Resource Conservation Commission
Chula Vista, California
6:30 P.M. Council Conference Room
Monday February 12 1996 City Hall Building
CALL MEETING TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: Meeting was called to order at 6:45 P.M. by Vice-
Chair Marquez. City Staff Environmental Review Coordinator Doug Reid called roll. Present:
Commissioners Allen, Fisher, Hall, Marquez, and Yamada.
APPROVAL OF A~INLJTES: There were not enough members present from the January 22,
1996 to vote on those minutes.
1. Review and consideration of the County Wide Integrated Waste Management Plan. The
siting element of the Source Reduction Recovery Element (BRAE) was presented by
Michael Meacham. He summarized the goals and objectives of the county. A question was
raised whether the life of the Otay landfill ever considered a transfer station. He explained it
did not because of the instability of rates and neither was it the intent of the facility to
handle such a project. The recovery station and transfer station, however, would be one
facility to do both jobs. He noted that the transfer facility was not a leverage for
negotiations. San Diego County's priority at this time is to identify the site for the landfill.
Otay is a 30-year siting permit and the City of Chula Vista is relying on it. After a brief
discussion, a motion was made (Hall/Fisher) to recommend the plan as presented, but to
remove the Chula Vista sites and the site east of Otay Mesa due to available property in
O'Neil Canyon; vote 5-0, motion carried.
2. IS-95-O5, Otay Lakes Road Dual Left Turn Lanes. A brief overview was given by Mr.
Reid. Commissioner Fisher requested that audible beep sounds be put in at the crosswalks
to indicate a green light. Yamada requested installation of bike lanes. It was MSUC
(Fisher/Yamada) to recommend adoption of the negative declaration as amended with
modification to include the two comments made above; vote 5-0, motion carried.
3. IS-96-15, Romans. Yamada requested the painting area be enclosed. It was suggested that
as a conditional of approval the median be placed at the same time when the City redoes the
Main Street repairs. It was MSUC (Fisher/Marquez) to accept the negative declaration as
presented with the condition the street construction be done at the same time as the already-
planned Main Street repairs; vote 5-0, motion carried.
Resource Conservation Commission Page 2
4. The Draft re-circulation EIR Otay Ranch was unavailable at this time and will be reviewed
at the March meeting. Mr. Reid noted that the biology report is more detailed, the ]andform
is changed, and the traffic report has been redone.
It was decided to vote on the absences ofBurrascano and Clark at the next meeting. The
minutes will also be approved at the next meeting pending a quorum from that meeting.
Vice Chair Marquez asked about the absenteeism rate of commissioners allowed by the
City. Mr. Reid explained that one must attend 75% of the workshop and conferences and
miss 25% in the past year without official excuse.
Yamada asked to be excused for the next meeting as he will be out of town February 26.
Fisher noted that in the area of Telegraph Canyon and Paseo Ladera, a bulldozer has removed
scrub. Mr. Reid explained that this was for revegetation of scrub for the extension of East J
Street and was already a condition of SPA III.
Fisher also commended maintenance staff who cleaned out trash in the open space of Terra Nova
area north of Hidden Vista and East H Street.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by Vice Chair Marquez at 7:52 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
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Barbara Taylor