Resource Conservation Commission
Chula Vista, California
6:30 P.M. Conference Room #1
Monday, November 6, 1995 Public Services Building
CALL MEETING TO ORDERBOLL CALL: Meeting was called to order at 6:32 r.M. by Chair
Burrascano. City Staff Environmental Review Coordinator Doug Reid called roll. Present:
Commissioners Clark, Hall, Marquez, and Yamada. It was MSUC (Hall/Marquez) to excuse
Burrascano from the meeting of October 23, 1995 due to illness; vote 4-0-1 (Burrascano
abstained), motion carried. It was MSUC (Marque7lBurrascano) to excuse Fisher who is out of
town this date; vote 5-0, motion carried. Hall requested to be excused for the next meeting.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The following corrections were made to the minutes of the meeting
of October 23, 1995:
- bullet #2, last sentence should read: "Additional techniques (including pitfall traps and
drift fences) need to be incorporated.
- bullet #7 should read: "The concern was expressed that the difference in the numbers of
lots permitted on some (Ross property) of non-Otay Ranch parcels, was considerably
greater if annexation to Chula Vista occurs."
- bullet #8 should read: "The drainage basins are maintained by the City."
Paee 2:
- bullet #6 should read: "The proposed .4 to 1 replacement mitigation ratio of coastal sage
scrub was found inadequate by RCC and depending solely on seeding was questioned."
- bullet #7 should read: "The Otay Ranch GDP guidelines call for 100% cactus wren
preservation. The proposed project impacts pairs. Restoration of cactus wren habitat
has never been attempted and is not sufficient mitigation."
- bullet #13 is deleted.
- b~~llet #14, the last sentence should read: "Otay Ranch did not consider this and will be
checking it out."
- first bullet, last phrase should read: "...currently pre-zoned for general development,
could possibly oppose."
Page 3. under the motion section:
- bullet #9 is replaced with: "Bio resources occur on the south-facing slope of Poggi
Canyon; leaving the existing vegetation would lessen biological impacts significantly
while not affecting project foot print or reducing housing density."
- add bullet #11 to the motion: "The corridor issues have not been sufficiently addressed."
- the vote should read 5-0; motion carried.
It was moved and seconded (Marquez/Clark) to approve the minutes with the above-stated
corrections; vote 4-0-1 (Burrascano abstained due to absence from meeting), motion carried.
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2. Item #2 was moved up on the Agenda. Review of Negative Declaration for IS-95-27, Hilltop
Terrace: Tim Leary, architect, briefly described the modification and relocation of the sewer
easements around the project. It was MSUC (Burrascano/flall) to accept the mitigated
negative declaration; vote 5-0, motion carried.
1. Review of Negative Declazation for IS-95-04, Central Drainage Basin from Second Avenue:
The drainage system along project area is a low flow channel and does not meet the 100-yeaz
flood standard. The underground facility will be upgraded and mitigated to meet current
standards. It was MSUC (YamadaBurrascano) to accept the mitigated negative declaration;
vote 5-0, motion carried.
3. Review ofNegative Declazation for IS-94-08, Reconstruction and surfacing of Broadway
from Naples St. to Anita St.: After a review of the project and brief discussion, it was MSUC
(Yamada/Clark) to approve the negative declazation, vote 5-0, motion tamed.
A second motion was made that City personnel be encouraged to coordinate this and all other
similaz projects with the utility companies (telephone, cable, sewer, etc.) to eliminate the need
to redig the streets; MSUC (Mazque7/Bunascano), vote 5-0, motion carried.
A third motion was made that the City consider reconfiguring the intersection of Orange
Avenue to eliminate the bottleneck at Palomaz Street; MSUC (Hall/Mazquez), vote 5-0,
motion carried.
5. Item #5 was moved up next on the Agenda. Kim Kilkenny of the Baldwin Company was
present to respond to comments prepazed by Dudek & Company. Commissioner Fisher had
submitted his comments on the Otay Ranch SPA I EIR in writing and requested they be
forwazded to Council, Planning Commission, and other resource agencies.
Comments were made on the inadequate studies conducted for the Otay tarplant, acanthamintha,
and other sensitive plants and species. Specifically, if some sensitive species were not studied, the
RCC questioned whether other species and habitat were ignored. Also, since spring surveys were
not conducted on some species, the question was raised whether adequate and complete reports
were submitted on the E1R Mr. Kilkenny noted that spring surveys were done for sensitive
species (including the gnatcatcher and Arroyo Toad) and some plants on the SPA level. Further,
there was not significant amounts of acanthamintha identified within SPA I, although there is
some located south of Orange Avenue.
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Discussion was held on the issue of the proposed trolley line where it would impact through
sensitive areas of the Otay tarplant. The traffic issues addressed in the studies for the EIR were
done and assumed that the trolley would not be built within SPA I.
Mr. Kilkenney explained the 100% preservation of the cactus wren based on viable populations.
The impact area will be mitigated by revegetating the area. "Viable" is applicable to the cactus
wren only. The report stated that cactus wren were found in pairs and in singles. Some of the
other habitat located are isolated and fragmented and therefore, not viable. The maritime
succulent scrub will have 51% restoration.
RCC pointed out that the vernal pool discussion on page 107 notes significant impacts, but they
are inadequately addressed in the EIR. Mr. Kilkenney said that they had been previously
addressed in other reports but not repeated in this report because all comments are incorporated
by reference. He said that the corridor thru Poggi Canyon is not part of SPA I; therefore, it is not
addressed. He directed the questions regarding the pond and whether the willows qualified as
wetland vegetation, to the Dudek Company. He stated that the willows were not obligate, and
that young willows are located along Telegraph Canyon Road. The rest of the questions was to
be directed to Dudek.
On Page 5-2, the RCC felt that the alternative sections were not good CEQA-required
alternatives. The assumption is that the area is going to be developed. Biologically, they felt that
Alternative C is affected.
It was requested by RCC that the City do a daily construction monitoring as opposed to weekly
monitoring for SPA I adjacent to the areas of the habitat.
Mr. Kilkenney stated that the cactus wren, jojoba bushes, and chollas cactus, are among the
species that are viable but not strong. In some areas only one pair of cactus wren was located,
and throughout the project area the sensitive plants were located in fragmented and unconnected
sites. He clarified some of the q~xestions regazding transects and gnatcatcher studies.
Mr. Kilkenney suggested the RCC meet with Dudek Company for specific answers on the studies
they had conducted. Dudek will be requested to attend a special meeting November 20. The
Planning Commission will meet November 8 to close the public hearing, consider the SPA on
November 15 and 17, then take no action on the EIR until the November 29 meeting. All
comments should be in for consideration by that time.
4. Review of Planning Commission Agenda for November 8, 1995. Public Hearing EIR-95-01;
RCC has already taken action. No further action by Commission.
STAFF REPORT: Doug Reid reported that half of the next phase of historical site signs are
installed. Six more aze done and will be installed in the neaz future.
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CHAIRMAN'S COMMENTS: Requested that the mayor appoint a new member for the one
vacancy on RCC.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by Chair Burrascano at 8:38 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Bazbaza Taylor