Conference Room 1
6:00 p.m. Public Services Building
Wednesday Auoust 21, 1991 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista
Chairperson Wheeland, Committee members
Castro, McFarlin, Palmer, Platt
Member Roberts, with notification
Member Berlanga, without notification
Associate Planner Frank Herrera-A
Deputy City Manager Jim Thompson
Director of Libraries Rosemary Lane
Planning Technician Patty Smith
Motion (Castro/Platt) (4-0, McFarlin abstaining) to approve
the minutes of the July 3, 1991 meeting with the following
corrections: bottom of page one should read 'Marshalls and
Border Patrol'; spelling of Lettiere corrected on page two.
In response to the notice that the Traffic Engineer's report
would be presented to the committee on September 4, 1991,
Chairperson Wheeland stated that she was very disappointed in
the lack of action; she noted that she felt the committee was
not taken seriously.
Rosemary Lane, Director of Libraries, updated the committee on
the progress of the proposed library at Fourth and Orange
Avenues. She noted that the Parks and Recreation department
had hired POD,a landscape firm called, which had submitted
various plans that had been presented to numerous committees.
She stated that as she recalled, the MPC had favored a park
primarily, and had strongly supported the library and a
community center; other items had been less favorably viewed
by the committee. Ms. Lane showed the committee the site plan
that had been submitted to the state library for a grant; this
site plan had been viewed as that with the best chance for
gaining grant approval. She stated that a 35,000 sq.ft.
building and 175 parking spaces, calculated according to a
state required formula, were included on the site plan.
Ms. Lane informed the committee that the language of the grant
required that the land be used to provide direct library
services; this library included an exhibit hall, a conference
room, a literacy center, technical user center, and other
amenities. However, she noted that the community center was
no longer included, as a result of the language. Member
Palmer stated that the community center was not a crucial item
to this committee; members agreed that grassy areas and an
amphitheater had been more important. Ms. Lane stated that if
the plan shown was thus acceptable, a new grant would not have
to be applied for. She further informed the committee that if
the area originally reserved for the community center had to
be reinstated, she would have to reapply for the grant; this
application was costly, and carried no guarantee of approval.
Ms. Lane added that although the grant did not include
sufficient funds for an amphitheater, she had recommended to
Parks and Recreation that one be built.
Member Platt asked about the one-plus acre area that was
designated as future parking; Ms. Lane responded that it had
to be developed for library purposes, and that a community
center did not qualify as such. She noted that the area
referred to could be subtracted from the proposed plan, but
the grant would have to be reapplied for. Ms. Lane added that
if a reapplication was submitted and subsequently and denied,
the originally approved plan could be reinstated. However,
the re-application fee would be lost, and approximately a
year's time as well. Member Palmer stated that she would not
like to see anything happen that might endanger this library
or encourage support of an alternate location outside of
Montgomery. Chair Wheeland stated that the plan displayed was
basically what this committee wanted anyway. Ms. Lane added
that the amphitheater would be considered an element that met
the library purpose criteria, as it could be used for library
programs. Member Castro agreed that delays in developing the
approved library should be avoided.
Chair Wheeland asked if the City Council was to make the final
decision on whether the area in question was to be deleted
from the plan? Ms. Lane stated that the Council would make
this decision, after all affected committees had made
recommendations. She added that it appeared that the Parks
and Recreation Board appeared to be split in their opinions of
this issue, as they had desired more recreational facilities
on the site; this had originally been designated as a park
site. Member Palmer asked how the Library Board felt about
this issue? Ms. Lane responded that they had mixed feelings,
as it was felt that commitments had been made to support a
community center on the area in question. She added that the
library was often used for Parks and Recreation activities, so
there was a history of cooperation between the two
Chair Wheeland asked if the committee's vote should be given
at the September 4th meeting? Ms. Lane responded that this
was appropriate, and that the issue was not yet scheduled for
the Council. Chair Wheeland stated that she felt that time
was of the essence; Ms. Lane agreed.
Jim Thompson, Deputy City Manager, informed the committee that
given current time frames required by the contract,
theoretically there was up to a year to work out the issue of
the area originally designated for the community center; he
did not want the committee to feel rushed or constrained by
time. Chair Wheeland and member Palmer stated that, to the
contrary, the committee wanted this item to be resolved as
quickly as possible.
Member McFarlin asked about the naming of the library? Ms.
Lane stated that this issue was sitting for the time being.
Chair Wheeland asked if it would be possible to have this item
addressed by the Council when they considered the library plan
for final approval? Associate Planner Herrera-A stated that
this would be up to the Director of Libraries; Ms. Lane added
that it was not wholly her decision. Mr. Thompson interjected
that as there was some controversy attached to this issue, he
would advise that it be addressed after the library had
obtained final approval. Ms. Lane agreed that this was a
controversial and emotional issue, and that addressing it
after approval was the best approach.
Chair Wheeland asked for clarification of the terms of office
for committee officers; although this committee normally
elected officers in December, all committees were now changing
terms of office to coincide with the fiscal year? Mr.
Herrera-A responded that this was correct, and stated that
this was mandated by the amended ordinance. Member Palmer
asked if the election of officers could be done at the next
meeting, as there were only five members present? Mr.
Herrera-A stated that this was the committee's decision. He
informed the committee that member Roberts had asked that he
be called to meetings only if there was a lack of a quorum;
otherwise, he wished to be excused permanently. Member Palmer
asked when a new member was to be appointed? Mr. Herrera-A
stated that he would check on this. Member Palmer stated that
she recommended the election be postponed until the next
meeting, when more members could be present.
Motion (Palmer/Wheeland) (5-0) to continue the election of
officers until the regular meeting on September 4, 1991, due
to the lack of regular members present.
Chair Wheeland presented information on the proposals being
reviewed by the Citizen's Advisory Committee for SR 125.
Member McFarlin noted that routes on the map presented were
not even labeled. Wheeland stated that she wanted to keep the
committee abreast of the happenings at these advisory
committee's meetings; she added that there would be no
advisory committee meeting in September however, as there were
now two lawsuits against California Transportation Ventures,
one pursued by the City of Chula Vista and one by the State
Engineering Association.
Potential routes were explained and discussed; Chair Wheeland
noted that if proposed freeway entrances and exits were not in
place in time for a developer's needs, fees could be paid by
the developer to obtain them. Member Palmer asked if Eastlake
had not had conditions attached to development requiring the
completion of SR 125 prior to development? Mr. Herrera-A
responded affirmatively. Member Platt asked Chair Wheeland if
California Transportation Ventures appeared to have already
decided upon the routes? Chair Wheeland responded that she
thought this was true for the most part. She added that
interestingly, all of the proposed routes were listed as being
inconsistent with local plans; further, those affected by the
proposed routes all appeared to be opposed to them. Chair
Wheeland stated that she would like to see an accounting of
how CalTrans spends it funds, and would check into this in
October. Mr. Herrera-A stated that before public funds could
be used for any state route, it first had to be recognized on
the state map; this had not yet been done with SR 125, and
would have an affect on the timing of this project if done
Member McFarlin stated that she had spoken to the mayor
recently as a private citizen rather than a committee member.
She informed members that she had expressed concerns about
Council support for the Montgomery area and for the
recommendations of the committees that represented this area.
She felt that committees had been set up for the purpose of
placating the Montgomery residents, and added that she felt
that the recent Council appointment of a non-Montgomery
resident further represented a lack of support for the
Montgomery community.
Mr. Herrera-A stated that further clarification was needed
regarding the amendment to Ordinance #2.48.200 of the
municipal code to establish the Montgomery Planning Committee;
specifically Ordinance #2418. This item would be brought to
the attention of the City Attorney's Office for an opinion.
However, he cautioned that it might take an inordinate amount
of time before a response is available for this committee.
Member McFarlin asked about the proposed merging of the
Montgomery Planning Committee with the Southwest Project Area
Committee? Mr. Herrera-A responded that he and Lance Abbott
were still discussing this item with the City Attorney.
Chairperson Wheeland noted that members of one committee would
not necessarily meet the requirements for membership of the
other committee. It was noted that this issue would probably
not be resolved for quite some time.
The meeting was adjourned by Chair Wheeland at 7:15 p.m., to
the Special Joint Meeting of Wednesday, September 4, 1991 at
6:00 p.m. in the Public Services Building, with the regular
meeting of the Montgomery Planning Committee to follow at 7:00
p.m. in Conference Room #1 of the Public Services Building.
Patt ,Smith, Recorder
6:00 p.m. Council Chambers
Wednesda Se tember 4 1991 276 Fourth Avenue Chula Vista
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
Chairman Wheeland, Committee members
Palmer, McFarlin, Platt, Berlanga.
Members Castro and Robert, with
Principal Planner Gordon Howard
Director of Libraries Rosemary Lane
Parks and Recreation Director Jess
Rosemary Lane, Director of Libraries, gave the presentation.
She gave a brief history of the library site at Fourth Street
and Orange Avenue. The site was selected for a library by the
City Council in August, 1990. At that time, a library and
community center/gymnasium were proposed for the site. In the
process of application for State Bond money, modifications
were required which removed the community center/gymnasium
from the plans. Such uses were not considered "library" uses,
and thus would not qualify for state funding and would make
the project less competitive with other applications for
library grants from throughout California. It was thought
that the community center/gymnasium could be built on the
portion of the site designated for future expansion, but terms
of the state library grants required that the site must be
used for library purposes for fifty years. Alternative #1
represents the current application for state bond money, and
designates the entire site except for the area under the San
Diego Gas & Electric transmission lines for library or future
library purposes and parking.
Jess Valenzuela, Director of Parks and Recreation, continued
the presentation. He presented Alternative #2, the staff
recommendation. This alternative includes the library, along
with an open air ampitheatre, passive park uses, and parking
Staff Presentation
areas. This alternative is recommended because it will still
fall under the definition of "library" uses which will allow
the City to receive the state grant, and it will also provide
some park uses (in short supply within the Montgomery
community) to area residents.
Alternative #3, which includes a gymnasium/community center,
is not recommended at this time because it would require re-
application to the state for the library grant, which could
jeopardize the entire project. However, there is a big need
for a gymnasium/community center facility within the
Montgomery community. If the facility is not located at
Fourth St. and Orange Ave., then other parks must be
considered, including Loma Verde, Otay, and the future Otay
Valley Regional Park.
In response to a question, Director Lane affirmed that
Alternative #2 requires no resubmittal to the state --
however, it does require additional council expenditure
authorization for the park improvements. She noted that the
proposed ampitheatre will be looked upon by the state as a big
additional plus for the project.
Member McFarlin noted that she is very happy about the
ampitheatre proposal since it will provide a place for artists
to perform. Montgomery certainly needs more park facilities,
but the library and its facilities are a great opportunity for
this particular site which should not be passed up.
Chairman Wheeland expressed a strong desire for the project to
go forward -- she is very worried about potential delays and
the resultant impact upon the state funding source.
Library Trustee Alexander supports Alternative #2. While
there is still concern about the proximity of the San Diego
Gas & Electric transmission lines, Alternative #2 does not
place any of the major facilities under them.
General discussion about the impacts of Electro-Magnetic
Fields (EMF) occurred.
Member Hall of the Parks & Recreation Commission expressed
regret that a gymnasium could not be placed on this site, and
although he supports Alternative #2 as the best possible plan
under the circumstances, he warned that no alternative
gymnasium site within the Montgomery community is on the
Member Palmer indicated that the Montgomery Planning Committee
since its inception has supported a library on this site --a
gymnasium can be placed at another location within the
Motion passed (Platt/Berlanga) (5-0) to approve the original
application (Alternative #1) and get the contract with the
state for the grant money signed and move the project forward
with all deliberate speed.
The Parks and Recreation Commission continued its discussion
of the issue.
Motion (Lind) to support Alternative #1 as shown in the grant
application, but move forward with Alternative #2 and support
it at a later date during the project's design phase.
Member Sandoval-Fernandez indicated that she thinks it is
imperative to strongly support Alternative #2 in order to
provide for some park facilities ont he site. She expressed
concern about the lukewarm support for Alternative #2 implicit
in the motion, and believes that if Alternative #2 is not
strongly supported at this time, it may not come to fruition.
In response to a question as to the actual staff
recommendation, Director Lane explained that the staff
recommends that the existing application for state grant money
(Alternative #1) be retained at this time. After the grant is
awarded, during the detailed design phase, staff will direct
that the Alternative #2 plan be planned and resubmitted to the
state as a "minor refinement." Director Lane believes that
the state will enthusiastically accept the design changes in
Alternative #2, since they clearly make for a superior
project. Also, the City Council will need to authorize
additional local money be spent for the park improvements ont
the site.
Motion restated and passed (Lind/Sandoval-Fernandez) (4-0) as
follows: Accept the original concept plan (Alternative ~1)
but keep looking forward to Alternative #2 as the ultimate
development plan for the site.
Report from the Department of Engineering on Traffic Issues
within the Montgomery Community
There was no one present from the Engineering Department
regarding the report submitted to the Montgomery Planning
Chairman Wheeland stated that the written communication
provided did not answer the committee's concerns. She
strongly requested that Hal Rosenberg of the Engineering Dept.
attend the next meeting to personally interact with the
Montgomery Planning Committee on these issues.
Member McFarlin agreed with the Chairman's assessment of the
Engineering Dept. response.
General discussion ensued on the issue of truck parking
adjacent to the car auction business on Main Street and the
need for further addressment of this issue.
Member Berlanga asked for addressment of the dangerous
intersections on Main Street, mainly the Main St.-Industrial
Blvd. intersection and the problem with the dangerous railroad
bridge adjacent.
Motion passed (Wheeland/Palmer) (5-0) requesting attendance of
Hal Rosenberg at the next Montgomery Planning Committee
meeting to personally discuss problem traffic areas within the
community in detail.
The Chair reported that no additional SR-125 meetings had
There were no committee reports.
Gordon Howard (staff) reported on a meeting with the Fenton
Company regarding a proposed residential development at the
south end of Rios Avenue within the San Diego City limits, and
indicated that the property owner offered to make a
presentation on the proposed project to the Montgomery
Planning Committee once it is officially submitted. Members
expressed concern about the impact of this potential project
on the Otay River Valley Regional Park plan, and requested
that the project also be reviewed by the Otay River Park
Citizen's Advisory Committee.
Staff was requested to add to the next agenda an item
regarding the need to ensure park uses at the site at the
intersection of Fourth Avenue (Hermosa Avenue) and Main Street
and the sending of a letter to the Parks & Recreation
Commission to that effect.
The issue of the merger of the Montgomery Planning Committee
with the Southwest Redevelopment Project Advisory Committee is
still being reviewed by the City Attorney.
RNMENT: At 8:00 p.m. to the regular meeting of October 2,
1991, at the Lauderbach Community Center.
~ ~~~
Gordon Howar Recorder