HomeMy WebLinkAboutRCC AGENDA PK 1995/09/25negative declaration PROJECT NAME: Increase in height of free standing PROJECT LOCATION: Holiday Inn 4450 Otay Valley Road Chula Vista, CA 91911 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 624-060-6400 PROJECT APPLICANT: Ricki Kothari CASE NO: IS-96-02 A. Project Settine DATE: Septembe The project is located on the southwest corner of the intersection of I-805 and Otay Valley Road. Surrounding land uses include amulti-family residential development to the north, Interstate 805 to the east, amulti-family residential development to the southwest and a service station and strip commercial development to the west. There are three shifts per day. The hotel is open 24 hours and maintains an estimated 40 customers per day. A total of 124 parking spaces are provided on site. B. Project Description The proposed project consists of increasing the heights of both the free standing sign and the monument sign on the Holiday Inn property at 4450 Otay Valley Road. The free standing sign will be increased in height from 50 feet to 75 feet. The monument sign will be increased from 7.5 feet to 14.6 feet. The applicant believes that the current height of these signs limits visibility of them from I-805 northbound, southbound and eastbound on Main Street/Otay Valley Road due to freeway landscaping. The applicant believes they have lost business due to this. C. Compatibility with Zoning and Plans The project is zoned CV-P (Visitor Commercial-Precise Plan) and has a General Plan designation of CV (Visitor Commercial). The allowed height of a sign is not to exceed 35 feet. The project proposes to construct a 75 foot pole sign. The project is consistent with the land use designation of the Visitor Commercial and will conform to zoning with the approval of a Precise Plan amendment. ~~~r, _..~_ city of chula vista planning department CITY OF environmental review section CHULA VISTA D. E. F Identification of Environmental Effects No impacts were identified in the Initial Study which will require mitigation. An initial study conducted by the City of Chula Vista (including the attached Environmental Checklist Form) determined that the proposed project will not have a significant environmental effect, and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report will not be required. This Negative Declaration has been prepared in accordance with Section 15070 of the State CEQA Guidelines. Miigation necessary to avoid sigrilficant effects The proposed project will not result in any significant or potentially significant environmental impacts, therefore, no project specific mitigation is required. Consultation Individuals and Organizations City of Chula Vista: Keith Barr, Planning Barbara Reid, Planning Roger Daoust, Engineering Cliff Swanson, Engineering Hal Rosenberg, Engineering Bob Sennett, Planning Ken Larsen, Director of Building & Housing Carol Gove, Fire Mazshal MaryJane Diosdada, Crime Prevention Marty Schmidt, Parks & Recreation Dept. Ann Moore, Assistant City Attorney Chula Vista City School District: Kate Shurson Sweetwater Union High School District: Tom Silva Applicant's Agent: Nicole Hohenstein 2. Documents Chula Vista General Plan (1989) and EIR (1989) Title 19, Chula Vista Municipal Code (a:\negdecsgn) Page 2 Initial Studv This environmental determination is based on the attached Initial Study, any comments received on the Initial Study and any comments received during the public review period for this Negative Declazation. The report reflects the independent judgment of the City of Chula Vista. Further information regazding the environmental review of this project is available from the Chula Vista Planning Depaztment, 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91910. ENVIRO ENTAL REVIEW COORDINATOR (a:\negdecsgn) Page 3 `/~ r ~~ CIiY OF CHULA VISTA September 15, 1995 The 24th Annual Humanitarian Award will be presented during the City's Board and Commission Banquet in October. We extend an invitation to your organization and your members, as a group or individually, to submit nominations for this award. It is the desire of the Human Relations Commission to show the deep appreciation the City of Chula Vista has for one of our many hardworking, civic- minded citizens. The Human Relations Commission's standards for selecting a Humanitarian Award recipient are that: 1. Nominees be a resident of Chula Vista. 2. Nominees provide a majority of their services in Chula Vista. 3. Nominees be volunteers as opposed to persons who provide professional and/or paid services. 4. Length of service of nominees is a guideline, i.e., a nominee with 10 years of service will be considered higher than a nominee just beginning humanitarian service. For your information, the following definitions of the word "humanitarian" are provided: "One who seeks to promote the welfare of mankind; philanthropist; aperson promoting human welfare and social reform; having concern for, or helping to improve the image and happiness of mankind; and of, or pertaining to theological humanitarianism." Please submit your nomination(s) using the enclosed form to: DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND HOUSING ATTN: KAREN WOOTEN 276 FOURTH AVENUE CHULA VISTA CA 91910 Should you require additional forms, have further questions, or need assistance, please contact the Human Relations Commission Secretary at 691-5272 extension 3088. Sincerely, ~~(.~/~ , Mary Sl vinsky, Chairperso HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION NOMINATION DEADLINE: MONDAY -OCTOBER 9, 1995 @ 5:00 P.M. **No Applications will be accepted after that Date/Time**