lfeld Tuesday May 25, 1976
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held on
the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue,
with the following
Councilmen present: Mayor Hamilton, Councilmen Hobel, Hyde
Councilmen absent: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City Manager
Asmus, Assistant City Attorney Beam, Director of Planning Peterson,
Assistant Director of Public Works Lippitt, Director of Building and
Housing Grady, Administrative Analyst Boyd, Administrative Analyst
Smith, Chief Accountant Hackett
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hamilton followed by a moment of
silent prayer.
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried by those
present that the minutes of the meetings of April
28 and May 18, 1976 be approved, copies having
been sent to each Councilman.
2. a. ALL STATES PROGRAM - Mayor Hmnilton read the Proclamation saluting the
State of Massachusetts State of Massachusetts and members in the audience
from this State were asked to stand and introduce
b. PRESENTATION BY PORT Mr. Campbell spoke on the Chula Vista small boat
CO~ISSIONER C.R. basin explaining the delay in providing a basin
CAMPBELL with adequate water depth; outlined possible con-
struction of a new salt marsh and new mud flats;
discussed progress made with San Diego Gas and
Electric Company to construct a wildlife preserve
and said the engineering problem appears to have
been solved so the basin can now be dredged with
the second entrance still a possibility.
John Fabrick Mr. Fabrick said he writes a column entitled
Del Rey Seniors "South Bay Seniors" in the STAR-NEWS and he read
his column of "personality of the week" commending
Mayor Hamilton for his suggestion that $3,000 be
included in the budget to aid in the subsidy of
meals for seniors at Del Rey High School, and
also extended thanks to Councilmen Hobel and Hyde.
Duane Pudgil Mr. Pudgil said he is the owner of South Bay
378 San Miguel Drive Towing and would like to talk about Item
N~ 10 on the agenda,
Mayor Hamilton suggested that it would be better
to wait until this item came up for Council dis-
cussion and Mr. Pudgil could then make his comments.
3. a. PUBLIC HEARING - Director of Pl mming Peterson explained that this
CONSIDERATION OF TENTATIVE is a subdivision proposal (filed by Royal Invest-
SUBDIVISION MAP FOR PARKWAY ment Properties, Ltd.) to create five lots (on 3.08
City Council Meeting -2- May 25, 1976
acres of land located at the northwest corner of
Fifth Avenue and Park Way in the R-3 zone) and
that the Planning Commission granted a variance
to permit a slight reduction in lot frontage in
the R-3 zone to 60 feet for single family resi-
dential lots. Mr. Peterson said the Planning
Commission recommends approval and staff concurs.
Public hearing opened This being the time and place as advertised, the
Mayor opened the public hearing.
Gary McCabe ~,Ir. McCabe said he represented the applicant and
2160 Fletcher Parkway stated that the proposal will be a benefit to the
E1Cajon neighborhood and also a benefit to the City in
that the drainage channel will be improved. He
urged approval of the application.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or
against, the hearing was declared closed.
b. RESOLUTION NO. 8169 - Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading of the
APPROVING THE TENTATIVE MAP text was waived by unanimous consent by those
OF A SUBDIVISION TO BE KNOWN present, passed and adopted by the following
AS PARKWAY PLACE - PCS-76-3 vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl
4. a. PUBLIC HEARING - F.P. Phillips and R. A. Reynolds have filed a
CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR petition for a change in the General Plan desig-
GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT nation of approximately 1.2 acres of land located
GPA-76-2 FOR 1.2 ACRES on the easterly side of North Fourth Avenue, about
LOCATED AT 71 NORTH FOURTH 230 feet southerly of Trousdale Drive, from
AVENUE "Retail Commercial" to "Research and Limited
Director of Planning ?eterson explained that the
property is on the east side of Fourth Avenue,
south of Trousdale; Brisbane Street shown on the
map is not yet constructed but will be constructed
at such time as the Route 54 freeway is built and
will be the main entrance to the Sweetwater Valley
Industrial Park. The property contains the old
telephone company building which the applicant
feels is more adaptable to an industrial use than
to a commercial use. The area to the north and
to the east is zoned and designated industrial on
the City's General Plan and the area to the west
(in National City) is zoned for industrial purposes.
Mr. Peterson said staff is recommending that the
General Plan be amended, first certifying the
negative declaration, and that the Planning Com-
mission concurred.
Public hearing opened This being the time and place as advertised, the
Mayor opened the public hearing.
Frank Phillips Mr. Phillips said he is co-owner and applicant and
71 North Fourth Avenue their business address is 71 North Fourth. He
stated the owners have given the zone change
considerable thought and feel the light industrial
would be best suited of all possible uses for the
property, lie urged approval of the amendment to
the General Plan.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or
against, the hearing was declared closed.
City Council Meeting -3- May 25, 1976
b. RESOLUTION NO. 8170 - Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of the
APPROVING ~NDMENT TO text was waived by unanimous consent by those
GENERAL PLAN FOR APPROX- present passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent Councilmen Scott, Egdahl
5. PUBLIC HEARING - The City has petitioned for a change in the
CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR General Plan designation for approximately 3.92
GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GPA-76-1 acres of land located between Fourth and Fifth
FOR AREA ON SOUTH SIDE OF "L" Avenues on the south side of "L" Street, from
STREET BETWEEN FOURTH AND Medium Density Residential to High Density Resi-
FIFTH AVENUES dential to bring the area into conformance with the
General Plan.
State law requires zoning Mayor Hamilton said the Council had received a
to conform with General Plan letter asking why this matter was being considered.
He explained that a State law was passed requiring
that the zoning and General Plan have to be com-
Director of Planning Peterson stated that the
property is presently in the County and was pre-
zoned to R-3-G-P category in 1969 and the prezoning
does not conform to the General Plan. With re-
newed interest in annexation by property owners~
the applicant has applied for an amendment to
the General Plan. Mr. Peterson said staff recom-
mends the General Plan remain at the existing
density because of the single family homes located
in the area to the south and to the north. He
also said a motion for denial of the General Plan
Amendment at a Planning Commission meeting resul-
ted in a tie vote and they were unable to adopt
a recommendation.
Public hearing opened This being the time and place as advertised, Mayor
Hamilton opened the public hearing.
Citizens speak Gaylord Henry (representing Charles Offerman),
in favor Charles Offerman, Loren Byrne, Arthur Peinada
(representing Betty Padelford), Doris Bradley,
Warren Harding, and Charles Defreitas all spoke
in favor of amending the General Plan, citing
their feelings on benefits from improving the
area, economic factors, no adverse effect on
schools, change would be conrpatible with desig-
nation of "L" and Fourth as major streets, the
Environmental Impact Report shows no significant
environmental impact, and apartment development
would be a good buffer between homes and
surrounding area.
Citizens speak against Millard Showman, Dorothy Showman, and Peggy Hupp
amending General Plan spoke against the amendment giving their views
that it would not be compatible with the surround-
ing single family home~ and would cause higher
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or
against, the hearing was declared closed.
RECESS A recess was called at 8:29 p.m. and the meeting
reconvened at 8:45 p.m.
City Council Meeting -4- May 25, 1976
Unanimous vote of those present Mayor Hamilton noted that with three members of
needed to take action tho Council present, it would take their unanimous
vote to approve the Amendment. He asked Mr.
Henry, as counsel for the applicant, if they
would like to readvertise and have a hearing
before a full Council or if they would like to
have Council act at this meeting, Mr, Henry
said his client wanted to have Council act at this
Council discussion Council discussed various aspects of the General
Plan Amendment, reviewed previous zoning~ com-
pared zoning in other similar areas, discussed
possibility of applying "P" plan, and the need
to protect the single family homes with "buffered"
development on adjacent properties.
Motion to deny request It was moved by Councilman Hyde that the request
for change in the General Plan - the amendment -
be denied.
No second to motion The motion died for lack of a second.
Gaylord Henry - request Mr. Henry stated his client was anxious to have
for continuance the matter resolved, but would prefer to continue
the hearing if the Council is not able to reach
a decision since a unanimous vote is needed. He
asked for continuance.
Need to readvertise City Attorney Lindberg commented that the hearing
had been closed and it would require readvertising
a hearing before the Council. }te suggested that
they may want to consider a date when a full
Council would be present.
Motion to reopen hearing It was moved by Councilman Hobel that the hearing
be reopened.
Unanimous vote needed City Attorney Lindberg explained that to reopen
the hearing, the Council would have to have a
unanimous vote of those present, but it can be
continued with less than a unanimous vote.
No second The motion died for lack of a second.
Motion to continue It was moved by Mayor Hamilton to continue the
hearing to June 15 and readvertise as a new hear-
ing. Councilman Hobel seconded the motion with the
consideration to staff that with the public
hearing on the budget on June 15, that there
would not be four or five public hearings on
that date.
Motion carried ~e motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Hamilton, Councilman Hobel
Noes: Councilman Hyde
Absent: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl
Mayor Itamilton suggested that the property
owners may want to consider working together
as a group to consolidate the properties for
planning purposes for better utilization of the
property and have staff review such plans and
make recommendations to the Council - thus a
higher density might be considered. He also
clarified that the testimony offered on June
15 will be considered new testimony and all
testimony heard at this meeting will not be
City Council Meeting -5- May 25, 1976
CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Councilman Ityde, seconded by
Councilman Ilobel and unanimously carried by
those present that the Consent Calendar be
6. RESOLUTION NO. 8171 - On May 4 and May 5, respectively, Mr. Louis
ACCEPTING GRANT DEED TO Guillemette granted an eight foot wide tree
CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY planting and maintenance easement, and 13-1/2
FOR STREET PURPOSES AND feet of additional right of way for street pur-
GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR poses. Execution of these documents by Mr.
STREET TREE PURPOSES Guillemette satisfies conditions one and two
FROM LOUIS GUILLEMETTE of approval for Tentative Parcel Map 10-76.
7. RESOLUTION NO. 8172 - A number of changes decreased the scope of the
AUTHORIZING CHANGE ORDER #1 Library landscaping plans after the sculpture
TO LANDSCAPING CONTRACT FOR selection committee selected a sculpture site on
THE CHULA VISTA LIBRARY the north side of the Library grounds. These
changes resulted in a decrease in the contract
cost of $1,268.75. The change was recommended
by Tucker and Kater, Landscape Architects.
8. RESOLUTION NO. 8173 - In accordance with Article 3, Section 50050 of
TRANSFERRING UNCLAIMED MONIES the Government Code, the City Treasurer has
FROM THE CASH BOND DEPOSIT published a Notice of Unclaimed Monies in the
FUND TO THE GENERAL FUND amount of $2,356.91 which has remained in the
City Treasury for more than three years. No
verified claim has been filed to recover the
9. RESOLUTION NO. 8174 - On March 10, 1976 the Council approved offering
APPROVING AGREEMENT WITH members of management a choice of continuing
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH with the Travelers Medical and Hospitalization
PLAN, INC. Plan or changing to the Kaiser Foundation Health
Plan, with the City's monthly contribution to
remain the same regardless of the plan selected.
Of 52 eligible employees, 1S have enrolled in
the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan.
(End of Consent Calendar)
10. RESOLUTION The City Council had indicated a favorable
AMENDING RESOLUTION NOS. attitude toward the prospect of awarding towing
4192 AND 6842 ESTABLISHING service contracts based upon the lowest rates
POLICIES FOR THE SELECTION proposed in bid documents and the ability of the
AND DESIGNATION OF TOW CAR operator to meet the minimum requirements
SERVICE AS REQUESTED BY THE established by the City. Two contracts will be
POLICE DEPARTMENT awarded based upon this procedure as specified
in the Resolution.
Duane Pudgil Mr. Pudgil stated he is the owner of South Bay
378 San Miguel Drive Towing, and he was also speaking on behalf of
the other throe tow companies involved in the
City contract. He outlined the reason for tile
rate increase requested: (1) Increase in insur-
ance costs, (2) increase in storage property, (3)
price of gasoline increase, and (4) increase in
parts and labor for maintaining equipment. He
urged the Council to reconsider the proposal to
amend Resolutions 4192 and 6842, and stated the
bidding process would eliminate two of the tow
companies now serving the City, which would
result in a decrease in the quality of service
and in the reliability of service.
City Council Meeting -6- May 25, 1976
Alternatives suggested Mr. Pudgil concluded in asking the Council to con-
sider two alternatives: (1) Leave the system as
it is with the four companies serving the City, or
(2) stay with the existing system until the City
can set the rate at an average level after a study
of all jurisdictions and agencies in San Diego
Council discussion The Council discussed the proposed Resolution,
contract fees, whether or not the bidding process
would lower rates (staff felt that it probably
would) comparison of rates with other cities, and
administrative time spent in connection with the
towing service.
In answer to a query from Council, Assistant City
Manager Asmus stated that staff did not feel it
appropriate for the City to set rates, but Should,
under the bid process, let the "free enterprise
private system" seek the level that is justified
under competitive arrangement.
Motion to file It was moved by Councilman Hobel and seconded by
Mayor Hamilton that this Resolution be filed.
Councilman Hyde spoke against the motion, stating
it is difficult for the Council to determine what
a fair rate is and that the best agreement for the
citizens is to provide for the bid process.
Motion fails The motion failed by the following vote, to-wit:
Ayes: Councilman Hobel
NOES: Mayor Hamilton, Councilman Hyde
Absent: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl
Anthony Charltor Mr. Charltor said he operates the Tony Mobile
300 "E" Street Service station and he spoke against the Resolu-
tion, commenting that the low bidders may not pro-
vide adequate emergency service because the fee
might not be worthwhile.
Motion to continue It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Mayor Hamilton and unanimously carried by those
present that this item be continued to the meeting
of June iS when a full Council will be present.
11. RESOLUTION NO. 817S - Bids were received May 13, 1976 for the construc-
ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING tion of a storm drain in Fifth Avenue from "J"
CONTRACT FOR STORM DRAIN IN Street to "K" Street as follows:
"K" STREET different types of pipe:
It was recommended that the contract be awarded to
the low bidder, R. S. Construction Company, in the
amount of $75,229.95 under Alternate ~2, and that
the City Council appropriate $7,334.25 from the
unappropriated balance of 2107 Gas Tax Funds and
authorize the expenditure of $82,750 from account
City Council Meeting -7- May 25~ 1976
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of the
text was waived by unanimous consent by those
present, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl
12. RESOLUTION NO. 8176 - This agreement is a contract between EDP Management,
APPROVING AGREEb~NT BETWEEN Inc. and the City of Chula Vista providing for
THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND the management and operation of the data process-
EDP MANAGEb~NT, INC. FOR ing facility by personnel employed by EDP. EDP
COb~UTER FACILITIES ~IRNAGE- Management, Inc. will be acting as an independent
MENT AND AUTHORIZING THE contractor in supervising the data processing
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of the
text was waived by unanimous consent by those
present, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton, ttyde
Noes: None
Absent: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl
13. RESOLUTION (Held for discussion after action on Item 14.
See below)
14. RESOLUTION NO. 8177 - The City Charter requires that a public hearing
GIVING NOTICE OF A PUBLIC be set to provide for citizen comment on the
HEARING TO CONSIDER THE fiscal 1976-77 budget, including the setting of
ADOPTION OF THE BUDGET OF employee salaries. The resolution sets the date
THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA of June 15, 1976 for the public hearing.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of the
text was waived by unanimous consent by those
present, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, ttamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl
13. RESOLUTJON NO. 81Z8 - On February 25, 1976 City staff presented the
AWARDING CONTRACT WITH Council the Space Needs Study conducted by
LIEBHARDT, WESTON AND Facility Sciences Corporation. The Council
GOLDMAN FOR RENOVATION chose to proceed with Plan II B calling for
OF THE CIVIC CENTER AND enclosing the post office loading dock, ¢onstruc-
AUTHORIZING TIlE TRANSFER ting a connector between the post office and
OF FUNDS library buildings, performing major interior
renovation to these two buildings, and minor
renovation to City Hall.
On March 12, 1976 a Request for Proposal (RFP)
was distributed to interested architects and
interior design firms in the Southern California
area and of the $0 proposals received, three
firms were selected to make oral presentations.
The selection committee recommends that the
contract be a~arded to Liebhardt, Weston and
Goldman as being the most qualified to perform
the services required.
City Council Meeting -8- May 25, 1976
ExPlanation of increase In answer to query from Councilman Hyde, Admin-
in fees istrative Analyst Boyd explained the increase
in fees (from $72,809 to $94,000 plus 10% for
contingencies of $9,400), and the increased scope.
He said when the RFP was sent out in March, it
only included the renovation and no consideration
was given at that time for the on-site revision
work which was to be included at a later date.
After the firm was selected, the scope of the
renovation project was changed to include more
interior design services in the Civic Center,
and in addition the on-site work of approximately
$176,000 was included, which increased the fee
from approximately $73,000 to $94,000.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading of the
text was waived by unanimous consent by those
present, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl
15. ORDINANCE NO. 1684 - When the Ordinance was codified, this subject
ADDING TO CHAPTER 15.08 OF section was omitted and the City Attorney con-
THE CHULA VISTA MUNICIPAL cuffed that the Ordinance must go through the
CODE SECTION 15.08.410 process of being re-adopted.
Ordinance placed on first It was moved by Councilman Hobel that this
reading ordinance be placed on its first reading and
that the reading of the text be waived by
unanimous consent by those present.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: Councilmen Scott, Egda]~]
16. ORDINANCE At present, any alteration or addition to a
AMENDING SECTION 15.32.050, building which has a permit value of $5,000
SUBSECTION B, OF THE CHULA or more requires the undergrounding of utilities.
VISTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING Since the cost of construction has increased
TO RESPONSIBILITY OF OWNERS significantly, the Board of Appeals and Advisors
FOR THE UNDERGROUNDING OF feels that an amount of $20,000 or more, or
UTILITIES - FIRST READING 25% of the floor area is more equitable. Single
family dwellings on existing individual lots
are deleted from this proposal. The Board of
Appeals and Advisors also requests that the
ordinance be referred to them annually for review.
Rationale for In answer to query from Councilman Hyde, Director
staff position of Building and Housing Grady stated that staff
felt that including the reference to 25% of the
floor area is confusing and defeats the purpose
of the ordinance to get away from the costly
requirement for additions.
Motion to accept staff It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by
recommendation Councilman Hyde that staff recommendation be
accepted to delete reference to 25% of the floor
area and bring the revised Ordinance back to the
City Council Meeting -9- May 25~ 1976
Council at the meeting of June 1, 1976. The
motion carried unanimously.
17. a. REPORT ON "MUNICIPAL Staff was directed to submit information on the
HUM3kN CARE SERVICES: feasibility of Chula Vista moving into the Human
NECESSITY OR EXTRA- Care Services field and on November 11, 1976 a
VAGANCE?" study design was forwarded to the City Council
and approved. The report is the culmination of
extensive effort to provide a balanced view of
social programs.
Motion to defer item It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by
Councilman ttyde, and unanimously carried by
those present that this item be deferred until
a full Council is present.
b. REPORT ON MISSION Recently there have been several major develop-
CABLE TV, INC. ments in the area of the City's cable television
franchise with Mission Cable, which include:
(1) New centralized customer service department,
(2) new billing cycle~ (3) new cable system
development, (4) new franchise agreement, (5)
rebuilt program, and (6) new cable television
subscribers will get additional Los Angeles
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried by
those present that the report be accepted.
c. REPORT ON SEQUOIA- The City Council requested staff to determine the
BRANDYWINE PARK PROPERTY - advisability of trading the Sequoia-Brandywine
VALLE LINDO PARK-SCHOOL park site and acquiring property next to a
SITE potential elementary school site on Brandywine
Avenue. After discussion with school officials
it was determined that the Sequoia-Brandywine
park site can be appropriately developed to serve
the surrounding neighborhood in connection with
the utilization of the Valle Lindo School site.
Staff recommended proceeding with development
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried by
those present that the report be accepted.
d. ADDITIONAL TRAILER FOR City Manager Cole stated that the County Law
USE BY COUNTY LAW AND and Justice AgEncy has contacted the City about
JUSTICE AGENCY moving another trailer in the vicinity of the
Civic Center for use by the Marshalls - 400
square foot trailer. Other arrangements were
evaluated, but the Marshalls did not agree with
suggestions feeling there would be problems
because of traffic and confusion.
Motion to endorse trailer It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried by
those present that the Council endorse the use
of the trailer.
e. CETA PROGRAM City Manager Cole commented that the County
requested that the City submit the CETA program
by May 26. In order to comply, the program was
prepared and submitted, but does require City
Council approval. The program is to retain the
present CETA employees through December. The
City Council Meeting -10- May 25, 1976
Senate Committee has recommended extending the
program with some increase in funds until
October 1977~
Motion to approve It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried by
those present that the City's CETA program be
Mr. Cole stated the program will be presented to
Council next week (June 1).
18. REPORT ON APPLICATION On April 20, 1976 Council directed staff to
OF THE "H" DISTRICT TO bring to Council a proposal for application of
THE AREA EAST OF 1-805 the "H" zone to those particular hillsides and
canyons which merit preservation. Subsequently,
the Council mado plans for a field trip into
this area, and in a written report Director of
Planning Peterson said staff recommends that
this matter be deferred until after the field trip.
Motion to defer It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Mayor Hamilton that action on this matter be
deferred until after the Council takes the field
trip (June 12).
Mayor Hamilton clarified that the field trip is
planned for June 12 unless Councilman Egdahl is
unable to attend. Aftor further discussion,
Council agreed that the tentative date will be
June 12 and that July 3 will be an alternate date.
Motion carried The motion to defer action on Item 18 carried
unanimously by those present.
19. REPORT ON SMOKE On March 23, 1976 Council directed staff to
DETECTORS investigate whether or not requirements can be
instituted in the City of Chula Vista to have
smoke detectors installed in older homes more
subjected to fire.
In a written report, Director of Building and
Housing Grady said the Board of Appeals and
Advisors recommends deferral until the County
of San Diego has made a decision as it feels the
requirement would be more effective if it were
on a County-wide basis and would also keep the
City's Building Code more uniform with other
jurisdictions in the County.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried by
those present to accept the report.
20. REPORT ON FENCING OF In a written statement, Director of Public Works
MID-BLOCK PEDESTRIAN reported that the department had made contact
WALKWAY IN HALECREST with a local fenc~ company and the San Diego Gas
ESTATES and Electric Company to determine the costs
associated with fencing and lighting the Halecrest
walkway. In addition, contact was made with six
of the eight residents adjacent to the walkway
to obtain their input. The following three
alternatives are suggested:
City Council Meeting -11- May 25, 1976
A. Six (6) foot chain link fence at an estim-
ated cost of $7,700.
B. Eight (8) foot chain link fence with pro-
vision for chain link cover at a later date
at an estimated cost of $14,000.
C. Chain link covered walkway at an estimated
cost of $20,000.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
alternate "B" Mayor Hamilton and unanimously carried by those
present that Scheme "B" be approved - the eight
foot chain link fence on both sides with open
framing across the top which, if necessary,
can be screened in at a later date.
Closing of Library It was noted by Councilman Hyde that the staff
during moving process plans to close the Library between June 14 and
26 for moving purposes - a period of 12 days.
He questioned this period of time and asked if
it could be justified.
City Manager Cole stated that originally it was
estimated it would take three weeks to make the
move. The movers now estimate about one week,
after which the library staff must arrange
materials and prepare for opening which they feel
will take approximately one week. He suggested
that the library staff explain the procedure to
the Council next week.
Motion It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried by those
present that the staff be directed to make every
effort in the move between the old library and
the new library to minimize the amount of time
that the library is closed for public use.
a. Verified claim for damages - Ms. Mergy submitted a claim, through her attorney,
Alejandrina Mergy Ralph J. Anievas of San Ysidro, for $20,000 for
965 Fourth Avenue general damages following her arrest by a private
Chula Vista security officer at Von's Grocery Store and sub-
sequent alleged abuse by store employee in making
a body search, which was done at the direction
of a Chula Vista police o£ficer.
Claim denied It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried by those
present that the claim be denied and referred to
the insurance carrier.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at 10:40 p.m.
to the meeting scheduled for June 1, 1976.
City Clerk
Deputy City Clerk