Resowce Conservation Commission
Chula Vista, California
6:30 P.trt. Conference Room #1
Monday, March 24, 1997 Public Services Building
CALL MEETING TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: Meeting was called to order at 6:30 r.tot. by Chair Burcascano.
City Staff Environmental Review Coordinator Doug Reid called roll. Present: Commissioners Burcascano,
Hall, Marquez, Thomas, and Yamada. A motion was made and seconded (Burcascano/Mazquez) to excuse
Commissioner McAlister as previously noticed due to illness in his family; vote 5-0, motion carried. Also
present: Rick Rossler, Senior Planner for the Otay Ranch project. Commissioner Fisher amved at 6:42 P.M.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: It was MSUC (Mazquez/'Thomas) to approve the minutes of the meeting of
January 20, 1997, with the following corrections:
Corcect spelling for Susan Herney, Chairperson of the Transportation Committee.
Item #1, beginning with the 4th sentence: "... Ms. Mazquez asked if cardboard bins can be
included at the major shopping malls. Mr. Meacham stated this sowce recycling is already being
implemented." She also asked if Price Costco can be encowaged to not distribute their goods in
cazdboazd boxes which end up all over the city.
Item # 1 Line 10, replace the word `jurisdiction" with "HAZMAT."
Item #2, beginning with the second sentence: "Ms. Herney presented some criteria for developing
the COZ program. One criterion was that it address issues in which the City has control over; the
international traffic problem was not subject to the same criteria and therefore was not included in
the analysis. Ms. Marquez expressed that she would hope for a more aggressive plan. For example,
she felt that reducing the number of required pazking spaces available for businesses was not likely
to reduce COZ but rather increase it while people search longer for pazking. She did not feel many
issues ... "
Page 2, 1st pazagraph should begin: "Commissioner Thomas favored option #16 to emphasize
traffic signal upgrades to reduce carbon dioxide, eliminate option #10, and substitute it with the
recommendation to increase community and institutional environmental education."
3rd paragraph, 5th sentence should read: "It was explained that the emissions from boats were
insignificant, however, the study focused mostly on autos and emissions from SDG&E plant were
not addressed."
5th paragraph: change the vote to 6-0, motion tamed.
Page 3, under Commissioner's Comments: delete the sentence "She suggested someone in with the
environmental club can speak to the RCC"
Vote 6-0, motion carried. The corrected minutes of the meeting of January 20, 1997 is attached.
It was moved and seconded (Fisher/Marquez) to approve the minutes of the meeting of Mazch 10, 1997, with
the following corrections:
Delete the second listing of Mazquez under the Roll Call.
At the top of page 2 after the vote, insert "motion failed." The next sentence should be corrected
to, "Commissioner Fisher felt that anything built on top of a flood control ... "
Vote 5-0-1, (Thomas abstained as she was absent from that meeting); motion carried.
Resource Conservation Commission Pa e 2
1. Rick Rossler, Senior Planner, updated the RCC on the status of the Otay Ranch project. He stated a
major significant item was that the Otay Ranch was officially annexed to the City of Chula Vista, and the
Otay Valley parcel and Otay landfill were detached from the City. Several questions posed by members
of the RCC were answered by Mr. Rossler.
a. Commissioner Mazquez asked about services provided by the Regional County Services. Mr. Rossler
stated it included such things as the courts, libraries, district attorneys, and social and health services.
b. Mr. Rossler explained that alter Village Developers lost control of the project, McMillin proposed
another tentative map similaz and consistent with the SPA Plan of Village 5. This is now ready to
be implemented and the Planning Department will present this new map to Council for approval.
c. Regarding the outer surrounding slopes of Village 5, Mr. Rossler stated that there was no identified
habitat so it will be graded and planted with ornamental vegetation. He clarified that "ornamental"
does not necessazily mean native vegetation.
d. Commissioner Thomas asked about public transportation and roads expansions. Mr. Rossler stated
that the trolley will be routed down Palomaz near the Town Square Park, Telegraph Canyon Road
& LaMedia will be built out to a 6-lane road, Otay Lakes & H Street traffic signals will be upgraded,
and Orange Avenue to I-SOS will eventually be 6-lane roads to accommodate the traffic following
build-out of the homes. The developer will pay the fees for traffic and widening improvements.
e. It was explained that McMillin's plan is to expand LaMedia Road at the same time it is building
Phase 2B, Paseo Ranchero and Telegraph Canyon Road, in Village 1.
f. Mr. Rossler stated the preserve area is expected to be conveyed about June 1 following approval of
the fast Map.
g. Regazding the infrastructure for gray water, Mr. Rossler explained that water will be recycled to
irrigate the open space.
h. Mr. Rossler pointed out on a map the land areas that Village Developers will trade to expand Village
1. It will increase its density to S00 single family homes (from 400) with 3-4 dwelling units per acre.
i. After approval of the EIR, it was stated that the turn-azound time to begin the project would be at
least one year.
j. Commissioner Thomas noted that the off-site subdivision signs along Telegraph Canyon Road which
are repeated about every 100 yazds, are obtrusive. This item will be added to the next agenda and
discussed further at the next meeting.
k. Commissioner Fisher requested a copy of the ownership map; Mr. Rossler will provide it to him.
1. Commissioner Burrascano was concerned about any uncovered species not currently on the
preservation plan. Mr. Rossler stated that the Program EIR covers the entire 2100 acres under the
Tier 2 EIR.
m. Mr. Rossler suggested that the Executive Summary of the GDP and SPA Plan would be useful for
an overall summary of the project. These will be provided to Commissioners Thomas and McAlister,
the newest members of the RCC.
2. Review of Negative Declaration IS-97-16; Gateway Plaza -The rezoning issue was explained by Mr.
Reid. It was MSUC (Burrascano/Fisher) to accept the negative declaration, vote 6-0, motion carried.
3. The copy of the status of Broadway Homes Development was provided to the RCC in the agenda packet.
4. The copy of the letter to the U.S. Fish and Game Wildlife Service on San Diego National Wildlife
Refuge, was provided to the RCC in the agenda packet.
Resource Conservation Commission Pa e 3
5. Rice Canyon Oak Preserve: Commissioner Marquez observed that a new trail sign was put in just last
week. She noted, however, that some moisture has already gone through the casing and caused damage.
Mr. Reid stated since this was Rancho Del Rey's issue, the matter will be referred to them. Ms. Mazquez
also noted that for fire management for those homes located too close to the preserve, revegetation is
occurring with acacia seeds. Since this is a biological open space for the MSCP, this species should not
be allowed. This item will be added to the next agenda for discussion.
6. Several names were suggested for Environmentalist of the Year. After a brief discussion, the RCC
recommended that Barbaza Moore from the Nature Interpretive Center be nominated.
7. Review of Fiscal Year 1997/1998 Budget -unavailable; will be discussed at next meeting.
STAFF REPORT: Doug Reid reported he will be on vacation during the next two meetings.
Commissioner Thomas announced she will be taking her class to the South Bay International Wastewater
Treatment Plant. She extended an invitation to RCC members to attend the field trip on Apri14 at 1 P.M. Ms.
Thomas also mentioned that she called noise abatement at Montgomery Field and spoke to Jerry Price
regarding low-flying, loud planes in the late evening hours. She was told to refer all aviation questions to
the FAA. This matter will be passed on to Council for possible action.
Commissioner Marquez requested that when cancellation notices are sent out, that staff provide the draft
Minutes of the previous meeting for review. Ms. Mazquez also mentioned that the Sweetwater Authority will
be putting a demineralization plant at Sweetwater Road downsVeam from a potential source of pollution from
SR-125. Chemical spills would threaten our water.
Commissioner Hall shared a newspaper article on Environmental Planning in Portland, Oregon regazding
undeveloped open space and development areas. She requested members receive a copy of the article.
Commissioner Fisher stated that at the comer of the Sunbow properly, grading was done right through the
maritime succulent scrub. Staff will refer the matter to proper department. Mr. Fisher saw in a recent article
on the MSCP that Governor Wilson gave funding to the City to buy land for the UC development. He
requested that Bob Leiter provide a statement on this issue.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by Chair Burrascano at 8:35 r.t,-t
Respectfully submitted,
Bazbaza Taylor