HomeMy WebLinkAboutRCC MIN 1991/02/256:00 p.m, Monday, February 11, 1991 Conference Room 1 Public Services Building CALL MEETING TO ORDER/ROLL by Chairman Fox. Cit Staff CALL: Meeting was called to order with a Commissioners Ra , Y Environmental Review Coordinator Dou q°°~m at 6:20 y Johnson, Hall, and Kracha. Absent: Stevens and Ghou Reid called roll. p m. Present: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: gassian. correction: Paragraph 2, should be orrected to to approve the minutes of Januaz report for Debra Frisher of the City of Chula Vi~aone OLD BUSINESS: A• Bud Gray and Phil Carter clarified answers to Management Plan and Ordinance. questions put forth b to City Council Discussion and re ommendation~were made on th eplan eadn~°~ a ~an ee Growth p esentation A motion was made by Kracha to forwazd and recommend the approval with the following exce lions: Growth Management Program for of schools, water, sewer and airp Reword the threshold standards to be more specific in areas Corporation yard until it is recommended orondCeofer the inclusion of economics Committee, and that our members with rporation b > Civic Center and amendment to adopt threshold standards forswatercmotioneseco adGresp nManaze attach~ersight ed by Fox. w'~ (Commissioner Johnson left the meeting at 7:15 p,m.) In discussion, Fox amended Assemblyman and State Senator toealte~tstate law sol that we ma pertain to schools; Kracha agreed to the A recommendation be made to our amendment. Y adopt threshold standazds as they Further discussion included measurable performance standazds to be established within (six months) as it relates to school, water, air quality. It was explained that the economics h should be more quantifiable. Question was asked whether to measurable standards; answered b as a standard but it y Mr. Gray. quantify all of these with more Mr. Carter gave explanations on the inclusion of the corporation yard's six month time eriod; Plan; the economic, recommendation should be P an economic standazds is civic center and to include it be made that it be updated and more quantifiable. Fox amendedthis motion quantifiable for economics only. MINUTES OF A SCHEDULED REGULAR MEETING Resource Conservation Commission Chula Vista, California Page 2 After further discussion, the motion was restated by Kracha as follows: Forward, recommending approval of the Growth Management Plan and Ordinance with the following exceptions: City should adopt measurable threshold standards for water, schools and air quality; letters be sent to our Assemblyman and State Senator so that applicable state laws may be altered so that the city can adopt threshold standards for schools; in the areas of economics, civic center and corporation yard, that measurable performance standards be established within six months; as it pertains to economics, that they be more quantifiable; and specific comments and responses be attached; Fox affirmed his second on the motion; motion carried unanimously. B. RCC Budget for Fiscal Yeaz 1991/1992 was explained by Doug Reid. It was MSUP (Ray/Fox) to approve the proposed RCC budget with an amendment to reallocate dues to the San Diego Historical Society to the Travel, Conference and Meeting budget and increase office supplies by a minimum of 10~; motion carried. C. Items left for action on the "Environmental Agenda for the 90's" include #2, 24, 25, 33, 44 and 52. The secretazy will include in next meeting's agenda all action previously taken by RCC. 2. NEW BUSINESS A. Items for the Planning Commission Agenda for the meeting of Februazy 13, 1991 were reviewed and included the following: (1) Public Hearing on Variance ZAV-91-10 was continued. (2) Consideration of EIR 90-10, Rohr Office Complex was continued. (3) Public Hearing on Conditional Use Permit PCC-91-09: It was MSUP (Ray/Hall) that RCC recommend that the CUP should be periodically reviewed and that a time limit be set prior to review to ensure the use of recycled water. (4) PCM-91-5/PCA-91-3, Growth Management Program previously discussed; no further action by Commission. (5) Amendment #I to the Southwest Redevelopment Project Area; Staff recommendation is approval; no action by Commission. B. Review of the following Negative Declarations: (1) It was MSUP (Kracha/Ray) to recommend for adoption IS-91-12, I-5 Billboazd Initial Study, with one correction on Page 3, under Item E, paragraph 6, line 3: "...the billboard at this location are not deemed significant..." (2) It was MSUP (Ray/Fox) to recommend for adoption IS-91-13, General Plan & Zoning Consistency Study, with a correction under D.4. Pazk/Recreation: "The Threshold/Standards Policy requires 3 acres of park and recreation land for every 1,000 people. It is not relevant to the proposed Zoning/General Plan Consistency Study because it is not a violation to threshold standazds." Page 3 (3) It was MSUP (Kracha/Fox) to recommend for adoption IS-91-17, Zoning Text Amendment (4) It was MSUP (Ray/Fox) to recommend for adoption IS-91-19, Brunswick Family Recreation Center, and RCC further recommends that the CUP be periodically reviewed. It is noted that the "total proposed range of acres" has been determined to specifically be 1.5 acres per 1000 population. (5) It was MSUP (Hall/Ray) to recommend for adoption IS-91-2Q, Growth Management Program & Ordinance. (6) It was MSUP (Ray/Kracha) to recommend for adoption IS-91-23, Cal Stores Warehouse Addition. (7) It was moved by Ray to recommend adoption of the mitigated monitoring program, however, also recommend the project itself be denied due to an unnecessary change. Both parts of the motion were tabled and Ray withdrew his motion. The Planning Commission is waiting for approval or denial and also waiting to hear from Community Development. This item tabled to the next meeting. COMMISSION COMMENTS Ray requests that the City develop and include mitigation monitoring on all Conditional Use Permits. Fox requests an item for next agenda include how council can establish monitoring programs. Also for next agenda, add the "Environmental Agenda for the 90's." ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Fox at 9:01 p.m. Respectfully submitted, EXPRESS SECRETARIAL SERVICES Barbara Taylor ~