Resource Conservation Commission
Chula Vista, California
6:30 p.m. Council Conference Room
Monday, October 10, 1994 Ci Hall Building Chula Vista
CALL MEETING TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: Meeting was called to order with a quorum at
6:40 p.m. by Chair Burrascano. City Staff Environmental Review Coordinator Doug Reid called
roll. Present: Commissioners Hall, Mazquez, Fisher. A motion had already been made to excuse
Ghougassian from tonight's meeting. Guerreiro has been unexcused for the third straight
meeting. Staff Reid will call him regarding his status with the commission.
APPROVAL OF NIINUTES: It was MSUC (Hall/Mazquez) to approve the minutes of the
meeting of September 26, 1994 with two corrections: No. 2, para. 2, the name in the last
sentence should be corrected to read "Fisher." Page 2, No. 3, the 5th sentence should read, "Hall
also asked if any of the funding was for the 125 toll road." Vote: 4-0, motion carved.
NEW BUSINESS: The agenda was taken out of order to accommodate the guests.
1. Historical Site #44, 644 Second Ave., Deletion ofPermit Control Requirements: The
applicant was present to answer any questions of the commission. After a very brief review,
it was MSUC (HalUFisher) to grant a removal of the site permit control requirements from
his property; 4-0, motion carried.
2. Staff Meacham presented his report on adding aerosol cans and empty steel containers to
residential curbside recycling. Residents were directed to contact APTEC, 235-2111, for
proper disposal of such items. He explained that no additional cost would be incurred by the
rate payers or to the city. It was MSUC (HalUFisher) to recommend acceptance of the staff
report and authorize staff to add empty aerosol containers to the list of items collected in
the residential curbside recycling program; vote: 4-0, motion carried. Following the vote,
the commission was updated about the Recycling Public Education Plan, as well as the
current solid waste programs.
3. Salt Creek, Gravity Sewer Basin Negative Declaration IS-94-24: It was MSUC
(Mazquez/Hall) to recommend adoption of the negative declaration to establish the Salt
Creek Basin Development Impact Fee to pay for sewer improvements within the Salt Creek
Sewer Basin; vote 4-0, motion carried.
4. Environmental Improvement Recommendation Review - no discussions. No change was
made to the content, but typos were corrected. It was MSUC (Hall/Mazquez) to approve
the recommendations as corrected. Chair Burrascano will make the corrections for
presentation to Council.
The ordinance which establishes the duties of the RCC was reviewed by Staff Reid. Its
duties are related to the environment, energy, and historical protection. Additionally, Reid
said the draft EIR of the sphere study will be coming before the commission within the next
couple of months. LAFCO is the responsible agency for the overall project; however,
Chula Vista will be the lead agency. Commission was advised that it can make
recommendations to City Council in its review of documents such as these.
Chair Burrascano requested Staff to make an effort to contact the Historical Society when
issues such as tonight's presentation (Site #44) comes before the commission.
6. No review of Planning Commission agenda as their meeting was cancelled.
STAFF REPORT: The City is still moving on with the 4(d) permits. There is an impasse with the
county on how much take is permitted.
The next scheduled meeting of October 24 is one day prior to council approving the 5th
Alternative on the MSCP Plan. Staff Reid suggested a workshop prior to that time to explain all
the alternatives and to allow for adequate discussion for the new members. Fisher advised he will
not be present for the October 24 meeting.
CHAIRMAN'S COMMENTS: Chair Burrascano met with Staff to discuss several issues:
(a) Historical review status will be kept as part of the commission's duties; (b) suggestion made
that other commissions provide a status review so as to avoid overlap in duties; (c) do more
group review and mitigation when proposed; and (d) requested and received guidelines from
Staff as to what is an excusable absence.
COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS: Marquez asked where the fire of October 9 was located.
The area was pointed out on a map indicating where the 2000 acres were consumed. She also
asked if thought was given to not tear out roads two different times to repair water lines and
street lights on Second Avenue.
Fisher requested time to review the Alternatives to the MSCP Plan.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by Chair Burrascano at 9:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Taylor