory Agreement have been inserted for convenience of reference only, and are not to be considered a part hereof and shall not in any way modify or restrict any of the terms or provisions hereof or be considered or given any effect in construing this Regulatory Agreement or any provisions hereof or in ascertaining intent, if any question of intent shall arise. 5 DOCSOCIl137281 v3/024036-0032 12-15 Section 2. Construction. Equiooing and Comoletion of the Proiect. The Borrower hereby represents, as of the date hereof, and covenants, warrants and agrees as follows: (a) The construction and equipping of the Project has been completed. (b) The statements made in the Borrower's Tax Certificate are true and correct. (c) The statements made in the various certificates delivered by the Borrower to the Issuer or the Trustee are true and correct. (d) Money on deposit in any fund or account in connection with the Bonds, whether or not such money was derived from other sources, shall not be used by or under the direction of the Borrower, in a manner which would cause the Bonds to be "arbitrage bonds" within the meaning of Section 148 of the Code, and the Borrower specifically agrees that the investment of money in any such fund shall be restricted as may be necessary to prevent the Bonds from being "arbitrage bonds" under the Code. (e) The Borrower (and any person related to it within the meaning of Section 147(a)(2) of the Code) will not take or omit to take, as is applicable, any action if such action or omission would in any way cause the proceeds from the sale of the Bonds to be applied in a manner ,contrary to the requirements of the Indenture, the Financing Agreement or this Regulatory Agreement. Section 3. Residential Rental Prooertv. The Borrower shall own, manage and operate the Project as a "qualified residential rental project" (within the meaning of Section 142(d) of the Code) until the expiration of the Qualified Project Period. To that end, and for the term of this Regulatory Agreement, the Borrower hereby represents, as of the date hereof, and covenants, warrants and agrees as follows: (a) The Project is being held for the purpose of providing multifamily residential rental property, and the Borrower shall own, manage and operate the Project as a project to provide multifamily residential rental property comprised of a building or structure or several interrelated buildings or structures, together with any functionally related and subordinate facilities, and no other facilities, in accordance with applicable provisions of Section 142(d) of the Code and Section 1.103- 8(b) of the Regulations, and the Act, and in accordance with such requirements as may be imposed thereby on the Project from time to time. (b) All of the dwelling units in the Project are similarly constructed units, and, to the extent required by the Code and the Regulations, each dwelling unit in the Project contains complete separate and distinct facilities for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation for a single person or a family, including a sleeping area, bathing and sanitation facilities and cooking facilities equipped with a cooking range, refrigerator and sink; provided that any Very Low Income Tenant may, but shall not be obligated to, provide a refrigerator for the unit to be occupied. 6 DOCSOC/1137281 v3/024036-0032 12-16 (c) None of the dwelling units in the Project will at any time be utilized on a transient basis, or will ever be used as a hotel, motel, dormitory, fraternity house, sorority house, rooming house, nursing home, hospital, sanitarium, rest home, retirement house or trailer court or park. (d) No part of the Project will at any time be owned or used as a condominium or by a cooperative housing corporation nor shall the Borrower take any steps in connection with a conversion to such ownership or uses. Other than obtaining a final subdivision map on the Project and a Final Subdivision Public Report from the California Department of Real Estate, the Borrower shall not take any steps in connection with a conversion of the Project to a condominium or cooperative ownership except with the prior written approving opinion of Bond Counsel that the interest on the Bonds will not become taxable thereby under Section 103 of the Code. (e) All of the dwelling units will be available for rental on a continuous basis to members of the general public and the Borrower will not give preference to any particular class or group in renting the dwelling units in the Project, except to the extent that dwelling units are required to be leased or rented to Very Low Income Tenants and to holders of Section 8 certificates or vouchers. (t) The Project Site consists of a parcel or parcels that are contiguous except for the interposition of a road, street or stream, and all of the Project Facilities will comprise a single geographically and functionally integrated project for residential rental property, as evidenced by the ownership, management, accounting and operation of the Project. (g) No dwelling unit in any building or structure in the Project which contains fewer than five units shall be occupied by the Borrower or by persons related to or affiliated with the Borrower. (h) Should involuntary noncompliance with the provisions of Section 1.1 03-8(b) of the Regulations be caused by fire, seizure, requisition, foreclosure, transfer of title by deed in lieu of foreclosure, change in a federal law or an action of a federal agency after the Closing Date which prevents the Issuer from enforcing the requirements of the Regulations, or condemnation or similar event, the Borrower covenants that, within a "reasonable period" determined in accordance with the Regulations, it will either prepay the Note or apply any proceeds received as a result of any of the preceding events to reconstruct the Project to meet the requirements of Section 142(d) of the Code and the Regulations. (i) The Borrower shall not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, creed, color, ethnic group identification, sex, source of income (e.g. AFDC, SSI), mental or physical disability, age, national origin or marital status in the rental, lease, use or occupancy of the Project or in connection with the employment or application for employment of persons for the operation and management of the Project. 7 DOCSOCIl13728! v3/024036-0032 12-17 (j) Following the expiration or termination oftbe Qualified Project Period, Very Low Income Units shall remain available to the Very Low Income Tenants then occupying such units at the date of expiration or termination of the Qualified Project Period at a rent not greater than the rent determined pursuant to Section 4(a) below until the earliest of any of the following occurs: (i) The household's income exceeds 140 percent of the income at which such household would qualify as a Very Low Income Tenant. (ii) The household voluntarily moves or is evicted for "good cause." For these purposes, "good cause" means the nonpayment of rent or allegation of facts necessary to prove major, or repeated minor, violations of material provisions of the lease agreement which detrimentally affect the health and safety of other persons or the structure, the fiscal integrity of the Project, or the purposes or special programs of the Project. Period. (iii) Sixty (60) years after the commencement of the Qualified Project (iv) The Borrower pays relocation assistance and benefits to such tenant as provided in Govemment Code Section 7264(b). (k) During the three-year period prior to the expiration of the Qualified Project Period, the Borrower shall continue to make available to Very Low Income Tenants Very Low Income Units that have been vacated to the same extent that other units in the Project are made available to the general public. (I) The Issuer may but shall not be required to monitor the Borrower's compliance with the provisions of subparagraph (j) above. Section 4. Very Low Income Tenants. Pursuant to the requirements of Section 142(d) of the Code and applicable provisions of the Act, the Borrower hereby represents, as of the date hereof, and warrants, covenants and agrees as follows: (a) During the Qualified Project Period, not less than twenty percent (20%) of the units in the Project shall be designated as Very Low Income Units and shall be continuously occupied by or held available for occupancy by Very Low Income Tenants at monthly rents paid by the Very Low Income Tenants which do not exceed one-twelfth of the amount obtained by multiplying 30% times 50% of the Median Income for the Area, as adjusted for household size utilizing the percentages set forth above under the definition of Very Low Income Tenant less a reasonable deduction for utilities paid by the tenant, as determined by the Issuer, and assuming the following unit sizes and household sizes: Unit Size Studio One Bedroom Two Bedrooms Three Bedrooms Household Size One Person Two Persons Three Persons Four Persons 8 DOCSOC/1137281v3/024036-0032 12-18 Such Very Low Income Units shaIl be of comparable quality and offer a range of sizes and number of bedrooms comparable to those units which are available to other tenants and shall be distributed throughout the Project. A unit occupied by a Very Low Income Tenant who at the commencement of the occupancy is a Very Low Income Tenant shall be treated as occupied by a Very Low Income Tenant until a recertification of such tenant's income in accordance with Section 4( c) below demonstrates that such tenant no longer qualifies as a Very Low Income Tenant and thereafter any residential unit of comparable size in the Project is occupied by a new resident other than a Very Low Income Tenant. Moreover, a unit previously occupied by a Very Low Income Tenant and then vacated shaIl be considered occupied by a Very Low Income Tenant until reoccupied, other than for a temporary period, at which time the character of the unit shaIl be redetermined. In no event shall such temporary period exceed thirty-one (31) days. (b) Immediately prior to a Very Low Income Tenant's occupancy ofa Very Low Income Unit, the Owner will obtain and maintain on file an Income Certification from each Very Low Income Tenant occupying a Very Low Income Unit, dated immediately prior to the initial occupancy of such Very Low Income Tenant in the Project. In addition, the Owner will provide such further information as may be required in the future by the State of California, the Issuer, the Act, Section l42( d) of the Code and the Regulations, as the same may be amended from time to time, or in such other form and manner as may be required by applicable rules, rulings, policies, procedures or other official statements now or hereafter promulgated, proposed or made by the Department of the Treasury or the Internal Revenue Service with respect to obligations issued under Section 142(d) of the Code. The Owner shaIl verify that the income provided by an applicant is accurate by taking one or more of the foIlowing steps as a part of the verification process: (I) obtain a federal income tax return for the most recent tax year, (2) obtain a written verification of income and employment from the applicant's current employer, (3) if an applicant is unemployed or did not file a tax return for the previous calendar year, obtain other verification of such applicant's income satisfactory to the Issuer or (4) such other information as may be reasonably requested by the Issuer. Copies of the most recent Income Certifications for Very Low Income Tenants commencing or continuing occupancy of a Very Low Income Unit shaIl be attached to the quarterly report to be filed with the Issuer as required in (d) below. (c) Immediately prior to the first anniversary date of the occupancy of a Very Low Income Unit by one or more Very Low Income Tenants, and on each anniversary date thereafter, the Owner shall recertify the income of the occupants of each Very Low Income Unit by obtaining a completed Income Certification based upon the current income of each occupant of the unit. In the event the recertification demonstrates that such household's income exceeds 140% of the income at which such household would qualify as Very Low Income Tenants, such household will no longer qualify as Very Low Income Tenants and to the extent necessary to comply with the requirements of Section 4(a) above, the Owner will rent the next available unit of comparable size to one or more Very Low Income Tenants. (d) Not later than ten (10) days after the commencement of the Qualified Project Period, and within ten days of the last day of each quarter thereafter during the term of this Regulatory Agreement, the Borrower shaIl advise the Issuer of the status of the occupancy of the Project by delivering to the Program Administrator and the Issuer a Certificate of Continuing Program Compliance. 9 DOCSOC/1137281v3/024036-0032 12-19 (e) The Borrower will maintain complete and accurate records pertaining to the Very Low Income Units, and will permit, upon 24 hours notice, any duly authorized representative of the Issuer, the Program Administrator, the Trustee, Credit Provider, the Department of the Treasury or the Internal Revenue Service to inspect the books and records of the Borrower pertaining to the Project, including those records pertaining to the occupancy of the Very Low Income Units and Low Income Units. (f) The Borrower shall submit to the Secretary of the Treasury annually on the anniversary date of the' start of the Qualified Project Period, or such other date as is required by the Secretary, a certification that the Project continues to meet the requirements of Section 142(d) of the Code, and shall provide a copy of such certification to the Issuer and the Program Administrator. (g) Prior to renting any Very Low Income Units, the Borrower shall prepare and present to the City a marketing plan for the Very Low Income Units. The Borrower may begin leasing the Very Low Income Units following the City Manager's approval of the marketing plan, which consent shall not be unreasonably conditioned, delayed or withheld. The Borrower shall accept as tenants on the same basis as all other prospective tenants, persons who are recipients of federal certificates or vouchers for rent subsidies pursuant to the existing program under Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937, or its successor. The Borrower agrees to contact the Issuer for a list of persons who are recipients of, or who are applying for, Section 8 certificates or vouchers whenever a Very Low Income Unit becomes available but not more frequently than every four weeks. The Borrower shall not apply selection criteria to Section 8 certificate or voucher holders that are more burdensome than criteria applied to all other prospective tenants. (h) The Very Low Income Units shall be of a comparable quality and offer a range of sizes and number of bedrooms comparable to the units that are available to other tenants. (i) The Borrower shall not collect any additional fees or payments from a Very Low Income Tenant except security deposits or other deposits required of all tenants or for services or items requested by a tenant. The Borrower shall not collect security deposits or other deposits from Section 8 certificate or voucher holders in excess of those allowed under the Section 8 Program. The Borrower shall not discriminate against Very Low Income Tenant applicants on the basis of source of income (i.e., AFDC or SSI), and the Borrower shall consider a prospective tenant's previous rent history of at least one year as evidence of the ability to pay the applicable rent. (j) Each lease pertaining to a Very Low Income Unit shall contain a provision to the effect that the Borrower has relied on the Income Certification and supporting information supplied by the Very Low Income Tenant in determining qualification for occupancy of the Very Low Income Unit and that any material misstatement in such certification (whether or not intentional) will be cause for immediate termination of such lease. Each lease will also contain a provision that failure to cooperate with the annual recertification process reasonably instituted by the Borrower pursuant to Section 4( c) above may at the option of the Borrower disqualifY the unit as a Very Low Income Unit or provide grounds for termination of the lease. (k) The Borrower will execute and deliver to the Issuer an Administration Agreement applicable to the Project at the request of the Issuer. DOCSOC/I137281 v3/024036-0032 10 12-20 (I) The Borrower agrees to provide to the Issuer and any Program Administrator a copy of the form of application and lease to be provided to prospective Very Low Income Tenants. The term of the lease shall be not less than thirty (30) days. (m) The Borrower shall notify the Issuer and any Program Administrator of any change in leasing agents or managers for the Project. Section 5. Tax Status of the Bonds. The Borrower and the Issuer each represents, as of the date hereof, and warrants, covenants and agrees that: (a) It will not knowingly take or permit, or omit to take or cause to be taken, as is appropriate, any action that would adversely affect the exclusion from gross income for federal income tax purposes or the exemption from California personal income taxation of the interest on the Bonds and, if it should take or permit, or omit to take or cause to be taken, any such action, it will take all lawful actions necessary to rescind or correct such actions or omissions promptly upon obtaining knowledge thereof; (b) It will take such action or actions as may be necessary, in the written opinion of Bond Counsel filed with the Issuer and the Trustee, to comply fully with the Act and all applicable rules, rulings, policies, procedures, Regulations or other official statements promulgated, proposed or made by the Department of the Treasury or the Internal Revenue Service pertaining to obligations issued under Section l42(d) of the Code to the extent necessary to maintain the exclusion from gross income for federal income tax purposes of interest on the Bonds; and (c) The Borrower, at the Borrower's expense, will file of record such documents and take such other steps as are necessary, in the written opinion of Bond Counsel filed with the Issuer and the Trustee, in order to insure that the requirements and restrictions of this Regulatory Agreement will be binding upon all owners of the Project, including, but not limited to, the execution and recordation of this Regulatory Agreement in the real property records of the County of San Diego. The Borrower hereby covenants to notify any subsequent owner of the Project of the requirements and restrictions contained in this Regulatory Agreement in any documents transferring any interest in the Project to another person to the end that such transferee has notice of such restrictions, and to obtain the agreement from any transferee to abide by all requirements and restrictions of this Regulatory Agreement; provided that the covenants contained in this paragraph shall not apply to the Credit Provider should the Credit Provider become the owner of the Project by foreclosure, deed in lieu offoreclosure or comparable conversion of the Mortgage Loan. . Section 6. Modification of Soecial Tax Covenants. The Borrower, the Trustee and the Issuer hereby agree as follows: (a) To the extent any amendments to the Act, the Refunding Law, the Regulations or the Code shall, in the written opinion of Bond Counsel filed with the Issuer, the Credit Provider, the Borrower and the Trustee, impose requirements upon the ownership or operation of the Project more restrictive than those imposed by this Regulatory Agreement which must be complied with in order to maintain the exclusion from gross income for federal income tax purposes of interest on the Bonds, this Regulatory Agreement shall be deemed to be automatically amended to impose such additional or more restrictive requirements. 11 DOC50C/l137281 v3/024036-0032 12-21 (b) To the extent any amendments to the Act, the Refunding Law, the Regulations or the Code shall, in the written opinion of Bond Counsel filed with the Issuer, the Credit Provider, the Borrower and the Trustee, impose requirements upon the ownership or operation of the Project less restrictive than imposed by this Regulatory Agreement, this Regulatory Agreement may be amended or modified to provide such less restrictive requirements but only by written amendment approved and signed by the Issuer, the Trustee and the Borrower, approved by the Credit Provider and approved by the written opinion of Bond Counsel that such amendment will not affect the exclusion from gross income for federal income tax purposes of interest on the Bonds. (c) The Borrower, the Issuer and, if applicable, the Trustee shall execute, deliver and, if applicable, file of record any and all documents and instruments, necessary to effectuate the intent of this Section 6, and each of the Borrower and the Issuer hereby appoints the Trustee as its true and lawful attorney-in-fact to execute, deliver and, if applicable, file of record on behalf of the Borrower or the Issuer, as is applicable, any such document or instrument (in such form as may be approved in writing by Bond Counsel) if either the Borrower or the Issuer defaults in the performance of its obligations under this subsection (c); provided, however, that the Trustee shall take no action under this subsection (c) without first notifying the Borrower or the Issuer, or both of them, as is applicable, unless directed in writing by the Issuer or the Borrower and without first providing the Borrower or the Issuer, or both, as is applicable, an opportunity to comply with the requirements of this Section 6. Section 7. Indemnification. The Borrower hereby releases the Issuer, the Trustee and the Program Administrator and their officers and employees from, and covenants and agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Issuer, the Trustee and the Program Administrator and their respective officers, members, directors, officials, agents and employees and each of them (each, an "indemnified party") from and against any and all claims, losses, costs, damages, demands, expenses, taxes, suits, judgments, actions and liabilities of whatever nature, joint and several (including, without limitation, costs of investigation, reasonable attorneys' fees, litigation and court costs, amounts paid in settlement, and amounts paid to discharge judgments), directly or indirectly (a) by or on behalf of any person arising from any cause whatsoever in connection with transactions contemplated hereby or otherwise in connection with the Project, the Bonds, or the execution or amendment of any document relating thereto; (b) arising from any act or omission of the Borrower or any of its agents, servants, employees or licensees, in connection with the Mortgage Loan or the Project; (c) arising in connection with the issuance and sale, resale or reissuance of any Bonds or any certifications or representations made by any person other than the Issuer or the party seeking indemnification in connection therewith and the carrying out by the Borrower of any of the transactions contemplated by the Bonds, the Indenture, the Financing Agreement and this Regulatory Agreement; (d) arising in connection with the operation of the Project, or the conditions, environmental or otherwise, occupancy, use, possession, conduct or management of work done in or about the Project or any part thereof; and (e) arising out of or in connection with the Trustee's acceptance or administration of the trusts created by the Indenture and the exercise of its powers or duties thereunder or under the Financing Agreement, this Regulatory Agreement or any other agreements in connection therewith to which it is a party; except (1) in the case of the foregoing indemnification of the Trustee, the Program Administrator or any of their respective officers, members, directors, agents and employees, to the extent such damages are caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of such person, and (2) in the case of the foregoing indemnification of the Issuer or any of its officers, members, directors, officials, agents and employees, to the extent such damages are caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of such person. 12 DOCSOCIl13 7281 v3/024036-0032 12-22 In the event that any action or proceeding is brought against any indemnified party with respect to which indemnity may be sought hereunder, the Borrower, upon written notice from the indemnified party, shall assume the investigation and defense thereof, including the employment of counsel selected (i) by the Borrower and reasonably approved by the indemnified party, when the indemnified party is other than the Issuer, and (ii) by the Issuer when the indemnified party is the Issuer or any of its officers, members, directors, officials, agents and employees; and the Borrower shall assume the payment of all expenses related thereto, with full power to litigate, compromise or settle the same in its sole discretion; provided that an affected indemnified party shall have the right to review and approve or disapprove any such compromise or settlement. Each indemnified party shall have the right if such indemnified party shall conclude in good faith that a conflict of interest exists to employ separate counsel in any such action or proceeding and participate in the investigation and defense thereof, and the Borrower shall pay the reasonable fees and expenses of such separate counsel. The Borrower also shall pay and discharge and shall indemnify and hold harmless the Trustee, the Issuer and the Program Administrator from (i) any lien or charge upon payments by the Borrower to the Trustee, the Issuer or the Program Administrator hereunder and (ii) any taxes (including, without limitation, all ad valorem taxes and sales taxes), assessments, impositions and other charges in respect of any portion of the Project. If any such claim is asserted, or any such lien or charge upon payments, or any such taxes, assessments, impositions or other charges, are sought to be imposed, the Issuer or the Program Administrator shall give prompt notice to the Borrower and the Borrower shall have the sole right and duty to assume, and will assume, the defense thereof, with full power to litigate, compromise or settle the same in its sole discretion. Notwithstanding any transfer of the Project to another owner in accordance with the provisions of the Financing Agreement, the Security Instrument and this Regulatory Agreement, the transferor shall remain obligated to indemnify each indemnified party pursuant to this Section for all matters arising prior to the date of transfer and with respect to the Issuer for all matters arising on or after the transfer date if such subsequent owner fails to indemnify the Issuer, unless the Issuer consents at the time of transfer to indemnification under this Section 7 from such subsequent owner. In no event, however, shall any such consent by any indemnified party hereunder be deemed to constitute the consent of any other indemnified party. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Credit Provider nor any successor in interest to the Credit Provider, will assume or take subject to any liability for the indemnification obligations of the Borrower for acts or omissions of the Borrower prior to any transfer of title to the Credit Provider, whether by foreclosure, deed in lieu of foreclosure or comparable conversion of the Mortgage Loan; the Borrower shall remain liable under the indemnification provisions of the Regulatory Agreement for its acts and omissions prior to any transfer of title to the Credit Provider, as applicable. The Credit Provider shall indemnify the Issuer and the Trustee following acquisition of the Project by the Credit Provider by foreclosure, deed in lieu of foreclosure or comparable conversion of the Mortgage Loan, during, and only during, any ensuing period that the Credit Provider owns and operates the Project, provided that the liability of the Credit Provider shall be strictly limited to acts and omissions of the Credit Provider occurring during the period of ownership and operation of the Project by the Credit Provider. The Credit Provider's obligation, as applicable, to provide indemnification shall be contingent upon the Credit Provider's receipt of written notice from any party asserting a right to indemnification in time sufficient to enable the Credit Provider to defend any action, claim or proceeding in a manner which is not prejudicial to the Credit Provider's rights. the Credit Provider shall have no indemnification obligations with respect to the Bonds or the Loan Documents. 13 DOCSOCII137281 v3/024036-0032 12-23 In addition thereto, subject to Section 17 hereof, the Borrower will pay upon demand all of the fees and expenses paid or incurred by the Trustee, the Issuer or the Program Administrator in enforcing the provisions hereof. The provisions of this Section 7 shall survive the term of the Bonds and this Regulatory Agreement and the resignation or removal of the Trustee. The obligations of the Borrower under this Section are independent of any other contractual obligation of the Borrower to provide indemnity to the parties named herein or otherwise, and the obligation of the Borrower to provide indemnity hereunder shall not be interpreted, construed or limited in light of any other separate indemnification obligation of the Borrower. Any indemnified party shall be entitled simultaneously to seek indemnity under this Section and any other provision under which it is entitled to indemnity. Section 8. Consideration. The Issuer has issued the Bonds and loaned the proceeds thereof to the Borrower to refinance the Project, all for the purpose, among others, of lowering the Borrower's costs with respect to the Project. In consideration of the issuance of the Bonds by the Issuer, the Borrower has entered into this Regulatory Agreement and has agreed to restrict the uses to which the Project can be put on the terms and conditions set forth herein. Section 9. Reliance. The Issuer and the Borrower hereby recognize and agree that the representations, warranties, covenants and agreements set forth herein may be relied upon by all persons interested in the legality and validity of the Bonds, and in the exclusion from gross income for federal income tax purposes and the exemption from California personal income taxes of the interest on the Bonds. In performing their duties and obligations hereunder, the Issuer, the Trustee and the Program Administrator may rely upon statements and certificates of the Borrower and the Very Low Income Tenants, and upon audits of the books and records of the Borrower pertaining to the Project. In addition, the Issuer, the Program Administrator and the Trustee may consult with counsel, and the opinion of such counsel shall be full and complete authorization and protection in respect of any action taken or suffered by the Issuer, the Program Administrator and the Trustee under this Regulatory Agreement in good faith and in conformity with such opinion; provided, however, if there are conflicting opinions among the counsel selected by such parties, the opinion of Bond Counsel shall govern the interpretation and enforcement of this Regulatory Agreement. In determining whether any default or lack of compliance by the Borrower exists under this Regulatory Agreement, the Trustee shall not be required to conduct any investigation into or review of the operations or records of the Borrower and may rely solely on any notice or certificate delivered to the Trustee by the Borrower, the Issuer or the Program Administrator with respect to the occurrence or absence of a default. Section 10. Sale or Transfer of the Proiect: SYndication. The Borrower intends to hold the Project for its own account, has no current plans to sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of the Project, and hereby covenants and agrees not to sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of the Project, or any portion thereof (other than for individual tenant use as contemplated hereunder and replacement of personal property), without obtaining the prior written consent of the Issuer, which consent shall be given upon receipt by the Issuer of (i) such certifications from the Borrower or the Trustee as are reasonably deemed necessary by the Issuer to establish that the Borrower shall not be in default under this Regulatory Agreement or under the Financing Agreement or, if any such defaults exist, the purchaser or assignee undertakes to cure such defaults to the satisfaction of the Issuer; (ii) a written instrument by which the Borrower's purchaser or transferee has assumed in writing and in full the DOCSOCIl137281 v3/024036-0032 14 12-24 Borrower's duties and obligations under this Regulatory Agreement and under tbe Administration Agreement, (iii) an opinion of counsel for tbe transferee tbat tbe transferee has duly assumed tbe obligations oftbe Borrower under tbis Regulatory Agreement and tbe Administration Agreement and tbat such obligations and tbis Regulatory Agreement and the Administration Agreement are binding on tbe transferee, (iv) documentation from tbe transferee reflecting tbe transferee's experience witb owning and/or operating multifamily housing projects such as tbe Project and witb use and occupancy restrictions similar to tbose contained in tbis Regulatory Agreement, and (v) an opinion of Bond Counsel addressed to tbe Issuer and the Trustee to tbe effect that such transfer will not cause interest on any Bond to become includable in tbe gross income of the recipients thereof for federal income tax purposes. No transfer of the Project shall operate to release tbe Borrower from its obligations under this Regulatory Agreement witb respect to any action or inaction taken prior to such transfer. Consent of the Issuer and delivery of items (i), (ii), (Hi) and (v) oftbe preceding paragraph shall be required for any transfer of tbe Project by tbe Credit Provider, or its designee, subsequent to tbe purchase at foreclosure or transfer pursuant to deed in lieu of foreclosure as described in the preceding sentence. It is hereby expressly stipulated and agreed tbat any sale, transfer or otber disposition of tbe Project in violation oftbis Section 10 shall be null, void and witbout effect, shall cause a reversion of title to tbe Borrower, and shall be ineffective to relieve tbe Borrower of its obligations under tbis Regulatory Agreement. Not less than 20 days prior to consummating any sale, transfer or disposition of any interest in tbe Project, tbe Borrower shall deliver to tbe Issuer and tbe Trustee a notice in writing explaining tbe nature of tbe proposed transfer. The Borrower shall not syndicate tbe Project unless, prior to such syndication, an opinion of counsel acceptable to tbe Issuer is delivered to the Issuer to tbe effect that (i) tbe terms and conditions of the syndication do not reduce or limit any of tbe requirements of tbe Act or regulations adopted or documents executed pursuant to tbe Act, (ii) no requirements of the Issuer shall be subordinated to tbe syndication agreement and (iii) tbe syndication shall not result in the provision of fewer assisted units, or the reduction of any benefits or services, than were in existence prior to tbe syndication agreement. Section II. Term. Except as provided in Section 30), (k), (I) and Section 7 above, which provisions shall continue beyond the Qualified Project Period, and, except as provided in tbe second paragraph of tbis Section II, tbis Regulatory Agreement and all and several of the terms hereof shall become effective upon its execution and delivery and shall remain in full force and effect during the Qualified Project Period, it being expressly agreed and understood that tbe provisions hereof are intended to survive tbe retirement of tbe Bonds and expiration of the Indenture, the Financing Agreement, tbe Note and the Security Instrument. Notwithstanding any other provisions of tbis Regulatory Agreement to tbe contrary, this entire Regulatory Agreement, or any of tbe provisions or sections hereof, may be terminated upon agreement by tbe Issuer, tbe Trustee and tbe Borrower only iftbere shall have been received by tbe Issuer an opinion of Bond Counsel that such termination will not adversely affect tbe exclusion from gross income for federal income tax purposes or tbe exemption from State personal income taxes of tbe interest on tbe Bonds. The terms of this Regulatory Agreement to tbe contrary notwithstanding, tbis Regulatory Agreement, and each and all of tbe terms hereof, shall terminate and be of no further force and effect in tbe event of involuntary noncompliance witb the provisions of this Regulatory Agreement caused by (a) foreclosure of tbe Security Instrument or delivery of a deed in lieu of foreclosure, or (b) fire, seizure, requisition, change in a federal law or an action of a federal agency after tbe Closing Date which prevents tbe Issuer and tbe Trustee from enforcing tbe provisions of tbis Regulatory 15 DOCSOC/I137281 v3/024036-0032 12-25 Agreement or condemnation or a similar event, but only if within a reasonable period thereafter the Bonds are paid in full and retired or amounts received as a consequence of such event are used to provide a project that meets the requirements of the Code set forth in this Regulatory Agreement; provided, however, that the preceding provisions of this sentence shall cease to apply and the restrictions contained herein shall be reinstated if, at any time subsequent to the termination of such provisions as the result of the foreclosure on the Project or the delivery of a deed in lieu of foreclosure or a similar event, the Borrower or any Affiliated Party obtains an ownership interest in the Project for federal income tax purposes. Upon the termination of the terms of this Regulatory Agreement, the parties hereto agree to execute, deliver and record appropriate instruments of release and discharge of the terms hereof; provided, however, that the execution and delivery of such instruments shall not be necessary or a prerequisite to the termination of this Regulatory Agreement in accordance with its terms. Section 12. Covenants to Run With the Land. The Borrower hereby subjects the Project (including the Project Site) to the covenants, reservations and restrictions set forth in this Regulatory Agreement. The Issuer, the Trustee and the Borrower hereby declare their express intent that the covenants, reservations and restrictions set forth herein shall be deemed covenants running with the land and shall pass to and be binding upon the Borrower's successors in title to the Project; provided, however, that on the termination of this Regulatory Agreement said covenants, reservations and restrictions shall expire. Each and every contract, deed or other instrument hereafter executed covering or conveying the Project or any portion thereof shall conclusively be held to have been executed, delivered and accepted subject to such covenants, reservations and restrictions, regardless of whether such covenants, reservations and restrictions are set forth in such contract, deed or other instruments. No breach of any of the provisions of the Regulatory Agreement shall defeat or render invalid the lien of the Security Instrument. Section 13. Burden and Benefit. The Issuer, the Trustee and the Borrower hereby declare their understanding and intent that the burden of the covenants set forth herein touch and concern the land in that the Borrower's legal interest in the Project is rendered less valuable thereby. The Issuer, the Trustee and the Borrower hereby further declare their understanding and intent that the benefit of such covenants touch and concern the land by enhancing and increasing the enjoyment and use of the Project by Very Low Income Tenants, the intended beneficiaries of such covenants, reservations and restrictions, and by furthering the public purposes for which the Bonds were issued. Section 14. Uniformity: Common Plan. The covenants, reservations and re.strictions hereof shall apply uniformly to the entire Project in order to establish and carry out a common plan for the use, development and improvement of the Project Site. Section 15. Enforcement. If the Borrower defaults in the performance or observance of any covenant, agreement or obligation of the Borrower set forth in this Regulatory Agreement, and if such default remains uncured for a period of 60 days after written notice thereof shall have been given by the Issuer, the Trustee to the Borrower, the Credit Provider, and the Servicer (or such longer period if the Borrower provides the Issuer with an opinion of Bond Counsel to the effect that such extension will not adversely affect the exclusion from gross income for federal income tax purposes of interest on the Bonds), then the Trustee, subject to the provisions of Section 9 hereof and acting on its own behalf or on behalf of the Issuer, or the Issuer shall declare an "Event of Default" to have occurred hereunder, and, at its option, may take anyone or more of the following steps: DOC80C/I137281 v3/024036-0032 16 12-26 (i) by mandamus or other suit, action or proceeding at law or in equity, require the Borrower to perform its obligations and covenants hereunder or enjoin any acts or things which may be unlawful or in violation of the rights of the Issuer or the Trustee hereunder; (ii) have access to and inspect, examine and make copies of all of the books and records of the Borrower pertaining to the Project; (iii) with the prior written consent of the Credit Provider so long as the Credit Facility is in effect, take such other action at law or in equity as may appear necessary or desirable to enforce the obligations, covenants and agreements of the Borrower hereunder. The Borrower hereby agrees that specific enforcement of the Borrower's agreements contained herein is the only means by which the Issuer may fully obtain the benefits of such agreements made by the Borrower herein, and the Borrower therefore agrees to the imposition of the remedy of specific performance against it in the case of any Event of Default by the Borrower hereunder. The Trustee shall have the right, in accordance with this Section 15 and the provisions of the Indenture, upon notice to but without the consent or approval of the Issuer, to exercise any or all of the rights or remedies -of the Issuer hereunder. All fees, costs and expenses of the Trustee (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys fees) incurred in taking any action pursuant to this Section 15 shall be the sole responsibility ofthe Borrower. After the Indenture has been discharged, or if the Trustee fails to act under this Section 15, the Issuer may act on its own behalf to declare an "Event of Default" to have occurred and to take anyone or more of the steps specified hereinabove to the same extent and with the same effect as if taken by the Trustee. After the date on which no Bonds remain outstanding as provided in the Indenture, the Trustee shall no longer have any duties or obligations under this Regulatory Agreement, and all references to the Trustee herein shall be deemed references to the Issuer. The rights of the Trustee under this Section are in addition to all rights conferred upon the Trustee under the Indenture and in no way limit those rights. All monetary obligations of the Borrower that may arise under this Regulatory Agreement shall be subject and subordinate to the repayment of amounts owed by the Borrower under the Loan Documents. Section 16. Recording and Filing. The Borrower shall cause this Regulatory Agreement and all amendments and supplements hereto and thereto, to be recorded and filed in the real property records of the County of San Diego and in such other places as the Issuer or the Trustee may reasonably request. The Borrower shall pay all fees and charges incurred in connection with any such recording. Section 17. PaYment of Fees. The Borrower shall pay to the Issuer the Issuer's Annual Fee through the end of the Qualified Project Period. To the extent that there are unforeseen and unusual costs and expenses and the moneys available under the Indenture are insufficient therefor, the Borrower hereby agrees to pay all reasonable costs and expenses of the Trustee and the Issuer in connection with the Bonds and the fmancing of the Project as such costs and expenses become due and payable. 17 DOCSOC/I137281 v3/024036-0032 12-27 Notwithstanding any prepayment of the Mortgage Loan and notwithstanding a discharge of the Indenture, throughout the term of the Qualified Project Period, the Borrower shall continue to pay the Issuer's Annual Fee on each January I and July I, and, so long as the Bonds are outstanding, to the Trustee reasonable compensation for any services rendered by it hereunder and reimbursement for all expenses reasonably incurred by either of them in connection therewith. The foregoing provisions of this Section 17 shall in no way limit amounts payable by the Borrower under Section 7 hereof, or arising after an Event of Default in connection with the Issuer's, the Trustee's enforcement of the provisions of this Regulatory Agreement. Section 18. Governing Law. This Regulatory Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. Except as expressly provided herein and in the Financing Agreement, the Trustee's rights, duties and obligations hereunder are governed in their entirety by the terms and provisions of the Indenture. Section 19. Amendments. Except as provided in Section 6(a) hereof, this Regulatory Agreement shall be amended only with the written consent of the Credit Provider by a written instrument executed by the parties hereto or their successors in title, and duly recorded in the real property records of the County. The parties hereto acknowledge that for so long as the Bonds are outstanding, the Credit Provider and the owners of the Bonds are third party beneficiaries to this Regulatory Agreement. Section 20. Consents of the Credit Provider: Apl?licabilitv of Rider. The written consents of the Credit Provider as required under this Regulatory Agreement shall not be required if the Credit Provider is not the provider of credit enhancement for the Bonds or is in default under the Credit Facility. During any period when the Credit Facility provided by Fannie Mae is in effect and no default in payment has occurred thereunder and is continuing, the provisions of the Fannie Mae Rider attached hereto as Exhibit D shall apply and, during such period, the terms, provisions and conditions of the Regulatory agreement shall be subject in all respects to the terms, conditions and provisions of Exhibit D. Section 21. Trustee Acting Solelv in Such Capacity. In accepting its obligations hereunder, the Trustee acts solely as trustee for the benefit of the owners of the Bonds for which it is acting as trustee, and not in its individual capacity; and the duties, powers, rights and liabilities of the Trustee in acting hereunder shall be subject to the provisions of the Indenture. Section 22. Compliance bv Borrower. Unless it acts as the Program Administrator, the Trustee shall not be responsible for monitoring or verifying compliance by the Borrower with its obligations under this Regulatory Agreement. The Program Administrator shall assume such responsibilities under the terms of any Administration Agreement. Section 23. Notice. All notices, certificates or other communications shall be sufficiently given and (except for notices to the Trustee, which shall be deemed given only when actually received by the Trustee) shall be deemed given on the date personally delivered or on the second day following the date on which the same have been mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: DOCSOClI137281 v31024036-0032 18 12-28 Issuer: Program Administrator: Trustee: Borrower: with a copy to: Fannie Mae: DOCSOCIl1372S1 v3/024036-0032 City of Chula Vista 276 Fourth Avenue Chula Vista, California 91910 Attention: City Manager Telephone: L-J Facsimile: L-J Housing Authority of the City of Chula Vista 276 Fourth Avenue Chula Vista, California 91910 Attention: Executive Director Telephone: (619) 691-5031 Facsimile: (619) 585-5774 U.S. Bank National Association 633 West Fifth Street, 24th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90071 Attention: Corporate Trust Services Eagle Lomas Verdes, L.P. c/o Eagle Real Estate Group, LLC Attention: Telephone: Facsimile: Attention: Telephone: Facsimile: Fannie Mae 3900 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Drawer AM Washington, D.C. 20016-2899 Attention: Vice President, Multifamily Operations Telephone: (301) 204-8422 Facsimile: (202) 752-8369 RE: $ The City ofChula Vista Variable Rate Demand Multifamily Refunding Revenue Bonds (Teresina Apartments) Series 2006A; ARCS Commercial Mortgage Co., L.P. 19 12-29 with a copy to: Fannie Mae 3900 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Drawer AM Washington, D.C. 20016-2899 Attention: Director, Multifamily Asset Management Telephone: (30 I) 204-8088 Facsimile: (301) 280-2065 RE: $ The City ofChula Vista Variable Rate Demand Multifamily Refunding Revenue Bonds (Teresina Aparttnents) Series 2006A; ARCS Commercial Mortgage Co., L.P. with a copy to: O'Melveny & Myers 400 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California 90071 Attention: Masood Sohaili Telephone: (213) 430-6692 Facsimile: (213) 430-_ provided, however, that any notice required to be delivered to the Credit Provider pursuant to Section 2.17(1)(1) will also be sent to: Fannie Mae 3900 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20016-2899 Attention: Director, Fiscal Agency Relations and Treasury Backoffice Telephone: (202) 752-7916 Facsimile: (202) 752-6087 Servicer: ARCS Commercial Mortgage Co., L. P. Telephone: Facsimile: with a copy to: the Credit Provider at the address specified above Any of the foregoing parties may, by notice given hereunder, designate any further or different addresses to which subsequent notices, certificates, documents or other communications shall be sent. Copies of notices sent by any party hereto shall be sent concurrently to the Servicer. Section 24. Third-Party Beneficiarv. The parties to this Regulatory Agreement recognize and agree that the terms of this Regulatory Agreement and the enforcement of those terms are essential to the security of the Credit Provider and are entered into for the benefit of the Credit Provider. The Credit Provider shall accordingly have contractual rights in this Regulatory Agreement and shall be entitled (but not obligated) to enforce, separately or jointly with the Issuer and/or the Trustee, or to cause the Issuer or the Trustee to enforce, the terms of this Regulatory Agreement. In addition, the Credit Provider is intended to be and shall be a third-party beneficiary of DOCSOCII137281v3/024036-0032 20 12-30 this Regulatory Agreement, and the Credit Provider shall have the right (but not the obligation) to enforce the terms of this Regulatory Agreement insofar as this Regulatory Agreement sets forth obligations of the Borrower. Section 25. Severabilitv. If any provision of this Regulatory Agreement shall be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining portions hereof shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. Section 26. Multiple Counteroarts. This Regulatory Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument, and each of which shall be deemed to be an original. Section 27. Personal Obligation of Borrower; Limitations on Recourse to Borrower. Notwithstanding any provisions of this Regulatory Agreement to the contrary, all obligations of the Borrower under this Regulatory Agreement for the payment of money and all claims for damages against the Borrower occasioned by breach or alleged breach by the Borrower of its obligations under this Regulatory Agreement, including indemnification obligations, shall be unsecured by, and subordinated in priority and right to, payment and in all other respects to the obligations and liens, rights (including, without limitation, the right to payment) and interests arising or created under the Loan Documents. This Regulatory Agreement shall not be deemed to create a lien or security interest of any kind in the Project in favor of the Issuer, the Trustee or any other person with respect to any monetary obligations of the Borrower arising under this Regulatory Agreement, and no such person shall have recourse to the Project or have the right to enforce such obligations other than directly against the Borrower as provided in Section 15 of this Regulatory Agreement. Except as otherwise provided in Section 7 of this Regulatory Agreement, no subsequent Borrower shall be liable or obligated for the breach or default of any obligation of the Borrower under this Regulatory Agreement on the part of any prior Borrower. Such obligations shall be personal to the Person who was the Borrower at the time the default or breach was alleged to have occurred, and such Person shall remain liable for any and all damages occasioned by the default or breach even after such Person ceases to be the Borrower. Notwithstanding anything contained in any other provision of this Regulatory Agreement to the contrary, the Borrower's obligations under Sections 7 and 17 hereof shall be and remain the joint and several full recourse obligations of the Borrower and each general partner of the Borrower, which, subject to the provisions of the first paragraph of this Section 27, are payable from and enforceable against any and all income, assets and properties of the Borrower and each general partner of the Borrower; provided that in no event shall Borrower or any partner of Borrower be personally liable for the payment of the principal, interest or any premium on the Mortgage Loan or the Bonds, which shall be non-recourse to Borrower and shall be enforced solely against the Project and other property securing such obligations, in each case subject to and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Loan Documents. 21 DOCSOC/I137281 v3/024036-0032 1 2-31 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Issuer, the Trustee and the Borrower have executed this Regulatory Agreement by duly authorized representatives, all as of the date fIrst written hereinabove. THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA By: Its: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk EAGLE LOMAS VERDES, L.P., A Delaware Limited Partnership By: Casa Major, Inc., A California nonprofIt public benefIt corporation, Its Managing General Partner By: Name: Its: Robert E. Graham President By: Eagle Real Estate Group, LLC, a California limited liability company, Its Co-General Partner By: Eagle Real Estate Management Group, LLC, a California limited liability company, Its Managing Member By: Kenneth R. Melton, Manager By: Randall J. Friend, Esq. Manager 8-1 DOCSOC/I137281 v3/024036-0032 12-32 u.s. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as Trustee By: Its: Authorized Officer $-2 DOCSOCIl137281 v31024036-0032 12-33 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) On January _, 2006 before me, , Notary Public, personally appeared , personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose names(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC DOCSOC/I137281 v3/024036-0032 N-l 12-34 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF ORANGE ) On January _, 2006 before me, , Notary Public, personally appeared , personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose names(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hislher/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by hislher/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC N-2 DOCSOC/1137281v3/024036-0032 12-35 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF ORANGE ) On January _' 2006 before me. . Notary Public, personally appeared . personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose names(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hislher/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC N-3 DOCSOC/1137281 v3/024036-0032 12-36 EXHIBIT A Project Site Real property in the City of Chula Vista, County of San Diego, State of California, described as follows: [LEGAL DESCRIPTION TO COME] A-I DOCSOC/1137281 v3/024036-0032 12-37 EXHIBIT B CERTIFICATE OF CONTINUING PROGRAM COMPLIANCE The undersigned, , being duly authorized to execute this certificate on behalf of EAGLE LOMAS VERDES, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership (the "Borrower"), hereby represents and warrants that: L The undersigned has read and is thoroughly familiar with the provisions of the following documents associated with the Borrower's participation in The City of Chula Vista (the "Issuer") Variable Rate Demand Multifamily Housing Refunding Revenue Bonds (Teresina Apartments), Series 2006A, such documents including: (a) the Amended and Restated Regulatory Agreement and Declaration of Restrictive Covenants (the "Regulatory Agreement") dated as of January I, 2006 among the Borrower, the Issuer and U.S. Bank National Association (the "Trustee"); (b) the Note dated as of January I, 2006 from the Borrower to the Issuer representing the Borrower's obligation to repay the Mortgage Loan; and (c) the financing Agreement. 2. As of the date of this certificate, the following percentages of residential units in the Project (i) are occupied by Very Low Income Tenants (as such term is defined in the Regulatory Agreement) at monthly rents in compliance with the Regulatory Agreement or (ii) are currently vacant and being held available for such occupancy and have been so held continuously since the date a Very Low Income Tenant vacated such unit; as indicated: 1 Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3 Bedroom Total Occupied by Very Low Income Tenants: _% Unit Nos.: Held vacant for occupancy continuously since last occupied by a Very Low Income Tenant: % Unit Nos.: 3. The Borrower hereby certifies that the Borrower is not in default under any of the terms of the above documents and no event has occurred which, with the passage of time, would constitute an event of default thereunder, with the exception of the' following [state actions being taken to remedy default]. EAGLE LOMAS VERDES, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership By: Authorized Borrower Representative DOCSOCIl137281 v3/024036-0032 B-1 12-38 EXHIBIT C INCOME COMPUTATION AND CERTIFICATION NOTE TO APARTMENT OWNER: This form is designed to assist you in computing Annual Income in accordance with the method set forth in the Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") Regulations (24 CFR 5.609). You should make certain that this form is at all times up to date with the HUD Regulations. All capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Regulatory Agreement. Re: [Address of Apartment Building] I/We, the undersigned state that I/we have read and answered fully, frankly and personally each of the following questions for all persons who are to occupy the unit being applied for in the above apartment project. Listed below are the names of all persons who intend to reside in the unit: 1 Name of Members of the Household 2 Relationship to Head of Household 3 4 5 Social Security Number Age Place of Employment HEAD SPOUSE c-] DOCSOCII137281 v3/024036-0032 1 2-39 Income Computation 6. The total anticipated income, calculated in accordance with this paragraph 6, of all persons (except children under 18 years) listed above for the 12-month period beginning the earlier of the date that IIwe plan to move into a unit or sign a lease for a unit is $ Included in the total anticipated income listed above are: (a) The full amount, before any payroll deductions, of wages and salaries, overtime pay, commissions, fees, tips and bonuses, and other compensation for personal services; (b) The net income from the operation of a business or profession. Expenditures for business expansion or amortization of capital indebtedness shall not be used as deductions in determining net income. An allowance for depreciation of assets used in a business or profession may be deducted, based on straight line depreciation, as provided in Internal Revenue Service regulations. Any withdrawal of cash or assets from the operation of a business or profession will be included in income, except to the extent the withdrawal is reimbursement of cash or assets invested in the operation by the family; (c) Interest, dividends, and other net income of any kind from real or personal property. Expenditures for amortization of capital indebtedness shall not be used as deductions in determining net income. An allowance for depreciation is permitted only as authorized in paragraph (6)(b) of this section. Any withdrawal of cash or assets from an investment will be included in income, except to the extent the withdrawal is reimbursement of cash or assets invested by the family. Where the family has net family assets in excess of $5000, annual income shall include the greater of the actual income derived from all net family assets or a percentage of the value of such assets based on the current passbook savings rate, as determined by the Department of Housing and Urban Development; (d) The full amount of periodic amounts received from Social Security, annuities, insurance policies, retirement funds, pensions, disability or death benefits, and other similar types of periodic receipts, including a lump-sum amount or prospective monthly amounts for the delayed start of a periodic amount except deferred periodic amounts from supplemental security income and social security benefits that are received in a lump sum amount or in prospective monthly amounts; (e) Payments in lieu of earnings, such as unemployment and disability compensation, worker's compensation and severance pay except lump-sum additions to family assets, such as inheritances, insurance payments (including payments under health and accident insurance and worker's compensation), capital gains and settlement for personal or property losses (excluding payments in lieu of earnings, such as unemployment and disability compensation, worker's compensation and severance pay); (f) Welfare assistance. If the welfare assistance payment includes an amount specifically designated for shelter and utilities that is subject to adjustment by the DOCSOCII137281 v3/024036-0032 C-2 12-40 welfare assistance agency in accordance with the actual cost of shelter and utilities, the amount of welfare assistance income to be included as income shall consist of: (I) The amount of the allowance or grant exclusive of the amount specifically designated for shelter or utilities; plus (2) The maximum amount that the welfare assistance agency could in fact allow the family for shelter and utilities. If the family's welfare assistance is ratably reduced form the standard of need by applying a percentage, the amount calculated under this paragraph shall be the amount resulting from one application of the percentage; (g) Periodic and determinable allowances, such as alimony and child support payments, and regular contributions or gifts received from organizations or from persons not residing in the dwelling; (h) All regular pay, special pay and allowances of a member of the Armed Forces except the special pay to a family member serving in the Armed Forces who is exposed to hostile fire. Excluded from such anticipated income are: (a) Income from employment of children (including foster children) under the age of 18 years; (b) Payments received for the care of foster children or foster adults (usually persons with disabilities, unrelated to the tenant family, who are unable to live alone); (c) Lump-sum additions to family assets, such as inheritances, insurance payments (including payments under health and accident insurance and worker's compensation), capital gains and settlement for personal or property losses except payments in lieu of earnings, such as unemployment and disability compensation, worker's compensation and severance pay; (d) Amounts received by the family that are specifically for, or in reimbursement of, the cost of medical expenses for any family member; (e) Income ofa live-in aide, as defined by 24 CFR g5.403; (f) The full amount of student financial assistance paid directly to the student or to the educational institution; (g) The special pay to a family member serving in the Armed Forces who is exposed to hostile fire; (h) (I) Amounts received under training programs funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development; (2) Amounts received by a person with a disability that are disregarded for a limited time for purposes of Supplemental Security Income eligibility and C-3 DOCSOC/I137281 v3/024036-0032 12-41 benefits because they are set aside for use under a Plan to Attain Self- Sufficiency (PASS): (3) Amounts received by a participant in other publicly assisted programs which are specifically for or in reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses incurred (special equipment, clothing, transportation, child care, etc.) and which are made solely to allow participation in a specific program; (4) Amounts received under a resident service stipend. A resident service stipend is a modest amount (not to exceed $200 per month) received by a resident for performing a service for the Public Housing Authority or owner, on a part- time basis, that enhances the quality oflife in the development. Such services may include, but are not limited to, fire patrol, hall monitoring, lawn maintenance, and resident initiatives coordination. No resident may receive more than one such stipend during the same period oftime; (5) Incremental earnings and benefits resulting to any family member from participation in qualifying State or local employment training programs (including training programs not affiliated with a local government) and training of a family member as resident management staff. Amounts excluded by this provision must be received under employment training programs with clearly defined goals and objectives, and are excluded only for the period during which the family member participates in the employment training program; (i) Temporary, nomecurring or sporadic income (including gifts); U) Reparation payments paid by a foreign government pursuant to claims filed under the laws of that government by persons who were persecuted during the Nazi era; (k) Earnings in excess of$480 for each full-time student 18 years old or older (excluding the head of household and spouse); (I) Adoption assistance payments in excess of $480 per adopted child; (m) Deferred periodic amounts from supplemental security income and social security benefits that are received in a lump sum amount or in prospective monthly amounts. (n) Amounts received by the family in the form of refunds or rebates under State or local law for property taxes paid on the dwelling unit; (0) Amounts paid by a State agency to a family with a member who has a developmental disability and is living at home to offset the cost of services and equipment needed to keep the developmentally disabled family member at home; or (P) Amounts specifically excluded by any other Federal statute from consideration as income for purposes of determining eligibility or benefits under a category of assistance programs that includes assistance under any program to which the exclusions set forth in 24 CFR g5.609(c) apply. C-4 DOCSOC/I13728! v3/024036-0032 12-42 7. Do the persons whose income or contributions are included in item 6 above (a) have savings, stocks, bonds, equity in real property or other form of capital investment (excluding the values of necessary items of personal property such as furniture and automobiles and interests in Indian trust land)? Yes No; or (b) have they disposed of any assets (other than at a foreclosure or bankruptcy sale) during the last two years at less than fair market value? Yes No ( c) If the answer to (a) or (b) above is yes, does the combined total value of all such assets owned or disposed of by all such persons total more than $5,000? Yes No (d) If the answer to (c) above is yes, state: (I) the combined total value of all such assets: $ (2) the amount of income expected to be derived from such assets in the 12-month period beginning on the date of initial occupancy in the unit that you propose to rent: $ , and (3) the amount of such income, if any, that was included in item 6 above: $- 8. (a) Are all of the individuals who propose to reside in the unit full-time students*? Yes No * A full-time student is an individual enrolled as a full-time student during each of 5 calendar months during the calendar year in which occupancy ofthe unit begins at an educational organization which normally maintains a regular faculty and curriculum and normally has a regularly enrolled body of students in attendance or is an individual pursuing a full-time course of institutional on farm training under the supervision of an accredited agent of such an educational organization or of a state or political subdivision thereof. (b) If the answer to 8(a) is yes, is at least 2 ofthe proposed occupants of the unit a husband and wife entitled to file a joint federal income tax return? Yes No 9. Neither myself nor any other occupant of the unit l/we propose to rent is the owner of the rental housing project in which the unit is located (hereinafter the "Borrower"), has any family relationship to the Borrower; or owns directly or indirectly any interest in the C-5 DOCSOC/l137281 v3/024036-0032 12-43 Borrower. For purposes of this paragraph, indirect ownership by an individual shall mean ownership by a family member, ownership by a corporation, partnership, estate or trust in proportion to the ownership or beneficial interest in such corporation, partnership, estate or trustee held by the individual or a family member; and ownership, direct or indirect, by a partner of the individual. 10. This certificate is made with the knowledge that it will be relied upon by the Borrower to determine maximum income for eligibility to occupy the unit; and I/we declare that all information set forth herein is true, correct and complete and based upon information I/we deem reliable and that the statement of total anticipated income contained in paragraph 6 is reasonable and based upon such investigation as the undersigned deemed necessary. II. I/we will assist the Borrower in obtaining any information or documents required to verifY the statements made herein, including either an income verification from my/our present employer( s) or copies of federal tax returns for the immediately preceding calendar year. 12. I/we acknowledge that I/we have been advised that the making of any misrepresentation or misstatement in this declaration will constitute a material breach of my/our agreement with the Borrower to lease the unit and will entitle the Borrower to prevent or terminate my/our occupancy of the unit by institution of an action for ejection or other appropriate proceedings. I/we declare under penalty of peljury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this _ day of , in the County of San Diego, California. Applicant Applicant [Signature of all persons (except children under the age of 18 years) listed in number 2 above required] DOCSOC/1137281 v3/024036-0032 C-6 12-44 FOR COMPLETION BY BORROWER ONLY: 1. Calculation of eligible income: a. Enter amount entered for entire household in 6 above: $ b. (I) If the answer to 7(c) above is yes, enter the total amount entered in 7( d)(2), subtract from that figure the amount entered in 7(d)(3) and enter the remaining balance ($ ) (2) Multiply the amount entered in 7( d)(I) times the current passbook savings rate as determined by HUD to determine what the total annual earnings on the amount in 7(d)(I) would be if invested in passbook savings ($ ), subtract from that figure the amount entered in 7(d)(3) and enter the remaining balance ($ ); (3) Enter at right the greater of the amount calculated under (I) or (2) above: $ c. TOTAL ELIGIBLE INCOME (Line La plus line 1.b(3)): $ 2. The amount entered in line l.c: Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Very Low Income Tenant(s) Does not qualify the applicant(s) as a Very Low Income Tenant Qualifies the applicant(s) as a Low Income Tenant(s). Does not qualify the applicant(s) as a Low Income Tenant(s). 3. Number of apartment unit assigned: _ Bedroom Size Rent: $ 4. This apartment unit [was/was not] last occupied for a period of 31 or more consecutive days by persons whose aggregate anticipated annual income as certified in the above manner upon their initial occupancy of the apartment unit qualified them as Very Low Income Tenants. C-7 DOCSOC/1137281 v3/024036-0032 12-45 5. Method used to verify applicant(s) income: Employer income verification. Copies of tax returns. Other ( ) DOCSOCIl137281v3/024036-0032 Authorized Borrower Representative C-8 12-46 INCOME VERIFICATION (for employed persons) The undersigned employee has applied for a rental unit located in a project fmanced under The City of Chula Vista Apartment Development Revenue Bond Program for persons of lower income. Every income statement of a prospective tenant must be stringently verified. Please indicate below the employee's current annual income from wages, overtime, bonuses, commissions or any other form of compensation received on a regular basis. Annual wages Overtime Bonuses Commissions Other Income Total current income I hereby certify that the statements above are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signature Date Title I hereby grant you permission to disclose my income to in order that they may determine my income eligibility for rental of an apartment located in their project which has been financed under the City of Chula Vista Apartment Development Bond Program. Signature Date Please send to: C-9 DOCSOCIl137281v3/024036-0032 12-47 INCOME VERIFICATION (for self-emploved persons) I hereby attach copies of my individual federal and state income tax returns for the immediately preceding calendar year and certify that the information shown in such income tax returns is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signature Date DOCSOCII 13 7281 v3/024036-003 2 C-IO 12-48 EXIllBIT D FANNIE MAE RIDER TO THE AMENDED AND RESTATED REGULATORY AGREEMENT THIS FANNIE MAE RIDER TO THE AMENDED AND RESTATED REGULATORY AGREEMENT ("Rider") is attached to and forms a part of the REGULATORY AGREEMENT AND DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS ("Regulatory Agreement"), dated as of January 1, 2006, by and among EAGLE LOMAS VERDES, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("Borrower"), its successors and assigns, the City of Chula Vista ("Issuer"), U.S. Bank National Association ("Trustee"), as Trustee. 1. Definitions. All capitalized terms used in this Rider have the meanings given to those terms in the Regulatory Agreement or the Indenture, as applicable. 2. Applicabilitv. This Rider shall amend and supplement the Regulatory Agreement. In the event any provision of this Rider conflicts with the Regulatory Agreement, this Rider shall supersede the conflicting provision of the Regulatory Agreement. This Rider shall apply in spite of the fact that the covenants, reservations and restrictions of the Regulatory Agreement run with the land and may be deemed applicable to any successor in interest to the Borrower. 3. Oblie:ations not Secured bv the Morte:ae:ed Property. The Regulatory Agreement shall not constitute a mortgage, equitable mortgage, deed of trust, deed to secure debt or other lien or security interest in the Mortgaged Property. None of the obligations of the Borrower or any subsequent owner of the Mortgaged Property under the Regulatory Agreement shall be secured by a lien on, or security interest in, the Mortgaged Property. All such obligations are expressly intended to be and shall remain unsecured obligations. The occurrence of an event of default under the Regulatory Agreement shall not impair, defeat or render invalid the lien of the Security Instrument. 4. Subordination. The terms, covenants and restrictions of the Regulatory Agreement, other than those set forth in Sections 3, 4, 5 and 6, are and shall at all times remain subject and subordinate, in all respects, to the liens, rights and interests created under the Loan Documents. Upon a conveyance or other transfer oftitle to the Mortgaged Property by foreclosure, deed in lieu of foreclosure or comparable conversion of the Mortgage Loan, the Person who acquires title to the Mortgaged Property pursuant to such foreclosure, deed in lieu of foreclosure or comparable conversion of the Mortgage Loan (unless such Person is the Borrower or a Person related to the Borrower within the meaning of Section I.I03-IO(e) of the Regulations, in which event the Regulatory Agreement shall remain in full force and effect in its entirety) shall acquire such title free and clear of the terms, covenants and restrictions of the Regulatory Agreement, other than those set forth in Sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 and, from and after the date on which such Person acquires title to the Mortgaged Property, the terms, covenants and restrictions of the Regulatory Agreement, other than those set forth in Sections 3, 4, 5 and 6, shall automatically terminate and be of no force and effect; provided that Sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 shall also terminate and be of no force or effect under the circumstances set forth in Section II of the Regulatory Agreement. 5. Oblie:ations Personal. The Issuer agrees that no owner of the Mortgaged Property (including Fannie Mae) subsequent to the Borrower will be liable for, assume or take title to the Mortgaged Property subject to: D-l DOCSOC/1137281 v3/024036-0032 12-49 (a) any failure of any prior owner of the Mortgaged Property to perform or observe any representation or warranty, affirmative or negative covenant or other agreement or undertaking under the Regulatory Agreement; and (b) the payment of any compensation or any accrued unpaid fees, costs, expenses or penalties otherwise owed by any prior owner of the Mortgaged Property under the Regulatory Agreement. Borrower and each subsequent owner of the Mortgaged Property shall be responsible under the Regulatory Agreement for its own acts and omissions occurring during the period of its ownership of the Mortgaged Property. All such liability and obligations shall be and remain personal to such person even after such person ceases to be the owner of the Mortgaged Property. 6. Sale or Transfer. (a) Restrictions Not Applicable to Certain Transfers. All prOVlSlons of the Regulatory Agreement regarding the sale or transfer of the Mortgaged Property or of any interest in the Borrower, including any requirement, limitation or condition precedent for any of (i) the consent of the Issuer or the Trustee to such transfer, (ii) an agreement by any transferee to abide by the requirements and restrictions of the Regulatory Agreement, (iii) transferee criteria or other similar requirements, (iv) an opinion of legal counsel and (v) the payment of any assumption fee, transfer fee, penalty or other charges, shall not apply to any of the following: (I) any transfer of title to the Mortgaged Property to Fannie Mae or to a third party by foreclosure, deed in lieu of foreclosure or comparable conversion of any lien on the Mortgaged Property or to any subsequent transfer by Fannie Mae (or a third party) following such foreclosure, deed in lieu of foreclosure or comparable conversion; (2) any execution and delivery of a mortgage, deed of trust, deed to secure debt or other lien by the Borrower to secure any additional indebtedness of the Borrower which is originated by a lender for sale to Fannie Mae or guaranteed or otherwise credit enhanced by Fannie Mae; and (3) provided that no Bonds are then Outstanding or all Bonds are to be simultaneously fully paid, redeemed or defeased, any execution and delivery of a mortgage, deed of trust, deed to secure debt or other lien by the Borrower to secure any indebtedness incurred by the Borrower which effectively refinances the Mortgage Loan. (b) Fannie Mae Rights to Consent Not Impaired. Nothing contained in the Regulatory Agreement shall affect any provision of the Security Instrument or any of the other Credit Facility Agreement or Loan Documents which requires the Borrower to obtain the consent of Fannie Mae as a precondition to sale, transfer or other disposition of, or any direct or indirect interest in, the Mortgaged Property or of any direct or indirect interest in the Borrower, excluding transfers permitted by the Security Instrument. (c) Conclusive Evidence. Any written consent to a sale or transfer obtained from the Issuer shall constitute conclusive evidence that the sale or transfer is not a violation of the transfer provisions of the Regulatory Agreement. DOCSOC/I137281 v3/024036-0032 D-2 12-50 7. Dama2e. Destruction or Condemnation of the Mort2a2ed ProDerty. In the event that the Mortgaged Property is damaged or destroyed or title to the property, or any part thereof, is taken through the exercise or the threat of the exercise of the power of eminent domain, the Borrower shall comply with all applicable requirements of the Security Instrument and the other Loan Documents. 8. Re2ulatorv A2reement Default. Notwithstanding anything contained In the Regulatory Agreement to the contrary: (a) The occurrence of an event of default under the Regulatory Agreement shall not impair, defeat or render invalid the lien of the Security Instrument. (b) The OCCurrence of an event of default under the Regulatory Agreement shall not be or be deemed to be a default under the Loan Documents, except as may be otherwise specified in the Loan Documents. (c) Upon any default by the Borrower under the Regulatory Agreement, the Assignment shall govern the remedies and other actions which the Issuer may take on account of such default. 9. Amendments. Unless the Assigned Rights (as that term is defined in the Assignment) are held solely by the Trustee pursuant to Section 2.6(2) of the Assignment, the Issuer shall not consent to any amendment, supplement to, or restatement of the Regulatory Agreement without the prior written consent of Fannie Mae. 10. Termination. The Regulatory Agreement may be terminated upon agreement by the Issuer, the Trustee, the Credit Provider and the Borrower upon receipt of an opinion of a nationally recognized bond counsel acceptable to the Trustee that such termination will not adversely affect the exclusion of the interest on the Bonds from gross income for federal income purposes. So long as the Bonds have been redeemed or are redeemed within a reasonable penod thereafter, the Regulatory Agreement shall terminate and be of no further force or effect from and after the date of any transfer of title to the Mortgaged Property by foreclosure, deed in lieu of foreclosure or comparable conversion of any lien on the Mortgaged Property; provided, however, that the preceding,provisions of this sentence shall cease to apply and the restrictions contained in the Regulatory Agreement shall be reinstated if, at any time subsequent to the termination of such provisions as the result of the foreclosure or the delivery of a deed in lieu of foreclosure or a similar event, the Borrower or any related person (within the meaning of Section 1.l03-IO(e) of the Regulations) obtains an ownership interest in the Mortgaged Property for federal income tax purposes. II. Third-Party Beneficiarv. The parties to the Regulatory Agreement recognize and agree that the terms of the Regulatory Agreement and the enforcement of those terms are essential to the security of Fannie Mae and are entered into for the benefit of various parties, including Fannie Mae. Fannie Mae shall accordingly have contractual rights in the Regulatory Agreement and shall be entitled (but not obligated) to enforce, separately or jointly with the Issuer and/or the Trustee, or to cause the Issuer or the Trustee to enforce, the terms of the Regulatory Agreement. In addition, the Borrower and the Issuer intend that Fannie Mae be a third-party beneficiary of the Regulatory Agreement. D-3 DOCSOC/1137281 v3/024036-0032 12-51 12. Copies of Notices under the Rel!:ulatorv Al!:reement. Copies of all notices under the Regulatory Agreement shall be sent to the Loan Servicer at the address set forth below or to such other address as the Loan Servicer may from time to time designate: ALRS Commercial Mortgage Co., L.P. Telephone: Facsimile: 13. Notices. Any notice to be given to Fannie Mae shall be sent to Fannie Mae at the address set forth below or to such other address as Fannie Mae may from time to time designate: Fannie Mae 3900 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Drawer AM Washington, DC 20016-2899 Attention: Director, Multifamily Asset Management Telephone: (301) 204-8088 Facsimile: (301) 280-2065 RE: $ The City ofChula Vista Multifamily Refunding Revenue Bonds (Teresina Apartments) Series 2006A; ARCS Commercial Mortgage Co., L.P. With a copy to: Fannie Mae 3900 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Drawer AM Washington, D.C. 20016-2899 Attention: Vice President, Multifamily Operations Telephone: (301) 204-8422 Facsimile: (202) 752-7869 RE: $ The City ofChula Vista Variable Rate Demand Multifamily Refunding Revenue Bonds (Teresina Apartments) Series 2006A; ARCS Commercial Mortgage Co., L.P. BORROWER'S INITIALS: ISSUER'S INITIALS: TRUSTEE'S INITIALS: D-4 DOCSOC/1137281 v3/024036-0032 12-52 Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10 Section 11 Section 12 Section 13 Section 14 Section 15 Section 16 Section 17 Section 18 Section 19 Section 20 Section 21 Section 22 Section 23 Section 24 Section 25 Section 26 Section 27 Table of Contents Page Definitions and Interpretation.................... .............................................. .....................2 Construction, Equipping and Completion of the Project ..............................................6 Residential Rental Property............................................................................. ... ........... 6 Very Low Income Tenants ............................................................................................ 8 Tax Status of the Bonds ..............................................................................................11 Modification of Special Tax Covenants...................................................................... 11 Indemnification........................................................................................................... 12 Consideration.............................................................................................................. 14 Reliance ........................................... ................. ............ ........................................... ....14 Sale or Transfer ofthe Project; Syndication ...............................................................14 Term ... ................................................................. ............................... .........................15 Covenants to Run With the Land ................................................................................16 Burden and Benefit .....................................................................................................16 Uniformity; Common Plan.......................................................................................... 16 Enforcement................................................................................................................ 16 Recording and Filing ................................. ................................... ............................... 17 Payment of Fees ........................................ ................................. ................................. 17 Governing Law.. ................................................................ ...... .......................... ..........18 Amendments ............................................................................................................... 18 Consents of the Credit Provider; Applicability of Rider............................................. 18 Trustee Acting Solely in Such Capacity .....................................................................18 Compliance by Borrower ...... .......... ............................................................................18 Notice.......................................................................................................................... 18 Third-Party Beneficiary .............................................................................................. 20 Severability ................................................................................................................. 21 Multiple Counterparts ................................. ... ............ .................. .......... ..................... 21 Personal Obligation of Borrower; Limitations on Recourse to Borrower ..................21 Signatures................................................................................................................................ ........... S-I EXHIBIT A - PROJECT SITE........................................................................................................A-l EXHIBIT B - CERTIFICATE OF CONTINUING PROGRAM COMPLlANCE.........................B-l EXHIBIT C - INCOME COMPUTATION AND CERTIFICATION ..........................................C-l EXHIBIT D - FANNIE MAbRIDER TO REGULATORY AGREEMENT ................................D-l DOCSOC/1137281 v3/024036-0032 12-53 Council Agenda Statement mY OF CHUlA VISTA Item: 13 Meeting Date: 01/17/2.006 ITEM TITLE: Directing Staff To Negotiate A Pre-Annexation Agreement With The City Of National City To Realign The Boundary Between The Two Cities As The Sweetwater River Flood Control Channel REVIEWED BY: Laurie Madigan, Assistant City Manager City Manager f ~ p 1\ (4/5ths Vote: Yes _ NoLl SUBMITTED BY: RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council direct the City Manager to negotiate a Pre-Annexation Agreement with the City of National City to realign the boundary between the two Cities to follow Highway 54 and the CAL TRANS flood control channel, based upon the following principles: 1. The level of revenues currently generated by properties within the reorganization area ("base revenue") will remain with the City currently receiving such revenue, 2. Increased revenue from existing development (above "base" revenue) will be shared on a 50/50 basis by the two Cities, and 3. New revenue that is created from new development will be shared equally if development costs are shared equally or, alternatively, will be shared in proportion to the sharing of development costs. BOARDS/COMMISSIONS RECOMMENDATION: Not applicable. BACKGROUND: Attachment 1 to this report depicts the current jurisdictional boundary line between the Cities of Chula Vista and National City. This meandering boundary creates a situation where certain properties located south of Highway 54 lie within the jurisdiction of the City of National City, while other properties located north of Highway 54 are within the Chula Vista jurisdiction. The interweaving boundary across both the flood control channel and the highway makes little sense, creates jurisdictional confusion, and sets- up a situation where each City has responsibility to provide health and safety services to areas that are more easily reachable by the other jurisdiction. Your City Manager and 13-1 Page 2, Item: /3 Meeting Date: 01/17/2006 the City Manager of National City have met, with staff, to discuss a process to "reorganize" our municipal boundaries, using the CAL TRANS Sweetwater River Flood Control Channel along Highway 54 as the more appropriate dividing line between the two cities. Currently, two areas on the south side of 54 are part of the National City jurisdiction. The most western of these areas is comprised of approximately 32.5 acres. South Bay Motorsports as well as the Southland and Regency industrial parks are located in this area, as is a mitigation area of approximately 14.5 acres. This wetland mitigation area is owned by the San Diego Aircraft Carrier Museum, who are currently undertaking clean-up and re-vegetation of the area as mitigation for loss of water area resulting from the location of the USS Midway in San Diego Bay. The eastern area south of 54 located in National City is comprised of approximately 14 acres and is the site of the South Bay Marketplace with Dixieline Lumber, Old Navy and Office Depot among other businesses. North of 54 two areas are now within the jurisdiction of the City of Chula Vista. These include an area comprised of approximately 11 acres, which includes the Harbor Drive- In Theater and, to the east, an area of approximately 17 acres which is the site of the Food 4 Less, Econo Lube and Tune and the Sweetwater Authority demineralization facility. The sales tax revenues currently generated by the territory described above located in National City south of 54 is estimated at $940,000. Sales taxes generated in the Chula Vista areas north of 54 are estimated at $50-70,000. The two National City areas are located within that City's Redevelopment Area and generate annual property tax increment revenue of approximately $370,000. The annual property tax revenue generated for the City of Chula Vista by the area under study, which is not in an RDA, is approximately $25,000. In order to reorganize the boundaries between the two Cities, a tax-sharing agreement will be required. The City Managers have discussed in concept an approach that would establish a "base year" (much like that which is done when an RDA is formed). All tax revenues up to that base amount would continue to accrue to the City of origin. New tax increment resulting from general adjustments and inflation would be shared 50/50. If new development is proposed for a site, new revenues would be shared 50/50 or proportionate to investment; in other words, each City would share in the initial cost for infrastructure necessary to provide for such development to occur and then share in new revenues in relationship to their cost participation. Attachment 2 is a summary of the procedures required to complete a reorganization of City boundaries. Prior to committing to the first action required by the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), adopting a resolution of application, it is recommended that we negotiate and prepare a Pre-Annexation Agreement with the City of National City. This Agreement will outline all relevant points of agreement upon 13-2 Page 3, Item: 13 Meeting Date: 01/17/2006 which the annexation and the related tax-sharing agreement will be based, clarifying the understandings of the two Cities prior to making application to LAFCO. FISCAL IMPACT: There will be no fiscal impact from this action. If a Pre-Annexation Agreement is completed and a Resolution of Application made to LAFCO, there will be costs associated with boundary surveys, preparation of legal descriptions, and LAFCO application and State filing costs, which will be shared by the two Cities. Attachments 13-3 ~ '" '" ~ ~ o m 2~ 5~ roU 3~ -Cro U'" 03 ~o G~ ~jg ~2 Q~& ~~ ... >- ..... U ro c c a> 0 E~ a>Z a>_ ..... 0 0>>- <(~ cO 0__ :;::;ro row X._ a>> Cro c- <(~ <Do .....- a.. 0 >- ..... U - - C CI.) E ..s::: (.) CO - ;;: . o . . :ii . o o , ~ ~ ~ , ; , . ~ o z Z z < 0: r ATTACHMENT 2 SUMMARY OF PROCEDURES FOR REORGANIZATION OF CITY BOUNDARIES CORTESE-KNOX-HERTZBERG LOCAL GOVERNMENT REORGANIZATION ACT OF 2000 Reauired LAFCO Actions 1. Adopt a resolution making determinations and approving: a. The detachment of territories from City of Chula Vista and annexation of same territories to the City of National City b. The detachment of territories from City of National City and annexation of same territories to the City of Chula Vista 2. Adopt a statement of determinations for concurrent sohere of influence amendments (determine that a municipal service review is not required). 3. Act as Responsible Agency for CEQA review and approvals of the Lead Agency (one or both cities) DB review and determine the applicability of Section lS319(a) of the State CEQA.Guidelines (Class 19 categorical exemption): 15319. Annexations of Existing Facilities and Lots for Exempt Facilities Class 19 consists of only the following annexations: (a) Annexations to a city or special district of areas containing existing public or private structures developed to the density allowed by the current zoning or pre-zoning of either the gaining or losing governmental agency whichever is more restrictive, provided, however, that the extension of utility services to the existing facilities would have a capacity to serve only the existing facilities. (b) Annexations of individual small parcels of the minimum size for facilities exempted by Section 15303, New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures. Note: Authority cited: Sections 21083 and 21087, Public Resources Code; Reference: Section 21084, Public Resoorces Code. Discussion: The exemption under subsection (a) is not allowed if it is foreseeable that utility services would extend into the annexed parcels and have the potential to serve a greater capacity than existing uses. The exemption is also unavailable if "unusual circumstances" under Section 15300.2(c) are found. For example, in City of Santa Clara v. LAFCO of Santa Clara County, (1983) 139 Ca!. App. 3d 923, the court found that unusual circumstances existed when the annexing city's general plan called for the newly annexed parcels to eventually become residential and industrial rather than the prezoned agricultural use. The unusual circumstances arose from the inconsistency between the prezoned agricultural use and the general plan's designated land use and thus preCluded the use of this categorical exemption. Reauired Actions of Cities 1. Adopt resolution of application requesting initiation of LAFCO oroceedinas for a change of reorganization and concurrent sphere of influence amendments. 2. General Plan amendments and prezoning. 3. CEQA - Initial study and preparation of a Negative Declaration or Mitigated Negative Declaration for General Plan amendments and prezoning DB review and determine the applicability of Section lS319(a) of the State CEQA Guidelines (Class 19 categorical exemption). 4. Map & Legal Description - Surveyor's map and metes and bounds description of each affected territory proposed for a change of reorganization. 5. Adopt matching resolutions approving a property tax exchange agreement for the affected territories (typically a 100 percent exchange for the detachment and annexation of territories from one city to another), pursuant to Section 99 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. 13-5 Recommended Procedural SteDs (Approximately a four- to six-month process following submittal of the LAFeO application.) 1. Prior to submittal of LAFCO application, enter into a pre-annexation agreement and master property tax exchange agreement with negotiated deal points for: a. Property tax exchange b. Sales tax sharing c. Cost sharing I. LAFCO and State Board of Equalization filing and processing fees II. Map & legal description iil. CEQA 2. Pre-application meeting with LAFCO to walk through process, procedures, and timeline. 3. Submit LAFCO application as a joint application by both cities. Adopt matchina resolutions of aDDlication requesting the initiation of LAFCO proceedings for a change af reorganization and concurrent sphere of influence amendments. (Submitting a joint application will indicate that the reorganization proposal is a cooperative effort and will expedite LAFCO proceedings by waiving the 60-day termination window for city detachments under Government Code Section 56751.) a. Typical contents of LAFCO application I. LAFCO processing fees ii. Justification of proposal questionnaire iii. Plan for services iv. Property owner consent forms (see #4 below) v. Map & legal description (metes and bounds) prepared by a licensed land surveyor vI. CEQA documents viI. Matching resolutions approving a property tax exchange agreement viiI. Prezoning ix. General Plan amendments x. Indemnification agreement signed by City Managers 4. Depending on the number of parcels and property owne'rs. involved, and depending on whether the affected territory is inhabited (12 or more registered voters) or uninhabited (less than 12 registered voters), contact property owners to seek property owner consent to the proposed reorganization. (If the territory is uninhabited and all property owners have consented to the proposed reorganization, LAFCO may waive property owner protest proceedings entirely. If the territory is inhabited, then LAFCO may waive protest proceedings entirely if written notice is provided and no written opposition is received from any registered voters or property owners.) 5. Within 30 days of submittal of the application, LAFCO sends the applicants a status letter notifying them that the application is either complete or incomplete. The status letter will list all items that must be completed and submitted prior to issuance of a Certificate of Filing. 13-6 6. Approximately 30 days after submittal of the application, and after submittal of a map & legal description, LAFCO begins the property tax exchange negotiation process set forth under Section 99 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. a. LAFCO issues notice of the proposal to the County Assessor. b. The Assessor determines which Tax Rate Areas (TRAs) are involved in the proposal and calculates the total assessed valuation (AV) of the affected territory. c. The Assessor issues a report with the TRAs and AV for the proposal to the County Auditor. d. The Auditor determines the total ad valorem property tax revenues that are subject to negotiation as part of the proposal. e. The Auditor issues a report to the affected agencies (e.g., city, county) identifying the total dollars that are subject to negotiation and notifying the agencies that they have 60 days from the date they receive the report to reach agreement on the transfer of property tax revenues among the affected agencies. 7. Upon determination by the LAFCO Executive Officer that the application is complete, the Executive Officer issues a Certificate of Filing and sets a hearing date. 8. LAFCO notices and holds a public hearing on the proposal and takes one of the following actions at the hearing: a. Approves the application subject to terms and conditions b. Approves the application with modifications and subject to terms and conditions c. Denies the application 9. If LAFCO approves the application, within 35 days of the hearing, LAFCO adopts the resolution making determinations and approving the appiication and sends a copy of the resolution to the applicants. 10. If LAFCO approves the application, within 30 days of the hearing, LAFCO notices and sets a date for a protest hearing, unless waived pursuant to Government Code Section 56663. From the date that the legal notice of the protest hearing is published in a newspaper, registered voters and landowners within the affected territory may file written protests with LAFCO until the close of the protest hearing. LAFCO determines the window of time protests may be submitted (21 to 60 days) at the time it approves the application. 11. LAFCO holds the protest hearing and makes a determination of the value of written protests filed and not withdrawn. LAFCO may continue the hearing to a future date to allow time to review protests. Upon the determination of the value of written protests, LAFCO takes one of the following actions, depending on whether the territory's inhabited or uninhabited: a. Uninhabited i. If a majority protest exists, terminate the reorganization. For uninhabited territory, a majority protest exists if protests are filed by landowners owning at least 50% of the assessed valuation. ii. If a majority protest does not exist, order the reorganization. 13-7 b. Inhabited i. If a majority protest exists, terminate the reorganization. For inhabited territory, a majority protest exists if protests are filed by at least 50% of the registered voters. ii. Order an election if protests are filed by: (a) at least 25%, but less than 50%, of the registered voters; or (b) at least 25% of the number of landowners owning at least 25% of the assessed valuation. iii. Order the reorganization if protests are filed by: (a) less than 25% of the registered voters; or (b) less than 25% of the number of landowners owning less than 25%of the assessed valuation. 9. If the reorganization is ordered, LAFCO records a Certificate of Completion with the County Recorder's Office upon satisfaction of all terms and conditions in the resolution ordering the reorganization. 10. Upon recordation, LAFCO sends documents and fees (paid by the applicants) to the State Board of Equalization (SBE) for purposes of altering the SBE's TRAs to reflect the reorganization of the cities' boundaries. 11. The effective date of the reorganization is set by the LAFCO resolution and Certification of Completion. . 13-8 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT Item No.: l;j Meeting Date: 1/17/2006 SUBMITTED BY: ACTION ITEM: PCA-05-02: Status report to the City Council on the assignment to prepare permanent regulations to replace the urgency ordinance prohibiting the permitting or approval of any new, modified or expanded check cashier or check cashing business as defined in the urgency ordinance to assure consistency with revitalization efforts in western Chula Vista. Dire"" oiPl&millg & ""',ding f City Manager f~ JJ R 4/Sthe Vote: Yes No X ITEM TITLE: REVIEWED BY: SUMMARY: The City Council adopted Urgency Ordinance 3001-A on April 26, 2005, and extended the interim regulations in Urgency Ordinance 3001-B on May 25, 2005, regarding fee-based check cashing, deferred deposit and payday advance establishments. In so doing, they determined that the previous zoning regulations were inadequate to address the effects ofthese uses on the community. Concerns associated with these types of businesses include among other things the lack of minimum-security standards and the displacement/discouragement of other desirable businesses- including community serving retail, mixed-use, full-service financial institutions and the uses outlined in the Broadway Corridor Strategy Plan and the direction of the Draft General Plan Update and Draft Urban Core Specific Plan. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council provide direction regarding the three points explained in the DISCUSSION section. If amortization is desired, staff notes it may take additional time to prepare, distribute, obtain, and evaluate RFP responses, thus another extension to the Urgency Ordinance may be required prior to expiration of the current ordinance. BOARDS/COMMISSIONS RECOMMENDATION: N/A DISCUSSION: Backl!round On April 26, 2005, the City Council adopted Urgency Ordinance 3001-A that would prohibit permitting or approving any new or expanded fee-based check cashing and deferred deposit businesses to enable staff to study the effects of these establishments and propose an appropriate ordinance for a 45-dayperiod. On May 24th, the Council adopted Ordinance 3001-B, extending the /4-1 Page 2, Item No.: (1-/ Meeting Date: 1/17/2006 period to 10 months and IS-days (see Attachment 1, Urgency Ordinances 3001-A & 3001-B). To date, there is approximately 4 months remaining on the extension. On October 12,2005, staff provided a report to the Planning Commission and requested direction on a policy framework that would include determining zones where Check Cashing, Deferred Deposit and Payday Advance Businesses could be allowed with a conditional use permit, establishing an amortization program, and providing performance standards in the ordinance. A representative for the industry testified at the hearing stating that his firm is working on a model ordinance with the City of National City that would address the City of Chula Vista's issues. He requested that the Commission delay efforts on a draft ordinance and allow 45 to 60 days for the industry to complete the model ordinance. The Commission indicated that a meeting between a Council member and industry representatives was scheduled for October 18th to discuss the issues further. Following discussion, the Commission voted to send a Commission representative and any other Commissioner who could attend to that meeting, and to stay on course with preparing Chula Vista's Ordinance using Oakland as a model, rather than National City, opposing any delay in moving forward with a draft ordinance. On Octoberl8, 2005, a meeting was held between representatives from the City Council, Planning Commission, Planning and Building staff, City Attorney, and industry representatives. The following list oftopics was discussed: The existing moratorium An ordinance regulating establishments Industry concerns Neighborhood impacts/protection Amortization Saturation of establishments Community/Council concerns The industry Zoning Staff is preparing an ordinance using the model recently adopted by the City of Oakland, but based on a different set of findings that are oriented to land use considerations rather than social equity policy. The ordinance regulations will add a definition specific to check cashing and similar uses, impose a conditional use permit requirement, add special criteria or performance standards for any such activity and limit the areas along Broadway and within the Downtown area in which the uses may be allowed to operate. Under the previous ordinance these uses were considered as banks and other financial institutions and were allowed by right in a large number of zoning districts and a preponderance of such establishments had concentrated along Broadway and in redevelopment project areas. Staff explored the potential for an amortization program that would phase out some ofthe existing establishments, i.e. those that would not meet the performance standards set by the new ordinance. Refer to page 3 of this report for a more thorough definition of amortization, a sparingly used zoning power. Amortization provisions would require consulting services from a firm with experience in analyzing and preparing the financial justification to support an amortization schedule that allows a fair, reasonable and unchallengeable time frame for the business to recapture their investment prior to being made to conform with the new ordinance. /4 ~ :r /;.f Page 3, Item No.: Meeting Date: 1/17/2006 Upon direction from the Planning Commission, staff requested bids from three qualified firms; only one firm responded with a cost quote, which exceeds the administrative contract limits, thus Council would need to approve a final contract for this service. Furthermore, it is worth noting that industry representatives believe an amortization program would be an unnecessary undertaking because there are indications that private market forces alone are diminishing the overabundance of such establishments. The alternative policy direction is to adopt the ordinance with the normal nonconforming use provisions that allow the current businesses to remain but not to expand or be replaced after vacancy. The Environmental Review Coordinator has reviewed the proposed project for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and has determined that the project qualifies for a Class 8 categorical exemption pursuant to Section 15308 ofthe State CEQA Guidelines. Furthermore, it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment. Therefore, no environmental review is required. Several policy issues unique to the City ofChula Vista arose in staff's analysis of the application of the regulations to the City Of Chula Vista situation regarding check cashing and similar establishments. Staff requested further direction from the Planning Commission prior to finalizing a draft ordinance, which includes a conditional use permit requirement provision, which would allow additional conditions of approval to be added on a case by case basis as needed. The policy questions that need to be addressed for the draft ordinance are: I. In which zones should we continue to allow check cashing and similar establishments under the more stringent regulations? Staff would recommend that the subject uses should be precluded from locating in the Thoroughfare Commercial (CT) zone, particularly along the Broadway corridor, and the Neighborhood Commercial (CN) zone near residential and other sensitive areas, and only be allowed in the remaining commercial zones subject to approval of a conditional use permit. Zones that coincide with redevelopment project areas are often highly impacted from an overabundance of adult-oriented businesses, liquor stores, bars and other land uses that tend to congregate in low-to-moderate income neighborhoods. By precluding check cashing and similar uses from the CT and CN zones, revitalization and reinvestment in these target areas will be far more likely. The attached map shows the location of check cashing businesses in the City. 2. Is the City willing to accelerate the elimination of nonconforming check cashing and similar establishments through an amortization program? The general nonconforming use provisions of the City's zoning ordinance allow abandonment of a nonconforming use after a twelve-month period and preclude the reuse in any manner other than conforming (Sec. 19.60.070). Lj /7 / ~.:,t, -/. Page 4, Item No.: /1 Meeting Date: 1/17/2006 Highly undesirable nonconforming uses represent conditions, which should be reduced to conformity as quickly as compatible with justice. California cases have allowed zoning legislation to validly provide for the eventual termination of nonconforming property uses. The method for terminating a nonconforming use as quickly as possible is to provide an amortization period in which the use is subject to loss of its legal status within a reasonable time in consideration of the initial investment involved in establishing the business. Some of the relevant factors considered in determining whether an amortization period is reasonable in it's application to a particular property include amount of investment or original cost, present actual or depreciated value, remaining useful life, the length and remaining term of the lease, and harm to the public if the structure remains standing or use exists beyond the prescribed amortization. 3. What performance standards or requirements should be included in the ordinance? Staffbelieves the special criteria and performance standards listed below, which are included in the City of Oakland ordinance, should apply to these conditionally permitted uses in Chula Vista also: . Minimum distance between activities . Minimum distance to sensitive uses . Additional performance standards regulating blight, security and minimizing adverse impacts Staff has had several meetings with industry representatives keeping them apprized of this process. While they are in agreement with the notion of establishing regulations by ordinance, they are opposed to an amortization program because they believe such a program is unnecessary and may lead to litigation. They also indicated that the market for these establishments have peaked and may now begin to slow down. Likewise, they are not in agreement with the types of social justice findings that the City of Oakland used in their ordinance and they object to regulations on check cashing and similar establishments that are a subsidiary to other primary uses, like grocery stores or gas stations. The ordinance recommended by staff and the Commission is intended to be restricted to check cashing and payday lenders and similar uses as primary establishments. FISCAL IMPACT: None /L/-t/ Page 5, Item No.: Meeting Date: 1/17/2006 CONCLUSION: City Council provide direction on preparing an ordinance to regulate Check Cashing, Deferred Deposit, and Pay Day Advance establishments in the City, which would include location in appropriate zones, development standards and amortization for these uses. Staff will come back at a public hearing with a draft ordinance reflecting your direction. Attachments 1. Urgency Ordinances 3001-A and 300l-B 2. Map of Check Cashing Businesses /'-1--- . l ORDINANCE NO. 3001-A URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA PROHIBITING THE PERMITTING OR APPROVAL OF ANY NEW OR EXPANDED FEE-BASED CHECK CASHING AND DEFERRED DEPOSIT USES WHEREAS, the City of Chula Vista ("City") has, in recent years, experienced a proliferation of businesses engaged primarily in the cashing of checks and/or deferring the depositing of a customer's personal check until a specific date - both for a fee ("check cashing/deferred deposit establishments"); and WHEREAS, staff believes that the current land use policies regarding fee-based check cashing/deferred deposit establishments are inadequate to address the effects of these uses on the community; and WHEREAS, cashing/deferred deposit establishments may decrease neighboring property values; displace/discourage other desirable businesses, including full-service financial institutions; and should be operated with adequate security; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, on January 26, 2005, recommended that the City Council adopt a temporary moratorium on fee-based check cashing and deferred deposit businesses until the land use impacts caused by a proliferation of such establishments can be more thoroughly studied; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission was particularly concerned with the potential interference with revitalization efforts of the City and Redevelopment Agency in Western Chula Vista; and WHEREAS, staff requires enough time to conduct the required studies and develop appropriate policy recommendations that address where, when, and under what conditions check cashing/deferred deposit establishments would be compatible with surrounding land uses and consistent with land use plans and policies, such as the General Plan, redevelopment area plans, specific plans and the Broadway Revitalization Strategy; and WHEREAS, individuals have recently expressed interest in establishing new or expanded land uses involving fee-based check cashing or deferred deposits; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65858, allows the City Council to adopt an interim zoning ordinance as an urgency measure to protect the public safety, health, and welfare without following the procedures otherwise required preliminary to the adoption of a zoning ordinance, if passed by a four-fifths vote; and WHEREAS, the interim ordinance shall be of no further force and effect forty-five days from the date of adoption thereof; provided however, that after the required notice and public hearing the City Council may, by a four-fifths vote, extend the interim ordinance for an additional ten months and fifteen days (with the option of an additional one-year extension) or twenty-two months and fifteen days (with no extension); and WHEREAS, the City's Environmental Review Coordinator has reviewed the proposed project for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and has determined that /-:'- Ordinance 3001-A Page 2 the project qualifies for a Class 8 categorical exemption (actions by regulatory agencies for protection of the environment) pursuant to Section 15308 of the State CEQA Guidelines. . Furthermore, it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City ofChula Vista does hereby ordain: SECTION 1. Findings. A. The City of Chula Vista has, in recent years, experienced a proliferation of check cashing and deferred deposit businesses. B. The City Council believes that the current land use policies regarding fee-based check cashing and deferred deposit establishments are inadequate to address the effects of these uses on the community. C. Unchecked proliferation of check cashing or deferred deposit uses may displace existing full-service financial institutions in generally lower income commercial areas. These fmancial institutions may close or choose not to open where the market share is significantly eroded. In addition, new full-service financial institutions and other desired commercial development must compete with check cashing/deferred deposit establishments for the limited commercial space in each district. Unchecked, this may result in a reduction or displacement of needed goods and services. D. Some check cashing and deferred deposit businesses lack adequate security measures, especially when compared to banks. Security personnel (if present) are often not certified. Surveillance cameras may be sub-par or non-existent. Exterior lighting and other measures are not in place to protect patrons - even though they operate with extended hours. Combined, these factors may facilitate the commission of crimes at a greater rate than at banks, thereby necessitating a different set ofland use controls. SECTION 2. Findings of Urgency. The immediate adoption of this ordinance is necessary to protect the public safety, health, and welfare in order to prevent the frustration of studies on these matters and the adoption of adequate land use policies. The absence of this ordinance would perpetuate the negative impacts caused by unregulated fee-based check cashing/deferred deposit uses and create a serious threat to the orderly and effective implementation of any land use policies that would be adopted as a result of the necessary studies. SECTION 3. Prohibition of New Check Cashing or Deferred Deposit Uses. A. The establishment or expansion of a fee-based checking cashing or deferred deposit business/use shall be prohibited. No application, building permit, certificate of occupancy, or entitlement for the establishment or expansion of check cashing or deferred deposit business/use shall be accepted, processed, or approved while this ordinance is in effect. B. "Check cashers" are entities in the business of cashing checks, warrants, drafts, money orders, or other commercial paper. "Check cashers" are not state or federally chartered banks, savings associations, credit unions, or industrial loan companies. They also do not include retailers that cash checks or issue money orders (for a fee ofless than two dollars) as an incidental service to its customers. /,. /j '-r'" Ordinance 3001-A Page 3 C. "Deferred deposit businesses" are those businesses that defer depositing a customer's personal check until a specific date, pursuant to a written agreement. SECTION 4. Effective Date. This interim zoning ordinance is adopted under the provisions of Government Code Section 65858 and shall take effect and be in full force immediately upon its passage by a four-fifths vote of the City Council. SECTION 5. Expiration Date. This interim ordinance shall be of no further force and effect forty-five (45) days from the date of adoption. Presented by Approved as to form by J /J s D. Sandoval . g and Building Director \I\~ AriIi Moore City Attorney / / /7"~ Ordinance 3001-A Page 4 PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, this 26th day of April, 2005, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers: Castaneda, Davis, Rindone and Padilla NAYS: Councilmembers: None ABSENT: Councilmembers: McCann ~ Stephen C. Padilla, Mayor ATTEST: -==--1.Lu..1 . &~'~ d ~ Susan Bigelow, MMC, City erk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) CITY OF CHULA VISTA ) !, Susan Bigelow, City Clerk of Chula Vista, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 3001-A was passed as an urgency measure on the 26th day of April, 2005. Executed this 26th day of April, 2005. ~..LI. tL.. I -==?~ Susan Bigelow, MMC, City C rk A / :..; ..) ORDINANCE NO. 3001-B URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA EXTENDING FOR TEN MONTHS AND FIFTEEN DAYS URGENCY INTERIM ORDINANCE NO. 3001-A, PROHIBITING THE PERMITTING OR AFPROV AL OF ANY NEW OR EXPANDED FEE-BASED CHECK CASHING AND DEFERRED DEPOSIT USES WHEREAS, the City of Chula Vista (City) has, in recent years, experienced a proliferation of businesses engaged primarily in the cashing of checks and/or deferring the depositing a of customer's personal check until a specific date - both for a fee (check cashing/deferred deposit establishments); and WHEREAS, staff believes that the current land use policies regarding fee-based check cashing/deferred deposit establishments are inadequate to address the effects of these uses on the community; and WHEREAS, cashing/deferred deposit establishments may decrease neighboring property values; displace/discourage other desirable businesses - including full-service financial institutions; and should be operated with adequate security; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, on January 26, 2005, recommended that the City Council adopt a temporary moratorium on fee-based check cashing and deferred deposit businesses until the land use impacts caused by a proliferation of such establishments can be more thoroughly studied; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission was particularly concerned with the potential interference with revitalization efforts of the City and Redevelopment Agency in Western Chula Vista; and WHEREAS, staff requires enough time to conduct the required studies and develop appropriate policy recommendations that address where, when, and under what conditions check cashing/deferred deposit establishments would be compatible with surrounding land uses and consistent with land use plans and policies, such as the General Plan, redevelopment area plans, specific plans and the Broadway Revitalization Strategy; and WHEREAS, individuals have recently expressed interest in establishing new or expanded land uses involving fee-based check cashing or deferred deposits; and WHEREAS, Govemment Code Section 65858 allows the City Council to adopt an interim zoning ordinance as an urgency measure to protect the public safety, health, and welfare without following the procedures otherwise required preliminary to the adoption of a zoning ordinance, if passed by a four-fifths vote; and /4-- Ordinance No. 3001-8 Page 2 WHEREAS, on April 26, 2005, the City Council adopted Urgency Ordinance No. 3001- A prohibiting the permitting or approval of any new or expanded fee-based check cashing and deferred deposit uses for forty-five days; and WHEREAS, if the City needs additional time to conduct the required studies and develop appropriate policy recommendations to alleviate the condition which led to the adoption of the original Urgency Ordinance, Government Code Section 65858 allows the City Council to extend said Ordinance for an additional ten (10) months and fifteen (15) days to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, if passed by a four-fifths vote; and WHEREAS, the City's Environmental Review Coordinator has reviewed the proposed project for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and has determined that the project qualifies for a Class 8 categorical exemption (actions by regulatory agencies for protection of the environment) pursuant to Section 15308 of the State CEQA Guidelines. Furthermore, it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Chula Vista does hereby ordain: SECTION 1. Findings. A. The City of Chula Vista has, in recent years, experienced a proliferation of check cashing and deferred deposit businesses. B. The City Council believes that the current land use policies regarding fee-based check cashing and deferred deposit establishments are inadequate to address the effects of these uses on the community. C. Unchecked proliferation of check cashing or deferred deposit uses may displace existing full-service fmancial institutions in generally lower income commercial areas. These fmancial institutions may close or choose not to open where the market share is significantly eroded. In addition, new full-service fmancial institutions and other desired commercial development must compete with check cashing/deferred deposit establishments for the limited commercial space in each district. Unchecked, this may result in a reduction or displacement of needed goods and services. D. Some Check cashing and deferred deposit businesses lack adequate security measures, especially when compared to banks. Security personnel (if present) are often not certified. Surveillance cameras may be sub-par or non-existent. Exterior lighting and other measures are not in place to protect patrons - even though they operate with extended hours. Combined, these factors may facilitate the commission of crimes at a greater rate than at banks, thereby necessitating a different set ofland use controls. / /~ . . . i' , Ordinance No. 3001-B Page 3 E. Additional time is needed in order to complete the studies and prepare the recommendation on check cashing and deferred deposit uses, which were contemplated in the original Urgency Ordinance. F. The City Council will not have the ability to make an informed decision regarding the approval or permitting of check cashing or deferred deposit businesses until staff has completed the necessary studies. SECTION 2. Findings of Urgency The immediate adoption of this ordinance is necessary to protect the public safety, health, and welfare in order to prevent the frustration of studies on these matters and the adoption of adequate land use policies. The absence of this ordinance would perpetuate the negative impacts caused by unregulated fee-based check cashing/deferred deposit uses and create a serious threat to the orderly and effective implementation of any land use policies that would be adopted as a result of the necessary studies. SECTION 3. Prohibition of New Check Cashing or Deferred Deposit Uses. A. The establishment or expansion of a fee-based checking cashing or deferred deposit business/use shall be prohibited. No application, building permit, certificate of occupancy' or entitlement for the establishment or expansion of check cashing or deferred d~osit business/use shall be accepted, processed, or approved while this Ordinance is m "ffect. B. "Check cashers" are entities in the business of cashing checks, warrants, drafts, money orders, or other commercial paper. "Check cashers" are not state or federally chartered banks, savings associations, credit unions, or industria1loan companies. They also do not include retailers that cash checks or issue money orders (for a fee ofless than two dollars) as an incidental service to its customers. C. "Deferred deposit businesses" are those businesses that defer depositing a customer's personal check until a specific date, pursuant to a written agreement. SECTION 4. Effective Date. This urgency ordinance is adopted under the provisions of Government Code Section 65858 and shall take effect and be in full force immediately upon its passage by a four-fifths vote of the City Council. SECTION 5. Expiration Date. This urgency ordinance shall extend the effective date of Urgency Ordinance No. 3001-A, adopted on April 26, 2005, for a period often (10) months and fifteen (I5) days and thereafter shall be of no further force and effect. / .:-j. , " Ordinance No. j001-B Page 4 Presented by Approved as to form by ~). -(\A - ~ Ann oore City Attorney / 1';' ./--:? '-t -- i .-I <;L Ordinance No. 3001-8 Pagc 5 PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, this 24 day of May, 2005. by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers: Castaneda, Davis, McCann, Rindone and Padilla NAYS: Councilmembers: None ABSENT: Councilmembers: None ATTEST: Alk)eS2JL , Stephen C. {ladilla, Mayor ~ olu..~.;3.~ ~ ~ Susan Bigelow, MMC, City CI k STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) CITY OF CHULA VISTA ) I, Susan Bigelow, City Clerk of Chula Vista, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 3001-B was passed as an urgency measure on the 24th day of May, 2005. Executed this 24 day of May, 2005. ::: ~~ /3..~~ Susan Bigelow, MMC, City Cle -" i. / / '._. ..' -r :-;.-- i r I == ::::: ..~ "j:H~~\ -,.".:;~!~7'IT.v r~:S'&'l\\~ ~ ~~ l" /^-~,~ " ~ - ?/~j\~ \~(<.. I"J ,'~ '..'. 'c;'-' i l'iiID I' :;;'.".'1' -; , '=1 I ..... 1'1 \l-" ,; ,. . ~'7l,~:~1ill,:,:,' k~)~I!' :,~ 1,);~j\ll~dh8g~~li'i,i~b", ~.:::: ,~A !\~ '\ \' San ~\\ Diego \" j J ':.,::: Bay ~~ "\ \ "\ ) , , \''- 1 o 1 CashAdvanCll 2 Check Cashiers Of So. Cal 3 Payadvance 4 Check Advance 5 AceCheckCash 6 Sun Cash 7 Check-N-AdvancB 8 Cash Advance America 20 Third Avenue 201 Broadway 459 Broadway 481 Broadway 64S'H"Slreel 730 "H"Streel 745 Third Avenue 792 Broadway ~!f? Mf '"' Of (HULA VISTA // ,\;,:,: ~~f~." , ,.': l) \ "e''''' ,.;, ' ,I" , ""., -",-.... -,.. ',' -' ..',~-;; ',\ ~nll\:?"',~::.\,-/('j0 I \:~ ',~ ~..:. i' '\\ '< '-~ \ _,:;:. ,''\: I.. '::~",.:/!,~ ~ ~ ," '\ ArC \/.. 'c-~D'i' ''7 '" ~ ':.' ; >,':';'1\:~;;., .0' ~ <; 0(- ,(", "~"'( _, ' '1''...----''~~ '\ ~::'\ ,"'. '" \ A ' _____ \: C" . -, ..~~';~,I':' ~ ;r ';;'.~ >- .Y.m~;I. ~ "i' ;: <Cj;'''''-'' :.'\':~\'-:}i~ \\\~ ~ ,," ~ . '~ . """~- ,'. , . .....::.. '. 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Insurance 1295 8ro., adway D EagleL,quor 1294 Th,rd Avenue E OrangeL,quor 1447 Th,rd Avanua LEGEND _c_c....o;s_....,.".. _c_c...'''''........... "". O'Ilo, 8..","....,..... c:J~M_'''''''''' C..,ou.Trac" c::JZof1"'lI_'" /'Vc~..'c.....v..ca_....... c:Jw...._ A City of Chula Vista Check Cashing Businesses ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION ,,~ ~~ ,- . ,-..... 1"'"""'1 "-----' 7 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT ITEM NO.: MEETING DATE: 1'7 1/1 7106 ITEM TITLE: RESOLUTION MAKING A REFERAL TO THE CHARTER REVIEW COMMISSION TO CONSIDER ALTERNATIVES TO THE EXISTING CHARTER PROVISIONS GOVERNING THE PROCESS TO FILL UNEXPECTED COUNCIL VACANCIES ,\ SUBMITTED BY: CITY CLERK ~ CITY ATTORNEY~ l"'> REVIEWED BY: CITY ATTORNEY '^' -(\'"'> 4/5THS VOTE: YES D NO 0 BACKGROUND With the unanticipated resignation af Councilmember Patty Davis in mid-December 2005 the Council was placed in the position of attempting to fill that vacancy. During that process it became apparent that the existing Charier provisions may not address all of the concerns of the Council and community. At the December 16, 2005 Council meeting, a referral was made to the Charier Review Commission requesting the Commission review the Council's authority with respect to Council appointments. Specifically, the Commission would look at alternatives to the existing procedures within Charier Section 300 including: 1. When a vacancy should be filled by election or appointment; and 2. The ability of the Council to place limitations upon an appointee's future actions (i.e. not seeking election at the expiration of the appointed term); and 3. Procedures for the application and interviewing when an appointment is to be made. At the January 10, 2006 meeting similar issues were raised by the Mayor and Council. At that time, it was indicated the Charier Review Commission should starl work with the City Attorney on specific proposals for the Council to consider for the June 2006 election, rather than the November 2006 ballot. Additionally, it was requested this item be agendized tonight to give the Council the opporlunity to discuss the referral to the Attorney and Charier Review Commission. 15-1 PAGE 2, ITEM NO.: MEETING DATE: /5 1/17/06 RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution referring the issue to the Charter Review Commission and City Attorney to return to the Council with specific proposals to amend Charter Section 300 regarding the process to fill Council vacancies. DISCUSSION As discussed above, the Council has recently been required to fill a vacancy created by the unanticipated resignation of Council member Davis. As a result of that process it has come to the attention of the Council that there ore a number of issues surrounding filling Council vacancies. In particular, currently the Charter does not identify a process to fill Council vacancies, nor is there any Council policy in place. Consequently, past Council appointment processes have varied. This item is intended to allow the Council the opportunity to discuss, if necessary, any issues and make the formal referral to the Charter Review Commission. Council has previously indicated they would like any proposed changes available for the June 2006 election. Attached, as Exhibit 1, is the schedule of necessary actions required to place an item on the June ballot. As you can see, based upon the statutory requirements, it may be difficult for the Charter Review Commissian to meet, discuss, and prepare language for the Council to consider in this time frame. Attached, as Exhibit 2, is the time schedule that would be applicable to a ballot measure for the November election. FISCAL IMPACT No fiscal impact is anticipated. Normal staff time and costs for the processing of the proposed modifications are incorporated within existing budgets. EXHIBITS 1. June 2006 Ballot Schedule 2. November 2006 Ballot Schedule 15-2 ~v?- :- ~~ : ~~.....,;-...;: ~~~~ CllY OF CHULA VISTA MEMORANDUM OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BALLOT MEASURES CALENDAR FOR JUNE 6, 2006 ELECTION - EXHIBIT 1: February 8-22 February 28 March 8 March 10 March 20 March 16-22 March 23 March 24- 31 April 3 - 12 City Attorney prepares ballot title and summary and prepares agenda report and resolutions for 2/28 Council meeting (report due 2/22). City Council adopts resolutions calling the election, requesting services of the Registrar, ordering a measure to be submitted to the voters, approving the ballot title and summary, authorizing, if desired, member( s) ofthe Council to prepare and file an argument to be printed in the sample ballot. City Clerk prepares notice of election and notice of deadlines for filing arguments in favor of or against the measure. City Clerk publishes above notice. City Clerk delivers to the Registrar the Council adopted and executed resolution requesting Registrar services. City Attorney deadline to file an impartial analysis with the City Clerk. City Clerk accepts arguments in favor of or against the measure. City Clerk selects an argument in favor of and against the measure and sends to the opposing group for preparation of rebuttals. City Clerk accepts rebuttals. Ten-day "public review period" of ballot measure arguments, rebuttals and other materials before printing in the sample ballot. 15-3 CALENDAR FOR NOVEMBER 7, 2006 ELECTION - EXHIBIT 2: July 12-26 City Attorney prepares ballot title and summary and prepares agenda report and resolutions for 8/1 Council meeting (report due 7/26). August I City Council adopts resolutions calling the election, requesting services of the Registrar, ordering a measure to be submitted to the voters, approving the ballot title and summary, authorizing, if desired, member(s) of the Council to prepare and file an argument to be printed in the sample ballot. August 9 City Clerk prepares notice of election and notice of deadlines for filing arguments in favor of or against the measure. August II City Clerk publishes above notice. City Clerk delivers to the Registrar the Council adopted and executed resolution requesting Registrar services. August 21 City Attorney deadline to file an impartial analysis with the City Clerk. August 17-23 City Clerk accepts arguments in favor of or against the measure. August 24 City Clerk selects an argument in favor of and against the measure and sends to the opposing group for preparation of rebuttals. August 24- September 1 City Clerk accepts rebuttals. September 4-13 Ten-day "public review period" of ballot measure arguments, rebuttals and other materials before printing in the sample ballot. 15-4 RESOLUTION NO. 2006- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA MAKING A REFERRAL TO THE CHARTER REVIEW COMMISSION TO CONSIDER ALTERNATNES TO THE EXISTING CHARTER PROVISIONS GOVERNING THE PROCESS TO FILL UNEXPECTED COUNCIL VACANCIES WHEREAS, Council has recently been required to fill a vacancy created by the unanticipated resignation of Councilmember Davis. As a result of that process it has come to the attention of the Council that there are a number of issues surrounding filling Council vacancies. In particular, currently the Charter does not identify a process to fill Council vacancies, nor is there any Council policy in place; and WHEREAS, at the December 16, 2005 Council meeting, a referral was made to the Charter Review Commission requesting the Commission review the Council's authority with respect to Council appointments. Specifically, the Commission would look at alternatives to the existing procedures within Charter Section 300; and WHEREAS, at the January 10, 2006 meeting similar issues were raised by the Mayor and Council. At that time, it was indicated the Charter Review Commission should start work with the City Attorney on specific proposals for the Council to consider; and WHEREAS, it was requested this item be agendized tonight to give the Council the opportunity to discuss the referral to the Attorney and Charter Review Coinmission. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council adopt the resolution referring the issue to the Charter Review Commission and City Attorney to return to the Council with specific proposals to amend Charter Section 300 regarding the process to fill Council vacancies. Presented by Approved as to form by Susan Bigelow City Clerk J:attomey/Reso/Policy/council vacancies - charter review commission 15-5 r ~ c::LLv L-U ~/}, JO (c c ~1Lt.J.. co /A../>t- u.-./.-d.- Referral I. Position Paper a. Was there another step? If so, what was it? 2. Montgomery Planning Committee a. Who were the members of this committee? b. How long was it formed? e. What findings or goals were met by this committee? 3. Page 5 States: " . . . Montgomery Planning Committee will work to establish a multi-year phased capital improvement program. .. Total cost to exceed $12 Million. . . using Gas Tax Funds, Community Development Block Grant funds, general funds, and other sources to finance the capital improvements. . . city intends to spend three to live times as much as the county. a. Analysis is to determine if the city has in fact spent 3 to 5 times what the County was spending on street and drainage improvements in the Montgomery community over the last 20 years. Escalated dollars should be used for the analysis (l believe the Bureau of Labor and Statistics has it over 22 million). b. Analysis in a report form and part of the Feb. 28th agenda.