HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1975/05/12 M~NUTES OF AN AD~OUgNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL O~ C~ULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA Ko!d Monda~ M~ 12, 1975 gUDSET gK$$ION NO. An adJan~nad regular me~t~ng of the City Council of Ckula ¥~sta, C 1~ ~ '- -- ~ ~ · a rf~n~ ~a~ held on the a~¥e d~to hegannzng at 4,~0 p.m. ~n th~ Council Chamber, CCt~ gall, 276 ~ourtk Ayenue) Ckula ¥2sta, California, wit~ the following Councilmen present: Ma~or ~am~.lton, Counc%lm~n Scott, Hobel, Councilmen absent: Hone Staff pre~ent: Cit~ Manager Cole, Assistant City Manager Asmus, Director of P!nance Grant, Assistants to the City Manager Larr~ Wittenberg and Greg Smith Vice Mayor Pro Tempore Scott opened the meeting. CITY MANAGER'S City Manager Cole stated that the OPENING REMARKS budget for 1975-76 provides for no increase in the taxes. The number of personnel additions have been limited to the 15 for the library, six for t5e Police Department, and one for Building and Housing. A 5.1% increase in assessed valuation has been used. ASSESSED VALUATION Director of Finance Grant explained that the 5.1% assessed valuation is a conservative estimate it may be higher. The Assessor will be sub- mitting this figure on May IS. [Mayor Hamilton arrived at this time- 4:07 p.m.) REVENUE ESTIMATES In answer to the Council's questions, Director of Finance Grant discussed the estimated revenues noting that in the Sales and Us~ Tax~s, the esti- mated $2,425,865 was due to a wind- fall from Rokr Corporation this year. The sale of the BART cars represented $528,135,88 in the four quarter~ of aal~$ and u~e taxe~ last ~oar ~Councilman Egdakl arrayed at thi~ tim~ - 4;15 p.~.] Mr. Grant then reviewed tk~ taxes for the tran~i~nt lodging, utilitios, bui~ldlng permits, housing permits, Budget Meeting 2 May 12, 1975 and ordinance and ye~icle code fine~, noting the actual budget a~ount$ and tke ~sti~ated rcyqnue for 1975-76. Mr. ~Ttten~e~g, Assistant to tko City M~nag~r, noted tk~t tke increase in tke State ~rant$ [from 16,008 ~n 1974-75 tO the e~t~mated 1975-76 of 256,8~] ~as due primarily to the hu~ grants - SB325 money, and the State Bond Act for park development. Mr. Crant then discussed with the Council the Park Dedication Fees and t~e Residential Construction Tax actual budgeted and the estimated revenues for 1975-76. Recess A recess was called at 4:42 p.m. and tke meeting reconvened at 4:55 p.m. ACTIVITY NO. 1105 It was moved by Councilman Scott and CITY COUNCIL seconded by Councilman Hobel that Activity No. 1105 be approved and adopted as recommended by the City Manager. Account 5221 Councilman Hyde noted the increase Travel in this account which was due to budgeting for five Councilmen to attend each Conference. He commen- ted that not all Councilmen can at- tend these meetings and felt the budgeted amount should be reduced. Motion amended to It was moved by Councilman Hyde, sec- reduce Travel Account onded by Councilman Egdahl and unan- imously carried that Account 5221 be reduced by $8,000,00~ Motion to approve The motion to approve and adopt Activity 1105 carried Activity No. 1105 carried unani- mously. ACTIVITY NO. lllfl It ~a$ moved hy Councilman Egdahl CITY BOARDS AND and seconded hZ Councilman Hobel COMMI'S$ION$ tkat Activity NO. 1110 b~ approved and adopted City Manager. Doris Cox Mrs. Cox referred t~ tko Com~sgion's International request for $2,400.00 for Friendskip Commission to cover all e~gkt student ~inners in tke essa~ contest to go to Budget Meeting 3 May 12, 1975 Irapuato. The City Manage~ r~com~en- ded it h~ reduced to $1~,2ffQ.~O tO co¥or four ~tudqnta. Mrs. Cox remarked that the Commission ~11 try to ra%s~ soma money from the co~mun%t~ ~ut ~n ca~e th~ ar~ not =ucce$=ful, they would l~ke to ae~ the money there to 5e used %f thoy. need it. Councilman Scott commented that this project is not supposed to be a Clty.-funded one--it is supposed to he a community, project but what is happening ia that the City is picking up the tab each year. If the Com- mission is not successful in getting communit~ involvement in this pro- Ject, then perhaps it should be abolished. International Fair Mrs. Cox questioned why the $100.00 was deleted for the Commission's International Fair project. City Manager Cole explained that this was a Bicentennial project and all such activities are being funded under that budget. Telephone Calls Mrs. Cox asked that the $20.00 re- quested for calls to Mexico (Irapuato) be reinstated in the budget since this is the only way the Commission can communicate and get direct ans- wers from the people there; writing letters seems to get little response. Amendment to motion It was moved by Councilman Hyde, sec- onded by Councilman Scott and unani- mously carried that $20.00 be re- stored in the Commission's telephone aCCOUnt. Overtime Account Councilman Hohel questioned the Over- time Account. City Clerk Fulasz explai, nod that tk~ secretary to tk~ Board~ and Com- mi~$~ona ka~ fl~xi,hlq hours ~h%ck ~ere designed primarily to take care of her n~,ght meetings. There are bqy'ond tkat e~timatqd and sub~er quentl¥, tke overt[me. Budget Meeting 4 May 12, 1975 The Planning Co~$~on &ac~etary, on the otka~ ~¢nd, does work eigkt~kour d~, end r~cqkye~ h~r oYerti~e for tka ~yen~ng Coun¢ilm~n ~ohel Cnd~cated hfs con- cern ever the fact that t~ secre- tarF doe% not kmye an adjusted work scKedule and ~$, t~ereb¥, required to ~ork an e~gkt-heur daF, then come ~ack for an evening meeting and is pa~d overtime. Ernest Arnold Mr. Arnold questioned the rationale Safety Commission for deleting the transportation reim- bursements for attending meetings (10¢ per mile) in lieu of using a City vehicle. City Manager Cole explained the pro- cedure for using a City vehicle and indicated the deletion in the trans- portation account was due primarily to the fact that the commissioners do not carry this type of insurance. Assistant City Manager Asmus indica- ted there was no problem to the City if the commissioners were involved in a traffic accident, but it would be to the driver himself since his insurance rate would increase con- siderably. Council discussion ensued as to the problems of being able to get a City car at times when the commis- sioners need it. Amended Motion It was moved by Councilman Scott, to restore seconded hy Councilman Hyde and unani- transportation costs mously carried that the transporta- tion costs be restored in the budget (Account 5221- Safety). Assistant City Manager Asmus de- clared that tke transportation costs ~ere deleted not because of the money but because of the insurance lia- hili~ty'. Re suggested that all beard and commi&$~on members ckeck ~ith their insurance carrier~ on thi~. Included in motion Councilman Scott %ncludqd in kis motion that tke~e co~mis~lon~r~ take tkZs o~tion ~itk full knowledge of tke caveat given ker~ tonlgkt. Budget Meeting 5 May 12, 1975 League dinners Councilman H~de noted Safety Cg~,~aion'~ budget duced to one League d~nnera and tkBt tko request ~as for t~o Amended Mot%on It ~aS ~oyed h~ Councilman ~d¢, sec- tO restore onded h~ C~unc~lman Scott and unani- funds for League mou¢l~ carT~ed that the amount be dinners restored ~n th~$ account to allow t~o memBer~ to attend League dinners, ~ prev~ousl~ requested. [Account 5221 - Safety $17~.0g~. Motion to approve The motion to approve Activity 1110 ActiVity 111~ carried CBoards and Commi~sions) carried unanimously, as amended. Corrected Total Director of Finance Grant stated the corrected total for this budget is $23,~95.gg. ACTIVITY 1130 Councilman Hyde noted that in the ~f~U~"r~MOTIONS last two years, this budget has in- creased by 100%. American Bicentennial It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, Committee budget seconded by Councilman Hobel and approved unanimously carried that the Opera- tional Budget ($S,S00) be approved for the Bicentennial Committee as recommended by the City Manager. Jaycees budget It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, approved seconded by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried that the Jaycees budget ($3,800) he approved as recom- mended by the City Manager. Supplemental Mr. Sid Cornell, Chairman, explained Bicentennial budget that there are five members on the fiscal committee, headed by Mike Baile~, ~ko oversee the expenditure of tki, s committee'~ funds. Music Program ~n answer to th_e Coun¢il'5 questions, Mr. Jim Mohor, ~i. centennial Coordina- tor fo~ tko Ci, t~ explained th.~t he sent i,n g grant ~ro~Qsal to tko Ngtional [ndQw~ent for tko Arts for Sg,gOa -- tO b~ matched ky the City with $8,9Q~. This i.$ for three sym- phonies by the San Diego Symphony Budget Meeting 6 ~a71 12, 1975 in tha Ckulg Yh%ta pB~ks. Ad~%~iQn would ho fr~* Council d~scu~s~on f~llo~ed r~garding tko music p~gg~S ~y~l~hl~ f~o:m 1Qcal kig~ ~ko01 hand~. Couniilman Egdakl ~ugg~sted tko po~sl~%llt~ of a ~leent~nn~al ganl made up of se- lected p~ople ~n the community. Motion to It was moved 5y Councilman Hyde and Music Program seconded by Councilman Scott that on tko Music Program, t~e Council ondorses tko idea of musical pro- gram~ 5ut not the proposal as sug- gested in this budget because of the cost involved. Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote: A~E$: Councilmen Hyde, Scott, ~obel, Egdahl Noes: Mayor Hamilton Absent: None Amendment to motion Noting that the previous motion on Music Program would eliminate the grant, Council- man Hobel indicated that mome amount should he incorporated into the budget. It was moved by Councilman Hyde and s~conded by Councilman Hobel that the Symphony Grant proposal be ap- proved up to $3,000.00 of City matching funds contemplating one per- formance. Motion carried Tke motion carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Hobel, Hamilton Noe~: Councilm~n Scott, Egdakl Absent: None Tke Council noted tk~t tho amounts budgeted are to b~ u~ed for the ontiro B%cant~nn%~l progra~ ~hich ~ould h~ c~rr~ad'tkrougk fiscal ¥'ear 1976-77. Sculpture It ~as mo¥~d hy Councilman Hyde, sec- Bicentennial Landmark onded 57 Councilman hgdah.1 ahd unani- mously carried tkat approval he Budget Meeting ? May 12, 1975 g~yan tO the Scn!~tur~ pFo~ect -- $2,bQQ,Q& ~Or City.matck%gg ~nd $2,5a~.a~ to he ~t¢&~d b~ grant Or pr[yate sub,cfi,pti, on. Book~ark~ and Badges It was moved hy Councilman Hehel and Se¢ondgd ky Councilman ~gdakl th. at approval he given for t5~ Bicenten- ni~l Bookmarks [$1,~QO.~Q~ and Badges for $ckool ckildren [$300.OOJ. Council discussion Discussion followed concerning the need for bookmarks since the Library already kas such a program. Coun- cilman Hyde suggested some otker type of souvenir mig5t he appro- priate rather tkan ~pending $1,000.00 on bookmarks. Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES Councilmen Hobel, 5gdahl, Hamilton Noes Councilmen Scott, Hyde Absent: None Motion to deny staff It was moved by Councilman Scott and member on insulation seconded by Councilman Hyde that the program request for a City staff member to work part-time on the insulated City program be denied. Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hyde, Egdahl, Hobel Noes: Ma~or Hamilton Absent: ~ne Public Art It ~as moved h¥ Ma~or Hamilton, sec- onded bi Councilman Hobel and unani- mou$1~ carried tkat the Art ~ork on Ci. ty-oyned building in the amount of $4,aOa.aO matcking fund~ be denied. Total supplemental D~r~ctor of Fi.nance Grant stated budget tkat tke total ap~royed budget for tk~ &upp!~ment~l Bicent~nnial budget OUR HOUSE BUDGET Assistant to City Manager ~mi:th ex- Budget Meeting 8 May 12, 1975 ~lgined tkat tke budget request Has 8,5QQ 00 and this kg$ hqen rgducqd to $6,Q00.flO h7 tke Ci:ty Manager. Th~ $~,QQO.QQ coyer% th4 r~nt and t~l~pkone expense. Mary Ann 3arv~$ Nra. Jar¥~a explained that they have Our House 17 staff m~her~ and s~¥en tele- pkonea tkat are constantly in use. Ske noted the referral programa and tke 2ncomlng and outgoing calls. Motion to approve rt was moved hy Councilman Hyde, sec- City' Manager's r¢com- onded By' Councilman Scott and unani- mendation mously carried that the "Our House" budget he approved as recommended 5y the City Manager [$6,000.00). COMBO It wa~ moved hy Councilman Hobel, seconded hy Councilman Hyde and unani- mously carried that the COMBO budget be approved as recommended by the City Manager INDUSTRIAL TASK Councilman Hyde commented that there FORCE is now a Redevelopment Department which functions along this line and questioned the necessity of including this in the budget. Councilman Scott noted that this has been in the budget for a year and nothing kas been done. Motion to It was moved by Councilman Scott and eliminate funds seconded by Councilman Hyde that the Industrial Task Force budget of $10,000.00 be eliminated. Discussion of motion City Manager Cole explained that the staff is no~ in the proces$ of pre- paring brockures and fact sheets. One kalf of thi~ money [$5,000.00] }rould 5e used for tki$ project and tk¢ halanc~ of tke money could go to tk~ Redevelopment for tkelr accom- pll. skments ai~ng tki% ling Motion carried Tke motion carried by tke following y~t~, AYES: Councilm~n Scott, Hyde Egdakl Noes: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton Absent: None Budget Meeting 9 May 12, 1975 MAAC FROJSCT It was ~oyed UNITED NATIONS ~e¢ondad h~ Coun¢i, lmg~ H~e gna MEALS ON ~KE~L$ unani~o~l~ ~arr%ed t~at the MAAC Pro3act,hudget ~k~el$ ~$i,25al he ~p~wo¥~d a~ rec- ommended 5y tk~ Citz Manager. Dinner breaR A dinner break ~as called at 6:30 p.m. and tk~ meeting reconvened at 7:12 p.m. [Councilman Egdahl left the meeting at tk!$ time] CHULA VISTA VISFTORS City Manager Cole explained that the CONVENTION BUREAU request wa~ for $23,S0~.0~ and he is recommending $7,0~0.0~. He stated that ~hen the final bill was paid to the Bureau last Meat, the Council commented that this ~as to b~ tke last City participation. The City paid $6,9~Q.0~ to the Bureau and absolved the Bureau of the $3,100.00 [$10,000.OQ budgeted for 1974-75). In order to get the Convention Bureau in business along 1-805, Mr. Cole is recommending that the City pay the capital cost of the sign ~$7,00~.00) - the on-going opera- tional budget should be the Bureau's responsibility. Council discussion Discussion followed regarding the Council's policy for matching funds, the policy whereby the Council was not to pay operating costs for any organization, and the action taken by the Council last year regarding this Bureau's request. The Council concurred that this item should be carried over until a full Council is present. Motion to It ~a~ moved hy Councilman Hyde, sec- defqr itqm ended hy Councilman $cott and unani- mously carried by those present that tki$ matter bfi d~farred until ~ed- ne~day, M~y 14, and he set g~ the first lte~. CKULA VISTA AqUATI:C$ City Managqr, Cole ~x~lained the ra- ASSOCIAT~ON tionale ~n taking tkI. s program out of the Parks ~nd R~craation budget and putting it in the Community, Promotions. He explained t~at this Budget Meeting 18 May 12, 1975 precise te~m ~kick goe~ OPt~.de cg~un~t~ and th~eh~ ~idared a ~rq~qt%onal-t~?~ ~ct!:y!t¥. Director of P~rks ~nd ~creat[on Hall commented t~at part ~f th~ money is offsetting reyanu~. The $1Q,47O.OO requested ~s only a small portion of tk~ budget - mucb~ of the worR i~ done h¥ volunteer~ and fund-raising activities. Council di~cusaion TRe Council discussed tko activities of this group and w5other or not the budget ~hould be lept in Paris and Recreation or t~e Community Promo- tions. Motion tO transfer It was moved by Councilman Hyde and budget request ~econded h¥ Councilman Scott that this item he transforred out of this portion of the budget [Community Promotion~) to the Parks and Rec- reation budget. Motion failed The motion failed by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Councilmen Hyde, Scott NO~S: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton Absent: Egdahl Motion to reconsider It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded hy Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that this item be held over until a full Council is present. ACTIVITY NUMBERS 4111- City Manager Cole explained that a 4220 pARKS AND RECREATION great deal of time has been spent making up this budget and keeping it ~itkin tko 38~ limit. Motion approving It ~a~ moved h7 Councilman Scott, Parks and Recr~ation Seconded hy Ma~or Hamilton and unani- budget mou%ly cart%ed tk~t Act~y~t~ Num- b~r~ 4111-422G hc approved a~ rec- ommended h~ tka Ci,t~' Manager. ACT~¥I'T¥ NUMBER 43GG In an~er to tkq Ma~or'a ~uar~, GOLF COURSE ' - Director of Financ~ Grant %tat~d tkat none of tko loans k~ye 5e~n paid hack at this t~me. T~¢ Golf Course ow~s the city appro'x~mately $75,008.80. Budget Meeting 11 Nay 12, 1975 Ma~or Ramil~on noted that Rk~n th_e Cit~'hough~ tke golf course Ri:th bond mone~ th~ ~i,pment tkat ~s purcka~d R~ a!re~d~ d~t~r~orat~d to tke point tkat x:t n~eded r~place- ment at that t}m~. ~A tape ~reak vas called at t~is time). Motion to approve rt wa~ moyed hy Councilman Hobel, Activity 4390 seconded h~ Mayor Hamilton and unani- mouxly carried that Activity 4300 f6olf Course) be approved. Council discussion In answer to the Council's questions, Mr. Hall explained the materials to be purchased under Account 5362 (Materials to maintain buildings, structure~ and grounds). As to the reduction in the Travel Account, ($65~ to $100), Mr. Hall remarked that they budgeted for a local con- ference rather than a national one. ACTIVITY llSO City Manager Cole explained his rec- C~ ommended zncrease in the cost of hiring a La~ Clerk. The original request by the Attorney ($1,280.00) would have had to be supplemented to pay for the Clerk; therefore, it was the Manager's recommendation that the entire amount be budgeted. Councilman Scott noted the increase in personnel in this department during the last fe~ years. Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Hobel, Activity 1150 seconded by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that Activity llSO be approved as recommended by the City Manager. ACTIVITY 1160 Tke Council noted that the increase CITY CLERK i,n tie budget ~as due primarily to AND ELECTIONS th.~ municipal election to be keld ~n 1976. In answer tO Conncil~n ~de~s ~ues- ti. on, Cit~ Clerk Fula5z explained th.~ nged for tk~ i,ncTe~$e in tke Printing and B~nding account. $tres%ed the need for c~n$ideration of a Records Management ?~ogram for sometime in tie ~utu~e Ccentral filing sFstem,-forms control, com- puter indexing, retention and des- truction of records, etc.). Budget Meeting 12 May 12, 1975 Motion to approve It Act~¥1ty, llda ~conded k~ CQunc[!~an H~dq and unan,.- ' mously~ carr.~ed tkat A~t~y$,t7 1160 ~royed an~ger. ACTI¥rT¥ NUMBERS Councilman Rohel questioned th~ need 1420-1430 for tke motorola rad%o at a cost of Dennl~ Hac~ett explained the need of t~e radio for the License In- $pector. Director of Finance Grant commented that the one being used now has been borrowed from the Police De- partment for thc past three months and after using it for this period of time, they have determined the need for it. The Council discussed having a page- boy instead and the cost of this service, Motion to remove It was moved by Councilman Scott and radio from budget seconded by Councilman Hobel that this item be removed from the bud- get C$650). Motion failed The motion failed by the following vote, to-wit: Councilman Scott NOES: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde Absent: Councilman Egdahl Approval of Activity It was moved hy Councilman Hyde, sec- Number 1420 ended hy Councilman Hobel and unani- mously carried tkat Activity 1420 he approved a~ recommended hy the City Manager. ACTIVITY NUMBER 1430 Ci, t¥ Manager Cole explained the in- FINANCE--DATA SY~TRM$ creases in tk~ actiy~t¥ duo to the ~anitarz Sery%c~ billings. Director of Finance Grant discussed the op- eration ~f tki~ depgrt~ent. ~on- tractual ~eryi, cah]. Motion approving It was moved hZ Councilman Hyde, sec- Activity 1430 onded bF Councilman Scott and unani- mously carried that Activity Number 1430 (Data Systems) be approved as recommended by the City Manager. Budget Meeting 13 May 12~ 197S ACTIVITY NUMBER It Ra~ moyed hy Coungilm~n ~¢Qtt, 1700 ~NSURANCE ~e¢onded ky Counci, lm~n ~ohel and unan~mou%l~ c~rried tk~t Actiyity Number 13fla he ~p~oy~d ~ re¢om- ~endqd k~ tkq Cit~ Mgngg~. Director of F~nance G~ant explained tkat th~ Cit~ kgs been notified that ~itkIn RO da~s, another lnaurance carrier ~lll have to he found. Crease? and Pzice are now combing tke market fo~ another carrier for tke City}s public and liability damage. Motion to approve It was moved h¥ Councilman Hyde, Number 17~0 seconded by Mayor Hamilton and unani- mously carried that Activity Number 1700 be approved as recommended by the City Manager. Councilman Hobel noted that this bud- get ia up 31% over last year. ACTIVITY NUMBER 5100 It was moved by Councilman Scott, PARKING METER seconded by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried that Activity Number S100 be approved as recom- mended by the City Manager. ACTIVITY NUMBER 8600 It was moved by Councilman Hyde, RETIREMENT seconded by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried that Activity Number 8600 be approved as recom- mended by the City Manager. ACTIVITIES NUMBERS 9020, It was moved by Councilman Scott, 9030 AND 9040 seconded by Councilman Hyde and BOND INTEREST AND unanimously carried that Activity REDEMPTION Number 9020 be approved. It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott and unanimou$1~ carried that Activity Number 9030 he approved. ~t was moved b~ Councilman Scott, seconded h~ Councilman Hyde and un~n%mou~l~ carried tkat Actiyity Number 904a ~a ~pprov~d. BUS OPERATIONS Councilman ~ohel a~kod tk~ C~t¥ BUDGET Manager to k~¥e tko manag~r~of tke Budget Maet~ng 14 May 12, 1975 Sgn Diego Transi, t and Aztec 5u~ L~nes on tka bus opargt~ona. T~ ti~e of 5 otclock on ~ednaad~[ ~g~ ~et for tkia cr~sentation. ADJOURNMENT Ma~or 5gm~lton adjourned tk~ f!rst ludg~t ~e~on at ~100 p.m. to Y~dne~day, MaF 14, 1975 at 4:00 p.m. for tk~ s~cond budget session. The regular meet%ng of the City Council ~11 he keld Tuesday, May 13, 1973 at 7:30 p.m. CityrClerk ~