lteld Thursday 4:00 p.m. May 15, 1975
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California was
held on the above date beginning at 4:00 p~m., in the Council Chamber, City Hall,
276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, California, with the following
Councilmen present: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, Assistant City Manager Asmus, City Attorney
Lindberg, Director of Public Works Robens, Director of Finance
Grant, Assistants to the City Manager Larry Wittenberg and
Gregg Smith, Personnel Director Overley, Chief of Police Winters,
Director of Parks and Recreation Hall, Director of Planning
Peterson, Librarian Bluma Levine.
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hamilton followed by a moment
of silent prayer.
ACTIVITY NO 1520 It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
PURChaSING by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that Activity No. 1520 be approved as recom-
mended by the City Manager.
ACTIVITY NO. 4420 Mayor Hamilton opened the discussion on Acti-
LIBRARY vity No. 4420 - Library.
City Manager Cole reported that he had included
the 13 new positions for the Library for fiscal
year 1975-76. He explained that these positions
were needed to get the new Library opened. He
said that the contractor had indicated that the
Library would be built in 10 months instead of
15 months as planned.
Council's decision The City Council decided to adopt the budget
for the thirteen (13) new positions for the
Library based on the information from City
Manager which stated that the new library was
three times larger than the old one. He remarked
that the circulation had increased 40% over the
years with a 7% increase per year, and that the
increases would continue to grow with each coming
It was suggested by Mayor Hamilton that the new
Library should be closed during the move to its
quarters. Librarian Bluma Levine said she had
planned on one week, perhaps two for this move.
Motion to approve It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried that
Activity No. 4420
the new 13 positions be included in the budget
with the provision that the City Manager justify
each position to the Council at the time of
Mayor Hamilton's suggestion Mayor Hamilton stated that he was very much
to the Librarian interested in the computerized system at
Sunnyvale. Me asked if it would be possible
for our Library to use this kind of system.
Mrs. Levine stated that the new library was
being built with the necessary installation
for the computer type system and that she was
planning to see the Sunnyvale system. , but
that the information she had receivedfwas that
the "bugs" were not all out of the hardware part
of the system.
Mayor Hamilton requested that an investigation
of the computerized system be made as to feasi-
bility and cost.
ACTIVITY NO. 1620 The Planning department was called for discussion
PLANNING but they were not present at this time. The
Council decided to go on to the next item.
ACTIVITY NO. 2111 This budget reflects th~ request for six (6)
POLICE DEPARTMENT new peace officer positions, a property clerk,
a stenographer, and two agents.
City M~nager Cole stated that Chief Winters
had expressed concern about the position of a
property clerk, as this position is, in his
opinion, so badly needed that he would rather
have one less peace officer than doing without
a property clerk. Me explained that without a
property clerk, he would have to bring a police
officer or other civil service personnel which
are paid at a higher rate plus this would be
Councilman Hobel asked who had been doing this
work prior to this.
Chief Winters responded that originally an
identification clerk, but that his work had
increased to the point he could no longer do
this extra work and that as a result he was
able to have a CETA employee but this CETA
employee was offered a better position and a
permanent position which left no one assigned
to this work and now that C£TA funds were frozen
in so far as hiring, it was necessary to include
this position in the budget.
Councilman Egdahl asked what skills and quali-
fications were required for the property clerk.
Chief Winters replied that some clerical skills,
and a knowledge of property would be helpful,
but that this person could have on-the-job
Motion to approve the six It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
new positions for peace officers Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried that
for the new patrol the new 6-man patrol unit be adopted,
Councilman Hobel~s comments Councilman Hobel stated that he was for the
new patrol unit, but that in view of the cost
of not having a property clerk, he would have
to vote against the motion.
Mayor Hamilton explained that a new motion
would have to be made on the property clerk.
A motion for the property clerk It was moved by Councilman ltobel, seconded by
and funds of $7,960.00 and Mayor Hamilton the motion for a property clerk
approval of Activity No. 2111 position to be added to the Police budget with
the provision that CETA funds be used until they
are gone and then to appropriate the allocated
budget funds. Activity No. 2111 was adopted
to include the property clerk with the following
A motion carried vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, itamilton, Hyde,
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: None
A motion from the City Council It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
to have a complete study of Councilman Hobel to ask the advice and counsel
CETA funds from the City Attorney of the City Manager and the City Attorney on
and the City Manager the CETA funds and regulations so as to have a
clearer picture of what this program's ramifica-
tions mean to the staff level. The motion was
unanimously carried with the following vote,
AYES: Councilman Hyde, Egdahl, Scott, Hobel
Noes: None
Absent: None
A motion to approve Activity It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by
No. 2112, Police Training Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried to
approve the budget for Police Training as
recommended by the City Manager.
A motion to approve' It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
Activity No. 2150- Police Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried to
Services approve and adopt the budget for Activity No.
Councilman Hyde's comments At this point, Councilman Hyde remarked that
he felt the high cost of paper work and xeroxing
was in need of attention. He asked if the
staff could find some better, less expensive
City Clerk Fulasz's comments City Clerk Fulasz recommended that the Council
give serious consideration to a Records Manage-
ment Program as a way of reducing the cost of
paper work. She stated that she would look into
the matter and bring back a report to the Council.
A motion to approve Activity It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by
No. 2140 - Uniform Patrol Mayor Hamilton and unanimously carried to adopt
Equipment Activity No. 2140 as recommended by the City
ACTIVITY NO. 2150 Councilman Egdahl asked if the sedan and
POLICE INVESTIGATION- furniture would come from CETA funds. Larry
EQUIPMENT Wittenberg e×~lained that the money from CETA
II did not provide for furniture and equipment.
The compact sedan, two pedestal desks, and
two steno posture chairs were deleted from the
budget in the following motion.
A motion to approve the It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by
budget for Activity No. Councilman Scott and unanimously carried to
2150 with the provision approve the budget for Activity No. 2150 with
that the sedan, two pedestal the exception of the sedan, two pedestal desks
desks and two steno posture and two steno posture chairs.
chairs be deleted.
ACTIVITY NO. 2160 It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by
POLICE SUPPORT SERVICE Councilman Scott and unanimously carried to
approve and adopt the budget for Activity No.
ACTIVITY NO. 2200 It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
POLICE - ANIMAL REGUIATION Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried to
approve the budget for Activity 2200.
Councilman Hyde's request Councilman Hyde requested that an inventory of
the City's good used furniture be made for the
purpose of redistribution to other departments
as needed.
ACTIVITY NO. 1253 City Manager Cole stated t~at he had cut the
PERSONNEL - OPERATIONS position of Personnel Ana~lyst out of the budget,
but that the Personnel Director feels that this
position is needed in view of the forecasted
Personnel Director Overley cited some of the
projects which the Personnel Analyst would be
charged with.
A motion to approve It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
Activity No. 1253 - Councilman Hobel to approve the position of
Personnel Analyst's Personnel Analyst and to put it back into the
position and allocation of budget to be utilized upon the department
$14,620 in funds manager's ~rogative.
Hotion carried AYES: Councilman Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl,
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: None
ACTIVITY NO. 1252 It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by
PERSONNEL - TRAINING Councilman Hyde and unanimously adopted to
approve~ Activity No. 1252.
ACTIVITY NO. 1620 It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by
PLANNING Councilman Hyde and unanimously approved to
adopt Activity No. 1620.
Motion carried AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: Councilmen Hobel and Scott.
Councilmen Scott and Hobel left at this time.
ACTIVITY NOS. 6100, 6200, The mayor opened the discussion of the Gas
6300, 6400 Tax Funds.
A motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and approved by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: Councilmen Scott and Hobel
Recess of meeting The Mayor recessed the meeting at 7:42 p.m.
to be reconvened when Councilmen Scott and
Hobel returned.
The meeting reconvened at 9:30 p.m.
ACTIVITY NO. 7001 Council discussion followed regarding the
CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT items under this program.
Parking Lot at golf course Councilman Hobel said he would like to see the
parking lot area improved at the Chula Vista
Municipal Golf Course -- at peak times, the
lot is saturated with cars and people are
beginning to park on Bonita Road.
Mr. Robens indicated it would cost approximately
Acquisition of park land Councilman Hyde felt that the City should not
pursue any more developments of park properties
at this time but should try to acquire more
park land for future use.
A motion to earmark funds It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
for park land acquisition Councilman Scott and unanimously carried that
from the Park Land Acquisition Fund ($217,000.)
from the Residential Construction Fund ($18,000)
from the Special Capital Outlay Fund ($357,000.)
a grand total of $592,000.00 --approximately
distributed from those three funds, $100,000.00
be earmarked for park land acquisition adjacent
to Greg Rogers Park.
Parks and Recreation Director Hall commented
that approximately $24,000.00 was realized
from the sale of land in this area (American
Housing Guild) and was put into the General
Added to the motion Councilman Hyde moved that this General Fund
money be added to this motion.
Councilman Scott noted that the City will be
getting most of the canyon in the Greg Rogers
area from the developer who is developing
adjacently to the canyon~
Councilman Hyde said his motion was supplemental
to the canyon area.
Other suggestions Councilman Egdahl indicated he would hesitate
to vote on the motion unless he were advised
that this is the proper park to enlarge as
opposed to spending money for park land acqui-
sition in some other places in the community~
Councilman Hyde said he had no objections to
any other suggestions to anything east of the
City Manager's comments Mr. Cole stated that the staff has not had a
chance to develop any program for the General
Fund money and Revenue Sharing money? He asked
that the staff be allowed to report back to
the Council on the amounts of the money in these
funds" and show you how far this can go"~ He
asked that the funds remain in the budget as
proposed, and the staff will develop a supple-
mental budget~
A motion to adjust the Capital It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Improvement Program Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried that
$75,000,00 be taken out of GF-10 (Civic Center
Development) and put into GF-11 (Parking Lot
at Chula Vista Municipal Golf Course).
A motion for a study It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried that
"we come Back with that area we haven't allocat-
ed and see if we can comply with that which Mr.
Hyde was alluding to -- prior to the final
Purchase of Post Office Building In answer to the Mayor's inquiry, Director of
Finance Grant stated that the purchase of the
Post Office building can come out of GF-10
(Civic Center Development).
Councilman Egdahl indicated he was not ready
to vote on the motion setting a priority for
the parking lot at the Municipal Golf Course.
Substitute motion It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that GF-11 (Parking Lot at the Municipal Golf
Course) be put into the supplemental budget to
be considered by the Council prior to adoption
of the budget.
Approval of Capital Improvement It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Program Activity No. 7001 Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried that
approval be given to Activity No. 7001 (Capital
Improvement Program) as recommended by the City
Post Office Building City Manager noted the past meetings wi~h
the Council in which direction was gicen to staff
to find out about acquisition of the post office
building. The lease for the post office runs
out in October of this year. It then becomes a
vacant building in which the owner of the building
has the right to use his property to get a return
on it -- such as for a warehouse. The City can
purchase the building for $52,000 plus the $4,021
lease remaining for the post office. It was the
recommendation of the City Manager to acquire it
in October.
A motion to purchase the It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by
Post Office Building Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried that
a committment be made that the City purchase
the Post Office Building at the expiration of
the lease with the U. S. Postal Service at a
cost of $32,000 plus closing costs.
Public Hearing scheduled It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Mayor Hamilton and unanimously carried that a
public hearing for consideration of adoption of
the budget be scheduled for Tuesday, June 3, 1975.
ADJOURNMENT ~{ayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at 10:22 p.m.