Held Tuesday March 9, 1976
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held on
the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue,
Chula Vista, with the following
Councilmen present: Mayor Hamilton, Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hyde, Egdahl
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City Manager
Asmus, Director of Public Works Robens, Director of Parks and Rec-
reation Hall, Citizens Assistance Officer Smith, Assistant to the City
Manager Wittenberg
In the absence of Mayor Hamilton, Mayor Pro Tempore Scott led the pledge of allegiance to
the Flag followed by a moment of silent prayer.
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried that
the minutes of the meetings of February 25 and
March 2, 1976, be approved, copies having been
sent to each Councilman.
2. ALL STATES PROGRAM Mayor Pro Tempore Scott read a Proclamation
saluting the State of Idaho in this Bicentennial
Year. A short history of the State was read and
the people in the audience from Idaho were asked
to stand and introduce themselves.
(Mayor Hamilton arrived at this time)
Jat Deiranieh Hr. Deiranieh asked for six to eight reserve
223 Third Avenue parking spaces in front of his business at 223
Third Avenue for a grand opening sale on April
2 and 3, 1976.
Approval granted It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried that
approval be granted with any problems to be
worked out by staff.
James Matherly Mr. Matherly declared (1) the Starlight Center
402 Oaklawn Avenue loan should be paid (by Starlight); (2) there
should be no public prayer at Council meetings;
(3) Civic Center signs should read "Chula Vista
City Hall" - "Chula Vista Police Department" -
"Chula Vista Fire Station No. 1"; (4) there
should be no "lemon-colored" fire engine - they
should all be red; (5) police cars should be
black and white; (6) the Council agenda should
indicate how much money is involved in a program,
what purpose it serves, and who is going to pay
for it, and why it should be paid - Mr. Matherly
made reference to "Our House" grant.
Herb Lathan Mr. Lathan invited the Council and the public to
631 Carla Avenue a ribbon-cutting ceremony tomorrow morning,
Chula Vista March lO, at 8:00 a.m. in front of City Hall at
which time there will be an "unveiling" of a
bicentennial-painted disposal vehicle.
City Council Meeting -2- March 9, 1976
Doris Cox Mrs. Cox, representing the American Field Service
International Friendship also, explained that six students will be sent to
Commission Irapuato, Mexico, (Chula Vista's Sister City)
the 28th of this month. She asked for Council
approval. No City funds are involved - the
students are paying their own way.
Approval granted It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried that
approval be granted.
3. PUBLIC HEARING - In a written report to the Council, Director of
VACATING PORTIONS OF Public Works Robens explained that the right-of-
TOYON LANE EAST OF way of Toyon Lane was originally dedicated as "E"
CORTE MARIA AVENUE Street. When "E" Street was reconstructed at
its present location, Toyon Lane became a cul-de-
sac street serving residential lots. Mr. Joseph
Bush requested vacation of the northerly portion
of Toyon Lane and submitted a tentative parcel
map. A condition of approval is for the sub-
divider to construct the public improvements within
the frontage of the parcel map; this consists of
a minimum twenty six and one half feet of pavement,
curb, gutter and sidewalk which will provide two
travel lanes and parking lane.
In investigating this request, the Engineering
Department has added three other parcels which
they believe will be the best location and best
alignment for the ultimate TOYon Lane w~n con-
The Planning Commission recommended that portions
of Toyon Lane be vacated and the Engineering staff
Public hearing opened This being the time and place as advertised,
Mayor Hamilton opened the public hearing.
Public hearing closed There being no comments, either for or against,
the hearing was declared closed.
Vacation approved It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that a
resolution be brought back at the next meeting
approving the vacation of portions of Toyon Lane.
CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that the
Consent Calendar be approved and adopted.
4. RESOLUTION NO. 8077 - The resolution is an official documentation of
NAMING AND DESIGNATING Council's action taken on March 2, 1976, naming
CERTAIN CITY PROPERTY AS the park site at 1248 Calle Santiago Street as
INDEPENDENCE PARK "Independence Park."
5. RESOLUTION NO. 8078 - The City Clerk submitted the list of 308 election
APPROVING LIST OF VOTING officers for the April 13 General Municipal
PRECINCTS (CONSISTING OF Election and listed the compensation for each
HELD ON APRIL 13, 1976
City Council Meeting -3- March 9, 1976
6. RESOLUTION NO. 8079 - This resolution was prepared asking the County
REQUESTING CONSOLIDATION Board of Supervisors to permit the Registrar of
OF THE CHULA VISTA SPECIAL Voters to include the City's runoff election on
RUNOFF ELECTION WITH the June primary ballot. This is in the event
STATEWIDE PRIMARY ELECTION there is a runoff election for Seat Number 2 -
7. RESOLUTION NO. 8080 - RETC has recently approved a policy requiring
REQUESTING SUPPORT OF THE that only "economically disadvantaged" persons be
CITIES IN THE COUNTY OF SAN hired under this program. The resolution requests
DIEGO URGING RETC TO CHANGE that the policy be rescinded in order to allow
ITS POLICY REGARDING THE cities to promote full employment within the CETA
HIRING OF ONLY DISADVANTAGED Program and to continue the Affirmative Action
GROUPS UNDER THIS PROGRAM efforts being realized by the achievement of
CETA goals and objectives.
Resolution amended Councilman Scott asked that the phrase "in the
absence of legal opinion from the RETC attorneys"
be deleted from the seventh paragraph of the
resolution inasmuch as RETC did obtain a legal
8. RESOLUTION NO. 8081 - At the last meeting, the City Council directed
SUPPORTING COMPREHENSIVE that the City Attorney prepare this resolution
PLANNING ORGANIZATION'S supporting CPO position in its role as regional
POSITION IN REGARD TO transportation planning agency.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent, passed
and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: None
On December 9, 1975, the Council directed that the
9. RESOLUTION NO. 8082 - lien held by Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Melton for in-
ACCEPTING, DEDICATING AND stallation of public improvements in front of their
NAMING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY property &t the westerly end of the cul-de-sac
IN THE CITY FOR STREET AND in James Court be foreclosed. The owners of the
HIGHWAY PURPOSES LOCATED AT property west of the Meltons requested that a
THE WESTERLY END OF THE CUL- driveway approach be installed along their 27.49
DE-SAC IN JAMES COURT feet of frontage and deposited the amount of
$280 and have executed an easement for street
purposes. City forces have installed and com-
pleted the improvements.
10. RESOLUTION NO. 8083 - The City Council, by Resolution 8067, authorized
ACCEPTING GRANT DEED TO commencement of condemnation proceedings to
CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FROM acquire offsite drainage easements for drainage
ELMER AND MINNIE MEYER facilities to be constructed with the development
of Hilltop Vista Subdivision. On March 1, 1976,
Elmer and Minnie Meyer executed a grant deed
granting to the City fee ownership of that por-
tion of their property underlying the required
drainage easement.
ll. RESOLUTION NO. 8084 - At the meeting of February 10, 1976, the City
URGING THAT THE GOVERNOR NOT Council directed that this resolution be pre-
BE RETAINED IN ITS PLACE (End of Consent Calendar)
City Council Meeting -4- March 9, 1976
12. RESOLUTION NO. 8085 - The following bids were received on February 26,
PROGRAM 1975-1976" V.R. Dennis, San Diego $86,067.00
Griffith Company, San Diego 86,526.90
R.E. Hazard, San Diego 88,366.50
Daley Corporation, San Diego 89,023.50
Sim J. Harris, San Diego 89,614.80
It was recommended that the bids be accepted and
the contract awarded to V.R. Dennis Construction
Company which provides for the overlay of Ota¥
Lakes Road from East "H" Street to Gotham Street,
"L" Street from Nacion to Monserate Avenue, "L"
Street from Second Avenue to Broadway and Third
Avenue from "C" to "D" Streets.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of the
text was waived by unanimous consent, passed and
adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl,
Noes: None
Absent: None
13. RESOLUTION NO. 8086 - A requirement for the conditional use permit
APPROVING AGREEMENT BETWEEN granted to Grace Baptist Temple for the construction
THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND of a nursery school and foyer to the chapel was for
GRACE BAPTIST TEMPLE FOR PAR- additional parking spaces to accommodate the
TICIPATION IN STORM DRAIN additional facilities. Grace Baptist Temple has
SYSTEM INSTALLATION AT 345 executed an agreement with the City for joint
FIFTH AVENUE participation in the construction of the storm
drain within the church property and the right-
of-way of Fifth Avenue.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the
text was waived by unanimous consent, passed and
adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde,
Noes: None
Absent: None
14. ORDINANCE NO. 1671 - The ordinance expands the scope of responsibilities
AMENDING SECTION 2.16.030 of the Director of Parks and Recreation to assist
SUBSECTIONS K AND L AND in the enforcement of prohibitions against
ADDING A NEW SUBSECTION M illegally placed signs in the public right-of-way.
2.16.060 OF CHAPTER 2 OF
Ordinance placed on first It was moved by Councilman Hobel that this or-
reading dinance be placed on its first reading and that
the reading of the text be waived by unanimous
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl,
Noes: None
Absent: None
City Council Meeting -5- March 9, 1976
Ordinances questioned Councilman Egdahl asked the reasonings for the
ordinances on the agenda.
City Attorney's comment6 City Attorney Lindberg explained that the
ordinances (14 through 19) are "housekeeping
ordinances" which were prepared in response to
Council's questions r~ised over the past several
months and years.
15. ORDINANCE The amendment to the Code provides for the col-
AMENDING SECTIONS OF THE lection of any unpaid costs for the removal of
MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO abandoned vehicles from private p~operty, to be
THE PROCEDURES FOR COLLECTING collected as a part of the tax levy against the
Motion to delete items in It was moved by Councilman Hyde and seconded by
Ordinance Mayor Hamilton that in Section 10.84.010, the words
"side yard" be c~mitted from the fifth line:
"...removal of vehicles from private property in
the front yard, and parkway setback areas..."; and
in Section 10.84.020, the last sentence be deleted
which reads: "Further, no vehicle may be parked
in any side yard setback area unless screened with
a solid fence and gate not less than six feet (6')
in height."
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Hamilton, Scott, Hobel
Noes: Councilman Egdahl
Absent: None
Ordinance placed on It was moved by Councilman Hyde that this ordinance
first reading be placed on its first reading and that the reading
of the text be waived by unanimous consent.
Discussion of motion Councilman Scott felt there was no justification in
placing the ordinances (14 through 19) on the agenda -
the staff has presented no case as far as backup
material. He would like to know: why the regulation
- what problems is the City having - what brought
it about. Councilman Scott indicated that the
ordinances should be brought back at a later date
with more information on each.
Motion failed The motion to place the ordinance on first reading
failed by the following vote, to-wit:
Ayes: Councilmen Hyde, Hamilton
NOES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Egdahl
Absent: None
Ordinances to be brought back It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried that
Ordinance Numbers 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 be
brought back at the next Council meeting with some
back up material.
(?o be placed on March 23, 1976 agenda)
16. ORDINANCE Material~ stored in the public right-of-way may
AMENDING SECTIONS OF THE MUNiCiPAL now be removed only upon the provision of a two-
CODE RELATING TO THE STORAGE OF week notice by the Director of Public Works. The
MATERIALS AND REMOVAL OF OBSTRUC- ordinance amendment eliminates this provision and
TIONS IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY gives the Director of Public Works the discretion
- FIRST READING of setting a reasonable period of time depending
upon the nature of the materials and the obstruc-
tion which they constitute.
(To be placed on March 23, 1976 agenda)
City Council Meeting -6- March 9, 1976
17. ORDINANCE The ordinance adds a specific classification to
AMENDING SECTIONS OF THE the noise ordinance of the mechanical pumping
MUNICIPAL CODE ALL RELATING equipment of swimming pools.
EQUIPMENT OF SWIMMING POOLS (To be placed on March 23, 1976 agenda)
18. ORDINANCE The ordinance specifically regulates the use of
AMENDING TITLE 2 OF THE library materials and provides that failure to
CHULA VISTA MUNICIPAL return materials shall be an infraction, punishable
CODE BY ADDING THERETO A by a fine not to exceed $250, and destruction of
NEW CHAPTER 2.70 RELATING any materials would constitute a misdemeanor
TO THE REGULATION OF THE punishable by a fine of $500 and/or six months
- FIRST READING (To be placed on March 23, 1976 agenda)
19. ORDINANCE At present, any alteration or addition to a
AMENDING SECTION 15.32.050, building which has a permit value of $5,000 or
SUBSECTION B, OF THE CHULA more, requires the undergrounding of utilities.
VISTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING The ordinance, amendment raises the amount to
TO RESPONSIBILITY OF OWNERS $10,000 and exempts single family dwelling units.
UTILITIES - FIRST READING (To be placed on March 23, 1976 agenda)
20. ORDINANCE The amendment establishes a fee of $20.00 to
AMENDING SECTIONS 5.20.070 cover administrative costs for the issuance of
SUBSECTION B, AND 5.38.120 work permits to employees in cardrooms and pawn-
Fee questioned City Manager Cole explained that the $20.00 fee
was a recommendation of the police department -
it covers the fingerprinting operation and
administrative costs.
Councilman Hobel questioned the $5.00 annual
renewal charge.
City Manager Cole commented that he did not have
the details to back this up and would have to
come back to Council with more information.
Motion to be brought It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
back to next meeting CoUncilman Hobel and unanimously carried that
this ordinance be brought back next meeting
with more backup material.
21. ORDINANCE NO. 1672 - The Youth Commission has worked for some months
REPEALING SECTIONS 5.26.240 on an ordinance regulating the conduct of youth
THROUGH 5.26.440 OF THE CHULA dances. This new ordinance, while retaining
VISTA MUNICIPAL CODE AND strict regulation of such dances, does relax
ADDING NEW SECTIONS 5.26.240 the requirements for having a police officer
THROUGH 5.26.430 RELATING TO present at all such affairs and allows a greater
THE REGULATION AND CONDUCT degree of discretion to be exercised by the Chief
OF YOUTH DANCES - FIRST READING of Police in regulating such dances.
City Council Meeting -7- March 9, 1976
Ordinance placed on first reading It was moved by Councilman Scott that this
ordinance be placed on its first reading and
that the reading of the text be waived by
unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
Discussion of ordinance Councilman Hyde questioned the references -
particularly Section 5.26.410 - whereby the
financial report must be sent to the Chief of
Police instead of the Parks & Recreation Depart-
Director of Parks and Recreation Hall explained
that the financial reports of all non-profit
organizations must go to the Police showing
that the money did go to charity and not the
people putting on the dance.
City Attorney Lindberg stated that the Police
Department has the prime responsibility for
the youth dances - they have this responsibility
for all charitable solicitations and examination
of reporting of religious and charitable groups.
a. REPORT ON NEW EMPLOYER- City Manager Cole submitted the new Employer-
EMPLOYEE RELATIONS POLICY Employee Relations Policy explaining that it is
a revision of the old policy adopted by the
Council on December 21, 1971 (Resolution 6926).
Because of the new changes in the labor relations
environment, new laws and new bills that have
been introduced, staff conducted extensive
research into current trends in public sector
employer-employee relations and has revised
the Policy Manual.
Letter from Police A letter from the Police Officers Association
Officers Association was presented to the Council in which they
reviewed their opinion of the policy.
Motion for five-minute It was moved by Councilman Hobel that a five
recess minute recess be called so that Council could
review this material.
City Manager Cole recommended that the matter be
set for public hearing.
Motion withdrawn The motion for a five-minute recess was with-
drawn by Councilman Hobel.
Matter set for public hearing It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that
a resolution be brought back adopting the policy
and that it be scheduled for a public hearing on
April 6, 1976.
Donald Byrum Mr. Byrum agreed to the public hearing; however,
Firefighters Association he asked that some type of arbitration be in-
c}uded in the policy. Right now, the last word
is with the City Council. The Firefighters sub-
mitted a "last best offer" type of thing and
would like to have the Council look this over.
City Counci Meeting -8- March 9, 1976
Mr. Byrum asked that all of the Firefighter
material be given to the Council prior to the
public hearing.
Councilman Scott said this was the intent of his
motion: all backup material is to be submitted
to the Council prior to the hearing - material
from the Police Officers Association, the Fire-
fighters, and any and all other associations.
b. SUBMISSION OF CITY City Manager Cole submitted the study conducted
INCLUSION STUDY PREPARED by the firm of Andersen, Heiss and Hughes as
FOR SAN DIEGO COUNTY directed by the San Diego County Board of Super-
FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT visors, of the feasibility of including cities
in the San Diego County Flood Control District.
In a written report to the Council, the City
Manager detailed the alternative approaches for
organizing and financing the District. He in-
dicated that financial flexibility may be the
common area of interest upon which to base a new
concept of cooperation in the field of flood
Mr. Cole further indicated that the study divulged
that there was little interest in joining the
District by the various cities in the County due
to (1) concern over loss of local control; (2)
general public apathy concerning flood control
It was his recommendation that the report be
Report filed It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried that
the report be filed.
c. REPORT ON REQUEST OF City Manager Cole responded to the request from
FUNDING OF SWEETWATER the Sweetwater Union High School District for
UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT $3,000 to supplement the restaurant training
RESTAURANT TRAINING PROGRAM program regarding the nutritional program currently
being conducted for senior citizens at the Del Rey
High School. The cost of the meals provided to
the senior citizen is 25~ from the school district
and 75¢ from the senior citizen, The subsidy
would take the program through July 1 at which
time the District would apply for Title VII funds.
Mr. Cole recommended that the City not fund the
program since the funding is already available
through July 1 and any subsidy the City might
offer would not reduce the cost of the meals to
the senior citizens. Mr. Cole fe~t it would be
more appropriate for the City to await the study
presently underway on human care services before
action is taken by Council.
Letter from Joseph Rindone, Jr. Councilman Hyde referred to the letter from
Joseph Rindone, Jr., District Superintendent,
Sweetwater Union High School District, stating
that the letter was a report of the program and
no request for money was made.
Richard Alvord Mr. Alvord explained the program statinQ that
Principal, Del Rey the cost of preparin~ the meal is $1.00 - 75¢
High School is bein~ paid by the senior citizen and the
is presently being paid by the School District
City Council Meeting -9- March 9, 1976
which they feel they should not be doing as
they are also furnishing the facility, clean-up,
supplies and equipment. There is presently
enough money to carry them through to June 30
at which time they will apply for Title VII
funds. Presently they are serving up to 150
people, and can serve up to 175 or 180.
Mr. Alvord added that if the City would assist
in the funding of the program, the County office
(Regional Occupation) will pick up the biggest
tag - the salary; the school district will pick
up the facility, equipment, supplies; the City
could step in and assist in the budgeting of
the food.
People entitled to meal Councilman Scott asked who was entitled to this
free meal.
Mr. Alvord said it was for anyone who comes up
and says, "I'm a senior citizen."
Councilman Scott questioned the logic of having
the City pay for a "cut-rate" meal for anyone
who wanted a meal - whether they can or cannot
afford it. He cautioned having the City pay for
a subsidy program when the people do not need
the subsidy - what is the criteria to make sure
that the people receiving the meals are those
who really deserve it.
Margaret J. Helton Mrs. Helton declared that under Federal guide-
162 Mankato Street lines, you cannot ask people what their income
Chula Vista is - no financial guidelines are set in any of
these programs. Mrs. Helton discussed the program
and asked for Council's approval of $3,000 -
this request for money came from the senior
John W. Fabrick Mr. Fabrick said he checked at the door last
432 Arizona Street week and out of 161 people who ate at the school,
Chula Vista 55 were from the fringes of Chula Vista, and
106 were from Chula Vista.
Cost of the program Mr. Alvord explained that the money requested
(and he figures it would be $3,677.50 to serve
175 people throuah June 30), is to pick up the
tab that the school district has already stated
it will subsidize.
Motion for staff direction It was moved by Councilman Hyde and seconded
by Councilman Hobel that the Council indicates
an interest in this program and the City Manager
be directed to work with the school district
representative to come up with more specific
details that would indicate the degree of support
that would be sought from the City Council of
Chula Vista. This is to be brought back to the
Council for consideration.
Clarification of motion Councilman Hobel indicated this motion concerns
the time from now through June 30 after which the
Council will watch the Title Vii request.
Councilman Egdahl noted the various options that
the ~taff is'directed to report on (1) reimburs-
ing the Sweetwater Union Hiah School District
for 256 per person up to 150 persons which amounts
to $3,000.00, or (2) fundin~ the whole thino
City Council Meeting -10- March 9, 1976
up to one hundred ~eventy five persons and the
City would pay $3,600+; or (3) paying 2~ Der
person for the ~5 people above the 1~0; or (4)
do nothina at all; or (5) sharing the cost.
Ed Bantle Mr. Bantle said he eats there and pays the $1.00 -
Rose Arbor Trailer Park the meal is worth it. He feels all of the
senior citizens should pay the $1.00.
Motion carried The motion for the staff report carried unanimously.
23. REPORT ON DATE FOR COUNCIL In a written report to Council, Director of
CONFERENCE TO CONSIDER HILLSIDE Planning Peterson explained that the Council had
MODIFYING DISTRICT previously set the date of March 24 for a
Conference for a staff briefing on the status of
the General Development Plan for the E1 Rancho
del Rey P-C zone. Inasmuch as the two matters
(Hillside and the P-C zone) are somewhat related,
Mr. Peterson recommended that both items be
scheduled for a Council Conference on April 7
at 4:00 p.m.
Motion to bring the matter It was moved by Councilman Hyde and seconded by
back at next meeting Councilman Scott that the matter which was
delayed last week (Review and Amendments to the
Hillside Modifying District and Hillside Dev-
elopment Policy) be brought back at the next
Council meeting (March 23).
Council discussion Councilman Egdahl noted the "conflict" referred
to by the Director of Planning in scheduling
this item for a March 24 Conference.
Substitute motion It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Councilman Scott and unanimously carried that
a Council Conference be scheduled for March 24,
1976 at 4:00 p.m. to consider the Hillside
Modifying District application.
Mayor Hamilton commented that if the Director
of Planning has any conflict and cannot make the
presentation on March 24, he can notify the
Council at tomorrow's adjourned meeting.
Recess A recess was called at 8:42 p.m. and the meeting
reconvened at 8:50 p.m.
24. REPORT ON CHULA VISTA Director of Public Works Robens requested a
TRANSIT DEVELOPMENT STUDY Council Conference for March 24, 1976 at 4:00
p.m. to hear a presentation by Barton-Aschman
Associates of the Chula Vista Transit Development
Conference scheduled It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried that
the Conference be scheduled for March 24 at
4:00 p.m. to hear the report by the consultants
on the Chula Vista Transit Development Study.
This will be a second item on the agenda.
Student Voter Registration It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
Councilman Scott and unanimously carried that the
City Clerk be directed to contact either Mr.
Rindone or the School Board of the Sweetwater
Union High School District and ask their per-
City Council Meeting -ll- March 9, 1976
mission to allow Deputy Registrars in the
school to register the students who are 18
and over.
Political Activity -- City Attorney Lindberg commented that the Boy
Employees Scouts, in order to obtain their Heritage Patch
for the Bicentennial year have one element in
their program which is a "get out to vote" pro-
gram. The Director of Parks and Recreation is a
Scout leader and he was concerned about violating
either the State law or Charter in his efforts to
have his Scouts distribute a fact sheet from the
candidates. Mr. Lindberg stated that political
activity on the part of City employees, as long
as it is conducted in non-duty hours and without
guise of City-auspices was perfectly proper and
encouraged under the Charter amendment adopted
in 1970.
UTILITY TAX Councilman Scott discussed the utility tax which
was instituted several years ago which, when
first initiated, was anticipated to raise $300,000.
Through the increase in utility rates, the City
will be receiving over $900,000. He felt that
there should be some ceiling on this tax so that
it would not burden the taxpayer.
Motion for report to set It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded by
limit on utility tax Councilman Hyde that the staff look into the
possibility of putting a limit on the utility
tax - using the sum of $1,000,000 as a guide.
Discussion of motion Mayor Hamilton asked that the motion be amended
to have the staff look into all aspects of the
utility tax.
Councilman Hobel felt the Council should look
at it in the context of the whole budget and the
context of the various proposals being made.
Councilman Hyde agreed with the Mayor that all
aspects of the tax should be looked into. He
felt the staff should not have to consider the
$1,000,000 ceiling, but be asked to examine the
history of the utility tax and be prepared at
budget time to make recommendations to the Council
for appropriate adjustments taking into account
the great inflation factor.
Incorporated in motion Councilman Scott changed his motion to incorporate
the remarks made by Councilman Hyde; Councilman
Hyde agreed to the second and the motion carried
JOINT MEETING WITH Councilman Scott stated he will have difficulty
COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS making the meeting on Thursday, March 11, with
the Board of Supervisors and may be late.
Councilman Hyde to chair meeting It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by
Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried that
Councilman Hyde be appointed to chair the
meeting (prior to the time Councilman Scott arrives).
PERMISSION FOR CITY It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by
CLERK TO ATTEND MEETINGS Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that the
City Clerk be given permission to attend the City
Clerks Institute (April 27-30) and the International
City Clerks Conference (May 23-26).
City Council Meeting -12- March 9, 1976
LETTER FROM INDUSTRIAL AND Councilman Hobel made reference to the letter
COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - received from this Committee in which they
CHAMBER OF COMMERCE stated that business and industry accounts for
two thirds of the total City budget. He asked
the staff to check this as he doesn't believe
it is accurate.
SAN DIEGO COUNTY OPEN Councilman Hobel stated that this golf tournament
will be held on Saturday, March 13 at the Chula
Vista Municipal Golf Course and it would be
appropriate for the Mayor to "knock the first
ball off the tee" at the start of the tournament.
Motion for invitation It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Mayor Hamilton and unanimously carried that
the organization extend the invitation to the
CONFERENCE FOR NEWLY- Mayor Hamilton announced that the California
ELECTED OFFICIALS League of Cities will hold a conference at
Hotel del Coronado ~m'April 21-23 for all new
Mayors and Council Candidates.
Motion to send runoff It was moved by Mayor Hamilton and seconded
candidates to Conference by Councilman Hyde that in case of a run off,
the City send both runoff candidates to this
meeting and pay their registration fee.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hamilton, Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl,
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: Councilman Scott
MOTION FOR OPPOSITION TO It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
ASSEMBLY BILL 3000 Mayor Hamilton and unanimously carried that a
(Peace Officers) telegram be sent opposing the Bill, especially
to Bill Craven and Wadie Deddeh, as recommended
by the Legislative Committee.
PARKS & RECREATION Councilman Hyde asked the City Clerk to make up
COr~qISS~QN APPOINTMENTS an appointment schedule to interview the rest of
the candidates who applied for the boards and
commissions so that appointments can be made to
the Parks & Recreation Commission.
HIRING DISABLED PERSONS It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried that
the staff be directed to look into the matter
of adopting a City policy which would provide
for the hiring of a certain percentage or number
of disabled persons who are capable of handling
jobs assigned by the City of Chula Vista,
Councilman Egdahl said he was uncomfortable with
the setting of percentage - it should, perhaps,
be a goal but not a "fast and hard thing."
Councilman Hyde declared he would go along with
Councilman Scott remarked that there are goals
under the CETA program for hiring the disadvantaged.
City Council Meeting -13- March 9, 1976
LIBRARY SCHEDULE In answer to Councilman Egdahl's query, Director
of Public Works Robens stated that the contractor
will be clear of the library by April 1; the
carpeting,' cabinet construction and delivery
of furniture should be done by May 1, and the
library staff will be in prior to the dedication
ADDITIONAL STAFFING OF City Manager Cole reported that three additional
LIBRARY persons have been hired in starting to get the
program moving to the larger library facility.
The Library Department originally asked for
13 people and it has not been determined
that there is a need for the entire 13 people.
SCULPTURE COMMITTEE REPORT Councilman Egdahl commented that the Co~mittee
is quite opposed to a water sculpture feature
because they feel it brings on vandalism. How-
ever, they are advertising for artists throughout
the State of California and at the final stages,
the committee will ask for a model from the
finalists. The model should be selected sometime
in July or August.
REPORT ON CONSULTANTS FOR Councilman Hobel reported that the Committee has
AREA EAST OF 1-805 narrowed down the applicants - from seventeen to
four - and will meet on Friday (March 12) to
narrow the list down to two or three after which
interviews will be held.
TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT QUINTARD Councilman Egdahl referred ~o a recent request
AND SECOND AVENUE for a signal at Quintard and Second which was
not granted because it did not have sufficient
warrants. Some of the citizens in the area are
now asking about the possibility of putting in
a four-way stop at that intersection.
Referred to staff and It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by
Safety Commission Councilman Scott and unanimously carried that
the staff report back on the advisability of
putting in a four-way stop, and that this be
referred to the Safety Commission.
a. Verified claim for damages - Ms. Doucette filed a claim in the amount of
Georgette L. Doucette $20,000 stating that on December 8, 197§, she
263 "H" Street, Apt. 2 stepped in a hole in the sidewalk in front of
Chula Vista 648 Third Avenue which caused her to fall and
sustain injuries to her face and knee.
Claim denied It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Councilman ~d~h~ and unanimously carried that
the claim be denied and referred to the City's
insurance carrier for investigation.
b. Request of Chamber of The Chamber of Commerce requested that the
Commerce to exempt in- Council eliminate the utility tax for commercial
dustrial and commercial and industrial accounts and to either reduce
accounts from utility city services by this amount or find a more
tax equitable way to raise these funds.
City.Council Meeting -14- March 9, 1976
Referred to staff It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that
this request be referred to staff for recommen-
dation during budget considerations.
Councilman Scott stated this should be made
a part of the previous motion made by Council
(See page 11).
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at 9:17 p.m.
to the Council Conference scheduled for Wednesday,
March 10, 1976 at 4:00 p.m.