Held Wednesday November 10, 1976
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California,
was held on the above date beginning at 3:30 p.m. in the Ceuncil Conference Room, City
Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue, with the following
Councilmen present: Mayor Hamilton, Councilmen Hyde, Cox, Egdahl
Councilmen absent: Councilman Hobel
Staff present: City Manager Cole, Assistant City Manager Asmus, Director of Public
Works Roberts, Director of Community Development Desrochers, Assistant
City Attorney Beam, Administrative Aide Hohr, Assistant to the City
Manager Wittenberg
2. REPORT OF GRUEN GRUEN Hrs. Gruen reported on their research study submitted on
+ ASSOCIATES the feasibility of a cultural center, with 2,000 seats,
in downtown Chula Vista.
They surveyed 12 California civic auditorium/theater mana-
gers, with seating capacities ranging from 340 to 3,876.
Using the estimates given them by City Manager Cole and
Community Development Director Desrochers, she stated the
City can be expected to take on an annual payment on an
indebtedness of approximately $430,000.
Operating costs Operating costs of theaters in the neighborhood of 2,000
seats would be approximately $200,000 per year. Because
it would be new, there would not be a significant cost
for capital improvement, thus annual capital and operating
costs would be approximately $630,000.
Revenue In terms of revenues, an optimistic assumption of commer-
cial usage would be 75% bookings or 273 days per year and
the average charge per day would be $1,000. The annual
revenue would be approximately $500,000 per year; with
costs estimated at $630,000, this means a $330,000 deficit.
She stated that this concept, a new theater with 2,000
seats, is an expensive concept.
Discussion City Manager Cole in response to Mayor Hamilton's question
stated the joint powers agreement with the County of San
Diego says that our participation is in the cultural center/
theater concept and would still apply to another site, i.e.
Different sites Council discussed with the Grucns the possibility of
discussed different sites: The Bayfront, with a convention/cultural
type center; and in the area of Highway 805 and "H" Avenue
there is a possibility of an almphitheater, an open air
approach which would offer a different type of facility.
Councilman Cox arrived at 4:00 p.m.
Discussion of The Council discussed the Bayfront location as a possible
Bayfront Site site, listing 1) different convention/cultural type usages,
2) smaller size, 5) less costly operations. It was felt
that a smaller facility, under the project 2,000 seats,
would be more feasible.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -2- November 10, 1976
Discussion on the need Ruth Chapman, president of the Board of Sweetwater High
for a cultural center School District, spoke on the need in the South Bay for
in this area a cultural center. She then introduced Jack Tyggett,
theater consultant, Jean Cook, information specialist and
Dick Alvord, who read a statement (copy is on file in the
City Clerk's office) from the Sweetwater llnion High School
District supporting the concept of a cultural center in
Chula Vista and saying they would be willing to discuss
some type of joint powers agreement with the City and
County. (Jean Cook mentioned Senate Bill 174 for develop-
ment of community programs and, perhaps, could be a source
of funds).
Cost to acquire In answer to a question by Councilman Cox, Director of
the land Community Development Desrochers stated the cost to acquire
the additional land that would be needed at the Third
Avenue and "H" Street site was estimated at $1.25 million.
Motion to accept It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by Councilman Hyde
report and unanimously carried by those present that the Gruen
Gruen report be accepted and staff pursue further with the
Sweetwater High School District the idea of joint powers
relationship, look into the Senate Bill 174, and look
realistically at seating capacity and all uses and report
back to Council. The Sweetwater High School District to
be given a copy of the Gruen Gruen Report.
Discussion of Third Councilman Hyde asked for Council views on reconsidering
Avenue and "H" Street their action with the County to provide expansion to in-
site clude a cultural center along with their facilities at
Third Avenue and "H" Street. The Council agreed that this
should be rescinded.
Motion to It was moved by Councilman t~de, seconded by Councilman
contact County Cox and unanimously carried by those present that staff
be directed to contact the County and indicate that the
City of Chula Vista no longer desires the plans for ulti-
mate acquisition of the property to the west of the South
Bay Court facility at Third Avenue and "H" Street for a
cultural center.
Discussion Councilman Egdahl asked that the staff pursue other types
of facilities within the boundaries of that site for City
use; it could have conference/convention types of uses.
City Manager Cole said the cut-off date by the County for
any changes in their plan was early January. Staff was
also asked to consider other sites.
Griffith Company Director of Community Development Desrochers reported the
status of the Griffith Company negotiation agreement and
said that one of the tenants, ~{ervyn's Department Store,
had decided not to participate in the Town Centre Project.
Tom Shriver Mr. Shriver stated the decision by Mervyn's was based on
Griffith Company their overall plan for expansion and did not mean that
this project was not adequate for their needs.
Mr. Desrochers stated that the other tenants are not
affected by this decision and it just means that his staff
is going to have to do further study.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -3- November 10, 1976
1. NUTRITION PROGRAM UNDER City bianager Cole distributed a memorandum regarding City
OLDER AMERICANS ACT application for funds under Title VII of the Older Ameri-
cans Act for a nutrition program in or around downtown
Chula Vista. The program consists of a nutrition program
and contingent services, i.e., shopping assistance, health
and welfare counseling, recreation and transportation
The City submitted a project cost of $44,500 and was
notified by the County that their proposal was viable and
the County would negotiate on an award.
The staff proposed three options: 1) withdraw proposal
for a nutrition program; 2) provide an "independent"
nutrition program via a new facility; 3) offer the program
via a contractual arrangement with Sweetwater Union High
School District for preparation and serving of meals, with
the District providing bus service to Del Rey High School
and mandated social services provided primarily by the
City (Madrona Center and Norman Park Center).
Discussion Discussion centered on option #3. Assistant to the City
Manager Wittenberg elaborated on the contingent services
required under the act, and said these must be provided.
He explained the City would not duplicate service but
would coordinate and centralize the services that are
In answer to a question by Mayor Hamilton, Administrative
Aide Jim Mohr said the transportation requirement was in
the grant and would be provided to persons within the
project area (approximately 500 persons) from central
locations to the nutritional center.
Margaret Helton stated that in developing this program
with the school district, it would be arranged to have the
service operate the whole year.
Phil Creaser Mr. Creaser, as a member of the Salvation Army, stated the
400 Third Avenue Salvation Army has submitted an application for this pro-
Chula Vista ject. They have the facilities, and he feels this is the
type of program that the Salvation Army does best, and
they can adequately handle all of the mandated services
Discussion of the Jim Grimmel, Commanding Officer of the Salvation Army and
Salvation Army Program Frank Smith, Chairman Advisory Board to the Salvation
Army, spoke on behalf of the Salvation Army's application:
1) They have adjusted their original bid; 2) The County
informed them target area would be redefined; 3) They
have two programs of this type in operation now -- E1Cajon
and Mid-Cities; 4) They operate every day of the year; 5)
Quality of food is better when prepared by professionals;
6) They would be glad to accept assistance from the City.
Council discussion Council felt 1) The total tax tollars for either program
would probably be the same, 2) Once started in this type
of care program, the pressure would be to continue with
it, 3) The City does not wish to compete with an agency
that has a record of adequately providing this type of
Adjourned Regular Meeting -4- November 10, 1976
Mr. Wittenberg informed the Council that if the City
withdraws their applications, the County would be forced
to re-advertise and re-bid for the project. There would
be no assurance that the Salvation Army would be the
The Council said their wishes were to see that this type
of service is provided but they do not want to be in com-
petition with another agency or get preferential treat-
ment from the County.
Motion to withdraw It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and seconded by Councilman
application ttyde that the City withdraw its application.
Motion failed The motion failed by the following vote, to-wit:
Ayes: Councilmen Egdahl, Hyde
NOES: Councilmen Cox, Hamilton
Absent: Councilman Hobel
Discussion Councilman Hyde stated he would never have voted for the
City's submission of an application if he had been fully
aware that the Salvation Army had already submitted an
application. He stated it is unwise to be in this com-
petitive situation.
Motion to assist It was moved by Councilman Cox and seconded by Councilman
Salvation Army Egdahl that the City work with the Salvation Army to
assist them to procure the grant to fund a nutritional
Discussion Councilman Egdahl asked if the motion implied that the
City withdraw its application for the grant and Councilman
Cox said that was the intent.
Mayor Hamilton asked if the City could contract with the
Salvation Army to provide the program.
Mr. Wittenberg stated if this is the Council's wishes,
there were other options to be investigated in assisting
the Salvation Army, i.e., using Madrona Center for infor-
mation referral and Norman Park Center for recreation
Councilman Egdahl left at 5:30 p.m.
Councilman Hyde stated, if the staff recommended, that the
City could provide a letter of support to assist the
Salvation Army to obtain this grant.
Councilman Hyde asked to have the motion restated.
Motion restated It was moved by Councilman Cox and seconded by Councilman
Hyde that the City's application be withdrawn and direct
staff to work with the Salvation Army and take whatever
steps are necessary to gain the approval of the grant to
fund a nutritional program.
Adjourned Regular ~eeting -5- November i0, 1976
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Cox
Noes: Mayor Hamilton
Absent: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel
CALTRANS TRANSPORTATION City Manager Cole reported that CalTrans Transportation
PLAN HEARING Plan of the State of California is coming up for a hearing
on November 19, 1976, and the plan they have submitted
would make drastic changes in the present plan and would
involve the State in local operations.
Motion for It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by Councilman
representative Hyde and unanimously carried by those present that ~.
Robens, representing the City of Chula Vista, attend the
public hearing on November 19, 1976~ with instructions to
take a strong position against the policies they have
proposed and also take a strong position to discourage
any policy decisions made by that State body when they
have not had any input from all of the cities in the
areas that are affected.
ADJOURNblENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at 5:37 p.m. to
the meeting scheduled for Tuesday, November 16, 1976
at 7:00 p.m.
City Clerk
Council Se~et arv