HomeMy WebLinkAboutRCC MIN 1998/01/19MINUTES OF A SCHEDULED REGULAR MEETING N~ ~ ~r"//D !~(~~~
Resource Conservation Commission ~~~ ~/2! ~ ~
Chula Vista, California
6:30 P.M. Conference Room #1
Monday' December 1, 1997 Public Services Building
CALL MEETING TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: Meeting was called to order at 6:31 P.M. by Chair
Yamada. City Staff person, Barbara Reid was present. Also present: Commissioners
Burrascano, McAlister, Yamada, Bull. It was moved and seconded (McAlisterBull) to excuse
Commissioner Marquez for personal reasons; vote 3-1, no - Burrascano (not a valid excuse);
motion tamed. Commissioners Fisher and Thomas arrived late.
Review of Negative Declaration IS-98-04, Drainage Channel Improvement: There were no
questions for the applicant by the RCC. It was MSUC (Bul]/McAlister) to recommend
acceptance of the negative declaration; vote 4-0, motion carved.
[Fisher arrived at 6:35 p.m.; Thomas arrived at 6:40 p.m.]
2. Review of Negative Declaration IS-9S-O8: Robert Lisi was present for the San Diego Church
of Christ Church; john Clingham was present for the Boys and Girls Club. The RCC asked
for clarification on the timing of the landscape and imgation plans. Mr. Lisi stated the current
dirt lot would be reseeded and turned into a ball field. Mr. Lisi explained that parishioners
would refrain from parking on residential streets at the request of its neighbors. In case of
overflow parking, they would be redirected to the adjacent Greg Rogers Park. After a brief
discussion, the RCC was in favor ofthe mitigated negative declaration; however,
Commissioner Bull suggested the following revisions be made to the document for
cla;i.-"",cation purl;oses:
a. Page 2, paragraph 5, to re-evaluate the current proposal after "six months" rather than one
b. Page 3, under Aesthetics, add a last sentence, "Use of the parking area for less than two
years represents ashort-term effect and is not considered a significant adverse impact."
c. Page 4, paragraph 1, is revised: "During a heavy rainfall event, it may not be possible to
use the unpaved area as a parking lot due to ponding of water and muddy conditions.
These are anticipated to be short-term and limited in the number of occurrences and as
such, they are not considered significant impacts. The city will review the project's
parking impacts after a 6-month period and determine if any additional measures will be
required. No further mitigation will be required at this time."
d. Under E.1., add: "This plan needs to be adopted and implementation initiated within two
years of the date and approval of the CUP."
Resource Conservation Commission
It was MSUC (Bu1UThomas) to accept the mitigated negative declaration with the above-
suggested revisions; vote 6-0, motion carried.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: It was moved and seconded (Burrascano/Fisher) to approve the
minutes ofNovember 17, 1997 with the following corrections:
a. Page 1, number 2, "Cliff Swanson presented his report on Valley Fever and issues related
to construction dust controls. After much discussion, it was MSUC (ThomasButrascano)
to recommend that appropriate staffnotify parties of Public Works and construction site
inspectors regarding concerns of the need for air quality dust mitigation measures,
development of an ordinance from staff regarding suggested air quality control as it relates
to dust mitigation, and the need to review the progress in Tune of 1998; ..."
b. Page 2, last line of number 4, " ...traffic patterns in C-N areas will be added ..."
Vote: 5-0-1, McAlister abstained as he was absent from that meeting; motion carved.
Historic Designation -This item was postponed until a member from the I3istorical Society
can be present at the meeting.
2. Memo from City Attorney regarding Proposition 208 -Commissioner Burrascano asked
whether this memo referred to commissioners being prohibited from campaigning for political
members or from making financial contributions to those campaigns. She felt strongly against
any proposition which would inhibit her ability to campaign for and endorse any political
candidate. Barbara Reid believed this memo referred to contributions to candidates; however,
she will seek clarification from the City Attorney and advise Burrascano of same.
City Council Priorities: The RCC made revisions and comments to the following "Top Seven
Areas" sit b}• ConrciL
a. Bayfront - "Location: Coastal related commercial, industrial, environmental, and
recreational properties west of I-5 between SR-54 and "L" Street."
"Continue the redevelopment and re-planning of the Bayfront Project Area to encourage
and facilitate quality visitor-serving commercial, recreational, environmental, and
residential development."
Revise last bullet: "Establish the Chula Vista Bayfront as a resort and ecotourism
Add: "Promote development of South Bav Wildlife Refuee."
Resource Conservation Commission Page 3
Development ofBavfront needs to maximize ecoloeical potential of the unioue habitat
b. Third Avenue -Downtown -The RCC would like to see a definition of"quality" as it
refers to infill commercial and office development and "quality" commercial tenants.
"Continue marketing, leasing, and image enhancement programs with the Downtown
Business Association toward the goal of re-establishing the Downtown as the commercial,
cultural. historical. and civic focus of the City.
"Promote commercial development that would meet the specific needs of the local
c. Broadway Revitalization -RCC requests definitions of "blighting influences" and
"quality" as it refers to commercial and retail development.
d. Otay Valley - "Encourage and facilitate quality commercial, entertainment, recreation,
environmental preservation. and industrial development.
"Capitalize and expand on the opportunities created by the Auto Park, ...toward the goal
of improving the image and character of the area and minimizing environmental impacts "
Add: "Continual development of the Otav Regional Park as a central theme to the
development of the Vallev"
Encourage desienation of preserve lands under proposed MSCP "
e. Higher Education Center/Environmental Sciences Institute -Add as a second bullet:
"Gifu advance the planning of an environmental studies institution associated with
management of the MSCP species preserve in the Salt Creek area
The RCC requests clarification on how the education center relates to the $10,000 grant
already received by the City.
f. SR-125 -Add the following bullets: "Work to resolve environmental issues and property
Relook at the tunnel issue.
Three members of the RCC strongly felt that the SR-125 goal should be eliminated from
the City's list of goals.
g. Improve City Revenue Base - no comments by RCC.
Resource Conservation Commission Pa e 4
The "Top Seven Areas of Improvement" were then prioritized by the RCC as follows:
1. Bayfront
2. Higher Education
3. Otay Valley
4. Third Avenue -Downtown
5. Broadway Revitalization
6. Improve City Revenue Base
7. SR-125
CFIAIRMAIY'S COMIs~NTS: The next RCC meeting will be January 5, 1998.
COMR~IISSIONER'S COMIs~NTS: McAlister will tender his resignation from the RCC this
month. He commended the commission on their hard work and thanked them for the opportunity
to serve the City.
Burrascano presented the Vernal Pools of Southern California Plan which was recently released.
She stated she would like to see the City adopt the preservation of the vernal pools as an
additional goal.
Thomas stated that in the coming year she would like the RCC to review water reclamation plans
and traffic iiili~astructure.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by Chair Yamada at 8:34 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Taylor