HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1976/07/20 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE
Held Tuesday July 20, 1976
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was
held on the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall,
276 Fourth Avenue, with the following:
Councilmen present: Mayor Hamilton, Councilmen Cox, Egdahl, Hobel
Councilmen absent: Councilman Hyde
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City Attorney
Beam, Director of Public Works Robens, Director of Planning
Peterson, Purchasing Agent Espinosa, Director of Finance Grant,
Citizens Assistant Officer Smith
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hamilton followed by a moment
of silent prayer.
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
by those present that the minutes of the
meeting of July 13, 1976 be approved, copies
having been sent to each Councilman, with
the notation that the item on page 3 with
reference to a response to the letter re-
ceived from Mr. Coleman be amended to show
that Council action will be delayed until
Councilman Hyde returns so that a full
Council can take a position on the letter.
a. ALL STATES PROGRAM - Mayor Hamilton read Proclamations saluting
States of New Hampshire the State of New Hampshire and the State
and New Jersey of New Jersey.
b. OATH OF OFFICE FOR NEWLY The City Council recently appointed Mrs.
APPOINTED PLANNING CO~qISSIONER, gayle Johnson as a member of the Planning
GAYLE JOHNSON Commission. Deputy City Clerk Jane Diedrichs
administered the Oath of Office.
Marthy (Marry) Crouch Ms. Crouch presented the Council a copy of
International Friendship Commission a letter the International Friendship Com-
325 East "J" Street mission forwarded to Mr. and Mrs. Borja in
Chula Vista Irapuato, Mexico concerning the flood dis-
aster which necessitated cancellation of
exchange student plans. She also made a
brief presentation concerning the extensive
damage and problems faced by the people of
Chula Vista's Sister City.
Mayor Hamilton stated he would try to
contact the Mayor of Irapuato to find
out if the City can be of assistance to
the people there at this time.
W. C. Wade Mr. Wade stated he was representing the
30 Via Nomentana California Mobile Homeowners League and
Chula Vista addressed the Council concerning the fact
that the ordinance on the utility tax
exemption does not apply to senior citi-
zens living in mobile homes as the mobile
home parks are on master meters.
City Council Meeting -2- July 20, 1976
Mobile homeowners not He noted that the mobile homeowners do
included in exemption pay their fair share of taxes and the
of utility tax utility tax is collected and paid to the
City by the park managers. He said most
of the people living in mobile homes are
senior citizens with low incomes, and asked
that the Council consider correcting the
John Kolsters Mr. Kolsters said he is an official of
S01 Anita Street the Golden State Mobile Homeowners League
Chula Vista and indirectly represents about 4,000
residents in Chula Vista living in mobile
home parks. He confirmed Mr. Wade's
statements and said he would like to work
with the City staff and the City attorney
to correct the discrimination against
the mobile homeowners in the utility tax
exemption provision of the ordinance. He
asked that the Council modify the ordinance
to include those people living in mobile
Motion to refer to staff It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously
carried by those present that this matter
be referred to staff for a report back on
how correction can be made and that
Mr. Wade and Mr. Kolsters be notified to
work in coordination with staff.
Jeremy Berg Mr. Berg stated he is President of Inland
S887 Overlake Avenue Industries, a company owning industrial
San Diego property on Interstate S, and requested
that Item 4 be moved up on the agenda
ahead of Item 5.
Mayor Hamilton denied Mr. Berg's request
due to the number of people in the au-
dience in attendance to hear the discussion
on Item 3.
5. a. PUBLIC HEARING - On April 8, 1976 the City Council held
CONSIDERATION OF AM£NDMSNT a Council Conference to consider standards
TO MUNICIPAL CODE TO DEFINE for boarding and lodging houses and ten-
GROUP R~SIDENCE AND ESTABLISH tative standards were referred to the
STANDARDS FOR GROUP RESIDENCES Planning Commission and staff for review
and recommendation. The proposed stan-
dards are a culmination of the tentative
standards designed to provide the necessary
framework from which individual applications
could be'evaluated on a case by case basis.
Discussion of standards Director of Planning Peterson noted cri-
teria considered for terms to be used,
requirements for square footage for sleeping
areas, density control, parking and open
space requirements, and referred to recom-
mendations of the Planning Commission as
shown in Exhibit "A" of Resolution No.
PCA-76-5 submitted to the Council by
the Commission. Mr. Peterson stated that
following a public hearing the Planning
Commission voted on June 21 to recommend
that the Council adopt the standards con-
tained in their Exhibit "A".
City Council Meeting -3- July 20, 1976
Councilman Egdahl questioned the provision
in the ordinance on Page 4, paragraph "C" -
Separation - stating he felt this did not
give any guidelines to the Planning Com-
Council discussion followed concerning
this standard, the standard covered under
paragraph "G" - License - (also on page 4)
the standard of the number of roomers and
boarders allowed, and off-street parking
requirements, including guest parking
Public hearing opened This being the time and place as adver-
tised, the public hearing was opened by
Mayor Hamilton.
Ms. Nancy Lawe Ms. Lawe said she had been asked to speak
165 Brightwood for a group of people in the audience who
Chula Vista were in favor of the ordinance. At Mayor
Hamilton's request several persons raised
their hands to signify that they were in
favor of the ordinance.
Ms. Lawe said that the group concurs with
the classification of "group residences"
and were also in agreement with the pro-
posed standards discussed at the public
hearing held by the Planning Commission.
She asked if the Council would be consider-
ing garage conversions and license require-
ments. The group was particularly interes-
ted in licenses for homes where senior
citizens, minor children, mental patients,
etc. were being cared for.
William Cannon As the Attorney for the First Baptist
303 "A" Street, Suite 201 Church, Mr. Cannon outlined the following
San Diego points of disagreement with the proposed
standards: 1) The concept of group living
and apartments are not the same and density
and parking requirements based on R-3
standards for apartments should not be
applied to group residences. Mr. Cannon
asked that consideration be given to the
difference in living areas required (i.e.,
dining and kitchen areas), and that the
Planning Commission be permitted to decrease
parking allowances as well as increase
them in considering conditional use permit
applications. 2) The clause under para-
graph "G" - Separation - should be dropped.
3) Licensing standard is ambiguous - the
wording "when such residence includes the
caring for unrelated minor children . ."
should be clarified. 4) Periodic inspec-
tion should be spelled out to show that
building, fire and zoning inspections are
made for that purpose only and not be an
"invasion of privacy."
Council discussion ensued concerning the
points brought up by Mr. Cannon.
Bobbie Morris Ms. Morris commented on the fact that
862 Cedar parking spaces permitted in one instance
Chula Vista may not apply if a house is sold or if
people move.
City Council Meeting -4- July 20, 1976
Ellen Hallack Ms. Hallack noted that her neighborhood
420 Westby had experienced a great increase in the
Chula Vista number of cars parked as the apparent
result of an invitation to the public
to visit the group residences in Chula
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either
for or against, the hearing was declared
Council discussion Council discussion followed concerning
the number of bedrooms required, having
the conditional use permit expire when
group residence is terminated, the Planning
Commission being permitted to decrease as
well as increase parking requirements, and
the licensing requirements.
City will not City Attorney Lindberg clarified that the
issue licenses license requirement would comply with the
laws of the State and County, but that
the City would not issue licenses, or
make evaluations of the type of care
required for children or other groupings.
EIR certified It was moved by Councilman Cox and seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
by those present that the Council certify
the Hnvironmental Impact Report, EIR-75-2
Motion to increase It was moved by Councilman Cox and seconded
or decrease parking by Councilman Egdahl that paragraph "B"
requirements on parking (Sec. 19.58.172) be amended to
allow the Planning Commission to increase
or decrease the number of spaces required
based on the facts presented in the con-
ditional use permit application.
In answer to comments from Mayor Hamilton
and Councilman Cox, City Attorney Lindberg
stated that to reduce the parking require-
ments would not in any way preclude the
acquisition of additional motor vehicles
by residents, and there is no restriction
as to parking of vehicles on the public
street, which is open to all parties.
Councilman Egdahl stated that in light of
Mr. Lindberg's points, which he considered
good ones, his intention is to vote against
the motion even though he had seconded it.
The motion failed The motion failed by the following vote,
Ayes: Councilmen Cox, Hobel
NOES: Mayor Hamilton, Councilman Hobel
Absent: Councilman Hyde
Motion to amend It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
Paragraph "G" - by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
License by those present that paragraph "G" -
License - (Section 19.58.172) be amended
to read "Proper licenses shall be obtained
by anyone living in the group residence"
period -- all other parts of the paragraph
to be deleted.
City Council Meeting -5- July 20, 1976
3. b. ORDINANCE NO. 1697 - It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that
A~NDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE this ordinance be placed on its first
TO DEFINE "GROUP RESIDENCE" reading as amended and that the reading
AND ESTABLISH STANDARDS FOR of the text be waived by unanimous consent
GROUP RESIDENCES - FIRST of those present.
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Cox,
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Hyde
4. a. PUBLIC HEARING - In March 1976 the City Council considered
CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT a request to allow bulky retail uses in
TO MUNICIPAL CODE TO ALLOW the industrial zones and referred the
BULKY RETAIL SALES IN matter to the Planning Commission. Director
INDUSTRIAL ZONES of Planning Peterson stated in a written
report that the Code presently allows
certain commercial uses within the indus-
trial zones as "accessory uses," and other
commercial uses are allowed subject to
approval of a conditional use permit.
The uses contemplated in this proposed
amendment are uses that have a tendency
to overlap the commercial and industrial
The staff concurred with the Planning
Commission recommendation that the Council
certify the Negative Declaration IS-76-32
and adopt the amendments.
In answer to a query from Councilman Egdahl,
Director of Planning Peterson stated that
the parking requirements are related to
the use, rather than to the zone, so the
off-street parking requirement would be
the same in the Commercial zone or Indus-
trial zone.
Public hearing opened This being the time and place as advertised,
Mayor Hamilton opened the public hearing.
Public hearing closed There being no comments, either for or
against, the public hearing was declared
b. ORDINANCE NO. 1698 - It was moved by Councilman Egdah] that
AMENDING SECTIONS 19.44.040 this ordinance be placed on its first
AND 19.46.040 OF THE CHULA reading and that the reading of the text
VISTA N~3NICIPAL CODE TO be waived by unanimous consent of those
FYING THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION - ~he motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdah], Hobel, Cox,
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Hyde
RECESS Recess was called at 8:50 p.m. and the
meeting reconvened at 9:10 p.m.
City Council Meeting -6- July 20, 1976
CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
by those present that the Consent Calendar
be approved and adopted.
5. a. RESOLUTION NO. 8251 - This resolution covers an agreement be-
APPROVING AGREEMENT BETWEEN tween the City and South Bay Meals on
THE CITY OF CNULA VISTA AND Wheels for expenditure of City-approp-
SOU~H BAY MEALS ON WHEELS IN riated funds in the amount of $1,380.
b. RESOLUTION NO. 8252 - This resolution covers an agreement between
APPROVING AGREEMENT BETWEEN the City and the Combined Arts and Edu-
THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND cation Council of San Diego County (COMBO)
THE COMBINED ARTS & EDUCATION for expenditure of City-appropriated funds
COUNCIL OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY in the amount of $2,000.
c. RESOLUTION NO. 8253- This resolution covers an agreement between
APPROVING AGREEMENT BETWEEN the City and the Metropolitan Area Advisory
THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND Committee (MAAC) for expenditure of City-
THE METROPOLITAN AREA ADVISORY appropriated funds in the amount of $1,000.
d. RESOLUTION NO. 8254 - This resolution covers an agreement between
APPROVING AGREEMENT BETWEEN the City and the Chula Vista Jaycees for
THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND expenditure of City-appropriated funds in
THE CHULA VISTA JAYCEES IN the amount of $3,800.
e. RESOLUTION NO. 8255 - This resolution covers an agreement between
APPROVING AGREEMENT BETWEEN the City and the United Nations Day Committee
THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND for expenditure of City-appropriated funds
THE UNITED NATIONS DAY COM- in the amount of $380.
~ 6, RESOLUTION NO. 8256 - The City Council directed that a public
SETTING PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING hearing be scheduled for the purpose of
THE ADOPTION OF A MORATORIUM ON A considering tho imposition of a morator-
450 ACRE PORTION OF EL RANCHO ium on 450 acres of E1 Rancho del Rey,
DEL REY previously known as Plaza del Rey, and
to afford an opportunity to all persons
interested in the imposition of a mora-
torium to come forth and indicate to the
City their concerns regarding the subject
(End of Consent Calendar)
City Council Meeting -7- July 20, 1976
7. RESOLUTION NO. 8257 - At the meeting of July 6, 1976 the City
GRANTING APPEAL AND ADOPTING Council granted an appeal filed by Mr.
CONDITIONS FOR THE INSTALLATION Jack Blakely to install two pool tables
OF POOL TABLES IN RESTAURANT AT in the restaurant located at 937 Otay
937 OTAY LAKES ROAD IN C-N ZONE Lakes Road in the C-N zone. The Council
(PCC-76-8, JACK B/AKELY) directed the Planning Department to pre-
pare conditions of approval for Council
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent
of those present, passed and adopted by
the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Cox,
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Hyde
8. RESOLUTION NO. 8258 - Bids for the City's annual library book
APPROVING COOPERATIVE BID purchase were advertised through a cooper-
FOR THE CITY'S REQUIREMENTS ative purchasing arrangement with the
FOR LIBRARY BOOKS City of San Diego (Bid No. 0250). The
following low bid of Baker & Taylor Companies
was accepted by San Diego for fiscal year
1. Trade books 41.7%
2. Technical & Textbooks 41.7%-0ora flat 16.2%
3. Books of Trade Nature 41.7%
4. Single Binding Editions 36.2%
5. Fair Trade Books At Fair Trade Price
6. Mass Paperbacks 1-4 books NET; 5-9
books 10%; 10-24 books
20%; 25-49 books 25%; 50-
99 books 30%; 100+books
7. Publisher's Library 9.5%
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent
of those present, passed and adopted by
the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Cox,
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Hyde
9. RESOLUTION NO. 8259 - During the 1976-77 wage negotiations, the
OF INTENTION TO APPROVE AN City Council indicated strong opposition
AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BETWEEN to extending sick leave pay-off provisions
THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF upon retirement or termination of employees.
THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIRE- Director of Finance Grant noted in a written
MENT SYSTEM AND THE CITY COUNCIL report that the State Retirement system
OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA provides a method whereby cities can extend
City Council Meeting -8- July 20, 1976
this type of fringe benefit by providing
a service credit for all unused sick leave
to be applied to an employee's retirement
account, if the City elects to amend its
contract with the Public Employees Retire-
ment System to provide such a benefit.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent
of those present, passed and adopted by
the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Nobel, Cox,
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Hyde
10. RESOLUTION NO. 8260 - At the meeting of June 22, 1976 the City
PROVIDING FOR THE SPECIAL Council authorized funding of the Senior
APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR Citizens Referral Center from Community
STAFFING OF SENIOR CITIZENS Block Grant Funds, and if Block Grant monies
CENTER could not be used, the Council authorized
use of general funds for this purpose. The
City has been advised that block grant monies
cannot be used.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent
of those present, passed and adopted by
the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Cox,
Noes: Non~amilt°n
Absent: Councilman Hyde
11. RESOLUTION NO. 8261 - On July 15, 1976 the following bids were
ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING received for fire insurance covering all
CONTRACT FOR FIRE AND ALLIED City buildings and contents - all bids were
INSURANCE FOR THE CITY OF for a three-year term with annual premium
CHULA VISTA payments:
Plan I Plan II Plan III
Company Broker or A~t~ $1 )000 Dad. $5,000 Ded. $10~000 Ded.
Hartford Fire Cheverton-ga ch/Bayle,
Insurance CO. Martin & Fay $1B,253 $11,678 $11,414
Fireman's Fund Underwriters Insurance
Insurance Co. Agency of ~,mrica $15,392 $14,641 $14,078
Industrial Indemnity Wilson Insurance
Company Agency $19,118 $18,120 $17,g70
Chubb Insurance/I.N.A. Creaser, Price Ins.
Atlas Assurance Co. Agency. Inc. $22.243 $20,993 $20,243
Staff recommended that the contract for
three years be awarded to the low bidder,
Hartford Fire Insurance Company for Plan
I with a $1,000 deductible provision and
that extra expense coverage be added at a
cost of $184 per year. The extra coverage
reimburses the City for all of the extra
expenses of continuing to provide service
in the event of a temporary loss of facili-
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent
of those present, passed and adopted by
the following vote, to-wit:
City Council Meeting -9- July 20, 1976
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Cox,
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Hyde
12. ORDINANCE NO. 1699 - On July 15 the City Council directed
IMPOSING A MORATORIUM ON THE staff to bring back an ordinance estab-
ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS lishing a moratorium on properties in
AND REZONING LOCATED IN THE the R-3-G-P zone on the north side of
INCORPORATED AREA OF THE CITY Quintard Street on either side of Tobias
OF CHULA VISTA BOUNDED BY Drive and on properties in the R-5-G-D
NAPLES STREET, HILLTOP DRIVE, zone on the south side of Quintard Street
ORANGE AVENUE AND INDUSTRIAL between First Avenue and Tobias Drive
BOULEVARD KNOWN AS A PORTION and on properties immediately north of
OF THE CASTLE PARK AREA OF the San Diego Gas & Electric easement
CHULA VISTA - FIRST READING between First Avenue and Tobias Drive.
AND ADOPTION A moratorium area was also to be defined
in the broader Castle Park Community
with a view toward asking the County Board
of Supervisors to establish a moratorium
in the unincorporated area to permit a
study to determine if streets, schools and
public facilities are adequate under the
present zoning.
Amendment presented by staff City Attorney Lindberg clarified that
the moratorium is in regard to multiple
family projects - R-3 projects - as shown
in the amendment presented to Council by
staff and that projects or subdivisions
that have received the approval of the
City Planning Commission and/or the City
Council in the past 90 days would be exempt
from the moratorium.
Jim Patten Mr. Patten said he represented a project
580 Third Avenue on Kennedy Street for which they had
Chula Vista started plans in February of 1975 and
which would be affected by the moratorium.
Mayor Hamilton clarified to Mr. Patten
that since his project had already received
approval from the Planning Commission, it
would be exempt from the moratorium.
Moratorium can be lifted Councilman Hobel questioned if the mora-
at the discretion of the torium would be lifted on the two parcels
Council prior to 90 days at Quintard and Tobias prior to the ex-
piration of the 90 day period if a decision
is reached by the Council following the
public hearing process and report from
the Planning Commission scheduled to be
presented to the Council on August 24, 1976.
Director of Planning Peterson responded
that it would be at the discretion of the
Council and that hopefully the report
will cover the entire area.
Stephen D. Royer Mr. Royer stated he was representing Roy
3005 Fourth Avenue and Becky Winder who own property within
Chula Vista the area affected by the proposed mora-
torium, and which property they are in
the process of selling for development.
The buyer has submitted plans but the
process has not been completed for approval.
Mr. Royer spoke strongly against the mora-
torium, stating he did not feel it was
City Council Meeting -10- July 20, 1976
justified, and specifically requested
that in any event that the Winder property
be exempt from the moratorium.
Margaret Schutte Ms. Schutte spoke in favor of the moratorium
1376 Tobias Drive and urged the Council to adopt it, to pre-
Chula Vista vent the same type of development in Chula
Vista that has happened in New York City.
Norman Starr Mr. Starr stated he is the prospective
824 Jamaica Court buyer of the Winder property and requested
San Diego that this property be exempt from the
moratorium, in view of the work already
done on his plan, even though it has not
yet received Planning Commission approval.
Ray Vellinga Mr. Vellinga spoke concerning the Green-
5109 Hilda Road Vellinga project on the north side of
San Diego Quintard and both sides of Tobias. Ne
stated the moratorium was coming at the
wrong time as they would like to move
ahead with their project and the morator-
ium would cause a hardship for them at
this time.
Council noted that this property is set
for public hearing process and when a
decision is made at the completion of
that process, the moratorium can be lifted
prior to the 90 day period.
Motion to adopt ordinance It was moved by Councilman Cox that this
ordinance be placed on first reading and
adopted, as amended, and that the reading
of the text be waived by unanimous consent
of those present.
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hamilton, Egdahl,
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Hyde
13. RESOLUTION NO. 8262 - On July 13, 1976 the City Council requested
APPROVING AGREEMENT BETWEEN that the agreement between the City and the
THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND Visitors and Convention Bureau specify the
THE CHULA VISTA VISITORS AND extended hours during the summer months.
CONVENTION BUREAU IN REGARD The Bureau has established the following
TO THE EXPENDITURE OF CITY minimum schedule for extended hours from
FUNDS APPROPRIATED AND AUTH- July 2, 1976 through September 6, 1976:
SAID AGREEMENT Site Regular Hours Extended Hours
I-5 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
1-80S 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. S:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent
of those present, passed and adopted by
the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Hamilton
Noes: Councilman Egdahl
Absent: Councilman Hyde
City Council Meeting -11- July 20, 1976
14. ORDINANCE NO. 1695 - The applicant requested rezoning of ap-
AMENDING ZONING MAP OR MAPS proximately 1.2 acres of land located
ESTABLISHED BY SECTION 19.18.010 on the east side of North Fourth Avenue
OF THE CHULA VISTA MUNICIPAL CODE, south of Trousdale Drive from C-C-F to
REZONING THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY I-L-F. The Planning Commission recom-
LOCATED AT 71 NORTH FOURTH AVENUE mended the change in zoning and the Council
FROM C-C-F TO I-L-F, AND CERTIFY- placed the ordinance on first reading on
Ordinance placed on second It was moved by Councilman Cox that this
reading and adopted ordinance be placed on its second reading
and adopted and that reading of the text
be waived by unanimous consent of those
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hamilton, Egdahl,
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Hyde
15. ORDINANCE NO. 1694 - The City Council had requested follow-up
AMENDING ZONING MAP OR MAPS proposals on several measures recommended
ESTABLISHED BY SECTION 19.18.010 by staff to help solve the "neighborhoods-
OF THE CHULA VISTA MUNICIPAL in-transition" problem. These measures
CODE, REZONING THAT CERTAIN included the discouragement of premature
PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF "D" replanning and rezoning of older stable
STREET, BETWEEN FOURTH AND FIFTH single family residential neighborhoods
AVENUES, FROM R-3 TO R-1 - for high density development. The ordin-
SECOND READING AND ADOPTION ance was placed on first reading July 13, 1976.
Ordinance placed on second It was moved by Councilman Cox that this
reading and adopted ordinance be placed on its second reading
and adopted and that reading of the text
be waived by unanimous consent of those
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hamilton, Egdahl,
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Hyde
16. ORDINANCE NO. 1695 - The City Council directed that the proposed
AMENDING CHAPTER 9.12 OF THE ordinance regarding the playing of bingo
CHULA VISTA MUNICIPAL CODE be amended to limit the number of days
BY AMENDING SECTIONS 9.12.010 which bingo games may be conducted to three
AND 9.12.040 THEREOF AND ADDING days during any seven calendar days and
NEW SECTIONS 9.12.120 THROUGH require that any organization applying
9.12.240 RELATING TO THE REMOVAL for a license have been in operation for a
OF THE PROHIBITION AGAINST THE two year period. The ordinance was placed
PLAYING OF BINGO BY CERTAIN on first reading July 15, 1976.
Ordinance placed on second It was moved by Councilman Cox that this
reading and adopted ordinance be placed on its second reading
and adopted and that reading of the text
be waived by unanimous consent of those
City Council Meeting -12- July 20, 1976
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hamilton, Hobel
Noes: Councilman Egdahl
Absent: Councilman Hyde
17. ORDINANCE NO. 1696 - At the meeting of June 18, 1976 the City
AMENDING SECTION 2.46.040 OF Council accepted the recommendation of
THE CHULA VISTA MUNICIPAL CODE the Youth Commission to amend Ordinance
RELATING TO THE TERM OF OFFICE No. 1468 to change the expiration of the
FOR YOUTH CO~qlSSIONERS - terms of office for the Youth Commission-
SECOND READING AND ADOPTION ers from October first of each year to
the first of May, beginning in 1977, with
the stipulation that the commissioners
serving current terms be permitted to
serve until May, 1977.
Ordinance placed on second It was moved by Councilman Cox that this
reading and adoption ordinance be placed on its second reading
and adopted and that reading of the text
be waived by unanimous consent of those
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hamilton, Egdahl,
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Hyde
18. REPORT ON UNDERGROUNDING At the Council meeting of June 22, 1976 the
DEFERRALS ALONG BONITA ROAD City Council conducted a public hearing
on the deferral of undergrounding require-
ments along Otay Lakes Road. Upon closing
the public hearing, the City Council adopted
a motion directing that the staff review
deferrals granted to other parcels on Bonita
Road and that recommendations be brought
back to the City Council.
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
by those present that the report be accepted.
19. REPORT ON SENIOR CITIZEN Council requested a staff report on the
TRANSIT IDENTIFICATION CARD feasibility of Chula Vista City Bus Lines
using the same senior citizen identification
cards presently being used by San Diego
Transit Corporation to identify passengers
who are eligible for the $.15 senior citizen
fare, effective September 12, 1976. Director
of Public Works Robens reported in a written
statement that San Diego Transit's definition
of a senior citizen is 60 years or over,
while the City's senior definition is 62
years or over. It is staff's recommendation
that the Council redefine the age for senior
citizens using transit as being 60 years or
older to effect joint use of identification
cards to reduce the city's administrative
cost and as a convenience to the senior citi-
City Council Meeting -13- July 20, 1976
Report accepted It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded
by Councilman Cox and unanimously carried
by those present that the report be accepted.
20. REPORT ON FEASIBILITY OF The City Council directed that staff inves-
ESTABLISHING AN ASSESSMENT tigate the "wisdom and practicality" of
DISTRICT FOR THE EXTENSION establishing an assessment district for
OF "H" STREET the construction of "H" Street between
1-805 and Otay Lakes Road and to include
extension of sewer and water service to
the area.
A 1911 Act Assessment District requires
knowledge of the costs of the facilities
to be constructed within 10%. Since there
is no plan, there is no knowledge of the
facilities and therefore it is impossible
to determine their costs. It is staff's
recommendation that no action be taken
by Council relative to establishment of
an assessment district for the construc-
tion of "H" Street until appropriate plans
have been developed and approved.
Staff recommendation accepted It was moved by Councilman Egdahl~ seconded
by Councilman Cox and unanimously carried
by those present that the staff recommenda-
tion be accepted at this time.
Motion to review policy It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded
on use of library facilities by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
by those present that the staff bring forth
for review the policy on the use of facili-
ties in the new library.
Mayor Hamilton clarified the motion stating
that the request is for staff to bring
back the present policy with possibly some
changes or modifications that might be
recommended in regard to the policy for
Council direction at that time.
Report on possible development Mayor Hamilton commented that he had had
on south side of Telegraph several calls from citizens on the south
Canyon Road along Hilltop side of Telegraph Canyon Road regarding
some type of development apparently taking
place along Hilltop. They were concerned
about what type of drainage facility would
be made available. Mayor Hamilton asked
for a staff report which Director of Public
Works Roberts said would be ready next week.
21. REAPPOINTMENT TO HUMAN It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
RELATIONS COMMISSION BY by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
MAYOR HAMILTON - RATIFIED by those present that the reappointment of
BY COUNCIL TOMAS ALMARAZ Mr. Tomas Almaraz to the Human Relations
Commission be ratified.
Motion for executive session It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Mayor Hamilton and unanimously carried
by those present that an executive session
be held for pending litigation purposes.
City Council Meeting -14- July 20, 1976
Addition to walkways Councilman Hobel asked if the walkways
at new library planned for the landscaped area behind
the library are completed and Mr. Roberts
stated that some additions will be made
after the annex is moved.
EXECUTIVE SESSION The Council recessed to Executive Session
at 9:59 p.m. and the meeting reconvened
at 10:12 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting
at 10:12 p.m. to the meeting scheduled
for July 27, 1976 at 7:00 p.m.
City Clerk