HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1976/07/27 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE
Held Tuesday July 27, 1976
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held
on the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, City Hall, 276 Fourth
Avenue, with the following
Councilmen present: Mayor Hamilton, Councilmen Cox, Egdahl, Hobel
Councilmen absent: Councilman Hyde
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City Manager
Asmus, Director of Public Works Robens, Director of Planning
Peterson, Citizens Assistance Officer Smith
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hamilton followed by a moment of
silent prayer.
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by
Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried by
those present that the minutes of the meetings
of July 14 and 20, 1976 be approved copies
having been sent to each Councilman.
2. ALL STATES PROGRAM - Mayor Hamilton read the Proclamation saluting
State of New Mexico the State of New Mexico. The people in the
audience from this state were introduced.
James Matherly Mr. b~therly read a prepared statement in which
402 Oaklawn Avenue he spoke against the $20,000,000 Areawide Housing
Chula Vista Opportunity Plan to HUD and government spending.
John A. MacPherson Mr. MacPherson requested that item #14 (Report
185 East "L" Street on traffic at East "L" Street and Monserate
Chula Vista Avenue) be continued so that more of the people
in the area will be notified of what is going
on and will give them time to check it out.
Continued to August 10 It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by
Councilman Cox and unanimously carried by those
present that this matter be continued to the
meeting of August 10, 1976.
3. a. PUBLIC HEARING - Director of Planning Peterson submitted the
CONSIDERATION OF TENTATIVE tentative subdivision map noting the location
SUBDIVISION MAP FOR ZENITH IV as 3.8 acres at the southwest quadrant of East
Palomar Street and Oleander Avenue. The develop-
er is proposing to subdivide the area into 12
single family residential lots and one open
space lot.
The Planning Commission recommended approval of
the tentative map subject to the conditions
specified in their Resolution PCS-76-5 and with
the findings delineated therein°
Mr. Peterson concurred with the Planning Com-
mission recommendation.
Public hearing opened This being the time and place as advertised,
Mayor Hamilton opened the public hearing.
City Council Meeting -2- July 27, 1976
Public hearing closed There being no comments, either for or against,
the hearing was declared closed.
Negative Declaration It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by
certified Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried by
those present that the Council finds that in
accordance with the Negative Declaration on
IS-7S-15 and the finding therein, the proposed
project will not have any significant impact
upon the environment and further certifies that
the Negative Declaration has been prepared in
accordance with CEQA as amended.
b. RESOLUTION NO. 8263 - Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of the
APPROVING TENTATIVE text was waived by unanimous consent of those
SUBDIVISION MAP OF present, passed and adopted by the following
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Hamilton, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Hyde
4. RESOLUTION NO. 8264 - The Engineering Division is proposing to cut back
ACCEPTING GRANT OF EASEMENT a portion of the slope along the north side of
FROM JOHN E. HELM, RICHARD H. "E" Street, east of Corte Maria Avenue to provide
HELM AND MARY H. HANSEN FOR better sight distance to vehicular traffic at
SLOPE RIGHTS AND MAINTENANCE the intersection of Corte Maria Avenue and "E"
OF LANDSCAPING AND IRRIGATION Street. Slope rights have been obtained from
SYSTEM the property owners.
Conditions of development Mayor Hamilton remarked that the Council had
previously put conditions of development on
this property and they were not adhered to in
this construction.
Mr. Robens explained that the staff did not
know of those conditions. It wasn't until the
discretionary act was acted upon that it was
brought to the staff's attention.
City Attorney Lindberg noted that the Council can
require these conditions as part of the Covenants,
Conditions and Restrictions on the property.
Mayor Hamilton commented that if the conditions
are reasonable, he would like to see them "track
with the property" during staff's review.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of the
text was waived by unanimous consent of those
present, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Hamilton, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Hyde
5o RESOLUTION NO. 8265 - The following bids were received on June 24, 1976:
CONTRACT FOR BOX CULVERT IN Alternate 1: Construction of a Box Culvert in
FIFTH AVENUE SOUTH OF CENTER Fifth Avenue and within the Grace Baptist Temple
STREET property at 345 Fifth Avenue as per Agreement
approved by Council Resolution 8086 on March
9, 1976.
City Council Meeting -3- July 27, 1976
Alternate 2: Construction of a Box Culvert
within the public right of way of Fifth Avenue.
It was recommended that the contract be awarded
to T. B. Penick & Sons for Alternate 2 in the
amount of $27,]77.00, and that the Council
authorize the expenditure of $29,900 from Account
No. 250-2501-GT-21.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent of
those present, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Hyde
6. RESOLUTION NO. 8266 - Director of Public Works Robens submitted a
CERTIFYING EIR 76-2 AND written report to the Council explaining that
APPROVING THE MODIFICATION OF the widening project between Ash and Church
"F" STREET FROM FOURTH AVENUE Avenue was submitted for fund allocation under
TO CHURCH AVENUE the Federal Aid Urban program and approved to
a maximum of $139,000. However, traffic studies
show that the segment between Fourth Avenue and
Church Avenue provide a significantly lower
level of service than the remaining segments
and therefore, the project has been limited to
the area between Fourth and Church Avenues~
Mr. Roberts discussed each of the following
three alternatives presented to the Council in
the Fall of 197S, recommending that "F" Street
be fully widened between Fourth and Church
Avenues (alternate #3):
No project°
Alternative 1: Restriping "F" Street to provide
left turn pockets and a continuous left turn
lane, totally eliminating parking on both sides.
Alternative 2: Selective widening of "F" Street
to provide left turn pockets, one through lane
and free right turns at the major intersections
and partially eliminating parking.
Alternative 3: Full widening of "F" Street
proPiding four lanes of traffic, left turn
pockets at the major intersections and 37 parking
The Planning Commission and Environmental Control
Commission recommend Alternate 1 - striping only,
and the Parking Place Commission, Downtown
Association and Town Centre Project Committee
recommend Alternate 3~ full widening.
The Resolution specifies that the EIR 76-2 has
been reviewed by Council and certified, that
the information therein has been considered and
City Council Meeting -4- July 27, 1976
the EIR prepared in accordance with CEQA, the
California Administrative Code and Environmental
Review Policy of the City°
Written Communications In answer to the Mayor's inquiry, the City Clerk
stated that she received no written communications
concerning this proposed project°
Kay Erwin Mrs. Erwin commented that ending the widening
267 Church Avenue project at Church Avenue would create a bottle-
Chula Vista neck and more problems than presently exist at
this intersection° She particularly noted the
Congregational Towers' residents who frequently
cross the street at this location. Mrs. Erwin
asked that the widening extend to Second Avenue°
Mr. Robens answered that the traffic condition
at Church Avenue would be alleviated by either
the full widening or the left turn lanes onto
Third Avenue°
Council discussion Discussion ensued regarding the amount of parking
spaces that would be deleted; the cost of the
project; signalization at the intersections of
q~lird and "F" and Fourth and "F"; undergrounding
of utilities in the project area; rationale of
the Planning Commission in recommending Alternate
1 - striping only; and the accident counts at
the intersections.
Clarence Knight Mr. Knight advised the Council that the Security
117 Jefferson Bank is planning to put in more drive-in windows
Chula Vista (kiosks).
Mro Robens commented that he is aware of this.
The bank is requesting a widening of their
driveway onto "F" Street. This will increase
the traffic from those kiosks about 30% to S0%
over what it is presently°
Speaking against Councilman Egdahl spoke against the full widening -
the full widening Alternative 3 - indicating it would create,
rather than alleviate, traffic congestion.
Further, the visual aesthetics is sharply de-
teriorated by that type of widening.
Motion for Alternate 1 It was moved by Councilman Egdahl for adoption of Alternate 1o
No second to motion The motion died for lack of second°
Raymond Yoder Mr. Yoder said he owns business at 226 Third
296 Seavale Avenue and is representing the Downtown Association.
Chula Vista this evening. They recommend Alternate 3 because
it would maintain current parking spaces, handle
traffic better, and will provide good access
through the business area for people to come in
and shop~
Bobbie Morris Mrs° Morris remarked that at the Planning Com-
862 Seavale mission meeting, when this item was discussed,
Chula Vista it was brought out that the proposed Town Centre
Redevelopment Area was supposed to be geared to
people walking, whereas widening the street would
carry traffic through and make more traffic.
Motion for Alternate 3 It was moved by Councilman Hobel and seconded by
Councilman Cox that Alternate 3 be approved - full
widening of "F" Street with the undergrounding of
City Council Meeting -5- July 27, 1976
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Hamilton
Noes: Councilman Egdahl
Absent: Councilman Hyde
RESOLUTION NO. 8266 - Offered by Councilman Cox, the reading of the
CERTIFYING EIR 76-2 AND text was waived by unanimous consent of those
APPROVING THE MODIFICATION present, passed and adopted by the following
OF "F" STREET FROM FOURTH vote, to-wit:
ALTERNATE #3 AYES: Councilmen Cox, Hamilton, Hobel
Noes: Councilman Egdahl
Absent: Councilman Hyde
7. RESOLUTION NO. 8267 - At the July 13, 1976 meeting, the Council accepted
PROVIDING FOR THE SPECIAL a proposal from Dispatch Systems for an integrated
APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR communications system.
SYSTEM The City Manager explained that the ]976-77
Capital Improvement budget includes $26,000 for
equipment and installation; however~ the proposal
exceeds this budget by $1,785 due to the State
sales tax. A special appropriation is required
to cover the complete cost.
Resolution off,red Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of the
text was waived by unanimous consent of those
present passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Cox, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent Councilman Hyde
7a. UNANIMOUS CONSENT ITEM: City Attorney Lindberg presented the ordinance
which prohibits the keeping of vicious dogs.
Motion to bring ordinance It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by
back at next meeting Councilman Cox and unanimously carried by those
present that this proposed ordinance be brought
back at the next meeting (August 3, 1976).
8. ORDINANCE NO. 1697 - At the Council meeting of July 20, 1976, the
AMENDING THE CHULA VISTA ordinance was placed on first reading setting
MUNICIPAL CODE TO DEFINE forth certain standards and definition of "group
Ordinance placed on second It was moved by Councilman Mobel,that this
reading and adoption ordinance be placed on its second reading and
adopted and that reading of the text be waived
by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES; Councilmen Nobel, Cox, Hamilton, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Hyde
City Council Meeting -6- July 27, 1976
9o ORDINANCE NO. 1698 - At the meeting of July 20, 1976, the ordinance
AMENDING SECTIONS 19o44.040 was placed on first reading which allowed bulky
AND 19.46o040 OF THE CMULA retail sales in industrial zones (such as rum-
VISTA MUNICIPAL CODE TO iture, carpets and other similar items)°
Ordinance placed on second It was moved by Councilman Hobel that this
reading and adoption ordinance be placed on its second reading and
adopted and that reading of the text be waived
by unanimous consent of those present°
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Hamilton, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Hyde
Report on Jaycees request for City Manager Cole reported that a request was
waiver of carnival fees received from the Chula Vista Jaycees asking
permission to hold their annual Fiesta de la
Luna carnival at the Third Avenue and
Street property site from October 6 through
October 10, 1976. In addition, they have re-
quested a waiver of all fees~
Mr. Cole stated that the City has contacted
the County, the legal property owner, about
this request, and pending this approval plus
fulfillment of City requirements, it would be
his recommendation to grant the request.
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Mayor Hamilton and unanimously carried by
those present that the report be accepted
granting the Jaycees permission to hold the
carnival at Third and "H" Streets plus a
waiver of all fees pending County approval
of the request and subject to the fulfillment
of City requirements°
11. REPORT ON POSSIBLE AMENDMENT Director of Planning Peterson reported that on
TO C-T ZONE REGARDING INCREASE June 1, 1976 the Council received a request
IN PERCENT OF KITCHENS ALLOWED from Bert Epsten and Mitchell Angus asking
IN MOTELS that consideration be given to increasing
the 30% percentage of kitchens now allowed
in motels for the C-T zones provided that
the motel does not exceed the density permitted
in the R-3 zone°
Mr. Pcterson stated that there are limited
C-T zoned area5 in the City which might lend
themselves to the development of motel5 with
a higher precent of kitchens. He recommended
that if the restriction is to be lifted, it
should be accomplished only through the
application of a conditional use permit and
the placement of density restrictions in
accordance with R-3 regulations.
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by
Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried by those
present that the report be accepted and the staff
be directed to prepare a zoning text amendment
for Planning Commission consideration.
City Council Meeting -7- July 27, 1976
12o REPORT ON PROPOSED MODIFICATION Director of Planning Peterson submitted a
TO C-N DISTRICT REGULATIONS written report explaining that when the new
PERTAINING TO FREESTANDING sign ordinance was adopted in November 1974,
SIGNS the concept for signing in the C-N District
was that each neighborhood shopping center would
would be allowed a single freestanding sign°
Such sign could identify the name of the center
and up to four tenants° In addition, each
tenant is allowed a wail sign to identify his
particular business. Mro Peterson noted,
however, that the wording of this concept in
Section 19o34o040A (2) (a) of the Code is
confusing and recommended that it be referred
to the Planning Commission with Council dir-
ection to delete the word "lot" from this
sentence° Further, it was recommended that
the staff be directed to withhold issuance
of sign permits which would be in violation
of the contemplated zoning text amendment
until Council acts on this matter°
Motion to accept It was moved by Councilman Egdahl to accept
recommendations the staff's recommendations°
No second to motion The motion died for lack of second~
Mayor's comments Mayor Hamilton commented that if the Council
did what is recommended, when there is a small
neighborhood shopping center (particularly
C-N zones) and it is not completely developed
or planned, that there will be one user who
will have this sign and not allow any other
tenant to use itu If the word "lot" was
eliminated from this section, this is what
the Council will be facing°
Mayor Hamilton suggested that all future C-N
zones have the precise plan designator attached
so that the Council will be aware of what is
being proposed and have the plans for the
signing go in at the same time°
Planning Director's comments Mro Peterson explained that the problem
occurs in those C-N zones which already have
the freestanding sign~ In a brand new C-N zone
center, the ordinance requires that whatever
freestanding sign is erected, it must be de-
signed to identify up to five tenants of that
Mro Peterson added that if the ordinance was
left as is, there is a potential for a free-
standing sign for each tenant in a neighbor-
hood shopping center°
Suggestion to amendment to Mayor Hamilton suggested amending the ordinance
ordinance to say that the balance of the development of
that shopping center will conform to the same
rules and regulations that would apply to a
new C-N zoned center.
Mr° Peterson cited the shopping center at
Hilltop and Rienstra with three freestanding
signs at the present time°
Councilman Hobel noted the C&R Clothier store
area where the tenants worked out a solution
to their sign problems° Councilman Hobel
agreed that a precise plan and signing should
City Council Meeting -8- July 27, 1976
be considered at the same time for any future
C-N shopping area~
Motion for referral It was moved by Councilman ttobel and seconded
back to staff by Councilman Cox that this item be referred
back to the staff for more work and creative
thinking in this area based on the comments
made by the Council at this meeting.
Discussion of motion Councilman Egdahl stated his concern with
the motion as it lacked definite direction
to the staff°
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Cox, Hamilton
Noes: Councilman Egdahl
Absent: Councilman Hyde
Issuance of sign permits Director Peterson questioned Council's direction
on withholding issuance of sign permits which
would be in violation of the contemplated zoning
text amendment until such time as the Council
acts on the matter.
Mayor Hamilton declared that the ordinance,
as presently written, is the law and anyone
coming in for a permit should be able to get
it under the present ordinance until such
time as it is changed~
15o REPORT ON FREEWAY Director of Public Works Robens reported
LANDSCAPING that he contacted Bob Vogel, the District 11
CalTrans landscape architect, concerning land-
scaping freeways in Chula Vista. Mr. Vogel
explained that District l] was apportioned
$485,000 for landscaping this fiscal year~
Since this is considerably less than anticipated,
CalTrans will reduce the landscaping density
and extend the landscaping schedule over a
longer period of time°
If the City wanted to participate in the in-
stallation of the landscaping, the State would
work with the City in this regard. The areas
to be landscaped, however, must be compatible
with the State's landscaping design, and de-
pending on the time element of the landscaping~
the maintenance costs will have to be borne
by the City~
Report accepted It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
Councilman Cox and unanimously carried by
those present that the report be accepted
and ask the Director of Public Works to keep
the Council advised as to the availability
of landscaping funds and projects.
14. REPORT ON TRAFFIC SAFETY This item was continued to the meeting of
AT EAST "L" STREET AND August 10, 1976. (See page 1 of minutes).
15~ REPORT - EFFECT OF CONSTRUCTION Director of Public Works Robens submitted a
EAST OF HILLTOP UPON THE TELE- written report to the Council in response to
GRAPH CANYON DRAINAGE CHANNEL its direction of July 20, 1976 requesting staff
to investigate the drainage problems on the
south side of Telegraph Canyon Road°
City Council Meeting -9- July 27, 1976
Mro Robens detailed the topography, land
division, building and grading permits issued,
and other history of the land area° He
recommended that the engineering staff continue
its analysis and investigation of the effects
of this and all upstream development on Tele-
graph Canyon channel and upon the channel's
conti~uous properties°
Council discussion Council discussion followed in which they
discussed with Mr~ Roberts the effect of the
drainage; Building Code requirements ~or
construction of drainage outside the public
right of way; the water course ordinance under
which the City could not require a concrete
channel structure because the proposed con-
struction would insignificantly increase the
velocity or erosion potential or obstruction
of the channel in its final form°
Councilman Egdahl noted that the developer
recognizes that this area is a "catch basin"
or a wide channel which holds the water until
it moves under Hilltop Drive and west to the
park area since he has added fill to the level
of a couple of feet above the 50 year flood
level° Councilman Egdahl added that when all
that water is moved into a narrow channel
width, raising the water level by about two
feet, it does significantly alter the drain-
age channel° Under this enabling legislation,
the developer could be required to provide
a concrete channel°
Mro Robens explained that the development
does raise the water from one foot to two
feet but does not increase the velocities.
The box culvert to be constructed under
Hilltop Drive will relieve the flooding for
the SO-year flood; therefore, any problems
caused by this development will be mitigated~
Assessment District Mayor Hamilton questioned the legality of
forming a drainage assessment district for
this area to insure the City that this area
will be planted, mowed, and kept clean so that
water will go through it~
Mr. Roberts answered that an assessment district
can be formed when there is a plan for the
area in question. This area does not have
an adopted plano
City Attorney Lindberg concurred. He asked
if the conditions imposed on this development
were the same as those previously required of
the predecessor and owner two years ago who
felt he could not develop the property in
accordance with those conditions~
Mr. Robens remarked that he is not aware of
the discussion held two or three years ago
with the previous owners or the conditions
imposed at that time~
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Hobel and seconded
by Councilman Cox that the report be accepted~
City Council Meeting -10- July 27, 1976
Substitute motion It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Mayor Hamilton and unanimously carried by
those present that the staff be asked to
advise the Council at the next meeting of the
means (if any) that are available to legally
require the lining of this channel - for an
improved channelo
16. REPORT ON POSTPONEMENT OF Director of Public Works Robens reported that
CONSTRUCTION OF STATE the construction of Route 54 between Chula
ROUTE 54 Vista and National City is not included in
the CalTrans six-year construction program.
He stated that the delay of this project
could have considerable impact upon Chula
Vista especially in regard to the Bayfront
development and the traffic loading on City
streets. Mro Robens asked for Council auth-
orization to actively pursue the inclusion of
State Route 54 in the State's six-year plano
The Highway Cormmission will hold a hearing
on August 19 on this new program and input
should be sent to the local CalTrans office
by August 13o
Motion for staff It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
direction Councilman Hob¢l and unanimously carried by
those present that the staff be authorized
to take any and all appropriate action, either
through written or personal appearances before
the Commission to do everything possible to
get funding available for Route 54 again, and
to detail the history of what is going on
and the investments that have been made by
both the City of Chula Vista and National
City and the Port District in making arrange-
ments to help in the development of the inter-
change of Route 54, 1-5 and Tidelands Avenue°
Suggestion for Councilman Hobel asked that the motion include
inclusion in motion a provision that if letters are required to
the legislators, they will go out under the
Mayor's signature, and further, that the
motion include Route 252 which has been deleted
and which road the Council supported°
Included in motion Mayor Hamilton included these in his motion;
Councilman Hobel agreed to the second°
City Manager Cole stated that there is no
money for Route 252, and urged the Council to
focus on Route 54. He suggested that Chula
Vista contact the Port District and National
City f6r a joint effort on Route 54~
Motion carried Mayor Hamilton agreed and the motion carried
unanimously by those present°
Flooding problem in Irapuato Mayor Hamilton stated he tried all day to
contact the Mayor of Irapuato, Mexico - our
Sister City - to find out about the flooding
problems and what this City could do to helpo
The Mayor of Irapuato was in his helicopter
and could not be reached° Mayor Hamilton
informed the Council that he will continue to
try to make contact°
City Council Meeting -11- July 27, 1976
Appointment to ACCORD Councilman Egdahl stated he is appointing
Carl Grieve, 689 Gilbert Place, Chula Vista
to this committee to replace Mr. Jerry Williams
who resigned.
SPHERE OF INFLUENCE STUDY Councilman 5gdahl referred to the letter
received from LAFCO stating they are dropping
their Sphere of Influence Study°
Motion to add item It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
to agenda with Board by Mayor Hamilton and unanimously carried
of Supervisors by those present that this item be placed
on the agenda of the meeting which is being
set up with the Board of Supervisors to dis-
cuss the moratorium in the Castle Park area°
MOTORCYCLE PROBLEM AT Councilman Egdahl commented that he received
1-80S AND EAST ORANGE a call from the people east of 1-80S at East
Orange stating that the motorcycle riding in
that area is a real problem going on as late
as 9:S0 p.m. in the evenings°
Motion to refer to staff It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
by those present that this matter be referred
to staff.
LEFT TURNS AT INTERSECTIONS Councilman Egdahl noted the number of people
making left turns after the light has changed
at certain intersections in the City, thereby
causing near accidents. He asked if it was
time for these intersections to have the left-
turn signals°
Mro Robens, Director of Public Works, stated
that in the request for FAU funds, they are
asking for $25,000 for this project°
Motion for application It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Cox and unanimously carried by
those present that this be taken into that
consideration for application (of the funds)
at the same time°
Councilman Hobel asked if the signals could be
put on the delay system, to allow more time
for left turns. Mr. Roberts said he would
check into itu
LETTER REGARDING SIGNS Councilman Egdahl expressed his appreciation
AT I-5 AND 1-805 for the letter received from Mr. J. Dekema
concerning the signing on I-5 and Interstate
805 in the North County area. He felt
Dekema's proposals will clear up the confusion
now existing by the signs in this area°
ABSENT FROM NEXT MEETING Councilman Hobel asked permission to be absent
from the next Council meeting due to the fact
that he will be on vacation.
Motion for permission It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
Councilman Cox and unanimously carried by those
present that permission be granted Councilman
Hobel to be absent from the next Council
meeting (August 3, 1976)o Councilman Hobel
abstained from voting°
City Council Meeting -12- July 27, 1976
APPOINT~ffiNT TO ACCORD Councilman Hobel commented that he has an
appointment to make to ACCORD and will give
this name to the City Clerk by the end of this
week so that the Council will be notified
of this appointment at the next meeting°
ao Letter of resignation - Mro Albert }looper, member of the Envi~zf~mental
Albert Hooper Control Commission, submitted his resignation°
Resignation accepted with It was moved by Councilman Cox, seconded by
regret Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried by
those present that the resignation be accepted
with regret and a letter of appreciation be
sent to Mro Hooper thanking him for his services
on this commission~
bo Request for permission The Friends of the Library requested permission
to hold Book Fair to hold their annual Book Fair on Saturday,
October 9, 1976 from 10:00 aomo to 3:00 pomo
in the parking lot area of the Chula Vista
Public Library.
Referred to staff It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
that this request be referred to staff°
REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Mayor Hamilton said he was advised by staff
MEETING that they have no information to present to
the Agency at this time concerning the devel-
opment proposals for the Town Centre Redevel-
opment Project; therefore, there will be no
meeting as scheduled°
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at 9:13
pom. to the meeting scheduled for August 3,
1976 at 7:00 p.m.