HomeMy WebLinkAboutRCC AGENDA 1997/05/12AGENDA Resource Conservation Commission Chula Vista, California 6:30 p.m. Monday, May 12, 1997 Conference Room 1 Public Services Building 276 Fourth Avenue CALL MEETING TO ORDER ROLL CALL/MOTIONS TO EXCUSE APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mazch 24, 1997 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ~~ ~~~. Opportunity for members of the public to speak to Commission on any subject matter within the Commission's jurisdiction but not an item on today's agenda. 1. Discussion of Open Space Maintenance District STAFF COMMENTS 1. Eastlake directional signs 2. Grading neaz Archway Inn 3. $10,000 Grant to City of Chula Vista/UCSD CHAIRMAN'S COMMENTS COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT AT p.m. to the Regular Meeting of June 9, 1997 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Conference Room , 276 Fourth Ave., Chula Vista, CA COMI'IdANCE WITH AMERICAN6 WITH DISABII177FB ACT (ADA) The City of Chuk Vista, m eomplyiug with the Amerieam with DiubOitin Ad (ADAI, requed IntGvidods who require eperinl ucommodationa to sane, Blend andlor paNdpale in a City reeding, activity or service requnl such accommodation al lent forty-dghl Noun io advance for uroetiuga and Mc days for scheduled service and aclivitin. Please nntad Nanry Ripley al (619) 691-5101 for apeeifle information or Tdecommunintions Devicnfor the leaf l771D1 (619-S1ti561'!). California Rday Service k oleo available for the hndog impaired. Where `planning' is not an ugly word PORTLAND, Ore. rive down West Union Road in sub- urban Hillsboro, about 10 miles from downtown Portland, and you are witness to a remarkable achievement. From one side of the pavement stretch pleasant homes and apartment complexes that you might see in a hundred other sub-. orbs. On the other side: acres and acres of rolling, undeveloped farmland and forest. One side of West Union Road is not like the other because the street runs along the Portland area's Urban Growth Bound- ary, aline on amap that sets limits on de- velopment. Within the boundary is an ur- ban "reserve;' where all sorts of building can happen -and with a robust local economy, a lot is. The land outside the boundary stays rural. In an era when the words "government planning" are written off as either an oxy- moron or aterrible danger, the Portland experience comes as a shock. Even more shocking: the planning system - in place since 1973 - is popular. It wins support from environmentalists and from busi- nesspeople. Protecting land from urban sprawl has become something of a civic religion here and one of the city's selling points. The boundary has come to embody more than its original objective. When Re- publican Gov. Tom McCall pushed the system in 1973 - it covers the whole state -his major concern was for Ore- gon's natural environment. Farmers wor- ried that a way of life would be plowed un- derfor tract housing. But Ethan Seltzer, director of the Insti- tute of Portland Metropolitan Studies, says the planning system has not only pro- tectedfarms. Ithas changed the way cit- iesdevelop. Concentrating growth cre- atesincentives for a different urban environment. For example, it has spurred new interest in more tightly packed row houses, the venerable urban form now hot among architects and designers. E.J. nomic boom. Many companies, especially those in high-tech, know the environment Portland has created is attractive to the employees they need to lure. The boundary has expanded slightly to accommodate growth. But it will survive because of the depth of public support for ', it. Robert Landauer, former editorial page editor of The Oregonian, says citizens see the planning as growing out of a paiticipa- • . tory process and not from ukases issued , by professional planners. "It's built, treat- ed, fashioned and textured by the people who have to live with the results." Seltzer says Oregon's political culture is less sour on the possibilities of public ac-, lion and political engagement than aze other parts of the country. "There's still ' an expectation that problems can be solved and we can change things," For Liberty, one of the most important achievements of Portland's approach is an , . elected metropolitan government with au- , thority to make decisions on matters af- fectingthe whole region. "Our govern- mental structures are leftovers from the 19th century as we're about to enter the 21st. They are irrelevant to our lives and our landscapes:' That, in part, explains public disaffection from government. "Even Rube Goldberg wouldn't have cut metropolitan areas into so many dysfunc- tional parts." No, Oregon is not utopia. People worry both about keeping growth going and also about growth's effects: There's atax re- , volt on, fueled by rising property values, and also a big fight over how to fmance pubhc education. But most national discussions of our dis- , contents pay little. attention to the impact of sprawl on the way people hve, on the time and money spent commuting, on the cost of building new water systems, roads and schools to accommodate new develop- , merit. Portland is worrying about these questions for the rest of us. All of its sol~- tions cari t be exported, but the city might consider bottling its vision. Dionne Jr. THE WASN~NCTDN POST Portland has also invested heavily in a light r9i1 system (in the downtown area, a train ride is free) that is expanding to growing azeas within the urban boundary. Housing has sprung up near the line even before it's completed. "The market is re- sponding to the public investment in light rail," says Seltzer. Seltzei s comment is revealing. Plan- ning is often seen as the enemy of free markets. But planning is not an effort to stifle investment. It tries to channel the. All of Portland's solutions can't be exported, but the city might consider bottling its vision. way investment happens so that the sum total of thousands of individual decisions still leaves a metropolitan area that those individuals want to live in. Robert Liberty is the executive director of 1,000 Friends of Oregon, a group that supports planning. He says that those who criticize Portland's system as "social engi- neering"miss the fact that traditional zon- ing, which segregates people by class, and the construction of highways are "social engineering with a vengeance:' Planning hasn't stopped Portland's eco-