Held Tuesday March 23, 1976
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held on
the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 276 Fourth Avenue, City Hall,
Chula Vista, with the following
Councilmen present: Mayor Hamilton, Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hyde, Egdahl
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City Manager
Asmus, Director of Public Works Robens, Assistant Director of
Planning Williams, Purchasing Aqent Espinosa, Director of
Community Development Desrochers, Current Planning Supervisor Lee,
Assistant to the City Manager Wittenberg, Citizens Assistance
Officer Smith, Senior Librarian Rowe
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Pro Tempore Scott followed by a moment
of silent prayer.
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that
the minutes of the meetings of March 9, 10,
and 11, 1976, be approved, copies having been
sent to each Councilman.
2a. ALL STATES PROGRAM - City Attorney Lindberg, a native of Illinois,
ILLINOIS read the Proclamation honoring the State of
Illinois. The people in the audience from that
State were asked to stand and introduce them-
{Mayor Hamilton arrived at this time)
2b. PRESENTATION OF SERVICE Mayor Hamilton presented a pin to David M. Bounds,
PIN - DAVID M. BOUNDS Battalion Chief in the Fire Department, commending
him on his 20 years' service with the City.
2c. OATHS OF OFFICE TO NEWLY- City Clerk Fulasz administered the Oath of Office
APPOINTED CO~MISSI~NERS to the following newly-appointed commissioners:
Robert Burke - Board of Appeals
Edaar Tidwell - Board of Ethics
Rudolfo David - Human Relations Commission
William Houston - Muman Relations Commission
Tomas Almaraz - Human Relations Commission
James Matherly Mr. Matherly spoke against (1) having the trash
402 Oaklaw~ Avenue trucks in Chula Vista painted red, white and
blue; (2) fundinq of Our House for legal clinic
and service referral program; (3) senior service
nutrition program at Del Rey High School.
A1Manese Mr. Manese thanked the Council, on behalf of the
1366 Monterey Court South Bay Filipino Association, for appointing
Mr. Rudolfo David to the Human Relations Com-
City Council Meeting -2- March 23, 1976
Joseph Scannicchio, President Mr. Scannicchio referred to his letter to
Chamber of Commerce the Council dated March 11 in which he
discussed Bills 3511 and 3512 stating that
a number of bills have now been introduced
by various Congressmen to amend or repeal
sections 806.30 and 807.00 of the Tariff
Code. Mr. Scannicchio said these changes
would seriously affect the current employ-
ment picture and urged the Council to express
their concerns to the legislators in Washington.
Presently the Chamber is in the process
of working with a large hospital supply
manufacturing concern to locate in Chula
Vista. This is a Twin-Plant concept whereby
the plant would be located in Chula Vista
and the assembly work will be done in
K. Niek Slijk, Manager Mr. Slijk said the matter was a simple one:
Chamber of Commerce the labor unions are cnncerned about a few
jobs that are performed in Mexico; if Rohr
(for example) can employ people in Mexico,
these people are p~id in American d61tars ~nd
trade and buy in Chula Vista - 60% of the
shopping centers' ~ross income comes from
Mexico; there is the Opportunity ~o attract
Council discussion Council questioned the statistics related
by Mr. Slijk and the time element in contacting
the legislators.
Motion to refer to It was moved by Counclman Hyde and seconded
legislative committee by Councilman Egdahl that the matter be
referred to the legislative committee and
ask them to examine the legislation that is
under discussion and report back to the City
Council as soon as possible.
Discussion of motion Mayor Hamilton asked that more latitude be
given to the leqislative committee - if they
feel the City should support the Chamber's
request, they be allowed to draft the necessary
telegrams and send them on.
Councilman Egdahl suggested the legislative
committee report to the Council at the Conference
to be held tomorrow (March 24, 1976). He
further suggested that Mr. Van Deerlin's
office be contacted and ask them what the
current status of the Bill is.
Included in motion Councilman Hyde included in his motion to have the report back to Council at the
Conference scheduled for Wednesday, March
24 at 4:00 p.m. Councilman Egdahl agreed to
the second and the motion carried unanimously.
3a. PUBLIC HEARING - Current Planning Supervisor Lee explained that
CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST F~R the precise plan for the Handyman Store at
MODIFICATION OF PRECISE PLAN 1261 Third Avenue was approved in April 1973.
AT HANDYMAN CENTER, 1261 A separate parcel (125' X 293') for a future
THIRD AVENUE, BURGER KING building was shown on the plan fronting on
Third Avenue. The Burger King restaurant
chain desires to locate a restaurant on this
parcel; therefore, a modification of the
original precise plan is required.
City Council Meeting -3- March 23, 1976
A written report was submitted to Council
detailing the reouest and the staff's
On February 23, 1976 the Planning Commission
recommended (1) that the Council find that
in accordance with the Neqative Declaration
and findings therein, the revision to the
precise plan will not have any significant
impact on the environment and certify that
the Negative Declaration has been prepared
in accordance with CEQA of 1970 as amended
and (2) recommend amendment of the precise
plan in accordance with conditions and
findings as set forth ~n the Planning Commission
Resolution PCM-76-4.
Public hearing opened This being the time and place as advertised,
Mayor Hamilton opened the public hearing.
Public hearing closed There being no comments, either for or
against, the hearing was declared closed.
3b. RESOLUTION H~. ~g88 - Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of
AMENDING PRECISE PLAN the text was waived by unanimous consent,
FOR }~ANDYMN~ CENTER, passed and adopted by the following vote,
1261 THIRD AVENUE to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde
E§dahl, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
Further, the Council certifies that it has
reviewed IS-75-85 and has considered the
information in the Initial Study and finds
that it has been prepared in accordance
with CEQA and the Environmental Review
4a. PUBLIC HEARING - Current Planning Supervisor Lee explained
CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE that on January 27, 1976, the Council dir-
OF ZONE FOR PROPERTY AT ected that no building permits be issued
65-81 THIRD AVENUE FROM for a 63-unit townhouse project at 65-81
R-3-G TO R-3-P-12 Third Avenue until rezoning of the property
had been considered.
In a written report to the Council, Director
of Planning Peterson gave the background of
the proposed development and the zoning of
of that property.
On February 23, 1976, the Planning Commission
held a public hearing on this matter and
recommended that the City Council rezone
the subject property from R-3-G to R-3-P-12
in accordance with the findings as set forth
in their Resolution PCZ-76-A.
Public Hearing opened This being the time and place as advertised,
Mayor Hamilton opened the public hearing.
Speaking in favor of Speakinq in favor of the zone change were
the zone change Newton Chaney, 292 Sea Vale Street; Mrs.
Frank Sipan, 335 Kimball Terrace; Robert
Nelson, 65 Third Avenue; Mrs. Rubin Powell,
318 Kimball Terrace. Mr. Chaneymade
a slide presentation showing the area in
City Council Meeting -4- March 23, 1976
question, the adjacent land use and history
of the zoning. Other statements were: (1)
existing density is too high; (2) devaluation
of adjacent properties; (3) the traffic
problem in the area; (4) application of the
hillside ordinance to the property; (5)
petition submitted to the Council on January
13; (6) noise factor relating to the proposed
development; (7) rezone it back to R-l;
(8) acceptance of R-3-P-12 as compromise.
Speaking in opposition Speaking in opposition were: Truman Brooks,
of proposed zoning realtor, representing ~lr. Bill Gentry and
Bill Perkins, partners in the proposed
development. He declared that Mr. Gentry
bought the property in reliance upon the
existing zoning, verified by the staff prior
to purchase. Mr. Brooks asked the Council
to consider: (t) the time spent with the
Planning department staff in working out
these plans; (2) the Planning Commission
determination that the development would
have no significant impact on the environ-
ment (63 units); (3) investment of $30,000
by the developer based on his understanding
of the support of the City.
Mr. R. It. Woodward, former owner of the
property, spoke in detail of the plans he
had for the property (convalescent hospital
and apartments) on which he spent ~$183,780.
Council discussion Disucssion ensued as to the traffic problems,
ingress and egress of property; investment
made by Mr. Gentry; obligation on the part
of the City; legality of granting waiver of
park land fees.
Correspondence made a It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
part of record by Councilman F~de and unanimously carried
that the correspondence from Truman Brooks,
287 "G" Street, Chula Vista be made a part
of the record.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for
or against, the hearing was declared closed.
Recess A recess was called at 8:50 p.m. and the
meeting reconvened at 9:03 p.m.
4b. ORDINANCE N0,1673 - It was moved by Councilman Hyde that this
AMENDING ZONING MAPS ESTABLISHED ordinance be placed on its first reading
BY SECTION 19.18.010 OF THE CITY and that the reading of the text be waived
FROM R-3-G to R-3-P-12 - FIRST
Discussion of motion Councilman Hobel indicated that "some equity
should be served" based on Mr. Gentry's
investment in the property.
Councilman Egdahl stated that it should be
acknowledged that the City staff advised
Mr. Gentry as to what he could do with the
property as presently zoned and subsequently,
it became apparent to the Council that it
was a greater density than land use would
suggest. Further, there was a mistake made
City Council Meeti'ng -5- ~larch 23, 1976
made in not notifying the property owners in
the area that the density was changed from
one unit per 4,000 square feet to one unit
per 2,500 square feet.
City Attorney's Opinion In answer to Councilman Hobel's question,
City Attorney Lindberg advised the Council
that there can be no consideration of any
payment to the property owner as previously
suggested. Throughout zone changes, there
have been enhancements to property valuations
and devalues of properties. The present legal
system does not provide for payment to the
property owners because of zone changes. As
long as the Council holds the hearing, listens
to all testimonies, and reacts in a reasonable
manner, its action is sustainable and there
is no legal liability for any payment.
As to a waiver of park land dedication fees,
Mr. Lindberg said he would have to examine
this question.
Speaking against motion Mayor Hamilton spoke against the motion stating
it was too late in the game for the City to
change the zoning on the property when the
developer is up to the stage of picking up
his building permits.
Motion carried The motion to place the ordinance on first
reading carried by the following vote, to wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Soott, Hobel
Noes: Mayor Hamilton
Absent: None
Motion for staff report It was moved by Councilman Hyde and seconded
by Councilman Hobel that the City Attorney
and the City Manager be directed to investigate
the legality and propriety of waiver of the
park land dedication fees that are normally
assessed against the property for this parti-
cular development, and report back to Council.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to wit:
AYES: Councilmen ~de, Egdahl, Scott, Hobel
Noes: Mayor Hamilton
Absent: None
ITEM 29e MOVED UP ON AGENDA It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that
Item 29e: "Report on Del Rey Restaurant Training
Program" be considered at this time.
29e. REPORT ON DEL REY City ManagerCole statedLhe wrotealetter to
RESTAURANT TRAINING Mr. Rindone, Superintendent of the Sweetwater
PROGRAM Union High School District and received the
follo~ing requests:
1. City to fund 25~ subsidy for 150 meals
through June 30, 1976 - $3,000
2. City to pay 255 subsidy for meals over an
average of 150 meals per day - $500
3. City to share one-half the cost of the 150
meal subsidy - $1,500
City Council Meeting -6- March 23, 1976
In investigating this matter, Mr. Cole
stated that no other city in the County
sponsors such a program, and that Mr.
Rindone stated in his letter that the
District is prepared to continue support
of the program through June 30, 1976,
with or without outside financial assist-
It was the City Manager's recommendation that
the City not fund this program; however, if
the Council wishes to enlarge the program,
then it may wish to consider alternative #2
in the amount of $500.
Council discussion Councilman Scott indicated there is no
demonstrated need for this program, no proof
has been given that the meals are given to
those people who would benefit nutritionally,
and the project is basically for the training
of students.
Motion to deny project It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded
by Councilman Egdahl that the project be denied.
John Fabrick, President Mr. Fabrick spoke in favor of the City granting
Del Rey Seniors the request of the School District for $3,000.
The majority of the people getting these meals
are from Chula Vista; along with the program,
the senior citizens are enjoying a social get
together; graduate students from this program
are getting jobs; indication that there will be
no grants from Title 7 to support the project.
Mr. Fabrick asked that City financial support
be given so that the program can be continued
through the summer.
Substitute motion It was moved by Councilman Hyde and seconded by
Mayor Hamilton that the Council accept alter-
native #3 - that the City would share the cost
of the subsidy equally with the school district
up to a total of $1,500 for the balance of the
r~otion challenged Councilman Scott stated the motion was inappro-
priate because it changes the whole direction of
the~iprlmar~' motion.
Attorney's opinion Mr. Lindberg stated that the point of a substitute
motion is to offer an alternative, The motion
made by Councilman Hyde is an appropriate sub-
stitute motion.
Substitute motion amended It was moved by Councilman Hobel and seconded
by Mayor Hamilton that the substitute motion be
amended to take it to the $500 appropriation
(alternative #2) which takes it through the
remainder of the fiscal year and takes it to
the maximum they could serve, and with that,
the Council address itself at budget session
toward a joint agreement with the school district
for the following .fis'cal year, pred~ated upon'
'not g~ting the'Title 7 funds.
City Council Meeting -7- March 23, 1976
Amendment to The motion carried by the following vote,
motion carried to wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl
Absent: None
Substitute motion as The original substitute motion, now as amended,
amended carried carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott
Absent: None
4/5's vote needed Councilman Scott noted that a 4/5's vote is
for appropriation needed for an appropriation of funds.
City Attorney Lindberg stated he would prepare
a resolution for Council action for the next
meeting and if the vote on the resolution is
3 to 2, the motion to appropriate the $500
will not pass.
C~NSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that the Consent Calendar be approved and
adopted with the exception of #7 (traffic
signal projects under Federal Aid Urban
5. RESOLUTION NO. 8089 - On March 9, 1976 the City Council conducted
ORDERING THE VACATION OF TOYON a public hearing and directed that a reso-
LANE, EAST OF CORTE MARIA AVENUE lution ordering the vacation of portions of
Toyon Lane be prepared for adoption at this
6. RESOLUTION NO. 8090 - The latest requirement of the State Subdi-
AUTHORIZING THE ~qAYOR TO vision Map Act is that all Parcel Maps
EXECUTE OWNER'S CERTIFICATE have an ownership certificate signed by the
ON PARCEL MAPS FOR CITY-OWNED legal owner. The Engineering Division is
PROPERTIES doing land surveys on City-owned parcels
and preparing Parcel Maps on a continuing
basis. In order to record these maps, the
Council must authorize the Mayor to sign
the ownership certificate on behalf of the
8. RESOLUTION NO. 8091 - The contract covers the terms and conditions
APPROVING EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT for hiring Mr. Adolph (Bud) Bigge, former
FOR THE DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL Director of Personnel for the City of San
Diego, as this City's new Director of
9. RESOLUTION NO. 8092 - If approved, the railroad crossing protection
AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO fund will reimburse the City f6r 50% of
EXECUTE AN APPLICATION FOR its cost or $4,475. Along with the appli-
ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FROM THE cation will be a request that the PUC place
CROSSING PROTECTION FUND BY this "F" Street crossing on District 11,
THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CALTRANS' eligible list for federal crossing
POST 36B-7.65-X-N
City Council Meeting -8- March 23, 1976
lO. RESOLUTION NO. 8093 - The request is for an approval of an
APPROVING AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY agreement between the City and San Diego &
AND SAN DIEGO & ARIZONA EASTERN Arizona Eastern Railway Company for instal~
RAILWAY COMPANY FOR CROSSING AT lation of warning devices on "F" Street
WOODLAWN AVENUE AND "F" STREET immediately west of the intersection with
MILE POST 36B-7.65-X-N Woodlawn Avenue. Thecrossin'g is for the
spur track which runs easterly along the
centerline of "F" Street which terminates
at Broadway. On February 10, 1976, the
City received an agreement from San Diego &
Arizona Eastern Railway Company. The
Railway Company furnished the City with an
eight point cost estimate for the crossing
which was $17,900. The City's share is
50% or $8,900.
It was requested that the Council appro-
priate and authorize the expenditure of $8,900
from the unappropriated balance of 2106 Gas
Tax Funds.
11. RESOLUTION NO, 8094 - On February 11, 1976, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
APPROVING ENCROACHMENT Schmidt applied for an encroachment permit
PERMIT NO. 76-5 to construct a retaining wall at 906 Buck-
aroo Lane within a portion of the slope
maintenance easement of Open Space District
No. 3. The construction of the retaining
wall is incidental to the construction of
a swimming pool in the Schmidts' rear yard.
12. RESOLUTION NO. 8095 - The current budget provides for the purchase
AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE of nine (9) police patrol vehicles. The
OF NINE (9) POLICE PATROL City is able to obtain the vehicles via a
VEHICLES cooperative purchasing arrangement with the
City of Los Angeles. The vehicles are the
Plymouth intermediate size police specials
with a unit price of $4,080.79. The total
price including tax is $38,930.74. Budget
estimate for the vehicles was $38,300;
however funds have been transferred to Account
01-2140-5565 to cover the additional cost.
(End of Consent Calendar)
7. RESOLUTION NO. 8096 - The Public Works Department is seeking
AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO approval from Federal Highway Administration
EXECUTE A RIGHT OF WAY for the following eight traffic signal
Fifth Avenue & "J" Street
Fifth Avenue & "K" Street
Industrial & "L" Street
Signal Modernization
Third Avenue & "L" Street (installation of
left turn phase)
New Pedestrian Signals
Third Avenue & "E" Street
Third Avenue & "F" Street
Fourth Avenue & "K" Street
Hilltop Drive & "I" Street
City Council iMeefing -9- March 23, 1976
Council discussion Discussion followed concerning the signal-
ization of Industrial and "L" Street,
whether the City is committed to these
projects because of the Federal Aid Urban
funds, and whether the funds can be used to
put the signals in other intersections.
Director of Public Works Robens stated that
the City is committed to these funds through
the FAU process.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Sco~t, Hobel
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
13. RESOLUTION NO. 8097 - A written report was submitted by the Director
DETER~tINING AND DECLARING of Public Works in which he explained that on
THE PUBLIC NECESSITY FOR March 26, 1974, the Council accepted his
ACQUIRING ADDITIONAL RIGHT- report for the overlay of J Street and modi-
OF-WAY AT THE NORTHEAST fication of the easterly curb returns at the
CORNER OF THIRD AVENUE AND intersections Of 5th, 4th and 3rd Avenues.
J STREET AND AUTHORIZING THE The scope of the project is to modify the curb
COMMENCEMENT OF CONDEMNATION returns to make the new drainage inlets operable
PROCEEDINGS TO ACQUIRE SAID which were installed at the ultimate curb lo-
RIGHT-OF-WAY cation. The Engineering Division has completed
the design plans for the project. An additional
103 square feet of right-of-way must be acquired
from Russell and Joyce Taylor, owners of prop-
erty at 695 Third Avenue to accomodate the
modification and new construction at this corner.
An appraisal report of that right-of-way has
placed a value of $5.75 per square foot or a
fair market value of $600.
Director of Public Works Robens added that the
Taylors are unwilling to accept the $600, and
it is his recommendation that the Council
direct the City Attorney to commence condemnation
proceedings to acquire the right-of-way.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the
text was waived by unanimous consent, passed
and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
14. RESOLUTION NO. 8098 - At its meeting of January 27, 1976, the City
PROVIDING FOR TUE SPECIAL Council approved an agreement with OUR HOUSE and
APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR established the necessary budgetary accounts.
IMPLEMENTATION OF OUR HOUSE In conjunction with that action, the Council
DRUG ABUSE PREVENTION AND appropriated $25,000 to assist the contractor
EARLY INTERVENTION PROJECT with expenses until Federal funds are received.
City Council Meeting -10- March 23, 1976
The Director of Finance submitted a report in
which he explained that the invoice for these
funds will clear the Office of Criminal Justice
Planning on March 18 and the receipt of the
check to the City should take approximately
three weeks after that. In the meantime, OUR
HOUSE will need an additional $6,150 to meet
necessary expenses through April 15, 1976.
'Resolution Offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of
the test was waived by unanimous consent, passed
and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde,
Egdahl, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
15. RESOLUTION NO. 8099 Moreland Investment Company has petitioned the
OPPOSING THE PROPOSAL TO County of San Diego for an amendment to the
AMEND THE COUNTY GENERAL PLAN County General Plan in order to convert 3,400
IN THE VICINITY OF SAN MIGUEL acres of land, situated southerly and adjacent
MOUNTAIN - THE PROPOSED BONITA to the Sweetwater Reservoir, and on the slopes
MIGUEL COMMUNITY of Mother Miguel and San Miguel Mountains, from
an area slated for Mountain Development and
Rural Residential to an urbanized and largely
self-sufficient townsite. This development could
ultimately accommodate 10,000 dwelling units,
350 commercial/industrial acres and a population
of 32,000 people.
In a written report to the Council, Director of
Planning Peterson analyzed the proposed development
and concluded that the proposal would urbanize a
portion of the South Bay's greenbelt preserve,
sprawling the urban pattern of Chula Vista. Mr.
Peterson added that this sprawl would place the
order, amenity, and environmental quality of
Chula Vista, Bonita, Sunnyside, and the Sweet-
water Valle~ ih chronic jeopardy.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the
text was waived by unanimous consent, passed and
adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
Council's comments Councilman Hobel felt that the resolution should
reflect Council's opposition to Route 125.
Mayor Hamilton commented that the resolution should
mention the Council's stand that a sphere of in-
fluence study be implemented and finalized, and
that the County should provide a policy for the
d~velopment of this type of land. Further, that
development of urbanized areas should be required
to be within the City and not just in county areas.
City Council Meeting ~ll- March 23, 1976
Motion for staff It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
presentation by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that the staff be directed to prepare a more
comprehensive presentation of ~he City's
position in regard to this matter, encompassing
the remarks made by the Mayor, and that this
position be made in person by a member of the
City Council or staff at the County hearing
when this matter is considered.
16. RESOLUTION Over a period of three years, the Library has
PROVIDING FOR THE SPECIAL received cash gifts of $16,500 from the Stephen
APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR and Mary Birch Foundation. The funds were
PURCHASE OF AUDIO-VISUAL deposited in Account #15-272, Donated Surplus.
EQUIPMENT City Librarian Levine requested that these
funds be transferred to Account #15-5568 for
purchase of audio-visual equipment.
Motion for purchase of It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
permanent article by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
that the money be concentrated in some parti-
cular area or part of the library so that
whatever is purchased will have a permanence
and lasting quality which can be identified
with the donor.
In answer to Council'squestion, Mrs. Patsy
Ro~e, Senior Librarian, explained that because
of the impact of the media, it was decided
to purchase the audio-visual equipment. This
equipment will last several years.
Resolution filed It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Councilman Scott and unanimously carried that
the resolution be filed.
Motion to bring back It was moved by lqayor Hamilton, seconded by
resolution Councilman Scott and unanimously carried that
a resolution be brought back appropriatinq
the funds to purchase the list of equipment
stipulated under Exhibit "A" of the proposed
Motion for law library It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that in light
of the fact that there may be a County R~gional
Facility which will include a number of court
facilities and because of the anticipated influx
of attorney§ in the area, that the Library staff
and the City Attorney be asked to consider and
make a recommendation to the Council to have
part of the Library be used for a legal law
City Attorney stated this is an area which will
be explored with bond counsel for the South
Bay Court Complex.
~!otion withdrawn Councilman Egdahl withdrew his motion.
City Council Meeting -12- March 23, 1976
17. RESOLUTION Community Development Director Desrochers
DECLARING MORATORIUM IN submitted a report in whi]ch he explained
THAT SECTION OF THE THIRD that the Redevelopment area is at present
AVENUE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT somewhat in a "twilight zone" between
AREAS KNOWN AS SUBAREA ONE former controls and those to be imposed
under a redevelopment plan. In order to
prevent development that is not consistent
with the proposed renewal effort, he
recommended a 9-month building moratorium
for Subarea One (areas between "E" and "G"
A letter from the Third Avenue Project Area
Committee recommended that the Council
enact this moratorium.
Motion for continuance It was moved by Councilman Hyde and seconded
by Councilman Hobel that this matter be
postponed until the next Council Meeting
and that the Downtown Association, Down-
town Improvement District, Chamber of
Commerce and Parking Place Commission be
advised of this proposal.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Hobel, Scott,
Noes: Councilman Egdahl
Absent: Hone
Motion for moratorium It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that there be a moratorium established
(for that area) for the next two weeks
(~p to the meeting date).
Recess A recess was called at 10:25 p.m. and the
meeting reconvened at 10:38 p.m.
18a. RESOLUTION NO. 8100 - Mayor Hamilton announced he will abstain
DECLARING CITY'S INTENTION TO from discussion and voting in this matter
ENTER INTO A JOI~IT POWERS due to a possible conflict of interest.
SAN DIEGO FOR THE CREATION OF The following four resolutions have been
A JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY TO prepared by the City Attorney tn accordance
DEVELOP A SOUTH COUNTY REGIONAL with the actions taken at the joint City
CENTER AT THE INTERSECTION OF Council/Board of Supervisors meeting held
THIRD AVENUE AND "H" STREET IN on March 11, 1976. Both parties agreed
THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND to enter into a joint powers agreement
AGREEING TO PARTICIPATE IN THE and to share the responsibility for the
ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN REAL purchase price in the amount of 25% ($444,087)
PROPERTY AT SAID LOCATION AND less the $75,000 option payment less $14,235
APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $354,851 representing 3/4 of the tax payments due
TO CONTRIBUTE TO SAID ACQUISITION April 10, 1976 - a total of $354,851. This
money is to be appropriated from the Special
Capital Outlay Fund and Revenue Sharing
Funds with the understanding that it will
be reimbursed by a loan from the Redevelop-
ment Agency, which in turn, the City would
expect to repay from the bonds sold by the
Joint Powers Authority.
City Council Meeting -13- March 23, 1976
Council discussion A general discussion followed regarding the
acquisition costs, Council's motion made at
the meeting of March ll, 1976, commitment by
the City, and how the figure of $354,851 was
Mayor Pro Tempore Scott indicated he would
like to see one figure stated - and not stated
that the City is involved in any real estate
Motion for final figure It was moved by Councilman Scott that, at this
time, the final figure be $354,851 as proposed
by staff.
No second to motion The motion died for lack of second.
Discussion of motion The Council reviewed the minutes of the meetinq
of March 11 and specifically, the motion made
that "a resolution be drafted formalizing an
offer on the part of the City of Chula Vista to
participate in the cost of the acquisition of
the property at Third Avenue and "H~' Street of
which the City now has an option - with the
City agreeing to pay one-fourth of the cost of
such acquisition."
City Attorney Lindber§ commented that it would
be appropriate for the Council to direct the
staff to meet with the County staff to explain
the action being taken by the Council at this
Motion for letter It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded
of explanation by Councilman Hyde that the staff write a letter
to the County staff and the Board of Supervisors
stating this dollar amount and how it was arrived
at based on the one-quarter formula agreed upon
and say this is the-amount Chula Vista is offering
to have the courts and the other related facilities
brought to Chula Vista and further, that Chula
Vista consider~ this theamount to help in pur-
chasing the property but not really partners as
far as the purchase goes.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hyde, Egdahl, Hobel
Noes: bone
Absent: None
Abstain: Mayor Hamilton
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Nobel, the reading of the
text was waived by unanimous consent, passed and
adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hyde, Egdahl, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: Mayor Hamilton
18b. RESOLUTION NO. 8101 - This resolution is an assignment of the Option
ASSIGNING THAT CERTAIN OPTION Agreement, as amended, to the County of San
City Council Meeting -14- March 23, 1976
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hyde, Egdaht
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: Mayor Hamilton
18c. RESOLUTION NO. 8102 - This resolution approves the First Amendment
APPROVING FIRST AMENDMENT to the Option Agreement extending it for a
TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN one month period and appropriating the sum
THE C~T¥ OF CHULA VISTA of $15,000 which is due to be paid the first
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hnbel, Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: Mayor Hamilton
18d. RESOLUTION NO. 8103 - This resolution appropriates the sum of
APPROPRIATING $20,000 FOR THE $18,980.69 which will be needed to pay
PAYMENT OF TAXES ON THE PROPERTY the taxes for which an installment is due
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: Mayor Hamilton
19. ORDINANCE NO. 1674 - Annexation has been requested for three
APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO parcels of land (0.7Tac~es)~or~the purpose of
SAID CITY OF CERTAIN UNIN- obtaining comprehensive city services. The
HABITED TERRITORY KNOWN AND properties are located on the south side of
DESIGNATED AS CEDENO-SKINNER L Street between Hilltop Drive and Country
ANNEXATION - FIRST READING Club Drive, and have been prezoned R-1.
LAFCO approved the annexation dn March 1, 1976
and authorized the City to annex the territory
without public hearing.
Ordinance placed on first It was moved by Councilman Hyde that this
reading ordinance be placed on its first reading and
that the reading of the text be waived by
unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
City Council Meeting -15- March 23, 1976
20a. ORDINANCE NO. 1675 - The applicant has requested annexation
APPROVING THE ANNEXATION to the City nf two parcels of land. (1.06
OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED acres) for the purpose of obtaining com-
TERRITORY KNOWN AND DES- prehensive city services. The properties
IGNATED AS LECKMAN-MANNIS are located on the east side of Hilltop
ANNEXATION - FIRST READING Drive, approximately 150 feet south of
G Street, and have been prezoned R-l-lO.
LAFCO approved the annexation on March 1, 1976.
The Planning Commission recommended approval
on December 8, 1975.
Ordinance placed on first It was moved by Councilman Hyde that this
reading ordinance be placed on its first reading
and that the reading of the text be waived
by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
2Ob. RESOLUTION NO. 8104 - To avoid dual charges for fire protection
WITHDRAWING CERTAIN REAL services, the proposed annexation will have
PROPERTY KNOWN AND DESIGNATED to be withdrawn from the Bonita-Sunnyside
AS THE LECKMAN-MANNIS ANNEX- Fire Protection District under the pro-
ATION FROM THE BONITA-SUNNYSIDE vision of Section 13952 of the Health and
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
21. ORDINANCE NO. 1676 - The ordinance was intended to prohibit the
AMENDING SECTION 10.80.110 parking of vehicles in unfenced side yards
AND ADDING SECTIONS 10.84.010 which are adjacent to a street, as in a
THROUGH 10.84.030 OF THE CHULA corner lot situation. This has been clarified
VISTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING by amending the language of the ordinance
TO THE PROCEDURES FOR COLLECT- to state: "...removal of vehicles from pri-
ING COSTS OF REMOVING ABANDONED vate property in the front yard, unfenced
VEHICLES - FIRST READING exterior side yard and parkway ~e~ ~reas..."
The ordinance further specifies that the
requirement applies in all zones.
Ordinance placed on first It was moved by Councilman Hyde that this
reading ordinance be placed on its first reading and
that the reading of the text be waived by
unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
City Council Meeting -16- March 23, 1976
22. ORDINANCE NO. 1677 - The ordinance amends several street and
AMENDING SECTIONS 12.12.080, sidewalk sections of the City code which
12.12.090, 12.12.100, 12.12.110 pertain to the dropping of debris from
AND 12.28.030, SUBSECTION B OF vehicles, storage of building materials
THE CHULA VISTA MUNICIPAL CODE in the public rights-of-way and the pro-
ALL RELATING TO THE STORAGE OF cedures for controlling the above.
Ordinance placed on first It was moved by Councilman Hyde that this
reading ordinance be placed on its first reading and
that the reading of the text be waived by
unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
23. ORDINANCE NO. 1678 - The requirements are: (1) mechanical equip-
AMENDING SECTION 17.24.050 ment shall be located a minimum of 25 feet
ADDING THERETO A NEW SUB- from any dwelling, or (2) the equipment
SECTION M AND REPEALING shall be housed in a concrete or masonry
SECTION 15.48.050 OF THE building with sound absorbing material, or
CHULA VISTA MUNICIPAL CODE (3) the equipment shall be located below
Ordinance placed on first It was moved by Councilman Hyde that this
reading ordinance be placed on its first reading and
that the reading of the text be waived by
unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
24. ORDINANCE NO. 1679 - The ordinance deals with overdue books and
AMENDING TITLE 2 OF THE other materials from the Library or the de-
CHULA VISTA MUNICIPAL CODE struction of Library property.
Ordinance placed on first It was moved by Councilman Hyde that this
reading ordinance be placed on its first reading and
that the reading of the text be waived by
unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott, Hobel
Noes: None
Absent: None
City Council Meeting -17- March 23, 1976
25. ORDINANCE NO. 1680 - The ordinance specifies that each applicant
AMENDING SECTIONS 5.20.070, for a work permit shall be issued same for
SUBSECTION B, AND 5.38.120 a fee of $20 for a one year period with a
Ordinance placed on first It was moved by Councilman Hyde that this
reading ordinance be placed on its first reading and
that the reading of the text be waived by
unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
26. ORDINANCE NO. 1671 - The ordinance tightens up the enforcement
AMENDING SECTION 2.16.030, of prohibitions against illegally placed
SUBSECTIONS K AND L AND ADDING signs in the public right-of-way and adds
A NEW SUBSECTION M, AND RE- this responsibility to the Director of Parks
PEALING SECTION 2.16.060 OF and Recreation.
Ordinance placed on second It was moved by Councilman Scott that this
reading and adopted ordinance be placed on second reading and
adopted and that the reading of the text
be waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
27. ORDINANCE NO. 1672 - This new ordinance, while retaining strict
REPEALING SECTIONS 5.26.240 regulations of the dances, does relax the
THROUGH 5.26.440 OF THE CHULA requirements for having a police officer
VISTA MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADDING present at all such affairs and allows a
NEW SECTIONS 5.26.240 THROUGH greater degree of discretion to be excercised
5.26.430 RELATING TO THE REG- by the Chief of Police in regulating such
Ordinance placed on second It was moved by Councilman Scott that this
reading and adopted ordinance be placed on second reading and
adopted and that the reading of the text
be waived by unanimous consent.
City Council Meeting -18- March 23, 1976
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton
ttyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
28a. REPORT FROM PLANNING In a written report to the Council,
COMMISSION ON PROPOSED Director of Planning Peterson reviewed the
MODIFICATION OF ZONE background of this matter. On January 13,
CHANGE AT I-5 AND 1976, the Council placed on first reading an
"E'! STREET ordinance rezoning 8.88 acres of property
at I-5 and "E" Street from C-V to C-V-P and
R-3, excepting therefrom approximately two
acres with plans in process for a Black
Angus restaurant.
The matter was referred back to the Planning
Commission for report.
On February 9, 1976, the Planning Commission
reaffirmed their prior recommendation to
include the Black Angus site in the C-V-P
28b. ORDINANCE NO. 1661 - City Attorney Lindberg explained that the
AMENDING ZONING MAP OR MAPS ordinance being placed on second reading
ESTABLISHED BY SECTION 19~18.010 excludes the Black Angus restaurant from the
CONTAINING 6.9 ACRES LOCATED Current Planning Supervisor Lee stated he
SOUTH OF "E" STREET, EAST OF I-5, received a letter from Mr. Stevenson, Vice-
FROM C-V TO C~V-p AND R-3 - President of Black Angus restaurants,
SECOND READtNG AND ADOPTION agreeing to be part of the precise plan zoning.
The recommendation of the Planning Commission
is that the property be placed in the "P"
zone so the entire area will be in the "P"
Ordinance filed It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Mayor Hamilton and unanimously carried
that the ordinance be filed.
ORDINANCE NO. 1681 - It was moved by Councilman Scott that the
AMENDING ZONING MAPS ordinance be placed on first reading.
19.18.010 OF THE CITY CODE,
Motion carried The motion which includes the Black Angus
property in the "P" zone, carried by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hamilton, Hyde,
Noes: Councilman Hobel
Absent: None
City Council Meeting -19- March 23, 1976
a. REPORT ON PROPOSAL TO In a written statement, City Manager Cole
EMPLOY STATE LEGISLATIVE explained that the California Coastal Plan
REPRESENTATIVE ON CALI- has been submitted totheLegislature for
FORNIA COASTAL PLAN drafting of a comprehensive Coastal bill
LEGISLATION to implement the plan by statute. The
complexity of the legislation makes it
necessary for the City to contemplate the
most feasible manner under which the proposed
legislation can be analyzed and pursued to
secure amendments that will have to be in-
corporated before it can be realistically
Motion for report in 30 It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
days by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that staff explore the matter further and
report back in 30 days.
b. REPORT ON WITHDRAWAL OF In response to LAFCO's refusal to recommend
ARIZONA STREET ANNEXATION to the Board of Supervisors that the Arizona
FROM THE MONTGOMERY FIRE Street Annexation be withdrawn from the
PROTECTION DISTRICT Montgomery Fire Protection District in order
to avoid double taxation of the property
owners, the City Council directed the City
Manager and the City Attorney to negotiate
some mutually satisfactory agreement. In a
written report, City Manager Cole stated
that some progress has been made; however,
it is recommended that the Council approve
continued negotiations and that a date be set
for a joint meeting of the City Council and
the Fire District Board.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman I~yde, that the report be accepted,
but include in the delegation the Mayor or
Vice ~ayor (in continued negotiations).
Clarification by City City Manager Cole explained that as soon as
Manager Cole the approach to the "automatic response" can
be worked out, it would be appropriate for the
Council to hold a joint meeting with the
Fire Protection District Board and discuss
the matter further.
Suggestion for inclusion Councilman Scott suggested that having the
in motion two bodies meet should be included in the
Motion carried The motion carried unanimously.
c. REPORT ON REORGANIZATION Early in 1976, the County Board of Supervisors
OF COUNTY OFFICE OF EMER- directed their staff to develop a phase out
GENCY SERVICES plan for the Office of Emergency Services (OE$)
but retain such beneficial aspects as the
Surplus/Excess Property Program. Inca written
report, City Manager Cole recommended that the
current arrangement be maintained, but that the
County be supported in the effort to reduce
costs ~therever possible. He suggested that
the City support the general conclusions and
recommendations contained in the County staff
report under date of February 3, 1976.
City Council Meeting -20- ~arch 23, 1976
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
that the report be accepted,
d. REPORT ON STARLIGHT The Chamber of Commerce requested the Council
CENTER LOAN to relieve the Starlight Center of its ob-
ligation of $10,347.91. In a written statement,
City Manager Cole reported that the monies used
for the improvements abutting the Starlight
Cen~er property were 2107 Gas Tax Funds which
can be used for any street purposes; hence,
the improvements made are all legitimate gas
tax expenditures.
Motion to forgive loan It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that
the Council forgive the loan.
30. REPORT ON ORANGE AVENUE At the meeting of February 17, 1976 the City
AND LOMA LANE FOUR-WAY Council referred to staff a petition for a
STOP STUDY four-way stop at Orange Avenue and Loma Lane.
Director of Public Works Robens reported
that the staff study shows it is not in
the best interest of traffic (both vehic-
ular and pedestrian) safety to install a
four-way stop at this intersection at this
time and recommended denial.
Motion to accept staff It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
recommendation by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that staff recommendation be accepted.
31. REPORT ON SAFETY COMMISSION'S The City Council referred a request to staff
REVIEW OF SITE PLANS from the Safety Commission to amend Reso-
lution No. 6772 regarding the Council's
policy on the Safety Commission's review
of site plans. Director of Public Works
Robens said in a written report that after
evaluation of the records, it is recommended
that Resolution No. 6772 be retained as
presently written. Under this resolution
the site plans or precise plans will be
referred to the Safety Commission, if, in
the opinion of the staff, the plan creates
possible hazardous conditions to vehicles
or pedestrians in the public right-of-way.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that the staff recommendation be accepted.
32. REPORT ON REVIEW OF PROPOSALS Pursuant to Council direction, the Consultant
FROM CONSULTANTS ON STUDY OF Selection Committee on the Rice Canyon Study
450 ACRE RICE CANYON AREA has narrowed the field from the original 17
firms to three finalists. In a written
~ummary, Director of Planning Peter~on said
it is recommended that the Council authorize
interviews with representatives of the top
three firms and that they be informed that
the Council may cut this budget.
City Council Meeting -21- March 23, 1976
Motion to accept staff It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded
recommendation by Councilman Itobel that the staff recom-
mendation be accepted and interviews held
with the final three; and in addition see
if the City banks are willing to participate
at the same time.
Discussion of motion Councilman Hyde commented that he thought it
might be useful if the Council advised the
staff how much money the City Council is
willing to spend on a consultant for this
program. Mayor Hamilton suggested that the
same type of study be made as was done on
the waterfront which would be less expen-
Comments by Assistant Assistant Director of Planning Williams
Director of Planning Williams explained that there are three parts to the
study: (1) conceptual plans, (2) economic
data, and (3) detailed plans to be drawn.
Addition to motion Mayor Hamilton asked that the motion include
acceptance of staff recommendation to inter-
view the top three and determine a specific
dollar amount; to revise the scope of the work
with the figures brought back to Council;
and to delete that portion requiring detailed
Clarification of motion Councilman Hyde clarified the motion stating
that what the Council wants is concept,
land use and economic analysis.
Motion carried Councilman Scott agreed to include all this
in his original motion; Councilman Hobel
agreed to the second and the motion carried
33. STATUS REPORT ON TRAFFIC STUDY Director of Public Works Robens reported that
the City has received the first computer
printout for traffic assignments on the
City's street network. Corrections have
been made and a second printout is being
prepared. If the revised r~sults are
realistic, a formal presentation will be
made to the Council.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the report be accepted.
34. REPORT ~EQUESTING RECONSIDERATION On March 3, 1976 Council asked the Planning
OF A REZO~ING INITIATED BY COUNCIL Commission to study the possibility of
ON MARCH 3, 1976 rezoning properties along 'qY' Street between
Third and Fourth and along Third Avenue
between "H" and "I" Streets to the "P"
Modifying District. Assistant Director of
Planning Williams explained that the Third
Avenue Redevelopment Plan may be completed
and adopted before a rezoning process
could be completed.
Council Concerns Councilman Hobel reaffirmed his concern that
the Council review void areas from Glover
down to Fourth Avenue. t~e said he would
stay with his original motion that the "P"
Modifying District be put on those properties
along "H" Street up Third to "I" Street.
City Council Meeting -22- March 23, 1976
Motion for ordinance for Councilman Scott moved that an ordinance
interim zone designation be drafted (in two weeks) providing for an
interim precise zone which is good for 90
days for that area between Fourth and Third
On "H" on both sides of the street, and
between "H" and !'I" on Third on both sides
of the street. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Hobel and carried unanimously.
35. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION ON Director of Planning Peterson, in a written
THE NEED FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF statement, explained that the Planning Depart-
A MINIMUM HEIGHT LIMIT IN THE merit has done extensive research in an effort
R-3-H ZONE to synthesize a city planning definition of
"high-rise buildings." It is the recommenda-
tion of the staff that this be referred to
the Planning Commission for its consideration
of a zoning text amendment which would establish
5 stories as the minimum building height limit
in the R-3-H zone.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Councilman Scott and unanimously carried that
the report be accepted and the matter re-
ferred to the Planning Commission.
REPORT OF CITY ATTORNEY LINDBERG City Attorney Lindberg commented on the ini-
tiative proposal on the repeal of the Utility
User's Tax. He explained that the proponents
have become aware that since the Utility User's
Tax is a tax to meet the current needs of the
City, it is not subject to the initiative pro-
He further commented that when the tax was
adopted in July of 1970, he gave a written
opinion to the Council that the tax was not-sub-
ject to referendum process and that also
ehcompassed the question of the initiative
process. That opinion has been available
to the public since July, 1970 and no attempt
has been made to conceal the fact that it
would be the recommendation of the City
Attorney's Office that should petitions
be presented to the Council for an initia-
tive measure, that the City Clerk should
reject them.
36. RECOMMENDATION FOR COUNCIL The Association of Environmental Professionals
SUPPORT, IN CONCEPT, OF THE has submitted to the state legislators proposed
PROPOSED ASSOCIATION OF EN- amendments to CEQA to streamline the Environmental
VIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS' Review Procedure. At the meeting of February 26,
AMENDMENTS TO CEQA the Commission voted 5-0 to "recommend to the
City Council that they prepare a resolution
adopting, in concept, AEP's recommendations of
CEQA ameddments."
Council discussion Mayor Hamilton stated he felt there are changes
that need to be made and asked that the Attorney's
Office and the City Manager's Office comment
on these necessary changes.
City Council Meeting -23- March 23, 1976
Motion to refer to staff It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that this be referred to staff and a report
to be brought back to the Council.
~.~YOR'S COMMENTS Mayor Hamilton said be had received a request
from Attorney Roger Hedgecock asking if the
City Council wishes to participate as amicus
curiae in the Superior Court decision on the
shopping center in connection with the Bonita
Golf Course.
Motion for amicus curiae It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that
the Council be "friends of the Court".
Smoke detectors It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
Councilman Scott and unanimously carried that
staff investigate whether requirements can
be instituted in the City of Chula Vista to
have smoke detectors installed in older homes
more subject to fire.
Letter to be sent ta Councilman Scott suggested that a letter be sent
Mr. Tom Emmons to Mr. Tom Emmons informing him of the Council's
MTDB-CPO Memorandum of Councilman Hobel reported that the Federal
Understanding authorities from U~A will be in San Diego
in two weeks. All agencies and Councils are
invited, together with San Diego Tran§it and
MTDB, to attend the presentation.
Letter from Department Councilman Egdahl requested that staff follow
of Transportation up on the letter received from the Department
of Transportation - CALTRANS - regarding the
signalization of north 1-805 ramps and
Telegraph Canyon Road.
a. Verified claim for damages - A verified claim for damages was received from
Norman Alexander N~elson Mr. Nielson in the amount of $15,000 for an
4556 Altadena, San Diego alleged assault by Chula Vista Police Officers.
Claim denied It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Councilman Hyde. and unanimously ~arried that the
claim be denied and referred to the insurance
carrier for investigation.
b. Request from Chula Vista The Chula Vista Downtown Association requested
Downtown Association that the ordinance regulating sidewalk sales be
waived on May 21 and 22, 1976 so that they may
sponsor a Spring Arts and Crafts Festival, and
that the street ~weeping be done on the early
morning of May 21 or late evening of May 20.
City Council Meeting -24- March 23, 1976
Motion to approve request It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the City staff be allowed to make
necessary decisions and set up criteria
allowing the waiver and street sweeping.
c. Request for Council Council received a letter from the Citizens
endorsement of Proposition for Cal-Vet Housing Proposition 2 requesting
2 on the June 8 ballot - Council support of Proposition 2 on the
Citizens for Cal-Vet June 8 ballot concerning the 1976 Cal-Vet
Housing Proposition 2 bond issue.
Motion to support It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that the Council support the Proposition.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at ll:40
p.m. to the Council Conference scheduled for
Wednesday, March 24, 1976 at 4:00 p.m.