HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC AGENDA 1994/4/27 AGENDA CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Chula Vista, California 7:00 p.m. Wednesdav. April 27. 1994 Council Chambers Public Services Building 276 Fourth Avenue. Chula Vista CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL/MOTIONS TO EXCUSE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INTRODUCTORY REMARKS APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Planning Commission: Meetings of December 8, 1993 and January 26, 1994 Special Joint Meeting of City Council, Planning Commission and Resource Conservation Committee: Meeting of December 4, 1993 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Opportunity for members of the public to speak to the Planning Commission on any subject matter within the Commission's jurisdiction but not an item on today's agenda. Each speaker's presentation may not exceed five minutes. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Conditional Use Permit PCC-94-40; Request to establish a substance abuse counseling and monitoring program for probationers at 249-257 Broadway - Mental Health Systems, Inc. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: Conditional Use Permit PCC-94-38; Request to establish an employment service and training center in the PC Zone in Rancho del Rey at 1045 Tierra del Rey - Western Devcon, property owner, for the State of California, Employment Development Department I dad,," under penalty of pe~ury thet I am employed by lho City of Chula Vista in the Planning Department aed that I posted this Agenda/Notice en the BlIlletin Boards at the Public Services Building and at City Hall on (-more-) Dated '(-.:>,;, - >:." Signed '0 /- ".<---2-~ ....L,~ (/ ;; Agenda -2- April 27, 1994 3. PUBLIC HEARING: PCM-94-23: Modification of the Precise Plan Guidelines for Otay Industrial Park for Specified Lots Along Energy Way - City Initiated DIRECTOR'S REPORT 4. Nomination of Planning Commissioner to serve on EastLake Planned Community Affordable Housing Task Force COMMISSIONER COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT at p.m. to a Special Joint Meeting with Growth Management Oversight Committee at 5:30 p.m. in Conference Rooms 2/3, thence to the Regular Business Meeting of May 11, 1994, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers COMPLIANCE WITH AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) The City of Chula Vista, in complyiug with the American With Disabilities Act, requests individuals who require special accommodation to access, attend and/or participate in a City meeting, activity or service request such accommodation at least 48 hours in advance for meetings and 5 days for scheduled services and activities. Please contact Nancy Ripley for iuformation or your request at (619) 691-5101. California Relay Service is available for the hearing impaired. (ag4-27.pc)