Held Monday April 14, 1975
An adjourned special meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista,
California was held on the above date beginning 7:03 p.m, in the Council
Conference Room, City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenuej with the following
Councilmen present: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde
(Mayor Hamilton arrived at 7:20 p.m.)
Councilmen absent: Councilman Egdahl
ECC members present: Chairman Legler, Vice Chairman Keith, Commissioners
Hastings, Hooperj Santoro
Staff Present: City Manager Cole, Director of Planning Peterson,
Acting City Attorney Beam, Director of Public Works
Robens, Environmental Review Coordinator Reid
(Joint meeting with the Environmental Control Commission/Environmental Review
CALL TO ORDER Councilman Scott opened the meeting at
7:05 p.m, explaining that the meeting
was scheduled at the request of the
ECC to discuss areas of concern with
the Council, Councilman Scott turned
the meeting over to the Chairman of
the ECC.
Paul Legler, Chairman Commissioner Legler noted that one of
the main complaints the Commission had
was rectified when the City Council
amended the Environmental Review Policy
by appointing the Chairman of the ECC
or his delegate to the ERC. The Chair-
man remarked that the individual members
of the Commission will express their
objections on various items contained
on the agenda for this meeting,
Commissioper Paul Santoro Commissioner Santoro remarked that City,
State and Federal government is only as
responsive as the citizens demand it
to be. He would like to think that sitting
on the ECC gives him an opportunity to
voice some of the citizens' feelings
about responsiveness.
Some of the difficulties, in his opinion,
seem to be a ~ack of continuity, flow
time, public review~ environmental review
policies, etc. The EIR~s are prepared
by the developer, with the assistance of
contractors in some instances~ City staff
reviews the EIR for modification; the
ERC reviews the EIR; the document is
then forwarded through the ECC, the
Planning Commission and then to the
Council for final disposition. This
process occurs within a "30~day period".
Commissioner Santoro stated that this
"doemn~t always work this way". It is
his understanding that the City does not,
Adjourned Special Meeting 2 April 14, 1975
in all cases, adhere with the policy.
It is his recommendation that if the
review flow cannot be followed~ then
the Policy should be changed,
Councilman Scott asked for information
on specific areas of the Policy that are
not being followed~
Commissioner Santoro stated that modifica-
tions to EIR~s are not subject to public
Councilman Hyde noted that public review
is available both at Planning Commission
public hearings and City Council public
hearings. Councilman Scott remarked
that the EIR which is available for
public review (in the Library) for con-
venience and information, even though
it is not obligatory of the Council to
provide this service. The City of Chula
Vista's Council is one of the few councils
that provide this service~ the idea being
that if a person is interested in the
draft EIR, he will make it a point to
follow the document through all phases
of the procedure.
Commissioner Santoro stated that he
would like to see that the final EIR
be made available for public review,
and the Council or the Planning Commission
have the auth~ity to make the judgment
decision as to whether the document is for-
warded ba~k through channels after significant
modifications are made.
Acting City Attorney Acting City Attorney Beam stated that
the Planning Commission has the author-
ity to adopt EIRs~ but, they must be
certified by the City Council. The
draft EIRs are submitted for public
review. The final EIRs, by law, must
contain public input~ The City has
extended the period of public input
and special provisions have been made for
projects which are of great concern (for
example, the Plaza del Rey Environmental
Impact Report),
(Mayor Hamilton arrived at the meeting at
this time,)
Commissioner Hastings Hr. Hastings noted that the Commission
does not have the authority to "accept
or reject an EIR", even though the ECC
supposedly has the expertise in environ-
mental concerns.
Commissioner Santoro Mr. Santoro remarked that "traffic flow",
for example (as in regards to the new
library facility), is an "adequacy issue"
.~, how it will affect the economics is
a '!planning issue",
Adjourned Special Meeting 3 April 14, 1975
Councilman Hyde Councilman Hyde suggested redefining the
responsibilities and examining the para-
meters of the ECC~
Mayor Hamilton The Mayor remarked that it makes no
difference whether an EIR is approved
or disapproved; a study must be done,
It must bring out all the issues -
good~ bad or indifferent.
Acting City Attorney Mr~ Beam stated that "CEQA" is a re-
porting law, the basic charge being that
prior to taking action (approval or dis-
approval of a project), the environmental
effects must be considered. There are
essentially two decision making processes.
First, determination of the report (i.e.,
what will happen to the environment by
approval or disapproval of a project)
as to whether or not the report is
adequate and accurate (whether it explores
all the issues)? Second~ regardless of
the outcome, there is the decision making
stage~ as provided by law~ This decision
should not be made, or rationalized, by
the EIR itself, This is a separate and
distinct decision which has to be made
after consulting the EIR~
Commissioner Hastings Mr. Hastings stated that it was his desire
that the Commission have the right to
approve or disapprove an EIR based on
"environmental soundness",
Councilman Hyd~ Councilman Hyde remarked that, as an
advisory body, the Commission should
examine EIRs for completeness and accuracy;
beyond that, if the Commission sees some-
thing in the EIR that causes alarm from
an environmental standpoint, this should
be pointed out and noted,
Commissioner Santero Mr. Santoro stated that he is recommending
that when an environmental impact report
is reviewed by the ECC, and there is a
feeling that the report's adequacy is at
question, that the adequacy issue be
resolved with the Planning Commission,
If it isn't resolved with the Planning
Commission, then it goem to the Council
for resolution. He is also requesting
that the final EIR be made available to
the public.
The Council noted by the time the final
EIR is completed, it has been has been
Library Environmental Commissioner Santoro stated that he
Impact Report questioned the sewage treatment portion
of the draft Library EIR and was told
that no information was available; how-
ever, the final EIR was modified, He
interpreted this to mean that because
of the new facility there was a require-
ment to expand the treatment facility,
Adjourned Special Meeting 4 April 14, 1975
Mayor Hamilton noted that the Council
was aware of the fact that the Point Loma
plant is inadequatei this is recognized~
Funds are being made available (by the
Federal government and by San Diego) to
increase the capacity or'that plant.
Councilman Scott stated that the new
facility would not be a requirement to
expand the sewage disposal system in
San Diego~
City Manager Mr. Cole remarked that EIRs are total
documents, covering myriads of areas~
A rejection (by the ECC) may be based
on one area only~ The City is aiming
for a document that is adequate~ If the
ECC doesn't agree with a portion of that
document, that's what they should speak
to - th~ document should not be rejected
out of hand because there are probably
portions, or even all of it, that are
Legal opinion Mr. Beam stated that it is his opinion that
the ECC can comment on whether or not
they think projects can be approved;
but, this comment should be separate
from the adequacy of the environmental
documents, including EIRs~ These are
two separate issues,, just as they are
separate before the Planning Commission
and the City Council. It is his under-
standing that the Environmental Review
Policy provides for this right now~
Councilman Hyde Councilman Hyde asked the Director of
Planning if the ECCts written comments
could be a separate attachment to the
EIRs (rather than being a part of the
voluminous public testimony)~
Director of Planning Mr. Peterson stated that the ECC's posi-
tion is summarized in the staff's report to
the Planning Commission~
Motion for staff direction It was moved by Councilman Scott and
seconded by Councilman Hobel that every-
thing that comes from the ECC shall go
to the body who has the jurisdiction;
either to the Planning Commission for
variances and conditional use permits,
and to the City Council for all other
matters. Both the minority and majority
reports will be given to the Council as
separate reports along with environmental
impact statements~
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, tlamilton,
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Egdahl
Adjourned Special Meeting 5 April 14, 1975
COmmISSION VACANCIES The Chairman noted that there have been
two vacancies on the Commission for some
time~ He explained that the Commission
has been encountering problems in conduct-
ing Commission business (when one member
is absent and there are dissenting votes,
action cannot be taken). The members
feel somewhat frustrated in this regard.
The Council indicated that the two
vacancies will be filled in the very
near future.
ENFORCEMENT OF CITY ORDINANCE The Chairman remarked that the present
NO. 1424 "Beverage Container Ordinance" is not
being enforced~ Signs are not being
posted within establishments encouraging
the purchase of returnable bottles (as
designated within the Ordinance)~ Spe-
cifically~ there are a number of "7-11"
stores within the City that are not posiing
signs. Additionally, they place a
restriction on the amount of bottles that
can be returned. The Commission feels
that enforcement would be appropriate~
Acting City Attorney Mr. Beam noted that his office does not
have the investigative staff available
to study what is going on "in the field".
A letter was forwarded to one "7-11"
stere indicating that if they did not
comply, they would be prosecuted under
the Ordinance. It was his understanding
that the establishment did comply.
Councilman Scott Councilman Scott noted that the City
Attorney's office does handle a lot of
"barking dog prosecutions"~ He feels
that enforcement of the Beverage Con-
tainer Ordinance could be handled in the
same manneri either by personal visits
or letters from the Attorney's office~
Acting City Attorney Beam remarked that
the Zoning Enforcement Officer informs
his office of zoning violations and
private parties frequently call with
regard to noise oomplaints; but, in a
situation where there t~e no complaints, and
there is no staff assigned to 'look for viola-
tions, his office has no way of knowing that
there are violations.
Council's suggestions Councilman Hobel suggested utilizing a
and comments CETA employee to inventory the community,
check for violations, compile a list
and report back to the City Attorney's
office for disposition. Councilman Hyde
remarked that even thougb he agrees with
Councilman Hobel's propogal to utilize
a CETA employee, he ~eels that all ordinances
should be either enforced or scrapped~
This falls within the province of the
City Manager and the City Attorney to
enforce the Ordinance.
Adjourned Special Meeting 6 April 14, 1975
ASSEMBLY BILL 1037 As requested by the Council, the ECC has
(Z~berg) studied and reviewed AB 1037 (which
would prohibit detachable tops on
aluminum containers). The Commission
met in special session prior to the
commencement of this meeting and voted
unanimously to recommend that the City
Council approve the bill and forward a
recommendation to both Senator Mills
and Assemblyman Deddeh to support such
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
AB 1037 by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
to support the recommendation of the ECC
for approval of AB 1037~
PROPOSED EPA CHANGES In a letter to the Council~ the ECC
REGARDING HOLDING TANKS recommended that the City Council write
ON PLEASURE CRAFT to the Environmental Protection Agency
expressing opposition of the City of
Chula Vista to any regulation that would
allow direct discharge of human waste
matter into the oceans, bays or waters
of the United States. The Commission also
recommended that Council urge the EPA
to maintain standards that w~uld protect
the health of those who use the bays
and waters for recreational reasons and
that of the marine life found in these
Commissioner Hastings Mr. Hastings provided additional back-
ground information at the request of
Councilman Scott remarked that he would
like addLtionalinformation provided
(staff to acquire the EPA regulations
relating to sewage tr~mtment on navigable
waters). A copy of this information
should be sent to,the ECC and the City
Council for comments as may be deemed
appropriate; the ECC to pass ~lomg their
recommendations after review; and ultimately
to the City Council for decision.
Motion for additinnal It was moved by Councilman Scott!, seconded
information by Councilman Hyde and unanimoualy carried
that additional information be presented
to both the ECC and ultimately the
City Council for dispasition.
~AYOR'S CO~4qENTS Mayor Hamilton offered his thanks to the
ECC for attending this evening's meeting
and stated ~hat it i~ his hope that there
was enough open discussion to satisfy
the concerns and questions of the Commis-
COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilman Scott commented that it was
his opinion that this was a good meeting.
He feels that deserved encouragement should
be given for the long and hard hours the
Commission devotes.
Adjourned Special Meeting 7 April 14, 1975
Councilman Scott remarked that if the
Commission has additional problems in
the future, that the Council be notified
directly rather by some other source,
Clarification of newspaper Councilman Scott noted that he was in-
article correctly quoted in a recent newspaper
article,,, in fact, he made the motion
to appoint a member of the ECC to the
ERC, "in spite of the fact that the
Committee meets during the daytime"~
Councilman Hyde Councilman Hyde commented that, earlier
in this evening's meeting, the question
came up as to whether or not there are
differences between the responsibilities
of the ECC and the Planning Commission.
It is his feeling that the ECC can
provide a different slant on EIRs than
the Planning Commission does, Secondly,
other items discussed tonight (for
example, the bottle ordinance and the
quality of water in the bay) are items
that the Planning Commission would not
be addressing itself to; this in itself
is evidence of the necessity and the
desirability of having the Environmental
Control Commission~
COMMISSION COMMENTS in answer to an inquiry by Councilman
Hyde as to the usefulness of the ECC's
Ex-Officio Member to the Planning Com-
mission, the Chairman remarked that
several appearances have been made at
those meetings. Other than giving
comments, it has not been successful one
way or the other,
Mayor Hamilton remarked that the City Council,
in its deliberations on various and
sundry topics, does not always agree
with the various City Boards and Commis-
sions that have been set up to make
recommendations into consideration. The
Council views a broader spectrum of informa-
tion in its deliberations which sometimes
enters into their decision making~
Councilman Hobel Councilman Hobel asked how the Commission
is enjoying their function as the Historical
Site Board,
The Chairman noted that two Saturdays
have been devoted (by the members) to
field trips to view proposed sites,
Even though the new duties double the
time needed, the members are finding
this enjoyable and interesting,
STAFF COMMENTS City Manager Cole commented that after the
Mammoth decision, a relatively short time
frame was placed upon the cities to comply.
Adjourned Special Meeting 8 April 14, 1975
An ordinance was refined and adopted
and today, Chula Vista is recognized
(in the County and even further) as
one of the leaders with a smooth
system that addresses environmental
problems and really works.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting
at 8:42 p.m.