Resource Conservation Commission
Chula Vista, California
6:30 P.M.
Monday, March 11, 1996
Otay Ranch Conference Room
Otay Ranch Building
315 Fourth Ave.. Suite A
CALL MEETING TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: Meeting was called to order at 6:40 P.M. by Chair
Burrascano. City Staff Environmental Review Coordinator Doug Reid called roll. Also present:
Commissioners Clark, Fisher, Hall, and Yamada. It was MSUC (Burrascano/Hall) to excuse
Commissioner Marquez as previously noticed; vote 5-0, motion carried.
Also present: Jerry Jamriska, AICP Manager, Otay Ranch Staff
John Bridges, AICP, Project Manager, Cotton/Aland Associates
Larry Sward, Sweetwater Environmental Biologist
June Collins, Dudek & Associates
Kim Kilkenny, Baldwin Company
Rick Rosaler, Senior Planner, Otay Ranch
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: It was MSUC (HalUClark) to approve the minutes of the meeting
of February 26, 1996; vote 5-0, motion carried.
ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: John Rojas, Chula Vista Historical Society, gave a brief update
to the RCC. In the 15 years since the Society was founded, it published several commemoration
books, including those for the City's 75th anniversary, the library's centennial, a Chula Vista
Police Department anniversary, and other information books about the City. The Chula Vista
Museum is currently administered under the library's budget, and the Society's publication
funding is from profits made from sale of commemoration books. Mr. Rojas requested the RCC
reconsider their budget for the Society's funding of historical signs.
Otay Ranch SPA I Plan & Annexation recirculated Draft Tier Two EIR: Mr. Bridges
highlighted the main revisions pertaining to biology, traffic, and landform.
A. Biology
Mr. Bridges stated there was a program EIR for the overall development plan in Otay Ranch.
The noise performance standards require that the California gnatcatcher be exposed to no
more than 60 dba. The difficulty of maintaining these standards arises from traffic noise from
adjacent busy roadways such as Orange Avenue. The same performance standards criteria of
65 dba as applied to the least Bells vireo is being modified for approval for the gnatcatcher.
Resource Conservation Commission
The preservation of 80% of habitat standards aze difficult to meet for four bird species due to
their wide range of foraging habitat. Compliance of the EIR can be met by being more in line
with the MSCP standards on its open space preserve, and within that preserve, provide for the
on-site breeding and foraging habitat.
B. Traffic circulation
The SANDAG traffic model did not account for the circulation problem. and traffic impact.
Therefore, a southbound off-ramp from I-805 to East H Street and an eastbound turning
movement were slightly modified and it still fell within the parameters of the mitigation.
C. Landform aesthetics
The criteria is that 83% of the steep slopes within Otay Ranch be maintained and the project
will have no problem with that.
Mr. Bridges stated that the next review period is March 27, 1996. The only other changes in
the EIR were minor in wording for clarification. He stated that the revised EIR sections
should replace all of the old sections of the Draft EIR.
General clarification was made from questions and comments previously submitted by RCC:
• All the maps are now located at the end of the new sections beginning on page 4.3.3. None
of the maps were changed.
• The pond located in Village I, about 100 yards south of the mapped area on page 4.3-5 and
4.3-4.1 to 4.2, indicates wetland delineations which are performed under jurisdiction of the
Army Corps; these are classified as "other waters."
• The project lists areas that will become LOSE & F; these significant impacts will be
handled in the Phasing Plan and I-805 to Telegraph Canyon Road will be mitigated.
• A revised traffic report is included in Section 4-10 of the Recirculation EIR.
• Page 4.3 and 4.4 on the replacement of vegetation of the maritime succulent scrub meets its
80% standard.
• The buffer listed in Exhibit 42 located north and south of the preserve is not addressed
because it is not seeking any authority.
The RCC made comments on inadequate surveys on some species as the spadefoot toads,
coastal rosy boa, and arroyo toads. Mr. Bridges stated some of these species were not
observed. Ms. Collins stated they will conduct Biota Monitoring surveys in the spring and
their comments will be included in the final report.
Resource Conservation Commission Page 3
The table on page 4.3-28 shows there were no nesting habitat observed in SPA I for the
tri-colored blackbird. A flock of approximately 1000 birds were observed in Poggi Canyon.
The performance standard for 100% of nesting habitat or MSCP standards will be met
because there is no nesting or foraging habitat.
There was a discrepancy between dominant species during gnatcatcher surveys and dominant
species listed in restoration tazget transects. Dudek & Associates defined them by dominance
of native species, lack ofnon-native species, and high vegetated-covered presence of sensitive
species. The locations of target transects were neaz the restoration sites and will serve as
guides to other plant species. Page 4.2 and 4.3 shows the analysis of compliance.
Concern was raised on what was considered a viable population for three of the four listed
species which are unmitigable, as noted on 4.3-16, 45, and 46. Ms. Collins cited the PVA as
to what is considered viable according to MSCP Standards.
A question previously was raised on the methane gasses released from the Bay. The pipeline
and air emissions impacts are not significant enough to have a negative effect on the Otay
Ranch project.
Since Chula Vista used a lot of its take, as SPA I is developed, the 4d permit will be applied
for as necessary. .
Chair Burrascano was concerned about the inadequate data collected for sensitive plant
species in SPA I, especially the Acanthomintha. The programmatic level says it wasn't a
specific enough survey to qualify it as a spring survey, and the EIR requirement doesn't
specifically mention Acanthomintha. Ms. Collins noted there was an adequate accumulated
database of original vegetation sensitive species surveys for SPA I conducted in 1989 and
1991 and focus spring surveys done in 1994. After the programmatic level, there were focus
surveys done for gnatcatcher, cactus wren, Hemizonia conjugens, and taz plant. No spring
surveys were done on Acanthomintha so Dudek will survey for that and also for cortelantis
and spadefoottoads.
On Page 240-242, the wording regarding the 100' buffer around the preserve for the cactus
wren was inconsistent. It discusses it to be self-buffered plants, roadway, fencing, and
sidewalks next to the preserve. Ms. Collins said they will clean up the wording and that Item
2 on page 243 explains the edging better. Other areas to consider for consistency aze the
fragmented land areas in within Poggi Canyon and the small preserve area for the mazitime
succulent scrub and cactus wren east of Paseo Ranchero.
Commissioner Fisher noted there was an area south of E. Palomar where spadefooted toads
were breeding in fire ruts and not in vernal pools. Ms. Collins will note that for mitigation to
maybe create and develop pools or maintain existing pools for the spadefoot toad.
Resource Conservation Commission Page 4
Commissioner Clark asked whether the change in decibel allowances for the gnatcatcher will
only apply to SPA I. Ms. Collins stated in Ranch I, the allowance would not apply to the least
Bells vireos but just the gnatcatcher. The bird species impacted will not be viable.
Commissioner Clazk noted that the standards for the Northern harrier wren and burrowing
owl state it needs to preserve 80% or 100% of the breeding population or to use the
approved ACP/MSCP standards. Since the wording of the MSCP includes specific language
for enhancement and guidelines for preserving the species and the proposed changes are
similar as it pertains to the amount of breeding habitat, he suggested using the language in the
MSCP standards. The revised wording here is similar, yet vague. Also, he suggested the
performance standards include more explanations of how conclusions were made.
Commissioner Fisher noted that the numbers from Table 4.3-19, and Table 2.2-5 and 2.2-6
don't add up and the definition of SPA I boundaries charged doesn't match. Ms. Collins
stated some parameters were changed and therefore, some of those numbers will be
inconsistent. 4.3-1 is the accurate table as it pertains to that specific area west ofPaseo
Ranchero. They will recheck the numbers and include them in the final report.
Exhibits 34-36 of the RMP showing water and reclaimed water facilities in the preserve areas
were clarified that they did belong to Otay Water District. The area of Otay Ranch which
borders the Salt Creek Plan is not in the preserve area and is excluded from the sewer site
plan. The bird ranch is located away from the treatment facility. Also noted was that the
preserve owner-manager (POM) is to be recommended and the City of Chula Vista has not
yet been approached.
Questions from Commissioner Marquez were read by Chair Burrascano. Mr. Kilkenny
confirmed that they will build out one village prior to build-out of the second to avoid impacts
and will mitigate as they go along.
Mr. Kilkenny addressed the question on the POM. The City and County response is that the
POM cannot be run be one person, so all entities will take responsibility for at least the first
five years. For expertise in areas such as environmental education, enhancement, and exotic
plant control, expertise will be sought among restoration groups, Nature Interpretive Center,
and from non-profit and other private groups due to lack of funding. Page 51 shows an
organizational chart of management.
Commissioner Marquez commented on the current negotiations on the removal of coastal
sage restoration in mitigation requirements. Mr. Kilkenny stated it does not, and that
discussions are ongoing between the City of Chula Vista, County of San Diego, U.S. Fish &
Game and Fish & Wildlife on the South County version of the MSCP. One of the topics
covered is an exchange to declare more of Otay Ranch undevelopable, and Fish & Game and
Fish & Wildlife would agree to eliminate the current coastal sage scrub and maritime
succulent scrub restoration requirement. However, as discussions are ongoing, they are not
Resource Conservation Commission Page 5
part of the project or the Ellt, they will do restorations consistent to the RMP. Maybe as part
of the MSCP those plans could change later but for now no changes are proposed to the
RMP. They are also discussion preserve boundary changes.
Ms. Collins stated she will respond in writing to the following additional questions posed by
Commissioner Marquez that are still left unanswered:
• The coastal sage scrub plan restoration addressed on Page 19.
• Questions pertaining to the Master Plan
• Land boundary
• The meaning of the bullet point on page 19 needs to be clarified
• Question related to Page 58 not related to this SPA and POM
• The math on page 93 is inconsistent
• Pressure assessment page 100
• Questions on the RMP.
The GDP prohibits any structures within Salt Creek and its defining slopes. The proposed
university will be a permitted use within the preserve as listed on page 68 of the RMP. For
comparison purposes, it was noted that Southwestern College is approximately 100 acres; the
proposed university campus will be about 1000 acres.
Commissioner Hall asked if an RMP is required for any other land use within the preserve
boundary. It was answered that all land use is permitted and is specific, and that boundary
delineations are changed based on topography.
The following additional revisions will be included in Dudek's final documents for language
consistency and other clarification:
• The 10-year study Biota Monitoring
• Transects
• Fix wording so the mitigation bank preserve does not leave question as to the type of
funded activities allowed
• The conveyance of Poggi Canyon will be done concurrently with the developer in the area
• Monitoring of wetland every three yeazs is not enough time
• The final alignment of SR-125 has still not been considered and it is confirmed that it may
go through some vernal pool habitat
• The proposed sewer line is unacceptable
• Pitfall traps aze not in the RMP
• Vegetation map not addressed.
Commissioner Fisher noted that Figure 43-3 and 43-2.5 shows spadefoot toad in fire ruts; bats
are cited in project area with wide distribution data but no recent habitat or roosting site have
been found. He suggested they look in old structures on Telegraph Canyon Road in SPA I.
Resource Conservation Commission Pale 6
A motion was made to continue the Otay Ranch Phase II RMP to the next meeting (Clark/Ha1Q;
vote 5-0, motion carried.
Commissioner Fisher questioned the wording of the motion from the last meeting regarding the
Historical Society's budget transfer. He asked to put this item on the next agenda to discuss the
budget again and obtaining other funding sources.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by Chair Burrascano at 9:50 P.Ivt.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbaza Taylor
Resource Conservation Commission
Chula Vista, California
6:30 P.M.
Monday, March 25, 1996
Otay Ranch Conference Room
Otay Ranch Building
315 Fourth Ave._ Suite A
CALL MEETING TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: Meeting was called to order at 6:35 P.M. by Chair
Burrascano. City Staff Environmental Review Coordinator Doug Reid called roll. Also present:
Commissioners Clark, Hall, Marquez, and Yamada. It was MSUC (Marquez~Ilall) to excuse
Commissioner Fisher as previously noticed.
Also present: Jerry Jamriska, AICP Manager, Otay Ranch Staff
June Collins, Dudek & Associates
Kim Kilkenny, Baldwin Company
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: There was no quorum present from the February 12, 1996 meeting
to vote on the minutes. Minutes from March 11, 1996 will be voted on at the next meeting.
Review of Negative Declaration IS-96-16, Greg Rogers RV Storage: Modifications were
made to the mitigation as follows: Page 3, bullet 2 should read, "Acquire one acre of CSS
habitats in another site acceptable to the Director of Planning;" bullet 3, change the word
maintenance to "management." There were considerable comments from neighbors against
the project. RCC voiced that the project was located in a residential zone and could
potentially be a safety hazard. After a brief discussion, it was MSUC (Hall/Marquez) to
recommend denial of the project and the negative declaration; vote: 5-0, motion carried.
2. Otay Ranch SPA I EIR: Discussions from the past meeting were reviewed for clarification
purposes. It was observed that the cost estimate of the preserve management should
probably be higher; Mr. Kilkenny will review those estimates. A comment was made on the
small open space area east of Paseo Ranchero, that it connects biologically with the
remaining acreage of maritime succulent scrub on the west side of the open space. Ms.
Collins noted that Figure 5 of the biotechnical report shows that it does not actually connect
since the area is fragmented land and that section is already identified as being indirectly
impacted. It was recommended that a revegetation mitigation be established so that the
landscaping plan palette applied on the west side of the open space preserve also be applied
the same in the east. A concern was raised whether new owners changing midway through
the project would further delay buildout. It was explained that the plan is a stay for Otay
Ranch and would remain in effect whether or not the owners changed. It was MSUC
(YamadaBurrascano) to recommend approval of the Otay Ranch SPA I EIR with the
Resource Conservation Commission Page 2
recommendation that the revegetation mitigation include the same criteria east of the open
space as in the west; vote 5-0, motion carved.
Otay Ranch SPA I Resource Management Plan: Ms. Collins clarified some ofDudek's
responses from the March 11, 1996 meeting in regard to revegetation for Hemizonia and
coastal sage scrub, and funding for park operations. The definition of what constitutes
"active recreation within the 400 acres" was read. Commissioner Clark asked about the
impacts in the area west of Paseo Ranchero. Ms. Collins stated the area will be permanently
impacted with the first SPA but won't be conveyed. It was suggested that the area be
conveyed and preserved first, perhaps by fencing said west side of Paseo Ranchero and the
north side of Orange Avenue.
After brief discussion of the RMP, a motion was made by Burrascano not to approve the
Phase I RMP unless the green azeas designated as open space within the university campus
site be used for research only and not for building; Marquez seconded the motion with the
addition that a designated preserve owner-manager with experience and expertise in
managing open space plans be required after three yeazs; Clark added to the motion that
fencing be required in the portion west of Paseo Ranchero to maintain in current state
relative to conveyance; vote 4-1; no -Yamada; motion carries.
4. Discussion ofFY-1996-1997 budget: Tabled to the next meeting.
Review of Planning Commission Agenda for March 27, 1996: Mr. Jamriska stated they
were asked by the City to write a policy paper on the pros and cons of a gated community.
They were provided criteria for evaluation and a list of recommended guidelines. Otay
Ranch will make a presentation to the City Manager then evaluate all the projects versus the
criteria. After a brief review of the PC Agenda, no other action was taken by the RCC.
CHAIRMAN'S COMMENTS: Chair Burrascano requested Staff ask the mayor to appoint a new
member to the RCC.
COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS: Commissioner Marquez reminded members to turn in their
Form 740 by April 1, 1996.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by Chair Burrascano at 8:35 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,