HomeMy WebLinkAboutRCC MIN 1984/10/29"~1INUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMP~1ISSION CITY OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA September 17, 1984 Conference Room 1, Public Services Building 5:30 p.m. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Donovan, Vice Chairman Hodson, Commissioners Fox, Taylor, Griffin and Hernandez MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Edwards (Unexcused) CITY STAFF PRESENT: Environmental Review Coordinator Reid 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER: Chairman Donovan called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL - Members present constituted a quorum 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MSUC Hodson/Griffin (6-0) to approve the minutes of a Rescheduled Regular Meeting of July 30, 1984 4. NEW BUSINESS: (a) Otay Valley Road Redevelopment Project (South) - EIR 84-5 The project is a proposal to annex the area, currently within the County of San Diego, to the City of Chula Vista. The area is the 241-acre southern portion of the redevelopment area, which includes Otay Valley Road. The Commissioners discussed proposed land use, proposed zoning, existing settings, flooding boundaries and industrialization. MSUC Griffin/Hodson (6-0) that the EIR meets the CEQUA guidelines. (b) Recommendation to City Council on Proposed Smoking Ordinance The Californians for Non-Smokers Rights requested that the City Council adopt a no smoking ordinance similar to those adopted by the City and County of San Diego. The Council referred the items to staff and appropriate commissions to investigate such a proposed ordinance. The Commissioners discussed the guidelines for establishing a company smoking policy .presented by the American Lung Association. Commissioner Griffin objected to a "canned ordinance being rubber stamped." The objections were imposing restrictions on private businesses, negative approaches, etc. MSC Taylor/Hernandez (4-2) to recommend adoption of the Proposed Smoking Ordinance to City Council. RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 17, 1984 Page 2 5. COMMUNICATIONS (PUBLIC REMARKS/BOARD f4EMBER COMMENTS/WRITTEN CORRESPONENCE) Chairman Donovan declined the appointment of Chairman. Nominations were opened for the position of Chairman and Vice Chairman. Commissioner Griffin nominated Vice Chairman Hodson for Chairman and Commissioner Taylor nominated Commissioner Fox for Vice Chairman. There being no further nominations, Commissioners Hodson and Fox were elected by acclamation. 6. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Donovan adjourned the meeting at 6:20 p.m, to a Workshop Meeting and regular meeting to be held on October 15, 1984. /1'/,u ~~- ~.fi/1{~i~/'~, Secretary PLEASE NOTE: THIS MEETING WAS TAPE RECORDED. REFER TO TAPE #25-RCC-9/17/84. TAPES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE B&H DEPT., PSB, 276 Fourth Ave., C.V., CA.