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Ord 1961-774
1.0",.[ {",,:a. j/ oo.D.Th!AN'JE NO. 774 -,,-.......--... ORDINANCE AI"fENDING SECTIC~!S 1..1, .11",6, h.7, !~"B, 4,,9 Aim .1;,.10 TO' GJ.L\ !,,!}.}1,h OF TICLE 1. AND 6,,15 0,,' CHIIPIER (: OF' i\F:TIGLE h OF' THE com 0,' Tm~ '.:I'IY C[<' CHUIA STA, CALI110RNIA, AU, OF H!ECH AFOR[~S!\ID ,)EC'l'IO!!S COiCKIN';n, JCiL''Crm -"Iifl INTENANCE Qli' ANIMi\LS ANDfOiJLS HITF~Nl'H[O; C:cry OF CmJI.\ \;i.'iTA., OF 'j'HE CITY OJ.~ CHUV, 17ISTfi. CAI.IFORNTi\ J01'j OEj:JJJJ AS P),;W~3 ~ SECTION 1. 'l'hat Sections ..t the City of Ch:u.1.a Vista a.."6 ) 1 I.' . ,~o...., 4(',6, l.tu 7, hereby' 3tllsnaad I. " I .~ , ", (' .. ." .' . t: _h.O,. ~{J7:p ...&.,)~"..} oUi.,', J;........ . . r. . -t,,:(J roaa r~g :. r' .U~OU;:;1-: (:,1' L'~}D CC{.1f:i SECTION h.,l KEEPTIla OF' ANJI'.ALS. (a) One (1) CO\f OX' t1>Jv (~~) she'sp O.t'" one (J.) hord~! H}<;1;)' ';,)$ ]c~',Jh bJf i,I:'. ',1 fa~jlJ. 9n a single tl'act of land hav:tng a millim::.;," of 1;;,,000 ,:C,UlI'{';:SEI':, ,;:vn"roS'(, '~", ((:("" taining not moX'e t.han on6 sing;'." famlJ;.y!ii!311:bg 'Ui1:tt:. 'i;h3:,',.:on. . Any animals loopt as hcreS..uribove provided 1_'Jh:Lch ;'H~t:1 .(.'~:u;,;~}n!1nl;:'i V:~ fOi ,,:~;",tl{:!,~,'~,h:'Jf~ ,odors, objectionable 1101889 ummual :JriltHriI't.: of ri.ie:" (,1" u\'mmita,':V (~orri:\t:':<H'r, 'Which affect tha f,'oaca .and welj:are of thi) imIfi<!d:i.ate n8:LghbtYd100':),X:'\9 1 Y:'31JY (to., -'Glared t.o be a public nl1:1_aanC(~ and ilHJji" bi) ~1.U'(jm::11':l.1,y a'b(~,t!9d H)" t:,:"~1 -:"j:Il"'c;;t,;:y\" ef' Public Health. (t) l'uanty=i'ive (25) PH:)): of' chln<;hll1a:,. m' t1ii'.snty' \;'D) :,"'ij,terr "'"r " t by one fam:i.ly on a abs'J.') tract of land haY:lng ::; 1"i1i,"\1",1 c,:r ? r'JOO rii:la,,"~" teet thej;"ein and cont.ain.:i..ns no<:. mC'I'8 thHl"l on.e ;.3:LUgJ.6 f,:lr:il~.: dv!Ol:!.'t)J~; ur:5.t tb6:d: GU~ ., (c) The keeping of' any bjJ~d or' "n1m.>1 ot:rlcor tha:i:! 01{1 (:\.) C:c<, '111d t,r,," (1) ...t and tj"O (") b<~a'~ 0.. t"'~ (") "og'" r~"o (.;, Cot" "YI" '."' .....,', >)'~<" ....". ye '" o:.~ .... ,f>;} ':. v~..... ~~ u. i;;I 0.L vlt.. .-:..) ~'",,} t:' '-l 1...\.'." t :'''_ "b.1. _....::: l}lJ.':. ~alUng unit in Ii. multiplo fam:1.1y r:-Js:!d;'1'1ca i~ prold,bit3d... (d) Any person ("''W~'1ing o:r' l::fJ6ping tJlO:{'-$ dogs and/ CC' :;ft t'P th~1 X':'O I,11<i~'3~,Cl }, '.y 'the provisions of t.hls chaptor ~'.t "the 'i.::i:LTf,3 of ptlss~ge "f tt,:: n n:t'3i,~.1,.1nc~. jf~~;lY' kl~~:p ',the dog's and/or cat!!: proviC':lng they shall fil'3 Idth !;"}<J Pnmdi,!"", (,.1:i' th, f~)Jln :inr; ormatiom The munber of dogs and/.,r cats" Age of the animals" Description, celor. hl'€od and g,m.. Street addl"eIJIJ ,fhal'e tbJ nnimnle: aX'i!J kapt" (e) ':rha keeping of' hag]. p1.gs. or cthe1'3!J:l.ne ~)I' goat,; ~1Ht ;:1 th, (iJ.tJr {i Chula Visw is o:h';P!'<::saly' pr'(,)ri.1J:1.ted. Provided. l1o,'enrer, that. ',;h.,,1'o th!'J k3'>ping (I.r any' Duell !,,!h!'~l. J ':.;al'1 1.,~':;fi111J established and e:Jii.stulg 1,J! ;11'1 cre& t,htn'Q,:;\ft,6X' ~,(I1~e:;;::.:;;,d tD N:.~:1\~ lilt,,/ ,:,r C'lj,";l.l.u '\;':1f.t-u~ '.l!Uch keeping may, 1;:!thout (j{,ln'~[4e;mGnt. brc, contkned fm' 3 ;.J;:'iod.D't t<> '"t:;:,:e,.( ,three (3) years after the (w";~e ;')f 8i1!1():r:at.:lon of .thtl1 c::.H;>\::a t;~h!.\\'e5~1::\ .~ :::.qtil:ilV'd~ (II t11G effective dut,~ of th:l.s O:t'd:l.l';\H<)(;;, ,~hicL,"ir"3t> ts lDnr;m; ,. (.f\ No -i'\<"Jll"'U(.n ")h'll "~"'.~tJ"" ...". .....,.1 ,.o.n. . !,'l~!i.f'1'l _P'N. Ci'~"'- "If' ."I:~.,; '".. \i'J't' I... '" ." lJ' .."'.... . I ' ro.:.'. '"', :, .. C\ 'J.~.L '''to 0,1. rt'1C\o<..n Lc. :tfA ,_, I... _J... ~J(~v ~. \,J.. l. ~J~" ,1 !, ':1 . J,':> i..d Er.~, _ .J.C,I,,,.. ~ tig"r" to""!"" 113-'''''. .mo-"""'" 01' O"h"" '1"" f<'''''' rl~"'l''''~ .11'..."........1. '"'' (.[' "'h'''j'' ~ """")1 Q 1'oiI:fj ....'"'!:J,U~ __ ..-'.t..,... ~ u.41.~<Y~' '~.. (,I....~ ~~2'",:1 ,..:J,~~.h.J,~~"":I~..!:.'i.,..".-;'~ .,~:'.'\Wr.I:,...._~,~..,.'<I,;. I...~... ''::>"L. 01..1",-:'" or assl.~rt.ed state: of docilit.y ~ '~'..atnGnsm::i o:t< dmll,~~~'~:le~I"(~i'=, TL:,r.,J U-~,; \:.:u:m ~,h:;d"l ncL Hp~:U..,t to CirC\lf$t1Sf) ZOOf3~ aquarj.asg i:"ntel':i.n@,r~r hJspitalUtJ ptfl:t'nds ~~,' FUUL1U SO(<L:;,t:1.~;f: 1j,.. cenaed by OJ? reccg;rd.:IIed as f11.ch unde!:' thl;\ p1'ovis:1.ons of th" !::tt.;<i' '.::J~1"1,.. (g) Fif.ty (;;0) p-2.r.e.k~.le.tt; or atrn:'i..lz3J.: dome::)"i,,:Lc birds HRi2; b~~ l';J:,t.. C.r "~ tl'[~(i. of. prt,v:iding it han a min:hm'll':l of ?,~,O(:O ;~quar~ fetirG 'i:,'tlere:1.n" (t) No hO:;'''f;~J~ CC~!~ 01" sh~.~t:]p shall b~ kept or m0~j,::1ta:l:Lf~d ~;.ttdi.n Olt~ hiJ!n(:l~;'d (100'1) of ,:in;/, t3,,:'Jalj.ine~ t'lf).i~ inc:J.ucSrq th(~ Ci\,rner' (-1~, 'crOll"~ by ,)\1", thel'o;L' bOWiE'.I.,,;xJ.~ " 'fiVG t '~' ." I. ,", ',- J tj,' "" "',j .r~,'(\-!1 ";:,;' '" '.; '1." -,;.~n, .~r, ,. ,i:;'C.r:J.:) ,~{, KV.~: 'J~'Tv " ~'1., ': "j, . : :' i ;:!' } "1 f~ ,'". i:.F',! '" ,.1 ,b'_'," ....- ,.,',~ q, ,.'.&',.!.i"'.:ii1i:; HCir' d -l :.~ '. ' ~:~cr[,.' tOt. "" ',::' '. <:.'.'.... ~ '!, ' i' .. \,:1) \~j~/".U (~ 'i Y'I ',; 'rejje'3i~ L(:~;'..C';:]"":"'.;I ~),! "i c: 'f';:' of ChH.:!. \fL~.':~'r.;. .:3~:I! ,",i,' ," ".~ . including U-.~~} IJ;'",J/\:~.'J ;:. 1('.' canar::.o,.( ;;.1t16 '/:i.'!{.d,)'.. kl lo':\;T ;311:r/1'1 't.j ;,~' , '.' ';" ;f~d) ( , , i.; :".1'i. d08.d 'j) ~_~,'(I~; .!i{\ ''I~',:,r:i'U ,,,~ . i:~ 11,;_ ~~'J:., ,i) L;,j, , 't,_, r.1;~rll: ,..,;.:., J :L", iY:: Ill'.' , .' .,~ ' " ..,,',' '..<.d '.., j ~,~, '''''' I)j," )\' ".~, ':r1~~C ~':~J,"I ..(,',(.',,1"'-eJ ~i i-:::;; " ((\) -) t;i.,p;:h.'G .,;J,_:: ~,'" :'i, '.'( d;~. ~--,. ::,~;:" ,1' ',' ,." ("~' 'i '.':condit~j.f"p~'! .... t p8;J~3 ;1i~,. .-1 ~l 'fli" L ~ ~ ~ . - l> : ) !:~ i,'~j~r L,. ')~rc,;;, 'if tr:-";,l., , "", :. ~ ;',' J'.. .', .,' \ >1-i;;:..'(~j'I;:;; ~t " ]:-;o}J.:L'il-( 'J!: ,n .'? "i;,;::''.;':,,' 1,~'iP::' (!.<i,~. to, iu :;.! .. 11, riD} '~-J{~'JL~: f).F"') 1fT!.:JJ;:: \): ,!." ~t _\:.J ,r:i....1,'-1 .... , "l L I"" " ~, I; " ':'.tJ {}~~'J h,:.'D. Gh,1~.i '",'j;:};"J (~:",:'! '" !J; '), .'"" ",j ;,.1 '. 1 'Ul'lg :!.-t, bi:,,) ::HH.~ ai.!1g:t ~3 i.' .::11 '('(f~',:>); ";'. J.;i d,',,"11:1,;!!: \'i"'\':;):i.-Lij i it.1,u:hitH..l "h:JI " u:;.~ 'y\),; : ',:.trF_J:} <, "r' , ;; f ; " ~.1\ ,'j {~1 tj,,, n, .'l; ';);~.11 " ". ,j :'[',1, ',.". ," '.' :i,.t-..,J.~';'I;.' ." 'I;" " (""0.;' , \-'~'''.:: ,> .,,:1 "n, dl-r-i: ~.;'j 1 , " .;, ';;.... '" en n,' ;;':;] ~ \'; h,_<~' ,~. ~': :~I:'C:~:--I.~ ~;'11 '.J ;, ;-!,:" ':,~(-n-i,:!. (',~Y"" :':~-"I '"T'. ., , , ('- c. , .t, , '!.'~ "".', i;', ,. ".... j,,- , . : ", ~ ( ~~ ' !' I,;'" -:.,; i'l; ': ~~ .'-1" .;~ ~," ": , "'-.1.~,): <" '.; 'I: ;., .'.'. ,., .\ 1'.( -, ';}" " " ~,-:;)~':: ," 1 I" ,., ~', 1'" :i,' . ,-, ';-' ,,' " It Ii' :,; J.,'_ stored "in c01\h,:tmll'I'J 'lh:1,'3h off.:;;' protecU,on agaln:9t , , I", ,~' .-, . 'I " ," , ; !:.2,C, ,\ '> !I! .,,'re.I.' ;.)' ; , ,t; , ; ~ . ; t..; /:');' .", ,., . -.." :' ,: -I!> ,; ~..' nlF, ,.' ..i.'a,1:1;T7; i.;}r, ."-' '.'"' ..... '(:,1';\'1': -~ " ,..,' I.' .;, '~" " 1 ,;' 1.r' ", \',"'. -:; .':!. , I' -:i, <\,,\. " !; :~;,h':" .~.' :':' '\ ',> '-:';'! .~:,. < (, ,.", ;.,;;).,'~:; ');,', " .. ''. ~ ~' i', .':';';.':.1.'::, _ .~i; , i,~~1 ~(', ~ '~L1,"t r~;', ,.'::: -''-'~ '. ,<, :i~'~};'-i:( ", ,0;'\.,:,1 Y':;"I .t -, ,..f-)tl a ::(.(~ll ~'\;" .<iU.'.t .'.' th:; t;,~,,(,~ '0'1 C;~:.!J", d it'. ; Jj:,(,...,: y >.1 '1; ~(;C,U ..;,:.,,-,n ,;. J.\" " ,: ( h." \.~>!,:!',~< '0 ":h,in :1 !""L:~',ld'.~_E-; j,) .;'.,'1' ,;, j!~ '", 1;" ':,~. .1.' L' i j eXCf~p'l:. 2,'<odents u \.i:; C'_.' " I, i 1\ 1,\:::,' ''- ~ l \ F-.:-: ,"!.1.' r,.;. 'I;,~:"n. ",' .' " "., , it, ': ,:' ~ "'. .." " .',;" ,', '-" '." '.~ ~u ; ~ ' .,-' ;! ~ ~ ~, ',r; h""',, ,-~, "..' d_: .' ';!: . ~~ '~'. '- " , t ~': ' .~. , \ " ' " ., , " ,\-1,. i. ~ ,,' '. ~,~~d ~i::'n\~ tf::nl1 " ., ,', ':;f'\ ",1; '.h.: :. ~ ' , ":J'd.J:.; A (d~,;:' (;'i ;:,L<:;,)J. \!;:r>:.r~:' f" '1 1 fJU..:,,";(i ;;i ';d " !;'.",'. ~:...",~ }K'!{, n~i~) .) (b;' rF;m'fI~i~ llE(;~UJhVil" ea$irl~:,;" H(;ti:lng ::I,f'i t;:t~6rJ.'{.S f,:"~, c.1)ntl'iJ~;'b:u) aho1.i) ot'i:!lil'Y' ftA.t,..,;~ o.:t~ f)t.d~l:~":mmK:\"" ut '!:jt bhitn" N1t.l1oUij f:Lt'O:1t ~\.pI}ly':i.!r,1{~ :;:(i::~' I..n.;,) ity ~t rI1JJ"11\~di thorid'orG:;, I~S provid,o(] 1::>). :,i:t :;:ha.i..1 b,; ,:':,!.;')~1}'):"',J, . :)1,' ~:\:i.ri" ,- \"lfHiH'e:' th~' ~i 0):' rIH'ti:~S'Jr' ( ~.~~'c; . j " iI',': -, '\"~ r:(.o.':.... :\.11ffj; "'" 1 ;Cfi~ . -, ,,. :~;t:::ty',! " -, H ! " nJ::; :,! , T hY- < ; ";:i!:- j' , lH ,", ,"j '.', tv~'~~:rty .f:~..\f;" i;OJ''J:;rw f,,~'om -':;1"0 ':'~'~,;a)tl" ':a;de:;:' 'iJlr ,,;;j a\;te",j~.'Ol''J. ({'~:- J~pr.tl'Cr{I~JON" n;"fr'f,,-'t'y I>Hx's.:m r1fi1J, \/~.HL f'n:~' :1 :J{J:l'l1ii:t ,~\tal.J f:L\{; \,".\ ,:,\0 Liw: eal'th HUp~i1i"'~',yw:,,'I~-Jt of the G:;'~;~~f .'~ >~Tl~it1it:l:;.\ .p[il:~~};,tinn;,ihii,~1. r:~l-:~L.IJ ;:'. L::'j f; i'L~; '~'i.'}i!\,\~ 1.irldJ.t-~'"j,::\,~] of the' .;;q)'pli~'~,fiw:!" t:':~(d n. tI;G1J<':,,"qf;iJi.O, :';1' th(,; 1\~'().F,!:j,.t.v' ~:,..'L,:,;i'o::-b. ,...' ;'Jhc~":!r:1:" t is l'\I'!.',>ipOi,j>ed t('i (;(j):x1\';(:t. 'I.,i:d ';."H':~:"(;:'_J.;H:3B !1.,':' '!.V']'~ ::;h(f!,;" G:~f,-j~!l)",:'~j L~:' ;, r;; ;;/';.. 'L11 , f.1'thu.:r Hi.'.\eh h1J:~)c'.ms"i:d (,; ~ < ",' ";"h,..: .;(Ki)." ( iI.:~ lyi' )'il\d 1,:d:~\ };,:,~:'[ I"~ :L (:';j" pplicaslt J.'n~c Eu::ch rft:'trmi.'\':t s: li.".-.t) A'\ -:;1,:,;; ," r~,,:~ (;:;,,,-- !\:~':!}c1.1\'; ~)'PI).tjJ;i' ;.,:I.l:Y;'; ,}.H1:tl., ':J'uitl, ", 'to 'jh:3: tD.t;l"kJ' },j,l:-I.~ho:(.':t~;l);~~ 1)3; ',h(j< ljoJ.'t;',; t,,? Ij'!';:,~',.'U:11, 'hn :',:'f..';',:Z(;:,-d, n ,::.'Ti,:',,~' ,~,:P'j:i' ;,:, :';";j:T~))1,,, annuul l.:n~.Jpi~H:rt:ion foo hc-":t:jn;:\fl"'(:i'J:' ";":1 '~,hi~;) ~:{i"~';;:'i..on O~3\,;.'~h ~:, ,f:hJ:::;C A ':jEt"("'in.:lt: ft):-r whidh .:ipp L:,;\.;~::'t:lon jJ;i,;<~,J~~ 'v:.lIdo~:~' ~ijbi':~ p.:::"~"Ii'}' .j;\n:, ~'; -G.>i t~! ~: ;;~ct"1 !)~,\:, may be ,~Ji:Ia.l1tl';~J a:h 9.1W tim,f~ d(~}:~:i.li,g tht) J~-" ,\, ~ t.i1l ~ HIl :P":)/:'ill'j,:0;':' iH~;:"::' ,.,';::'t!i:~d:. 8hall !rU,p:1.J!:~(~ orj the: 'b}d,i~i.J;r.~.'tl_r;r;' (Jl) (i,' J,T tt:ICH<,1'bfn' .:A: "\:;'L~i .yt,:~f)" c<,i! tJ;; L ~1 1hf.~ :same <1.1."'3 [;:(';""n1;,,do (d) INSPE~7rIOl! FEES A\:',JU PLNAl}I'(E"3~. :~'7~,S''t~'Y' ~PS1"'Z:J{1 t:(}pl.i/: Under 'h,]t~ Dro';.rl~:i.(,)l1e of th:i": .~H.:t:b:li)n ~.j,)~' ~:;~ E-I.t ':GhG "t1Mi-3 (1,:;: 11::<-}:~, tor sue',l !)S.'l1)1it };)aY' 231 :ingT;<:;r.;1;.:~Gii] fe.:. t.if "lj(W.t do1:;,~~.:r:EJ UrjJ),-~eO :ot Hea1th<, Jr~ Hny ca,.~e ";-:n.t::('a thi1 fi,PJ:tCl:,,;;.'UG ~'m;~ f,:lJ.led f<n' \:' (30) da.}f'jJ 'tn :f':Lt~\ l~ha appL~,'j'at:1>(;:.1 ta,:) <~.~f,""dtlH tl",;-'~ ,'Pf:YX..t!i:t~j !"\'~<'(~t" 'there ,911811 h5 addoo tC) [nl.;d t;o:.LJ,2c:"h~:J/; ;f):;,;t thn :It.';:j'pe(~t:;,Ci;1 :'~~.. ten pe.1~ C€;n.~.I of t1'!(;; '?'O() 0:.." O~-:t<'1 (::t.>11a::',t< J(:I::;h,~r,.h:n:' :t~': t~':I,,; i~"e~~:);l:,,:::r',\ additioru;(t ifntfi:rhh or fJ;:"t&ctic'1(), uf a mo:,rtf.,i .!::fj~a' ';~,!:Hi i3>'~P~~_::;"'H;-.Lv\j 0:''- .'-j' 1..~J 't ,,'~-,':' ~'." 10d tlhEd.; '~hit) applicantl ..t'.~t:lJ.?\ .tc~ fjJjj ,;iL\h jJp{~..:h~H';'j{'n l?t{: there st1tul ha ~dded -to an{'i ,~~)1::, tJ(';"~Bd -~Y;L~h '~;h$ :l.;;npeGt:io..".'\ !:<.~.~ ,):~,at;;"::',;i,:-":; :penalty Flq11.~L "to 't(;):;) fYif:t'" er:'.Tt ~')f '(.h$ ~;,~'J~I "'\ :'ddf,';;:i~' ,;,':f)e,~ 'r~""i)'9't('i-.':~,";;') Tv)', 'event atjf.jJJ. 't'!:Je tot,i:'Il p~;:lHJ"" ',- f:dt,',:1 i~o ,t' '1'~ :L:nH~"'1:~u~~:!,\);:, :i.i~r':: X:~I-:'8,.i1)"( ;be more 1~ha_n .'3:!.:..::ty y.ze:r ,crHri; Uj 1'110 :hlGf..'':,'~' ill{)~'(:>. :':fl";" 'IfN;~ ,ErTl';'.." ::1"(;;:1 :,' of the penalty :hnpoEI€ld ';jy '~0:i~:f f"e(:"6j,i~H ~.;'-',.,iD_ :~ir"1't', p~Ci~;'tr"::JL'l; tb-; :n!iJJ~,!."'''11'''' ,~other pmJ.aJ:fjY :p:r>e::iCl":tt)f!',d t;T ~~1;,;';.H ~$,c't~~ [;f~ n,:! rX'!)~'i~GIXidc~:l; -t;:",:r ":") '~,~~!,d ',:'",11 , ect1on!~ i{,ll, :'iil();th1-::ra l""e.ze:f.~::-,::,d nc i'{~~l')'f!--o-';~i.i.:<"'i :f\~)(;:;: u:i:;Je,:Y~ '~~,::;0 C'~'fP;r:; ':; :;:~~j Code 3hsJ.l b::: p!'dd :lrrto tho e5. i,2:'i;;1\li::\tH" 3ud ',~'}-:hU,:'~h~~ :lr ';~'ti:: f':-C;.:n')',~ : l.L fr.t~ J ,:n€ ','d ;;1 :',. <;:1, :h"f; 'pj)J..l,'~:~:'>..~"'~ tf! h:!\ jj.j):'i'tn;mri: i),~,r:'i.' j'~ ,ol~ \Jir!.1' ~~i' ";'1~' 'bh t,,-, i'( (;'i~"~ :'1'(1:, ;.)' ,;,<'1..'i",f;~1 'b'1 "'1 f ,)'.~ .<;D; ,dr.i"J ~rU,;,!J IJ~: ,;~'m5 I'v ~:: " ): 1; :~ '~'1 f,':(\ I (': ,;"1r:(~t:h ;~,' ";-;:c;: i,,'~'D:,lI f' ":,~ I~''j. , ,,;~,,\,.. " (0) r~USFf~N81ON ,~nTO n:2~'iJOCi':,.';,IC~~~}"~ ~'~:,:.'in..Hjn dairy fa1>rn8~~ '.nd the 1imil(ft.,E!T;~lV..:;:( (;.:\.' mOI"~i ';,.1@,'n rabbits ,ah;nl1 he f'Jub,i~t';'~.; to ;;')'~J.ep.5'rL$i!}n ~'i 'Heal'-!' U!J()~ 'j" ~ "j' '-"-;~''''J '':'!'''':';''''~"\' <." ',', , \I .. :,; ,n.J ,1 .I..'"'" .J.. ,...1.'-"_"lt:>, \,' ...<; IJ t, ,A,,~, h_.... ~ J1 88ct:iOrL;:\ rYe br:N:,3.U.fH~ of ';:;h~?!in:~:i~ftiC'G~:(r-(~II1.' :,or pacul:Lt1J: h~hZal"d nO::'ln-ac'tEoQ -;...!~~':h th:':i! -> ;ir';i~.it:::'j' 'the pt1bl:lc;H~D-l th ard H:~lf,~;\'{'e '~!(~11 Of: fir:, ,:::) ,I:(.~;' l{'~;JL~':',:',:!>",~, 'J":1 \/:', r ,;,~.'}'G'(;(~',,-' ,', i; ';'" ~:':~:j" '. En" :1/((," " ':~n.y ~\~. -;:~'K~ Cr.i',i~t'\~:"~-:,,-':_!,::j :,:,::j 1 t~f :,).~~):;j:Ld;'1..;"r; ,~'1'; ::~:nJ,\'(~'" , '. cJ)i:~~ :~,u '~'jh~;.s ;':1";.<-:1 CI.1.::",:i" ,'H'/;j<~i:.'.'';i:\.(lSJ :~ih:t 'Xl {'!'; .,'" ":> J'~,Y,!lrJi->, .ii'-.;;~':~r'(::;iiJ t.~nl'H;::':~: ':111.c,\'j ;-:; 'f'. fi1{; ;:,:; ;.i'!.:~"n,,': " :;,r: " (" , J.. ) KE1,1l'fFJ~S ,,;0 CAIJ,Ea.!~.J~S HEGUL\'!'Im. PItr .;,~flt" Iti~;'HJNn :n'I JU~~n;"./. pr~,i J.:;: '~, ~'.rgfEfjr !~s'm:;,,:~l$p c~:rttl1'n"i.~~'i.f 511J_~:: in or rtJ1:ii;;~:h1g;1 H(~Jl:1n,g o~r t,.J1{';h,:~;~ whichg. :1:01" 'iiiho p~t:t'P(}$;;if af' t%:iJ;;: : stitwtl.?, .;), k;(}:nn,,~lv' f~.:.';S1(, or :H>r,"J ~~h-:):O("":, f~! g~i:t)g l~n,~; ",11 j;y:.c "J;-''':' c'i :i;:~\'}{~::" ,j~f,\,'~;g:J "~ e:t1.:U,!s (i P;":lYr,., ~^,mc, _. \'i~~''; t:i:"'r t:, :;:.n',"5rr.. ~ (, ," (", (, h":,.' i};;1'1 f::'. ~, {':i' C:C'~~~ ~}~,~ ~; .~?( ';'"'' '\:~' :.-',Ei ,; ~;, ~;(,k' GH~{~ GCi - ~". '.~] ';~~J\.Y'" F, .," !'r, (g) Ki~.';NNE:.L.S d C,!tl".tlJiJlJ.2;~ ," P)~~;:: ~~ECI c~ ;'\jf,'uH;c1t1.J,JCii ,tl~) .i::.Ij'j'}'i '. '.." Nn HC0ttl th :P~ti:":h(Jt fOt:l ti(:G1 C,i.".t:~__'vj, ":~;;,:i-;f'j ~}eI{1']c\:; :Ln. ~J :~_~) f.:t:1~T;; \''',,::~ "i~"{}! unl6:stl it! aha]'l hblff.S 'j',)(t~l.l ~~:f';vt:L:1.~~1 by"/:, ',,; I~J,a:';~:'.!,;.ine rd.:. -f;~C~j~...:t' t!.,.::-I "': hcj ,~!:'i confl:i,c1~ \.1:i'r.h, {',Y'd.i.:tiS:J~;:::cn F!.~~[~ J~'JC:f1:,J. ,- :"j:ton~"~ 'L<..'ll1;(~,:{..':;:d1F: .1:';>,:;1;71,'1/: ;'HG c;'~ :,;'.:,:L;,,;'\ ~;,n .. (".~ \ 'i,Lj' f;i!;Tn\!EXS '''' G.~tI'li;~TJ..E S ',' 1'1::1' ; :,fH.Y ~-<;:,,~)_y:: t"~r?t ",() g(:':'; ;])K:--:: Et ,F;',~;~l;"'H{.-,C1J'lT.{G., l~Il . . :~:~';..'n:i;:C!J. ~J ~:_l!.C1;"~?i:,CG? :~,.Z'r:, ;;,hr'l) ~> \,:,ea,\:.,('d :,u. '::"i-'" ',:"[.;-.;\J, ":ij:';":'. " :~~;;. :'\ ~~D) cd'"c{~ and .;;.\.1] ~:'!J!.j.j\.;IIJ.lt" 3(,;/J.J.1 b:': iCtir,t ::l",:,t If,riiJ Y ,:,irl "ni1 :,:l i I X(!-;I. at" oJW;r1.1(;,~~ o,f H~:;':f pl-iv:Q,Ji':G I}S; 81:~: r~K; '\,rr;:TC.'ir~'1;Z' ~ ".~;X~:,[' ;;:3'~,r; et:f~ahl :h~h~Jd :h I :~~ coag:,:;::t;~d L~"C:,"; {.:;(~ ('?:; "c7J,G ;~ !"t~:: d f\, ."~ W'~' '." ','"j,},'L1~i>7l ~r(' L~;~:K',;'< ',:,\Lf 't~ :E;n )1 ,iK~r:i.'., {,[:(ii,i;c' ~;; _, r (:L) KENNEJ..S - CATTmGES - PET SHom ,. CARE OF PE'ft:. Suitable housing fa(:D.:l.ties shall be; provided to pl'otm,t P€',;s frOi.\ iur.:1GIi!'mt Wl9athe)~. Adequate feed and watsr shall t~) furnished to all patE)" All f'Ead '3)1111 be stm?ed in rat-proof' coni;ainers t,ightly covered a:1d Pl'otSt'teCi ligl\imr~ /ill ruts and other contamination,. Hoats shall be kept in a properly l1Ia1,n1;l.>~ned x'0f:dgeratm: until used. (;n KENNELS ooCAT'J~ERID3 - PET SHOPS .. SANITARY RE{]UI.A r:JJNS. The boards of all atJ:~l(Jtural! used fo)" tho purpo5e o!t",t1uein" or I:",sping p,~ts must bo impel'v.!.oUS to mOifJture and be ]wpc~ in a 811n1t2.7 condiUtila. AD, .mclt structures must be uhite..'j,Jllslwd or paintG'd n light color lliH! md!!t,d.,M,j tn good repair a t all times. (1t) DISEASED PF;TS - !!OTIG:8 TO HEilJ.'l'H DEP1UlTl-fEWr. When'JVsr any pets 8h[.:_1 ap:?E'ar to hmro 8.n;{ (JOIymuntLl,ablu dir(,[!!',e, \;1'.1:, Health Department shall be notifiod 111Un0di/'tc1:\'" of sHch conJj:[;5.on \lith ,"-',I'll j."Ii':'l'i,.atlon as may be necessary and l)1.\n11 pets shall bo inmad:1.ately ;;,Holnted ;~run 1ndthy )1(3t!!" If, in the discretion of th,~ foi.l"ecto:!' of Publtc Health, sa it! D',i; i::: c<n,d.d:!l'ed (J menace to the health of other pete OZ' p6.:.plf)" h<3 shalJ (;()n3umn 1i1J;h; poc to hB :w~, moved ontirely frOOl the prmnisea and.. :if lI<iWem;ag~Y. desi;ro.y'Ud. No diB.3"~Jf;J pWG shall he Bold or gi'ven a1my or shall tha;/ be oth'Jl..:iii!: d:is;1osed 01' ElXt1 ;;pi, 11'1 a manner author1zed by the Director of Public Hoalth. (1) PETS ~ NomE - OJ)i:RS = DECLARED NUISA1WE. The presence o:~ obno)=t()ua odoI'a or :tnSHl1.:,tary cond5L'r,:LmlS N' !;he ,~ailurB '1;J muzzle or placl!! in soundproof kennels a11, :5.ogrJ 'barking (J:.re.:msh'o\r er to a df~g?'():J that Blffioya the immediatB n8ighborhood, Ii; heJ'sJ:t.J de:;)lar'Jd "',0 bn ~i puhU.'~ l1u:li3'mo(~ and JnB;T be summarily abated by the Direct-or of fubltG ":HaJ:th. SJWTIGN 4.9 DEFINITlms. For the purpose of this di\r:ir,j,I.m" (:E;r'"~ain '!>J)1'd~, ')l!d P:i!';'}J(!!>J are dd':i.nad . as fo~101ls_ and cer"win pr01risiona IJha:n he cons'CY.'ued :H) het'ein l1~r;. r<1l't!:~ \ull'~fiS ,it shall be apparent !':r'0!!! '011a context '~h!1"r, th!.y haV'!1 H d:Lf1:'m;"3r.tt; me,rm:'.",g. (a) "K.mnel" muans a place whore fe'IU' (LI) ()l'" more dogu tn'C kept ';('>1' tha pu1'pos'~ of breeding, ra:!,aillg, 5s~Ung tiT' m\chnngillg oi' d"gij" (b) "Catte~7" meana n place wJJar', ,{'our (4) ox' mm:'11 .H',;:') [1):'<; kep'.; i~N' too ; purpose of bl'eeding~ raising, sellbg iJ1? m:ch,mging of eats, (0) "Puppy" meana f, <log 0:1:' i'our. (11) months or 10;91> :\.1, ""Ii'" (d) "Kitten" meane a cat of fOUl" (4.) montb,~ or :'131IJJ in <Ii:!';" (ta) "Cat" mGul1~'! l1ny uanrmal of thG ~.:~onua~.. FJ(;lis Catus;, of' {,:,ny bro>;)cl o;~ ~.;k:ntc> S1WTION 4.10 EXCEP'rmlS. N.)thing contHined in ':~hi'!t 01'd:luanc(, n11a11 'b.~ d6B;1'K)" or com:';t'Led Get p.:,'ohihit. the ke'~ping of animals. f<mls or rahb:LtiJ prov:i.ding t1my a:r::~ kefn;; (a) In a coop, box 01' run locntod end k,pt lIith:b a'''t1hoo:U,rn:~,ga" i'~"l!Il!tM:, or zoo for the purpose of Htudy or obni!lJ,'v'at:!.e.n. (b) Tn Eo coop, b01: OP 1.'un 10cnV3d muj IwpL ~Jith1,Y1 B ,1)Jye1c:i./Olr<' e ')J:H,ueJ 'w a laboraotor;r for medical ,I'G~JHarch, madic31 .':;r€~I,.;:m~nt ~i::1 3e:Lf~:;"~ift(; p1J.rpo::~,~~so:J (I~) 011 premiS0t1 zoned ,tor 11=1 and 11..2 111160 (d) On premism! zoned for A 'tma" This dosn no.t apply to f;.a:'i'.:i.o)l h.l~ Sub,,, sect1ol1 (e)" ('3) On premises 'lhs1'G the fowlg "r :.~abb:,tv arE> H,:,d ta thf\ ox'dinn',) 'llJd custallnry courses of businoss and are not rained, bred o~~ p~o'{{rit (,1n sueh f'r(~mtl~.'f$${, ~. f' \'j, ~ '~~' ,I fL ,: tq, .:rJJ ~i-,] ff~l::~ , , ~ U; bi~'d;: " 'F;; '1. "i,\,; ({' [Vi !) ! ):'~ 'I. (~ /~ 1:17,:,:( ,'; '- }:.L" ,'iJ..: Jt' ~':i)i"'.C~~ .. 'iJ'{"t1.J, ) D.':~~,s iLi,,'j I,j", '1'", r:-"~!\i~d~':; r:'lin':! '~.,"\" d~ 2~y! \1;'0" m!J.:TJ'L I. , ': ~, r,', " J 8L(.J:j':,jf,'~! ClalIEi(iI ~,:(' :>.';)~~J :'," th{) d(!i{ ~,a:j : L' "affocl; Lh{) ',' i .' 1 Sl~;:,",:'.I~I{ 'i i ,'provil.tlcnr:~ .)\' J.' :sU(~ll pt;'Xf,;(Qr!" ;""1" far ead'} i:\)-1, ,i '"I :the pl"cn,J.a:, ('j;_' ': I'comd,ct.jc.-~'l ,:j" 'd',' ,:'F:lV~1 HUi~-t~X'';-:;l;~ "nr <months Ct' 1.,-1 ',,1'[-;,' SeetIO},f (311 "c.""., 'I . _.;It.1.jI"'" att(-1X" :1 t~:': j,: :,\' paper.r' ~J.t g~:"j; Cal:troI'?:~::\" I !'" ';" ;'i, .: ~; ;.it.:tC 'f ,,' ~ :~ \:i"';i'''~ ~n"~ nt" r:r-i>J.:~:. ,\,~' .. ,"i'~;'! t:'S\'\l:~~~~ ~:! ;lct';1'.h,\ pI i' q\ '~t,h',.:T~:',':: !~\J, l., ;10 ':":'~ 1,{)!1l;~ j i.>~:" .. 1: ';l"i: .' ~ cy. 1'.'., ',.;t' " v';.:!'::' , .,::"~ :~'''U'$ ..;! ", ..tt~; , i' {' {, L::"p~':(uf C', -t,,:' ~,' :',1;' ),1!nJ:.~Y.! ti!;':i ~~. t \ j'Y, ",t"" )\l"-;::'(!f "j1~t:Z.\'j" ,',\:,,:;..-1 ':.\, L{';rT!.'fC': ..~' j,l ..': f,l-~r:,. ., ,,;,~! ,0:, ','H',C;j ~:u yLij,{i~'~'1.f' G~:4:iLI' Uf:.'i if; ~,i'> '!l:'~)J..r'ij.(.:.:!. 5r~,8\:;., ,I':',', 'li,' by' ::j' {"" f~,:{!;' ::my,'t" I::~.j',: ,;(c, "I,:t.: ( 1. ~::,~ ':' \, 'i i .:\r.l . ;,)" 1. " :.>' .; 'L~,:\ \ iJ.,' ',I, 'I.:i.,;/' '.': ~' )1'1. ~': .i; '"~I. ~'f,l (~, ~ ,.it 'I. '1,"1 :; ~l~; 1., i:i :_~ ;, . t:: " 1'" \ . , , , , , ! , ':1 0'. ; " " ,<~'. .. h j .... , 'L .. , , , ., , , ,,1 ;,' .r , d '. .. : I' p'. , ;< ':< " ,~; ;', ~:' ~',' " ~ .,: ~\\ ;:J :; i,I', ';'1:l'/:' I' " .~ ',: :" j,.',; i" "'" ~,i_ i ~, t'ri ~d' !' " " i., :.n,-'r:';<', ; , . .;. f ~: ,'" ,ft "p: ' }. ~.',( ~; Ii. , ~ L ",;'; <.!.: 'I;' t':" ..!.",\ ,if;l.l;~ . t' '~e<:',;,'(!::' "",' ..: :;:i)':~ :'" :~ .'1', ; . ~ ,;(;,. '.<L:,'! ,j,'t. 'i,m:::;, "., .'.t-' ,. , ~ L! , " ,~ (,;'):' : ~~t. .. , 1:n: ~(i ,b.J.: i , i '(;{, f-.} ". :;J , (1':[" ~'''' J ., c;.:. pi. :{; ~~! '\J~{ "',,1 " ,}i: I 'J " < .f '-' ,c- o " ," )a ,t~~".: .~;':I:-1' , " .. }; ;1 :1 ':r ~,l.;;, , ~, " ,/ .. , 0' , ,'. " " ". , :!N, .......,... nor: i';, . , ~.; \ j , 1'" , I, _, I 1\ ; ~",:'i , t~,:., 'Ih At.<.::"j~t;:: ;, ("1.1';1;' i,' '.< .,' '(:1.,,; i) "t') , .\ j" 'I':: '.' ,", i~' ." 7th November 61 '\":'.:',\,\\.;, " :...1: ,~ .. n,',J''''. ,,', .~W,II, Smith ,McM" ins ,M<;Alliget;' .11,,!).~\:l.DeGraaf. ,-~, ,~!. jl 1 i;r,F.~' None ',1),'1 ~ i./",i{.ro;. None . )' ., .-----t< 'r-/' ,/ II ) ()/ J~" " ,t JG:Jj(dMlkW 1"LU-;;Z.J;:;f.&, ~ HI,-:!""" ,,1' !j~:..*, ' ~.,i':'; ,,:f i':'i1tt.'~f/t~H<;'t)' ..~~~ 'Yf;JJ' ,,~I ,..\;:,I:'_""f(~~~Ji\ . ~.f,N"]\I- j' ~f ,r L~ ~~j " ~I ,',= ~(, .~. t'f;" i\:r" {_'lti'n1i" ~.I!. '~~-ii',1\ ....Ii ~.} J,' ,Il! :i .,.'" '.;. " .~ "i' '~'. ;~. '!', ,T J"I\):'(:''I'r:.Li. \t t~, nIl' >H-,~'!" ':~,~',\b~Ji; 1Jt,i\!l.'>V. \It ' L'~ ,L~ '1' 1"',1 : 1 ", V, I" \5 Jt c: ii. .~' ~ II 'j! 1,,, ie, J .: ,,1 .'\, '.II.;,it .y ,i ,~-; ~~~H j,~ p, iJt'" 0'" ,,-, ~ 1 ;:.." 'f ,i1 '!', ,"0 i,' ,. '" ,. "t ' ," 'j ~ i) .'.' .{'.t'r: 'ti I"~; , , '(" 6077L/