Held ~dnesday April 16, 1975
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of Chula Vista, California was
held on the above date beginning at 3:40 p.m. in the Conference Room, City Hall,
276 Four Avenue, with the following
Councilmen present: Coun¢il~eniMobel,~gamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Councilman absent: Councilman Scott
Staff present: City Manager Cole, Director of Parks and
Recreation Hall
Meeting called Mayor Hamilton called the meeting to order
to Order at 3:40 p.m., and introduced Mr. Jim Mohr,
Bicentennial Coordinator who showed a
Bicentennial film.
Letter from Council Mr. Sid Cornell, Chairman of the Mayor's
Committee for the Bicentennial Celebration,
suggested that a letter be sent from the
Mayor and the City Council to all organi-
zations in the City asking them to organize
their programs for the Bicentennial.
Art Work Possibility of art work was brought up.
Mr. Cornell remarked that the City should
encourage individual participation such as
decoration of homes, planting gardens,
trees, embroidery, etc.
Log Mayor Hamilton asked that a log be kept on
this activity for possible community
achievement awards.
Jim Mohr spoke about going out to different
clubs and organizations, showing the film,
and gives them a form to fill out. (Bicen-
tennial computer print-out form).
"Tear~0ff'' Form Mr. Cornell suggested that they initiate
a program whereby a permanent record could
be kept of what different households are
doing. It could be a "tear-off" type of
form that the people could mail in; this
could be distributed with the City calendar.
July 4th "Special Progran~" Mr. Cornell discussed the July 4, 1976,
(Sunday) "Special Program". There will be
religious services held in all institutions
followed by a parade, picnics, street dances:
special parties at all city parks.
Adjourned Regular Meeting 2 April 16, 1975
Mr. Hyde suggested that possibly each or-
ganization could take a park and along with
assistance from the City and staff, decorate
a park.
Street Dances
and Fireworks Mr. Cornell spoke of the possibility of
street dances - spoke of the success of the
street dances which were held on the 50th
anniversary of Chula Vista. He mentioned
that they are not very expensive to hold.
They could be set for young people with rock
bands and more traditional music for the
older people.
The possibility of fireworks was discussed
and Mayor Hamilton stated that we should
work with the Fire Department on this.
Special Funding Mr. Cornell indicated that there might be
a possibility of the necessity of special
funding from the City. He suggested a bi-
centennial landmark or symbol. Perhaps
this could be done along with the building
of the new public library. He added that
there is a possibility of getting private
contributions along with public funding.
Commissioning Art Work Discussion followed regarding having some
or Sculpture type of sculpture as a permanent Bicen-
tennial art piece.
It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that an appropriate committee be formed
to have a competition whereby people would
submit sketches of some type of sculpture.
A selection will then be made by the
Committee of the artist and he/she will be
commissioned to sculpture the art work which
will be placed either in or outside the new
Involvement of Children It was also suggested that the children in
the schools of Chula Vista be invited to get
involved in this.
Elementary Schools The possibility of badges for school-age
children was mentioned. They were used in
the 50th anniversary celebration of Chula
Vista and proved quite popular. Mr. Cornell
indicated that perhaps the school districts
would purchase these.
Adjourned Regular Meeting 3 April 16~ 1975
Liberty Bell program Jim Mohr suggested a red~ white and blue
liberty bell-shaped flower garden be planted
in front of City Hall.
Insulation of Homes Mr. Cornell brought out the fact that last
year there was a program devoted to energy,
and to have Chula Vista be "the best insu-
lated City in the world".
Emil Porro Mr. Porro explained that the San Diego Gas
San Diego Gas & Electric & Electric Company has put on a massive pro-
gram to alert people to save energy by in-
sulating their homes. The average figure
to insulate a home is 20~ per square foot.
It was suggested that one or more of the
City buildings should be selected for insu-
lation as dedication of the city to the
program. It could probably be done without
any cost to the City. Possibly a large
company (e.g. Corning) would do this at no
TV Public Service General discussion of insulating - TV sta-
Presentations tions in San Diego might have a public
service presentation program aimed at ad-
vancing "insulation of homes". Maybe 1 or 2
homes could be selected in the City to use
as "model" insulated homes. Mr. Porto sug-
gested contacting banks, stores and office
buildings in Chula Vista and having them
become active in this program.
{At this time Councilman Hobel left the
Funding Requests It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the Bicentennial Committee submit a
report to the Council for the budget session
which comes up in May. This report should
contain a request for funds that the Com-
mittee will need to help with the bicen-
tennial program. Councilman Hyde asked
that the Committee note any grant funds
which would be obtainable.
Presentation of Mayor Hamilton presented a Certificate to
Certificate Mr. Jim Fergus, representing the Elks Club
of Chula Vista for the July 4, 1974 parade.
Mayor Hamilton thanked Mr. Cornell for his
presentation and complimented the Committee
on the work they are doing.
Adjourned Regular Meeting 4 April ~6:~ 1975
City Manager Cole City Manager Cole noted Mr. Mohr's applica-
tion of the National Endowment for Arts
Grant and asked that this amount be con-
sidered at budget time since it will in-
volve the City to make matching funds
Mayor's Report Interviews for Environmental Control Com-
mission, starting Wednesday at 7:00 until
10:00 p.m. Councilman Egdahl mentioned
he could not arrive before 8:30 or 9;00.
Mayor Hamilton directed City Clerk to con-
tact school districts and set up a Council
Conference regarding school fees for new
construction. Bring back information at
Tuesday night Council meeting.
Adjournment Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at
S:00 p.m. to Monday, April 21, at 7:00 p.m.
City Clerk ~