HomeMy WebLinkAboutRCC AGENDA PK 1996/08/26AGENDA Resource Conservation Commission Chula Vista, California 6:30 p.m. Monday, August 26, 1996 Conference Room 1 Public Services Building 276 Fourth Avenue CALL MEETING TO ORDER ROLL CALL/MOTIONS TO EXCUSE APPROVAL OF MINUTES - May 13, 1996, June 10, 1996, June 24, 1996 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Opportunity for members of the public to speak to Commission on any subject matter within the Commission's jurisdiction but not an item on today's agenda. 1. Discussion on SR125 EIR/EIS 2. Review of Negative Declaration IS-95-14; Mace Street project 3. Discussion of Valley Fever Ordinance 4. Review of Planning Commission Agenda for August 28, 1996 OLD BUISNESS: STAFF COMMENTS CHAIRMAN'S COMMENTS COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT AT p.m. to the Regulaz Meeting of September 9, 1996 at 6:30 p.m. in Council Conference Room, Administration Building, 276 Fourth Ave., Chula Vista, CA COMI9IANCE WITH AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) The City of Chute Vista, is complying with the Amerinns with Disab0ities Act (ADAI, request individuals who require special aecommadetiom m access, attend and/or participate is a City meeting, activity or xrvice request such aecommodetion at least forty-eight hose in advents for meetings and five days (or scheduled services end activities. Please contact Nancy Ripley at (619) 691-5101 for specific information or Tderommuuiratione Devises for the Deaf (TDD) (619-58S56d'/). California Relay Service is atw available for We hearing impaired. 1 declare urxler penalty of perjury that I am omplcyed by the City u? Chula Vista in tha Flannirx~ Dapartmont end thai ! {;cs[;;.~i ,;;i; ;=;gec'.c::'v0+.i;:~ on the esul;atin Bo,erds a4 iF~e Pubic ervicuc' Building and at DatedT/2z 'Signed c,~~DO