HomeMy WebLinkAboutRCC MIN 1993/07/12MINUTES OF A SCHEDULED REGULAR MEETING D /~ Resource Conservation Commission ~^"I Chula Vista, California 6:00 p.m. Conference Room 111 Mondav..Tune 7. 1993 Public Services Buildin¢ CALL MEETING TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p. m. by Chairman Kracha. Present: Commissioners Kracha, Hall, Johnson, Burrascano. Staff Present: Environmental Review Coordinator Doug Reid, Associate Planner Bazbaza Reid. Mr. Reid advised the commission that member McNair had advised him verbally of her resignation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MSUC (Johnson/Hall) (4-0) to approve the minutes of the May 24, 1993 meeting as presented. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Review of Negative Declaration IS-93-36 -South Bay Community Services Associate Planner Barbara Reid introduced Dan Marcus of South Bay Community Services to review the proposal. Mr. Marcus cited the need for homeless family housing in the South Bay area, adding that this issue was addressed in the city's General Plan. He stated that this program would provide services for the homeless, coordinating with various public agencies. Families may stay for up to 60 days, during which time they must be working or actively seeking employment; a case manager will be assigned to each family. House rules will include prohibitions against drugs, alcohol, etc. -Commissioner Myers arrived at 6:08 p.m.- Mr. Marcus answered questions from the commissioners. This program is for families only, both (approximately 50/50) one- and two-parent families. -Commissioner Ghougassian arrived at 6:10 p.m.- In response to further questions, Mr. Marcus stated that the City has committed to acquisition funds, with South Bay Community Services to be responsible for operations funding. If families are not stabilized after 60 days, SBCS will assist them into apaztment units; additionally, a transitional housing program is being studied for the adjacent property. The original proposal has been modified somewhat in response to concerns raised; for example, each unit will have a kitchen, rather than the communal kitchen originally planned. Each case manager will handle twelve families, and the house rules are not yet completed. Hazt Klein, a neighboring property owner, addressed the commission, advising that the Chula Vista Housing Authority had turned the project down on a 2-1 vote due to concerns about the fiscal sense of the program, finding it unreasonably expensive. He stated that the neighbors were against the project, and cited traffic/safety, lack of a play area for the children, and insufficient on-site parking as some of the reasons for opposition to the program at this location. RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION -2- JUNE 9, 1993 Assistant Planner Reid summarized the concerns received in writing from neighbors, along with staff's response, as follows: 1) lack of a play azea -this is an existing problem rather than one created by the program; 2) insufficient pazking -a parking survey had been conducted, resulting in the conclusion that the majority of homeless people do not have vehicles; 3) traffic accidents on Fourth Avenue -project will not increase impacts due to less traffic originating from project; 4) noise -an accoustician had indicated that no impact would be anticipated; 5) fire access -fire department feels that access is sufficient. Commissioner Johnson asked if there was anything SBCS could do to make this project acceptable to the neighbors; Mr. Klein responded that the neighbors were also concerned about the fiscal responsibility of this program, citing other ways in which money could be spent to achieve a homeless housing program. Mr. Marcus responded that alternatives had been looked at. Ms. Reid pointed out three corrections to be made on page two of the mitigated negative declaration for this project. In paragraph one, third line, replace "resident" with "property owner"; pazagraph 6, line one, replace "19" spaces with "24" spaces; paragraph 6, line ten, replace "0.38" (parking spaces per bed) with "0.16". Commissioner Ghougassian asked what would happen if the program proves unsuccessful; Ms. Reid responded that this would be handled through the conditional use permit as the land use document. Commissioner Myers stated that she strongly disagreed with the statement on page four of the environmental checklist which indicates that the existing school system is not expected to be impacted; she stated that the constant rotation of children from this program will impact the azea school. Commissioner Hall voiced agreement with Myers' statements. MSC (Burrascano/Johnson) (5-1, Ghougassian opposed) to accept Mitigated Negative Declaration IS-93-36. MSUC (Kracha/Ghougassian) (6-0) that a condition of approval be included in the conditional use permit requiring annual review of the program. Commissioner Ghougassian felt that the City Council should note the following with regard to this program: 1) the existing population is 34 persons; 2) sensitivity should be demonstrated to the economic impact of this program on the neighborhood; 3) he is opposed to an additional potential project next door for long term homeless, as it perpetuates the homeless. 2. Budget for Fiscal Year 1993 - 1994 Environmental Review Coordinator Doug Reid explained the proposed budget for the next fiscal year, which has been tentatively approved by the City Council. Commissioner Kracha asked for an explanation of expenditures by this commission for the next meeting; commissioner Hall stated that she would like to look at ways of using excess funds next yeaz to purchase plaques RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION -3- JUNE 9 1993 for historic sites. 3. Review of Planning Commission Agenda for June 9 1993 Mr. Reid explained the items before the Planning Commission at its next meeting. STAFF COMMENTS• Mr. Reid reported that the City Council had continued the proposed administrative procedures regarding the listing of the California Gnatcatcher from the meeting of June 1, 1993 until June 22, 1993. COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS: Commissioner Hall stated that she had responded to the letter from the City Clerk indicating her continued interest in serving on this commission. Commissioner Myers stated that she had a schedule conflict with a class, and would therefore miss meetings for the next three months. Mr. Reid indicated that these would be excused absences. Commissioner Ghougassian stated that he would probably miss the next meeting due to a business trip. AD.iOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:37 p.m. J ~ 1 Patty vins, Recorder