Resource Conservation Commission
Chula Vista, California
6:30 p.m. Conference Room #1
Monday, January 10, 1994 Public Services Building
CALL MEETING TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: Meeting was called to order at 6:38 p. m. by
Chairman Kracha. City Staff Environmental Review Coordinator Doug Reid called roll.
Present: Commissioners Hall, Kracha, Ghougassian, Myers, Burrascano. Absent Johnson,
Guerreiro. It was MSUC (Hall/Myers) to excuse Commissioner Johnson from the special
meeting of December 6, 1993 and tonight's meeting; 5-0. It was MSUC (HalUMyers) to excuse
Commissioner Ghougassian from the last two workshop meetings; 5-0. It was moved and
seconded (Kracha/Burrascano) not to excuse Commissioner Guerreiro from the last workshop
meeting and tonight's meeting; 4-1, no-Myers.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: It was MSUC (Burrascano/Myers) to approve the minutes of the
meeting of November 22, 1993; 5-0.
1. IS-91-15 Negative Declaration -Bonita Hills Executive Estates. Kracha raised questions
on the lot lines and division of property. Myers asked if the school district was satisfied
with the proposed project. She noted that letters dated 10/1/90 and 10/4/90 received from
the school district were outdated and requested new letters be submitted. Burrascano
raised concerns of mitigation for the revegetation work. She felt the negative declaration
is insufficient for the following reasons: it does not adequately address the study of
amphibian and reptile in the area, the individual impact of homes to open space with
endangered species nesting in low brush, no limitation as to whether the work will be done
during breeding season, and the revegetation plan as it affects the sewage and drainage
pipe. Ghougassian noted there has been considerable redesign of the project for
mitigation. He felt no need for the EIR and further bureaucracy to delay the project.
It was moved and seconded (Ghougassian/Kracha) to accept the negative declaration;
motion failed 3-2, ayes: Ghougassian, I{racha, Hall; nos: Burrascano, Myers.
Ghougassian noted that the project only includes eight acres and about 12 homes, as
opposed to a large development. He felt that there is more economic interest to the
developer and that the bureaucracy should not interfere in his objectives. The
environmental impact is not significant enough to delay the project any longer.
It was moved and seconded (Burrascano/Myers) to have this project go to a full
environmental impact report due to the deficiencies in the negative declaration and the
impact to the schools. Motion failed 2-3, ayes: Burrascano, Myers; nos: Ghougassian,
Hall, Kracha.
Resource Conservation Commission Page 2
Kracha suggested the applicant, Michael Demich, appeaz at the next meeting to answer
questions of the board. He further requested staff have the schools resubmit another letter.
It was MSUC (Kracha/Myers) to table this item to the next meeting; 5-0.
2. The Environmental Improvement Recommendations was briefly reviewed with a few minor
clerical corrections: Condition Use Permit should be Conditional Use Permit; Brown Field
in San Diego (correct spelling and location); Landscape Policy -recommended for use (not
sue). It was MSUC (Burrascano/Myers) to accept the recommendations with the
corrections; 5-0. Myers commented that the schools issue was adequate, but not strong
Doug Reid stated that the CEQA guidelines update is delayed until spring because of a
major change in the policy.
Kracha requested staff have the new recycling coordinator attend an RCC meeting to be
introduced to the boazd.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Kracha at 7:40 p. m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Taylor