Held Thursday September 2, 1976
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council was held on the above date beginning
at 5:00 pomo in the Council Conference Room, City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue, with the
Councilmen present: Mayor Hamilton, Councilmen Hyde, Cox, Egdahl, Hobel
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: Assistant City Manager Asmus, City Attorney Lindberg, Director
of Public Works Robens, Director of Planning Peterson
Others present: Carmen Pasquale, Executive Vice President of Gersten Companies,
San Diego; Jim Hutchison, Vice President of Project Design Con-
sultants (formerly Wilsey & Ham); John M. Williams, Assistant
Vice President of First National City Bank, New York
1. PUBLIC HEARING - The City Council had set the date of August
CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF 3, 1976 as the date for conducting a public
A MORATORIUM ON A 450 ACRE hearing to consider the imposition of a mora-
PARCEL OF EL RANCHO DEL REY torium on 450 acres of E1 Rancho del Rey,
previously known as the Plaza del Rey area.
Subsequently the Council rescheduled the
public hearing to this Council Conference of
September 2~
In answer to query from the Council, Director
of Planning Peterson said he felt a moratorium
was not needed at this time as he is not aware
of any imminent development plans; however, if
a plan should be submitted, staff would go
back to the Council with the suggestion that
a moratorium be imposed.
Council dissatisfied with Discussion followed concerning the possibility
General Development Plan of legal actions being filed. City Attorney
Lindberg stated there was astrong possibility
of an action being brought against the City
and that it was his opinion that the Council
should undertake a review of not only the
General Development Plan for the 450 acres,
but for the entire E1 Rancho del Rey project
as the Council has indicated a dissatisfaction
with the terms and conditions of the General
Development Plane He further stated that a
moratorium could not be declared unless the
Council determines to undertake a study for
the modification of the existing plan.
Order of agenda changed Following discussion of the chronology of
events and Council actions concerning the E1
Rancho del Rey area, Mayor Hamilton announced
that the order of the items on the agenda
would be changed and the Council would consider
the staff report first (Agenda Item No. 2)
and conduct the Publlc Hearing second (Agenda
Item No. 1).
20 STAFF REPORT REGARDING A written staff report (on file in the office
PROCESSING OF DEVELOPMENT of the City Clerk) was submitted which included
PROPOSALS IN EL RANCHO DEL a schedule regarding the following assignments:
Adjourned Regular Meeting -2- September 2, 1976
A report of which ridges and canyons
should be saved; an overlay of that onto
the plan of record which involves a re-
vision of that plan and thereby estab-
lishes the alignment of "H" Street; the
other major collector streets in the
area; and the location of the basic
utilities, plus the determination of
the assessment plan for spreading the
City Attorney opinion Assistant City Manager Asmus called the Council's
on plan of record attention to a written report submitted under
date of September 2, 1976. Included in this
report as Exhibit 1 is the City Attorney's
opinion as to the legality of the original
General Development Plan, adopted in 1970-71
which states that this plan is valid and rep-
resents the official plan of record. Mr.
Asmus noted that anyone owning land within
the area has a right to develop it in accordance
with the adopted plan.
Recommendation of Mr. Asmus also stated that on page 2 of the
City Attorney report, under Item 3 concerning recommendations,
that the City Attorney proposed the following
method of handling development during the
period that the General Development Plan
might be under review, should the Council
approve the proposals of the staff:
"During said period of review, any pre-
cise plans submitted . . including
any tentative subdivision maps, shall
not be approved even though they conform
to the general development and schedule,
unless the Planning Commission and City
Council shall make a finding that said
precise plan is not only consistent with
the General Development Plan, but is
also not in conflict with the proposed
General Development Plan under study by
the Planning Commission and City Council."
Property owners In answer to query from Mayor Hamilton,
to be involved Director of Planning Peterson said he felt
all property owners should be invited to
meetings of ACCORD, Planning Commission and
Council involving development plans for E1
Rancho del Rey. Mr. Peterson also commented
that the time schedule presented for the
development of plans is a very optimistic one
from October 1976 to April 1977 - but may take
Outline of major facility Director of Public Works Robens presented
construction and financing an outline for the E1 Rancho del Rey major
facility construction and financing, including
background information, timing, description
of major facilities such as major streets,
collector roads, Rice Canyon sewer, Telegraph
Canyon drainage channel and utilities. The
outline also included traffic conditions, use
of 1913 Act with 1915 bonds for financing,
need for consultants, and front money required.
(Report on file in City Clerk's Office).
Adjourned Regular Meeting -3- September 2, 1976
Estimated cost Mr. Robens gave a brief explanation of the
magnitude of the project with an estimated
cost of between ten and fifteen million
dollars for construction of the major facili-
Front money would be needed, according to
Mr. Robens, until the City could be reim-
bursed through use of the 1913 Act with the
sale of 1915 bonds.
1913 Act Procedures The procedures that would be required under
the 1913 Act were described by Mr. Robens.
The timing process between the time when the
General Development Plan is completed and
the time when the work is actually started
is approximately two years.
Council discussion The Council discussed the procedures, including
the time schedule, spread of assessments,
the City's liability, pay-off of the bonds,
the role of the property owners, and the effect
of possible change in land use or ownership
of property.
Councilman Egdahl stated that in his judgment,
based on the report from the staff and the
results of the meeting recently with tho bond
consultants, the best way for the Council
to proceed is to use the 1913 Act with the
1915 Act bonds.
Motion to revise the P-C It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and seconded
General Development Plan by Councilman Hyde that the Council at this
time states it no longer accepts the plan of
record and does, in fact, request in the light
of previous directions to the staff and the
land owners, that the Council requests of them
a revision of the P-C General Development Plan.
Discussion of motion Discussion of the motion followed concerning
the direction the Council really wishes to
proceed in regard to the density in the P-C
zone and having tho property owners work with
the staff. Mayor Hamilton stated he would
llke to have a report back to the Council
after four or five meetings have been held as
to how the plans are proceeding.
Clarification of motion Councilman Egdahl clarified his motion,
stating that the intent was for the Council
to say whether or not they want the staff,
landowners and ACCORD to work on reconsidering
the General Development Plan, or does the
Council again give its stamp of approval that
this is the plan of record and move ahead
with it.
Carmen Pasquale Mr. Pasquale asked if the Council, by this
Vice President motion, is indicating that it no longer
Gersten Companies considers this (the P-C General Development
San Diego Plan) the plan of record.
Substitute motion It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and seconded
by Councilman Hyde that the Council register,
at this time officially, that the plan of
record be reconsidered.
Adjourned Regular ~eeting -4- September 2, 1976
Additional comment by ~k. Pasquale commented on the procedure for
Carmen Pasquale development under the P-C zone stating that
the current General Development Plan gave
the flexibility that was needed in this area.
The Council discussed in detail Mr. Pasquale's
concerns, and further clarified the intent of
the motion.
Substitute motion carried The substitute motion carried unanimously.
RECESS A recess was called at 4:55 p.m. and the
meeting reconvened at 5:15 p~m.
Letter from Mrs. Gladys Koven Councilman Hobel called the Council's attention
134-A South McCarty Drive to a letter received from Mrs. Koven, owner of
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 property in the E1 Rancho del Rey area, out-
lining problems she was having in selling the
property to potential developers. Councilman
Hobel said he felt there was some confusion
as to what is happening in this area and asked
if the staff could clarify the situation for
the Kovens.
Discussion of Koven property Council discussion ensued, including the
P-C zoning, access streets (the property
in question is land-locked) possibility of
hillside ordinance being applied in this
area, and the alternatives that might be avail-
able to the Kovens.
Request for letter Councilman Hobel asked if the Council could
direct staff to draft a letter outlining
the Council discussion and clarifying the
possibilities for the Kovens.
Mayor Hamilton asked that the letter be
referred to the Mayor's Office for review
by Council members before it is mailed.
Motion for ACCORD participation It was moved by Councilman Cox and seconded
in development of revised plan by Councilman Hyde to expand the charge of
ACCORD to include their participation in
the development of the revised plan for the
entire area of E1 Rancho del Reyo
Carmen Pasquale Mr. Pasquale stated he is not in favor of
Gersten Companies expanding ACCORD to the rest of the area
as he did not feel they have proper represen-
tation and there is too much area to cover in
a short period of time. However, he had no
objection to having ACCORD review plans.
Discussion of ACCORD Discussion followed concerning the extent
involvement of ACCORD involvement and clarification
given that the intent was not to involve
ACCORD as a committee, but for input°
Amendment to motion Councilman Hobel suggested that the motion
be amended to ask that ACCORD input be ex-
panded to the point that they would be
allowed to comment at staff determined major
milestones in the process but not delay the
study of the potential revision, and that they
fit in so there is no delay in the overall
Councilman Cox agreed to the amendment and
Councilman Hyde agreed to the second.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -5- September 2, 1976
Eugene Coleman Mr. Coleman spoke in defense of ACCORD, stating
1670 Gotham Street he felt the delays thus far were caused because
Chula Vista citizens were not consulted until it was too
late. He asked for total involvement of ACCORD.
Discussion by Council The Council discussed Mr. Coleman's request
and further defined the intent of the motion
to involve ACCORD at strategic points for
their comments and input.
Motion carried The motion, as amended, carried unanimously.
1. PUBLIC HEARING - (See page 1 of these minutes)
A MORATORIUM ON A 450 ACRE This being the time and place as advertised,
PARCEL OF EL RANCHO DEL REY ~4ayor Hamilton opened the public hearing.
John Williams Mr. Williams voiced City Bank's opposition
Executive Vice President to placing a moratorium on this property,
First National City Bank stating it would place an additional cloud
New York, New York over the area. They also felt there was no
need for the moratorium as any plans for
development would have to be approved by the
Council anyway. Mr. Williams restated their
intention to cooperate fully with the Council
in any development plan submitted in the
In answer to a question from Mayor Hamilton,
Director of Planning Peterson again stated
he did not feel there was a need for a mora-
Carmen Pasquale Mr. Pasquale remarked that they did not feel
Otay Land Company the moratorium is necessary~ He said there
E1 Rancho del Rey are only two property owners involved and their
concern is, in getting involved in discussions
with bond salesmen and bond con,panics, the
word "moratorium" could have an effect on
future bond issues in regard to assessment
Eugene Coleman Mr. Coleman asked if there was a change in
1670 Gotham Street ownership of the land and if the new owner
Chula Vista submitted a plan, would the City have to honor
it since there is an existing plan, or without
a moratorium is it possible for the City to
reject the development, if the study is not
Reason for moratorium City Attorney Lindberg said the City does have
good control in handling approval of plans.
If a precise plan was submitted that conformed
with the P~C plan, the Council could say they
are making a study and impose a moratorium at
that juncture. He explained the prime reason
for the moratorium is to avoid the expenditure
of money and time by a property owner in
bringing in plans conforming to the existing
General Plan during a period when there was
a study going one
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for
or against, the public hearing was declared
Adjourned Regular Meeting -6- September 2~ 1976
Motion not to It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
impose moratorium by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
that no moratorium be set on this 450 acre
site of E1 Rancho del Rey as defined.
Motion to accept staff It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
recommendation, Item 1 by Councilman Cox and unanimously carried
that the Council adopt staff recommendation
Item 1, page 2 of the written report submitted
by Acting City ~nager Asmus under date of
September 2, 1976:
"1. Council adopt the time schedule contained
in this report." (Exhibit 2 of the report
on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Motion to accept staff It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
recommendation, Item 3 by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the Council adopt staff recommendation
Item 3, page 2 of the written report dated
September 2, 1976 beginning with "the P-C
zone be amended . . "to the end of the
"3 .... the P-C zone be amended to provide
that any general development plan and
general development schedule be subject
to review by the Planning Commission
and the City Council four years from
the date of adoption if said general
development plan and schedule have not
been completed. During said period of
review, any precise plans submitted to
implement the general development plan,
including any tentative subdivision maps,
shall not be approved even though they
conform to the general development and
schedule, unless the Planning Commission
and City Council shall make a finding that
said precise plan is not only consistent
with the general development plan, but
is also not in conflict with the proposed
general development plan under study
by the Planning Commission and City
Clarification of motion Councilman Egdahl commented that the first
part of the paragraph related to previous
Council action and in effect the Council was
adopting the entire paragraph: "If the City
Council approves the proposals of staff, in-
cluding the schedule of actions to be under-
taken in amending the general development
plan and establishing an assessment district,
the P-C zone be amended . . ." etc.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at 6:20
p.mo to the meeting scheduled for Tuesday,
September 7, 1976 at 7:00 pom.
City Clerk
Deputy Ciky clerk