HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1976/08/03 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE
Held Tuesday August 3, 1976
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was
held on the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 276 Fourth
Avenue, with the following
Councilmen present: Mayor Hamilton, Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl
Councilmen absent: Councilmen Cox, Hobel
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Director of Public
Works Robens, Assistant Director of Planning Williams, Assistant
to City Manager Wittenberg, Citizens Assistance Officer Smith
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hamilton followed by a moment
of silent prayer.
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Mayor Hamilton and unanimously carried by
those present that the minutes of the meeting
of July 27, 1976 be approved copies having
been sent to each Councilman. Councilman
Hyde abstained from voting as he was not
present at the meeting of July 27, 1976.
2. a. ALL STATES PROGRAM - Mayor Hamilton read a Proclamation saluting the
State of New York State of New York. The people in the audience
from this State introduced themselves.
b. PRESENTATION OF SERVICE Mayor Hamilton presented Captain William J.
AWARD PIN - William J. Gavin Gavin, Fire Department, with a 20 year service
Greg Callahan Mr. Callahan referred to the Planning Commission
53 Bishop Street notice sent out for the public hearing to con-
Chula Vista sider rezoning of property north and south of
Quintard between First and Hilltop. Mr. Callahan
stated the notice does not mention consideration
of open space and park land and asked the Council
to direct the Planning Commission staff to study
a means of acquiring this property for open
Mrs. Caroline Butler Mrs. Butler agreed with the statements made by
97 Bishop Street Mr. Callahan and asked for Council consideration
Chula Vista of preserving the property for park land purposes.
Mayor Hamilton stated that the comments made
by ~r. Callahan and Mrs. Butler should be
made at the Planning Commission public hearing
to be held on August 9, 1976.
City Attorney Lindberg agreed indicating that
it was inappropriate for these people to direct
suggestions to the Council concerning this matter
since it has been referred to the Planning
Commission. the Planning Commission has the
option of recommending any alternative to the
City Council Meeting -2- August 3, 1976
Referred to staff It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried by
those present that this matter of the suggestion
that this land be acquired for park purposes
be referred to the staff for report to the
Council at the next meeting.
Clay Morud Mr. Morud agreed that parks should be estab-
32 Plymouth Court lished in this area. He referred to the
Chula Vista Planning Commission notice of public hearing
stating that the Commission should not be
considering, along with the rezoning, (area
at Quintard Avenue between First and Tobias)
a proposed development for 40 three bedroom,
two story apartment units next to the San
Diego Gas & Electric easemento Mr. Morud
felt the map submitted with the notice was
"biased," and that the petition which they
submitted containing over 400 signatures had
a very small percentage of signers who did not
live in the immediate area.
Bill Coper Mr. Coper said it was the Council's opinion
68 Province Court to look favorably on the Green-Vellinga
Chula Vista parcel as R-1 (area of Quintard and Tobias),
and now the Planning Commission is considering
another zoning for the property.
Mayor Hamilton stated that the Council never
rezoned the parcel R-1 - it was referred to
the Planning Commission and the public hearing
will be heard on August 9, 1976.
Letter from Kathryn Moore City Clerk Fulasz received a letter from
1134 Tobias Mrs. Moore asking that it be read under
Chula Vista Oral Communications.
City Attorney Lindberg ruled that the letter
referred to the property owned by Richard
Zogob (south side of Center Street) and should
be read at the Redevelopment Agency Meeting
of August 5, 1976.
3. PUBLIC HEARING - A letter was sent to the Council signed by
TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE Councilmen Hobel and Cox requesting that the
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO two public hearings be continued to August
OPERATE A BOARDING OR LODGING 24, 1976 when a full Council is expected
HOUSE AT 456 CASSELMAN SHOULD to be present.
Hearing continued It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried by
those present that the public hearing be con-
tinued to the meeting of August 24, 1976o
4. PUBLIC HEARING - It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF A Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried by
MORATORIUM ON A 450 ACRE PARCEL those present that the public hearing be con-
OF EL RANCHO DEL REY - HEARING tinued to the meeting of August 24, 1976o
City Council Meeting -S- August S, 1976
5o RESOLUTION NOo 8269 - An in the past year, the College is requesting
APPROVING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE the use of the Police auditorium to conduct
CITY AND SWEETWATER COMMUNITY their Police Reserve Academy classes° The
COLLEGE DISTRICT FOR FACILITY agreement is for the period August 17 through
USAGE December 21, 1976.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent of
those present, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hyde, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: Councilmen Cox, Hobel
6. RESOLUTION NOo 8270 - A condition of approval for tentative parcel
AUTHORIZING THE DEFERRAL OF THE map Now 10-76 is that the developer improve
INSTALLATION OF CERTAIN PUBLIC the unnamed street between Second Avenue and
IMPROVEMENTS ON PROPERTY OWNED Minot Avenue south of "D" Street. The Planning
BY LOUIS GUILLEMETTE LOCATED AT Commission granted a deferral to the property
167 SECOND AVENUE owners based on the fact that it is impractical
and premature to install the street improvements
at this time and it is desirable to install
them under a 1911 Improvement Act District°
The property owners have chosen to execute a
lien agreement to serve as a performance guaran-
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent of
those present, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, ]~de, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: Councilmen Cox, Hobel
7. RESOLUTION NO. 8271 - Parking will be prohibited on the north side
AMENDING SCHEDULE III OF THE of East "H" Street beginning at Hilltop Drive
TRAFFIC CODE TO PROHIBIT PARKING and ending at the 1-805 Freeway. This regu-
AT ALL TIMES ON EAST "H" STREET lation is in conformance with the Safety
Commission's recommendation°
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent of
those present, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl~ Hyde~ Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: Councilmen Cox, [tobel
8o RESOLUTION NO. 8272 - In order to implement the Political Reform
GIVING NOTICE OF ITS INTENTION Act of 1974 of the Government Code, the Fair
TO ADOPT A CONFLICT OF INTEREST Political Practices Commission has directed
CODE APPLICABLE TO ~EMBERS OF that all of the City Councils adopt a Conflict
THE CITY COUNCIL AND PRESCRIBING of Interest Code for themselves and certain
NOTICE OF HEARING THEREON other designated employees. This Code would
apply to the City Council initially and there-
after, the Council would designate those other
municipal officers and employees to whom the
Code would also apply. The hearing date is
scheduled for August 24, 1976.
City Council Meeting -4- August 3, 1976
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent of
those present, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hyde, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: Councilmen Cox, Nobel
9. a. REPORT ON RECONSIDERATION OF On July 20, 1976, the City Council established
CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OP the following conditions of approval for the
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT PeR location of two pool tables in subject restau-
LAKES ROAD 1) The restaurant operation shall be reviewed
by the Planning Commission in one year to deter-
mine if the circumstances and character of the
restaurant have changed. The Planning Commission
will forward their recommendation to the City
Council for appropriate action.
2) The property owners within 300 feet of the
applicant's shall be notified 10 days prior to
review by the Planning Commission°
3) The Planning Department shall periodically
review the operation and report to the Planning
Commission any change in character of the estab-
4) The pool table area shall be separated from
the main dining area by a floor to ceiling solid
partition. The partition shall extend from the
office to a point six feet from the restroom wail
with openings allowed at each end for access.
5) The pool table area shall be acoustically
designed to minimize the impact of the noise
generated by the activity of the main dining area.
It was the staff's recommendation that the
Council adopt the revised resolution incorpor-
ating only the first three conditions of approval
contained in Resolution No. 8257..
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Mayor Hamilton and unanimously carried by those
present that the report be accepted.
9. b. RESOLUTION NO. 8273 - The resolution incorporates the first three
ADOPTING REVISED CONDITIONS conditions as delineated in the staff's report
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading of the
text was waived by unanimous consent of those
present, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Hamilton, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: Councilmen Cox, Hobel
10. ORDINANCE - City Attorney Lindberg submitted a written
AMENDING THE CHULA VISTA report to the Council explaining the problem
MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO TttE of keeping vicious dogs and the recent dog
City Council Meeting -S- August 3, 1976
The ordinance prohibits the keeping of vicious
dogs in the City. It is an urgency provision
indicating that it would be effective upon
first reading and adoption°
Council discussion Discussion followed in which the Council dis-
cussed the incidents leading up to this ordin-
ance~ tying a dog which then becomes an "attract-
ive nuisance"; the suggestion that after a
certain number of attacks, the animal would be
removed from his owner.
Urgency measure Councilman Hyde noted that the ordinance is
an urgency measure requiring 4/Sths vote and
there are only three Councilmen present°
City Attorney agreed that the ordinance could
not be acted on as an emergency measure; how-
ever, the Council could place it on first
Councilman Hyde commented that the staff
write-up states that the ordinance prohibits
vicious dogs but it isn't written up that way°
The ordinance states that a vicious dog is
unlawful unless it is restrained, confined or
Mayor Hamilton indicated that he would not
like to see the actual prohibition of the
animals. There are some business that keep
them as security measures as long as they
are under control of the owner.
City Attorney Lindberg said he would revise
this particular section of the ordinance to
prohibit the keeping of vicious dogs.
Matter continued It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried by
those present that this matter be continued
to the meeting of August 24, 1976 (when a
full Council is expected to be present).
Discussion of motion Councilman Hyde remarked that perhaps the
ordinance could be rewritten stating that
vicious dogs are prohibited with the exception
that if they are specifically utilized for the
purpose of security on premises, that they
be licensed as such under some form of regu-
lation, a permit taken - adequate controls
such as these should be written into the
11~ ORDINANCE NO. 1700 - The County charges $40 per year for inspect-
AMENDING C}~PTER 15.48 OF THE ing the first public swimming pool and $20
CHULA VISTA MUNICIPAL CODE BY per year for the second pool located on the
ADDING NEW SECTIONS 15.48~110, same property.
15.48.120 AND 15.48o130 ALL
RELATING TO THE REGULATION OF City Manager Cole explained that the City
PUBLIC SWIMMING POOLS AND does have registered sanitarian5 qualified
INSPECTION FEES - FIRST READING to make these inspections; however, the City
has designated San Diego County as the Health
Officer and under the Code~ only the Health
Officer can make these inspections.
City Council Meeting -6- August 3, 1976
Ordinance placed on It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that this
first reading ordinance be placed on its first reading
and that the reading of the text be waived
by unanimous consent of those present°
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hyde, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: Councilmen Cox, Hobel
12o STATUS REPORT ON "OUR HOUSE" City Manager Cole referred to his written
report to the Council citing the funding
requests being made by the representatives
of "Our House". Some encouragement was
received from County representatives regarding
either limited funding or use of influence
with Federal departments.
~lr. Cole emphasized that no firm and/or
written commitments have been received and
that if no definite source of support is
identified during the month of August, it
will be recommended that the appropriated
City funds for September not be authorized.
The City Manager further recommended that the
City support be sustained for another 30 day
period, allocating funds to "Our }louse" for
the month of August.
Frank A. Scott Mr. Scott, Council's liaison to "Our ttouse",
4 East San Miguel Drive spoke of the attempts being made to secure
Chula Vista financing. He said the problem was the late
start in trying to get these funds. }te in-
dicated that "Our House" may need the assist-
ance of the Mayor to help in these contacts.
In answer to the Council's query, Mr. Scott
stated that a final report will be given
to the Council in three weeks, and if secured
financing is not received in the interim, it
will be his recommendation (and Mr. Wittenberg's
-- Assistant to the City Manager) that the
City not continue its funding to "Our House".
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
by those present that the report be accepted
as submitted authorizing support of the
financial needs of "Our House" for the month
of August 1976.
13. REPORT ON EFFECT OF CONSTRUCTION City Attorney Lindberg sent a letter to tho
EAST OF HILLTOP UPON THE TELE- Council explaining the history of proposed
GRAPH CANYON DRAINAGE CHANNEL developments for this property and the dis-
cussions of having a concrete-lined channel.
It was the Attorney's opinion that the Council
can take such steps as are reasonable in order
to insure against the creation of a flooding
hazard in this area, and based upon Engineering
reports, that which was required is the limit of
the City's capability in response to the problem.
City Council Meeting -7- August 3, 1976
Director of Public Works' Mr. Robens presented and discussed the two
presentation cross sections of the channel at Telegraph
Canyon Road: Section AA is the one located
downstream in the channel just east of the
culvert which goes under Hilltop Drive and
cuts across the last of the parcels (owned
by Mr. Ken Green); Section BB is located at
the easterly end of the parcels in the condi-
tion which is the worst as far as flooding.
Mr. Robens noted the location of the water
surface under normal conditions and that of
a 50 year flood; the culvert locations;
water level after the construction of the
pads for the homes in that area; the average
stream velocities and those around the peri-
meter of the channel. ~4r. Robens added that
there have been Significant changes made to
the flooding potential of this channel with
the installation of the culvert, and these,
on top of the fact that the change in the
amount of erosion is really significant is
the justification used in approving the
grading permit and informing the developer
that, in the engineering standpoint, there
was no justification for any reasonable re-
quirement to line the channel with concrete.
Councilmen's comments Councilman Hyde discussed the drainage channel
at Hilltop Park which, after one season of
moderate rain, the City paved the base.
Hilltop Vista (to the east) was required
to put in a substantial cement-lined channel.
Further east across 1-80S at the northeast
quadrant of Halecrest and Telegraph Canyon
Road (undeveloped), the zoning conditioned
a cement-lined soft bottom drainage facili~
tieso Councilman Hyde stated that based on
the above, it was inconsistent not to require
the same for this channel.
Councilman Egdahl concurred cautioning against
the amount of liability that could incur to
the City as to erosion and damage to the banks
along this channel.
Executive Session It was moved by Councilman }~de~ seconded by
Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried by
those present that the Council recess to
Executive Session for possible litigation
(and discussion of liability).
City Attorney Lindberg asked that the Council
consider other pending litigations at this
same Executive Session.
The Council recessed to Executive Session at
8:14 pom. and the meeting reconvened at 8:40 p.m.
Motion for cement-lined It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
channel and staff report Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried by
those present that prior to further construc-
tion on thi~ property, the developer be re-
quired to install a cement-lined bottom to
this drainage channel comparable in type to
the cement-lined channel that the City has
in Hilltop Park downstream to this with the
City of Chula Vista to bear one-half of the
cost. The staff be directed to bring back
City Council Meeting -8- August 3j 1976
to the Council as soon as possible, a report
with estimates as to ~at would be required
and the cost for accomplishment of it.
~ayor Hamilton commented that the report
should indicate the willingness of the
Director of Public Works Robens stated he
will have the report ready for Council at
the meeting of August 24, 1976.
FRISBEE COURTS Hayer Hamilton referred to an article he
read where a city up north has put in frisbee
Referred to Parks & Recreation It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried by
those present that this matter be referred
to the Parks & Recreation Department to see
whether it would be appropriate to include
these courts in the parks in Chula Vista.
SPANISH BOOKS IN LIBRARY Mayor Hamilton said he would like to see more
Spanish books in the new Library since there
are a good many people in this area that are
taking Spanish as a second language.
City Manager Cole commented that he has just
signed a requisition for $2,000 worth of
Spanish books; more books will be ordered as
the demand is determined.
ROUTE 5, 54 AND 252 Mayor Hamilton reported that at the Executive
Board meeting of the Comprehensive Planning
Organization (CPO), Supervfisor Brown proposed
deleting the interchange at I-5 and 54 from
the highway transportation element of CPO.
The Mayor noted the reports of Gruen Gruen
& Associates that the interchange was vital
to the redevelopment of the Bayfront area°
Motion for direction It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
to CPO representative Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
by those present that the Council instruct
its representative to CPO, Councilman Hobel,
to forcefully defend its position and do all
he can to see that the interchanges at Tide-
lands Avenue and 54 (and I-S and 1-805) and
further, to see that Route 252 remains in the
transportation element in the County.
Flooding in IRAPUATO Mayor Hamilton reported that the Mayor of
Irapuato returned his call and stated that
the flooding of that City was not as great as
three years ago. There was no need for Chula
Vista's help at this time as the Mexican
Government has supplied food and essentials
to the victims. He thanked Chula Vista for
its concern and offer of help~
PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYMENT BILL It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried by
those present that the Public Works Employment
Act of 1976 be referred to staff to review
the legislation in detail; find out what impact
City Council Meeting -9- August 3, 1976
it will have on Chula Vista; eligibility
of the City to make application so that the
City can be early participants after the
enactment procedures are written up by the
"F" STREET WIDENING Councilman Hyde expressed his concern that
the widening of "F" Street will cause the
loss of trees in front of the Library. He
discussed the 37 parking spaces and other
alternatives in the widening project and the
time element involved -- up to two years since
the utilities will be undergrounded.
Motion for staff report It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Mayor Hamilton and unanimously carried by
those present that the staff be asked to
comment on the feasibility of the full widen-
ing project with the exception of allowing
the existing trees in front of the Library
to remain°
SAN DIEGO SYMPHONY It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
PERFORMANCES by Hayor Hamilton and unanimously carried
by those present that the staff be directed
to look into the feasibility of repeating a
summer symphony program for next year indi-
cating what financial arrangements might be
made to accommodate the program.
POST OFFICE REMODELING Councilman Hyde noted that the new traffic
OF PARKING AREA pattern at the Post Office is working quite
Motion for letter It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
to Postmaster by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
that a letter be prepared for the [{ayor's
signature expressing the appreciation of
the City Council to the Postmaster for
his efforts in helping to improve the sit-
Right turns at Post Office Councilman Egdahl noted the three lanes of
traffic coming out of the Post Office - all
of which must turn right° He wondered if
one of the lanes could be designated as a
left turn lane.
Director of Public Works said he would in-
vestigate this and report back to Council.
FIFTH ANNUAL AWARDS BANQUET Councilman Hyde reminded the Council that
the Fifth Annual Awards Banquet will be
held on October 14 and asked them to be
considering their nominees for outstanding
citizens of the year.
Mayor Hamilton asked the City Clerk to give
the Council a list of the people who have
been honored in the past°
MOTION FOR LAW LIBRARY It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
by those present that referred to staff for
recommendation be the suggestion that a law
room be established in the new Library,
City Council Meeting -10- August 3, 1976
specifically, to provide the opportunity of
having a taw library for what is going to be an
active law community in Chula Vista.
Councilman Hyde asked if the library would be
at the new South Bay Regional Facility.
Councilman Egdahl said this could be a pos-
sibility and would include it in his motion.
Discussion of motion City Attorney Lindberg said the Judges of
the South Bay Municipal Court District have
indicated their desire to provide the neces-
sary books for such a library here.on an
interim basis, if there could be an area
provided in the Library° It could then ulti-
mately be shifted to the new County Center.
MEETING WITIt GERSTENS Councilman Egdahl reported on the meeting
held with the Gerstens, Carmen Pasquale and
Gersten's bond consultants to discuss the
possibility of an assessment district for
construction of East "H" Street. It was
stated that assurances would have to be
given to the bond purchases that there would
not be massive changes that would throw off
the assessments. Councilman Egdahl added
that it was encouraging to have the Gersten
Company work with the staff, as previously
directed by Council, to re-refine the develop-
ment plans for E1 Rancho del Rey as a pre-
requisite of moving ahead with an assessment
TRAFFIC STUDY Councilman Egdahl asked about the County
Traffic Study.
Director of Public Works Roberts explained
that the staff has received three separate
printouts and have been refining them each
time. The model being used is made for
CalTrans and for freewa7 interchanges -
major kinds of analyses. This staff is
changing the model so that it fits this
City's street patterns. )mother printout
will come from the County within one or
two weeks, after which time Mr. Robens will
make a report to the Councilo
SPHERE OF INFLUENCE Councilman Hyde discussed LAFCO's letter
in which they stated they are dropping the
Sphere of Influence Study.
Mayor Hamilton reported that he has just
signed a letter asking the Board of Super-
visors to meet with this Council to dis-
cuss this and other issues.
ao LETTER OF RESIGNATION FROM Mrs. Foster submitted her letter of resigns-
LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - tion noting her feeling of accomplishment
Alice Foster of having served during the planning and
construction of the new Library.
City Council Meeting -11- August 3, 1976
Resignation accepted with regret It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
by those present that the resignation be
accepted with regret and a resolution be pre-
pared for Mrs. Foster expressing the Council's
appreciation for her services on this Board.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at 9:14
pom. to the meeting scheduled for Thursday,
August 5, 1976 -- Redevelopment Agency meeting
followed by a City Council Meeting.