Resource Conservation Commission
Chula Vista, California
6:30 p.m.
Monday, October 11
Council Chambers
Public Services Building
CALL MEETING TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: Meeting was called to order at 6:30 p. m. by
Vice-Chairman Hall. City Staff Environmental Review Coordinator Doug Reid called roll.
Present: Commissioners Hall, Myers, Burrascano, Guerreiro. It was MSUC (Myers/Hall) to
excuse Commissioner Kracha who is out of town; and Ghougassian who is campaigning the
month of October; vote 4-0. [Commission Johnson not yet present].
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: It was MSUC (Burrascano/Guerreiro) to approve the minutes of
the meeting of September 20, 1993 with two corrections: Page one, Item A'2 discussion under
Negative Declaration IS-93-43 -Myers' comments and objection related to the taking of the
gnatcatcher habitat along H Street. On Page 2, item Jl3 under Commissioner's Comments,
Myers asked that "minutes be received by Thursday for adequate time to review..."; vote 4-0.
L It was requested by Vice-Chairman Hall to move election of officers to the nett meeting.
2. It was MSUC (Burrascano/Myers) to accept Barbara Hall as the RCC representative for
the Conditional Use Permit Review Advisory Committee; 4-0.
3. Negative Declaration IS-93-32 -Doug Reid reported that the City was requested to prepare
a report on how to fully mitigate the negative impact on the school district so it would be in
compliance. The two school districts involved requested SANDAG do a study on the fee
structure. Hall opposed the negative declaration due to the impact to the schools and parks,
taking of land space and the fact that this is not initially provided for. Myers stated that the
superintendent may not have necessarily spoken for the teachers and that the class size is already
overcrowded. Guerreiro felt that the area is already too dense. [Commission Johnson arrived
at 6:56 p.m.].
Further discussion was held on the density of the azea. It was then MSUC (Hall/Myers) to deny
approval for the Negative Declaration IS-93-32; vote 5-0.
4. It was MSUC (Ha1UMyers) to excuse Johnson from the meeting of September 20 due to
previous business plans; vote 5-0.
5. Negative Declaration for Lucky Store IS-93-20 -Doug Reid reported on the specifics of
the negative declaration, including information on the two loading facilities located on the south
side of the building; the consolidation of delivery times to the store; additional right turn lanes
to be added on J Street to enter at the post office; and the left turn signal to be installed on 3rd
Avenue. Myers stated she could not support the document because she needed further
information regarding the impact and more time to review. Guerreiro opposed the lazger store
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in an akeady dense area and the taking of adjacent playground space. It was moved and
seconded (Butrascano/Johnson) to approve the negative declaration for Lucky Stores; vote 3-2
(no: Myers and Guerreiro), motion failed for lack of majority.
In further discussion, it was noted that if this negative declaration was not approved, Lucky
Stores would just move to another location because they lost their lease at the present location.
This is also the only major supermazket in the general area and one that residents can walk to.
Myers said she would withdraw her negative vote if it meant the store would have rove the
entirely out of the azea, which is what would happen. The motion was repeated to aPP
negative declaration for Lucky Stores (Burtascano/Johnson); vote 4-1, motion carried.
6. Doug Reid reported that a joint CEQA class (Planning Commission, Council, RCC, etc.)
is scheduled for Saturday, December 4, 1993. Attorney Tina Thomas, special counsel on
CEQA, will also be present to conduct the meeting.
A special workshop prior to the CEQA class is planned for November 1, 1993, 6:00 p.m.
A Boazd and Commissions workshop on Rules and Regulations is scheduled for November 15th
for all new members.
7. Public Facilities Financing -this item postponed until next meeting.
8. Ideas for Improving the Environment -this item postponed until next meeting.
9. Planning Commission Agenda -public hearings; no action taken by commission.
1. Annual Boazd and Commission Banquet to be held at the Country Club on November 30th.
2. City Clerk announced that the secretary will not be calling members to remind them of the
meeting. Members are to call into the office to Lupe for excused absences, and eazly enough
to determine if a quorum will be available at meetings.
3. Staff will write a thank you letter to Athena Bradley for all her assistance to the
commission and have it available for the chairman's signature.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned (Myers/Hall) by Vice Chairman Hall at 8:04
p.m.; vote 5-0.
Rfe/sp~ectfully submitted, '~,~ J
Resource Conservation Commission
Chula Vista, California
Conference Room ifl
6:30 p.m.
Monday, October 25, 1993 Public Services Building
CALL MEETING TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: Meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by
Chairman Kracha. City Staff Environmental Review Coordinator Doug Reid called roll.
Present: Commissioners Hall, Kracha, Myers and Burrascano. It was MSUC (HalUBurrascano)
to excuse Ghougassian due to his campaign for public office, and Johnson due to work
commitment; 4-0. Guerreiro's absence will be voted on at the next meeting.
1. Councilman Len Moore was unavailable to discuss the overcrowding of schools.
2. It was MSUC (Ha1UBurrascano) to nominate John Kracha for chairman of the RCC. Mr.
Kracha accepted the nominafion and further nominations were closed; vote 4-0.
3. A brief review was made of Negative Declaration for IS-94-03, AT&T Drainage Repair.
It was MSUC (HalUMyers) to accept the negative declaration; vote 4-0.
4. Kracha explained the Ideas for Improving the Environment. Commissioners were asked
to present any ideas in writing. The subject could include background information, fiscal
impact analysis and a recommended action. A consistent format will sfill need to be
Kracha submitted the first two items: (a) available composted material to residents at no
cost; and (b) recommend City procure products containing recycled materials. These
suggestions aze attached as part of the minutes.
Myers brought up four items which will be put in a written format for the next meeting:
(a) the no curfew rule at Brown Field; (b) have the City set limit to curtail the
overcrowded schools; (c) the aesthetics of the new Pier One on Bonita Road and I-805
does not fit in with the surrounding buildings; and (d) the lit billboard announcing Plaza
Bonita; it was clarified that this is technically within National City's boundary.
Hall verbally suggested Council work with the school board to ensure adequate school
facilities; and developers building on infill programs be required to make payment toward
pazk mitigation or for the purchase of land for the green belt.
5. Planning Commission Agenda, all public hearings: PCM-94-09, vacation of Moss Street
between Alpine and Naples; no action by commission. This item has been through traffic
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PCC-94-09, CUP to establish private school in the Eastlake Business Center. Owner of
the building requests a 5-year lease and staff opposes and recommends a 2-year lease; no
action by commission.
PCA-93-01, amendment of Title 19 of Municipal Code to aglow auctions subject to
approval of CUP; RCC previously voted 4-2 to deny the negative declaration and took no
further action at this time.
The next City Council/Board of Supervisor's mcefing will address Otay Ranch on October 28.
Reminder of the workshop on CEQA scheduled for Monday, November 1, 1993, 6:00 p.m.
Saturday, December 4th at 8:30 a.m. is the joint workshop for CEQA.
November 15, 1993 is the City Clerk's workshop on Rules and Regulations. New members
were specifically requested to attend.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned (MSUC Hall/Myers) by Chairman Kracha at
7:18 p. m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Taylor