HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 1991/09/10 "I declaro t'n~er penaHy of perjury that 1 am em~;o::'-rd by the C:ity oi Chu!:) Vi3ta in the Ofi'!c'3 cf -,:~o Ci~1' CI~r~: (.~~d t;;:.!~ ! po:::ri:cd this I-\::cn:;~;li'~~',j:G ~:,\ tr,c Eqli~,in Ooara at th~ F~:)I'i-~rvic.$ ['J:L:",.; 'bt c~ - Tuesday, September 10, 1991!:;'\TEU:.~~/9 / S!Gi'H:'D ~ - " Council Chambers 6,00 p,m. / Public Services Building ReS(l1lar MeetinS?: of the City of Chula Vista City Council CALL TO ORDER 1. ROlL CALL: Councilmembers Grasser Horton -' Malcolm -' Moore -' Rindone -' and Mayor Nader _' 2. PLEDGE OF AlLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. SILENT PRAYER 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: August 27,1991 4. SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY: a. Oath of Office: Gloria Hicks - Human Relations Commission b. Proclaiming the week of September 15-21, 1991 as "National Adult Day Care Center Week'. The proclamation will be presented by Mayor Pro Tern Moore to Nancy Hitchcock, Program Manager of the South Bay Adult Day Health Center. CONSENT CALENDAR (Items 5 through JO) The staff recommendations regarding the fol/owing items listro undo the Consent Cil/endI11' will be eTIIJded by the Council by one motion witJwut discussion unless a Counci/member, a member of the public or CUy staff requests that the item be pulled for discussion. If you wish to speak 011 one of these items, pkase fill out a .&quest to Speak Form' available in the lobby and submit it to the CUy C1erfc prior to the meeting. (Complete the green form to speak in favor of the staff recommendation; complete the pink form to speak in opposition to the staff recommendation.) Items puUed from the Consent Calendar will be discussed after Public Hearings and Oral Communications. Items pulled by the public will be the first items of business. 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: a. Request to allow "kiddie rides' in Otay Park on October 19th for the Community Fair - Richard Hermosillo, Fair Chairman, Dtay Committee. Staff recommends approval subject to staff conditions. b. Request for changes in present Cardroom Ordinance - Rosemary Burger, Secretary Vegas Club Inc. It is recommended that the request be referred to staff for review. c. Request for waiver of the Initial Study and fee ($1,000+) as required by the Design Review _ John T. Sigurdson, Project Architect. Agenda -2- September 10, 1991 d. Request for waiver of Conditional Use Permit Fees ($175), Design Review Fees ($200), and Building Permit Fees for temporary classroom - Rev. Roger Wagner, Bayview Orthodox Presbyterian Church, 505 E. Naples Street, Chula Vista, CA 92011. e. Request to eliminate dangerous conditions on Main Street at Albany - Antonio Castro, Sr., 158 Tenth Street, Chula Vista, 91910 6. ORDINANCE 2477 ESTABUSHING A SPECIAL SEWER RATE AREA FOR TIiE WOODCREST TERRA NOVA SUBDMSJON (first readinst) - The ordinance establishes a special sewer service rate area to provide for City costs associated with maintenance and operation of a sewer pump station serving the Woodcrest Terra Nova Subdivision. Staff recommends Council place ordinance on first reading. (Director of Public Works) 7.A. RESOLUTION 16338 AMENDING TIiE (J1Y GENERAL PLAN FROM "RESEARCH AND UMITED MANUFACTURING" TO "RETAIL COMMERCIAL" FOR TIiE MONTGOMERY SPECIFIC PLAN FROM "RESEARCH AND UMITED INDUSTRIAL" TO "MERCANTILE AND OFFICE COMMERCIAL" CERTAIN TERRITORY GENERAIJ.Y BOUNDED BY MAIN STREET TO TIiE NORTH, BROADWAY (BEYER BOULEVARD) TO TIiE EAST, FAIVRE STREET TO TIiE SOUTH, AND 27TH STREET TO TIiE WEST (ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBERS 629- 040-01 AND 629-010-01) AND AMENDING TIiE LAND USE DIAGRAM OF TIiE (J1Y GENERAL PLAN BY REDESIGNATlON FROM "LOW-MEDIUM DENSI1Y RESIDENTIAL (3-6 DUlAC)" AND "SPECIAL STUDY" TO "RETAIL COMMERCIAL" FOR APPROXIMATELY 3.65 ACRES OF LAND, LOCATED AT TIiE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF EAST H STREET AND OTAY LAKES ROAD - The City initiated proposal involves the rezoning of the Otay Market property. The Kelton Title site (Otay Lakes Plaza) is privately initiated. Adoption of the resolution and ordinance will implement Council actions taken on these items at the public hearing held 8/27191. Staff recommends approval of the resolution and that Council place the ordinance on first reading. B. ORDINANCE 2478 REZONING CERTAINTERRITORYGENERAIJ.YBONDED BYMAIN STREET TO TIiE NORTH, BROADWAY (BEYER BOULEVARD) TO TIiE EAST, FAIVRE STREET TO TIiE SOUTH, AND 27TH STREET TO TIiE WEST (ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBERS 629-040-01 AND 629-010-01) FROM TIffiIR (J1Y-ADOPTED COUN1Y ZONE CLASSIFICATION C-37 TO (J1Y CLASSIFICATION C-T-P AND TO CHANGE TIiE ZONING CLASSJFICATlON FROM R-1 TO C-C-P FOR APPROXIMATELY 3.65 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED AT TIiE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF EAST H STREET AND OTAY LAKES ROAD (first readinst) 8. RESOLUTION 16339 RATIFYING A THREE YEAR AGREEMENT WITH TIiE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR GENERAL INFORMATION SERVICES - The previous contract with the Chamber was for one year with two one-year extensions. The proposed contract effectively extends the agreement for three years with some amendments to services and payment schedule. Staff recommends approval of the resolution. (Deputy City Manager Thomson) Agenda -3- September 10, 1991 9. RESOLUTION 16340 APPROVING SETI1.EMENT AGREEMENT, RELEASE AND MODIFICATION WIlli CHULA VISTA CABLE AND PROVIDING NOTICE TO CHULA VISTA CABLE OF A "RENEGOTIATION INTERVAL" PURSUANT TO SECTION 3.b.(1) OF TIlE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT - The purpose of the settlement agreement is to resolve two ongoing issues with Chula Vista Cable: 1) past due franchise fee payments to the City, and 2) responsibility for possessory interest taxes levied by the County. The resolution also provides notice of a "renogiation interval'. Staff recommends approval of the resolution. (Director of Finance) 10. RESOLUTION 16341 AMENDING TIlE SEWER SERVICE CHARGE VARIANCE FOR TIlE CHULA VISTA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRIcr - On 6/4/91, Council adopted a new rate schedule for sewer service charges. The existing sewer service variance which was granted to the Chula Vista Elementary School District in 1965 has never been updated. In order to comply with these new rates and to correct several other issues, the variance must be amended. Staff recommends approval of the resolution. (Director of Public Works) * * END OF CONSENT CALENDAR * * PUBUC HEARINGS AND RELATED RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES The following items have been advertised and/or posted as public hearinr-< as required by liJw. If you. wish to speflk to any iIem, plEase fiO out the "Request to Speak Form" availablE in the lobby and mbmit it to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. (ComplEte the green form to speflk in favor of the staffrecommendation; complEte the pink form to speak in opposition to the staff recomrnendll1ion.) Comments are limiIed to five minutLs per individuaL 11. PUBUC HEARING PROPOSED ISSUANCE BY TIlE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTIlORITY OF TIlE CITY OF CHULA VISTA OF INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BONDS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $4 MIlJ.lON FOR TIlE PURPOSE OF ASSISTING TIlE FINANCING OF A FACIUTY TO BE LEASED AND OPERATED BY GOID COAST ENGINEERING, INC. - On 8/13/91, the Industrial Development Authority approved an inducement resolution for the issuance of up to $4 million in Industrial Development Bond aDB) for the construction of manufacturing facilities by Gold Coast Engineering (Sutherland/Palumbo Partnership). The proposed IDB's must be issued in compliance with the Federal Internal Revenue Code in order to maintain their tax exempt status. This code requires public hearing and approval byDthe public agency (Ciry) sponsoring the IDB's. Applications for financing will be submitted to the California Industrial Development Financing Advisory Commission (CIDFAC) and the California Debt Limit Allocation Commission (CDLAC) for review and approval. Staff recommends Council hold the public hearing and approve the resolution. (Director of Community Development) RESOLUTION 16342 APPROVING A PROJEcr FOR GOID COAST ENGINEERING, INC. AND SUTIIERLANDIPALUMBO, A CAIJFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP Agenda -4- September 10, 1991 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This is an opportuniLy for the general public to address the City Council on any subject moJteT within the Council's jurisdU;tion tJwt is not an item on this agenda. (State lilw, however, generally prohibits the City Council from Ulking action on any issues not iru:bJded on the posted agenda.) [fyou wish to address the Council on sud& a subject, please complete the yellow "Request to Speak Under Oral ComnwniI:ations Form" avaiJobk in the lobby and submit it to the City Clnk prior to the meeting. Those who wish to speak, p1ease give your 1I/JnU! and address for record purposes and follow up action. Your tinre is limited to three minutes per speaker. ArnON ITEMS The items listJ!d in this section of the agenda are erpected to elicit subSllllltid discussions and deliberations by the CoundI, staff, or members of the general publil:. The items will be considered individually by the Council and staff recommendations may in certain cases be presenkJi in the altmtative. Those who wish to speak, pkase fill ouJ a "Request to Speak" form availabk in the lobby and submit it to the City Clnk prior to the meeting. Public commeras are limiJEd to five minutes. None submitted. BOARD AND COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS This is the tinre the City Council will consider items whidl have been forwarded to them for consideration by one of the City's Boards, Commissions and/or CommiJ1ees. None submitted. ITEMS PULLED FROM TIffi CONSENT CALENDAR. This is the tinre the City Council will discuss items whidl have been removed from the ConsenJ CalnuJm. Agenda items pulled at the request of the public will be considered prior to those pulled by CounciImembers. Public comments aTe limited to five minutes per individual. OTHER BUSINESS 12. (J1Y MANAGER'S REPORTCS) a. Scheduling of meetings. 13. MAYOR'S REPORTCS) 14. COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilman Rindone: Undergrounding of utilities on 5th Avenue between "L" and Orange Streets Agenda -5- September 10, 1991 Councilman Moore: Reconsideration of request for deferral of undergrounding of utilities by Toys R Us. ADJOURNMENT The City Council will meet in a closed session immediately following the Council meeting to discuss: Pending litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 - White versus City of Chula Vista Pending litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54856.9 - City of Chula Vista versUS CalTrans - SR 125. Potential litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 - County trash diversion to city landf1ll. Instruction to negotiators regarding compensation for represented and unrepresented employees (or both), and mid-management and executive management pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6. The meeting will adjourn to (a closed session and thence to) the Regular City Council Meeting on September 17, 1991 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. September 6, 1991 FROM: SUBJECT: The Honorable Mayor and City Council Sid W. Morris, Assistant City Manager~ ~ City Council Meeting of September 10, 1991 TO: This will transmit the agenda and related materials for the regular City Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, September 10, 1991. Comments regarding Written Communications are as follows: 5a. This is a request from the Otay Committee to allow "kiddie rides" in Otay Park on October 19th for the Community Fair. Staff will be meeting with the Otay Committee on September 9 in order to ensure that the City is provided a hold harmless agreement and evidence of the City's being named additional insured for $1 million in liability coverage, as has been recommended by the City's Risk Manager. The "kiddie rides" consist of a miniature train ride, a merry-go-round, and and Astro Jump. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT APPROVAL BE GRANTED, CONTINGENT ON STAFF'S CONDITIONS BEl NG MET. 5b. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE REQUEST FOR CHANGES IN THE CITY'S PRESENT CARDROOM ORDINANCE, RECEIVED FROM ROSEMARY BURGER OF THE VEGAS CLUB INC., BE REFERRED TO STAFF FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. 5c. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF THE INITIAL STUDY FEE FOR RISEN SAVIOR LUTHERAN CHURCH BE WAIVED, IN ACCORDANCE WITH COUNCIL POLICY NO. 267-05. The EIR referred to in the letter in connection with Bonita long Canyon development was done in 1978-79, and therefore an Initial Study will be required in order to determine what changes have occurred since that time so that we may accurately assess potentially significant environmental effects. .Thus, the request to waive the Initial Study itself cannot be granted. 5d. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND DESIGN REVIEW FEES FOR BAYVIEW ORTHODOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BE APPROVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH COUNCIL POLICY 267-05. However, it is NOT RECOMMENDED THAT THE BUILDING PERMIT FEES BE WAIVED, inasmuch as these fees cover the cost of field inspection services and plan review. Requests for waiver of building permit fees have not previously been approved by Council. 5e. This is a letter from Mr. Antonio Castro, Sr., regarding alleged dangerous conditions on Main Street at Albany. Attached is a memo regarding this subject from the Director of Building and Housing providing a status on this complaint. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT MR. CASTRO'S LETTER BE RECEIVED AND FILED AND THAT HE BE PROVIDED A COPY OF THE DEPARTMENT'S MEMO. SWM:mab/51 September 5, 1991 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND HOUSING TO: VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: HoIlOIabIe Mayor 8'Kf City = :==:~~fij'~ WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS ABRE TOWING - CAR AUCTION COMPLAINT 3487 MAIN ST. __________________________==___==____a==_____== , In response to Councl's request and the most recent written correspondence from Mr. Castro, staff Is providing the following report regarding the auto auction activities associated with the business located at 3487 Main Street. As reported in Council's package of August Zl, 1991, staff has been working with the owner of the towing service, Mr. Bo Lemler, to relocate that portion of the operation that has bUn the source of the complaints from the adjacent neighbors, namely the auto auction. Mr. Lemler has been working with the City of San Diego for approximately a year in his efforts to relocate the auction portion of the business. It is anticipated that he will receive authorization to begin that move on October 1, 1991. Mr. Lemler is currently under contract with the Federai Government to release cars that are sold at the periodic Federai Marshai's sponsored 'auctions. These auctions are normally held once fNery three to four weeks. As a result of these complaints and additionai research conducted by City staff, the Code Enforcement DivIsion of the Department of Building and Housing has Issued a Notice and Order to Abre Towing to cease operating that portion of his business relating to the Federal Marshai's sponsored auction. Staff felt It was appropriate to give Mr. Lemler 60 days to address his existing contractuai obrlgations with the Marshai's Office by either relocating the operation to the new facility within the City of San Diego or some other arrangement that would result in the operation ceasing at the Abre Towing site. Code Enforcement staff will continue to monitor the situation and solicit the assistance of the Po&ce Department as warranted to respond to the complaints relating to on-street parking. KGUbwr (D:\wp51\abretow) 00: George Kremp!, Deputy City Manager .. .. COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT ITEM ~b MEETING DATE 9/1 0 / 91 ITEM TITLE: Proclamation - PROCLAIMING THE WEEK OF SEPT 15-21, 1991 AS "NATIONAL ADULT DAY CARE CENTER WEEK" SUBMITTED BY: Mayor Tim Na~ The proclamation declaring the week of September 15 through September 21, 1991 as "NATIONAL ADULT DAY CARE CENTER WEEK" will be presented by Mayor Nader to Ms. Nancy Hitchcock, Program Manager of the South Bay Adult Day Health Center. (4/STHS VOTE: YES_ NO~ t..\b -\ ~ ;~"j; AUG 231991 OT A Y COMMITTEE, L__...___~.j of the CITY OF CHULA VISTA l c~UG':,~~,':,~F;.I,:[S BOARD MEMBERS DAVID PEREZ CHAIRMAN HONORABLE TIM NADER AND COUNCIL: CHET MULLIS VICE CHAIRMAN TONY CASTRO The Otay Town Ccmnittee will be sponsoring a Carrmunity Fair on Oct. 19th between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. The purpose of this letter is to solicit the support of the mayor and council with respect to certain aspects of the planned attractions. The Otay corrrnittee had made preliminary arrangements for "kiddie rides" to be placed on the Otay Park site, now we've been told that there may be some disaggreement with the Dept. of Parks and Rec. on the propriety of staging such attractions on a park site. The contractors preliminary arrangements include $1,000,000 worth of liability insurance and we would like to clear up any problems in this regard as soon as possible. ELEANA LOERA SECRETARY RICK HERMOSILLO TREASURE DR.CARLOS SANCHEZ ESTELLA JUAREZ JUAN MARTINEZ RUTH BUCIO MANUEL PEREZ STEVE PALMA Any questions can directed to me RICHARD HER/-i)SILLO, FAIR CHAIRMAN m '''~ ~, XC: CITY COUNCIL DIR OF PARKS & REC FOR WRITTEN CO}ll1S ~},\\\l,\ ( u,) \~~\ ~~ \-') ~}\.. ~ iY~V\ \W " '~\'\l ~('\\\"\l WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS ___0___'" ._, .. "-'-." 'S'A - I -"', . /r c::i.<f'-- I 'i'C;;' I {~ {!&/v;e 1 (f cI~ ;/wZv \ ~'f~JZ~ C~ i/tdv- 8c, fl71C) -y;- if {Cuj d&~: fi~ tJ ~ (!!L:c~ ~) tJl:'~-;:{; ~ {!f{~ /'( /'0 U, . ~_~~rz~~ 7':'--0 ~ dLd"7~ ,~ lL, !7~"<--~ (l ?/14f-('-?14-~/1 ~~'/I tf ~ I ~~--P~ 1io ~f&:Y~ ~tW~~' .~ ~~~~ ;t;~ ~~ 1k- .r~~~ fiJ ~ /'~ ~ ~ t/Jv (~~) /-j) ~ \. '. . .;....... J ~ ~h\\\1' i. 'I ) Y ~"-7 :"\ l\\\~, '. I~YJL~ d4~ ~ ~) ,\\ ( '.\\)\\1 ----- / / ~,\'c, \, Ii'] '.' \'Vt 4- 7:; J- () (; (; WD!1IT"1.1)!;;~i\ ".,.."""".~~ 1\A\!1 !1r:~\1'1:f""A' TiONS ~iII ti ...~ \.Vj~(1i.'\I1iV;';;'Iio"'" C;b- ( rAP->L!:o5 NE.W f=EES. Add. TO r=iEES Per'<. Ho f'i)R. ..jACKpoTS i 1} I () 0 $I 56 :J... /00 5CJ 3 150 56 Lf 150 50 5" )..{)O 7S- &, )6D 75 7 300 16 3 .3 O{) /t)O 9 L/oCJ 100 /0 /.fQO / ,J.5"' / / SOD / /).. 5' 11 I)' ()O /;)5 PE fZ IV1 () $3:s00 <2J'/(itV) NEW IA BLE Fe.es TD C .ry pER.. Mo, VcCi-AS CLUB 'i$'TA6LES <4 (5DO VtLLACr6 c../"'UB 8 TABU:::S !sac; ChiukA VI So rA B A '/ C.ko B (), TA BLES :5 300 J! 0300 Lolr~ Add'1,) D F JACKPoTS 'HI S C-DOI...D /JJCREASE TD - ~ <6356 '$ fo3DO :Yf '6350 ~" X I ~ He> (/$ x. I ^ ft.-{ D '75, ~ DO 3 C.los;s PEP... YR. I DOl ;;Zoo E"A\ ST (Nt{- FEES To C.l,y AR.E VE4-A~ Clue b TABLES {(SO,= V I (IAGE Cku8 ~TA5LES dJ.4D.Dc> C, V r BAY Ck.u B '&... rA8L.ES . ~ ~~ fvtD. c1f 410. 00 PER 'iF\/ 5,6 '-f6 "5 HOl)R~ OF OpERAnoAJ qAhi1TO ::5 AM PLA~; 1J 4- THe: q-AME$ kE4-AL /10 THE: s,lArE ,I ~ ~PEc..l FI c..Au-y H 0 L.O - 6fv1 Pc:> (~cR." (ol-LEcn oD c H.AR.q.6 154 TD 504: pER pER-Sop pE/Z f-!~.D ALL 0 u.) IIJ q- Trle.. C!.-p.,~D RDOK5 TO C>r~~R.. JAd< pOl5 Lo!Th THE pi-.Ay I f0cr 6F ,HE VERy Pc>pu/.-.-AR. (i-AI-IE ",/ 1.'1 6F HoLD -<::.J\-( ,/ AND IIVCR-EASE 6F HaORS '-LIE. ~HDULO BE AfBLE: To HIRE" A/0 AC>!d1rtDNA.L. .:$0 ~ Ho RoE PE-6PL€. AI\)Y DEL...En6t0S o~ ~f1A,\JG-6S ~C)L.O ALTER TI4E ~TRoc.r() KE DF FEE~ PAt b 10 CII)' ~b..2 DANIEL E. LUNGREN Attorney General StaU a/California DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE March 1, 1991 P.O. BOX 163029 SACRAMENTO. CA 95816-3029 (916) 739.5446 TO: CALIFORNIA CARDRCCM a-mERS, INVESl'ORS, AND MANAGERS SUBJECl': PLAYING OF "TEXAS HOLD'EM" AND "srtJD roKER" As you are probably aware, sane confusion has existed concerninj the specific games covered by the "stud-horse poker" proscription contained within California Penal Code Section 330 (330 PC). In 1947, the Office of the Attorney General published an opinion which stated in part, "[I] t is our conclusion that 'stud-horse poker' is identical with 'stud poker.'" This opinion has been the basis for the position taken by the Department of Justice that "stud poker" is proscribed by 330 PC. Further, the Department had taken the position that the poker game known as "Texas Hold'em" is a variation of "stud poker" and is therefore also proscribed by 330 PC. This position resul ted in a court case which challenged the Department's inclusion of "Texas Hold'em" in the category of "stud poker" games. An appellate court recently ruled that, ..the poker game known as Texas Hold'em is not a form of stud-horse poker proscribed by section 330." While this ruling has resulted in sane clarification of the "stud-horse poker" proscription in 330 PC, two thinjs must be remembered. They are: 1. Although the appellate court has ruled that "Texas Hold 'em" is not proscribed by 330 PC, this does not mean the game can be offered by all California cardroans. Section 19801 of the Gaming Registration Act states in part, "NJthinj in this chapter shall be construed to preempt the authority of any city, county, and city and county...fran imposinj any valid local controls or conditions on gaming..... Section 19824 of the Act further states, "The provisions of this chapter shall not prohibit the enactment, or enforcement of any ordinance by any county, city, or city and county relatinj to gaming clubs..." Based on these sections, local authorities can and do enact ordinances which further restrict gaming operators in jurisdictions. As a result, card roan operators in jurisdictions which prohibit "Texas Hold' em" cannot offer this game. Therefore, it is strongly recarrnended that prior to offering "Texas Hold' em," cardroan operators consult with local authorities to determine whether this game can be played. 2. The appellate court decision did not include a definitive ruling regarding which games are prohibited by the "stud- horse poker" proscription in 330 PC. A request for a review of that decision was denied by the Supreme Court. ?j,..3 -2- Therefore, lacking any clear guidance fran the courts to the contrary, the Department will continue the p:JSition on "stud poker" stated in the first paragraph of this bulletin. Based on this p:JSition, the Gaming Registration Program will continue its current policy that no administrative action will be taken against gaming registrants affiliated with cardrcx:rns which offer "stud poker" so long as the cardroan operators are not prosecuted by the local district attorney's office. This policy presupposes that these cardrcx:rns have received local approval to play "stud poker." If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Gaming Registration Program at (916) 739-5739. Sincerely, DANIEL E. UJNGREN Attorney General ~~ GREXDRY . CCMARI', Director Division of Law Enforcement jay cc: George Hardie, President California Card Club o.mers' Association c:;b . q DANIEL E. LUNGREN Attorne;! General ~. '. State of California DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ---' P.O. BOX 903281 SACRA....ENTO. CA 94203-2810 (916) 7J9.5Z41 July 1, 1991 TO: CALIFORNIA CARDRCCM CWNERS, INVES'l'ORS, AND MANl'.GERS SUBJEX.:!': PLAYING CF "JACKPOI' POKER" 01 August 21, 1989, the Attorney General issued ~inion i89-403 which concluded that "jackpot poker" played for !TOney in California is unlawful because it violates the constitutional and statutory proscriptions against lotteries." Followirg the issuance of this opinicn, a letter was mailed to all California card club owners, investors, and managers 00 Septerrber 20, 1989 to inform them of the department's positioo relative to the playirg of "jackpot poker." This letter cited the Attorney General's opinion and further stated that beginnirg November 1, 1989, the Gamirg Registration Program in coordination with local law enforcement agencies would begin rronitorirg card clubs throughout the state to ensure that ro illegal "jackpot poker" games were taking place. The letter further stated that the playing of illegal "jackpot poker" constitutes a violatioo of the Penal and the Business and Professions Codes and, as such, could result in administrative disciplinary action beirg taken by the state Gaming Registration Program as well as p:JSsible criminal prosecution. The opportunity has recently arisen for the department to reexamine its position relative to the playirg of this game. B3.sed 00 a review of the circumstances surrouroing the litigation pertainirg to this matter, and perrlirg a decisioo fran the courts, the department has decided to amerrl its current p:JSition relative to the playing of this game. Therefore, effective the date of this letter, the department's new position relative to "jackpot poker" will..be that the Gaming registration Program will rot initiate administrative actioo against a cardroom which offers this game provid~ the following corrlitions are met. The cardroc:m must cbtain local approv to offer this game. Also, this p:JSition is based on the assumption that there will be ro local prosecution for offerirg the game. One consideration which must be mentioned is the fact that as stated in the -Gamirg Registration Act, "rothirg in the Act shall be construed to preempt the authority of any city, county, and city and county frcm prohibiting gaming, fran imposirg any valid local controls or corrlitions upon gaming, . . . " and the provisions of the J\ct "shall rot prohibit the enactment, amendment, or enforcement of any ordinance by any county, city, or city and county relatirg to gaming clubs which is rot inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter." As such, all cardrcx:ms wtP wish to offer this gan-e are strongly urged to contact local agencies to determine if this game can be offered. C;;b.G _ _. ._'. ._~._" _ . _____.~. ~ d< -,....- ~..~..~...,--<~ ~_''''t ......- -w- -", '" California Cardrcx:m o.mers, Investors, and Managers Page 2 If you have any questions, pleudC feel free to oontact the Gaming Fegistration Program at (916) 739-5739. Sincerely, n>\NIEL E. UJN:;Rm Attorney General GSS:jy cc: George Hardie, President, California Card Club o.mers' Assoc. C;b ..t, TO""_ ,,. ~.'" ._ i' I). i} i~ [1; [I Ii] i~ f~\ ,I . t-","''-'-~''''~''''''-.-'~'=-J I !I ! ' ." 1111:: : n 'j ~ JU. SEP 3 199i ..10:): l_.. .ow . vco.. m.-' en',' i~UJ,'~Cll ij~,'!:~fS c:.Jn:, \I::',T,:.. C;\ ,".,~_,,_.,..."_M".' ......_. ,,_...._.,.~_ ~.:..' (.-:, - '.i" :I. ,/. 'j_ ""'j"::i'. <)i '1' 1. If: !"',.;,::; di,:'::1 v !..;,;. t C'''''''!.\!'''I\:: \. -! ,~. /4.t:.i'''! n, C:1'"i1 f"j'''iL!"! ;:';1 ,.i:i ::,-\-. :;,,, ,<:;\! 'i ,f JOHN T. 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"" f"l ~;; 1-'1,;'( r- 'f A 1"'1 j""'1 C" 1"j ill ~:.? l' L-():!lllj\..tlji tiF~'f.:; ,fii::\' t-;;- (:1] t:.E::'1'" 1 '1 ::;'nr'j'!, n(] j"'! , \.,.\ oi. 1 -\ .i. r"~ 8270 University Avenue I La Mesa I Calif. 92041 I 463-0251 3264 Mary Lane I Escondido I Calif. 92025 I 747-1016 Commercial I Residential I Industrial Churches Medical '5~- I I Remodels ~~ ,. ,,,,~,,~~,.,""'""". r~.'" .,.",_"'~''-'" c- -- 1'\ \'j i:~ . \.J ',) ..~~,.,. 'd'-"~1 ! ! !:~ AUG :. 0 :991 t". 'Going "to the wood with the gospel . Preachhg the whole counsel of God' August 27, 1991 Chula Vista City Council 276 4th Avenue Chula Vista, CA 91910 Dear Council Members: I am writing on behalf of Bayview Orthodox Presbyterian Church to request a waiver of fees for our application for a conditional use permit ($175) and design review ($200). We are seeking permission from the building department to put up a tempo- rary classroom building behind our church building to accommodate students in our Christian school, and have been informed by them of the Council's willingness to con- sider waiving fees upon a request from a non-profit religious organization like our's. There may also be a building-permit fee required, though we have not yet been informed of what that will be. Can it also be waived? Thank you very much for considering this request. We appreciate your willing- ness to assist the churches in our community in this way. We are confident that the ed- ucational ministry of our school is a genuine benefit to many of the residents of Chula Vista and neighboring areas. Cordially" j/ . ~.{~! '( ~ Ie f:~i' / '- ( , / Rev. Roger Wagner '- ~ \\'J~' ~,~ I,U'J \-.-,--\,~ ~^-,-, \. \-\'~\;.\'-1..-' ~' \ -\ ,\\ ~",\V~\0. " ~~ \UCh!_ ~~~, 1 \ [\'\\\'--"-\( \ \ " "''''' ",..- 1::14"~TR-ONS . ,~~,'1t !'3"~,"~~J:<";c<i,,""...~ ~".. ~ Wn ~T""r ,," .,., r\.., -,-y, . ..,,,.,, ....~" "'Ii" ."".11"'- '. Ria II !;; ~..I'iIi ~"'""'".......~..... BAYVIEW ORTHODOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 505 E. Naples Street - Chula Vista, Ca. 92011 - (619)421-1003 '5tJ.-1 ~, .'. '&.,..,*'-'-....~,..","""' '. (~ ~ ~ 1 t 1 y 1 1li- J T~ ~ ~ . (]I - (/)~ ~ ~ V\ f ~ &' 1 - f> ~ t: J" ~ V\ -1",~ ~ t' ~~ -.I tJI,'.J. ~ <;) (f Q..~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :i ~ l~ 0 ~ ~:! 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Au[ 2'1. q'( CD ,. ~ " ---.---------- - '. r ~ . ~ 2i. q ICD COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT Item h ITEM TITlE: Meeting Date 9/10/91 Ordinance tt77 Establishing a special sewer service rate area and sewage pump stat i on charge for the Woodcrest Terra Nova Subdivision for the purpose of maintaining and operating a sewer pump station Director of Public Works~ City Manager~GIIQ-#'. (4/5ths Vote: Yes_No...!..J SUBMITIED BY: REVIEWED BY: On August 8, 1989 the City Council approved the Tentative Map for the Woodcrest Terra Nova Subdi vi s ion. Among the condit ions of approval of the Tentative Map was the requirement that the developer provide for the ongoing ma i ntenance of a proposed sewer pump station requi red to serve the project. On October 16, 1990, the developers entered into a Supplemental Subdivision Agreement agreeing to establ ish a special sewer service rate area for the purpose of co 11 ect i ng funds to provide for ongoi ng operat i on and maintenance of the proposed permanent pump station. RECOMMENDATION: That Council place the ordinance on first reading. BOARDS/COMMISSIONS RECOMMENDATION: DISCUSSION: The Woodcrest Terra Nova Subdivision is located near the top of a ridge north of East H Street, in the Terra Nova area. The property is not capable of bei ng served by a gravity sewer system wi thout pumpi ng. When the Tentat i ve Map for the Subdi vi s i on was submitted, the developer proposed to pump the sewage generated by the development to the Rice Canyon basin, which has sanitary sewer facil ities. Staff supported the recommendation provided that the developer provide for the perpetual maintenance of the pump station. Adoption of the proposed ordinance would establ ish a special sewer service rate area for the subdivision. This would enable the City to collect suffi ci ent funds to provide for the maintenance and ope rat i on of the sewer pump station. The boundari es of the proposed speci a 1 area woul d be the boundari es of the Woodcrest Terra Nova Subdivision, as shown on Map 12732, excluding lots 57, 58 and 59, which are connected directly to a gravity system. The developer has provided notice to all proposed homebuyers of the exi stence of the pump station and that there will be an additional cost over and above the regular monthly sewer charges. Attached is a copy of the page of the notice given to the homebuyer di scuss i ng the sewer pump stat ion. The buyer is requi red to initial the form and it becomes a part of the sales record. "" I Page 2, Item ~ Meeting Date 9/10/91 Based on existing comparable pump stations, staff estimates that the average annual maintenance cost of a pump station is currently $7,500. The developer has deposited $9,000 with the City to cover the cost of the first year's maintenance and operation of the sewer pump station and to stabilize the rates for all property owners unt il the project is bui ltout (estimated to be June 1993). Based on the buildout of the Subdivision, the average annual cost to a homeowner for the fi rst two years woul d be $90.00 per year. The ordi nance establishes the initial annual sewer pump station charge at $90.00 per parcel per year until June 30, 1993. Thereafter, staff would be required to annually review the actual costs and distribute those costs among the homeowners connected to the pump station. If this would result in an increase in the costs, a public hearing would have to be held before Council. The Otay Water District will collect these funds along with the regular sewer charges on the water bill until June 30, 1992. At that time, some other billing arrangement must be established. The monthly rate would be $7.50 per home. While the property is not currently capable of being served by a gravity sewer system, the ordinance contains language that would permit the City to collect funds to pay for the costs associated with connection to a gravity system, should such a connection become feasible. The City currently has 19 total pump stations of which 8 serve residential areas s imi 1 ar to Woodcrest Terra Nova. Of these 8 pump stations, 6 have s imil ar sewer servi ce di stri cts. The other two are older systems and are operated by the City. The remaining 11 stations either serve specific City-owned facilities, the sewer system as a whole or the Port District facilities. The maintenance costs for the Port District pumps are paid by the Port District. We are in the process of reviewing our ordinances relative to all of the residential pump stations and will be coming forward with an agenda item in the near future. FISCAL IMPACT: None. would not be compensated the pump station. However, if the ordinance is not adopted, the City for approximately $7,500 per year outlay to maintain CST/mad:EY-291 WPC 00470 h~Z WPC 00480 WPC 00480 EXHIBIT I leqal DescriDtion lots I through 56 and 60 through 85 inclusive of Chula Vista Tract 89-06 according to Map thereof No. 12732, as filed in the Office of the County Recorder, County of San Diego, State of California on November 2, 1990. ~ -31'-'15- Ordinance fences mUs~ S~~.. ~~ -~.- chain link fence will be permitted within ~~e ~~~~~._--- 23/CIT1 OF cHULA V!STA OPEN SPACE DISTRICT #11: District #11 was established to maintain certain open space areas, landscaped areaS and improvements that specifically benefit the co~unity. All residentS of Terra Nova will be assessed to support the Maintenance District. The initial annual assessment is approximately $90 and will be shown on your annua.l tax bill. This amo1J.nt may be adjusted every year to reflect the ..hanges in the act:1J.al number of dwelling units and additional maintenan..e costs. See the Master Fence & Landscape plan for the areas to be n""intained at woodcrest at Terra Nova. The complete maintenance area that District #11 covers and the resolution establishing the district may be reviewed at the Parks and Recreation Depar~ent of the City of Chula Vista. It sho1J.ld be noted that this t:ax is in addition to other property taxes. 24/BUILD!NG OR LOT ADDITIONS/MODIFICATIONS; Due to local zoning. planning, building regulations and ordinances, Woodcrest makes no representation or warranty of any kind regarding Buyer's ability to obtain approp~iate permission or permits to make any additions, modifications or changes to the building structure or the Lot ("Modification"). Buyer agrees it has not relied upon any statement by a woodcrest representative or the Woodcrest model homes to the contrary. Buyer agrees to contact the appropriate local agencies for information regarding this IDetter and will not hold Woodcrest responsible for buye~S inability to make any modifications to itS structure or lot. The City of Chula Vista incorporates an e~tensive hiking and equestrian trail systeID. This system extends through ~oodcrest at Terra Nova, specificallY at the front of lots 57, 58, 59, the side of lot 60, and the rear of lots 42, 43, 44. The locat:ion of this 5' wide trail is shown on Exhibit A-l. The owners of lots 57, 58, 59, and 60 will be responsible for the maintenance of the trail on and adjacent t:o their property. The balance of the trail will be maintained by Open Space District #11. ~/SEWER ~p STA'IlON ~ A sawer pump station has been installed at the end of Parks ide Drive (see Exhibit A-l) to service all of the lots at Woodcrest at Terra Nova, except lots 57, 58, end 59. The station pumps the waste water generated by the 82 lots it serves to the gra~ity flow sewer line located in Hidden Vista Drive. A special sewer service rate zona has been established by the City of Chula vista to operate and maintain the sewer pump station. for fiscal year 1991-92, a fee of approximately $7.00 a month will be charged by the City for this service. This will be in addition to the regular monthly sewer charges sent to property owners. The fee will be adjusted not more frequently than annually and will not e~ceed the actual operation and maintenance cost of the sewer pump station. 25/EQUESTRIAN TRAIL: 27/COMMUNITY pARK The Terra Nova Co~unity Park which lies adjacent to Woodcrest at Terra Nova is not for the exclusive use of the Terra Nova Community, it is open to the public. The scheduled activities and the hours the parI< is open can be obtained at: the City of Chula Vista ParI< and Recreation Department. 28/FUTURE DEVEL01'MENT: Present plans to develop or redevelop the real propa~ty adjoining or in the vicinity of your lot are unknown at this time. A copy of a portion of the City of Chula Vista General Plan 1s attached. Said plan addresses ~oning uses in the area. No warrantieS or representatiOns are made that such land U$e plan is comple~e, will be carried out, or will change in the future. Future developmen~ not shown on the attached land use IDap or the community plan may be cOmlDenced in the future. Buyer'S Initials / ~"..3 Page 5 of 6 TN WPC 00480 EXHIBIT 1 Leaal DescriDtion Lots 1 through 56 and 60 through 85 inclusive of Chula Vi sta Tract 89-06 accordi ng to Map thereof No. 12732, as fil ed in the Offi ce of the County Recorder, County of San Diego, State of California on November 2, 1990. l.-'f -5- EXHIBIT 2 N IS 14 NOVA DRiVE .0 0 N .. 18 - 8 28\ w Ie 24 , oJ < v 20 23 (/) 21 22 WEST 36 .n LEGEND: ---- SPECIAL SEWER SERVICE RATE AREA BOUNDARY ... , 0 1 ;;; ,142 43 VICINITY MAP NO SCALE FILE NO. EV 291 DRAWN 6Y .B. '>L F ,'1 T L E 6-29-91 WOODCREST TN SPECIAL SEWER SERVICE "-S 't-, RATE AREA DATE EXHIBIT 2 i , ,N "0 0 N " - Ii 2~ i.j ..J ~ c !!! ... 25 > I/) l- I/) 22 '" !t WEST LEGEND: - -- - SPECIAL SEWER SERVICE RATE AREA BOUNDARY TERRA NOVA DRIVE. VICINITY MAP NO SCALE DRAWN BY .Ii. '>L ~ ,., T L ( WOODCREST TN SPECIAL RATE AREA SEWER SERVICE DATE I, - /2.. 8-29-91 56 '117 ,1'~2 ~3 FILE NO. E'f 291 ~ ~4/7J I'~ ~ ./J~a-.. d'1l ad o.(J ~ - COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT ITEM TITLE: Item~ Meeting Date 9/10/91 Resolution l<c~~~ Approving amendments to the City General Plan and Montgomery Specific Plan as follows: Redesi gnat i on on the General Plan Di agram from "Research and Limited Manufacturing" to "Retail Commercial" and the Montgomery Speci fi c Pl an Di agram from "Research and Limited Industrial" to "Mercantile and Office Commercial" for approximately 1.86 acres at the southwest corner of Broadway and Main Street (Otay Market) - City Initiated SUBMITTED BY: REVIEWED BY: Redes ignat i on on the General Pl an Di agram from "Low-Medi urn Density Residential" and "Special Study Area" to "Retail Commercial" for approximately 3.65 acres at the southeast corner of Otay Lakes Road and East H Street (Otay Lakes Plaza) - Kelton Title Corporation Ordinance ~\l1 iI Rezoning certain territory generally bounded by Main Street to the north, Broadway (Beyer Boulevard) to the east, Faivre Street to the south, and 27th Street to the west (Assessor's Parcel Nos. 629-040-01 and 629-010-01) from their City-adopted County zone classification C-37 to the City classification C-T-P> and to change the zoning classification from R-l to C-C-P for approximately 3.65 acres of land located at the southeast corner of East H Street and Otay Lakes Road (Assessor's Parcel No. 642-020-17) Director of Planning ZL City Manager~" ~r~ (4/5ths Vote: Yes___No-X-) O~ BACKGROUND: At a publ i c heari ng held August 27, 1991, the City Council cons i de red and acted upon the above referenced General Plan amendments and rezon i ngs, and directed the City Attorney to prepare for adoption an appropriate resolution and ordi nance implementing thei r actions. (Attached for your i nformat ion is the previous A113 on these items.) With respect to the 3.65 acre Otay Lakes Plaza rezoning, Council further directed that a final set of Precise Plan Guidel ines be developed with the app 1 i cant for adopt i on, and that restri ct i on of certain uses as necessary to ensure appropriate compatibility with the adjacent school and church uses be evaluated. RECOMMENDATION: Pursuant to actions taken at the August 27, 1991 public hearing on GPA-91-03/PCZ-91-E and GPA-90-01/PCZ-90-B, it is recommended that the Council do the following: ., -I Page 2, Item ,JI1..f3 Meeting Date 9/10/91 1. Based on the findings and recommendations of the Environmental Review Coordinator, adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration, Monitoring Program and Addendum prepared under 15-90-13, and the Negative Declaration prepared under 15-91-33. 2. Adopt the resolution approving the noted amendments to the City General Plan and amendment to the Montgomery Specific Plan. 3. Adopt an ordinance changing the zoning from City-adopted County classification "C37" to City classification "C-T-P" for the 1.86 acre area at the southwest corner of Main Street and Broadway (Zoning Map No. 471), and the zone classification from "R-l" to "C-C-P," including the preci se plan gui de 1 i nes in Appendi x 2, for the 3.86 acre area at the southeast corner of Otay Lakes Road and East H Street (Zoning Map No. 451). DISCUSSION: During staff comments at the August 27, 1991 hearing on GPA-90-01/PCZ-90-B, it was i ndi cated that certain preci se plan gui del i nes developed for the staff recommended "C-O-P" zoning would not be appropriate for a retail development under "C-C-P" zoning, and required revision. The appl icant also expressed concern about potential guidel ines, and Council directed staff to work with the applicant to develop a mutually agreeable set to be brought back in two weeks for adoption with the rezoning ordinance. Staff met with the appl icant, and the resulting guidel ines for the "P" Modifying District are contained in Appendix 2. Guideline #5 addresses the Council's direction to prohibit certain uses normally allowed or conditionally allowed in the "C-C-P" zone which would not be appropriate or compatible given the site's adjacency to school and church uses. Since this specific limitation of uses is beyond normal code applications for the Precise Plan Modifying District, it is the recommendation of the City Attorney that the City enter into a separate agreement with the appl icant establ i shing CC&R's which would prohibit the following uses: Liquor stores Bars and cocktail lounges Night clubs or dance clubs Cigar/cigarette stores Pool halls Card rooms Amusement centers/video arcades Money exchanges/pawn shops The intent of incorporating requirements for this agreement into the guidelines, yet deferring its establishment till prior to building permit approval, is to ensure the desired control while allowing adequate time to prepare necessary documents with the applicant. FISCAL IMPACT: Not applicable. WPC 9716P 1.2 APPENDIX 1 SUPPLEMENTAL FINDINGS FOR APPLICATION OF "P" MODIFIER OTAY MARKET SITE Pursuant to Zoning Ordinance Section 1956.041, the "P" modifying district is applied based on the following: 1. The subject property, or neighborhood or area in which the property is 1 ocated, is uni que by vi rtue of topography, geo 1 ogi ca 1 characteri st i cs, access, configuration, traffic circulation or some social or historic situation requiring special handling of the development on a precise plan basis. The subject property, being basically three-sided and located at the southwest corner of Broadway and Main Street, is impacted by the traffic circulation associated with this intersection. It is further impacted by the location of 27th Street on its western boundary. Precise Plan approval will ensure that development of the parcel considers the various traffic engineering required for these streets and that safe and adequate ingress and egress is provided. 2. The property or area to which the "P" modifying district is applied is an area adjacent and contiguous to a zone allowing different land uses, and the development of a precise plan will allow the area so designated to coexist between land uses which might otherwise prove incompatible. Zoning to the west and east of the subject parcels is Light Industrial. The precise plan requirement will help create a development that is compatible with the existing and future industrial uses by providing adequate buffers and landscaped areas. 3. The basic or underlying zone regulations do not allow the property owner and/or the City the appropriate control or flexibility needed to achieve an efficient and proper relationship among the uses allowed in the adjacent zones. The underlying zone of C- T (Thoroughfare Commercial) provides for the establ i shment of commerci a 1 act i vi ties cateri ng to thoroughfare traffi c. Typical uses include retail commercial, entertainment, automotive and other appropriate "highway related" activities. Given the subject parcel's location immediately adjacent to an industrial zone, not all uses associ ated with the C- T zone may be appropri ate. The" P" modi fi er will allow the owner and the City to consider uses under the Precise Plan and further detail the types and development of uses consistent with the surrounding land uses. WPC 9484P -r.-3/1-18 , y, '- COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT , Item Meeting Date 8/27/91 Public Hearing: Proposed Amendm!!nts to City of Chula Vista General Plan Director of Planning ~~ ITEM TITLE: SUBMITTID BY: REVI EVED BY: City Manager (4/5ths Vote: Yes_No..LJ BACKGROUND: Under State law, cities and counties are limited to consideration of no more than four amendments to the General Plan per calendar year. Each of these four amendments may include more than one change to the General Plan. Council ~ has already acted on one General Plan Amendment this year involving the. Central Chula Vista Zoning Consistency Study. In order to preserve future options for considering other pending or proposed general plan amendments during 1991, staff has scheduled GPA 91-03 (Otay Market) and GPA 90-01 (Kelton Title Corporation) for consideration as a single General Plan Amendment. Following this memorandum are separate agenda statements on each of the two requests. ~ RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Council open the public hearing and take public testimony on each of the two proposals separately. However, at the close of the public hearing on the second request, it is recommended that Council consider both requests as a single action, and direct the City Attorney to prepare an appropriate resolution reflecting their intended action. Similarly, Council should provide direction as to the preparation of ordinances which would implement appropriate rezoning for each of the two sites. The attached chart summarizes the necessary actions for each of the two cases. WPC 9687P ,..<.{ , - '" 0 - ;...... u '" ~ -~ 111 ....'" ~ CI1l 111'- "'Cc::c"'Cu - C 111 111>,"'111 Q. .... 11I"C > I '" 0::=''-''- 0 c ...."'.... I '- ~ EC,I) ~ fa U 111 ee = 0'- .... ~ ---~ - <") ~fOcncn 0 ee ... OJ- en_ .... I :lE:UI1lC .... 0 I GJ'+-_ = .... .... ~~E-8 - '" I I .... VI -J_a..c::c a: VI - = = 111 -~ .... ... -0 ~ I 0 c.... 0 1 ....ee -Q. 111'" :>o:~ 0 ;...... '" a:I ...~ ....'" .... C:QJ= III 111'-_ 111 "Cee", = - - III>'U Q. 111 CIJ"C '- I a: a: = 111 u !St;~ I III U III = .... .... __u C C <") "C'" 0 CIJ '" ... GJ.~_ .... e U I X (,Jepoo "C - 0 1111'" C - .... ! 0..... ... 111 I VI 111 I ~ VI .....~a: a: ee - C '" - Q. - '" ~ 111 C 111 <:I "C 111 .... = _0_ e....'" - - Q. .....= U I ""'- ~ "CCI1I I c_ ~ U ....~ "'~ 111<") = .>< 0 ""....U 0 ~I <") UU .... '" ... <") '-"'- :IE: .... I "'....- = 1 ... CIJ='" ..... >,ee .... IIIC.... <") '" Q. I 111",111 I ....'" VI ~:IE:~ u O~ - . ee c c '" 0 - - Q. .... r c >'" - 111 -'- '" e 111 ....'" ~ c 1.. 5 "'- 111 c 0 U c 111 N 111111 111 111 z: CI '" a: COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT Item Meeting Date 8/27/91 ITEM TITLE: Publ ic Hearing: GPA-91-03, PCZ-91-E; City-initiated proposal to amend the City General Pl an, from Research and limited Manufacturing to Retail Commercial, for certain territory, generally bounded by Main Street to the north, Broadway (Beyer Boulevard) to the east, Faivre Street to the south, and 27th Street to the west (Assessors Parcel Nos. 629-040-01 and 629-010-01). Also requested is an amendment to the Montgomery Specific Plan from Research and limited Industrial to Mercantile and Office Commercial, and a rezone from City-adopted County zone classification C-37 to City classification C-T-P. The precise boundary and proposed amendments and rezoning are depicted on attached Exhibits "A" and "B" SUBMITTED BY: Director of Planning ,~~ REVIEWED BY: City Manager (4/Sths Vote: Yes___No-x-) BACKGROUND This proposal involves an amendment to the City General Plan and the Montgomery Specific Plan, as well as a rezoning for the property located at the southwest corner of Main Street and Broadway in the Otay area of Montgomery (Otay Market). Zoning of the subject properties was deferred at the Public Hearing of November 13, 1990, Harborside "B" Part II, zoning reclassification of the Montgomery area, because of a zoning and land use concern raised by the property owner. The request under consideration would amend the City General Plan from Research and Limited Manufacturing to Retail Commercial, the Montgomery Specific Plan from Research and limited Industrial to Mercantile and Office Commercial, and will rezone the property from the City-adopted County zone C-37 (Heavy Commercial) to the City classification C-T-P (Thoroughfare Commercial, Precise Plan Overlay). The Environmental Review Coordinator (ERC) conducted an Initial Study, IS-91-33, of potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed amendments and rezoning. Based on that attached Initial Study and comments thereon, _ if any, the (ERe) has concluded that this reclassification would cause no significant environmental impacts and has issued a Negative Declaration on IS-91-33. REcottIENDATION: 1. Based on the Initial Study and comments on the Initial Study and Negative Declaration, find that this reclassification and rezoning will have no significant environmental impacts and adopt the Negative Declaration issued on IS-91-33 for the Otay Market rezone. 1-1 Page 2, Item Meeting Date 8/27/91 2. Approve a change to the General Pl an des i gnat i on to Reta il Commerc i a 1 , and the Montgomery Specific Plan designation to Mercantile and Office tommercial, for the property as described on the attached Exhibit A. 3. Adopt an ordinance changing the zone classification from the City-adopted County zone "C37" to the City classification C-T-P for the subject property. BOARDS/C0tf4ISSIONS REC0tf4ENDATION: Both the' Montgomery Pl anning Committee and the City Planning Commission, at their public hearings on these matters held July 3, 1991, and July 10, 1991 respectively, unanimously recommended that the following actions be taken: 1. Based on the Initial Study and Negative Declaration, and comments thereon, find that these actions will have no significant environmental impacts and adopt the Negative Declaration issued on IS-91-33. 2. Adoption of resolution changing the General Plan designation to Retail Commercial and the Montgomery Specific Plan designation to Mercantile and Office Commercial. . 3. Adoption of an ordinance changing the zoning classification to the City's "C-T-P". DISCUSSION: 1. Previous Actions At the November 13, 1990 public hearing on the Harborside B Part II area of the Montgomery Rezoning Program (PCl-90-Q-M), Council directed staff to prepare a background report on the resolution of a zoning and land use concern raised by Mr. Paul Tamayo regarding his Otay Farms Market. Mr. Tamayo expressed concern over the original City rezoning proposal for the site of I-L-P (Limited Industrial with Precise Plan) which would have implemented the Research and Limited Industrial designation on the Montgomery Specific Plan. Under the I-L-P zone, Mr. Tamayo would not be able to remodel and expand the market which has occupied the site under the County's C-37 (Heavy Commercial) zone for approximately 20 years. Mr. Tamayo reiterated the family's intent to demolish the existing market and rebuild a larger one on the 1.35 ac parcel immediately south of the 0.51 acre site, and to use the smaller site for increased parking needs. He requested the City zone the site commercial to allow for expansion and continuation of the existing market. Since the City General Plan as well as the Montgomery Specific Plan designate the property industrial, and the parcel s are within a Special Study Area of the Montgomery Specific Plan, staff was directed to expedite addressment of that portion of the Study Area necessary to accommodate Mr. Tamayo's request. The project has been limited at this time to include only Mr. Tamayo's property since the majority of the Special Study Area surrounding the market was rezoned to the City I-L-P zone at the November 13, 1990 hearing. t-i' Page 3, Item Meeting Date 8/27/91 2. Preliminary Conceot Plans Mr. Tamayo, in conjunction with the processing of this application, provided the City with preliminary concept pl ans for the expansion and reconstruction of the market. Mr. Tamayo has been informed that the property will most likely not support the amount of square footage indicated on those plans and that when plans are submitted for the ultimate project, traffic and circulation impacts will be assessed. Ultimately, mitigation measures for traffic may be included with a final project. Initially, staff and the City Council discussed a designation of C-C-P (Central Commercial with Precise Plan). Based on the uses identified on the concept plans and a review of the zoning code, staff is recommending a zone classification of C-T-P (Thoroughfare Commercial with Precise Plan) for the property. This designation would accommodate the expanded market and associated uses such as a tortilla factory as presented by Mr. Tamayo. 3. Adiacent Zonina and Land Use North C-T-P I-L-P Commercial strip centers on the west side of Broadway Car sales lot and mobile home park on east side of Broadway East I-L-P I-L-P I-l-P Vacant, open storage South Gas station, thrift store, commercial automotive West Auto repair, offices, metal works, tires 4. Existina Site Characteristics The subject parcels occupy level ground at the corner of Main Street and Broadway (Beyer Boulevard). The extreme northern corner of the parcel is utilized as a car lot. Otay Market is a single story, approximately 8,500 square foot building located on the remainder of the 0.51 acre parcel. Approximately 56 parking spaces are marked onsite. Access is taken from both Broadway (Beyer) and 27th Street. A flower stand is located on the lot as well. The 1.35 acre parcel to the south is vacant, with a portion used for storage. The intersection of Main Street and Broadway is signalized. There are signalized left turn lanes for east and west bound traffic onto Broadway and for north and south bound traffic onto Main Street. The intersection of 27th Street and Main Street does not appear to be located an adequate distance from the Main and Broadway intersection. However, the former is not fully improved and left turns onto west bound Main Street will need to be considered with the ultimate project. t-'i Page 4, ,Item Meeting Date 8/27/91 5. Soecific Plan The subject parcels were contained in the Harborside B Part II subcommunity of the Montgomery Specific Plan. The Specific Plan designates the property Research and limited Industrial and identifies it as a portion of the Special Study Area located south of Main Street between Industrial Boulevard and Broadway. As previously stated,' the majority of the Special Study Area has been rezoned to I-l-P. The subject parcel was deferred for the opportunity to consider commercial zoning consistent with the established market onsite. ANALYSIS Several factors support the General Plan amendment, Specific Plan amendment and rezoning described above: I. The Chula Vista General Plan encourages the redevelopment, upgrade and replacement of older and/or marginal retail uses along Broadway and Main Street. The existing Otay Market has served the area for the past 20 years. Allowing its expansion and remodel will be consistent with the General Plan goals. 2. Surrounding General Plan designations include Retail Commercial to the immediate north and Thoroughfare Commercial to the northwest. The proposed amendment will carry the commercial designation in an orderly manner along Broadway to the limits of the flood plain adjacent to the southern City boundary. 3. The Montgomery Specific Plan calls for the rehabilitation and revitalization of the various neighborhoods in Montgomery. The Otay Market provides a neighborhood grocery outlet for the residential areas to the north and east. The proposed specific plan amendment will allow for its expansion and continued use. 4. Surrounding Specific plan designations include Mercantile and Office Commercial to the immediate north and Heavy Commercial to the northwest. The proposed amendment will relate to these commercial designations and create a commercial node at the corner of Broadway and Main Street. 5. The proposed zane reclassification converts the City-adopted County zoning of C-37 (Heavy Commercial) to the similar City classification C-T-P, and allows the expansion and redevelopment of the existing market. 6. The precise plan requirement will ensure that development of the parcels provides adequate buffer to the adjacent industrial uses and that the onsite uses are adequately planned. Supplemental Findings for application of the .p. Modifier are contained in Attachment 1 to this report. FISCAL IMPACT: None. WPC 9618P "'1../0 COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT Item . Meeting Date B/Z7/91 ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing: GPA-90-0l, PCl-90-B; Proposal to amend the Land Use Diagram of the City General Pl an by redesignation from "Low-Medium Density Residential (3-6 dujac)" and "Special Study" to "Retail Commercial", and to change the zoning classification from "R-l" to "C-C-P", for approximately '3.65 acres of land, located at the southeast corner of East H Street a~d Otay Lakes Road - Kelton Title Corporation SUBMITTED BY: Director of Planning b{ REVIEWED BY: City Manager (4j5ths Vote: Yes_NoJ.J BACKGROUND Current Reauests The subject General Plan Amendment request for "Retail Commercial" is part of a joint application involving a companion request for rezoning of the subject site from "R-l n (Singl e-Family Residenti al) to "C-C-P" (Central Commerci al subject to Precise Plan). The intent of these requests is to allow the app 1 i cant to submi t plans for development of a retail canven i ence center on the site. An Initial Study (IS-90-l3) of possible significant environmental impacts from the applicant's proposal has been conducted. The Environmental Review Coordinator has concl uded that there would be no significant envi ronmental effects if specific with mitigation measures are included, and has therefore issued a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Addendum, Pursuant to assessment of alternative land uses, and staff's recommendation for denial of the applicant's request and approval of a General Plan Amendment to "Professional and Administrative Commercial", an alternate Negative Declaration, titled IS-90-l3 Negative Declaration Alternate, was prepared. Should staff's recommendation be followed, the Environmental Review Coordinator has recommended that the Negative Declaration Alternate for IS-90-I3 be adopted. Historv Original applications to amend the General Plan from "Low-Medium Density Residential" to "Retail Commercial", and rezone the subject site from "R-l to "C-C-P", were filed in June 1986 by the same project applicant, Kelton Title Corporation. In December 1986, the Planning Commission voted to deny the request. In February 1987, the City Council considered an appeal of the Planning Commission action, and referred matters back to the Planning Commission for reconsideration. The amendment appl ication was subsequently withdrawn by the applicant in May of 1987. At the July 11, 1989, City Council public hearing on the General Plan Update, the matter af determining an appropriate land use for the subject site arose, and the Council unanimously moved to have the site placed in a "Special Study Area" in order that a more comprehensive evaluation of appropriate alternative ( -/1 Page 2, Item Meeting Date 8/27/91 land uses to the existing residential designation occur. Subsequently, Kelton Title Corporation submitted their current general plan amendment and rezone applications for consideration. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Based on the findings and recol1lllendations of the Environmental Review Coordinator, adopt IS-90-13 Negative Declaration Alternate.1 Deny the applicant's request for a General Plan Amendment to .Retail COl1lllercial., and rezoning to .C-C-P", Approve an amendment to .Professional and Administrative COl1lllercial", and rezone to "CoO-Po including the Precise Plan Guidelines attached as Appendix 3. BOARDS/COMMISSIONS RECOMMENDATION: At their July 24, 1991 hearing the Planning Commission unanimously passed the following motions recommending that the City Council: 2. 3. 1. Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Monitoring Program prepared in conjunction with IS-90-13. 2, Adopt a resolution amending the General Plan from "Low-Medium Density Residential (3-6 du/ac)" and "Special Study Area" to "Retail COl1lllercial", 3. Adopt an ordinance changing the zoning from "R-l" to "C-C-P" including adoption of the Precise Plan Guidelines. BASIC INFORMATION 1. Subiect Prooertv The property is a vacant 3.65 acre parcel comprised of two relatively level pads separated by a steep slope, and stepping up from west to east. 2. Adiacent General Plan Desianations (olease see Exhibit A) North: South: East: West: Public-Quasi Public Low-Medium Density Residential Low-Medium Density Residential Public-Quasi Public 3. Adiacent Zonina and Land Use (olease see Exhibit B) North: South: East: West: R-l Bonita Vista High School R-l Church R-l Church R-l Southwestern College -~-------------------- 1 It should be noted that approval of the. applicant's request would require adoption of the Mitigated Negative Declaration, Monitoring Program and Addendum prepared under IS-90-13. -,.. I).. Page 3, Item Meeting Date 8/27/91 DISCUSSION: The current proposals are essentially the same as those filed in July 1986 under GPA-86-6 and PCZ-86-E. At that time, the applicant's existing College Pl aza center (located 1400 ft. south of the subject si te) was not fully developed and in a state of decline, and the Bonita Pointe Plaza at the northwest corner of East H Street and Otay lakes Road was yet to be built. Additionally, with the General Plan Update underway, and several adjacent large development projects in their initial phases, concern was that determination of need for a third neighborhood retail center might be premature. Staff and the Planning Commission concurred that revitalization and development of the two centers, respectively, should be prerequisite to further consideration of establishing additional retail uses in the Southwestern College area. Since that time, several significant changes have occurred which influence evaluation of the current proposals. These changes include revitalization of the 5.29 acre College Plaza, development of the 10.56 acre Bonita Pointe Plaza, residential growth in the surrounding area, and significant policy and land use changes through adoption of the General Plan Update in 1989. With regard to the General Plan Update, in addition to the designation of substantial additional urban development area in the Eastern Territories, Section 7.2 of the Land Use Element established several "Community Activity Centers" intended to provide a variety of community support facilities and services (see Exhibit C). The subject site lies within the "Southwestern College Activity Center, which includes the area in the vicinity of the intersection of East H Street and Otay Lakes Road. The General Plan states, "Community Activity Centers are sub-centers of the general plan area that provide a variety of community support facilities and services. They are not exclusively community retail centers and may include higher density residential, employment, education, health care, recreation and other public and private services." Special consideration should be given to land use decisions within these centers to ensure that an appropriate land use balance, diversity anD compatibility exists. This is especially true of the subject site, given its central location, and adjacency to the college, high school, and other retail commercial centers. As part of the applicant's request, the applicant's planning consultant, P & D Technologies (Appendix I), compiled a General Plan goal and objective consistency analysis. According to this analysis, the principal rationale for the subject request is that the site is inherently best suited for retail commercial use because it fronts on two major streets, and is located within an established "Activity Center" of the General Plan. The Plan Amendment is justified by: Increased retail needs presented by adjacent residential growth. Air quality improvement resulting from reduced vehicular travel given the site's location in proximity to residential neighborhoods, and on the "homeward bound" travel route of many area residents.. Also the site's location at the hub of bus, bike, and pedestrian routes allows for use of alternate transportation promoted by the General Plan. (" \3 Page 4, Item Meeting Date 8/27/91 Traffic and resultant noise make the site poorly suited for residential development, and that potential use of walls for noise mitigation would render the prominent site visually inferior, and conflict with goals for the H Street and Otay Lakes Road scenic corridors. ANALYSIS General Plan Amendment In the report to the Planning Commission, based on the Special Study examination (see Appendix 2), staff recommended that the applicant's request for a Retail Commercial Plan Designation be denied and recommended alternatively that the Professional and Administrative Commercial Plan Designation be applied. However, the Planning Commission did not agree with staff recommendation, and recommended the Retail Commercial General Plan Designation. In taking this action, the Commission cited the following conclusions: 1) the Eastern Territories is currently underserved by local retail commercial development compared to other parts of Chula Vista, 2) the Southwestern College Area needs additional retail commercial development to serve neighborhood needs, and 3) the market for office commercial development is uncertain, and is believed to be poor in this area. In order to clarify staff's concerns on these issues, and respond to the points made by the Planning Commission, the following analysis is provided: 1. AMOUNT OF EASTERN TERRITORIES COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT The Chula Vista General Plan Land Use Element contains the following information on projected buildout population and amount of retail commercial acreage for different portions of the City: Reta il Retail Commercial Bu il dout Commercial Acres per PODulations Acreaae 1.000 PODulation Total 209,600 934 4.4 Central Chula Vista & Bayfront 53,500 246 4.6 Montgomery .. 49,800 317 6.4 Sweetwater 48,700 117 2.4 Eastern Territories 57,700 254 4.4 The figures above include regional, community, and neighborhood-serving retail commercial acreage. As this table shows, the existing General Plan allocates retail commercial acreage in the Eastern Territories in ''''~ Page 5, Item Meeting Date 8/27/91 direct proportion to the City-wide average. Cumulatively, acreage to population ratios are adequate and well balanced, and would not be significantly affected by the 3.65 acres associated with the subject proposal. 2. NEIGHBORHOOD NEEDS As mentioned, the above acreage to population ratios include regional, community, and neighborhood serving allocation rates. In accordance with land use planning criteria documented by the Urban Land Institute (ULI) and other accepted planning standards, I acre/l000 population ratio has been used to evaluate the adequate allocation of neiahborhood servina commercial use within a service area defined by convenience and access (generally a 1 to 1-1/2 mile radius). Based upon distances to other commercial centers and accessibility presented by circulation patterns, staff performed a neighborhood retail needs analysis. The Southwestern College Area that would logically be served by an additional neighborhood convenience center 1 ies within a 1 to 1.5 mile radius of the East H Street/Otay Lakes Road intersection, and includes a majority of Rancho Del Rey SPA I, all of SPA III, Bonita Long Canyon, Bonita Ridge Estates, Encore Bonita, and the larger College Estates area. The EastLake and Otay Ranch projects were not included as they are beyond a reasonable neighborhood service area, and designate a variety of commercial areas within their master plans. Approximately 5,500 existing and proposed dwelling units were encompassed within the service area, which, based on the 1990 Census average household size of 2.8, represents about 15,400 residents. The existing 16 acres of neighborhood commercial use contained in Bonita Pointe Plaza and College Plaza compares favorably with the'15.4 acres resulting from application of ULI criteria and indicates that needs are and will be adequately met. Additionally, both of these centers are conveniently located in direct proximity to the subject site, and contain in excess of 30 retail establishments providing a well balanced mix of goods and services sufficient to meet local commercial needs including restaurants, beauty shops, bank, laundromat, drug store, and major grocery markets. Given ULI allocation standards, and use mixes within the existing centers, the need for additional convenience retail is questionable. A center of 3.65 acres would not attract a major anchor tenant complementary to those in the area, but rather would probably be comprised of miscellaneous smaller uses similar to those in the existing centers. Such redundancy could lead to future vacancy and/or decline in the existing centers. 3. SITE PLANNING ISSUES/SOUTHWESTERN COLLEGE ACTIVITY CENTER In addition to the question of long-term need for a third neighborhood retail center in this location, there is also concern over the creation of an appropriate land use balance within the Southwestern College 1../S Page 6 , Item Meeting Date 8/27/91 Activity Center. The site's location at the intersection of East H Street and Otay Lakes Road, in proximity to Southwestern College and Bonita Vista High School, means. that the development of this property will have a strong influence on the overall character of this activity center. Given projected traffic volumes and accessibility by bus, bike, and pedestrian systems, this intersection is envisioned to become a busy public node. As proposed, development of a retail center will result in juxtaposition of retail and educational uses on the four corners of the intersection, and create a series of centers in close proximity along Otay Lakes Road. While not expressly prohibited by the General Plan, this land use arrangement may not be the most desirable for an area specifically designated to be an important community focal point, with a diversity of civic, business and/or cultural uses. 4. OFFICE COMMERCIAL MARKET Local sources indicate that a recent downturn in the office market is primarily attributable to unfavorable lending conditions which require greater developer equity and significant pre-leasing guarantees to obtain financing. This comes as an result of overbuilding and devaluation of office commercial properties caused by the more lenient lending environment and favorable tax laws of the mid-80's, and impacts both new ventures and lease-up rates in completed projects. Currently, a fair amount of office space is available within Eastern Chula Vista, including approximately 24,000 square feet in the Bonita Pointe Professional Building located on the northern edge of the Activity Center adjacent to Bonita Vista Junior High School. The current tenant, North Island Federal Credit Union, will be relocating to EastLake at the end of the year. While this space, coupled with potential additional office uses allowed within a retail commercial zone, would be adequate to meet short tern demands in the area, longer term needs are still in question. As previously indicated, the level of traffic projected for the intersection place the site at a strategic community access point. While the Bonita Pointe Professional Building is within the Activity Center, it does not serve this predominant focal role. Provision for development of office or other civic and education uses allowed under the Professional and Administrative Commercial designation could be supported by the additional population, and would be well located to provide a balance of uses at the Activity Center's core. CONCLUSIONS General Plan Amendment Staff recommends denial of the applicant's request for Retail Commercial Land Use designation on this property for the following reasons: 1. Appropriately sized and well sited retail centers either exist or are planned which adequately meet the needs in the Eastern Territories, and within the service area of the Southwestern College Activity Center. (..l~ Page 7. Item Meeting Date 8/27/91 2. Development of this site with a retail commercial center would not promote the overall character which is envisioned in the General Plan for the Southwestern College Activity Center. Therefore, it is staff's recommendation that this site be redesignated in the General Plan to "Professional and Administrative Commercial", with companion rezoning to "C-O-P". I Zonina For reasons discussed above relative to the proposed General Plan amendment, staff is also recommending denial of the applicant's request to rezone to C-C-P, and proposes the C-O-P zone in conjunction with the Professional and Administrative Commercial land use designation. The C-O-P zone provides for land uses wh i ch are cons i stent wi th those prescri bed by the General Pl an for Community Activity Centers. The precise plan requirements will ensure that development on the site will achieve an efficient and proper relationship with adjacent uses, and is required to be applied to those properties along scenic corridors such as E. H Street and Otay Lakes Road. Supplemental findings for application of the "P" modifier and specific guidelines, contained in Appendix 3 to this report, are recommended for adoption in conjunction with the C-O-P zoning for this site. If the City Council concurs with the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and redesignates the site to "Retail Commercial," with companion zoning of "C-C-P", staff would recommend that direction be given to any specific site planning or design issues which it would like to have addressed in the UP" modifier guidelines for the site. FISCAL IMPACT: Not applicable. WPC 9688P l..11 APPENDIX 2 SUPPLEMENTAL FINDINGS FOR APPLICATION OF .p. MODIFIER KELTON TITLE SITE Pursuant to General Plan requi rements for propert i es on sceni c roadways, and Zoning Ordinance Section 1956.041, the "P" modifying district is applied based on the following: A. The subject property, or the neighborhood or area in which the property is located, is unique by virtue of topography, geological characteristics, access, configuration, traffic circulation or some social or historic situation requiring special handling of the development on a precise plan basis. B. The property or area to which the P modifying district is applied is an area adjacent and contiguous to a zone allowing different land uses, and the development of a precise plan will allow the area so designated to coexist between land usages which might otherwise prove incompatible. C. The basic or underlying zone regulations do not allow the property owner and/or the city appropriate control or flexibility needed to achieve an efficient and proper relationship among the uses allowed in the adjacent zones. In this instance, the site's location at the corner of two future six-lane designated scenic roadways, and adjacency to Bonita Vista High School, Southwestern College, and the Latter Day Saints church present unique ci rcumstances for whi ch the proposed underlyi ng zone regulat ions woul d not allow the City appropriate control. In order to achieve an efficient and proper rel at i onshi p among adjacent uses, and ensure compat i bl e coexi stence between the proposed retail center and existing school uses, the Precise Plan guidelines to be attached to the property shall include: 1. The architectural design theme of any proposed development shall be compatible and harmonious with those of adjacent land uses, and create a high qual i ty publ i c image consi stent wi th intents for the Southwestern College Community Activity Center. 2. Buil di ng facades and roof 1 i nes faci ng streets and parki ng areas shoul d be consistent throughout the development in design, colors, and materials so as to create a unified appearance for the total development. 3. The setback establ ished along both Otay Lakes Road and "H" Street shall be not 1 ess than 25 feet for any buil di ng or 15 feet for any parki ng area. Setbacks for any buildings over 25 feet in height shall be equal to the setback from the front property 1 ine. The minimum setback from the radi us of the corner shall be 60 feet with the di stance measured perpendicular from the corner radius. 4. Pedestrian-oriented areas shall be enhanced through the use of a combination of textured paving, benches, sculptures, and landscaping. 5. Prior to the issuance of any building permits for said development, the appl icant/owner (or their successors in interest) shall enter into an "1< L'I agreement with the City establishing Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&R's) to prohibit the following general uses either allowed or conditionally allowed in the "C-C" zone which are considered incompatible with adjacent land uses: 1 iquor stores, bars and cocktail lounges, night clubs/dance clubs, cigar/cigarette stores, pool halls, card rooms, amusement centers/video arcades, and money exchanges/pawn shops. Restaurants servi ng 1 i quor in conjunct i on wi th a food ope rat i on shall be considered as an acceptable land use. Any costs incurred in administration of these CC&R's shall be born by the applicant. 6. A maximum of two driveway accesses may be provided on both Otay Lakes Road and East H Street. 7. The minimum distance of any driveway access from the intersection of Otay Lakes Road and East H Street, as measured from the property lines, shall be 200 feet. 8. Pad buildings shall be restricted to no more than one drive-thru establ i shment. WPC 9672P 1. - 2.c.> -2- RESOLUTION NO. I(.S~t RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AMENDING THE CITY GENERAL PLAN FROM "RESEARCH AND LIMITED MANUFACTURING" TO "RETAIL COMMERCIAL" AND THE MONTGOMERY SPECIFIC PLAN FROM "RESEARCH AND LIMITED INDUSTRIAL" TO "MERCANTILE AND OFFICE COMMERCIAL" FOR CERTAIN TERRITORY GENERALLY BOUNDED BY MAIN STREET TO THE NORTH, BROADWAY (BEYER BOULEVARD) TO THE EAST, FAIVRE STREET TO THE SOUTH, AND 27th STREET TO THE WEST (ASSESSORS PARCEL NOS. 629-040-01 AND 629-010-01), AND AMENDING THE LAND USE DIAGRAM OF THE CITY GENERAL PLAN BY REDESIGNATION FROM "LOW-MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (3-6 du/ac)" AND "SPECIAL STUDY" TO "RETAIL COMMERCIAL" FOR APPROXIMATELY 3.65 ACRES OF LAND, LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST GORNER OF EAST H STREET AND OTAY LAKES ROAD The City Council of the City of Chula Vista does hereby resolve as follows: WHEREAS, this proposal involves an amendment to the City General Plan and the Montgomery Specific Plan for the property located at the southwest corner of Main Street and Broadway in the otay area of Montgomery as more fully demonstrated in Exhibit A ("Otay Market") and for approximately 3.65 acres of land located at the southeast corner of East H Street and Otay Lakes Road ("Kelton Title Site") as more fully demonstrated in Exhibit B; and WHEREAS, said requests would amend the City General Plan from Research and Limited Manufacturing to Retail Commercial and from Low-Medium Density Residential (3-6 du/ac) to Retail Commercial, and the Montgomery Specific Plan from Research and Limited Industrial to Mercantile and Office Commercial, and WHEREAS, the Environmental Review Coordinator (ERC) conducted Initial Studies, IS-91-33 and IS-90-13, of potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed amendments and has concluded that this reclassification would cause no significant environmental impacts and has issued a Mitigated Negative Declaration, with Monitoring Program and Addendum on IS-90-13 and a Negative Declaration on IS-91-33; and Planning matters, changing WHEREAS, the Montgomery Planning Committee and the City Commission, at their respective pUblic hearings on these unanimously recommended the adoption of a resolution the General Plan designations. NOW, the City of recommendations THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Chula Vista that based on the findings and of the Environmental Review Coordinator, the -1- 1.0.- l City Council hereby adopts the Mitigated Negative Declaration, Monitoring Program and Addendum prepared under IS-90-13, and the Negative Declaration prepared under IS-91-33. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby amend that portion of the Land Use Diagram of the City General Plan affecting the otay Market from "Research and Limited Manufacturing" to "Retail Commercial" and of the Montgomery specific Plan from "Research and Limited Industrial" to "Mercantile and Office Commercial" as set forth in Exhibit "A" and affecting Kelton Title site from "Low-Medium Density Residential (3-6 du/ac)" and "Special study" to "Retail Commercial", as set forth in Exhibit "B". Presented by Robert A. Leiter, Director of Planning 9219a -2- 1.c;...-2. " i rl: I I , , ..___J , . \ } \ I I I I , . 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UIQf AICI iMTID NIUmIAL I ,,,,,., MIICII AICI ONN IFIIIoC2 DTAY MARKET GP.A-91-3 CHANGE FROM RESEARCH AND LIMITED MANUFACTURING TO RETAIL.COMMERCIAL .J I . ~._- I . , , I I ___ L . . -- .'._1 [ SITE . -- - - ... .:;~~j"~Jl . ,,,,"'::.~':'::::': . . .. ..;ow '% ""~.:;-;., '< ::. :.:..~.~.'...J<'....,...,.::~.'1.~..:.:....:..~,::.:.:~.',...'.;... ....:~.. ,. .:;.::;,'.::\~.::~.':::,~.::,{';.;,...' v.::~.~.:.:.~:.;~._-:~~.~.1;~.~;.~..~.:f..~.,~.'~.:~~.~.:~.'~.'.,. .. ~~~-~:.: ::. ." ~ y , ~'y_ fu '<" ., '~,"<.'~;.,... ~"">.;~ fi/.~"'; .".'" :11" "x.. ,. 'Y'., - 'I . . .. . . ,.?;~_.~,;.~~:flii~t~.,. "}:~*.:':' .r.i[t\iL.:,~. c, :~f.~~.'.',;.~.<.~.:.:,'..~"...t.'.'.'..:.:..~.;..'.'...'...,.:.~,..~...l...:.f...:...-.?,..:,.~.',.i...,[.l....., ~~11~l~~ti.. :~". ->U;;',,<< ;.. '~1'e;t:~;tJ\:;~,:\\~h1;~:f," - .. .,:;~~j~: .~tit~~~ SAN GIIGO o . . N . . EXHIBIT A lCAU!:'so. _ LE1ut;RI.MdN1YRE AND ASSOCIATES (~-3 -. - . GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATIONS _ bp-A-so~ 1"::~Z-90-B _ r . . ". .J:HANGEDOM -LOW IMED liES. DENSITY. lAND .R;~..zONING. TO -RETAIL T- ._ COMMERCJAL" .iiliiii. .. .. .... &I mmo ~ ~ ~ ,J.Ow DEN81TY JtEL ..... 1tI/8d ~IVED DEN81TY REa." ~at:) :;:...,.....r . .._._ ~ ~ DEN8II'Y-IIEL ."It1/ac) ~ DEN8II'Y JlEL (11-18 "'ad - ..__..__._~-.-- IlETAL JlUBUC & QUAil PUBUC . ~EXHIBIT . ---. -- i c...;""-' .00' 100' OPEN 8PACE ,;0 ftET I:nYOF,M....& -U flJ..AMlNQ DEPT.-ADVANCE ON. &HV"t ~~..nV"'I:t"IIDI"'O tf}M1 ~ 4/ , f' ~ bJ ~a#.~ d"H. ~~ M~. ~~"~ " ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA REZONING CERTAIN TERRITORY GENERALLY BOUNDED BY MAIN STREET TO THE NORTH, BROADWAY (BEYER BOULEVARD) TO THE EAST, FAIVRE STREET TO THE SOUTH, AND 27th STREET TO THE WEST (ASSESSORS PARCEL NOS. 629-040-01 AND 629-010-01) FROM THEIR CITY-ADOPTED COUNTY ZONE CLASSIFICATION C-37 TO CITY CLASSIFICATION C-T-P AND TO CHANGE THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM R-l TO C-C-P FOR APPROXIMATELY 3.65 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF EAST H STREET AND OTAY LAKES ROAD WHEREAS, this. proposal involves the rezoning for the property located at the southwest corner of Main Street and Broadway in the Otay area of Montgomery as more specifically shown in Exhibit A ("Otay Market") and the 3.65 acres at the southeast corner of East H Street and otay Lakes Road as more specifically shown in Exhibit B ("Kelton Title Site"), and WHEREAS, zoning of the otay Market properties was deferred at the Public Hearing of November 13, 1990, Harborside "B" Part II, zoning reclassification of the Montgomery area, because of.a zoning and land use concern raised by the property owner, and WHEREAS, the request under consideration would rezone the Otay Market property from the City-adopted County zone C-37 (Heavy Commercial) to the City classification C-T-P (Thoroughfare Commercial, Precise Plan Overlay) and rezone the land located at the southeast corner of East H Street and Otay Lakes Road from R-l (Single Family Residential) to C-C-P (Central Commercial, Precise Plan Overlay), and . WHEREAS, the Environmental Review Coordinator (ERC) conducted Initial Studies, IS-9l-33 and IS-90-13, of potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed rezon~ngs and has concluded that these rezonings would cause no significant environmental impacts and has issued a Mitigated Negative Declaration, with Monitoring Program and Addendum on IS-90-13 and a Negative Declaration on IS-9l-33, and WHEREAS, the Montgomery Planning Committee and the City Planning Commission, at their respective public hearings on these matters, unanimously recommended the adoption of an ordinance changing the zoning classifications. The City Council of the City of Chula Vista does ordain as follows: -1- " SECTION I: Based on the findings and recommendations of the Environmental Review Coordinator, . the City Council does hereby adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration, Monitoring program and Addendum prepared under 15-90-13, and the Negative Declaration prepared under 15-91-33. SECTION II: That that certain territory generally bounded by Main Street to . the North, Broadway (Beyer Boulevard) to the east, Faivre Street to the south, and 27th Street to the west (Assessors Parcel Nos. 629-040-01 and 629-010-01) as set forth in Exhibit -A-, be rezoned from the City-adopted County zone -C3P to the City classification C-T-P for the Otay Market property. Pursuant to the requirement for the imposition of Precise Plan Modifying District (-P MOdifier-) under Chula Vista Municipal Code Section 19.56.041, the Otay Market site's three sided shape, circulatory setting, and relation to adjacent light industrial uses present unique circumstances which cannot be ~ppropriately addressed by the planning Department through the underlying zone regulations. The Precise Plan Overlay will allow the City the ability to insure that development of the parcel will consider various traffic engineering required for safe and adequate ingress and egress, properly address compatibility with existing and future industrial uses by providing adequate buffers and landscaped areas, and allow the City to consider uses consistent with those on surrounding land. SECTION III: That that certain territory at the southeast corner of Otay Lakes Road and East H Street (Assessor's Parcel No. 642-020-17) as set forth in Exhibit -B- be rezoned from R-l to C-C-P for the Kelton Title Site. Pursuant to the requirements for the imposition of a Precise Plan Modifying District (-P MOdifier-) under Chula Vista Municipal Code Section 19.56.041, the Kelton Title Site's location at the corner of two future six-lane designated scenic roadways, and adjacency to Bonita Vista High School, Southwestern College, and the Latter Day Saints church present unique circumstances for which the proposed underlying zone regulations would not allow the City appropriate control and in order to achieve an efficient and proper relationship among adjacent uses, and ensure compatible coexistence between the proposed retail center and existing school uses, a Precise Plan should be required prior to the development of the site which shall meet the following -P Modifier Guidelines-: . 1. The architectural design theme of any proposed development shall be compatible and harmonious with. those of adjacent -2- land uses, and create a high quality pUblic image consistent ,with intents for the Southwestern College Community Activity Center. 2. Building facades and roof lines facing streets and parking areas should be consistent throughout the development in design, colors, and materials so as to create a unified appearance for the total development. 3. The setback established along both Otay Lakes Road and .8. Street shall be not less than 25 feet for any'building or 15 feet for any parking area. Setbacks for any buildings over 25 feet in height shall be equal to the setback from the front property line. The minimum setback from the radius of the corner shall be 60 feet with the distance measured perpendicular from the corner radius. 4. Pedestrian-oriented areas shall be enhanced through the use of a combination of textured paving, benches, sculptures, and landscaping. 5. Prior to the issuance of 'any building permits for said development, the applicant/owner (or their successors in interest) shall enter into an agreement with the City establishing Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&R's) to prohibit the following general uses either allowed or conditionally allowed in the .C-C. zone which are considered incompatible with adjacent land uses: liquor stores, bars and cocktail lounges, night clubs/dance clubs, cigar/cigarette stores, pool halls, card rooms, amusement centers/video arcades, and money exchanges/pawn shops. Restaurants serving liquor in conjunction with a food operation shall be considered as an acceptable land use. Any costs incurred in administration of these CC&R's shall be born by the applicant. 6. A maximum of two driveway accesses may be provided on both Otay Lakes Road and ,East 8 Street. 7. The minimum distance of any driveway access from the intersection of Otay Lakes Road and East B street, as measured from the property lines, shall be 200 feet. 8. Pad buildings shall be restricted to no more than one drive-thru establishment. SECTION IV: This ordinance shall take effect and 'be in full force on the thirtieth day from and after ts adoption. Presented by rLt form by Robert A. Leiter, Director of Planning 9218a -3- . ,.= 1= :. J~ o o . AIVRE ST. . . ~ . - - .- 6. .0IlTN 0' . . CeH 1Io~ ! ,.., Jel. :-...J.:....I.. Dete=--.LJ.JLJ.!.. ~ .,..ck.d Iy. . > . ; IIAIN IT. . f . . ! i . ; . . . .: . e ~ Oft . 0 0 O. . . . 0 crn OF CHULA VISTA C.TY OF 'AN.~IEQO__ o . .... .- . . J HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS ZONING MAP WAS APPROVED AS A PART OF ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON City CItric en. ZONING MAP - .47t . aONITA VISTA _ JUOB SCBOOL . ..OuUlwBSDRN COLLEOB . . -- . 06... .OR't~ .0. CeH Mo~ Arr.a;e=---I:tL ~1.~ . o.t.. I 1 Dram ~ ~ed IyJ.IJ,. .. ". -- . 0 -. ... .. ~ HEREBY. CERTIFY THAT THIS ZONING HAP UAS APPROVED AS A PART OF ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON . . .. an ..t. ZONING MAP ~~45't . i .._. ... ,~ . . c > III . o o FAIVRE ST. . - o .0IlT" c... 1Io~ -Acr..~: ,.a. 1081. =-.J.:......I.U Dete:----IL!.I.L.I.. Dr8VnIy~ ~.d Iy~ IIAIM aT. f ~ . !i ... ".. CITY OF CHULA VISTA " . CITY OF SAN DIEGO...... I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS ZONING MAP WAS APPROVED AS A PART OF ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON City Citric ..t. ZONING MAP - 47t e>rtfl /1 f1 -, -.,5_. ,.. - ---.-- .. ; BONITA VISTA _ BIGH SCHOOL aOUTBWESTERN COLLEGE - ...--..-.- o .Ollt" c... No~ AcnlQ8~ ~'5 lcel.~ DeW- / / 1 DrMm Iy~ Chtcked Iy J."" X HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS ZONING "AP WAS APPROVED AS A PART OF ORDINANCE 8Y THE CITY COUNCIL ON City Cln ..t. ZONING MAP'-4S'1 _d_ ____ '1_,: - !- " " APPENDIX I SUPPLEMENTAL FINDINGS FOR APPLICATION OF -p. MODIFIER OTAY MARKET SITE Pursuant to Zoning Ordinance Section 1956.041, the -p. IIOdifying district is applied based on the following: 1. The subject property, or neighborhood or area in which the property is located, is unique by virtue of topography, geological characteristics, access, configuration, traffic circulation or some social or historic situation requiring special handling of the development on a precise plan bas is . The subject property, being basically three-sided and located at the southwest corner of Broadway and Main Street, is impacted by the traffic circulation associated with this intersection. It is further impacted by the location of 27th Street on its western boundary. Precise Plan approval will ensure that development of the parcel considers the various traffic engineering required for these streets and that safe and adequate ingress and egress is provided. 2. The property or area to which the -p. modifying district is applied is an area adjacent and contiguous to a zone allowing different land uses, and the development of a precise plan wf1l allow the area so designated to coexist between land uses which might otherwise prove incompatible. Zoning to the west and east of the subject parcels is Light Industrial. The precise plan requirement wf1l help create a development that is compatible with the existing and future industrial uses by providing adequate buffers and landscaped areas. 3. The basic or underlying zone regulations do not allow the property owner and/or the City the appropriate control or flexibility needed to achieve an efficient and proper relationship among the uses allowed in the adjacent zones. The underlying zone of C-T (Thoroughfare Commercial) provides for the establishment of commercial activities catering to thoroughfare traffic. Typical uses include retail commercial, entertainment, automotive and other appropriate -highway related- activities. Given the subject parcel's location immediately adjacent to an industrial zone, not all uses associated with the C-T zone lIay be appropriate. The -p. lIodifier will allow the owner and the City to consider uses under the Precise Plan and further detail the types and development of uses consistent with the surrounding land uses. "PC 9484 P APPENDIX 2 SUPPLEMENTAl FINDINGS FOR APPLICATION OF .p. MODIFIER KELTON TITLE SITE . . Pursuant to General Plan requirements for properties on scenic roadways, and Zoning Ordinance Section 1956.041, the "P" modifying district is applied based on the following: A. The subject property, or the neighborhood or area in which the property is located, is unique by virtue of topography, geological characteristics, access, configuration, traffic circulation or some social or historic situation requiring special handling of the development on a precise plan basis. B. The property or area to which the P modifying district is applied is an area adjacent and contiguous to a zone allowing different land uses, and the development of a precise plan will allow the area so designated to coexist between land usages which might otherwise prove incompatible. C. The basic or underlying zone regulations do not allow. the property owner and/or the city appropriate control or flexibil ity needed to achieve an efficient and proper relationship among the uses allowed in the adjacent zones. In this instance, the sfte's location at the corner of two future six-lane designated scenic roadways, and adjacency to Bonita Vista High School, Southwestern College, and the latter Day Saints church present unique circumstances for which the proposed underlying zone regul ations would not allow the City appropriate control. In order to achieve an efficient and proper relationship among adjacent uses, and ensure compatible coexistence between the proposed retail center and existing school uses, the Precise Plan guidelines to be attached to the property shall include: 1. The architectural design theme of any proposed development shall be compatible and harmonious with those of adjacent land uses, and create a high quality public image consistent with intents for the Southwestern College Community Activity Center. 2. Building facades and roof lines facing streets and parking areas should be consistent throughout the development in design, colors, and materials so as to create a unified appearance for the total development. 3. The setback established along both Dtay lakes Road and .H" Street shall be not less than 25 feet for any building or 15 feet for any parking area. Setbacks for any buildings over 25 feet in height shall be equal to the setback from the front property li ne. The mi n i mum setback from the radius of the corner shall be 60 feet with the distance measured perpendicular from the corner radius. 4. Pedestrian-oriented areas shall be enhanced through the use of a combination of textured paving, benches, sculptures, and landscaping. 5. Prior to the issuance of any building permits for said development, the applicant/owner (or their successors in interest) shall enter into an - . " agreement with the City establishing Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&R's) to prohibit the following general uses either allowed or conditionally allowed in the .C-C. zone which are considered incompatible with adjacent land uses: liquor stores,. bars and cocktail lounges, night clubs/dance clubs, cigar/cigarette stores, pool halls, card rooms, amusement centers/video arcades, and money exchanges/pawn shops. Restaurants serving liquor in conjunction with a food operation shall be considered as an acceptable land use. Any costs incurred in administration of these CC&R's shall be born by the applicant. 6. A IIIxillum of two driveway accesses lIay be provided on both Otay Lakes Road and East H Street. 7. The lIinimum distance of any driveway access from the intersection of Otay Lakes Road and East H Street, as lleasured from the property lines, shall be 200 feet. 8. Pad buildings shall be restricted to no more than one drive-thru establishment. IIPC 9672P -2- COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT Item Meeting Date <6 9-10-91 ITEM TITLE: Resolution 1'- ~~C\ ratifying' a three year agreement with the Chamber of Commerce for general information services. /,(/' SUBMITTED BY: Deputy City ~)~er Thomson J[ REVIEWED BY: City Manage~~ (4j5th Vote: Yes_ No--1L) In June 1988, the city Council approved an agreement with the Chula vista Chamber of Commerce for general public information and referral services. This agreement was for a one-year term with options for the city to extend it for two additional one-year terms. By exercising these options, the City extended this agreement through FY 1990-91. Staff has negotiated a new contract with an initial term of three years, through FY 1993-94, and an option for the City to extend the contract for an additional two year term, through FY 1995-96. Staff recommends approval of this contract, with a FY 1991-92 cost of $28,500, and the Chamber of Commerce concurs with this recommendation. RECOMMENDATION: That the Council adopt the resolution ratifying the three-year agreement with the Chamber of Commerce. BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: Not applicable DISCUSSION: The proposed contract effectively extends the agreement which the city has had with the Chamber of Commerce for the past three years. The general purpose of this agreement has been and continues to be the provision of general public information services to residents, visitors, mass media, potential business site selectors, and others making inquiries about Chula vista. This basic service is governed by the following provisions: 1. The contract carries a three-year term (FY 1991-92 through FY 1993-94) with the City having an option to extend the contract for one additional two-year term (FY 1994-95 through FY 1995-96). 2. The City will pay the Chamber $28,500 in FY 1991-92, with subsequent years' payments increasing by the CPI, up to a maximum of 5% per year. <i -I Page 2, Item Meeting Date ~ 9-10-91 3. The contract may be terminated by either party for any reason by providing 30 days written notice. 4. The Chamber shall respond to all walk-in, phone and mail inquiries. Responses will be accurate, cooperative and timely, and will promote goodwill on behalf of the City. The Chamber shall provide qualified and adequately trained staff to respond to a broad range of inquiries as specified in the contract. 5. The Chamber shall show no preferential treatment to Chamber members or any other group or individual persons or businesses. However, whenever possible, referrals shall be made to Chula vista businesses. 6. The Chamber shall submit quarterly reports to the city showing the number and type of inquiries and responses, and the costs associated with providing the service. 7. The Chamber shall not charge a fee for providing information unless specifically approved in writing by the City. The Chamber may charge a fee for maps which it prints and produces. Large booklets may carry a minimal charge following further consideration by the City. 8. The City's contract payments shall be used solely for providing general information services and shall not be used to support any political activities. 9. The Chamber shall provide new and pertinent information to the visitor information centers and shall develop and utilize standardized packets of information for response to general inquiries about the City. The Chamber will coordinate responses to significant business relocation inquiries wi th the ci ty I S Communi ty Development Department. The Chamber's Quarterly Reports provide a good indication of the range of services the City is obtaining from this contract. In the course of FY 1990-91, a total of 16,111 inquiries were initiated on general information items. By comparison, FY 1989-90 saw a total of 12,369 inquiries, for an increase during the past year of 30.2%. The breakdown by subject matter is as follows: New Resident Tourist/Visitor Special Events Government Services Mexico Business/Service Referrals General civic Information TOTAL 1,882 3,280 2,068 1,467 360 1,639 814 AVG. PER MONTH 157 273 172 122 30 137 68 i-2. Page 3, Item Meeting Date fj 9-10-91 Mass Transit other 575 4,026 48 335 16,111 1,343 One factor which the Quarterly Report does not reflect is public satisfaction with the level and quality of service provided. While these criteria have not been formally measured in the past year, a formal opinion survey was conducted in 1988 in which 89% of respondents rated the service as excellent, 99% said they received their information in a timely manner, and all respondents felt that they had been treated courteously by Chamber employees. Staff intends to conduct another formal survey during the new contract period. CONCLUSION: The services covered by this contract can be provided more efficiently by the Chamber than they could be by City staff. Current staffing levels do not permit the city to respond to the volume and types of inquiries received by the Chamber. While it would be possible to hire and train additional employees to perform these tasks, the costs for salaries and benefits would exceed the cost of contracting for the services. FISCAL IMPACT: The FY 1991-92 cost for this service ($28,500) has been budgeted in the Non-departmental Budget. with a 5% cap for CPI increases in years two and three, the maximum future expenditures which could result would be $29,925 and $31,421 respectively. The FY 1990-91 contract cost was $27,064, with the Chamber estimating their costs associated with providing the services at $36,328. The negotiated amount of $28,500 for FY 1991-92 represents a 5.3% increase over the previous year's contract cost. All Chamber contract expenditures by the General Fund are 50% reimbursed by the Redevelopment Agency. Attachments JT/jy <<..3 I g.,2... CHULA VISTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE QUARTERLY REPORT JULy, AUGUST & SEPl'EMBER 1990 September 30,1990 RECEIVED REPI..JE.'; PHONE WALK-IN MAIL MAILED New Resident 146 128 174 100 ThurisWlSitor 514 133 1m 254 Special Events IS) 45 an Government Services 300 118 S) 32 Mexico 00 m 12 00 BusinesslService Referrals 191 ill S) 141 General Civic Information 134 .(3 m 107 . Mass Transit & m 18 ~ Others 856 f!1 98) W8 2,328 769 1,974 1,606 TOTAL NUMBER INQUIRIES: INQUIRIES REPLIED BY MAIL: 5,071 1,606 )f wS- CHULA VISTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE QUARTERLY REPORT JULy, AUGUST & SEPTEMBER 1990 September 30,1990 COST/UTILIZATION: 1. Staff Time 639 Hrs. 2. Supplies 3. Postage 4. Printing 5. Equipment a) Postage Machine: b) Copier: TOTAL EXPENSES: CITY CONTRACT: ~.Io $ 3,120.00 $ 2,540.00 $ 371.15 $ 2,266.00 $ 600.00 $ 150.00 $ 450.00 $ 8,897.15 $ 6,766.00 CHULA VISTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE QUARTERLY REPORT OCTOBER, NOVEMBER & DECEMBER 1990 December 31, 1990 REPLIES RECEIVED PHONE WALK-IN MAILED MAIL New Resident 141 107 175 1:K) ThurisWlSitor 452 113 538 ZZ1 Special Events 1,141 71 321 146 Government Services :K)1 ffi /I) 28 Mexico 6i at 12 8 BusinesslService Referrals 172 112 71 at General Civic Information 140 ~ Eli 15 Mass Transit 128 58 10 3 Others 878 .l24 ...l1 .lO 3,417 722 1,325 001 TOTAL NUMBER INQUIRIES: INQUIRIES REPLIED BY MAIL: 4,740 1,325 <i-1 CHULA. VISTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE QUARTERLY REPORT OCTOBER, NOVEMBER & DECEMBER 1990 December 31,1990 COST/UTILIZATION: 1. Staff Time 639 Hrs. $ 3,120.00 2. Supplies $ 2,033.85 3. Postage $ 478.05 4. Printing $ 2,266.00 5. Equipment $ 600.00 a) Postage Machine: $ 150.00 b) Copier: $ 450.00 TOTAL EXPENSES: $ 8,497.90 CITY CONTRACT: $ 6,766.00 ~.~ CHULA VISTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE QUARTERLY REPORT JANUARY, FEBRUARY AND MARCH 1991 March 31, 1991 REPLIES RECEIVED PHONE WALK-IN MAILED MAIL New Resident au 198 128 100 ThurisWlSitor :m 165 2J6 ax) Special Events 131 2B 78 Government Services 'm m :J) 17 Mexico 2) 16 10 10 BusinesslService Referrals 130 84 576 ax) General Civic Information 128 6 51 19 Mass Transit 72 31 19 6 Others 372 1m .JMl !OO 1,435 756 1,997 78> TOTAL NUMBER INQUIRIES: INQUIRIES REPLIED BY MAll..: 2,976 1,997 ~ -'1 CHULA VISTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE QUARTERLY REPORT JANUARY, FEBRUARY AND MARCH 1991 March 31, 1991 COSTIUTILlZATION: 1. Staff Time 639 Hrs. $ 3,120.00 2. Supplies $ 2,807.13 3. Postage $ 773.41 4. Printing $2,773.00 5. Equipment $ 600.00 a) Postage Machine: $ 150.00 b) Copier: $ 450.00 TOTAL EXPENSES: $10,073.54 CITY CONTRACT: $ 6,766.00 ~.ID CHULA VISTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE QUARTERLY REPORT APRIL, MAY AND JUNE 1991 June 30, 1991 REPLIES RECEIVED PHONE WALK.IN MAILED MAIL New Resident 218 ~ 157 12) ThurisWlSitor 2J8 175 432 z:n Special Events 131 28 100 78 Government Services 274 64 21 ID Mexico 41 21 6 9 Business/Service Referrals 197 'i9 197 244 General Civic Information 00 81 484 2) Mass Transit W 5i 15 9 Others ~ -1L .LOO3 1!iB 1,621 798 2,483 905 TOTAL NUMBER INQUIRIES: 3,324 INQUIRIES REPLIED BY MAIL: 2,483 i-I) CHULA VISTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE QUARTERLY REPORT APRIL, MAY AND JUNE 1991 June 30, 1991 COST/UTILIZATION: 1. Staff Time 639 Hrs. 2. Supplies 3. Postage 4. Printing 5. Equipment a) Postage Machine: b) Copier: TOTAL EXPENSES: CITY CONTRACT: S=--/~ $ 3,120.00 $ 1,196.20 $ 730.21 $ 3,213.00 $ 600.00 $ 8,859.41 $ 6,766.00 $ 150.00 $ 450.00 RESOLUTION NO.~ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA RATIFYING A THREE YEAR AGREEMENT WITH THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR GENERAL INFORMATION SERVICES AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT The City Council of the City of Chula Vista does hereby resolve as follows: WHEREAS, in June 1988, the City Council agreement wi th the Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce public information and referral services; and approved an for general WHEREAS, this agreement was for a one-year term wi th options for the City to extend it for two additional one-year terms; and WHEREAS, by exercising these options, the City extended this agreement through FY 1990-91; and WHEREAS, staff has now negotiated a new contract with an initial term of three years, through FY 1993-94, and an option for the City to extend the contract for an additional two year term, through FY 1995-96; and WHEREAS, staff recommends approval of this contract, with a FY 1991-92 cost of $28,500, and the Chamber of Commerce concurs with this recommendation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Chula Vista does hereby ratify a three-year agreement with the Chamber of Commerce for general information services, a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor of the Ci ty of Chula Vista is hereby authorized and directed to execute said Agreement for and on behalf of the City of Chula Vista. --Ii /~- Deputy Clty I' Presented by 1 Y Attorney ~- \3/8-'1 CONTRACT FOR PROVIDING GENERAL INFORMATION SERVICES TO TIm GENERAL PUBUC This agreement is made this day of 1991, for the purposes of reference only, and effective as of the date last executed between the parties, between the CITY OF CHULA VISTA (hereinafter "City") and the CHULA VISTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (hereinafter "Chamber") and is made with reference to the following facts: RECITALS WHEREAS, the City of Chula Vista desires to continue providing for the general informational needs of residents and visit<;>rs to the city; and WHEREAS, the Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce occupies a unique public service position in the city; and WHEREAS, the Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce has provided general infonnation services to the public at large for many years; and WHEREAS, Chamber warrants and represents that they are experienced and staffed in a manner such that they are and can prepare and deliver the services required of Chamber to City within the time frames herein provided all in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; and, WHEREAS, the City of Chula Vista and the Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce have developed a mutually beneficial agreement to ensure a high level of infonnational public service is maintained for the good of the entire city; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City and the Chamber do hereby mutually agree as follows: SECTION 1: SCOPE OF SERVICES The Chamber of Commerce agrees to provide the following services: A. The Chamber shall respond to all walk-in, phone and mail inquires received making reasonable and appropriate requests for infonnation by the Chamber from individuals, groups, businesses, news media, etc., and persons referred by the City. Responses shall be accurate, complete, cooperative and promote goodwill on behalf of the City. Responses shall be made in a timely manner. Walk-in and phone inquiries shall be responded to as they are received unless additional research is required. Mail inquiries shall be responded to within three (3) working days after the receipt of such inquiries, unless extensive research is required. 1 9-15' B. The Chamber shall provide qualified staff to respond to inquiries. The Chamber shall provide adequate training and develop written guidelines and infonnation to ensure that personnel are capable of providing extensive infonnation including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Clubs and Organizations - Listing within community 2. Activity Schedules - Community events including, parades, displays, seasonal promotions 3. Street [nformation 4. Medical Services - Listing within community 5. Professional Services - Listing within community 6. Chamber of Commerce Service Directory 7. Churches - Locations and schedules 8. Lodging Facilities - Listing within community 9. Nature Interpretive Center 10. Meeting rooms - Locations 11. Real Estate offices 12. Government Services & Referrals to Appropriate Department 13. Schools - Listing within community 14. Recreation Sites - Listing within community including parks, playgrounds, picnic areas and local beach infonnation 15. Historical Sites 16. Health Facilities 17. Public Officials - Listing within community 18. Museums and Schedules 19. Public mass transit, HandyTrans, etc. 20. Mexico - [nfonnation on tourist cards, parking, etc. 21. Tourist Attractions - Locations and schedules 22. Post Office and other Public Building Locations 23. Newspapers and local publications including brochures on city and surrounding areas 24. Mobile home parks 25. Chula Vista Harbor 26. Restaurants 27. Demographics about Chula Vista including population, housing, etc. C. Chamber staff shall be available to respond to walk-in and phone inquiries Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., except for New Years Day, Martin Luther King Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Holidays cited above falling on a Saturday will be observed on Friday. When a holiday occurs on Sunday, it will be observed on the following Monday. 2 i-tl. D. The Chamber shall develop and utilize standardized packages of infonnation for responding to general inquiries about Chula Vista as a visitor destination and for new or potential residents of the City. Such packages shall be maintained with current infonnation and shall meet with the approval of the City. The packages may be used, but shall not be deemed solely adequate, for inquiries making reasonable, specific requests for infonnation not routinely included in the packages. E. For inquiries beyond the expertise of the Chamber, referrals may be made to more appropriate entities. Such referrals shall be recorded and reported in the quarterly summary to the City. F. The Chamber shall coordinate responses to significant business relocation inquiries with the City's Community Development Department. G. During a specified period each year of this contract determined by the City and Chamber, the Chamber shall develop and make available to the public unstamped response cards addressed to the City to obtain feedback on the quality of information provided. Each response to mail inquiries shall include such a card. All cards returned to the Chamber shall be forwarded to the City. H. The Chamber staff shall be neatly dressed and courteous at all times and shall present a positive, friendly and responsive image of the city. I. The Chamber shall not charge a fee for providing infonnation unless specifically approved in writing by the City. Chamber may request approval at any time and will provide a complete list of the booklets of information being sold by July 1 of each year of this agreement. Generally, extensive booklets of infonnation that relate to the topics in Section LB. 1-27 consisting of more than 15 pages will be considered for approval by the City. City maps will be sold to the City at cost, to the City's Visitor Infonnation Centers at member cost and for no more than $3 to the general public. J. The Chamber shall provide to the visitor information centers at E street and 1-5 and at Bonita Road and I-80S updated information upon request. The Chamber shall include the centers on the Chamber's mailing list and sell city maps to the centers at the member price. The Chamber shall exercise care in ensuring the visitor infonnation centers are provided with new, pertinent information as it arises, such as special events, lists of visitor-oriented businesses and attractions. K. Responses to inquires shall show no preferential treatment to Chamber members or any other group or individual persons or businesses. Wherever possible, however, referrals to businesses shall be made to businesses in the City of Chula Vista. Referrals shall be rotated among businesses qualified to provide the service or services requested. 3 ~- y,\ SECl10N 2: PAYMENT A. The City shaII pay to the Chamber $28,500 per year in quarterly payments for the term of this agreement. The annual cost and quarterly payments shall be adjusted at the beginning of each fiscal year, after the first year, in proportion to the percentage increase of the All Urban Consumers Price Index for the San Diego Region (CPI) for the most recent twelve months, up to a maximum of 5% per year. Quarterly payments shaII be made within ten (10) work days after receipt of quarterly reports to be submitted by the Chamber as specified in Section 2.C. B. The payments from the City to the Chamber shaII be used only for providing general information services to the general public as outlined in Section 1. Payment for these services shaII not be used in support of any political activities for any candidate or issue, nor shaII they be used to supplant other Chamber funds in any manner that results in such Chamber funds being used to support political activities for any candidate or issue. Any political expenditures made in relationship to the Chamber will be as Political Action Committee (PAC) funds specifically raised for political purposes. C. The Chamber shaII record and submit in writing quarterly reports to the City for the quarters ending September 30, December 31, March 31 and June 30. Said reports are due within 30 calendar days of the end of the quarter. Reports shaII include the following: 1. Number of inquiries received categorized by mail, phone and walk-in visitors, and the number of inquiries responded to by mail. Types of inquiries shall be categorized by, but not limited to, the following topics: a. New residents b. Tourist/visitor related c. Special events d. Government services, regulations, ordinances, elected officials, etc. e. Mexico f. Business/service referrals g. General civic information, hospitals, newspapers, clubs, churches, charities, etc. h. Mass transit i. All others 2. Number of inquiries reqwnng additional research beyond the base of information maintained by the Chamber either in written form or through the personal knowledge of Chamber staff. 4 <? - l&' 3. A tally of the number of inquiries refelTed to other entities, including date of inquiry, type of inquiry (walk-in, phone or mail), entity refened to, and subject of inquiry. The Chamber will provide the name and address of person or business making inquisition, if appropriate. 4. Costs associated with providing information services, including, but not limited to, employee staff time required, office supplies, postage, printing, office equipment and phone calls. SECIlON 3: TERM A. The term of this agreement shall be for three (3) years, commencing on July 1, 1991 and ending on June 30, 1994 subject to the termination provisions of this agreement. The City has the option to extend the term of this contract for a two year increment by providing written notice to Chamber of City's intent to exercise this option by June 30, 1994. B. If, through any cause, Chamber shall fail to fulfill in a timely and proper manner its obligations under this Agreement, or if Chamber shall violate any of the covenants, agreements or stipulations of this Agreement, City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to Chamber of such termination and specifying the effective date. In that event, quarterly payments will be prorated and less any damages caused City by Chamber's breach. C. The City or Chamber may terminate this agreement at any time and for any reason by providing a written notice of such termination at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of such termination. In that event, quarterly payments will be prorated. Chamber hereby expressly waives any and all claims for damages or compensation arising under this Agreement except as set forth herein. SECIlON 4: SCHEDULE AND ADMINIS"ffiATION A. The City may evaluate the quality and quantity of service provided by the Chamber using various methods including, but not limited to, unannounced phone, mail and walk-in inquiries designed to evaluate quality and timeliness of responses, random checks of staff knowledge, and periodic observations of Chamber staff responding to inquiries. Such reviews shall be limited to information services provided under this contract and shall not include other Chamber activities. B. Chamber shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its elected and appointed officers and employees, from and against all claims for damages, liability, cost and expense (including without limitation attorneys' fees) arising out of the conduct of the Chamber, or any agency or employee, subcontractors, or others in 5 ?- \'t connection with the execution of the work covered by this Agreement, except only for those claims arising from the sole negligence or sole willful conduct of the City, its officers, or employees. Chamber's indemnification shall include any and all costs, expenses, attorneys' fees and liability incurred by the City, its officers, agents, or employees in defending against such claims, whether the same proceed to judgment or not. Further, Chamber at its own expense shall, upon written request by the City, defend any such suit or action brought against the City, its officers, agents, or emproyees. Chamber's indemnification of City shall not be limited by any prior or subsequent declaration by the Chamber. C. Chamber shall, throughout the duration of this Agreement, maintain the following insurance coverages. 1. Commercial General Liability Insurance including Business Automobile Liability Insurance in the amount of $1 million combined single limit, which names the City of Chula Vista as additional insured and is primary to any insurance policy carried by the City. 2. Statutory Worker's Compensation Insurance and Employer's Liability Insurance in the amount of $1 million. All policies shall be issued by a carrier that has a Bests' Rating of "A, Class V', or better, or shall meet with the approval of the City's Risk Manager. Chamber will provide, prior to commencement of t11e services required under the agreement, certificates of insurance for the coverages required in this section, and, for Commercial General Liability Insurance, a policy endorsement for the City as additional insured, a policy endorsement stating the Chamber's insurance is primary and a policy endorsement stating that the limits of insurance apply separately to each project away from premises owned or rented by the Chamber. Certificates of insurance must also state that each policy may not be canceled or significantly changed without at least thitty (30) days written notice to the City. D. No suit or arbitration shall be brought arising out of this agreement, against the city unless a claim has first been presented in writing and filed with the City of Chula Vista and acted upon by the City of Chula Vista in accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 1.34 of the Chula Vista Municipal Code, as same may from time to time be amended, the provisions of which are incorporated by this reference as if fully set forth herein, and such policies and procedures used by the City in the implementation of same. 6 CC-~O Upon request by City, Chamber shall meet and confer in good faith with City for the purpose of resolving any dispute over the terms of this Agreement. E. Should that dispute result in litigation, it is agreed that the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover all reasonable costs incurred in the defense of the claim, including costs and attorney's fees. F. The Services of Chamber are personal to the City, and Chamber shall not assign any interest in this agreement, and shall not transfer any interest in the same (whether by assignment or novation), without prior written consent of City which City may unreasonable deny. G. City is interested only in the results obtained and Chamber shall perform as an independent contractor with sole control of the manner and means of performing the services required under this Agreement. City maintains the right only to reject or accept Chamber work products. Chamber and any of the Chamber agents, employees or representatives are, for all purposes under this Agreement, an independent contractor and shall not be deemed to be an employee of City, and none of them shall be entitled to any benefits to which City employees are entitled including but not limited to, overtime, retirement benefits, workers compensation benefits, injury leave or other leave benefits. H. For purposes of this agreement, the City Manager or his or her designee shall be the contract administrator. For those conditions requiring written approval of the City, the City Manager or his or her designee shall have the authority to provide said written approval. WRfITEN CORRESPONDENCE RELATING TO TIllS AGREEMENT SHAU. USE TIm ADDRESSES GIVEN BELOW: City Manager 276 Fourth Avenue City of Chula Vista Chula Vista, CA 91910 Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce 233 Fourth Avenue Chula Vista, CA 91910 7 <i'- 21 , ) SIGNA1URE PAGE TO AGREEMENT FOR PROVIDING GENERAL INFORMATION SERVICES TO THE GENERAL PUBUC IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Chamber have executed this Agreement this day of .1991. THE CI1Y OF CHULA VISTA CHULA VISTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Mayor ArrEST City Clerk City Attorney A:CHAMBER 8 <? ... 2~ COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT Item 'f Meeting Date 09/10/91 ITEM TITLE: Resolution ''''~~O Approving Settlement Agreement, Release and Modification with Chula Vista Cable and Providing Notice to Chula Vista Cable of a "Renegotiation Interval" Pursuant to section 3.B.(1) of the Franchise Agreement SUBMITTED BY: City Attorney~ ~I Deputy City Manager Thomson 'J Director of Finance~ REVIEWED BY: City Manager) ~ ill (4/5THS Vote: Yes_No-L) Following a Public Hearing on September 15, 1987, the Chula Vista City Council granted a cable television franchise to Ultronics, Incorporated pursuant to Article XII of the City Charter. Subsequently, on June 13, 1989 the City Council approved an assignment of the Cable Television Franchise from Ultronics to Chula Vista Cable. Section 5 of the Franchise Agreement requires the Grantee (Chula Vista Cable) to pay to the City a sum of 3 percent of the total gross receipts of the Grantee on a quarterly basis. In a March 21, 1991, agenda report to the City Council regarding trenching fees, staff also indicated that Chula vista Cable was in arrears in payment of its franchise fees and was asserting that the amount paid by Chula vista Cable in possessory interest taxes to the County of San Diego should offset the franchise fees due the City. Staff disagreed with that position and has been meeting and negotiating with Chula vista Cable since that time to resolve the issues. The proposed Settlement Agreement, Release and Modification before the Council tonight establishes a payment schedule for past due franchise fees from Chula vista Cable 'and makes it clear that possessory interest taxes are the sole responsibility of Chula vista Cable. The Resolution also provides notice to Chula vista Cable of a "Renegotiation Interval". The Franchise Agreement provides an opportunity for "renegotiation" every five years. For the City to take advantage of a "renegotiation interval" notice must be given at this time. The purpose is to discuss any changes in cable law or other issues related to cable that may impact the Franchise Agreement. Any resulting changes to the Franchise Agreement must be mutually agreed on by both parties. The "renegotiation interval" has a duration of one year and staff will be discussing consumer protection standards, overbuilding, and other cable related issues with Chula vista Cable. 'i--J Page 2, Item ~ Meeting Date 09/10/91 RECOMMENDATION: That Council adopt the Resolution approving the Settlement Agreement, Release and Modification with Chula Vista Cable and providing notice to Chula Vista Cable of a "Renegotiation Interval". BOARDS/COMMISSIONS RECOMMENDATION: Not Applicable. DISCUSSION: Franchise fees are 3 percent of Chula vista Cable's gross revenues and payable to the City on a quarterly basis. The last payment of franchise fees received from Chula vista Cable was in December, 1990 and represented the two quarters ending June 30, 1990. No payments have since been received and franchise fees are due in the amount of $15.045.19 for the balance of calendar year 1990 and the quarterly estimated payment that was due June 30, 1991. The Franchise Agreement calls for additional payment equal to one percent of the amount due for each month during which the franchise fee is due and unpaid, as interest for loss of use of the money due. Chula vista Cable's reason for non-payment was an assertion that the possessory interest taxes paid to the County of San Diego by Chula vista Cable should be an offset against the franchise fees due the City. The issue of possessory interest taxes is not addressed in the original Franchise Agreement and there is a legitimate question as to who bears responsibility for payment. Settlement Aqreement. Release and Modification In order to settle the disputed issue of payment of possessory interest taxes offsetting City franchise fees, the proposed agreement provides Chula vista Cable a six month time schedule in which to pay past due franchise fees. In return, Chula Vista Cable will accept an amendment to the Franchise Agreement making clear that the responsibility and liability for payment of possessory interest taxes lies with the Franchisee (Chula Vista Cable). The main points of the proposed agreement are as follows: 1. The amount of franchise fees past due is $15.045.95. Chula vista Cable agrees to pay the above amount in six monthl v installments of $2.057.66 each beginning September 15. 1991. Interest is waived as long as the installments are received on or before the due date. If the payment schedule is not met, then the remaining balance will bear an interest rate of 12 percent per annum. 9 -z Page 3, Item '1 Meeting Date 09/10/91 2. The Franchisee (Chula Vista Cqble) accepts sole responsibility for payment of any property tax, including but not limited to possessory interest tax. 3. Quarterly installment payments required by the Franchise Agreement, due September 30 and December 31, 1991, in the amount of $4,862.19 each, will be paid in addition to the monthly installments. 4. The City will consider a "cable billing presentation policy" to be uniformly applied to all cable operators. This relates to billing format and the delineation of governmental taxes and fees on the customer's bill. As indicated in an August 15 memo to the City Council, Cox Cable intends to place a separate line item on their bill for possessory interest tax beginning with their late September billings. It is also their intention to combine all governmental taxes and fees (franchise, sales, copyright, possessory interest) into a single line item beginning in December, 1991. Staff has a concern, relating to accountability, regarding Cox Cable's proposed change in billing format. This is being pursued through discussions with Cox Cable. Staff is also developing a "cable billing presentation policy" which will apply to both Cox Cable and Chula vista Cable. Staff believes that the proposed agreement is a fair settlement of a disputable claim and avoids potential litigation. Notice of "Reneqotiation Interval" The Franchise Agreement with Chula vista Cable, entered into in September, 1987, provides that the Agreement will be subject to a "Renegotiation Interval" every five years. Renegotiation may be initiated upon written notice given by the City or Chula vista Cable to the other not less than one year prior to the Renegotiation Interval. The Franchise Agreement with Chula vista Cable is for a term of 23 years provided, however, that the term can be extended in accordance with the following procedures: (1) The provisions of this Franchise shall be subject to renegotiation every five (5) years during the term of the Franchise, including any extensions thereof. These renegotiation opportunities shall be referred to as "renegotiation intervals". Renegotiation may be initiated upon written notice given by the City or Grantee to the other not less than one (1) year prior to the particular Renegotiation Interval. Any renegotiation necessary shall be directed towards effecting alterations in the terms and conditions of this Franchise to reflect any significant changes which occurred during the interim period. Q'3 Page 4, Item Meeting Date 09/10/91 q (2) If any renegotiation prior to the end of the term, including extension of this Franchise, results in agreement between the city and Grantee, or if, alternatively, both parties agree, at any renegotiation interval as defined above, that no renegotiation is needed or required, then the term of this Franchise shall be extended for an additional five (5) years by an appropriate action of the City Council. If any renegotiation fails to result in agreement, the term shall not be extended unless the City Council so specifies by appropriate action. (3) This Franchise shall terminate without further action by the City at the end of the term, including extensions, of this Franchise; provided, however, the total of this Franchise, with extensions, shall not exceed fifty (50) years from the effective date of this ordinance; providing, further, that the City Council, at or before the end of the term, or the term as extended, retains the exclusive power to grant a further extension, or a renewal of this Franchise, or a new Franchise to Grantee. This is the first opportunity for a "Renegotiation Interval" under the current Franchise Agreement. Staff feels that if there is to be an extension of the term of the Franchise Agreement for an additional five years, then it must be done as a result of a renegotiation process. If agreement cannot be reached during the "Renegotiation Interval", then the term will not be extended.. FISCAL IMPACT: Under the Settlement Agreement, Release and Modification, the City agrees to waive interest on the past due franchise fees. Staff estimates the interest amount being waived to be approximately $950, and, in return, potentially costly litigation is avoided. Attachment One Settlement Agreement, Release and Modification Attachment Two Letter From Chula vista Cable dated December 26, 1990 Attachment Three - Franchise Agreement with Ultronics as Assigned to Chula Vista Cable q -tt RESOLUTION NO. 11.S~l:> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT, RELEASE AND MODIFICATION WITH CHULA VISTA CABLE AND PROVIDING NOTICE TO CHULA VISTA CABLE OF A "RENEGOTIATION INTERVAL" PURSUANT TO SECTION 3.B.(l) OF THE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT The City Council of the City of Chula Vista does hereby resolve as follows: WHEREAS, following a public hearing on September 15, 1987, the City Council granted a cable television franchise to ultronics, Incorporated pursuant to Article XII of the City Charter; and WHEREAS, subsequently, on June 13, 1989, Council approved an assignment of the Cable Television from Ultronics to Chula Vista Cable; and the City Franchise WHEREAS, Section 5 of the Franchise Agreement requires the Grantee (Chula Vista Cable) to pay to the City a sum of 3 percent of the total gross receipts of the Grantee on a quarterly basis; and WHEREAS, Grantee has been in arrears in payment of its franchise fees and was asserting that the amount paid by them in possessory interest taxes to the County of San Diego should offset the franchise fees due the City; and WHEREAS, staff disagreed with that position and has been meeting and negotiating with Grantee to resolve the issue; and WHEREAS, the proposed Settlement Agreement, Release and Modification establishes a payment schedule for past due franchise fees from Grantee and makes it clear that possessory interest taxes are the sole responsibility of Chula Vista Cable; and WHEREAS, the Franchise Agreement provides that the Agreement will be subject to a "Renegotiation Interval" every Live years and renegotiation may be initiated upon written notice given by the City or Grantee to the other not less than one year prior to the Renegotiation Interval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Chula Vista does hereby approve the Settlement Agreement, Release and Modification with Chula vista Cable, a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. -1- q-s BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor of the City of Chula Vista is hereby authorized and directed to execute this Agreement for and on behalf of the City of Chula Vista. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Chula Vista does hereby provide notice to Chula Vista Cable of a "Renegotiation Interval" pursuant to Section 3.B.(1) of the Franchise Agreement and the city Manager, or his designee, is hereby directed to deliver such notice to Chula Vista Cable on behalf of the City. Lyman Christopher, Director of Finance 9254a A~""t Aruce M. ~ r , City Attorney Presented by -2- q-(, Q1- -r;rq C /-I j11 E Il/I O.Alcr 1 ~ . Settlement Agreement, Release and Modification Chula Vista Cable Franchise Fee This agreement ("Agreement") is aade between the City of Chula Vista, a chartered municipal corporation of the State of California ("City") and Chula Vista Cable, a California Limited Partnership ("CVC") and Martin Altbaum, individually ("Altbaum") and as president of CVC (the last two named parties shall collectively be referred to herein as "Operator"), and is made with reference to the following facts: Fact Recitals I. This Agreement is made with reference to the following facts: A. On September 15,1987, upon Application of Operator, city granted Ultronics, Inc. a franchise to operate a cable television siqnal distribution system ("Franchise"); and, . B. On June 13, 1989, city approved assignment of the Franchise from Ultronics to Chula Vista Cable, a California Limited Partnership; and, C. San Diego County Assessor ("Assessor") has assessed CVC annually with a possessory interest tax ("Tax") on the value of the right to occupy city rights of way; and, D. CVC contends that City should pay the Tax and City objects to such contention, and denies any liability for the Tax; and, E. Pursuant to the Franchise, CVC is required to pay to the City a franchise fee of 3\ of CVC's gross revenue ("Franchise Fee"); and, F. CVC has failed to pay the Franchise Fee for the last two quarters for the 1990 calendar year (which were due December 31, 1990 and April 15, 1991, respectively), and the first quarterly estimate for the 1991 calendar year (which was due June 30, 1991) ("Period of Delinquency"); and, G. CVC and Altbaum warrant and represent that the proper amount of the Franchise Fee that is currently due during the Period of Delinquency is $15,045.95, which includes 3\ of aross revenues. includina revenues collected to nay franchise fees. ("Delinquent Amount"), of which $10,183.76 represents the balance due for the calendar year 1990, and $4,862.19 represents the quarterly estimate due June 30, 1991. rel-alt3.wp Auqust 16, 1991 Settlement and General Release Agreement Page 1 . q-1 I .1" ", xx. Settlement Provisions. Now, therefore, the parties hereto agree as follows: A. Duty to .pay Delinquent Amount. Operator agrees to pay to City, and City agrees to accept,. the Delinquent Amount in six (6) monthly installments of $2,507.66 each, commencinq the fifteenth (15th) day of Septemper, 1991, and continuinq thereafter on the 15th day of each successive month until paid in full. Interest thereon shall be waived if said installments are received on or before the date due. However, commencinq on the date that any such installment is paid after the due date, and for each installment thereafter due, the remaining balance of the Delinquent Amount shall bear interest at the rate of twelve (12%) percent from an assumed oriqinal due date of March 30, 1991 until actually paid, which interest charqe shall be payable on the due date of the installment. B. Release of City for Tax. Xn exchanqe for the promises herein contained, Operator, for themselves, and their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns hereby release, acquit and forever discharge City, and its officers, agents, employees, servants, successors, heirs, ex- ecutors, administrators and all other persons, firms, corporations associations or partnerships of and from any and all claims, ac- tions, causes of action, demands, riqhts damages, costs, loss of service, expenses and compensation. whatsoever, which Operator may now have or which may hereafter accrue on account of the imposition of the Tax, and any matter related thereto. 1. Waiver of Section 1542. xt is further understood and agreed that all rights under Section 1542 of the Civil Code of California and any similar law of any state or territory of the United States are hereby expressly waived. Said section reads as follows: -1542. certain claims not affected by qeneral release. A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor.- rel-alt3. wp August 16, 1991 Settlement and General Release Agreement Page 2 ~ q ~"i( i J ':, . . 2. Waiver critical to Consideration. The parties hereto acknowledqe that they understand the meaninq and import of a waiver of Section 1542 'of the California civil Code. xt is expressly understood that a key element of the consideration passinq between the parties to resolve their disputes is the waiver of Section 1542 of the California Civil Code. C. The Franchise is hereby amended to add the followinq provision, at the end thereof, as follows: . "The property interest herein contained is or may be subject to property taxation, and that any Dronertv tax. includina but not limited to nosses.orv interest tax imposed by any federal, state or local governmental authority is and shall be the sole responsibili- ty of Franchisee." D. . city will' review and consider a "cable billing presentation policy", and upon approval of same, will uniformly apply same to all cable operators to the extent permitted by law. ~~e sRall Be permi~~ed BY ~he ei~y ~e idefttify, as a separate liRe i~e. 8ft its .eR~ly ~il1ift', 1ft a aaRfter app~e7ed BY ~fte eity vkieh ap,re-.~al eBBll eRl:f se euereised fer ~e p~eBe af In~'8~eetiR' tBe '\111118 a,aiRs't false SE' .1818881", Jaill!",., ~at ,artieR sr eempsReft'E af the si1liR, valek viII 88 Bet aside sy Spar.ter ~B pay .tker tenas aRB. e8Rdi1:.ieRs 'taB ~..aiJl1 'tike satle. Any eftarle 1=.e 8\il9seriJaers deliBeat.ed as a se,arate 11fte itetl, ether t1haR ~e fraRehise fee, is eeRsidered par_ .f evs wrsss ~aVeR\ieS, aRB as 8\iSk is s\iJajeet. 1:.8 the eity's freHehts. fee. Ne~vitftB~aRBiR8 ~ke ~eFe8eiR8. Re liRe i~em Sft aR~ SHBssFieeF meR~hl~ eilliR8 shall Be 1ft a seFeeR~a8e sy BmeHH~ 8Fea~eY ~kaR ~ha~ BHBsBFieep.s mFeseF~ieRa~e share sf Baii I~em. E. Franchise Not Otherwise Modified. Other than as herein provided, the franchise agreement is not otherwise modified. Specifically, nothing herein shall relieve evc from makinq the 1991 quarterly installment payments required by the franchise agreement, which shall be due according to the terms. of the Franchise ($4,862.19 on September 30 and $4,862.19 on December 31, 1991) in addition to the monthly installments required by this Agreement. F. General Provisions. 1. No Admission of Liability. It is understood and agreed that this 8ettlement is a compromise of a doubtful and disputed claim, and that the promises rel-alt3.wp August 16, 1991 Settlement and General Release Agreement Page 3 . '1-'1 . i "I " made herein are not to be construed as an admission of liability on the part of the party or parties hereby released, and that said releasees deny liability therefor and intend merely to avoid litigation and buy their peace, or for other reasons. 2 . No External 1:nducement. The undersigned further declares and represents that no promise, inducement or aqreement not herein expressed has been made to the undersiqned, and that this Release contains the entire 'aqreement between the parties hereto, and that the terms of this Release are contractual and not a mere recital. 3. Entire Aqreement. This is the entire Aqreement between the parties hereto. All other oral aqreements, discussions, and negotiations are superseded by and merged into this Aqreement. Each party represents to the other that it has not relied on any statement not contained in this document. 4 . Amendment. The parties hereto each aqree that this Aqreement shall not be supplemented, amended, or modified in any manner whatsoev~r except by an instrument in writing siqned by all the parties hereto. 5. Assiqrunent. The parties hereto each aqree that neither this Aqreement nor any rights or obligations hereunder shall be assigned or transferred, either voluntarily or involuntarily, without the prior written consent of the other party. 6. Governing Law. This Aqreement shall construed and enforced pursuant California. be subj ect to, governed by, to the laws of the state of 7. No Adverse Construction 1:ntended. The parties to this Aqreement acknowledge that all of the siqnatories hereto have jointly participated in the preparation of this Aqreement. Based upon that fact, the parties aqree that this Aqreement shall not be interpreted for or against any party hereto and no rule of construction will apply such that any ambiquity within this Aqreement may be construed for or against any party rel-alt3.wp Auqust 16, 1991 Settlement and General Release Aqreement Page 4 ~ q-/D .- - "I .', . hereto. 8. Attorney's Fees; Costs; Venue. This contract shall be governed by the laws of the state of California. Should any legal action be brought to enforce or interpret the terms or provisions of this aqreement, any court of competent jurisdiction located in the County of San Diego, California shall be proper venue for an action. If any legal action is brought to enforce or interpret the terms or provisions of this aqreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs in addition to any other relief to which they may be entitled. 9. Counterparts. This Aqreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original Aqreement, and all of which shall constitute one Aqreement. Now therefore, the parties hereto, having read and understood the terms and conditions of this aqreement, do hereby express their consent to the terms hereof by setting their hand hereto on the date set forth adjacent thereto. Dated: August 16, 1991 city of Chula Vista by: Tim Nader, its Mayor Attest: Beverly Authelet City Clerk Approved as to Form: Bruce M. Boogaard City Attorney Dated: August 16, 1991 by: Mart Cable, a California ~iP General Partner Mart rel-alt3.wp . August 16, 1991 Settlement and General Release Aqreement Page 5 . q...tJ - '/ ("e. ;. ,....... 6...&..~. -- ~ " Chula Vista Cable .If DIVISIO.'" OF ULTRONICS, INC FRANCHISED GfBLE OPERATOR December 26, 1990 Mr. Lyman Christopher Director of Pinance CITY OP CHULA VISTA 276 Pourth Avenue Chula Vista, CA 92010 RE: 7RMfCBXSB JPBBS Mm eomrry OlP .AN D%1!:CJO POSSESSORY ~HTEREST IJ.'AX ...- ". '. - ...:.... -.. . Dear Mr. Christopher: Enclosed is the Report of Franchise Pees and a check for $9,265, for payment of the franchise fees. As Mr. Mahone discussed with you on the telephone, Chula Vista cable has paid over $21,000 in San Diego County possessory interest taxes to date. The County has assessed these taxes for the use of the public rights of way. Our Franchise with the City of Chula Vista does not require us to pay this possessory interest tax. It is our position that this tax is an obligation of the City of Chula Vista. We have paid this tax and as yet have not taken an offset against Franchise fees payable. Chula vista Cable has not waived any right to claim an offset~ for future franchise fees by the payment of these county taxes. we..) have always worked with the City to resolve any differences that we may have. In the near future, we would like to meet with you and the city Attorney and see if we can find a resolution to this issue. . Sincerely, ?ll~"e~ Martin L. Altbaum President MLA/cb Enclosures (2) . q.. I 2.. '81 C Street. ChlJu Vista, C4/ifornia 92010 . (619) 476-0177 . J Chula Vista Cable A DIVISION OF ULTRONICS. INC. FRANCHISED CABLE OPERATOR CITY OF CHULA VISTA OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 276 Fourth Avenue Chula Vista, CA 92010 Report of Franchise Fees for the Period of Januarv 1. 1990 thru June 30. 1990 GROSS REVENUES FRANCHISE FEE TOTAL DUE ".-- . $308,829 x 3' $ 9,265 Check No. 4.4/9 for $9,265 is enclosed. q-13 '81 C Street. ChM14 VillA, CAlifom;" 92010 . (619)476-0177 !fTTI'/CHIHf;7fI/ tHR.EE" ^GHr:!';Ml::~rr HI:."l'WEEt>l THE CfTY OF CI!ULA VISTA AND ULTHONICS, INC., A CALH'ORNIA C(RPOOATIW, GRA'ITING "'0 ULTRONICS, INC. THE NON-EXCLUSIVE HIGHT, PRIVILEGE AND FRANCHISE TO LAY AND USE LINES, WIHES, COAXIAL CABLE AND APPURTENANCES FOR TRANS~lI'l1'ING, D!.STRIBLlrING AND SUPPLYING CABLE TELEVISION SERVICE ALONG, ACROSS AlID lJI'OO THE PU!JLIC STREETS, WAYS, ALLEYS AND PLACES WITIIIN THE CITY Of OIULA VISTA The parties hereinafter referred .IS "Grantee." to this agreement are the City of Olula Vista, to as .City: and Ultronics, Inc., hereinafter referred to Sect ion 1. DHItHTIONS. For thL' purpose at this franchise, tile tollowing terms., phrases, words, and thei[ derivations ~hdll h~we the meaning given herein. When not uh:on.si.stent witil tht? context, won.h; used in the pres.?nt tense include the tutuce, words in the plural nurrt)er include the singular nulT'ber, and words in the singular nUn1.)(~r include th0 plural number. Provisions of this franchise :shall be construf-'d in aCCO!lj,mce with the laws of the State ('If California. d. ItCity": 'HIL' City of Chuld. Vista, a municipal corporation of the State ot california, in its present incorIX>rated form, or in any later reor~ani2ed, consolidated, enlarged or reincorporated form. b. "Councillt: 'lhe pre~>ent governing body of the Cit' or any future board C'Onstitutinq the leljislative body of the City. c. ItFranchise Property": All property owned, installed or used \Jndt~r authority of this tranchi::.>e. d. "Gr.:l.nLvt''': 'lhe p->nmn or corporat ion to whom or which this tr;.-mchise tS {~rd,ntpJ LJY the Council, and th~~ lawful successor or a.ssitJrh~e ttH?reo(, clnd who or which has filed with the City an ,1I...l.~....'ptdtlt.~t' rL'tt~rrL>d to in Sect ions 3 hereof. t', "Slrt..'t-'l.": 'lht.' :,urLh:e ot, .111<.1 the spaCt~ above and below any p.Jl>llC ~;trt~l.!'t, rUiJd, t1i<jhway, treeway, lane, alley, court, Sldt.:'walk, pdrkw~IY, t::\3Sel11l~nt, dnve or other p.1blic place now O! !\'}[t'dttt'[ t-'xlstintJ d$ such witllin the City. f. "C<:mh:. TeleviBion Systemlt: Shall mean a system of antennas, ("'..ables, wireH, lines, towers, wave guides, or any other conductors, converters, ~uipment or facilities, designed and l."Onstruct~d tor the purpo~H~ at producIng, receiving, arrpl ifying and distributing, audio, video and other forms of (lectronic or electrical si~nals. q../1.( q. "Sulx~cribt~rs": A.IlY person or tmtity receiving for any purpos~ till' Cable TpllKvlslon System :::>crvlce of the franchise herein. h. "Total Gross Receipts": Any and all compensation in any form paid by the sllbscriber to the Grantee arising from the sale of l>..1sic and pay Cablp Television servic-2- to customers within the corporate liHllts of the City. Without limitation, total gross receirts shall not include (a) uncollectible arrounts; (b) retunds or rebates made by Grantee; (c) revenues received as a direct reirrbursement of Grantee's expense in the operation of any acceSS channels; (d) sales, ad valorem, or other types of "a{kj on" taxes, levies or fees calculated by gross receipts or gross revenues which Grantee mlght have to payor collect for r~eral, State or local government (exclusive of franchise fees provided for herein); (e) revenues received for advertising on GrantL.oe IS loral or igination channel, to the extent of Grantee's duect costs of operation of Grantee's system; and (f) noo-o~rating revenues such as income from operations l"'Iot rL"-!UIClng use of a franchise or gain from sale of an asset. Sect ion "2. FMNCIIISE G!W~r. 'lht~ tr.Jnchise IIt?reoy granted by the City authorizes Ultronics, Inc., Gr,1rHt"', SllhJl~Ct t-o 1.11,--> pruvisions herein contained, to engage in the business ul up-'ratin'] ~lI1rl providin1j il CaGle Television System in the City, and for that purpOSt.' lu erect, ill5lall, construct, repair, replace, reconstruct, maintain dnd retain in slrt:'L'ts :>uch poles, wires, cable, conductors, ducts, conduit vdUllS, IT\.1nhol'~$, amplifiers, applia,nces, attacilments, and other property as 11\:11' t>t.' neces~:;dry and appurt~nant to tl1e Cable Television Systems; and, in addition, so to U:;C, o~rCl.te anu provide similar properties rented or loaned [rom other persons, firms, or corporations, for such purpose. Section 3. DUHAT r ON 01-' GRANr. ,). "}C' fo'rdnchise (Jralltt~d hereunder shall not become effective until the hdppening of tollowing events: (1) 'nH~ written dCL'eptance hereof by the Grantee accepting all of t.l1IJ tt~rrn.':i and conditions of this Franchise and agreE.'ing 1.0 lll' oound lhereby, deliveCt~rl to the City in a form dpprovl'd LJy till' Ci t Y At torney. (.) 'n1\' 111111'1 wiU} tIle c()lIIprl~llt~11Siv(-"! liabiliLy SC'L"Linl1 l~{d) hel"0ol. City of evidence insurance pol icy of as a generitl required in 0. 'lhe lL'rm 01 tl1it> Frdnchi~t:' shall l~ twenty-three (23) years, L"'OlIllJ...'nl...:'intj 011 Uw 0tt~ctive date of the Franchise as provided in parayrLlph (it) of this section, provided, however, that the term of thi$ r'ranchise rT\1Y be extended in accordance with the proc',~dlJrt:'s :wt forth below: q.(5 (I) 'lhe provisiuns of this Franchise shall be subject to renegotiation every tive (5) years during the term of the Franchise, including any extensions thereof. These rt?negotiation opp::>rtunities shall be referred to as "renegutiation intervals. II Renegotiation may be initiated uPJn written net ice given by the City or Grantee to the uther not less than one (1) year pc ior to the particular renegotiation interval. Any renegotiation necessary shall lJe directed towards effecting alterations in the terms and conditions of this Franchise to reflect any significant changes which occurred during the interim period. (L) If a.ny renegot iation pr ior to the end of the term, including extensi~ns of this franchise, results in agreement bet\...l2en the City and Grantee, or if, alternatively, both parties agree, at any renegotiation interval as defined above, t.hat no renegotiation is needp.d or requirf>d, then the term of this Franchise shall be extl.>ndcd for an ad(htional five (5) years by an appropriate actioll of lite City OJuncll. It any renegotiation fails to rcsul t in agreement, toe term shall not be extended unless the City <l.>uncil so specifies by appropriate action. (J) 'n, is f'r anchise shall terminate wi thout further dCt ion by tile Ci ty at the end t.,)f the term, including extensions, of this Franchise; proVlded, however, the total term of this Franchise, with extensions, shall not exceed fifty (50) years from the effective date of this oruinance; provided, further, that the Ci ty COuncil, at or before the end of the term, or the term as extended, retains the exclusive power to grant a further extension, or a renewal of this Franchise, or a new Franchise to Grantee. C. '111t~ r'rd!lchiD\~ fTUy be t0rminateu at any time by the City CbunciJ in lh(' f_~vent tlj(' Council Bhall tlave found, after notice and /1Pdr i nr], that: (I) '''1'''' Grdntl:'\~ fai 10 to comply with any m3terial provision of t.h i~; ^(Jrl~t~l1lt~nl: how,~ver, termi nat ion proceedings shall only IK' coltllTltmced in d public meetinq affording due process, if, .31ter thirty (30) days from written notification from the ('ity stating with particularity the grounds upon which the ClLy relies, Grantee fails to correct stated violation. In till' eVt..'nt ttH_' stateu violaLion is not reasonably curable wittlin thirty (30) days, termination proceedings shall not he con'l~mct.!d if the Grdntee provides, within the said r h i rty (30) days, a plan, satistactory to the City Manager Lo ",n.,dy Lhe violation and continues to delTOnstrate good laitlJ in seeking to correct said violation. q,I'- (.::-t) 1t shall not tJ'.! a failure to comply with a material provIsion ot t.hi.s. on.hndncp for Grant.ee to comply with ..1I1Y rull..'s and requlationg of the Federal Comnunicdtiulls CUl1unission, or any Ft..>deral or State rCIJuldtory commission or ayency having jurisdiction over Grantee's operntions or any Federal or State law. (0) 1he CtXmGil's finding 01 mat"rialit~. is subject to a de novo review by a court of colnpetent jurisdiction; or (2) Any provision hereof has become invalid or unenforceable, and the Council rinds that such provision constituted a l1'\dteridl conEideration to the ~rant of this franchise. T'he Grantee shall lJe given at least t.hirty (30) day's notice of any termination proceedings. Sect ion 4. Iwn:s. Section 5. '1110 Grantee !':klY establish its own rates and charges. FHANCH!SI:: PAYMENTS. d. 'nle Grantee shall pay annually to the City, during the life of this franchise, and at the times hereinafter specified, a sum of three percent (3~) of the total gross receipts of the Grantee until January, 1990, aft"r which the rate shall be the greater of three percent (3%) of the total gross r.."eipts of Grantee or the rate then charged Gox Cable for its franchise, subsequent to the periodic renegotiation ot rate provision in COx's franchise. Such payment by the Grantee shall be in lieu of any occu~t ion tax or any other tax ba~ed up::>n the gross receipts of l;rantee. I!, 'nH::' Gr.:mt.\~c' sh.111 file wit.h the City within ninety (90) days .tflL'r t.lH~ expirtlliun of ..1I\Y c;ll~lldrH y~r duriny which this Franct1lS\:' 1S tn force, a verified statement sholoJing in appropriate detail the total gross receipts, as defined herein, of t;rantl..~e, its mJCC\.~SSOr~ or a.ssigns, during the preceding calenuar YL'dr. It shall be the duty of Grantee to pay to the Ci ty, wi tlnn f ilteen (15) days after the time for filing such statements, the remaining sum due for the calendar year covered by such statements. 'lllis statement shall be the basis for Ljuart,'r Iy estimated paYlll<'nts as deposits on the franchise I-"yukmt due for the following year. Such quarterly estimated I-"Y'""nts ar" to be Iffide to the City on or before June 30, Sept emhe r 30, and DeceJrber 31 at each calendar year for that yeur'" est iruted paY'""nts. <:ach estimated payment shll11 be \"lJu,il to lWl.'lIty !iv\.' ~)Crc~nl (25~) of the previously filed VI" j f I I'd .'n,tlt'uII'llt, roundt'u to wholl', l'Vt~n dollars. 'lhe fourth PIYJIII,'nl lilli' ,11,t.c'r ltH.' [dint] of the ,:mnual verified statement nll.lll .I1JJw:t flJr ,111 t:>Htimdlt'd J"lyrT).~nt.s IIklde for that calendar 'y' ',IF . Q-\'1 c. In the evpnt. Grantee fails to IMke the paymenL for tt:is Fr,lnchist..' un or Ut?'tore the date due as hereinabove provided, Grantee shall pay as additional consideration a sum of lOOney equal to one percent 0%) of the alOOunt due for each IOOnth or frdcban thereat: dur ing which the payment is due and unpaid, as interest dnd for loss af use of the looney due. d. No acceptance ot a.ny payment shall be construed as an accord that the arrount paid is, in fact, the C'Orrect aroount, nor shall such acceptance of payment be construed as a release of any claim which the Ci ty may have for fur ther or addi tional sums payable under the provisions of this section. ~ection 6. LIMI~\TIONS OF GRANT. a. No pr i v llt:'ge or exempt i on is granted Dr confer red by this Franchise except those specifically prescrioed herein or by law. b. MY pnvllege claimed under this franchise by the Grantee in any strl'et shall be subordinate to any prior lawful occupancy of the streets, Or other public property; provided, however, Grantee does not hereby waive any rights it has acquired vis-a.vis third purties dS d result of Grantee's rn~ proper occupancy. c. 'lhis Frdllt,:'hi~e LS d privilege to be held in ~rsondl trust by tile or iginal Grantee. It cannot in any event be transferred in pdrt, clnd it is not to be sold, transferred, leased, assigned, or disposed of as a whole, whether by forced sale, merger, consul idation, or otherwise, without prior ,,-'OnSt~nt of the City expressed by Resolution, unless pursuant to transfer of ownership of Grantee as provided in Section 9 hereof, and then only under such conditions as may be therein prescribed, provided, however, that no such consent shall be required for any transter in trust, mortgage, or other hypothecation, as a whole, to secure an indebtedness. The said L~nsent of the City may not be arbitrar ily refused, provided, however, the proposed assignt~e must sllow financial responsibility and must agree to comply WItt} the provLsions of this agreement. d. Time is ot tilL! be relieveu of pruv lS luns by L'umplicU1L:t.'. essence ot this franchise. 'lhe Grantee shall not its obligation t.o con.ply promptly with any of its .my tailurL' or the City to enf<'Hc~ prompt. e. MY right or power in, or duty i.pressed upon, any officer, employee. dep:!rtment, or board of the Ci ty, is subject to transfer by the City to any other officer, employee, department or Board of the ~ity. '1.. Ii t. Gr...H1tel.~ is subject to all requirelT1ent~ of t.he Ci ty ordinances, rules, regulations, and specifications of the City, not inconsistent with this [-'rrmchise, heretofore or hereafter enacted or estaDlished, including but not limited to, those L'Ollcerning st.reet work, street excavations, usc, remo'lal and relocdtiull at propt:~rty within i1 ~treet, and otht?r street work. ']. '1hi8 Franchise- does not relieve the Grantee of any obligation involved in obtaining pale space from any depart.ment of the City, tilt' utility companies or (roru others maintaining poles in streets. Sect ion 7. R1GH'r~ HESEHVED 'II) CITY. a. 'nlt~r0 is h...:n~by reserved to the Ci ty every r igllt and power which is rL"quired to be herein reserved or provided by any ordinance of the City, and tl1C Grantee, by its acceptance of this r'r..mchise, agrees to be bound thereby, and to comply with any actlon or requirement of the City in its exercise of any such right or power, heretofore or hereafter enacted or established. 0. TI1i~ franchise shall be non-exclusive, and neither the granting ot t.,is Franchise nor any of the provisions contained herein shall be construed to prevent the City from grant.ing any identical, or similar franchise to any person or corp:>ration other than the Grantee. Section d. S~HV10:S 'll) CITY AND PUlJL1C s:..1iOOLS. Grantee shall at its own expense and without any cost to the City whatsoever, provi~ and maintain the following faci lities and services to the City rJnd ~blic SChools dS hereinafter provided: .1. One active cable television connection to each City unit (~Hignated tly tht' City Manager such as police stations, fire :,t.atilm~;, public librdries dnd other City facili':ies within Grantee's franchise aCl~c.l that require dn aerial drop of 150 feet or less from tI}t_~ existinq cable television distributiun system. Griintl;-~e shall not. be rt>t:Iuired to providt.1 the cable television distrihution systt;~m within sdid facilities: 1..>. l)1~ ~'ctive c.:\ule tt~l~vision t."'Olmection to each public el~n'lt.mta[y school site, seconddry school site, college or university site dnd educational administrative site within Grantee's Franchise area that rL'quire an aerial drop of 150 feet or less from the existing cable television distribution system. Grantee shall not 00 required to provid" the cable television distribution system within said facilities; q -I 'i ~:. Cr~mt(>0 ~;hall not charg~ the City or pJolic school~ any fee for providillq I.IH_~ distr ibut ion of vidt..~o im,]fj'es or aUdio signals to ~lI1Y ot the l)uildin(js so connected; d. In th~ L'vent that the Cit.y or school system desires additional :,L'rViCt', tht" Grant.ee shall provide the basic cable outlet, ~;L'rvicc':; dlld h~1rtJware, c!h3[(jin':.~ the City ur sChool system the dctu,1l Vd( lalJle cost to Grantee of such services. \ j I e. GrantL"e shall make avai latJle wi thout. cost on~ channel for use by Local Governments in all of its San Diego franchises for the distribution of prograrrrning in the public interest. Grantee may provide interconnection of such channel "'ith all other cable Television Systems operating pursuant to a franchise granted by City. If Grantee operates a reJrote or permanent vehicle and ~uipment tor telecasting and video taping, Grantee shall provide origination service to City at such reasonable times and costs as are mutually agreed upon. f. (;ranti~e shall ITldke available without cost, one channel for use "y Public Schools in all of its San Diego franchises. As required lJy Grantee, the Public Schools shall save and hold hacmles::, Grantee from any uses f11<lde ny the Public Schools in the dl~;trihut ion Dt pro..Jra[1uning. {.1. Clty s)1dll ~:;dVe and hold harmless Grantee from dny USf:~S made by the City 1n the distribution of prograITlT1ing in the public interl~st as provided for in Subsection (e) of thif' st'ction. h. Grantee shall make available without cost, one channel for (Xlblic or c'.'orrvnunity access in all of its San Diego franchises in accordance with reasonable rules, regulations and conditions, provided, "wever, that to the extent that the Federal COIRnunications Ubmmission (FCC) exercises jurisdiction as rietermined by federal statute or decisional law to be valid and appropriate, said access rules shall govern. ~i;ction 9. 'l'lWjSr'l':H OF OWNI':HSlIIP OR Crn'l'HOL OF GRANTEE. In the I;.vent the Grantee is a corporation, prior approval of the Ci ty Council, expressed by resolution, shall be required when own~rship or control of th irty percent (30%) or more of the voting stock of Grantee is a~uired by il person or a group of persons acting in concert, none of whom already own or control tlllrty percent (30%) or lIore of the voting stock, singularly or collect i vel y. q..tp :+: Section 10. ESTABLI :;I!MEN1' Or' SERVICE. Installation of a CAW System shall be cOllvnenced ..ithin one hundred t'ilJ!,ty (IuD) days after the effectivp ate of this franchise, and extensions dlld ~:;ervice pursued with due diligence thereafter. Failure to so cmrunence and Li1.ligently pursue to corapletion shall be grounds for termination of this franchise. Section 11. LOCATION OF FRANCHISE PHOPERTIES. d. Pr anchise property shall be constructed or installed in streets only at such locations dnd in SLlch manner as shall be awroved by the Su~r intendent of Streets, actiw~ in the exercise of reasonable discretion. b. 1~e Franchise property shall be placed underground in all subdivisions which dre subject to the provisions of tl-Je Olula Vista Municipal Code. Section 12. ABANOONMEN'l' or' SERVICE. a. After Grantee has established service pursuant to this Franchise, ouch serv ice shall not be suspended or abandoned in the ..hole of or any part of the Franchise area unless the suspension or abandoruoont is authorized by the City Q)uncil. b. Whenever Grantee shall file ..ith the City Q)uncil a ..ritten application alleging that the public inteLst, convenience and necessity no longer require that Grantee furnish service pursuant to this ordinance in the whole of or in any part of the Franchise dCt~a, the City COuncil, at a public hearing, shall take evidence upen that question and shall make a finding with resf..~ct to it. Notice of tfle hearing shall bE" given by Grantee in writing to p.ach Subscriber in the part of the Franchise area 1n question at least fifteen (10) day prior to the date scheduled tor the hearing. If the Ci ty COuncil shall find that the public interest, convenience dnd necessity no longer requir~s that Grantee furnisn service, the City COuncil, after ht..~ring dS providt.~d herein, shall authorizoe E:uslX!nsion or aba.ndonu'lent ot service upon such reasonable terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the City Council. q..2-1 Sl~ct iun 13. OF FRANCHISE PRa>ER'l'Y OR CABLE SYSrr;M Ul'W ,;XPIHATION OR TE:HMJNATION OF DISPOSITION D I S'fRIIJUTl ON mANCHISE. d. Upon tile termination uf this Franchise under Section 3 or 11 he rL"O f , the City may purchase the cable television system, or any purt thereof. in dccordance with subsectitJn (b) of this section. If the Ci ty elects to purchase the system. or any part thereof., the Grantee shall promptly execute, upon receipt of the fair mdrket value purchase price, all appropriate documents to transfer title to the City. Upon acquisition of and payment for the syate.a, 0< any part thereof, the Grantee shall cooperate with the City, or with any other person authorized or directed by the City to opt-'rate the system, in maintaining continuity of sL~rvice. t~f)thinq herein is intendf>d as a wuiver of any other rilJllts the City may haw?'. o. 'HH? purctlase pr ice to the Ci ty for the Grantee I s property shall be dt"~termined by agreement. or uy arbi t ration as provided in ~-;uUsecLion (e) hert'Of. 1he stanuard for determining the price to be paid for the property so a<"''"quired shall be that provided by law affecting the fair market value of similar propertie3 upplicable on the effective date of the purchase. If the City does not purchasl> the system, the Grantee shall deal with the part of the system located in the streets in accordance wi th provisions of subsections (c) and (d) of this section. c. In the ev~nt that (1) the use of any Franc~ is" property is discontinued tOt any reason for a continuous period of twelve (12) months; or (2) the Franchise has been installed in any street without complying with the requirements of this r'ranchi~l"; or (3) the Franchise has been terminated, surrender\.~d, cdncelled or has expired, and Ci ty has not exercised its rights pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, the Grantee "hall prompt ly remove from the street all such prop:;orty other than t1ny which the City Engineer may permit to be auandoned in place. In the event of any such remcwal, the Grantee shall promptly restore the street or other area from '.hich such property has been removed to d condition satisfactory to the City ~ngineer. d. r'rauchise property to be abandont~d in place shall be abandoned in such Iili,lnner d.!=i. the City 8ngineer shall prescribe. q-~'2. e. In the event that arbitrat ion is necessary to determine tile p..Jrchase price to tile City for tne Grantee's property the pdrties IndY dyree upon one arbitrator, but in the event that tht~y cannot agree, there shall be three, one named in wr i t ing by eadJ of the parties within fiftE:en (15) days after demand for arbitrati.on is given and a third chosen by the two appointed. Should either party refuse or neglect to join 1n the appointment of the arbitrator(s) or to furnish the arbitrator(s) with any papers or information demanded, the arbitrator(s) are empowered by both parties to proceed ex parte. If there is only one arbitrator, hi.s decision shall be binding and conclusive on the parties, and if there are three arbitrators the ~~cision of any two shall be binding and conclusive. A judgmenL ....:onfirming the award of the arbitrator(s) may be rendered uy any Super lor Court ha',iny jurisdiction. Arbitration hereunder shall be governed by the provisions of the California flrbitration Act, section 1280 through 1294.2 of the CUde of Civil Procedure. Each party shall bear the cost of its own appointee and bear the cost equally for any arbitrator appointed by both pa.rties. Section 14. CHANGI::S HEQUIRED ~y PWLIC IMPROVEMENTS. The Grantee shall, at its expense, protect, support, temporarily Jiscc)rmect., relocate ahove or below ground at Grantor's option in the sarre slreet, alley, or p..H>lic place, or remove from any street, alley or public pL:tce, any r'rdnchi:>c propti:L] w'h~JI l~uired bY the City engineer by reason of t".r"Efic cOfll.!ttions, pUblic safety, street vacation, freeway and street constr ..Iction, change or establishment of street gradH, im;taUation of sewers, drains, water pipes, power lines, signal lines, and tracks and of any other type at structures or improvements by Ijovernrnental agencies when acting in a governmental or proprietary capacity or any other structures or public iliprov1:~nts: provided, however, that Grantee shall in all such coses have the privileges and be subjpct to the obligations to abandon Franchise property in place, as provided in Section 12(d) hereof. Section 15. FAILUHE TO PERFORM STREE'l' WORK. Upon failure of the Grantee to complete any work required by the provisions of this Franchise to be done in any street, wlthin the time prescribed and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, the City Engineer may cause such work to be done and the Grantee shall pay to the City the cost thereot in the itemized alOOunts reported by the City Engineer to the .Grantee, within thirty (30) days after receipt of such itemized report. The City shall give at least a thirty (30) day notice to the Grantee of such work to be done prior to City's cOl11nencement of such worl(. Q.J-.3 SACtlOIl 16. FAITHFUL PERFOl<f1ANCE OOND. The Grantee shall, within five (5) days after tht~ award of this franchise, file wit.h tile Cit.y Clerk, and at aU times thereafter maintain in full force and t.~tteLt, an ;:i.cceptdule corpordte surety bond, in duplicate, in lhe d!rnunt ot F 1 VI:' 1'Jousand Dollars ($5,000.00) effect i ve for the ent i re term ot this frandnse, and condi honeu that in the event the Grantee shall fail to comply with anyone or more of the provisions of this franchise, then there shall be recoverable Jowtly and severally from the principal and surety of such bond, any damages suffered by the City as a result thereof, including the full amount of any compensation, indemnification, or oosts of removal or abandonment of property as prescr ibed by Section 5 hereof which may be in default, up to the full amount of t.he bond; said condition to be a continuing obligation for the dur"tion of this franchise and thereafter until the Grantee has liguiddted all ot its obligatlOns with the City that may have arisen from the acceptance of this franchise by the Grantee or from its exercise or any privllege herein granted. section 17. INDEMNIFICATION TO CITY. a. Grantee agrees that at all times during the existence of this Franchise it will ma.intain in force, furnish and file with the City a certificate of insurance evidencing, at its own expense, a general comprehensive 1 iabi 1 i ty insurance policy, naming the Clty as additional insured, in protection of City, its boards, cOlnmissions, officers, agents and employees, in a C'ompany authorized to do business in the State of Galifornia, and in form satisfactory to the City Attorney, protecting the City and said persons against liability for loss or damages for personal inJury, death and property damage occasioned by the operations of Grantee under this Franchise, with minimum liability limits of $500,000 for personal injury or death of anyone person, and $l,UOO,OOO for personal inJury or death of two .or more persons in anyone occurrence, and $300,000 for damage to property r~sulting from anyone occurrence. h. The policies mentioned in the foregoing paragraph shall contain a provision that a written notice of any cancellation or reduction in coverage of said 1X'1icy shall be delivered to the City ten (lU) days in advance of the effective date thereof. If such insurance is provided in either case by a policy which also covers Grantee or any other entity or person than those above named, then such policy shall contain the standard cross-liability endorsement. q ..)..~ c. In addition to the above policies Grantee shall agree to indemnify City, its boards, convnissions, officers, agents and t~l1lployC'es, dl)ainst all claims, demanJs, actirms, suits and proceeding by others and against all liability to others, and against. any loss, cost and expen!:ie resulting therefrom, excepting acts of negligence or other acts by the City, including reasonable attorneys fees, arising out of the exercise or enjoyment of this Franchise. section 18. RI:X;ULATION OF SERVICE. Grantee shall: a. Operate the cable Television System authorized by this Franchise in accordance wi th the minimum technical standards set forth by tne FCC, to the effect that the Subscnber shall receive the best possible signal to his television set consistent with the state of the art and economic operation of the system. b. Limit failure to a minimum by locating and taking steps to correct malfunctions promptly, but in no event longer than seventy-two (72) hours after notice. c. Upon complaint by Subscriber make a demonstration satisfactory to the City Manager or his designated representative that a signal is being delivered which is of sufficient strength and quality to meet the said technical standards referenced to in (a) above. d. Render efficlent servlce, making repairs promptly and interrupting service only for good cause and for the shortest time possible: such interruptions insofar as possible shall be preceded by notice given to Subscribers twenty-four (24) hours in advance where possible and shall occur during periods of minimum use of system. e. Have a toll free telephone number listed in the local telephone directory, and be so operated that. requests for repair may be received eat any ti.me. f. Operate the cable relevision System authorized by this ordinance twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. <j. Not refuse to accept a subscriber unless it was not in the public interest or not reasonably economically feasible for Grantee to furnish service for that proposed subscriber. h. Not deny access to cable services to any group of potential residential cabl~ subscribers because of the income of the residents of the local area in which such yroup resides. q..~5 ; it a Subscriber 15 unable to obtain satisfactory resolutIon of a c\.>rnplalnt. f]led with Grantee, the Subscriber may notify the City in writing, stating the Subscriber's name and address, the nnture of the complaint and the action taken to secure resolution of the complaint by the Grantee. Section 19. f'ILINGS AND COMMUNICATION WITH ROO'JLA'l'ORY AGENCIES. COpies of all petitions, aprlications and communications of all types submitted by Grantee or City to the Federal O:mm.mi cat. ions Commission, california Rlblic Utilities COlM'lission, or any other Federal or State regulatory commission or agency having jurisuiction over any matter affecting operation of Grantec's Cable Television Syst"," shall be submitted simultaneously to the City or Grantee. A copy of each document filed by the Grantee with the City Clerk in accordance with this section shall be deemed to be delivered, .5e...:tlon 20. INSPR'rION OF PROPffiTY AND RECCRDS. At all reasonable tiri1€'s, the Grantee shall permit any duly authorized representative of the City to examine all r'canchise property, together with any appurtenant property of the Grantee situated within the City, and to examine all maps and other records kept or maintained by the Grantee, which treat the operations, affairs, transactions or property of the Grantee wii..:.h respect thereto and to determine whether the Grantee has paid franchise fees in th" amounts prescribed in Section 5. '!he Grantee shall prepare and furnish to the City EnYineer at the time and in the form prescribed by the City Engineer, such reports, with respect to its operations, affairs, transactions or property, as may be reasonably neces'sary or appropriate to the performance of any of the duties of the City or any of its officers and employees in connection with this [o'ranchise. The Grantee shall, at all times, mak.e and keep full and complete plans, maps, and records, showing the exact location of all Cable TelevislOn bystem equipment installed or in use by Grantee in streets, alleys and public places of the City. TIle Grantee shall maintain a written record of customer service requests and complaints and mak~ an annual report to the City thereof. Such records shall be available for inspection by the City. 'J}\e Grantee shall notify the Ci ty of any changes in the customer service agreement or in the cumplaint procedure to be followed by the customers. Section 21. DISPUTES, In the event of a bringing of any action by either . .rty hereto against the other hereon or hereunder, or by reason of the breach of any term, covenant or condition on the part of the other party, or arising out of thi.:; Agr"ement, the party in whose favor final judgment shall be entered shall be entitled to have and recover from Lt,,, other party reasonable attorney's fees to be fix"d by the Court which shall have rendered the judgment. q-2J,... 1 party. Section 22. MISCELLANOOUS PROJISIQlS. a. All notices herein provided for I!\QY be by prepaid registered or certified mail addressed to the parties as follows: TO THE CIT\': WITH C<:PY TO: City Clerk 7.76 Fourth AVt!nue Chula Vista, CA 92010 'Ihoma.S J. Harron City Attorney 276 ~'ourtn Avenue Chela Vista, CA 92010 'IU THE GRANTEE: WITH COPY TO: Ultronics, Inc. 7777 Alvarado Rd., Suite 700 La Mesa, CA 92041 and shall be cQnsidered as given only when received by the other All matters herein provided to be filed with the City shall be filed with the City Clerk. b. TIle Grantee shall not engage in the business of repairing television receivers or the sale of parts for the same. It is understood, however, that the foregoing does not apply to converters, decoders, or other types of electronic signal adapters or decoders requir(~d for the subscrioer' s television set to receive any of Grantee's signals. c. Grantee and the Ci ty agree to discuss future non-entertainment uses of the cable television system due iog the term of this tranchise agreement. Both parties agree to discuss and consider enter ing into mutually advantageous joint ventures to prOOlOte business or other non-entertainment uses of the cable system, which discussion may include City taxatlOn and bonding powers. 'lhis discussion and consideration may be initiated by either p;rt.y upon a minir...,m at 30 days written notice, with a proposed agendil to be included. '!his paragraph reflects the intent of the Grantee and the City to maintain a strong cooperative relationship which may lead to the introduction of new cable related business services within the City in a manner Which is mutually advantageous and acceptable to both the Grantee and the City. '1..l1 d. Not wi thstanding any other provlslons of this agreement, Grantee shall at all tiJres comply wi th all State and Federal laws, rules and regulations, or any administrative agency thereof; provided, however, if any such ordinance, law, rule or regulation shall require the Grantee to perform any act or shall permit the Grantee to perform any act in conflict with the provisions and terws of this agreement, then such provision or term in conflict may be modified or amended by agreement of the parties to such reasonable extent necessary to car ry out the full intent and purpose of this agreement. ~X~ClITED THIS day of September I9..!U-. I'to CITY OF CHULA VI5'fA a Municipal COrporation UL'ffiaHCS, INC. By: ~ ~ ~ Greg"ry C. t'ayor ~ll,n:il ,,(" ~U"rrr "" J.{I /-':/1..<-'#..... tl..fl;r;h<<.'.>.- By: A'ITES1': J~~t.)~m:K C y of Chula Vista Approved as to form VIP<.: 1696A q..l~ COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT ITEM TITLE: Item J D Meeting Date 9/10/91 Resolution II. ~&.(, Amending the sewer service charge variance for the Chula VistaM~~entary School District Director of Public Work~(IYv City Manager J& ~~ (4/5ths Vote: Yes_No-L) SUBMITTED BY: REVIEWED BY: On June 4, 1991, the City Council adopted a new rate schedule for sewer service charges. The existing sewer service variance which was granted to the Chula Vista Elementary School District in 1965 has never been updated. In order to comply with these new rates and to correct several other issues the variance must now be amended. RECOMMENDATION: That Council adopt the resolution as stated in the title hereto. BOARDS/COMMISSIONS RECOMMENDATION: Not applicable. DISCUSSION: The City Council granted a sewer servi ce charge vari ance to the Chul a Vi sta Elementary School District in 1965 to vary from the sewer service charge based on total water consumption. This variance was granted because it was determined that wastewater discharge had no consistent relation to total water consumpt i on for school s, 1 arge ly due to the varyi ng amount of water used for irrigation. Depending on whether the individual schools were air conditioned, the sewer service charges were established at either one mill per student per day or one and one-half mills per student per day (the latter for air conditioned schools). The relationship of air conditioning to sewer rates is that 1 arge air condit i oni ng pl ants with cool i ng towers use more water and discharge the cooling water to the sewer system. Since 1978 the charges have been based on an estimated volume of sewage generated and returned to the sewer system. The volume of sewage was ca 1 cul ated based on a study by the Ci ty with the cooperation of the Di stri ct of the relationship of sewage generated by schools and the "average daily attendance" ("ADA"). While there were many variables, the study indicated that the average sewer flow could be reasonably related to the "ADA" and whether or not the schools were air conditioned. The typical sewage flow generation rates were 0.60 cubic feet per student per day for non-airconditioned schools and 0.90 cubic feet per student per day for air conditioned schools. At that time, it was assumed that all air conditioning util ized cool ing towers discharging to the sewer system. This change in manner of calculation of the sewer bill was handled administratively between the staffs of the City and the School District. 10 -I Page 2, Item /0 Meeting Date 9/10/91 The School District's staff has advised us that five schools with air conditioning (currently EastLake, Chula Vista Hills, Tiffany, Otay, and Cl earvi ew) do not di scharge air condi t i oni ng condensate to the sewer and, therefore, should be billed at the same rate as non-air conditioned schools. A vi sua 1 inspection of these facil it i es by City staff confi rmed that these facilities have closed loop systems. All condensation lines are connected to the roof drains which discharge to the storm drain and not to the sewer system. The strength of the sewage generated by schools is considered equivalent to that of a low strength commercial user. Under the new rate structure, such a user pays at a rate of $1.12 per 100 cubi c feet of total water used. Si nce the charges under thi s vari ance are based on the volume of sewage produced, and not the total water used, it is necessary to convert between the two situations. Generally, approximately 90% of the total water del ivered as measured by the water meter is returned to the sewer system for disposal. Therefore, the sewer service rate of $1.12 per hundred cubic feet of water needs to be adjusted by that 90% factor to relate to the actual sewer discharge flow. Using that percentage to adjust the sewer service charge ($1.12/0.90) gives an equivalent rate of $1.24 per 100 cubic feet of wastewater discharged. The sewer bill for the district would then be calculated as follows: Average daily attendance x number of days school is open in bi 11 i ng peri od x sewer fl ow generation rate (0.90 or 0.60) x $1.24 per hundred cubic feet of sewage discharge = sewer bill. The last issue addressed in this amendment is the manner in which the City is advised of the number of persons at each school to be considered in the sewage generation calculation. The original variance provided that the District would submit monthly reports showing the average daily attendance of each of the schools and the number of school days. Our sewer billing was to be based on that information. Over the years the process has been modified. The charges are now based solely on the number of students at the various schools and the reports from the District are submitted to coincide with similar reports they submit to the State. The variance states this must be done twice a year at the minimum. This change is supported by the facts that (1) enrollments within the District are generally increasing and (2) the student population we use is that which exists at the end of the reporting period (which is normally the maximum for the entire period). School District staff has indicated concurrence with this amendment. FISCAL IMPACT: Passage of this agreement will result in an estimated increase in revenues of $5,100 to the sewer fund for Fiscal Year 1991-92 over Fiscal Year 1990-91. EMC:fp/KY-098 WPC 5679E /0 -2. RESOLUTION NO. 1~5c.J. / RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCI L OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AMENDING THE SEWER SERVICE CHARGE VARIANCE FOR THE CHULA VISTA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT The City Council of the City of Chula Vi sta does hereby reso1 ve as follows: WHEREAS, on November 23, 1965 the City Council passed Resolution 3919 granting the Chu1a Vista Elementary School District (previously known as the Chu1a Vista City School District) a variance from the established rate of 30 percent of the water bi 11. The vari ance resu1 ted in charges of one mi 11 per capita per day for schools without air condit i oni ng and one and one-half mills per capita per day for schools with air conditioning. WHEREAS, on June 4, 1991 the City Council increased all rates for sewer service due to the cost of upgrading the San Diego Metropolitan Sewerage System. These new rates took effect as of the fi rst full bi 11 i ng peri od subsequent to July 1, 1991. The rate which would be applicable to the School Di stri ct without a vari ance wou1 d be $1.12 per 100 cubi c feet of water consumption. WHEREAS, Staff has revi ewed the exi st i ng vari ance and recommends that it be modified to account for the increased rates and intervening changes in use by the School District in accordance with Chula Vista Municipal Code Section 13.14.130 and the Rules of Interpretation and Procedure for Administration of Requests for Variance from Sewer Services Charges as established by Resolution 2948 of October 30,1962. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chu1a Vista as follows: 1. Resolution 3919 of November 23, 1965 is repealed. 2. Commencing July 1, 1991, the Chu1a Vista Elementary School District is granted a variance from the otherwise app1 icab1e rate of $1.12 per 100 cubic feet of total water consumed because the water supplied to the premises is not substantially discharged into the sewer due to irrigation uses. 3. That sewer service charges to the Chu1a Vista Elementary School Di stri ct by the City shall be $1. 24 per 100 cubi c feet of sewage discharged. Sewage discharge shall be calculated by mult i p 1yi ng the sewage generation factor by the average daily attendance at each school, and by the number of days that each school is open during each bill ing period. The sewage generation factor for said school district shall be 0.6 cubic feet per capita per day for schools without air conditioning and schools with closed loop air conditioning systems which do not discharge to the sewer. Schools with air conditioning systems which discharge condensate to the sewer shall be charged based on a sewage generation factor of 0.9 cubi c feet per capita per day. -1- Ie - ..3 4. The sa i d sewage rate is subject to change as a result of increased costs of wastewater treatment and maintenance of the City's Sewer System. Said sewer service rate will be reviewed on a yearly basis and may be modified in proportion to the sewer service charge. 5. That the Chul a Vi sta El ementary School Di stri ct shall furni sh an attendance report no less frequently than semi-annually, upon forms approved by the City Engineer. The report shall show the name of each school, the number of school days within the period, and average daily attendance at each school within the school district, in order to enable the City to determine the correct sewer servi ce charge for each bi 11 i ng peri od. The average daily attendance includes all students, teachers and other staff in attendance. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Cl erk of the City of Chul a Vista is directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Chula Vista Elementary School District. Presented by Approved as to form by John P. Lippitt Director of Public Works WPC 5680E -2- /o-~ COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT Item ~ Meeting Date 09/10/91 ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing: Proposed issuance by the Industrial Development Authority of the City of Chula Vista of Industrial Revenue Bonds in an amount not to exceed $4 million for the purpose of assisting the financing of a facility to be leased and operated by Gold Coast Engineering, Inc. SUBMITTED BY: Resolution 11o~'l1- Approving a project for Gold Coast Engineering, Inc. and Sutherland/Palumbo, a California General Partnership Community Development Director C ? . City Manager ....)4 IJI-6 ~ (4/5ths Vote: Yes _ No _XJ REVIEWED BY: BACKGROUND: On August 13, 1991, the Industrial Development Authority approved an inducement resolution for the issuance of up to $4 million in Industrial Development Bonds (IDB) for the construction of manufacturing facilities by Gold Coast Engineering (Sutherland/Palumbo Partnership). The proposed IDBs must be issued in compliance with the Federal Internal Revenue Code in order to maintain their tax exempt status. This code requires public hearing and approval by the public agency (City) sponsoring the IDBs. Applications for financing will be submitted to the California Industrial Development Financing Advisory Commission (CIDFAC) and the California Debt Limit Allocation Commission (CDLAC) for review and approval. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council hold the public hearing and adopt the resolution approving a project for Gold Coast Engineering, Inc. and Sutherland/Palumbo, a California General Partnership. BOARDS/COMMISSIONS RECOMMENDATION: The Industrial Development Authority approved an inducement resolution for the subject project on August 13, 1991. The minutes of this meeting are attached. DISCUSSION: Gold Coast Engineering submitted an application in August 1991 to the Industrial Development Authority for up to $4 million in IDB financing assistance. The company was founded by Charles E. Sutherland and Donald R. Palumbo in 1980. Each owns 50 percent of the company (Sutherland/Palumbo Partnership). The company has been located in Chula Vista since 1982 and has been growing steadily over the past nine years. The Sutherland/Palumbo Partnership currently own two industrial facilities located at 1887 and 1891 Nirvana Avenue in Chula Vista. \ l ., Page 2, Item Meeting Date 09/10/91 The two facilities comprising 28,000 square feet are leased to Gold Coast Engineering, Inc. Gold Coast Engineering also leases 17,000 square feet in an industrial building in Chula Vista approximately three blocks from the Nirvana Avenue properties. The Sutherland/Palumbo Partnership has recently acquired approximately five acres of undeveloped land at the northeast corner of Maxwell Road and Nirvana A venue within the Otay Valley Road Redevelopment Project Area. This property is located in close proximity to the Nirvana A venue properties. The Partnership plans to construct four industrial buildings totaling 71,000 on the five acre site. The property will be owned by Sutherland/Palumbo and leased in total to Gold Coast Engineering, Inc. The Nirvana Avenue properties will continue to be operated by Gold Coast Engineering and the new facilities will accommodate planned expansion of the company. It is hoped that the new facility will be in operation by March 1992. The primary business of Gold Coast Engineering, Inc. is light sheet metal fabrication of welded assemblies primarily used in aircraft and power generation gas turbine engines. The company also fabricates special purpose test equipment including electronic, pneumatic, and hydraulic systems, and designs and fabricates tools for the aerospace industry. Major customers include General Electric, McDonnel-Douglas, and General Dynamics. The company currently employs approximately 120 people with an annual payroll of $4.2 million. With the planned expansion, the estimated increase in employment will be 80 new positions which will increase the annual payroll to approximately $6.9 million. Section 147(1) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 requires that IDBs be approved by the elected representative of the issuer of the bonds following a public hearing. The City Council is the elected legislative body of the City and the "elected representative" of the Industrial Development Authority. The attached resolution certifies that the City Council held the required public hearing and approved the project. The next steps in approval of the proposed IDBs are submission of applications including specific information on the company to the two State Commissions authorized to approve and issue: CIDFAC and CDLAC. After these two State approvals, a final bond resolution will be adopted by the IDA. FISCAL IMPACT: All costs and obligations promulgated by the preparation and issuance of industrial development bonds including legal fees, underwriting fees, letters of credit, City fees and expenses, etc. shall be paid by the applicant. There will be no costs to the City other than staff time involved in the review and preparation of documents for City approval. The Industrial Development Authority will receive a fee of 1/8 of 1 percent or $5,000 based on a $4.0 million bond issue to cover these costs. [C,IWP51ICOUNCILIBONDS.113] " .1... '" f- ~ '" "" :r: >< LU "" LU "" "" f- u LU '-:> o "" C- f- z: LU ::;;: C- O -' LU > LU C> LU "" C> "" o ex >- LU -' -' "" > >- "" f- a S:B3: <= o I~ Ii U , 0 , -' +' <= (]) '- '- ::> u (]) 0"> +' <= , I I -1- f 7 Tf i '.. _~-1 , I .,..... ; i I UI < o ,- 0 /, .~ VI 0"> <= .~ '- (]) (]) <= -. .~ L' "..0.. 0"> <= LU +' V) I :3 I '0 ~ o <!) " i ~ .1 o~,..-,]O -'j J,~ _ ~ o "" )NI..lON'I'HII ---" F " --, , _._.J J~ :-Ie _ ~~ \ -t '- (]) (]) <= 0"> <= LU +' VI '" o U '0 ~ o <!), ~ ~ ~ " ~ u " \ \ \ '\n ,. , \-'-' ~ 1- ~~~ ~~\ ~ \ \ \J V\ " NOTICE OFPUBUC HEAroNG NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on September 10, 1991 the City Council of the City of Chula Vista will hold a public hearing with respect to the proposed issuance by the Industrial Development Authority of the City of Chula Vista of industrial revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $4,000,000 for the purpose of assisting in the fmancing of a facility to be leased and operated by Gold Coast Engineering, Inc., consisting of real and personal property, constituting the acquisition, construction, and equipping of industrial buildings having approximately 71,000 square feet, to be located on Otay Valley Road between Maxwell Road and Nirvana Avenue, and to be used as manufacturing facilities. The hearing will commence at 6:00 p.m., and will be held in the City Council's Chambers at 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, California. Interested persons wishing to express their views on the issuance of such bonds or on the nature and location of the facility proposed to be financed will be given an opportunity to do so at the public hearing or may, prior to the time of the hearing, submit written comments, to the Department of Community Development, 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91910. ~~ Chris Salomone, Community Development Direct and Secretary to the Industrial Development Authority Dated: Au~ust 19. 1991 [c:\wps IIlDAINarICE-4.TXT] "i dech,e under penolt" of perjury that I am G,w:lc' 'ed b.' t".e City of Chula Vista in the Cc;;-;mlu;: ~.. :)ev~~o~ment De'.:'c.~tm2nt and that I posted ti~i3 .I}..r::en:~c!: 'OtiC0 on tl"!c B:..:;!etin Scud at the f'''Cliper~:as Building d ,'ity Hall n DP,TE I 'lISiGNE JUN-12~91 WED 12:06 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX NO. 6194765310 P. 02 -~ EXHIBIT C THE CI1Y OF CHULA VTSTA PARTY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT <)tatement of disclosure of certain ownership interests, payments, or campaign contributions, on all matters .vhich will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council, Planning Commission, and all other official bodies. The following information must be disclosed: 1. List the names of all persons having a financial interest in the contract, le., contractor, subcontractor, material supplier. Charl..s F. SlJth..rland Donald R. Palumbo 2. If any person identified pursuant to (1) above is a corporation or partnership, list the names of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares in the corporation or owning any partnership interest in the partnership. Donald R. Palumbo Charles E. Sutherland If any person identified pursuant to (1) above is non-profit organization or a trust, list the names of any person serving as director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary or trustor of the (rust. N/A Have you had more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of the City staff, Boards, COmmissions, Committees and Council within the past twelve months? Yes_ No L If yes, please indicate person(s): Please identify each and every person, induding any agents, employees, consultants or independent contractors who you have assigned to represent you before the City in this matter. Robert A. Schroeder Scott Cairns Have you and/or your officers or agents, in the aggregate, contribuled more than $1,000 to a Councilmember in the current or preceding election period? Yes _ No L If yes, state whicb CounciIrnembcr(s): ',on is deIined as: "AllY individual. firms co.parfJ1ership, joint VC/l(UI1!, a..Hociotion, .ftXial club, !ratenla( organization_ corporoti(JIl, 7ce. (msl, TCCeio,;~lj syndicate, tit is Qlzd allY other COllntys city (md COWltrys dty, Immi(,ljJoli(v, dij'flict 0' other political subdivi.rioJl, my o(!ler group or combination acting as a unit." JTE: Attacb additional pages as ntce.>>a,y) lI~q / / /f!!L . L-fRE.~\O€"'T'<;CE Signature of contractor/applicant Sutherland/Palumbo, a California Partnership and for Gold Coast Engineering Inc. t.c: JUIVt: 12., l"t "I ( D....:n' ....._ ....__ DRAFT MINlITES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF 11ffi INDUSfRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTIlORflY OF 11ffi CITY OF CHULA VISTA Tuesday, August 13, 1991 9:05 p.m. Council Chambers Public Services Building CAlL TO ORDER 1. Chainnan Nader stated that all councilmembers were present except Member Malcolm. 2. APPROVAL OF MINlITES: None submitted. CONSENT CALENDAR No items submitted. PUBlJC HEARlNGS This being the time and place advertised, the public hearing was declared open. There being no public testimony, the public hearing was declared closed. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None ACTION ITEMS 3. RESOLUTION 22 MAKING DETERMINATIONS WIlli RESPECT TO 11ffi FINANCING OF FACIlJTIES FOR GOLD COAST ENGINEERING, INC. AND SU1HERLANDIPALUMBO, A CAIJFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, AND AUTIlORIZING EXECUTION OF A PRElJMINARY AGREEMENT FOR THE ISSUANCE OF INDUSfRIAL DEVELOPMENT BONDS--The Redevelopment Agency approved a Special Permit on behalf of Gold Coast Engineering, Inc., to develop a five acre site at the northeast comer of Maxwell Road and Otay Valley Road in order to expand their nearby manufacturing facilities. The company seeks to pursue industrial development bond financing for the construction of this project. IDBs are tax-exempt bonds issued by the Industrial Development Authority on behalf of an eligible applicant. Gold Coast Engineering, Inc., and Sutherland/Palumbo, a California General Partnership, has submitted an application for same. Staff recommends that the Industrial Development Authority adopt the resolution making determinations with respect to financing the facilities for Gold Coast Engineering, Inc., and Sutherland/Palumbo, a California General Partnership, and authorizing execution of a preliminary agreement. Staff report was presented by Fred Kassman. RESOLUTION OFFERED BY MEMBER RINDONE, reading of the text was waived, passed and approved 4-0-1 with Councilman Malcolm absent. \\..; Minutes August 13, 1991 Page 2 4. DIREcrOR'S REPORT . None 5. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT. None 6. MEMBER'S COMMENfS . None OTHER BUSINESS ADJOURNMENf The Industrial Development Authority meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, BEVERLY A. AUTHELET, CMC, City Clerk by: Carla J. Griffin, Administrative Secretary \\ -~ RESOLUTION NO. ~ A RESOLUTION APPROVING A PROJECT FOR GOLD COAST ENGINEERING, INC. AND SUTHERLAND/ PALUMBO, A CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP WHEREAS the Industrial Development Authority of the City of Chula Vista (the "Authority") has accepted and filed with this City Council an application from Gold Coast Engineering Inc. (the" Applicant") requesting that the Authority issue its revenue bonds pursuant to the California Industrial Development Financing Act, being Title 10 of the California Government Code, as supplemented and amended (the "Act"), to finance the construction of certain facilities (the "Project") to be owned by Sutherland/Palumbo, a California General Partnership (the "Owner") and leased to the Applicant; and WHEREAS the Board of Directors of the Authority has made the determinations required to be made by it pursuant to Section 91530 of the Act preliminary to the issuance by the Authority of such revenue bonds; and WHEREAS this City Council has considered the information contained in the aforesaid application and has considered the determinations of the Board of Directors of the Authority; and WHEREAS pursuant to Section l47(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), the Bonds are required to be approved, by an elected representative of the issuer of the Bonds, following a public hearing; and WHEREAS this City Council is the elected legislative body of the City of Chula Vista, and is the "elected representative" of the Authority; and WHEREAS the Project is located wholly within the City of Chula Vista; and WHEREAS this City Council has caused a notice to appear in the San Die!!o Union, which is a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Chula Vista, on August 24, 1991, to the effect that a public hearing would be held by this City Council on September 10, 1991 regarding the issuance of the Bonds and the nature and location of the Project; and. WHEREAS this City Council held the said public hearing on such date, at which time an opportunity was provided to present arguments both for and against the issuance of the Bonds and the nature and location of the Project; \\-1 NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Chula Vista do[es] resolve as follows Section 1. The City Council hereby approves the Project, subject to fulfillment of all requirements under the Act, and approves the issuance of revenue bonds of the Authority in an amount not to exceed $4,000,000 to finance costs of the Project, which bonds and the interest thereon shall be paid from revenues received by the Authority from the Owner pursuant to a financing agreement with respect to the Project to be entered into between the Authority and the Owner. This resolution shall constitute both "host" and "issuer" approval of the Bonds within the meaning of Section 147(f) of the Code. Section 2. The Clerk or a Deputy Clerk is hereby directed to certify and deliver this Resolution to the Authority. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. The foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista on September 10, 1991, by the following vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Presented by QL Approved as to for /L~ Chris Salomone Community Development Director Bruce M. Boogaard City Attorney J ATTEST: Beverly Authelet, City Clerk IC ,I WP51 ICOUNCILIBONDS .RES] \\ - ~