Resource Conservation Commission
Chula Vista, California
5:30 p.m. Conference Room 1
Monday, April 11, 1988 Public Services Bui_ldi.ng
Members Present: Chairman Rowe, Commissioners Hodson, Wendorf,
Mitchell, Young and Fox
Members Absent: Vice Chairman Donovan (with notice)
City StafF Present: Environmental Review Coordinator Doug Reid
CALL P~E1'ING TG ORDER/ROLL CALL: Meeting was ca l7ed to order at 5:30 p.m, by
Chairman Rowe. Members present constituted a quorum. Bob E'ox was introduced
as a new commission member.
APPROVAL OE' MINUTES: MSC Hodson/Young, Fox abstained (5-0-1) to approve the
minutes of March 7, 1988.
:1. Doug Reid gave a summary of the proposed Route 125 EIR. Discussion
was held as Co the location, impact and expected time frame of Route
125. This commission can expect an EIR for review in approximately
si.x weeks.
B. Discussion was held on the major items of the Planning Commission
Agenda for the meeting of April 13, 1988.
On the item for consideration of the interim ordinance regarding the
processing of land use proposals in Montgomery which are
inconsistent with the adopted specific plan, P1SC Fos/Hodson, 6,Iendorf
abstained (5-0-1) to support the Montgomery Planning Comm ittee's
recommendation. Further discussion was held. Commissioner Young
suggested a field trip to take a look at the area in question.
No other input by this commission on the items of the Planning
Commission Agenda necessary.
2. OLD BUSINESS: Doug Reid reported on the status of the Bonita Meadows
EIR. The developer has gone back and reduced the units and grading
substantially and is building a model to help explain and show the plan.
The commission can expect to see this issue back as an EIR in a couple of
months. Chairman Rowe would like the developer to bring and explain the
mode i. to the commission at a future meeting.
3. COISIIUPIICATIONS: ^?ewsletters from the San Diego Historical Society were
ADJ OUF.NNSENT: Meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m. to the next regular businees
meeting scheduled for Monday, May 9, 1988 in Conference Rooms 2 and 3.