Held Tuesday April 20, 1976
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held
on the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, City Hall, 276 Fourth
Avenue with the following
Councilmen present: Mayor Hamilton, Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hyde, Egdahl
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, Assistant City Attorney Beam, Assistant City Manager
Asmus, Director of Public Works Robens, Director of Planning Peterson,
Director of Community Development Desrochers
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hamilton followed by a moment of
silent prayer.
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried that
the minutes of the meetings of April 8 and 13,
1976 be approved, copies having been sent to
each Councilman. (Councilman Hyde abstained
as he was not present at the last meeting).
2. a. ALL STATES PROGRAM - Mayor Hamilton read the Proclamation honoring
KANSAS the State of Kansas. The people in the audience
from this state were asked to stand and introduce
a. 1. PROCLAMATION OF THE Mayor Hamilton read the Proclamation of the City
CITY COUNCIL PROCLAIM- Council proclaiming the week of April 18 through
ING APRIL 18 THROUGH April 24, 1976 as National Secretaries Week in
APRIL 24, 1976 AS the City of Chula Vista and presented the Pro-
NATIONAL SECRETARIES clamation to the City Clerk, Jennie Fulasz.
b. RESOLUTION NO. 8126 - I, Jennie M. Fulasz, City Clerk of the City of
RECITING THE FACT OF THE Chula Vista, California, County of San Diego,
GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION State of California, duly authorized by Resolution
HELD ON APRIL 13, 1976, No. 8106, adopted by the City Council of said City
DECLARING THE RESULT THEREOF on the 6th day of April 1976, do hereby certify
AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS ARE that I have canvassed the returns of the regular
PROVIDED BY THE PROVISIONS OF general municipal election held in said city on
THE CHARTER the 13th day of April 1976, and find that the
number of votes given at each precinct and the
number of votes given in the City to persons
voted for, the respective offices for which said
persons were candidates and for and against the
measures were as follows:
That the whole number of votes ca~t in the City of
Chula Vista and the Chula Vista City School District
was 9,884.
That the following person was elected to fill the
office of Councilman Seat No. 1 for a term of four
Lauren I. Egdahl
That the following two candidates for Councilman
Seat No. 2 must face a run-off election on June 8due
to the fact that none of the candidates received
City Council Meeting -2- April 20, 1976
a majority of votes cast for this Seat and the
following received the highest number of votes
Gregory R. Cox
Newton C. Chaney
That the following persons were elected to fill
the office of the Board of Education (Chula Vista
Elementary School District) for a term of four
Judith L. Bauer
Peter J. Watry, Jr.
Joseph D. Cummings
That the following propositions were voted upon
at said election:
PROPOSITION A: An amendment to the Charter
of the City of Chula Vista amending Article 3
Section 304 thereof providing for a full-time
Mayor and a method for the establishment of
the salary for the office of Mayor in accor-
dance with the procedure established by State
law by an ordinance adooted bv the Citv Council
or by a majority vote of the electors voting
on the proposition at ~ municipal election.
PROPOSITION B: An amendment to the Charter
of the City of Chula Vista amending Article 8,
Section 803 thereof by repealing and deleting
Subsection 5 of Section 803 relating to the
probationary period of officers and employees
in the Classified service of the City.
PROPOSITION C: An amerdment to the Charter of
the City of Chula Vista amending Article 8,
Section 807 thereof relating to the hearing
and appeal requirements for the removal or
suspension of employees in the Classified
service of the City by repealing and deleting
said Section 807.
PROPOSITION D: An amendment to the Charter of
the City of Chula Vista amending Article 3,
Section 308 thereof to authorize City Council
to conduct special Council meentings at a
suitable place other than the Council Chamber
of the City Hall upon proper notice and pro-
vided that no decisions be made at said special
meeting except that final actions may be taken
at joint meetings with other governmental
agencies held at a regular place of meeting
of such agencies.
That as a result of said election, a majority of the
qualified voters voting on said Proposition A re-
lating to a Charter change did vote against the
proposition and therefore it shall be deemed defeated.
That as a result of said election, a majority of the
qualified voters voting on said Proposition B, C,
D did vote in favor thereof, and that said Proposi-
tions carried and shall be deemed adopted.
City Council Meeting -3- April 20, 1976
That attached hereto and made a part hereof is a
list of persons voted for and the propositions
and measures voted on, together with the number
of votes received in each precinct and the total
votes received in the election.
I certify that the foregoing statement of results
is a full, true and correct statement of the facts
of said canvass and of the results of said election,
and that as soon as the result was declared, the
aforesaid statement was duly entered by me, the
City Clerk of the City of Chula Vista, on the
records of said City Council.
Dated: April 20, 1976
Signed: Jennie M. Fulasz, City Clerk
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of the
text was waived by unanimous consent, passed and
adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde
Egdahl, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
c. OATH OF OFFICE TO City Clerk Fulasz administered the Oath of Office
NEWLY ELECTED to Councilman Lauren I. Egdahl who was re-elected
COUNCILMAN to Councilman Seat No. 1 for a four-year period
and to Peter Watry and Joseph Cummings elected to
the Board of Education. (Mrs. Judith Bauer,
re-elected to the Board of Education was not
Gregory M. Evans Mr. Evans appealed a decision of the Board of
lO81 Oleander Avenue Appeals regarding a waiver of the height of the
Chula Vista ceiling in his family room (7 ft., 1-1/2 in.).
Referred to staff It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by Council-
man Hobel and unanimously carried that this matter
be referred to staff to come back as an agenda item
for the meeting of April 27, 1976.
City Manager Cole commented that he discussed this
matter with the Director of Building and Housing
and will have a report for the Council next week.
Scott asked that the staff check the
procedure for appeals with the Board of Appeals.
John Madsen Mr. Madsen discussed Item No. 14 (alley in back of
270 Madrona Street La Bella Pizza Restaurant). He read a letter from
Chula Vista the property owners adjacent to the drainage ditch
(between "G" and Madrona Streets) in which they
stated that paving the alley would be totally
unrealistic with little benefit to the property
owners and the cost would be prohibitive. Mr.
Madsen noted the damage to the drainage ditch
through the "~isuse of the ditch" by the owners
City Council Meeting -4- April 20, 1976
of the La Bella Pizza cafe stating that they should
be made to pay for the repairs. Mr. Madsen asked
that the 1911 Act efforts by the City should be
dropped completely.
Tod Jones Mr. Jones extended an invitation to the Council
OUR HOUSE and staff to visit OUR HOUSE during the week of
April 26 through May 1.
Bruce W. Folmer Mr. Folmer stated his family owns the Frontier Inn
1073 Third Avenue at 1073 Third Avenue. The matter has gone to court
Chula Vista and they pleaded innocent. Mr. Folmer remarked
that they have cooperated with the Police in every
respect and have also tried to work with the
complainants, Mr. and Mrs. Fox.
Clay l~orud Mr. Morud discussed Item ~lo. 16-d (1) and (2) con-
32 Plymouth Court cerning the zoning problem at Quintard and Tobias.
Chula Vista
He noted the request made by Margaret Schutte for
reconsideration of R-1 zoning adding that the
residents are also objectin~ to the Environmental
Impact Reports for the area citing school, sewerage,
health, traffic and noise problems.
16. d. (1) Request for Council Mayor Hamilton explained that the City Manager has
Consideration to re- advised the Council that the rezoning request will
zone area at Quintard have a public hearing before the Planning Commission
and Tobias Drive from on May 24, 1976 and the petition submitted by the
R-3-G-P to R-1 - residents of this area protesting against the con-
Margaret E. Schutte sideration for approval of EIR-76-1 for the property
at Tobias and Quintard has been referred to staff
(2) Petition protesting and a report will be available for the Council
against consideration meeting of April 27, 1976.
for approval of EIR-
76-1 - Green-Vellinga
Projects at Tobias
and Quintard
It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by
Motion to accept staff's report Councilman Scott and unanimously carried~to accent
the report and recommendations of the City ~ana~er
'and the matter of the peti~tion be continued for
one week (~o~the meeting of April 27) for a staff
Mr. Morud's testimony Councilman Hobel asked that Mr. Morud's testimony
be made a part of the record and asked Mr. Morud
to submit this to the City Clerk.
Ellen Halleck Mrs. Halleck showed the Council a set of pictures
402 Westby Street taken of the Westby Street communal household. She
Chula Vista asked for a report of these households in the R-1
Mr. Beam, Assistant City Attorney, stated that a
court date has been set for the first week in May.
RECESS A recess was called at 7:50 p.m. and the meeting
reconvened at 8:03 p.m.
City Council Meeting -5- April 20, 1976
3. PUBLIC HEARING - This hearing was continued from the Council meeting
CONSIDERATION OF APPEAL OF of April 6, 1976 to allow Council to consider a
PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL seoarate staff report on standards for boarding/
LODGING HOUSE AT 153 BRIGHT- On December 8, 1975, the Planning Commission
WOOD approved the applicant's revised plan and con-
ditional use permit for a boarding/lodging house
for a maximum of 21 persons subject to certain
Director of Planning Peterson submitted a written
report detailing the revised plan and recommending
that the appeal be denied and the conditional use
permit be approved subject to the twelve conditions
as delineated in the report.
Discussion A general discussion ensued regarding opening the
public hearing and taking action on this matter
prior to the time the Planning Commission will
consider a criteria and standards for "boarding
Director of Planning Peterson said it would be his
recommendation that the Council act on this matter
and set whatever conditions they feel are reasonable.
The hearing before the Planning Commission is set
for the first meeting in May and may be able to
come to Council for its first meeting in June.
Public Hearing opened This being the time and place as advertised, the
public hearing was opened.
Speaking for the appeal Speaking in support of the appeal were: Gene York,
160 Brightwood; Bobbie Morris, 862 Cedar Avenue;
Nancy Lawe, 161Brightwood; Ma~tha Rubie, 140 Elder;
Hugh Ferguson, 728 Elm; Nancy Ferguson, 728 Elm;
Clarence Knight, 117 Jefferson; William Rambur,
325 East James Street; Dave Mills, 162 Bri§htwood.
They stated as their reasons: i~uestioned the Plan-
ning Department's criteria for allowing 21 persons
at this Site - by R-3 standards, it should be 14;
2) questioned the staff's plan depicting a proposal
for 7 units on this property; 3) staff's require-
ment for 12 parking spaces is wrong - it should be
14 spaces; 4) HUD density requirements; 5) staff
did not bring back to Council the standards asked
for; 6) what the Council is doing to the R-3 zones
not right; 7) Planning Department recommending
substandard regulations to allow this use in this
zone; 8) no way in which the cars at this site can
turn around in their driveway - they must back out
onto the street; 9) life style of the people living
in communal households discussed; 10) request
Council consideration of the moral values; 11) not
in the best interest of the community; 12) repre-
senting anti-commune organization; 13) why aren't
they classified as hotels and why aren't they subject
to periodic health and other code inspections;
14) why not require a license to have them operate;
15) not an economic life style as they claim to be;
16) vehicle trips per day would average approximately
91; 17) cannot categorize communes by putting them
into "boarding houses"; 18) tife~style threat to the
community; 19) staff is taking these plans and
"stretching them out of shape'to make them conform.
City Council Meeting -6- April 20, 1976
William Cannon, Attorney Mr. Cannon said he is representing the First
303 A Street, San Diego Baptist Church of Chula Vista. He stated that
what is being discussed tonight is "discrimination".
They, as the appellants, object to the term
"boarding house" being used for their extended
family household. This is a communal household
and should be labeled as such. Mr. Cannon added
that what is being discussed is not a boarding
house but apartments in an R-$ zone, and how
many bedrooms are involved in this use. There
is no present requirement for the number of people
who occupy a bedroom.
Mr. Cannon discussed the proposed ordinance changes
for boarding houses (as discussed on April 8, 1976).
He cited the requirement regarding parking of not
only I space per bedroom but 1 space for each study
or den plus 2 spaces per dwelling unit. As to the
living space (people per bedroom), what the Planning
Department is recommending is something beyond what
the Housing Code recommends - this again is dis-
crimination and the City is trying to preclude
communes from living in the City.
A~sistant Cit~ Attorney Beam asked Mr. Cannon if, in fact, his
Attorney's questions clients applied for a conditional use permit for
a "boarding house". Mr. Cannon submitted that
they did and explained that the City Attorney,
Mr. Lindberg, felt this new term should be brought
up; however, what is being discussed is not a
boarding house but a communal household.
Attorney Beam declared that it is the recommendation
of the Planning Director that the zoning text amend-
ment as it relates to this land use be separated
from this appeal hearing. There is nothing in
the staff report, other than the flexible standards,
which is being applied to this particular appeal
Ken Pagard Mr. Pagard explained that the original application
424 Westby was for a community household. The big change has
been in the parking (as discussed on April 8) which
he stated is an impossible situation. The Planning
Commission recommended that the parking be raised
to 10 spaces which cannot be put on the lot.
Dave Mills Mr. Mills declared that the 153 Brightwood address
is a commune with as many as 7 cars parked there
and a large banner displayed advertising this fact.
Mr. Cannon stated that it was not a communal household
- the house is just being rented out and is not part
of the church group.
Public I~earing closed There being no luther comments, either for or
against, the hearing was declared closed.
Council discussion The Council discussed the parking requirements for
this use; the April 8 meeting in which standards
were discussed and referred to the Planning Com-
mission for he~ring; definition of a family;
provisions of the Code regarding boarding houses/
lodging houses; the appellant's charge that they
are not a boarding house but a communal household;
EIR which referred to a rooming house; requirements
of family living in the R-l, R-2, R-3 zones; appli-
cation of a conditional use permit.
City Council Meeting -7- April 20, 1976
Councilman Egdahl commented that the applicants
for the conditional use permit are willinq to go
along with the boarding/lodging house definition
but want to be known for what they are - an ex-
tended family or communal household.
Motion to grant appeal It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and seconded
by Councilman Hobel that the appeal be granted
at this point.
Assistant City Mr. Beam cited the findings of fact that must be
Attorney's statements adopted pursuant to the City Code. He suggested
that they be discussed and then have the Attorney's
Office bring back a resolution for action.
Discussion of motion Councilman Scott spoke against the motion indicating
that the Council should approve or disapprove based
upon the merits of the case of the conditional use
permit in the R-3 zone. To approve the motion as
stated, Councilman Scott charged, would be giving
the appellants ammunition for discrimination of which
there is none.
Motion withdrawn Councilman Egdahl withdrew his motion.
RECESS A recess was called at lO:16 p.m. and the meeting
reconvened at 10:35 p.m.
Second withdrawn Councilman Hobel withdrew his second to the motion.
Motion for continuance It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded by
Councilman Hyde that this item be continued until
the Council gets a report back from the Planning
Commission on the definition of a boarding house
and the criteria specifications which they set
flew hearing to be Attorney Beam asked that the City Clerk be given
advertised direction to readvertise this hearing and that the
Council reopen the hearing at that time.
Made a part of motion Councilmar Scott made this a part of the motion;
Councilman Hyde agreed to the second.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilto~ Hyde
Noes: Councilman Egdahl
Absent: None
4. a. PUBLIC HEARING - Councilman Hobel stated he is abstaining from dis-
CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE cussion and action on this matter due to a conflict
OF ZONE FOR 4.66 ACRES AT of interest - this area lies directly behind his
FROM P-C TO R-1-H Director of Planning Peterson submitted a plat
noting the area in question as a triangular-shaped
parcel of property consisting of 4.66 acres with
35~ feet ~ of frontage along East "J" Street.
Mr. Peterson explained that the parcel was ori-
ginally zoned P-C as part of E1 Rancho del Rey;
however, because it is physically separated from
the remainder of the P-C zone, located east of 1-805,
he felt it better that it be developed separately.
City Council Meeting -8- April 20, 1976
On March 22, 1976, the Planning Commission recom-
mended approval of the rezoning from P-C to R-1-H
in accordance with their findings and conditions
Public Nearing opened This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor
Hamilton opened the public hearing.
Sam Blick Mr. Blick said he was representing the Gersten
Higgs Fletcher and'Mack Construction Company, owners of this property.
707 Broadway, San Diego He declared that the zoning, as proposed by the
staff, would result in 90% of the land being
undevelopable. He asked that the Council be
very careful in zoning property where it has
such a confiscatory result. Mr. Blick asked
that the area remain in the P-C zone.
Public Hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or
against, the hearing was closed.
Council discussion Councilman Scott discussed the appropriateness of
leaving the property in the P-C and at a later time,
consider it a part of an open space project due to
its steep topography..
Councilman Hyde declared that the property was a
classic example of the "H" designator.
EIR Certified It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded by
Councilman Hyde that the EIR be certified.
Motion carried Motion carried by the following vote~ to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hamilton~ ~yde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Abstain: Councilman Hobel
Absent: ~lone
b. ORDINANCE NO. - It was moved by Councilman Hyde that this ordinance
AMENDING ZONING MAPS be placed on its first reading and that the reading
ESTABLISHED BY SECTION of the text be waived by unanimous consent.
19.18.010 OF THE CITY
Motion failed Motion failed by the following vote, to-wit:
Ayes: Councilman Hyde
NOES: Councilman Scott, Hamilton, Egdahl
Abstain: Councilman Hobel
S. a. PUBLIC HEARING - At the meeting of February 3, 1976, the Council
CONSIDERATION OF A~[NDMENT referred to the PlanninFi Commission the advisability
TO ESTABLISH R-3-L ZONE of establishing an R-3 district which would limit
(LO!~ DENSITY ~ULTIPLE th6'residential density to one dwelling unit per
FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) 3,500 square feet of land. On ~arch 22, 1976, the
Planning Commission recommended approval of the
adoption of amendments to the !~unicipal Code for
the establishment of the R-3-L zone permitting
one unit per 3,5~0 square feet.
City Council Meeting -9- April 20, 1975
Public Hearing opened This being the time and place as advertised,
Mayor Hamilton opened the public hearing.
Public Hearing closed There being no comments, either for or against,
the hearing was declared closed.
Negative Declaration It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Certified Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried that the
Council finds, in accordance with the Negative
Declaration on IS-76-14 and the findings therein,
that the proposed zone text amendment will not
have any significaht impact upon the environment
and thereby certifies that the Negative Declaration
has been prepared in accordance with CEQA 1970,
as amended.
b. ORDINANCE NO. 1682 - It was moved by Councilman E~dahl that this
AMENDING SECTIONS 19.28.06g, ordinance be placed on its first reading and
19.28.079 AND 19.28.090 OF that the reading of the text be waived by
THE CHULA VISTA iIUitiCIPAL unanimous consent.
Motion carried Motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
~lamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by
Councilman Scott and unanimously carried that
the Consent Calendar be approved and adopted.
6. RESOLUTION NO. 8127 - On March 23, 1976, the City Council (Resolution
ACCEPTING, DEDICATING AND No. 8097) authorized the commencement of condem-
NAMING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY nation proceedings to acquire 103 square feet of
IN SAID CITY FOR STREET A~tD right-of-way from Russell J. and Joyce R. Taylor
HIGHWAY PURPOSES LOCATED AT at the northeast corner of Third Avenue and "J"
TNE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THIRD Street. The property owners met with the City
AVENUE AND "J" STREET Attorney and staff and on April 9, 1976, executed
a grant deed granting the City the 103 square
feet of right-of-way. It was recommended that
the parcel be dedicated and named "J" Street.
7. RESOLUTION NO. 8128 - On November 25, 1975, Dale Building Company
ACCEPTING GRANT OF EASEMENT executed a grant of easement for drainage purposes
FRO~ DALE BUILDING COMPANY adjacent to I~acion Avenue. The easement is ten
FOR DRAINAGE PURPOSES feet in width and lies uithin their property east
of Nacion Avenue. A 24 inch storm drain pipe is
to be constructed within this easement in con-
junction with the installation of public improvements
for Hilltop Vista Subdivision.
8. a. RESOLUTION NO. 8129 - The developers (Shattuck Construction Company) have
APPROVING AGREEMENT FOR paid all required fees, posted all necessary bonds
THE COMPLETIOrl OF I~PROVE- and have executed the Subdivision Improvement Agree-
MENTS I!~ SOUTH BAY VILLAS ment for the installation of the public inprovements
SUBDIVISION within the South Bay Villas Subdivision.
City Council Meeting -10- April 20, 1976
8. b. RESOLUTION NO. 8130 - The final map for South Bay Villas Subdivision has
APPROVIIIG MAP OF SOUTH been checked by the Engineering Division and found
BAY VILLAS ACCEPTING THE to be in conformity with the tentative map approved
PUBLIC STREETS DEDICATED by the City Council on November 12, 1974 by Reso-
(End of Consent Calendar)
9. RESOLUTION ~t0. The following bids were submitted for a public
ACCEPTING PROPOSAL FOR information program in connection with the dedi-
PUBLIC INFORMATION PRO- cation and opening of the new library building:
BUILDING AND APPRO- George ~olyneaux $6,359
PRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR Scripps & Associates $7,500
Knoth ~leads Company $7,870
It was recommended that the contract be awarded
to George Molyneaux.
Council discussion Council questioned whether staff came up with any
estimates of having the brochure done "in-house".
City Manager commented that this was not done.
Resolution filed It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Councilman Scott and unanimously carried that
the resolution be filed.
Motion for staff proposal It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by Council-
man Scott and unanimously carried that the staff be
requested to submit a proposal for publicity based
upon "in-house" efforts, along with an appropriate
Joseph Scannicchio Mr. Scannicchio declared that none of the business-
Chamber of Commerce men in Chula Vista who do this type of work were
asked to submit bids, nor was the Chamber approached.
He asked that, in the future, the Council direct
the staff to contact these people.
10. a. RESOLUTION NO. 8131 - Bids for the construction of Mueller School Neighbor-
APPROVING TRANSFER OF hood Park were received on March 25, 1976 with the
FUNDS FROM UNAPPROPRIATED lowest bid submitted by Walt's Blacktop and Pavin~
FUNDS TO THE MUELLER SCHOOL in the amount of $61,062.00. Due to the low bidder's
PARK BLOCK GRANT ACCOUNT lack of proper licensing, the Director of Community
Development recommended that the contract be awarded
to the second lowest bidder,T.B. Penick and Son,
in the amount of $65,429.70.
It was further recommended that the necessary addi-
tional fundin~ required be transferred from the
Community Development Block Grant Dark account,
as follows: $~1,500 to be transferred to Account
24-1740-5569-BG-~ from
24-1740-5202-BG-14 $1,300
24-1740-5288-BG-15 700
24-1740-5569-BG-13 5,000
24-1740-5298-BG-12 1,500
24-1740-5211-BG~ 9 10,750
24-1740-5288-BG-16 2,250
City Council Meeting -ll- April 20, 1976
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading of the
text was waived by unanimous consent, passed
and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen I{yde, Egdahl, Scott
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
b. RESOLUTION NO. 8132 - The following bids were received on March 25, 1976:
AWARDING CONTRACT FOR Walt's Blacktop & Paving, Bonita $61,062.00
MUELLER NEIGHBORHOOD T.B. Penick 5 Sons, Inc. San Diego 65,429.70
PARK Landscape Irrigation Specialist, Inc., 66,583.75
E1 Cajon
Valley Crest Landscape, Inc., San Dieqo 69,680.81
Roczey Grading & Demolition, Inc., 69,733.50
E1 Cajon
It was recommended that T. B. Penick & Sons, Inc.,
the second lowest bidder, be awarded the contract
for the construction of this project. The low
bidder, Walt's Blacktop & Paving does not have a
valid General Engineering Contractor license.
Gerald Bendickson Mr. Bendickson stated he was the attorney representing
349 Third Avenue Mr. Self of Walt's Blacktop & Pavina. After the bids
Chula Vista were opened, Mr. Self went to Mr. R~bens and it was
understood that if Mr. Self got the "A" license,
there would be no problem. Through a joint venture,
Mr. Self went out and got this "A" license. A call
was made to Sacramento by the Engineering Department
and this was confirmed. The name under which he has
the "A" license is "~alt's Blacktop and Paving".
Wayne Myers Mr. Myers declared that the standard specifications
Vice-President called for an appropriate license and Walt's did not
T. B. Penick meet that requirement at bid time. He has since
864 34th Street obtained an "after-the-fact" license with another
San Diego party; this is a different bidder other than the
original one.
Mr. Myers added that he checked with the State
Licensing Board and was told that a joint venture
license was issued to "Walt's Blacktop and Paving
and John W. Haynes" on April 13, 1976 - 19 days
after the bid opening.
Motion to accept It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and seconded by
staff recommendations Councilman Hyde that the staff recommendation be
accepted in the belief that any other action would
be a compromise of the basic bid process.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilman Egdahl, Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: Councilman Scott, Hobel
Absent: None
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of the
text was waived by unanimous consent, passed and
adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hamilton Hyde
Noes: Councilmen Scott, Hobel
Absent: None
City Council Meeting -12- April 20, 1976
ll. RESOLUTION NO. 8133 - The Environmental Review Committee has recommended
AMENDING THE ENVIRONMENTAL that the Council adopt amendments to the Environ-
REVIEW POLICY REGARDING mental Review Policy deleting the City Manager and
INITIAL STUDIES City Attorney from the Environmental Review
Committeq adding the Director of Building and
Housing and changing the type and time of noti-
fication of Initial Studies and Negative Declarations.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading Qf the
text was waived by unanimous consent, passed and
adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
12. ORDINANCE NO. - At the meeting of April 6, 1976, the Council filed
AMENDING ZONING MAP an ordinance to rezone an area east of 1-805 from
REZONING THAT CERTAIN P-C to R-1-H and directed that an interim ordinance
PROPERTY EAST OF 1-805 be brought back applying the "H" Modifying District
AND PREZONING PROPERTY to the existing P-C zoned areas.
TO SECTION 19.12.140
19.12.130 REZONING AND
Interim Ordinance~laced on It was moved by Councilman Scott that thSs interim
first reading and adopted ordinance be placed on first reading and adopted
as an urgency measure and that the reading of the
text be waived by unanimous consent.
Motion failed The motion failed by the following vote, to-wit:
Ayes: Councilman Scott, Hyde
NOES: Councilman Hobel, Hamilton, Egdahl
Absent: None
Motion for staff It was moved by CouncilmanlHyde, seconded by Mayor
direction Hamilton and unanimously carried that the staff
be directed to examine those areas in the
zone, east of 1-805 and bring back to the City
Council a proposal for the application of the "H"
zone to those particular hillsides and canyons
which, in their opinion, merit the application
of the "H" category to them. This is to be done
by the last meeting in May unless a report is
received that it is not possible to do so.
a. Report on OUR HOUSE City Manager Cole submitted the letter from OUR
grant proposals: HOUSE which described two programs they are seeking
1) Youth Service Network to implement. Funding in the amount of $7,555 is
and 2) Juvenile Diversion being requested from the California Youth Authority
Project for a Youth Service Iletwork and $50,650 in support
City Council Meeting -13- April 20, 1976
of a Juvenile Diversion Project is being requested
from the County Probation Department.
Motion to It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
accept report Mayor Hamilton and unanimously carried that the
report be accepted.
b. "It" Modifying City Manager Cole referred to the last motion
District motion indicating that the staff and Council both have
different ideas about saving the canyons. Hr.
Cole suggested a field trip to view these areas.
Motion for field trip It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Councilman Scott and unanimously carried that
a field trip be arranged as soon as possible.
c. Tiffany Park City Manager Cole asked how many members of the
Dedication Council will be at the dedication on April 27.
Four of the Councilmen indicated they would attend.
d. Banita Miguel Action City Manager Cole referred to the action of the
Council at the last meeting concerning a request
for a 60-day continuance on the Bonita lliguel
hearing on the Environmental Impact Report (until
the document was made available). ~r. Cole stated
that he has a document. The first hearing is ~ay 6
which will be before the Environmental Review
Board. The main hearing, before the Planning
Commission will be on June 25 with the final
action on September 22, 1976.
Motion for It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
staff instruction by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried that
the staff be directed to request one more copy
of the Environmental Impact Report and make that
available to the Bonita Business and Professional
Group and, in addition, the staff be instructed
to appear at the May 6 EIR review to testify at
the hearing.
e. Air Quality Team City Manager Cole reported that the San Diego Air
Presentation Quality Team would like to make a one-hour presenta-
tion before Council.
Mayor Hamilton asked the City Manager to inform the
Quality Team (Mr. Taylor) that they will be able
to give a 15-minute presentation on April 27.
f. Action of Board of City Hanager Cole reported that the Board of Super-
Supervisors regarding visors today passed Phase I of Wilsey & Ham's
South Bay Regional presentation authorizing them to proceed with
facility Phase II. They are including 20,000 square feet
for Welfare out of the total 400,gO0 square feet.
14. Report on proposed 1911 Director of Public Works Robens reported that the
Act - alley east of Third Raso property does not have legal access to the alley
Avenue, south of Madrona which makes the spread of assessments to them for
Avenue the alley improvement rather dubious.
City Council Meeting -14- April 2g, 1976
Mr. Robens discussed the 1911 Act improvement
procedure indicating it would take approximately
one year to get the alley constructed. He added
that it should not be an alley but be dedicated
as a drainage way. Most of the property owners
cannot take access off the back of this drainage
way without extreme cost.
Motion for report It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
to Raso Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried that
l) Mr. Raso be advised that the Council will not
proceed any further with a 1911 Act proceedings
on this property and 2) that the Council is
willing to consider some scheme for providing
for trash collection service operating out of
the Parking District parking lot behind the
Raso property, if the details can be worked
out satisfactorily.
15. a. Letter regarding In April 1973, the Council approved rezoning of
alternate design approximately 99 acres of land located on the west
consideration of side of Otay Lakes Road, 1/4 mile south of Allen
Bonita Country School Lane, from R-E-20 and R-E-40 to R-E-P.
Estates ~ezoning was established to allow a condominium
development of 155 dwelling units with approximately
b. Report on proposed sub- 55% of the property to remain ungraded in its
mission of tentative natural state. Since approval of the original
map and development of concept, a revised map was approved calling for
Bonita Country Estates additional grading, leaving 50% of the area in
Subdivision lying south its natural state.
of Rancho Robinhood
Motion for It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by
reconsideration Councilman Scott and unanimously carried that this
item be reconsidered at this time.
Mayor Hamilton explained that the applicant is not
asking for approval of the tentative map - he is
asking he be allowed to work with staff in reducing
the number of units from the Planned Unit develop-
ment (155 to llO) and to proceed with the development
of this area without having to ~o back for a re-
zoning for the Hillside Modifying District.
Discussion of item A general discussion followed regarding the merits
of Council's action in this regard as it would
amount to a pre-approval of the concept.
Councilman Scott remarked that this has to have
a public hearing and nothing said tonight could
be binding on the Council.
Motion to accept It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
staff recommenda'~ion Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried that
the Council is receptive to considering a develop-
ment plan on the subject property which while not
conforming to the provisions of the "H" Modifying
District, does provide for apprcximately 46% of
the 99 acre site in common open space and for
a residential density not to exceed llO dwelling
units (staff's recommendation).
City Council Meeting -15- April 20, 1976
SERRA SYSTEM Councilman Scott discussed the system under
which anyone in the County can come in and
utilize the City's library without charge.
These people can come into the library, sign
a card, and the staff sends this request to
the County.
Mayor Hamilton questioned having a .joint powers
agreement with the County.
Councilman Scott felt this should be explored
whereby the County would share the expense of
the new library since it will become a regional
~iotion for consideration It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
of withdrawing from Serra Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that
System the Council consider withdrawing from the Serra
System and the staff be asked to indicate the
reasons pro and con.
COUNCIL PACKETS Councilman Scott discussed the number of complete
Council packets prepared by the City Clerk and
distributed each Friday noting the high cost of
this service. City Clerk Fulasz reported that
17 packets are made up - 11 of which are complete
Motion for direction It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and seconded by
of packets Councilman Hyde that the expanded agenda be avail-
able to everyone on this list in place of all of
the material, except for the library with a note
that the whole packet is available in the library,
and that no longer a complete packet be supplied
to everyone on the list. Only a complete packet
is to be made up for the Council, City Manager,
City Attorney and Clerk.
Councilman Hyde asked that the press be given a
complete packet.
14otion withdrawn Councilman Egdahl withdrew his motion, Councilman
Hyde agreed to the second.
Motion for City It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Clerk's recommendation Councilman Scott and unanimously carried that the
City Clerk make a recommendation as to a modifi-
cation of the list, as she feels appropriate.
COUNCIL CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE Councilman Itobel indicated may not present
at the Council Conference scheduled for 3:00
p.m. on April 21, 1976.
COUNCIL PACKETS FOR It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
TWO CANDIDATES Councilman Scott and unanimously carried that
a full Council packet be provided for the two
candidates for Council - Mr. Cox and Mr. Chaney.
Councilman Hobel asked that an invitation be ex-
tended to the candidates to sit with the Council
during budget sessions.
City Council Meeting -16- April 20, 1976
Included in motion Councilman ~yde included this in his motion.
CO~IMUNAL NOUSEHOLD Councilman Hyde questioned what has been done as
ON CASSELMAN STREET to the compliance of the conditions imposed for
this approval.
Director of Planning Peterson discussed the
church's plans in this regard.
Motion for setting It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
time limit Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried that
1) the communal household on Casselman Street
(parties involved) be given ~ntil June 1, 1976
to comply with the conditions as set forth in
the conditional use permit and that 2) the
City Attorney's Office be directed to initiate
proceedings declaring the household a public
nuisance immediately so that the two matters
could contract together in the event that no
action is completed by June 1. By this motion,
the Attorney is to set the public hearing for
declaration of public nuisance immediately -
at the next Council meeting.
ELECTION OF VICE MAYOR Councilman Egdahl asked when the election of
Vice Mayor will be put on the agenda.
(See page 17 for motion)
Councilman Scott suggested it be set in June,
rather than April, based on the fact that there
may be run-off elections in June.
a. Verified claim for damages Mr. Hepp filed a verified claim for damages in the
Del Hepp, dba Del Hepp amount of $6,039.60 for "labor, materials and
&Son, Inc., 240 Woodlawn, equipment furnished for ditch patching (grading
Suite 5, Chula Vista and paving) in the area of First and Flower Street~'
as of November 21, 1975.
Claim rejected It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by
Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried that the
claim be rejected.
b. Verified claim for damages Ms. Butler filed a claim in the amount of $200.g0
Ruth Y. Butler for an injury she sustained to her right foot as
1236 12th Street a result of stepping on a lump of tar in the road
Imperial Beach, CA 92032 at Third Avenue near Park Avenue on March 13, 1976.
Claim denied It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried that
the claim be denied and referred to the insurance
carrier for investigation.
c. Request from American The Chula Vista Branch of the American Cancer
Cancer Society for waiver Society is sponsoring a golf tournament on
of greens fees for Golf October 29, 1976 at the Chula Vista Municipal
Tournament Golf Course. They requested a waiver of the
greens fees.
City Council Meeting -17- April 20, 1976
Mary T. Hayes Mrs. Hayes discussed the benefits that Chula
1547 -215 Sonora Drive Vista receives from the American Cancer Society
Chula Vista and asked favorable consideration of the request.
Councilman Hyde noted the Council's policy regarding
the waiver of fees.
Motion for City Manager It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
to meet with Cancer Society Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried that
the American Cancer Society work with the City
Manager to come to some arrangement whereby
they can use the golf course and it will be
satisfactory to both parties.
Request for rezoning (See page 4 of the minutes)
area at Quintard Street
and Tobias Drive
MOTION FOR VICE-MAYOR ELECTION It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried that
as an established procedure, the election of a
new Vice-Mayor be s~heduled on the first of
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at 12:47 a.m.
to the Council Conference (adjourned regular
meeting) scheduled for April 21, 1976 at 3:00 p.m.
nie l~ulasz, City C~erk ~