HomeMy WebLinkAboutRCC MIN 1984/05/07MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING April 16, 1984 MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION CITY OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA Conference Room 1, Public Services Building 5:30 p.m. CITY STAFF PRESENT Chairman Griffin, Commissioners Hodson, Donovan and Fox Commissioners Taylor, Hernandez and Edwards (Excused) Environmental Review Coordinator Reid ALSO PRESENT: Mrs. Jane Unger, Mrs. Helen Stokes and Mr. John Rajas, Jr. 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL - Members present constituted a quorum. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - MSUC Hodson/Fox (4-0) to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of March 19, 1984 4. OLD BUSINESS: EIR-84-4 Otay Landfill Electrical Generating Station The Commission discussed the variable depth of the proposed wells; the lack of vegitation on the property; the lack of any archaeological resources and the financing of the project. The Commission discussed in more depth the potential acoustical impact with up to four generators operating at one time. The Commission felt it definitely was a positive energy conservation project and would improve the air quality in the area by using the natural seepage. Chairman Griffin and Commissioner Hodson expressed great concern pertaining to the noise level for residents living in the area. MSUC Griffin/Hodson (4-0) that the Commission submit a letter to the Planning Commission stating the EIR is complete and that the project should be con- ditioned so that it would not result in any nuisance noises. 5. NEW BUSINESS: Request for Historical Site Designation for Chula Vista Woman's Club House. Chairman Griffin gave a brief description of the Historical Site Board to Mrs. Unger and Mrs. Stokes. Both ladies, representing the Woman's Club, appeared before the Commission to present a request for Historic Site Designation of the Club located at 357 "G" Street, Chula Vista. They stated the Club House was built and dedicated in 1928; it has been headquarters for the Club continously since that time. Further, it has provided a center for cultural and civic betterment in Chula Vista through the ensuing years. Architecturally the Club House is among the first of the buildings built in Chula Vista in the Spanish style, and is quite possibly the only remaining Spanish style structure built during the 1920's. Through the years they endeavored to maintain the architectural style of the building and preserve it as part of the cultural heritage of the community. RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF April 16, 1984 Page 2 Chairman Griffin explained the criteria in Chapter 2.32, Section 2.32.070 of the Municipal Code which designated the Commission's duties for recommending a historical site. Mr. Reid also stated that in 1977 there was a staff analysis and report prepared that recommended designation of the site based on criteria A, C and F in Section 2.32.070. This would be the criteria that the Commission use in making a recommendation to City Council. (MS) Hodson/Donovan recommended the Club be designated a historical site based on crieteria A, C and F. The Motion not being timely, was withdrawn. Mr. Rojas, President of the Chula Vista Historical Society told the Commission he definitely feels it should be designated as a historical site which has contributed so very much for the community. The women of the Club were pioneers and saved so many things for the City and feels the Club should have recognition. MSUC Griffin/Hodson (4-0) to hold a Workshop Meeting at the Chula Vista Woman's Club in order for the Commission to inspect the Club. 6. COMMUNICATIONS (PUBLIC REMARKS/BD. MEMBER COMMENTS/WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE - None 7. ADJOURNMENT - Chairman Griffin adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m. to a rescheduled regular meeting on May 7, 1984 to be held at the Chula Vista Woman's Club to be followed by a Workshop meeting to be held at Jimmy's Fireside Restaurant, 1190 Third Avenue, Chula Vista. p°G~n ~ ~~ZtZr<G~2 Secretary Jean L. Showers PLEASE NOTE: THIS MEETING WAS TAPE RECORDED. REFER TO TAPE #20-RCC-416/84. TAPES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE B&H DEPT., PBS, 276 FOURTH AVE., C.V., CA