Held Thursday October 28, 1976
A joint meeting of the City Council and representatives of the Montgomery Municipal Advisory
Council was held on the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, City Hall,
276 Fourth Avenue, with the following
Councilmen present: Councilmen Hyde, Cox, Egdahl, Hobel
Councilmen absent: Mayor Hamilton
Staff present City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City Manager Asmus,
City Department Heads
In the absence of Mayor Hamilton, Mayor Pro Tempore Hyde presided over the meeting.
MMiC COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: William F. Glad, Chairman; A. H. Bahrke, John Kolsters,
Nancy Oliver, Donald T. Quinn, and Harold Ratay
REASON FOR MEETING Mayor Pro Tempore Hyde stated the purpose of the
meeting was to discuss the questions raised by ~AC
as to the possibility of annexation of that area
known as Castle Park to the City of Chula Vista. The
questionnaire and answers have been distributed to
members of the audience.
Clerk's note The questionnaire submitted by the Montgomery
~nicipal Advisory Committee (referred to as Y~4AC in
these minutes) is made a part of these minutes. The
questions are spelled out; however, because of the
length of the questionnaire and answers (12 pages)~
the answers are not delineated in the minutes --
only discussion pertinent to the question is reported.
1. Does the City of Chula Vista Mayor Pro Tempore Hyde stated that it does, the
regard the Montgomery area as Montgomery area has been part of the City's General
being within the Chula Vista Plan since 1964.
sphere of influence?
2. If so, will the City of The answer was yes; however, staff would recommend
Chula Vista annex the entire more detailed cost revenue study.
area as a unit?
Discussion Mr. Skinner asked if this was a qualifying answer.
If the City found that the cost-revenue would
not be high enough, would it decline to annex the
entire area?
Mayor Pro Tempore Hyde commented, that in his own
personal opinion, he felt the City would be inclined
to annex the whole area upon request. The only quali-
fication would be the kind and level of services to
be provided.
Joint Meeting - -2- October 28, 1976
City Council and MMAC
~r. Bahrke asked if, in the cost-revenue study,
the City would include those HUD monies that would
be available for improvements in the area, or the
increase monies the City would be allowed based on
the additional area and population.
City Manager Cole stated that the City would con-
sider all sources of revenue with the area as part
of the City.
Councilman ttobel noted that those funds are not part
of the normal operating budget of the City and con-
sideration must be given for the qualification of
those monies. Certain of those funds ($400,000)
are designated for certain areas and must be expen-
ded as such in the Montgomery area.
1. How soon would Chula Vista pro- Council explanation followed the answer to this
vide its normal level of question. Councilman Egdahl commented that if the
services to the Montgomery area? annexation election is held at such time that it
fits into the City's normal budget cycle and the
City can make provision for it in the coming next
budget, that would be worked in. There would be
problems if the City had to face annexation and
provide immediate level of service upon annexation
if it came in the middle of a budget year.
As to Mr. Bahrke's query as to the needed time
schedule, Councilman ttobel explained that the staff
begins preparation of the budget before the end of
the year and the Council holds its budget sessions
in }lay.
~lr. Bahrke asked whether the annexation could be
held to "take effect on July 1" for instance.
City Attorney Lindberg stated this would be legal
and explained the election process.
County services ~. Ratay asked Mr. Skinner if the County would
continue to provide services to the area for a cer-
tain period of time if annexation to Chula Vista
Fir. Skinner stated the County would not. In an
annexation to the City, the City would be required
to immediately provide the services.
2. What level of service
would be provided with
respect to the following
(A) Police City Manager Cole noted the lengthy answer to this
question indicating that it is more complicated than
a "yes" or "no" answer.
Joint ~eeting - -3- October 28, 1976
City Council and ~4AC
Paul Green, Sr. Mr. Green referred to the questionnaire and answers
Resident, Woodlawn Park noting that it was a "discussion draft." He is
interested in the "firm decisions" - those which
would have no compromise. He asked that a Task
Force be selected in order to get down to the "nitty-
gritty" on some of these items and come back to
this Council at a later date for negotiations.
Question of guns Mr. Green added that it was the understanding of the
people in his area that some of the young men in
Chula Vista have guns before they reach the age of
21 years. This is a concern and they would like to
discuss this at a later time.
Transition and City Manager Cole stated there would be no period of
training period time under the annexation process during which
Castle Park would be left without police protection.
There would be a cash-flow problem with the City in
hiring police before annexation and how this would
be funded before the revenues start accruing from
the area. Mr. Cole assured the Council that training
of police personnel could take place prior to annexa-
tion to become effective on the date of annexation.
Explanation followed on (a) Patrol Service; (b)
Investigative Service; (c) Miscellaneous; (d) Animal
(B) Street Sweeping City Manager Cole referred to the written answer in
the questionnaire.
Mr. Kolsters noted the fills built up around the
shopping areas on private property. He asked whether
the City would enforce the cleanliness of these
properties which is not now being enforced in that
Mr. Cole stated that the City does not have juris-
diction to enforce regulations on private property.
The City has talked to the merchants in shopping
areas requesting them to clean up their areas, and
the response has been good.
Animals Mr. Kilsters remarked that they have problems with
large animals on small areas (flies, bugs, etc.).
He questioned whether the City has the same animal
Code requirements as that in the County.
Mayor Pro Tempore Hyde indicated that the City's
ordinance was more stringent than that of the County.
Assistant Director of Planning Williams explained
the provisions of the animal ordinance.
(C) Street Lighting Mr. Skinner said that the Hontgomery Council did a
study of this and found that only 20% of the area is
served with street lights and 80% is not. There are
135 street lights down there; however, the total need
is for an additional 300. So, instead of $9,000 a
year, it would cost approximately $30,000 a year.
Joint Meeting - -4- October 28, 1976
City Council and ~AC
Mr. Cole commented that the staff considered only
the existing lights. The City would start a program
whereby the lights would be brought up to the City's
In answer to Mr. Bahrke's question, Hayer Pro Tempore
Hyde indicated that the question of the lighting
program could be one of the items in the agreement
preceding the question of annexation.
(D) Library City Librarian Levine explained the details of the
$129,500 "start-up costs" for a new branch library
at the Castle Park site. It was her recommendation
that the existing branch at Woodlawn Park be closed.
~. Skinner felt it would be beneficial to learn the
history of tile ~oodlawn branch library. It was
started as a Community Self-ltelp Project by the
citizens themselves. The County assisted them in
starting the book collection and providing a part-
time librarian.
Present Castle Discussion ensued as to maintaining the present
Park library library facility (leasing or buying it from the
County), purchasing the books and equipment. Mr.
Bahrke asked Mr. Skinner to investigate whether the
City could acquire this library should annexation
(E) Recreation City Manager Cole declared that the County provides
no recreational services within ttle unincorporated
area. The City's Loma Verde recreational center is
within the area and the City has a joint powers
agreement with the schools to provide recreational
activities. It is expected that the City would
expand this agreement,
Mr. Bahrke noted that Loma Verde is overcrowded.
Councilman Egdahl noted that many of the people using
this Center are from the Montgomery area,
Bond issue ~Ir. Glad remarked that they are in the process of
voting on a bond issue for the maintenance and pur-
chase of two parks (Proposition X on the November
ballot), tte asked if the City would have any problem
in taking over the construction project if the bond
Mr. Skinner noted that the Proposition X was a 5¢
tax levy in the Montgomery area for park maintenance.
The County has already committed funds to buy a one-
acre parcel of property for a park in the Woodlawn
Park area. They have also budgeted funds from the
1964 Bond Act money to buy a park at the end of
Date Street in tile Otay River bottom - approximately
eight acres in size. Another park purchase is the
Oxford site behind the Lauderbach School - this one
is dependent upon the tax levy Proposition.
Joint Meeting - -5- October 28, 1976
City Council and ~Bt~C
(F) Transit Services City ~lanager Cole explained that the City is in the
process of increasing its transit service. The
Council has included in this years' budget a Transit
Coordinator to develop a transit system. This is
expected to be up to the proposal of a consultant in
1981. The transit routes would only have to be
adjusted to extend the lines into the Hontgomery
3. Is the City willing to In answer to Mr. Quinn's questions, City Manager Cole
conclude an agreement explained that the City is still in the process of
with the Montgomery Fire working this out. It is the intent of the City that
District regarding dispo- the employees of the Fire District would come into
sition and use of its City employment with comparable salaries - the
equipment, and status question of their status would have to fit into the
and deployment of its City's organizational structure.
personnel after any
Assistant City Manager Asmus stated that they would
come in as regular employees with no probationary
As to the negotiating document concerning the de-
ployment of the personnel, Mr. Cole commented that
he has seen it; however, there is a problem concerning
retirement which may need a revision to the agreement ~
the City is not on the same retirement as that of
Terry Caper Mr. Caper said that they represent the Montgomery
Vice President Firefighters at the State level. He declared that
Federated Firefighters the retirement will have to be taken into concern
of California with their entire contract as to the total compensa-
tion picture. The Firefighters have other things in
their contract that have been taken into concern as
total compensation which are much more desirable
than they would be receiving in coming to the City
of Chula Vista.
4. Will the City maintain Mr. Cole referred to the answer in the questionnaire
non-dedicated drainage in which he explained the City's policy in this regard.
channels which protect The Council has directed staff to develop a policy
large numbers of resi- to find out the cost of providing maintenance ofun-
dences? dedicated water courses in the City.
Mr. Bahrke stated that not too many of these are non-
dedicated entirely - they come under the County
maintenance system except for a very minimal amount
of them and the County is presently maintaining them.
The releases are there - there is only a short span
in between whereby the property owners have not given
their consent.
~r. Cole asked whether these were dedicated easements
or releases.
Mr. Skinner said it was a combination; however, in
large measure, it is just releases because much of
the development in the Montgomery area has taken
place before the County's requirement for sudivisions
to put in full flood control facilities.
Joint Meeting -6- October 28, 1976
City Council and ~4AC
5. After annexation, would ~iayor Pro Tempore Hyde reported that the Council
the Cit7 complete tile met with the County Board of Supervisors about one
Orange Avenue extension? month ago with a specific request for the County
to act, in conjunction with the City, on that area
between Third Avenue and Albany Street.
~r. Skinner mentioned that under the County's priority
system, the Board of Supervisors directed the
Department of Transportation to "re-juggle" their
priorities to bring Orange Avenue up higher on the
6o After annexation, would City ~ianager Cole noted the long answer given in the
the City provide the same questionnaire referring to the staff's comment that
level ofpark services (e.g., a realistic proposal would be the County's plan of
acres per 1,000 people) as acquisition and development of three acres for
now exists within the City? Lauderbach Park and eight acres for Otay Valley Park
for a total of 11 acres in the Montgomery area.
Proposition X Discussion followed on the outcome of this ballot
proposition, and the use of park dedication money.
7. How will the City finance City Manager Cole commented that the City's improve-
widening and reconstruction ments of major streets and prime aterials is similar
of prime arterials, major to that of the County's approach. The City, however,
roads, and collector streets does not use asphalt berms for curves. It does
serving the public in general? attempt to get adjacent property owners to partici-
Local streets? pate in the improvements of streets and install
concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks either under
a cash basis or 1911 Act.
Truck routes In answer to ~{r. Bahrke's query, the City Hanager
explained that the City has dedicated truck routes
which trucks are expected to use; however, the trucks
can get off those routes at any time to make deliveries.
It is expected that the City's truck routes would be
extended through the Hontgomery area.
Improvements to major roads Mr. Skinner said that some of the arterial streets in
this area are well below standard (Fifth, Naples,
Moss, Oxford and parts of Palomar). He asked what
kind of priority the City would put on the improve-
ments of these streets in tile event of annexation.
Mr. Cole answered that these streets would be analyzed
and treated equally along with ali other streets in
the City.
bP. Skinner asked if the staff could possibly analyze
these streets in the next two weeks.
Mr. Cole stated it could not - the staff has been
putting in a great deal of overtime working on the
Public Norks Employment Act project and there simply
is not time to do the street study at this time.
Joint Heeting - -7- October 28, 1976
City Council and HMAC
8. Will the City construct a Mayor Pro Te~rpore Hyde referred to the answer in the
second access road to Chula questionnaire noting that the idea of the City
Vista Community Hospital to actually going out and constructing such a street
serve the area to the south? would not be normal - construction occurs as a
development occurs. The City is now committed to
completing Oleander which is on the east side of
1-805 which will improve response time in the general
Mr. Rather commented that there are a number of
people in Chula Vista that live in that general area
and with the people living on the Mesa in San Diego,
and the people in the Castle Park area, one access
to the hospital would not be in the interest of public
tie added that in February of this year, a proposal
was put before the Board of Supervisors for public
grant funds to improve Brandywine from Otay Valley
Road through to the hospital. It was estimated that
this project would cost $385,000. Supervisor Walsh
did not pursue it because there was no input from the
City of Chula Vista on the request to improve this
area. Mr. Ratner added that, if the area is annexed,
they would like to see a joint agreement with the
County to improve the access road.
Council discussion Further discussion followed regarding access to the
hospital after an earthquake disaster, response time
and paramedic services.
Signalization at In answer to Mr. Ratner's comments that the Mayor
Brandywine and had stated that a traffic light would be in on
Telegraph Canyon Brandywine and Telegraph Canyon Road by January, Mr.
Road Robens stated that no funds have been budgeted for
this project at this time.
1. Would the City amend its Mayor Pro Tempore Hyde remarked that the Council has
charter to increase the no plans to do so at this time.
size of the Council to
seven members?
Russell Moore Mr. Moore stated that there has been an election for
Harborside the NBIAC Council members and there will be an election
every two years for members of the Chula Vista Council;
anyone living in the annexed area could run for City
2. Would the City amend its Hayor Pro Tempore Hyde stated the Council does not
charter to provide for contemplate this at this time. Two years ago, the
council districts (5 or 7) Council provided the Charter change which numbered
with nomination by dis- Council seats so that individuals can run against a
trict and election at specific person.
large using the method
followed by San Diego?
Joint Meeting - -8- October 28, 1976
City Council and ~C
3. Would the City establish Mayor Pro Tempore Hyde declared that this provision
an advisory community already exists and the ordinance is available for
council elected by the examination. (Mr. Cole submitted copies of the
residents of ~ontgomery? ordinance to the ~[MAC).
4. Upon annexation, what means As to Boards and Commissions, applications would be
would the City use to insure considered along with all other applications in the
representation of Montgomery City.
residents on City Boards,
Commissions and Advisory
1. Would the City continue the City Manager Cole noted that to do a comprehensive
same zoning pattern that now zoning study of the ~ontgomery area would consume a
exists in Montgomery? great deal of time. The City is obligated to prezone
an area prior to annexation. It is, therefore, the
2. Will the City prezone the staff's feeling that the area would come in as is
area prior to annexation? and then a review of the zoning would be made which
may er may not result in change.
3. Would the City make adjust-
ments in its land use regu-
lations to accommodate exist- Councilman Hobel remarked that for the past six years,
lng development built to the City has tried to work with the Board of Super-
City standards? visors on the compatibility of zoning in this area
and has never been successful in this effort. Had
this cooperation occurred, there would have been better
development in the Montgomery area.
General discussion A general discussion followed regarding the ~qAC
representation, legal and non-conforming uses in the
area, continuation of the business that do not fall
into the zoning pattern, community appearance, legal
enforcement of the areas not adhering to the Code
requirements and sign regulations.
Advisory Committee Councilman Egdahl suggested an Advisory Committee to
study land use and make recommendations to the Council
through the Planning Department.
~lr. Bahrke recommended retaining the ~4Y~C members for
the study of this area.
4. Many Montgomery residents This answer was covered in the past discussion on I
are concerned that the Items 1 through 5 of section Ill.
appearance of some areas
needs to b~ upgraded (e.g.,
along Main Street, Otay),
and that Montgomery should
not be a dumping ground
for auto wrecking yards,
iron works, and similar
land uses. What policies
will the City Council follow
regarding these two concerns?
Joint Meeting - -9- October 28, 1976
City Council and ~AC
5. Will the City impose its Councilman Egdahl declared that the tax could not
utility tax in Montgomery? be eliminated - these revenues would have to be
Would the City consider replaced in some way and property taxes seem to be
eliminating the utility rather onerous.
tax, either City-wide or
in Montgomery?
Mr. Rather asked if the utility tax could be reduced
based on all the revenues that would be coming in
from sales tax in the area.
Councilman Hobel answered that that option is
available to the Council at budget time at which time
they consider all sources of revenues.
6. Some of Montgomery's
neighborhoods (Castle Park,
0tay, Harborside, Woodlawn
Park, and Broderick Acres)
have a history, identity,
and sense of connnunity
reaching back several
generations. Would the
City recognize this sense
of community identity by:
(A) Continuing to designate Mayor Pro Tempore Hyde confirmed that the area would
these neighborhoods on be designated on the City maps.
City maps?
Mr. Paul Green referred to the idea of setting up a
Task Force. As a resident of Woodlawn Park, he
would ask that the meetings be open to give them a
chance to voice their concern, or else people from
this area and Broderick Acres be appointed to the
Task Force.
(B) Recognizing boundaries Councilman Egdahl commented that the Council would
and names when estab- want to do this to the extent that it can be done.
lishing statistical,
planning, park service,
and similar boundaries,
as appropriate?
(C) Posting signs at the Mayor Pro Tempore Hyde stated this would be done.
entrance to these areas?
(The City of San Diego
follows this practice~
A sample sign reads:
"OTAY MESA, A Community
of San Diego.")
John Faber Mr. Faber noted that Norman Park Center has 1,800
President members. They have no Senior Citizen Center in the
Del Rey Seniors Castle Park area. Hr. Faber asked for consideration
of a Center in the Castle Park area which numbers
2,O00 more than that in Chula Vista (there are 13
mobile home parks).
Mr. Bahrke remarked that there is a $385,000 Block
Grant for a senior citizens/welfare/human relations
Center for Otay. It is being considered at the
present time by the Board of Supervisors. If it fails
and depending on a yes vote on the Park Bond, P,~4AC is
Joint Meeting - -10- October 28, 1976
City Council and MMAC
attempting to negotiate with the Board of Supervisors
to bring those funds to the park at Oxford and have
a senior citizens center incorporated with that park.
Time schedule In answer to Councilman Cox's query, Mr. Glad said
it is hoped to have the annexation proposal before
the people sometime in March 1977 or sooner.
Mr. Skinner explained that the ~lontgomery Council is
due to make some type of recommendation to the Board
of Supervisors sometime in December. The Council
has two options: 1) have the Board initiate a
district reorganization proceeding which would take
six to nine months to get on the ballot; or 2)
put a straw vote -- an advisory question on the
March ballot.
~tr. Bahrke stated that when the ~AC Council makes
its decision, it will be fed to the Community either
in pamphlet form or letter and they, in turn, will
express their views back to the Council. Therefore,
prior to the election, it will be known whether the
community is for or against annexation.
The members of the City Council thanked the Hembers
of the Montgomery Municipal Advisory Council for
this meeting and for the questions which were asked.
~ayor Pro Tempore Hyde asked that the members meet
with the City staff for any specific answers they
may wish so that no misunderstanding may occur.
Copy of tape The City Clerk was directed to make a copy of the
tape for the Montgomery Council.
ADJOURNg~NT Mayor Pro Tempore Hyde adjourned the meeting at
9:25 p.m.