HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm Reports/1992/01/22 (3) City Planning Commission Agenda Item for Meeting of January 8, 1992 Page I 2 . Consideration of the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Palomar Trolley Center, EIR-91-02 BACKGROUND: On November 6, 1991 the Planning Commission held a public hearing to receive comments on the Draft ElR for the 1'.: cO' Tn"; Center Draft Environmental Impact Report (DElR). Prior to that hearing the document was circulated for a thirty (30) day public review period. During the public review period the document was taken to the Southwest Project Area Committee (pAC), the Montgomery Planning Committee and the Resource Recovery Committee (RCC) for their comments. At the Planning Commission meeting one (1) person, the applicant, commented on the Draft ElR. Fourteen (14) parties commented in writing on the Draft EIR. On December 16, 1991, in separate meetings, the Southwest PAC and the Montgomery Planning Committee considered the Final ElR. The PAC voted to recommend that the Final EIR be certified as complete and adequate. The Montgomery Planning Commission voted against certification. RECOMMEND A TION: The Planning Commission certify that the Final ElR has been prepared in accordance with CEQA, the State of California CEQA Guidelines and the Environmental Review Procedures of the City of Chula Vista. PROJECT DESCRIYI10N: Pacific Scene, Inc. has proposed a community shopping center incorporating a total of 198,200 gross square feet. The project site consists of approximately 18.2 acres (729,800 square feet). Uses proposed on the site will include major anchor tenants and other large commercial tenants, smaller retail shops, five building pads, two of which will have drive-through capabilities for fast- food restaurants, sidewalks and extensive landscaping. Existing on-site uses, include a 7-Eleven store, restaurant, and laundromat which occupy the northeast corner of the property, and Sam's Trailer Service which occupies the far eastern section of the site. Approximately two-thirds of the property is currently vacant. CONTENTS OF THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT: The Final ElR contains responses to comments received during the public review period, including those from the Southwest Project Area Committee, the Montgomery Planning Committee and the Resource Conservation Commission. As a result of comments received, some minor revisions have been made to the test of the ElR. Those changes are noted in the appropriate comment. \. City Planning Commission Agenda Item for Meeting of January 8, 1992 Page 2 Following the Response to Comments is an Addendum which was prepared to addressed the possible development of the project in two phases. The Semi-Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (SENA) has provisions for the project to be developed in two phases. The addendum addresses the phasing of the mitigation. All mitigation necessary for development of Phase 1 (15 acres) will be done during Phase 1 construction. Upon review of the Draft LlR by the City Traffi" .engineer, the mitigation for Broadway and Main has been modified in the addendum. The revised wording can be found on page 10-8 of the Final EIR. The new wording calls for a technical report to be prepared prior to the issuance of building permits. If that reports concludes that this project will only contribute a portion of the need for the improvements, then the mitigation requirements for the improvements of Broadway and Main will be scheduled for completion as additional projects are developed, all of which will contribute fmancially to the improvements. The improvements will be completed at the time projected traffic volumes show them to be necessary. Currently work is being done on the design of the intersection improvements at Broadway and Palomar. There will be a slight change in the geometrics to this intersection. The changes to do not change the level of service and will accomplish the necessary mitigation. The change is discussed on page 10-8 of the Final EIR and Figure 5-18 (Intersection #3) in the Traffic section has been changed accordingly. The new page for the addendum and new Figure 5-18 will be available to the Planning Commission on January 8. ACTION BY THE MONTGOMERY PLANNING COMMITTEE: As stated above the Southwest Project Area Committee voted to recommend certification of the Final EIR' The Montgomery Planning Committee voted against a motion to recommend certification of the document. No motion was made to specifically not recommend certification of the ElR. Accordingly, there was no formal action stating why the document was not adequate or complete according to CEQA. There were many questions from Committee members concerning the ElR. They did not raise any questions or concerns regarding the responses to the comments that they made or that the Southwest PAC made. The questions they raised focused predominantly on the Traffic section. There seemed to be concern regarding how the widening and improvements of Palomar Street would ultimately be accomplished and how these improvements would merge with the area east of Orange. The issue of existing traffic problems in the area was also raised. Specific plans for the widening of Palomar are currently being prepared by the applicant's engineer. Staff will have a graphic available for the Planning Commission hearing to demonstrate how the improvements to Palomar will be accomplished. It is important to note that CEQA requires that in order to mitigate a project to a level of less than significant, the project must incorporate mitigations that address the impacts that proiect '- City Planning Commission Agenda Item for Meeting of January 8, 1992 Page 3 will create. CEQA does not require mitigation for existing conditions. There are existing roadways and intersections in the Montgomery Area that do not meet the City's threshold requirements. The Traffic Engineering department is continuing to study and make recommendations concerning these areas. There are numerous traffic mitigations detailed in the E1R that will be required for project development. It is beyond the scope of this ElR and proposed project to require traffic improvements in the project area to mitigate conditions that ..A.\>l toddY which can not linked to the projecl. A 'IT ACHMENTS: 1. Final ElR 2. Draft Findings (lcit.paI) FINAL EIR PALOMAR TROLLEY CEN1ER CANDIDATE CEQA FINDINGS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 21081 OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT AND SECTION 15091 OF TITLE 14 OF THE CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE 1. BACKGROUND It is the policy of the State of California and the City of Chula Vista that the City shall not approve a project if it would result in a significant environmental impact if it is feasible to avoid or substantially lessen the effect. Only when there are specific economic, social, or technical reasons, which make it infeasible to mitigate an impact, can a project with significant impacts be approved. Therefore, when an EIR identifying one or more potentially significant environmental impacts has been completed, one of the following findings must be made: 1. Changes or alternatives which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects as identified in the fmal EIR have been required in or incorporated into the project, or 2. Such changes or alternatives are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of another public agency and not the agency making the finding. Such changes have been adopted by such other agency or can and should be adopted by such other agency, or 3. Specific economic, social, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the final EIR. The following findings are made relative to the conclusions of the final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed Palomar Trolley Center based on the EIR text, and all documents, maps, and illustrations included in the public record. 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION i hc proposed project is a large community shopping center incorporating a total of 198,200 gross square feet of building space which will cover approximately 25% of the site area. The rem:'lining 75% of the project area will consist of sidewalks, parking, landscaping, and roadways. The project site consists of approximately 18.2 acres (729,800 square feet). Existing on-site uses include a 7- Eleven store and laundromat which occupy the northeast comer of the property, and Sam's Trailer Service which occupies the far eastern section of the site. The Mi Cabana nightclub/restaurant, three single-family homes, and a church are located within the central portion of the site. Approximately two-thirds of the property is currently vacant. A "paper" street right-of-way, which runs from Jayken Way north to Palomar Street, will also be vacated. Uses proposed for the site will include major anchor tenants and other large commercial tenants, smaller retail shops, five building "pads", two of which will have drive-through capabilities for fast-food restaurants, sidewalks and extensive landscaping. Public amenities will include a traffic circulation loop within the project site. In conjunction with the proposed project, a linear park may also be developed within the SDG&E right-of-way directly south of the project site. The 55-foot wide linear park would consist of a passive use park, with a pedestrian/bike path and possibly some benches. The park would provide access from Broadway to the trolley station and from the trolley station to Broadway or the proposed project. The linear park, which will require approval by SDG&E, will not serve as a neighborhood or community park. Future consideration of the park would also be subject to the conclusions of the EMR study now in progress by the EP A Parking for the Palomar Trolley Center will be provided on-site. The City uses a ratio of 5 parking spaces for every 1,000 square feet of building space. Therefore, the project must provide a minimum of 991 parking spaces. Specific Design Guidelines have been developed for this proposed project which outline design criteria including site to building ratios, landscaping, and percentage of "high" retail sales tax generating businesses that must occupy the project site. These guidelines were created in an effort to allow a creative design theme which provides the Montgomery planning area with an upscale, viable retail center that adheres to and complements City design standards. These design guidelines are available at the City of Chula Vista Planning Department for public review. 3. INSIGNIFICANT IMPACTS The final EIR and subsequent addendums for the Palomar Trolley Center concluded that the project would clearly not have significant adverse impacts in the following areas (numbers refer to the section of the EIR where the issue is discussed): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Drainage Aesthetics Social Factors Community Infrastructure · Energy Human Health (5.1) (5.3) (5.4) (5.5) (5.6) (5.8) The areas listed above do not require that one of the findings listed under Section 1, Background, be made because no significant environmental impacts are associated with these issue areas. . Based on further analysis, conclusions reached in the Final EIR regarding schools have been adjusted. These changes are addressed in the Second Addendum to the Final EIR which discusses impacts to schools and related impact fees. The Second Addendum concludes that there will be no significant impacts to schools serving the area in which the project is located. 4. IMPACTS FOUND TO BE MITIGABLE TO INSIGNIFICANT LEVELS Impact areas listed under this section require that findings be made and implemented as part of the proposed project. These fmdings will serve to avoid or substantially lessen significant environmental impacts associated with the project. 1. LAND USE Land uses proposed by the project are inconsistent with the Montgomery Specific Plan and the City's Zoning Ordinance; the project proposes 18.2 acres of commercial land use on a parcel designated as 2.0 acres of industrial, 15.2 acres of commercial, and 1 acre of institutional; rezoning of the project site must occur (3.0 acres of limited industrial to central commercial) to be consistent with land uses proposed by the project. Findings Changes or other measures listed below which mitigate the significant environmental effect have been included in the project or are otherwise being implemented. 1. The Montgomery Specific Plan shall be amended from research and limited industrial (2.0 acres) and institutional (1.0 acre) to 3.0 acres of mercantile and office commercial for the project site by the City of Chula Vista. 2. The developer shall submit a precise plan to the City in conjunction with the development proposal. 3. The 3.0 acres of the site presently zoned I-L-P shall be rezoned to C-C-P by the City of Chula Vista. Conclusion All significant effects that can be feasibly avoided will be eliminated or substantially lessened by virtue of the mitigation measures identified in the Final EIR and incorporated into the project as set forth above. 2. UTILITIES Water consumption will be 38,100 gallons per day more than present, and generation of sewage and solid waste will be 30,300 gallons per day and 0.33 tons per day above present conditions, respectively; the project will use 257% more water and generate 303% and 191.8% more sewage and solid waste respectively than existing development. Findinl:s Changes or other measures listed below which mitigate the significant environmental effect have been included in the project or are otherwise being implemented. 1. The developer shall implement water conservation devices into the project wherever possible. These may include, but not be limited to: o The use of drought resistent shrubbery and vegetation; o Installation of low volume toilet tanks; o Installation of flow control devices to reduce water flow from faucets. 2. The developer shall participate in whatever water conservation program such as no net increases in water consumption, or fee off- set program the City of Chula Vista has in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 3. The developer shall implement source control devices such as grease traps at food processing businesses. 4. The developer shall implement a recycling program, as required by the City of Chula Vista in all businesses. This program may include source separation techniques, and disposal by a private contractor. 5. A sewer holding tank shall be located on the project site to allow for off-peak discharge of sewage until CIP projects have been completed. 6. The developer shall pay required sewer fees to finance sewer improvements. Fees will be in direct proportion to the actual wastewater discharged by the development. 7. The developer shall adhere to all State Energy Commission standards for new construction. Conclusion All significant effects that can be feasibly avoided will be eliminated or substantially lessened by virtue of the mitigation measures identified in the Final EIR and incorporated into the project as set forth above. 3. TRANSPORTATION Roadway segments within the study area including Palomar Street between Industrial Boulevard and Orange Avenue will be impacted by additional traffie generated by the project; intersections within the study area without mitigation will experience lower levels of service and three intersections including Project Entrance/Palomar Street/, Broadway/Palomar Street, and Broadway/Main Street will operate below accepted levels of service. Findings Roadway Segments Changes or other measures listed below whieh mitigate the significant environmental effect have been included in the project or are otherwise being implemented. 1. Widen Palomar Street between Industrial Boulevard and Orange Avenue to a six-lane major street to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Intersections 2. Install a traffic signal at the proposed intersection of Palomar Street/PrQject Entrance and construct the following lane geometries: o Eastbound - one left, two through, and one through/right o Westbound - two left, two through, and one through/right o Northbound - one left, and one through/right o Southbound - one left, and one through/right 3. Improve the intersection of Palomar Street/Broadw&)' to provide the following lane geometries: o Widen the eastbound approach to provide an additionaileft turn lane and widen the westbound approach to provide an additional through lane. The resulting geometric configuration for this intersection is detailed below: Eastbound - two left, two through, and one through/right Westbound - one left, three through, and one right Northbound - one left, two through, and one right Southbound - one left, two through, and one right 4. Improve the intersection of Palomar Street/TrolJt:y Station Entrance to provide the following lane geometries: o Widen the eastbound and westbound approaches to provide an additional through lane in each direction. The resulting geometric configuration for this intersection is detailed below: Eastbound - one left, two through, and one through/right Westbound - one left, three through, and one right Northbound - one left, and one through/right Southbound - one left/through, and one right 5. The proposed project as described in Section 10.0 of the Final EIR, may be developed in two phases. As such, the improvements listed under # 5 may be completed after a technical report has been completed which analyses the scheduling of improvements, methods of financing, and the extent to whieh this project would effect improvements listed under # 5. The intersection of .Main Street/Broadway to provide the following lane geometries: o Widen the eastbound and westbound approaches to provide an additional right-turn lane in each direction and widen the northbound and southbound to provide an additional left- turn land in each direction. The resulting geometric configuration for this intersection is detailed below: Eastbound - one left, two through, and one through/right Westbound - one left, two through, and one right Northbound - two left, two through, and one right Southbound - two left, two through, and one right Site Access And InternaJ Circulation 6. The following mitigation strategies and site improvements should be required by the City during the review of the site design plans: o In addition to the Main Entrance Driveway and the Palomar Trolley Station Entrance, three other access points will be provided and restrict access at these locations to right-turns in and right-turns out, in conjunction with a raised median on Palomar Street. o The access point located to the east of the site on Broadway shall be restricted to right and left-turns in and right-turns out. Care must be taken when designing this left-turn pocket, as it is likely to be confused with the left-turn pocket from northbound Broadway to westbound Palomar Street. o The internaJ circulation and parking layout adjacent to each individual restaurant pad should be re-evaJuated when specific plans are made for these uses on the proposed project site. Conclusion All significant effects that can be feasibly avoided will be eliminated or substantiaJly lessened by virtue of the mitigation measures identified in the Final EIR and incorporated in10 the project as set forth above. January 14, 1992 FROM: Chair and Members of Planning Commission Gordon Howard, Principal Planner _~ ~ TO: This item was continued from the Planning Commission meeting of January 8, 1992 due to the need to prepare an Addendum to the Environmental Impact Report which addresses impacts to schools and necessary mitigation measures.